Recipes for halibut fish with stewed vegetables. Healthy Lunch Idea: Stewed Halibut with Vegetables

Step 1: prepare the fish.

First, let's prepare the fish. If you bought fresh fish, you need to clean it with a knife from the scales, cut off the head from the insides, remove the backbone, clean it from the bones, remove the skin and cut it into fillets. Wash the finished fillet again, dry with kitchen paper towels and place on a plate. If you purchased halibut fillets or steaks frozen, as described in this recipe, then place the fish in a bowl with regular cold running water and defrost in this way for 20 – 30 minutes. Once the fish is defrosted, pat dry with paper kitchen towels. Place the steaks on a cutting board, cut off the skin with a sharp knife, rub with a little salt to taste, not forgetting that in the future you will salt the vegetables and place the fish in a deep bowl.

Step 2: Prepare and fry the vegetables.

Peel the onion and garlic, wash under running water along with the tomato and zucchini, having previously cut off the places where the stalks and inflorescences were attached to the last two ingredients. Then dry the vegetables with paper towels, place one at a time on a cutting board and cut into cubes with the approximate diameter 1 by 1 centimeter, finely chop the garlic. Place the onion and garlic in a common bowl, and distribute the tomato and zucchini into separate bowls. Turn the stove on to medium heat and place a frying pan on it with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Place the onion and garlic into the heated fat and fry them until half cooked, translucent and lightly golden brown, about 3 - 4 minutes, stirring with a wooden kitchen spatula. Then add the zucchini to the pan and simmer the ingredients together 6 – 8 minutes until the zucchini becomes translucent.
Then add the required amount of tomato, wine, ground black pepper, thyme and salt to taste into the total mass. Stir the vegetable mass with a kitchen spatula, simmer for 2 - 3 minutes and set the pan aside. Preheat the oven to 230 - 240 degrees.

Step 3: Add Feta cheese.

Using clean hands, chop the Feta cheese into small pieces, measure out the amount you need using a glass, then add it to the pan with the vegetables and stir the mixture until smooth with a wooden kitchen spatula.

Step 4: Place the ingredients in the pan and bake.

Grease a medium-sized baking dish with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and place the halibut steaks on it; spread the stewed vegetables on top of them in an even layer, helping yourself with a tablespoon. Cover the pan with a lid and place it in the preheated oven. Bake the halibut with vegetables for 15 – 17 minutes until the fish is completely cooked. Then open the oven, remove the baking dish from it, using a kitchen towel to help you, let the dish brew 5 – 6 minutes, then, using a kitchen spatula, place a portion of the halibut with vegetables and go ahead and taste it.

Step 5: Serve the halibut with vegetables.

Halibut with vegetables is served hot, placed in portions on plates or in the form in which this dish was baked. Along with this fish, you can serve fresh homemade bread, a salad of fresh vegetables, a side dish in the form of boiled rice, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, seasoned with butter and herbs. Divinely delicious fish, soaked in the delicate aroma of wine and spices, with the most tender meat and magnificent soft vegetables, will please everyone without exception! Prepare and enjoy! Bon appetit!

- − For this dish you can use any other spices you like.

- − When buying fresh halibut, do not forget that the carcass must be clean, its surface must be free of mucus, the eyes must be bulging and transparent. The gills should fit snugly to the cheeks. The smell of fish should not be sharp and oversaturated with the aroma of iodine or mud. If all the listed points are present in the fish you have chosen, then you can safely buy it, it is fresh!

- − Never cut vegetables and fish with the same knife and on the same cutting board! Raw fish and vegetables contain various microorganisms that, when in contact with moisture, can begin to multiply, which can lead to undesirable consequences such as diarrhea or poisoning. Knives for raw meat, fish and vegetable products should be separate, as well as cutting boards!

- − You can fry any boneless fish this way.

Halibut is one of the most delicious and healthy fish, which has very tender and fatty meat. Halibut lives on the seas and is similar to flounder, only larger in size. There are practically no bones in it, which is very convenient when cooking.

Cooking halibut: beneficial properties of fish

Photo by Shutterstock

The benefits of halibut

First of all, halibut contains a large amount of omega-3 - this is a useful substance that prevents the formation of blood clots and arrhythmia, reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases and strengthens cell membranes.

Folic acid and other B vitamins included in this fish help prevent the development of atherosclerosis and reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, a sulfur-containing amino acid. If too much of this amino acid accumulates in the body, it can lead to the destruction of arterial walls, the formation of blood clots and even rupture of blood vessels. In addition, B vitamins prevent the development of diseases of the central nervous system, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Halibut has another important detoxifying property provided by selenium, which also prevents the development of cancer.

100 grams of halibut meat contains approximately 140 calories.

