Recipes with Worcestershire sauce. Worcestershire sauce (Worcestershire) - what it consists of and how to prepare it according to the classic recipe at home

Worcestershire sauce, which came to us from England, is prepared using vinegar, fish and 20 other ingredients. Its distinctive feature is its two-year aging. In cooking it is used more as a seasoning. This is due to its richness and concentration, so just a few drops added to a dish completely transform its taste. This spicy spice is one of the main ingredients of the traditional Caesar salad and is famous all over the world.

Of course, at home, rarely does anyone follow the rules for preparing this spice, namely, aging it for two years. Therefore, over time, its variations appeared, adapted to modern realities. Despite the simplified process, cooking is relatively labor-intensive due to the large number of components and the peculiarities of their preparation.

Homemade Worcestershire Sauce Recipe

Before you start cooking, you should make sure you have a piece of gauze or a gauze bag, which is necessary for processing some of the ingredients.

In the list of products included in this spice, tablespoons are indicated in all cases: 0.25 - one fourth, 0.5 - half, and so on.

Required Products:

  • One large anchovy;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • ginger (root) – 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic (slice) – 2 pcs.;
  • mustard (seeds) – 3 spoons;
  • black peppercorns and cinnamon (stick) – 0.5 pcs each;;
  • salt – 3 spoons;
  • ground red pepper, curry, cardamom - 0.25 spoons each;;
  • vinegar – 400 ml;
  • cloves – 0.5 spoons (3g);
  • soy sauce – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • lime juice (freshly squeezed) – 2 tablespoons;
  • water – 100 ml.

If you use a piece of gauze rather than a special bag, then it should be folded in several layers.

Cooking yourself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Peeled onions are cut into small cubes (some recipes recommend pre-soaking the onions in vinegar for 2-3 minutes).
  2. Peeled garlic cloves are cut crosswise into thin slices.
  3. Ginger root is crushed.
  4. The prepared ingredients, along with mustard, cinnamon, cloves and pepper (red and peas), are placed in a gauze bag and tied.
  5. Then freshly squeezed lime juice, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar are mixed in a saucepan and a gauze bag is dropped into this mixture.
  6. After the liquid boils, the fire is reduced to minimum heat and simmers for 40 minutes.
  7. In the meantime, the remaining components are prepared: the anchovy is crushed and placed in a separate pan (or another fireproof container) along with water, salt and curry.
  8. After the specified time, the contents of both pans are mixed and boiled for another 10 minutes.
  9. The finished homemade Worcestershire sauce is removed from the heat and poured into a glass container (preferably a jar with a wide neck - it’s easier to use). A gauze bag is placed there, closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.
  10. For two weeks, while the “seasoning” is infused, it is necessary to periodically stir it and squeeze out the bag.
  11. The finished delicious spice is poured into glass bottles and stored in the refrigerator (the bag is thrown away).

Before serving or using the spice as an ingredient in other dishes, it is recommended to shake the contents of the bottle.

Another homemade recipe

This option is slightly different from the previous one in the way of preparing some products and the composition; it includes 16 components (remember, there are 22 in the classic recipe). In addition, the time required for infusion is halved here.

Grocery list:

  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • mustard (white in seeds) – 2 spoons;
  • 1 anchovy;
  • ground or fresh ginger – 0.5 tablespoons;
  • cardamom (powder) and ground red pepper (hot) - 0.25 spoons each;
  • cloves, peppercorns (black) - 0.5 spoons each;
  • cinnamon and curry - 0.25 spoons each;
  • garlic (slice) – 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar (essence) – 2 spoons;
  • tamarind – 0.5-1 spoon;
  • soy sauce – 125 ml;
  • salt.

