Recipes and methods for storing birch sap. Recipe for delicious kvass made from birch sap

We have become accustomed to the taste of semi-finished products; natural things have long been “out of fashion” - products without bright labels have even become somehow “alarming.” And some people even began to wonder whether it was dangerous to eat something that grew in the forest nearby and was put up for sale by some grandmother? The fact that you can go into the forest on your own and find something nutritious and healthy there does not even occur to a civilized resident of a metropolis!!!

For example, we, of course, know what birch is (a tree with black and white bark), but the sweet and sour liquid in a jar or package on a supermarket shelf is almost not associated with this tree. And no one even thinks about extracting juice on their own. And here, too, collecting juice is possible only 15-20 days a year, its benefits for the human body are poorly covered in popular science magazines, and the method of long-term storage at home remains a mystery. But were our ancestors really mistaken when they called birch sap the elixir of life?! Let's find out!

Where does it come from, what is useful in it and how to collect it yourself?

The roots of birch, like any other tree, take water from the soil. Then it enters the wood vessels into the trunk and buds, enriching itself with starch, microelements, vitamins, proteins and acids along the way. In this case, the juice (about 80 liters from one) can be collected within a couple of weeks in the spring. With the appearance of the first earrings, the birch tree stops “crying.” At the same time, birch “water” is beneficial not only to the tree itself, but also to the human body. Unlike ordinary water, which can only be rich in minerals, it contains enzymes, vitamins, phytoncides, tannins, fructose, essential oils and organic acids, etc., which is why our ancestors loved it so much.

It is best to choose birch trees with a trunk diameter greater than 20 cm. To collect, make a small hole in the trunk and insert a groove under which a container for sap is placed. After the “procedure,” the hole is treated with a special medicine and covered with moss. At the same time, you need to know that for collecting juice in unspecified places you can get a fine of up to 700 thousand rubles, so it is better to first contact the forestry department for clarification.

Can birch sap be harmful? Harm

But before you go to the nearest forestry, let's figure out whether the sap of this tree can harm your body. To begin with, we note that there are only two categories of people who are not destined to improve their health with its help:

People allergic to birch catkin pollen;
Breastfed children.

For everyone else, it can only help remove toxins, trans fats and salts.

Who can benefit from birch sap? Benefit

The most useful is raw birch sap, which has been stored for no more than two days; when frozen, it retains fewer nutrients. As for store-bought juice, everything depends on the manufacturer’s technology. In any case, birch sap is useful for those who have one of the following diseases:

Arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, gout;
Stones in the bladder, gall bladder, kidneys (but you should definitely consult a doctor);
Problems with the liver, kidneys and other internal organs, gastrointestinal tract;
Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
Runny nose (including chronic), sore throat, cough, acute respiratory infections and ARVI, tuberculosis, bronchitis and pneumonia;
Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
Chronic fatigue and drowsiness.

How to store birch sap at home? Can it be stored until winter?

As we have already mentioned, fresh juice can be stored in a cellar or refrigerator for two days without compromising its quality. After this time, it quickly begins to sour. And the freezer will help preserve it until winter. But you just need to freeze it very quickly so that there is no loss of nutrients.

You can also “close” birch sap in glass jars. They need to be heated to 80 degrees and rolled up with tin lids. After this, the juice in the jars is kept in hot water for 15 minutes, and then cooled at room temperature.

Another method of preservation is the production of birch concentrate. To do this, you need to bring fresh juice to 60 degrees and evaporate 3/4 of its original volume. The remaining quarter is poured into jars and, as in the previous method, they are rolled up with lids. In winter, before use, this concentrate is mixed with water.

Tasty and very healthy!

As I hope you have already seen, birch sap can and should be collected independently in early spring, because it is a real elixir of vitality and health for humans, helping the body cope with many diseases. Its long-term storage at home is also quite possible. And to make the drink even tastier, you need to show just a little imagination.