Stewed Halibut Recipe

To prepare stewed halibut, you will need: - 1 kilogram of fish; - 400 grams of onions; - 300 grams of carrots; - 2 teaspoons of tomato paste; - 2 teaspoons of lemon juice; - 1 teaspoon of salt; - 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper; - vegetable oil.

Cut the onion into thin half rings, peel the carrots and grate on a medium grater. In a heated frying pan in vegetable oil, first simmer the onion for 5-7 minutes, then add the carrots and simmer for about 10 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid and stir the onions and carrots periodically, making sure that the vegetables do not burn. If you wish, you can add a small amount of water while preparing the dressing. At the final stage of cooking the vegetables, add tomato paste and lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon each of salt and pepper, mix all the ingredients and simmer for about 1 minute.

If you wish, you can add a couple of cloves of chopped garlic to this dressing, and replace the tomato paste with finely chopped fresh tomatoes

Cut the fish, cut off the head and cut it into several portions. Add salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, pepper and leave for 10-15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees. Grease the bottom of the baking dish with vegetable oil, place half of the cooked mixture in an even layer

Editorial Today Lifestyle July 4, 2018, 11:59

Fish with carrots and tomato paste

When buying halibut, pay attention to the ice - if there is a large amount of it on the frozen carcass, this indicates that the fish has been frozen and thawed many times.

If you take frozen halibut, it is better to choose a whole fish rather than a fillet - it will lose less moisture when defrosting. It is also better to defrost it gradually after purchasing it in the refrigerator, and when cutting, first remove the fins, which have a rather pungent odor.

Halibut with vegetables


  • 500 g halibut
  • 100 g carrots
  • 50 g onions
  • parsley and celery root
  • 50 g tomato puree
  • 50 g vegetable oil
  • vinegar, sugar, salt
  • spices (pepper, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves)
  • greenery


  1. Cut the halibut into portions, add salt and set aside for 4-5 minutes. This way it won't fall apart when frying.
  2. Meanwhile, chop parsley and celery roots, onions, and carrots.
  3. Place the fish in a deep bowl in two or three rows, alternating fish with layers of vegetables.
  4. Add vegetable oil, tomato puree, vinegar, spices. Simmer for about 30 minutes. At the end, sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  5. Cooked fish tastes best with boiled potatoes.

Watch the video on how to choose quality fish:

Read the most important news in

Halibut, or, as it is also called, sole, is a fish from the flounder family that is found in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Moreover, it is believed that the further north the halibut “lives”, the more it is valued for its special taste and nutritional properties. In this article I will talk about what exactly halibut is valued for and how to cook it correctly. After all, there are many recipes for preparing this tender and tasty fish.

Why we value halibut meat

Halibut is a fairly fatty fish; its meat is rich in such important microelements as potassium, magnesium, selenium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins D, B, E. These substances protect our body from free radicals. And this significantly reduces the risk of malignant tumors. Selenium, contained in halibut meat in microdoses, keeps our liver in good working condition. But most of all, halibut meat is valued for its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, preventing the formation of blood clots and reducing the risk of arrhythmia. This is such a healthy fish - halibut. How to prepare it correctly will be described below.

Halibut baked in the oven

Here are several original recipes for cooking baked with vegetables in the oven - a very tasty dish, suitable as an excellent option for dinner or a second course for lunch. So, cooking the halibut. We take the following products:

Halibut fish - 500 g;

Carrots - 2 pcs.;

Zucchini (preferably zucchini) - 1 pc.;

Vegetable oil - a little;

Olive oil - 30 g;

Ground black pepper - on the tip of a knife;

Soy sauce - half a teaspoon;

Lemon - ¼ pcs.

Wash the halibut, cut into pieces about 2-3 cm thick, salt and pepper, sprinkle with olive oil, place on a baking sheet with low sides and put in the oven. Bake the dish at a temperature of 170 C˚ for 30 minutes. While the halibut is cooking, chop the zucchini and carrots into strips, then sauté the carrots in vegetable oil for 3 minutes, add the zucchini and fry for another 3 minutes. Place the vegetables in a bowl, season with soy sauce and stir everything together. Serve the fish and vegetables, garnished with a slice of lemon.

Halibut in white wine

You can also use it in wine. Halibut in wine is a dish from the restaurant menu. It can be prepared for the holiday table as a hot second course. So, braised halibut - how to cook it in white wine? To do this you will need the following:

Halibut - 2 carcasses;

Melted butter - 4 tablespoons;

Onions - 1 pc.;

Any table white wine - ¼ glass;

Salt - to taste;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Cream - 2 tablespoons;


Wash and peel the halibut carcasses, peel and finely chop the onion, put it in a frying pan, adding half the amount of butter. Place halibut on top, pepper and salt. Pour the wine and a quarter cup of water into the pan, cover it all, and then bring to a boil. After boiling, simmer for 10 minutes, covered, over moderate heat. After this, remove the fish from the pan and place on a baking sheet, pour over the sauce and place in the oven to bake. As soon as the fish is browned, the dish is ready, you can remove it and serve it. You can prepare potatoes or other vegetables as a side dish.