The last ingredient is added to taste, but following the rule “everything is good in moderation.” The Worcestershire sauce recipe at home, like the traditional version, requires strict adherence to all proportions, so it is important not to experiment with adding ingredients in order to get a truly excellent result.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. The peeled onion is poured with vinegar essence, left for half an hour, after which it is cut into small cubes.
  2. Garlic (pre-peeled) is passed through a press and sprinkled with vinegar.
  3. Prepared vegetables are placed in a gauze bag along with pepper (ground and peas), cardamom, cloves, and ginger. It is then tied securely.
  4. Mix soy sauce, a small amount of water, vinegar, tamarind and sugar in a saucepan. The bag is immersed in the resulting mixture.
  5. After boiling, the heat is reduced to a minimum and the “sweet and sour” is cooked for about half an hour.
  6. At this time, the anchovy is chopped and mixed with salt, curry, and a small amount of water (the mass should be runny).
  7. Pour the resulting mixture into the pan and cook everything together until the specified time has elapsed.
  8. The finished liquid cools slightly and is poured into a glass jar, and a gauze bag is placed in it. The jar is closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.
  9. During the week required for infusion, the contents of the jar are periodically shaken and the bag is wrung out.
  10. On the eighth day, the gauze is removed and thrown away along with the contents, and the “liquid seasoning” is poured into glass bottles and stored in the refrigerator.

If you look at the photo of the finished spice, including the commercially available one, its color is very dark, almost black. You can serve it with fried meat dishes, use it as an ingredient for salad dressings, add it to stewed and boiled vegetables, and so on.

Video: Worcestershire sauce - how it's made

An interesting article was found on the website

The history of Worcestershire sauce (aka Worcestershire, Worcestershire, Worcestershire) is very interesting. According to one version, a certain Lord Marques Sandys, the ex-governor of Bengal, in 1837 brought to his native Worcester the recipe for the sauce he loved during his service in India and ordered it from a local pharmacy. But what happened did not even remotely resemble the lord’s favorite specialty. Upset, he refused to accept the order. The rejected sauce migrated to the basement, where it was discovered some time later. This is where his finest hour came: the settled product acquired an exceptional taste. According to another version, Lord Marquez ordered the development of a recipe from chemists John Lee and William Perrins, and without delay they developed the recipe by which the sauce is still prepared.

By the way, Worcestershire sauce is only Lea & Perrins. Everything else is just an imitation. The sauce is prepared from twenty, and according to some sources, from as many as forty ingredients, which include tamarind, anchovies, lemon balm and aspica (concentrated meat broth, clarified and low-fat). But the main secret of preparation is aging in oak barrels. Note to particularly advanced cooks: a serious recipe for making the sauce at home is in the Larousse Gastronomique encyclopedia. Worcestershire tastes very spicy, sweet and sour. I would even say - too spicy. Two or three drops in any dish is more than enough. I decided to test our “hero” while marinating meat for barbecue. I just added three drops to my regular recipe. Even such a small amount of sauce gave the meat a rather noticeable spicy sourness. Later I remembered that Worcestershire is an indispensable ingredient in the Caesar salad, which is discredited in our Palestines. The use in this recipe is also elementary. The result clearly illustrated why “Caesars” in restaurants are so different despite a visually identical set of ingredients. Sauce! Some people simply save money on it. But I don’t skimp: now I use it for stews - roast beef and stews, seasoning all kinds of hot appetizers, raw steak, marinated fish and even scrambled eggs and bacon.

Recipe/Caesar (3 servings)

Romaine salad - 400 g

White bread - 100 g

Garlic - 1 large clove

Extra Virgin olive oil - 50 g

Egg - 1 pc.

Juice of 1 lemon

Worcestershire sauce - 2-4 drops

Grated Parmesan - 2 tbsp. l.

Salt, freshly ground black pepper

Wash the lettuce leaves and dry them. Cut dried white bread without crust into cubes with a side of 1 cm and dry until lightly browned in the oven for 10 minutes. Crush the garlic and grind it with salt. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and heat over low heat. Place the croutons there and, stirring, keep on fire for 1-2 minutes. Make a small hole at the blunt end of a large raw egg and place it in a pan of barely boiling water for a minute. Rub a salad bowl with garlic and place the greens in it. Drizzle with oil and mix gently. Season with salt and pepper, add lemon juice and a few drops of Worcestershire sauce, stirring well. Break the egg into the salad, stir so that it covers the lettuce leaves. Then sprinkle with cheese, add croutons and mix again.