* If you add raisins and sugar to the juice (about 2 tsp per liter), then in a few days you will get kvass, which can be drunk immediately or stored for several months. Instead of raisins, you can add rye bread crumbs, but then you will have to wait about two weeks for readiness.

* You can also prepare a medicinal birch-lingonberry drink. To do this, you will need to squeeze 300 grams of lingonberries and mix them with two liters of birch sap. Add a little honey to the mixture, and then drink and recharge your health. Instead of lingonberries, you can use any other berries, oranges, lemons, dried fruits that you like!

Birch sap has long been considered a unique drink, incomparable to either fruit or vegetable juices. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, as well as micro- and macroelements that are so necessary for the human body: essential oils, glucose, saponins, betulol, phytoncides. And this is not the entire list of useful bioactive substances contained in birch sap.

Medicinal properties of birch tree

Birch sap has long been considered a panacea for almost all known diseases. In fact, this refreshing and healthy drink has a beneficial effect on a number of body functions:

A glass of birch sap really stimulates the entire functioning of the human body. But it is worth remembering that the abuse of any drink, even a natural one, may have contraindications. The main rule is to know when to stop and not to drink a drink of unknown origin.

This product is not just a medicine or a prophylactic, but on its basis you can prepare delicious alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

How to collect birch product

For the natural elixir to be beneficial, you need to adhere to correct technology for collecting and storage of this product.

The juice is harvested in early spring, in March-April. But be sure to take into account the weather conditions in your area. It is best to focus on the condition of the tree itself when the buds have swelled, but have not yet blossomed. It is then that the movement of tree sap is activated.

A hole about 3 centimeters deep is pierced in the trunk of an adult birch tree, at least 20 centimeters in diameter. An awl or screwdriver is suitable for these purposes. The hole must be made at an angle, with a downward slope, which will facilitate the collection of the product. After this, a tube of the appropriate diameter is inserted into the hole and a vessel is attached into which the juice will be collected. The optimal time for collection is between 12-17 hours, when the sap flow in the tree is abundant.

After harvesting, do not forget to seal the hole. To do this, you can use a peg, which you carefully insert into the hole, or simply cover it with wax. And also do not forget that the optimal amount of sap collected from one birch tree should not exceed 3 liters. Otherwise, the tree can be destroyed.

Storing birch sap at home

It is important to remember that the product in the refrigerator cannot be stored for a long time. After 2 days it loses all its beneficial properties. Therefore, during this time you need to drink it or prepare it for the winter. Below we present several recipes for storing a healing drink at home for the winter, both by canning and without it.

Storing juice by freezing

This is the simplest method of storing the product and does not require much time. To do this, you need to use clean plastic bottles or any container that is convenient for you. It is better to prepare the drink in portions, since with constant defrosting, some of the beneficial properties may be lost.

Bottles should not be filled completely, as liquid tends to expand when it freezes.

With this method, the product can be stored for up to 3 months.

Storing birch drink using canning method.

Preservation is an effective method of storing birch products. For long-term storage, you can prepare a concentrate from it. To do this, the liquid collected from birch is heated to 60 degrees, and then about 75% of the volume is evaporated. When the concentrate is ready, it is poured into sterile jars and sealed. But it is worth remembering that such a product should only be consumed after diluting it with water.

Canning birch sap at home with adding lemon.

The ingredients are for 3 liters.

You will need:

  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 4 slices of lemon;
  • Birch juice.

The product must be boiled in an enamel pan. Place the ingredients in the prepared bottle and cover with gauze, strain the boiling broth. Next, roll up the lids and, turning the bottle over, wrap it for self-sterilization.

Storing juice using sterilization method.

First, you need to bring the birch sap to a boil. Next, pour into jars and roll up. The finished jars should be placed in water at 85 degrees and left for about 15 minutes.

After the time has passed, leave the jars to cool at a temperature of 18 degrees.

Canned drink with mint added

You will need:

  • 50 liters of product;
  • 100 grams of dry mint;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons citric acid;

The prepared mint must be poured with hot juice and left for 6 hours.

