Raspberry compote recipes. Raspberry compote: recipe

Currently, there is a huge selection of garden raspberry varieties that differ in both color and size. But one thing is clear, that garden raspberry, a very popular berry today. On each, even the smallest plot, a small corner is allocated for this wonderful berry. After all, when proper care even from two square meters you can collect up to three or four large buckets of raspberries. But from these berries you can make not only jam, but also compote, jars of which will stand out very rich color And great taste. I really like raspberry compote also because you don’t need to put a lot of sugar in it, and the compote tastes sweet. And my kids love it too, they even eat the berries from the jar. In this recipe we will tell you how to seal raspberry compote for the winter

Taste Info Compotes, juices for the winter

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar

  • 1.5 liters raspberries
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 1 cup of sugar

How to make raspberry compote for the winter

If you like compotes with a rich berry flavor and are moderately sweet, then this recipe is perfect for you, but if you like very sweet compotes, then add another 0.5 cup of sugar for every three liter jar.

Pour water into a saucepan and set it to boil. We sterilize the jars, so the compote will definitely not spoil, and you will also reduce the likelihood that the jar will burst when filling it with boiling water for the first time. While the water is boiling, we sort the berries from the leaves, stalks, and also make sure that the berries are not spoiled, since raspberries retain their freshness for a very short time. Therefore, if you have already collected berries on the site, then try to organize them within a day, but if this does not work, then store the raspberries in their sorted state exclusively in the refrigerator. Fill sterilized jars with raspberries.

Fill the berries boiling water. Then we cover with metal lids, which we will later use to roll up the compote, and let stand for 10 minutes. This will steam the berries. If you think that I forgot about sugar, then don’t worry, it’s not his turn yet.

Well, now into a saucepan with a volume of at least 3.5 liters (since the jars in which we roll the compote are three-liter), pour a glass of sugar.

Pour the water from the jars of berries into a saucepan with sugar. To do this, place a sieve on the pan and pour water through it.

The berries remain in the sieve, and I use a slotted spoon to transfer them back to the jar. But the water from the jar ends up together with the sugar in a saucepan, which we put on the fire to boil.

Only steamed berries remain in the jar. And even though raspberries are no longer as beautiful as they were, the compote made from them is very tasty.

Fill the berries again sweet water, screw on the metal lid. Carefully turn the jars of compote over, check to see if the lid is leaking, and leave it upside down, wrapped in a blanket until it cools completely. This is how easy it is to make raspberry compote for the winter.

Raspberries are loved by many adults and children. This aromatic berry is great for eating on its own. You can cook from it delicious desserts in the summer, and it can also be prepared for the winter in the form of preserves, jams, frozen berries and compotes. Raspberries have many medicinal qualities, they saturate the body with mass useful substances, helps strengthen the immune system, treat ARVI, etc. Today we are talking about how to cook delicious compote for the winter without sterilization from raspberries into a 3 liter jar.

To prepare compote without sterilization, it is not at all necessary to use any chemical preservatives. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to make a completely natural compote with minimal heat treatment of the berries, which will be perfectly stored at room temperature.

The simplest compote for a 3 liter jar for the winter

To prepare this aromatic drink For a three-liter jar (balloon) you should use a couple of glasses ripe berries, one glass of sugar, and as much water as will fit.

First of all, prepare the berries: sort them, removing all debris, rotten and injured raspberries, then place the fruits in a colander and rinse.

Rinse the jars for preparing the drink thoroughly using baking soda. Rinse them several times and sterilize them over steam for four to five minutes. Boil the lids for rolling in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Place the prepared fruits in sterile jars. Boil water, preferably with a reserve. Next, brew the contents of the jars with boiling water and leave for five to ten minutes. Then carefully drain hot water into the pan. By the way, to make this manipulation as convenient as possible, use lids with holes; they can be found in special household departments.