Worcestershire sauce is a classic of English cooking, an indispensable component of a real Caesar salad and Bloody Mary cocktail. Many people replace it with other sauces, but a true gourmet will always recognize the taste of real Worcestershire. And we will teach you how to cook it yourself!

Many housewives are interested in: what can be replaced this exotic and expensive sauce so you don't have to cook it? For example, if the recipe requires it as one of the ingredients, but there is no time for it, or you are simply afraid to cook it, then suddenly it won’t work out. But it’s either not available in stores, or it’s too expensive, and you don’t want to buy a whole bottle just for once. In general, for the question, How to replace Worcestershire sauce , there could be a variety of reasons.

Replace its different products. For example, the most banal soy sauce. It tastes very different, but if you really need it, you can replace it. This option is suitable when it comes to seafood, rice dishes and fish. It will be unsuccessful with meat, and even more so with salads. In this case, as a replacement used olive oil with the addition of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, and balsamic vinegar, which always brightens the taste of dishes, will also complement the taste well.

But it is worth understanding that the real Worcestershire sauce is essential.

It has a very complex composition and an extraordinary taste, which is unlike any other product. So, think about it, is it worth replacing it? Maybe it's better to cook?

Health benefits of Worcestershire sauce

Worcestershire is rich in vitamins and nutrients

Worcestershire contains many useful components. It is low in calories, but quite high in carbohydrates, but it also has a lot of benefits.

It is rich in vitamins - rare PP and B2, as well as valuable vitamin C, which is in abundance thanks to onions, garlic and lemon, as well as ginger.

The sauce also contains many substances that enhance immunity and kill viruses; it is useful in the off-season and during the period when everyone around you is sick.

Worcestershire is rich in potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. This is a very concentrated sauce, which contains many useful substances. It lifts your mood, improves digestion and speeds up metabolism, while it contains almost no fat - ideal for those on a diet! In a word, a healthy, tasty and valuable product.

Contraindications, harm and side effects of Worcestershire sauce

Yorkshire sauce is harmless, the only contraindication is intolerance or allergic sensitivity to any component.

To understand whether this product is right for you, carefully read its composition. It contains anchovies - sometimes they cause irritation. Quite a lot of salt and sugar, which may be harmful for people with diabetes or other diseases. People with obesity or heart disease should also avoid this product because it is high in sugar, acetic acid and salt.

Dates, asafoetida and certain spices can cause allergies; you should pay attention to them.

Overall, if you are a healthy person who is not following any special diet, then feel free to eat and enjoy. If you are on a particular diet - for weight loss or according to a doctor's prescription, then be sure to consult your doctor or decide for yourself whether the components of the sauce are acceptable for your diet.

But in general, it is worth remembering that moderation is needed in everything. This product is very strong and concentrated, you need to eat it little by little. And then there will be only benefit and pleasure from it, and no harm!

How and how long to store Worcestershire sauce

Worcestershire sauce soup

From the history of this product, we know that it was initially infused in a wooden barrel for up to one and a half years. But now the technology is a little different, and the recipe has changed. And many products used as ingredients are not intended for long-term storage.

If you buy store-bought, just read the storage instructions on the package. Most often it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator, close the bottle tightly, and not store it for more than a month. Although there are some brands that are stored for up to six months or more.

If you prepared it yourself, then first find a dark bottle with a tight lid so that light does not penetrate inside.

The best thing is a dark glass bottle, you can take a brown glass lemonade bottle, for example. You just need to wash it very thoroughly, and then rinse it with vinegar, then water, and then dry it.

Store your Worcestershire in the refrigerator for a maximum of two weeks. But in general, the fresher it is, the better. Still, it contains a lot of fresh natural ingredients that should not be stored for long - they spoil. The ideal is to serve a freshly prepared product to the table. So, our advice is not to cook a lot, make it two or three times.