Next, strain the resulting infusion into an appropriate container. Add sugar and citric acid. Pour the product into jars, roll up and pasteurize for 25 minutes at 95 degrees. This drink will bring you vigor and benefits in winter.

Recipes for drinks made from birch sap without preservation

Often, a vitamin product can be stored in the form of a variety of drinks, which will contain even more useful substances.

Recipe 1. Birch.

Required ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 liter of port wine;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 5 liters of birch sap;

Grind the lemon along with the zest and mix with the rest of the ingredients in a prepared barrel. Cover with a lid and leave in a cool place for 2 months. After the time has passed, pour the drink into plastic bottles and store in a lying position on a cold surface. It is recommended to drink this product no earlier than 4 weeks after preparation.

Recipe 2. Birch kvass.

You will need for 1 liter of product:

  • 15 g yeast;
  • 4 highlights;
  • lemon zest to taste;

Birch sap is heated to 35 degrees and all the necessary ingredients are added. Next, pour into prepared containers and leave for 2 weeks. After the time has elapsed, the drink is ready for consumption. You can store kvass in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Recipe 3. Tincture.

An interesting way to store birch products is to prepare tinctures of various herbs.

For 1 liter of juice, take 2 tablespoons of the selected herb or berries. The jar of liquid must be covered with gauze and left in a dark place for 2 weeks. After which the fortified drink is ready for consumption.

You can learn more about ways to store birch sap in this video:

Birch sap is a truly unique and healthy product. And there are a huge number of recipes to save it. But the main thing is not to violate the collection and preparation technology. Just a few hours of your time, and the “miracle elixir of health” will delight you all winter.

The best way save birch sap- freeze it quickly. At the same time, all its beneficial qualities are preserved: vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, tannins, calcium, potassium, iron salts, plant hormones, glucose, phytoncides.

What is also important is that Birch juice- nothing more than structured water, which heals the entire body. And when the juice freezes and defrosts, the structure of the water remains for some time (they write that a maximum of 22 hours). But why wait such a long time? We must act according to the principle: get the juice - freeze it - defrost it - drink it - you become healthy, cheerful and cheerful.
Just like birch, you can save maple sap. It tastes much better because it's sweeter.

Ways to preserve juice:
= Surely last year’s frozen berries and vegetables were eaten up in the freezer. I advise you to fill your freezers with birch sap.
It is best to pour it into freezer bags in small (one-time) portions. For example, pour 2 glasses of juice into a bag, release the air, tie it tightly and put it in the refrigerator.
If you stack them, make sure that the bottom bags do not burst under the weight of the top ones.
For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to drink a glass of juice half an hour before meals 3 times a day for 1 to 3 months. It is very useful to wipe the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté with ice pieces.

Birch sap will be preserved if you mix it with alcohol, vodka or moonshine. The strength must be at least 18 degrees. It is useful to add an additional teaspoon of birch buds to a half-liter bottle.
This tincture can be used to treat wounds, drink a tablespoon for colds, add to water for washing and rinsing hair for oily skin, gargle, etc.
If you pour 40 ml into a glass of birch sap. any alcohol tincture: Rhodiola rosea, ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Sophora japonica or Schisandra - it turns out to be an excellent tonic and powerful rejuvenating agent. People over 40 years old are recommended to wipe their face with it after washing.
= Of course you can preserve juice at home. To do this, strain the juice, pour into a clean enamel pan, add sugar to taste (different recipes suggest from 70 to 125 grams per liter of juice), add citric acid (about 3-5 grams) or freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Boil the juice with sugar and lemon, depending on freshness, from 2-3 to 15 minutes. If there is foam, remove.
Next, pour into washed and sterilized containers, roll up the lids, turn over and leave the jars upside down until they cool.
Cooled jars of juice are stored in the cellar.
This is the most popular method in the past and the most destructive for juice. Previously, it was prepared this way in industrial quantities, and there was a lot of it in Soviet stores.