Pour sugar into the drained water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for a couple of minutes, then pour the syrup into jars and seal them with lids. Turn the finished drink upside down, wrap it well and leave until it cools completely.

Raspberry compote without sterilization for a 3-liter jar with dogwood

To prepare this interesting option For a winter drink, readers of Popular Health should prepare three hundred grams of raspberries, three hundred grams of dogwood, a glass of sugar, two hundred milliliters of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice. This amount of components is enough for one three-liter jar.

First of all, prepare necessary components. The dogwood for this compote should be fresh, whole and not crushed. It needs to be washed thoroughly and sorted thoroughly. Boil a sufficient amount of water in a saucepan, dip the dogwood in a colander for literally five minutes. Then pour over the fruits cold water.

Rinse the raspberries thoroughly by dipping them in a colander. cold water, and sort through.

Place both types of berries in a suitable pan. In a separate saucepan, prepare syrup from a glass of water and sugar. Brew berries with boiling syrup. Leave this workpiece in a fairly cool place for six to eight hours. Then pour it into it required quantity water, focusing on their taste preferences and the size of the cans.

Then place the pan with the future drink over medium heat, bring to a boil, pour in lemon juice and stir. Spill ready compote in sterile containers, seal with sterile caps, turn upside down and wrap well.

How to prepare the simplest raspberry compote for a 3-liter jar?

To prepare this version of the drink, you should stock up on two glasses of raspberries, one and a half glasses of sugar and a teaspoon citric acid. These components are enough for a three-liter cylinder.

First of all, prepare the fruits: sort them thoroughly, eliminating all kinds of debris and damaged berries. Then rinse the raspberries by dipping them in a colander in cold water. Prepare the syrup: pour three liters of water into a saucepan for each jar, add sugar and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook for another five minutes. Next, place the raspberries into prepared containers: clean and sterile.

Pour citric acid into them and brew with boiling syrup. Immediately roll up the compote with sterile lids, turn it upside down and leave under the blanket until it cools completely.

Simple compote of raspberries and currants

To prepare this interesting drink It’s worth preparing one glass of ripe but firm raspberries, a glass of red or white currants, and a glass of black currants. Also, use about a cup of sugar.

Wash the berries, remove all stems and damaged fruits. Place raspberries and currants in jars. Be sure to rinse the soda canisters first, rinse several times and sterilize over steam for five minutes. Boil the lids for seaming for three to four minutes.

Brew the contents of the jars with boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then pour the hot liquid back into the pan. Pour the required amount of sugar into it and heat to a boil, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Boil the syrup for at least a couple of minutes after boiling, then brew the contents of the jars with it. Seal the finished compote with sterile lids, turn it upside down and wrap it well. A cooled drink can easily be stored at room temperature, but away from sunlight.

Compotes for the winter have always seemed to me something incredibly complicated. But last August I rolled up a few jars and realized that I had missed the berry season in vain, because this is one of the simplest and most delicious homemade preparations. This year I decided to make a big batch. canned compote. While I was gathering my thoughts, the strawberries were already gone, but the currants, raspberries and cherries were ripe. Yesterday I closed the first four jars. This is my first raspberry compote for the winter, a simple recipe without sterilization. It is prepared simply. The raspberries are washed, poured with boiling water, which after a while is drained, mixed with sugar, brought to a boil and re-poured into jars. That's all. The result is an extremely tasty compote with a fantastic aroma and rich color. Moderately sweet. After a couple of days it is ready to eat. Of course, we couldn’t resist and consumed one jar. And I already know for sure that I need to close it again, because I have never tasted anything tastier.

Ingredients for 6 liters of compote:

  • 600 grams of raspberries,
  • 500 grams of sugar.

As you can see, calculating the ingredients for raspberry compote is very simple - for 1 liter of water, 100 grams of berries and 80 grams of sugar (that’s half a glass). You can, of course, add a little more or a little less sugar, but in this proportion the taste is perfect. Not cloying or sour.