Creamy sauce for baking halibut

This sauce is best for halibut. How to cook it correctly? You need to mix mayonnaise and yolk, pour into a frying pan, add a little butter and mix everything well. Season with salt and add whipped cream. Do not boil the sauce!

Did you like baked halibut? Well, great! This is a tasty and tender fish, it is easy to prepare. But remember that everything is good in moderation. Don't get too carried away with this fish, because its meat is very fatty. That is why it should be used with caution by people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and it is certainly not advisable for people who have had hepatitis.

Corned beef is a very tasty French dish, it’s quite simple to prepare, the recipe for the dish is as follows: Soak the corned beef for 24 hours in cold water. Place in a pressure cooker, cover with water. Add carrots, leeks, herbs, celery, very little salt, pepper, cloves. Cover and cook for 1 hour. Soak the beans for several hours. Drain in a colander. Boil water without salt in a regular saucepan. Cook beans in it for 15 minutes. Recline. Then put in the pressure cooker along with the pork, close and cook for another 10 minutes. Prepare the sauce: brown the chopped onion in butter, add tomato paste, 1 tbsp. spoon of flour, add a cup of liquid poured from the pressure cooker. Stir over low heat until thickened. Then add the beans from the pressure cooker and simmer for 5 minutes. Serve the beans sprinkled with parsley and place the pieces of pork on top. Corned beef is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Sliced ​​meat with noodles

Let's prepare an unusual dish - sliced ​​meat with noodles. The horse meat is cut into small pieces and simmered in butter along with finely chopped onions and spices until cooked. Then the meat is mixed with hot boiled homemade noodles. Try horse meat food!

Roasted goat meat with nuts

Fried goat meat with nuts is an original Georgian dish for everyone, it’s quite simple to prepare, the recipe for the dish is as follows: Wash the fatty goat meat, cut into small pieces, put in a pan, add a bay leaf, close the pan with a lid and simmer the meat over low heat. When stewing meat, juice is released, which should be poured into a separate container and covered with a lid. After 10-15 minutes, add finely chopped onions to the meat and fry thoroughly along with the onions, adding bay leaves, salt and wine vinegar. Pass the peeled walnuts through a meat grinder, add crushed garlic, herbs, cilantro seeds, capsicum and suneli. Dilute the resulting mass with the meat juice released during stewing and transfer to a pan with fried meat and onions. Simmer for another 5-8 minutes and remove from heat. Fried goat meat with nuts is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Fried fish with cranberries

Fried fish with cranberries is a very tasty dish, it’s easy to prepare, the recipe for the dish is as follows: Small fish (minnows, capelin, crucian carp) are fried as usual, the cranberries are crushed, the juice is squeezed out, honey is added and evaporated by almost half. The fried fish is placed on a dish and topped with cranberry juice. Fried fish with cranberries is ready! enjoy your meal!

Rice balls with meat

Rice balls with meat are prepared very simply, the recipe is as follows: Boil the meat and vegetables, pass through a meat grinder. Boil the rice until done. Place the finished rice in the minced meat, add the egg, salt, and finely chopped parsley. To stir thoroughly. Form balls and boil in broth for 10 minutes. Rice balls with meat are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Sausage dumplings

Sausage dumplings are prepared quite simply, the recipe is as follows: Soak the remains of dry buns or loaves in water (or milk) and mash. Cut pork sausages or smoked meats into small cubes. Finely chop the parsley, spinach, and onions. Then mix the greens and chopped sausages with flour, semolina and egg, add salt and pepper to taste, and knead thoroughly. The mixture should hold together without falling apart. Lightly flour a cutting board and place all the dumplings on it, which should be formed from the resulting mixture the size of a quail egg. Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil, add salt and carefully lower the dumplings into the boiling water. Stirring gently, wait until the dumplings begin to float and let it boil for no more than a minute. Then remove the dumplings from the pan using a slotted spoon, placing them in one layer on a wide dish. Meanwhile, chop the bacon and melt it in a frying pan or in a casserole dish until cracklings form, add some of the chopped herbs, simmer everything a little, add the boiled dumplings here. , mix gently (slightly shaking the pan). Then the mold should be placed in a preheated oven for a few minutes to form a golden crust on the dumplings. Sausage dumplings are ready! Enjoy your meal!