The juice makes excellent champagne, kvass and moonshine. But I already wrote about this.

  • Shelf life: 7 days
  • Best before date: 7 days
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 5 days
  • Freezer life: 60 days
Storage conditions:
In a cool place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding +12 ° C

At the beginning of spring, when the snow in the forest just begins to melt and the first “clearings” appear on the ground, all nature comes to life. And life-giving moisture begins to flow through the birches - birch sap, a liquid that contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

You can easily collect it to nourish your body with energy and improve its health, but not everyone knows how to store birch sap at home so that it not only does not lose its beneficial properties, but also does not deteriorate. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

How to store birch sap at home

Storing birch sap is not difficult, but it all depends on what kind of product is in your department. If this is birch sap purchased in a store, then it is sold, as a rule, in 3-liter jars and hermetically packaged. Its shelf life is 2 years, as indeed all other canned products. The production date and expiration date can be found on the product label.

It’s another matter if you are planning to collect or have already collected natural birch sap and are wondering how to store it so that it does not lose its beneficial qualities. How to store birch sap at home? To do this, you will have to work a little, but first let’s look at the beneficial qualities of this product:

  • Birch sap has an excellent tonic effect;
  • Excellent effect on the functioning of the bronchi and lungs;
  • The liquid contains a very high content of calcium and magnesium, sodium and fluorine, and many other minerals necessary for humans.

In central Russia, in just 2 weeks you can collect healthy birch sap to enjoy its healing taste.

How to store birch sap in the refrigerator

In fact, real forest birch sap has a very short shelf life, so you should drink it right away to boost your immunity. But there are special methods to briefly extend the life of a vitamin drink, but no more than 2-4 days. This can be done if you immediately pour the drink into clean glass jars and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

How to store birch sap for the winter

Without freezing or canning the drink, this is almost impossible. But even in clean containers and special refrigerator conditions, long-term storage of birch sap can become dangerous, and it loses its beneficial properties.

To begin with, pathogenic microbes that live even in the cleanest refrigerator can penetrate into it, which will lead to spoilage of the juice. In addition, when it comes into contact with air, the juice begins to oxidize, and this leads to the fact that free radicals begin to release toxic substances from it. Therefore, in order to properly preserve the forest gift in the form of birch sap, it must be preserved.

How to store birch sap for future use

If there is too much birch sap, then simple fermentation will help preserve it. To do this, pour the strained juice into a clean (glass) container that has previously been sterilized with boiling water or steam. For each liter of liquid, add half a teaspoon (for color and taste, it is recommended to use cane or brown sugar) and 5-7 pieces. Also, in some cases, for a spicy taste and aroma, add the zest of citrus fruits (lime, orange). Now the container can be closed with a tight lid, to be safe, so that the jar does not “explode”, you should tie it tightly with tape or wire and in 3-4 days you will get real birch kvass. Moreover, you should be careful with it, as it may contain alcohol. This drink keeps well in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

How to store birch sap so that it does not turn sour

And of course, the simplest way to preserve the juice is to preserve the product. To do this, just heat the strained drink without adding sugar to 80 degrees, pour it into prepared jars and seal it in the usual way; you can use ordinary metal lids. To prevent air from getting into the product, you can additionally tar the area where the lid and container come into contact. After which, the sealed jars must be sterilized at a temperature of 75-80C for 15 minutes. This product can be stored up to six months, in a cool and dark place.

How to store birch sap in the freezer

How to store birch sap in a plastic bottle? If space in the freezer allows, birch sap, strained from debris and small splinters, can be poured into clean plastic bottles and frozen. You can choose containers according to your preferences from 0.5 liters to 2.5.

It is important to screw the cap on the bottle tightly enough and not to pour the full volume of juice into the container - when frozen, it will “inflate” a little and it may simply explode. Therefore, it is better to underfill 100-150 ml of birch sap.

This product should be defrosted in the refrigerator, and its shelf life is 8 months.