The easiest way to prepare raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization

So, let's go through the main points of the recipe. I wash raspberries without fail - after all, they don’t grow in a vacuum and rain falls on them from the sky, unknown to anyone chemical composition. I remove all suspicious berries - those with barrels and dark spots. If the berries are slightly squashed, I leave them. In compote, some amount will still not be able to maintain its ideal shape.

I wash the jars very carefully using soda. Then I sterilize it using steam - I put the jar neck down on a stand, which I place on a pan of boiling water, and keep it there for five minutes. For compotes, the jars do not need to be dried.

I put the raspberries into jars. I put 150 grams in one and a half liter bottles (those with faceted tops), 200 grams in a two liter bottle and 100 grams of raspberries in a liter bottle.

Then I pour filtered water into the kettle and wait for it to boil. You will need to fill the jars with this boiling water. It is important that the jar does not burst, put a metal spoon in it and pour water onto the spoon. Some people place the jars on a metal stand. Perhaps this helps. I did not try.

Cover the jars with lids. Leave for five minutes.

Then pour the water into the pan. To prevent the berries from becoming crushed and turning into mush, leave a little boiling water in the jar. Little bit.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, put it on the stove, and bring to a boil. As soon as the sugar dissolves (it’s better to stir it, otherwise it may take a long time), pour it immediately hot syrup back to the banks.

After this, immediately screw or roll up with sterile lids (it is enough to boil them for five minutes). If you screw, keep in mind that only completely new lids are suitable for preservation.

Place the jars on the lids to check that they are sealed well.

Ready raspberry compote can be stored all winter at room temperature.

Bon appetit!

Note. You may have come across one-fill recipes. It seems quite simple, but there is one caveat - citric acid must be added to such compotes, otherwise they will not stand. Our compote will keep perfectly without preservatives.

Raspberries have long been considered the first folk and, mind you, the most delicious remedy for treating colds, acute respiratory diseases, flu. Several mugs of sweatshop tea with raspberry jam- and now the illness seems to have never happened, the temperature drops, and the patient again feels a surge of vitality.

Raspberries are excellent for lowering blood pressure, so all hypertensive patients are advised to use them, and they also slow down the aging process and are considered low-calorie foods. So, girls who dream of losing weight can safely include raspberries and raspberry compote in their diet. What could be better: enjoy a treat and lose weight at the same time!

Harvesting methods

This is practically the only berry whose properties remain unchanged even after heat treatment. Therefore, you can make jam from raspberries, compotes, jellies, jams, etc. Every housewife must have several jars of raspberry preparations prepared for the winter, which will help out in difficult times.

And it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away from desserts with this wonderful berry. It is added as a filling to pies and cookies, and also decorates pastries, various cocktails and smoothies. However, let’s focus on raspberry compote, which is not only easy to prepare, but also extremely healthy.

Why compote?

Raspberry compote is very tasty and healthy, rich in vitamins and amino acids. In addition, this method of harvesting berries for the winter is much more economical than all others. From a minimum of berries you can get quite a lot of cans of raspberry drink.

If we compare compote with other methods of preparing this for the winter wonderful berry, then the main advantage is that it is prepared very simply and quickly, like any other compote. Raspberries, water and sugar - these are all the main ingredients of the simple recipe compote.

The only drawback of harvesting raspberries in this way is that it is unlikely to be very tender berries after pouring them with hot syrup they will retain their original shape. However, you can be sure that this will not affect the taste and benefits of the product in any way.

Methods for preparing raspberry compote for the winter

Raspberry compotes are prepared both with and without sterilization. True, in the second case, you can hardly expect that your workpiece will remain safely until spring. It is better to use this compote within the first two to three months. Some housewives prepare raspberry compote in own juice, its taste and color are unusually rich, but such preparation will take quite a large number of berries and sugar.