How to make Worcestershire sauce at home

Making Worcestershire sauce

To get started, make a list of the necessary products and go to the market or the nearest supermarket to make purchases. Buy only the best quality components: you want the result to be flawless!

Worcestershire sauce recipes

Making Worcestershire sauce

We will replace tamarind with the most ordinary date, which is sold in every market. Soak the date slightly in cold water, and do not forget to remove all hard scales. The remaining ingredients will be described in detail in the recipes.

We will offer you three different ways to make real Worcestershire sauce at home. . Take note, try and choose your best recipe!

How to make classic Worcestershire sauce

Classic Worcestershire

So, let's start with the classic method. Don't be intimidated by the long description and large list of ingredients: in fact, it will only take you minutes to prepare.

Calorie content – ​​78 kcal.

Required ingredients:

  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Garlic– 2 cloves;
  • Gingerrhizome – 30 g;
  • Anchovy – 30 gr. (1 fish);
  • Table vinegar – 2 tbsp;
  • Soy sauce – 200 ml;
  • Dates – 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar– 2 tsp;
  • Blackpepperpeas – 1 tsp;
  • Cloves – 1 tsp;
  • Cardamom – 0.5 tsp;
  • Red pepper - a pinch;
  • Curry – 1 tsp;
  • Cinnamon powder – 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Water – 200 ml.

The step-by-step recipe is very simple:

  1. Finely chop the ingredients: garlic, onion, ginger and fish.
  2. Mix them together, add black peppercorns, cinnamon and cloves, and all other spices.
  3. Wrap this entire mixture in gauze and make a knot. Place in a saucepan with water (200 ml) and put on fire.
  4. Add soy sauce, crushed date pulp, sugar, and salt to this water.
  5. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat.
  6. On low heat The water should boil for 45 minutes.
  7. Then remove from heat and leave the bag to cool completely.

According to the original recipe, this water along with a gauze bag should be left for two weeks, and only then the sauce will be completely ready. But if you don’t have time, you can use it earlier. But the longer it sits, the stronger and brighter its taste and aroma will be!

Worcestershire sauce

Worchester at home

There is an easier and faster way to prepare delicious Worcestershire in your kitchen. If you don’t want to steep it for two weeks, then use this universal adapted recipe.

It's ready in five minutes!

Calorie content – ​​80 kcal.


  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • Liquid dark honey – 3 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice or lime concentrate – 1 tbsp;
  • Dried onions (can be bought in the seasoning department) - 1 tbsp;
  • Dried garlic – 1 tsp;
  • Apple vinegar – 200 gr.;
  • Anchovy – 2 pcs.;
  • Hot pepper, powder – 0.5 tsp;
  • Cardamom– a pinch;
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • Cinnamon - a pinch;
  • Salt – a pinch.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Crush the garlic in a crush and place in a bowl or bowl.
  2. Then add vinegar and honey. Honey is used buckwheat or other dark, preferably natural and high quality. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Grind the anchovy - the finer the better. Add it to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Add spices, salt, onion powder, lemon or lime juice.
  5. Pour this mixture into a dark glass bottle with a tight lid and shake.

This strong sour - the sweet dressing is already ready for use, but after 12 hours it will infuse and reveal its true aroma and amazing taste!

Worcestershire sauce recipe at home

Making your own Worcestershire sauce

And one more alternative option that you should like. It does not require cooking and cooks quickly, and add You can eat it within a couple of hours. You'll love this one taste!

Calorie content – ​​87 kcal.

We will need the following components:

  • Vinegar – 200 gr.;
  • White onion – 1 head;
  • Horseradishwhite, ready (in a jar) – 1 tsp;
  • Mustard with grains – 1 tsp;
  • Sugar or honey - 2 tbsp;
  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • Soy sauce – 1 tbsp;
  • Cardamom, marjoram, chili pepper, cinnamon, paprika, curry - a mixture of spices;
  • Salt to taste (a little, since soy sauce is very salty);
  • Water – 100 gr.