By the way, raspberries go well with black currants, strawberries, blackberries, apples, apricots, and grapes. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment, make assorted berries and fruits from your favorite fruits. Very beautiful compotes are obtained from the ingredients different colors. For example, red raspberries will go perfectly with black blackberries or currants, or, for example, green grapes. The color of such a compote will be extremely impressive.

Selection and preparation of berries

For compote, it is better to take raspberries of approximately the same size and not very ripe, otherwise they may simply fall apart when poured with boiling water. First, you need to sort out the berries, since raspberries spoil very quickly and turn into mush. Select whole berries, rinse them with cold water, only very quickly so that all the juice does not leak out.

Raspberry bugs often live inside the berries, so before you start making compote, it is better to pour lightly salted cool water over the raspberries and keep them in it for 10-15 minutes. When the larvae float to the surface, quickly rinse the raspberries with water and after all of them have drained excess liquid, put it in jars, fill it with syrup and close it.

Raspberry compote must be stored in a dry, dark, cool place, otherwise it will quickly spoil. Such a preparation, if it contains enough sugar, can be stored all winter, unless, of course, you drink this wonderful compote earlier.

Recipes for raspberry compote for the winter

Most elementary way The preparation of raspberry compote is as follows: put half a liter of already sorted raspberries into a prepared sterile three-liter jar, pour a glass of sugar on top, pour boiling water over it all and immediately roll it up. As the jar cools, the contents of the jar will take on their bright crimson color. You will be able to open and drink this compote in a few days. By that time, it will already have time to brew and become expressive to its taste.

Another method will save you both packaging and space. In this case, fill the jar almost entirely with berries, fill it with very sweet, thick syrup and roll it up. This compote should be diluted with water to taste and consumed with pleasure.

Raspberry compote without sterilization

For one three-liter jar take compote:

  • 2-3 cups raspberries;
  • 2-2.5 liters of water;
  • 2 cups sugar.

How to prepare:

  1. Carefully place the berries in sterilized jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Wait until the water cools, then pour it into the pan.
  4. Put the sugar, put on the fire, bring the syrup to a boil so that all the sugar dissolves.
  5. Pour it over the berries and immediately seal securely.
  6. Turn the jar upside down, cool and only then put it in the refrigerator.

By the way, you can add a pinch of citric acid to this compote. This will give your preparation a pleasant sourness.

Raspberry and currant compote

It will require approximately the same number 300 g of each of these and other berries; you can take a little less currants so that it does not drown out the taste of the raspberries. For a 3-liter jar you will need 1.5-2 cups of sugar.

How to prepare:

  1. We sort the berries, wash them for a few seconds so that the juice does not leak out, after which we pour the currants into the pan.
  2. Add water there, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, add sugar, cook for another 5 minutes and turn off.
  3. After you have already turned off the stove, add raspberries - this way they will retain their shape.
  4. Pour the compote into jars, roll it up, wait until it cools completely, then put it in the cold.

Raspberry compote in its own juice

For this compote, we need 300 g for 1 kg of raspberries. powdered sugar or sugar.

How to prepare:

  1. Sort the raspberries and wash them. Let the water drain.
  2. Place the berries in a saucepan or bowl, sprinkling it layer by layer with sugar or powder.
  3. Leave your half-cooked mixture for several hours until the raspberries give a lot of juice.
  4. Then distribute the berries into sterile jars and pour juice on top.
  5. Sterilize the jars with the contents for about 5 minutes, then seal. Compote in its own juice is ready!

Raspberry and apricot compote

At first glance, rather incompatible ingredients produce an excellent, original taste. In order to prepare this assortment, take equal parts of berries and apricots, for example, 0.5 kg, 2.5 liters of water, 2 cups of sugar.