The step-by-step recipe is very simple, essentially we just need to mix all the ingredients together:

  1. Take a white onion, peel it and chop it as finely as possible. You can also take the head onions , if suddenly white onions are not available in the store. By the way, for an experiment, try using red onions in this recipe - it will turn out very tasty and unusual, and the aroma and taste they will only win!
  2. Crush the garlic using a crusher. Add to the onions, mix them in a large bowl or ceramic bowl. Press a little with a spoon to release the juices from the onion. The finer it is cut, the better the end result will be, not only in taste, but also in consistency.
  3. Add water - 100 grams, no more. This is less than half a glass. Do not take boiled water, it is better to use regular purified water from a bottle.
  4. Then pour in vinegar, and it can be either apple vinegar or the most common one - table vinegar. Everything here should depend on your personal taste preferences. The classic version generally uses soy vinegar, but we can’t find this in stores, and there’s no need.
  5. Add horseradish and mustard. Add sugar or honey. If you take honey, then choose liquid, dark, and always natural, aromatic. With honey the sauce will be thicker and sweeter. If you take sugar, it is better to first pour it with hot water (the same 100 grams of water), dissolve it, and then mix it with the ingredients.
  6. Add salt, all the spices little by little, soy sauce.
  7. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, and then pour the resulting mass into a bottle with a tight lid. It is advisable to leave empty space in the bottle so that you can shake the possessed. If there is too much product, pour it into two bottles - let both have half.
  8. Shake the contents thoroughly and refrigerate. You can try in a couple of hours, but it’s better to wait until tomorrow. And don't forget to shake the bottle every hour.

This spicy hot mixture will be good in salad , with chicken or squid. Try it!


Udon with voucheshire

As you can see, Voucheshire – not such a terrible product, you just have to get to know it better. His cooking – this is an interesting and exciting process, you just have to approach it creatively. But cooking is always an interesting creative process, and you shouldn’t take it too seriously and businesslike. It should be fun, interesting and very enjoyable! Even when it comes to haute and aristocratic English cuisine.

Salads, soups, sauces, snacks – everything is easy to prepare if you are in a good mood. And, of course, our recipes, which always help skillful housewives. We really hope that our article answered all your questions, and also helped you acquire new skills and learn how to prepare a delicious, unusual English sauce. Enjoy the cooking process and delight your loved ones with new amazing tastes of dishes prepared with love!

Worcestershire sauce is a fermented brown liquid that has a sweet and sour taste and rich composition. This is one of the most famous and popular representatives of this group of seasonings in the world, which has a rich composition. It is added to various dishes and used in many countries... Want to know more about Worcestershire sauce? Read our review!

History of creation

You have already learned what Worcestershire sauce looks like - you can find small bottles on the shelves of large stores, it is sold freely. You can see what they look like in the photo. It's time to say a few words about how this product came to be.

A common half-legend - half-truth says:

  • One day, Lord Marques Sandys returned from a trip to India - he liked the spice-rich cuisine so much that his native British cuisine seemed bland and uninteresting;
  • The Lord gave one of the brought recipes to pharmacists Lee and Perrins, who created a liquid that met all the rules;
  • Sandys did not like the result obtained - the jars with the finished liquid remained standing in the basement of the pharmacy unclaimed;
  • A few years later, pharmaceutical chemists remembered the jars and opened them. The taste of the contents has changed dramatically over the years of infusion, a pleasant tart aroma has appeared;
  • Lee and Perrins set up large-scale production and opened a plant, as the resulting product quickly gained unprecedented popularity;
  • The plant still operates to this day - but is now owned by the Heinz company.

Later we will definitely provide a recipe for Worcestershire sauce at home. In the meantime, let's talk about what Worcestershire sauce, which is produced on an industrial scale, consists of.

Worcestershire sauce ingredients

Let us immediately note that the composition of Worcestershire sauce is kept secret - it is known only at a single factory. By the way, only Lea Perrins Worcestershire sauce is original. There are several worthy manufacturers, but they all copy the original source, adding their own components.

The composition and recipe for English Worcestershire sauce are kept secret - but some information can still be obtained. Liquid seasoning consists of:

Even though the composition of Worcestershire sauce is known almost completely, it cannot be repeated for many years.

A little interesting fact: before bottling, the seasoning is aged for about 4 years in a dark room in oak barrels. The concentrated composition allows you to reduce the consumption of seasoning - and therefore makes the product economical to use.

You have learned what liquid seasoning is made from - which means you understand how Worcestershire sauce can be replaced in theory. But more on that later. In the meantime, let's discuss where to add and what to use this delicious fermented liquid with.

What do you eat Worcestershire with?

Are you already interested in the question of what Worcestershire sauce is used for? It's time to find out which dish options will benefit from adding a few drops of the product:

Now you know what Worcestershire sauce is eaten with - as you can see, the scope of application is quite wide. Experiment, add the product to the most unexpected dishes - most likely, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Finally, let's briefly note how to use Worcestershire sauce - 2-3 drops per dish during cooking is enough, since its consistency is very thick and concentrated. You are guaranteed to enjoy a rich taste and aroma even with a small amount of liquid.

Let's move on to what you've been waiting for? Here is a recipe for homemade Worcestershire sauce!

How to make your own Worcestershire sauce?

Many people are interested in how to make Worcestershire sauce at home - especially if you are a fan of culinary experiments. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to achieve the original taste on your own - the exact recipe is known only to manufacturing companies. In addition, you won’t be able to achieve the original fermentation process on your own.

However, you can create your own variation and use an approximate method of cooking at home. It is quite simple and accessible to almost everyone, and tastes very much like the original version.

So, let's start cooking:

That's all! Store in the refrigerator. Have you studied the recipe but want to understand what Worcestershire sauce tastes like? Read on, we have prepared a lot of alternative options - you will finally find out how to replace Worcestershire sauce at home.

And also watch the video recipe:

How to replace Worcestershire product?

We've already talked about how to make Worcestershire sauce at home - if you couldn't cope with this culinary Olympus, then it's time to talk about substitutes.

The analogue will help you forget about cooking yourself and long searches in stores. Here are some useful tips - some of them will definitely come in handy when looking for an answer to the question of what to replace Worcestershire sauce with.

  • Mix one teaspoon each of tamarind paste, soy sauce and white vinegar;
  • Add 1/8 tsp. ground cloves and hot pepper;
  • Stir.

And here is the second recipe:

  • Take two tablespoons of red wine vinegar and two tablespoons of fish product;
  • Stir in 1/8 tsp. salt.

And one more option:

  • Take one tbsp. lemon juice and garlic powder;
  • Add the same amount of molasses, vinegar and soy product;
  • Combine with a similar amount of vinegar;
  • Add ¾ tbsp. hot seasoning and 0.5 tablespoon of granulated sugar, mix all ingredients.

You can also use the following sauces in their pure form:

  • Soy;
  • Fish;
  • Or red wine.

How to buy a quality product

Finally, let’s note how to choose and buy a quality product.

  • The only original product is produced by the Lea & Perrins brand. How much does a bottle cost? About 350 rubles;

  • You can also choose good quality analogues from Heinz, French's and Cajun Power.

Worcestershire sauce is a complex but very original sauce originally from Worcestershire, England. Here it is very widespread, but the sauce has conquered Russian-speaking countries relatively recently.

At the same time, we haven’t even decided on what to call it correctly, so when you hear such names as Worcestershire or Worcestershire sauce (as well as Worcestershire or Worcestershire), know that we are talking about the same sauce.

Worcestershire sauce has a multifaceted taste, although it is traditionally defined as sweet and sour. However, its taste is so rich that you can taste its entire gamut only by adding it to a dish in tiny portions, or rather, drop by drop.