How to prepare:

  1. For a 3-liter jar, take half a kilo of raspberries and half a kilo of apricots, the seeds from which do not need to be removed. If you want there to be no seeds in your compote, remove them from your apricots, which can be cut into two halves.
  2. Pour boiling water over the contents of the jar, hold for ten minutes, then pour the cooled water into a saucepan, add sugar and cook the syrup.
  3. Once the sugar has completely dissolved, the syrup can be considered ready. Pour it into a jar, sterilize for 5-10 minutes over low heat, and seal.

How nice it is to open a jar of raspberry compote, prepared according to any of the recipes, in the frosty winter, and get a boost of energy and vitamins from delicious drink, cooked with my own hands! Bon appetit!

Raspberries are the real queen of berries. The only thing that can compete with it in terms of color and taste is strawberries, but strawberries are sour, and raspberries don’t even have this drawback - they are bright, sweet and aromatic, indispensable for jams, jellies, berry cocktails, for decorating pastries, ice cream, cakes and other desserts.

The raspberry compote is as delicious as the berry itself. Unique ruby ​​color and rich taste this drink is obtained even with a small ratio of berries to water, so raspberry compote is an inexpensive and tasty alternative to factory-made juices, which you have to buy in the winter when you want something fruity and berry.


  • raspberries – 1 kg
  • sugar – 200 g


1. The most important thing is to select the berries for the compote. They must be ripe and dense: raspberries spoil quite quickly and lose appearance, so try to use the berries right away. In addition, remember: the better the quality of the ingredients, the tastier the compote will ultimately be. Wash the raspberries thoroughly under cold water. I highly recommend pouring lightly salted water into a container and placing the berries in it. If there are random insects on them, we will get rid of them. Then, of course, the fruits must be washed again and then dried well.

2. Sterilize jars and lids. To do this, we wash them thoroughly and then scald them with boiling water. If desired, the lids can be boiled a little. Fill the jars with about one-third of the raspberries. No more needed unless you want to make a concentrate.

3. Pour boiling water over the raspberries, cover with a lid and let steep for 30 minutes. The berries will release juice and the water will turn a pleasant pink color.

4. Return the liquid to the pan and add sugar. Raspberries - very sweet berry, so you need very little sugar for a rich taste, and it’s also much healthier. But if you have an incorrigible sweet tooth, add sweetness to your liking. Boil the syrup for 3 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved and return it back to the jars. If you need to add a little more water, add it, but be sure to add boiling water.

5. Very quickly roll up the jars with a metal lid and wrap them in something warm, such as a blanket. The compote will cool without any temperature difference, which will allow the berries to give off all the richness of their taste. Wait for it to cool completely and then store it in a dry and cool place.

If everything is done correctly, such compote will be stored for a very long time. It is especially good in winter, when you want summer flavors and impressions. But whether you will have it until the new year or whether you will happily drink it at the first frost is up to you to decide.

Note to the hostess

1. In the description culinary process there is an important note: it is advisable to keep the raspberries in saline solution. There is no need to be afraid that it will lose its sweetness and acquire an undesirable taste. In a quarter of an hour this will not happen, but all the insects will leave their refuge - the cavity under the sepals, down to the last small midge, which is not only difficult to fish out of the berries, but also difficult to see. And most importantly, under the influence of salt, disgusting bugs, which usually live in raspberry fields, will float to the surface of the bowl. If such a monster, even canned, is found in a drink, your appetite will probably disappear.

2. Some housewives explain their refusal to boil lids by saying that the rubber bands under the rims stretch due to heat treatment, and sometimes even burst. Yes, such a nuisance sometimes occurs, but only from overexposure to boiling water. The optimal time for hot sterilization of seaming material is one and a half minutes.

3. Raspberries are not friends with aromatic spices, since it claims to be the most fragrant berry in the entire fruit kingdom. True, in compote its smell is weaker than on a bush or in a basket, but the preparation will still smell. It is appropriate to put only juniper in it (5 grams per 3 liters). From cinnamon, ginger, anise experienced chefs, like gourmets, recommend refusing.