History of the sauce

The sauce is said to have been created as a mistake by apothecaries trying to recreate an Indian recipe brought to England by Lord Marques Sandys. Chemists John Lea and William Perrins could not please the customer. But after standing in the basement for two years, the sauce was accidentally found by them and tasted, surprising the tasters with its taste. In 1837, unfortunate pharmacists began to sell their invention with all their might, registering Worcestershire sauce as the Lea & Perrins brand.

Thus, the British have been enjoying the taste of Worcestershire sauce for 170 years, adding piquancy to many dishes with its help. However, even now only those initiated into this secret know both the recipe and the technology of the sauce. What is known is that the process of preparing the secret composition takes 2 years.

Sauce composition

Studying the components of the sauce available for research, some chefs claim that Worcestershire Sauce goes back to ancient Roman roots, while others claim that this recipe is a creation of the East. And the components in the composition range from 20 to 40.

All that is known for sure is that it contains water, sugar and salt, as well as: onions - both onions and shallots, anchovies and garlic, asafoetida, tamarind aspic, malt vinegar and molasses (black molasses), soclimon and extract tarragon, black, allspice and chili peppers, celery and horseradish, curry and bay leaf, ginger and nutmeg.

What do you eat Worcestershire sauce with?

If you decide to try Worcestershire sauce, then you need to remember only one obstacle - there are many more fakes on sale than originals. The thing is that, apart from the Lea & Perrins company, which is now the Heinz brand, no one else has yet been able to recreate all the flavor facets of the sauce, so any other manufacturers, even Heinz itself, are not marked “Lea & Perrins” they make fakes!

But if you are not a hardcore gourmet, then the “fake” Worcestershire sauce produced under the brands “Cajun Power”, “French’s” and “Heinz”, which we have already mentioned, are quite good options.

Having become the owner of a bottle with the coveted mixture, the joy of ownership quickly gives way to confusion due to the question: what should you eat this unique Worcestershire sauce with?

It turns out that this sauce is unique - it can be added not only to any meat and fish dishes, but also to salads, vegetable stews, porridges and omelettes. An excellent alternative to soy sauce, it complements marinades and bean dishes, burgers and croutons. By the way, Worcestershire sauce is the highlight of many dishes. For example, without it you will never taste a real Caesar salad. And in the Bloody Mary cocktail, the presence of sauce is mandatory.

What can you substitute for Worcestershire sauce?

Yes, perhaps - nothing. It has no analogues. After all, the proportions and composition of this potion are known only to Lea & Perrins.

However, over almost 200 years, chefs have, of course, developed many compounds that imitate Worcestershire sauce. And many experimenters simply tried to recreate it at home. And that's not bad at all. After all, judge for yourself, it’s better to try to make the sauce, even if it’s not original, on your own than to buy, in most cases, a counterfeit bottle with an unknown composition, full of dyes, preservatives and other “chemicals.” Moreover, only a few people know what true Worcestershire sauce tastes like.

Worcestershire sauce recipes

Assuming that it is better to create a “fake” sauce, or its analogues, with your own hands than to buy it, we will offer you several recipes, the creators of which claim that the taste of their sauce differs from the original only in the absence of two years of aging in the basement.

To make Worcestershire sauce at home, you will need an accurate kitchen scale and endless patience.

You may also have trouble finding some of the products included in it. However, you understand that you are not preparing the original, so feel free to introduce substitutions. For example, it would be appropriate to use sprat or herring instead of anchovies, Mascarpone cheese instead of heavy cream, wine instead of balsamic vinegar, and black olives instead of capers.

Home "Worchester"


  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • chili pepper - 4 pcs.
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp.
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • kosher (or rock) salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • molasses - 0.5 tbsp.
  • ginger (fresh) - 25 gr.
  • cinnamon - 1 stick
  • cardamom - 5 pods
  • mustard (in seeds) – 3 tbsp.
  • curry (powder) – 0.5 tsp.
  • cloves - 1 tsp.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Peel the onion, garlic and ginger and chop finely. Cut the chili in half, remove the seeds, and chop the cardamom.
  2. Mix all ingredients, except granulated sugar, and cook over medium heat until the first signs of boiling appear. Reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.
  3. Place the sugar in a dry frying pan and melt until it turns into brown caramel, then add it to the sauce and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Remove the sauce from the stove and pass through a fine sieve (gauze), pour into jars for storage. After cooling, transfer to a cool place (refrigerator) for storage. He can stay here for 7-8 months.

Consume by adding 2-5 drops to a dish of meat, vegetables or fish.

Home "Worchester"


  • anchovies – 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • tamarind (paste) - 0.5-1 tbsp. l.
  • soy sauce - 125 ml
  • chili pepper (red hot), powder - 0.5 tsp.
  • vinegar essence - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - based on taste
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • ginger (fresh pulp or ground) - 1 tsp.
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp. powder or 1 stick
  • cardamom (powder) – 0.5 tsp.
  • curry (powder) – 0.5 tsp.
  • white mustard (in seeds) – 2 tbsp.
  • black pepper (peas) - 1 tsp.
  • cloves - 1 tsp.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Peel the onion and add acetic acid.
  2. After half an hour, remove the onion and finely chop.
  3. Grind the garlic with a press (garlic press) and sprinkle with vinegar.
  4. Place onions, garlic, cloves, peppers, ginger and cardamom in a gauze bag. It's good to tie this creation.
  5. Pour soy sauce and vinegar essence, diluted with water to 6%, into the pan. Pour sugar into the liquid and add a bag of spices and tamarind.
  6. Boil the mixture over low heat for half an hour. At this time, you need to chop the anchovy extremely finely, grind it with curry, add salt and a small amount of water until you get a liquid mass, which you immediately add to the saucepan with the future sauce.
  7. After 30 minutes of cooking, move the bag into a glass container (or a jar) and fill it with sauce from the saucepan. When the composition has cooled, the jar should be closed and placed in the refrigerator for a week. Every day you need to open the sauce and squeeze out the bag.
  8. After a week, throw away the bag and strain the sauce into glass storage containers. The sauce should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Homemade Worcestershire sauce

This sauce is ideally close to the original, but it has one drawback - it is prepared in a minimum dose - 10 kg. After studying the components of the recipe, you will understand why. It is composed on the basis of the components indicated on the sauce label and is adapted for making at home.


  • anchovies or spicy sardellas – 190 gr.
  • celery – 80 gr.
  • horseradish – 40 gr.
  • water – 3 liters
  • dessert wine (for example, Tokay) or port – 760 gr.
  • malt vinegar, 10% – 2.3 liters
  • tamarind – 570 gr.
  • tomato paste – 950 gr.
  • meat broth boiled to a jelly state, low-fat and clarified (aspic) – 70 g.
  • lemon – 190 gr.
  • meat extract – 80 gr.
  • walnut extract - 190 gr.
  • tarragon extract (vinegar tincture) – 10 g.
  • champignon extract-decoction - 570 gr.
  • chili pepper extract - 340 gr.
  • chili pepper (piece) – 1 gr.
  • allspice – 4 gr.
  • black pepper (ground into powder) – 80 gr.
  • curry (powder) – 100 gr.
  • nutmeg powder – 4 gr.
  • ginger (fresh grated pulp or ground) – 1 gr.
  • bay leaf (piece) – 1 gr.
  • salt – 230 gr.
  • granulated sugar – 230 gr.
  • burnt sugar (melted) – 19 gr.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. We prepare all the components, weigh what is cleaned and cut - peel, chop, squeeze the juice out of the lemon.
  2. Place all ingredients, except burnt sugar, in a heat-resistant container (pour in water carefully at the very end) and boil for about 15 minutes after boiling.
  3. Add the burnt sugar, melted in a frying pan, while still warm and sticky, into the sauce and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Remove the sauce from the heat and strain through a fine sieve (gauze), pour into jars for storage.

Worcestershire sauce should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed by adding 2-6 drops to any savory dish.