How to store birch sap at room temperature

If the collected product is not stored in a cool place, then in about 2-3 days the juice will begin to become cloudy and then ferment. While in the refrigerator at low temperature it will not lose its taste and will not change its consistency up to 5 days.

How to store birch sap in the cellar

If you “bury” a container of juice in the snow, in the shade of a house, or, for example, in a cold cellar, so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, then the product can be stored up to 2 weeks. But it is worth noting that with such a long storage, the drink will lose its original taste, it will be sweeter and at the same time bland in taste. Then the juice will sour and then ferment, and a pronounced vinegar taste will appear.

How to store birch sap without sterilization

Among other things, based on birch sap, with its ability to ferment, you can prepare natural homemade alcoholic drinks. For example, you will need 5 liters of juice, 1.5 kg. Granulated sugar and a bottle of fortified. It is advisable to add the zest removed from a couple of lemons or. All ingredients are mixed, kept for a day at room temperature, and then 2 months in the refrigerator.

The taste of the drink develops very well after 80-90 days, and it can be stored for up to 3 months.

Remember that natural birch sap is an excellent immunostimulant, but, despite its natural nature, it should not be consumed in unlimited quantities. It will perfectly help saturate a weakened body with vitamins, protect it from inflammatory processes and infections, and restore strength after illness.

Alternative storage of birch sap, without canning

In addition to canning, the drink can be preserved in another way - by evaporation. The result is a thick syrup, rich in minerals and vitamins, which can be diluted with regular drinking water to quench your thirst. In addition, it is very good to add to dough and flavor homemade confectionery or baked goods.

The only thing is, due to the fact that there is little sugar in the drink, the process can take quite a long time. You can try, of course, and if the result is satisfactory for you, prepare birch sap in this way. Moreover, in culinary publications there is information that some managed to bring the juice to a concentration with a sugar content of 70%, which means it is possible - but labor-intensive.

Birch sap is a unique drink that cannot be classified as either a fruit or vegetable extract, since it is extracted directly from the tree and not from the fruit. Our parents were much more familiar with its taste than we were with orange or apple, but today it is much less common to find real birch sap on sale. If today's concerns knew the benefits of birch sap, they would pay more attention to this sales market, because the healing properties of the drink are combined with excellent taste.


Birch sap is a clear, colorless liquid with a pleasant odor, a good thirst quencher, and has a rare composition. Birch produces a truly unique nectar that combines a lot of active substances that are important for our health.


The liquid contains a large amount of fruit sugar, organic acids, tannins, biostimulants, vitamins and microelements. The benefits and harms of birch sap are explained by its active composition.

  • Vitamins: C, group B (there are others, but in small proportions).
  • Microelements: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron.
  • Calorie content: about 24 kcal per 100 grams of drink.

Due to its low calorie content and rare composition, birch extract is indicated for improving the condition of many diseases and for the purpose of losing weight and further maintaining weight. This is a natural substitute for artificial stimulants and energy drinks. Almost a panacea, which with regular use will bring enormous benefits. To dubious thoughts about whether birch sap is useful, the answer is clear: it is useful.

Medicinal properties for human health

A tasty birch drink will effectively cleanse the body of harmful waste, remove salts, and relieve inflammatory processes. It is an active antiseptic and antioxidant, will improve the condition of the skin with various dermatitis and even psoriasis, and the microelements it contains will improve the functioning of the cardiac system. Effective healing properties have made birch “blood” indispensable for adults and children with various pathologies and conditions.

For the liver.

Acts as an amplifier, not only helping the liver better cleanse the blood of waste and toxins, but also cleanses the liver itself of decay products, removing them naturally. Increases bile production; in case of liver pathologies, drinking juice will complement the effect of medications and minimize their inevitable negative impact.

For diabetes mellitus.

For diabetics, it becomes an indispensable vitamin cocktail that helps fight the disease. It normalizes metabolic processes and the balance of substances, cleanses the kidneys and liver overloaded with drugs. And the sweet taste, practically inaccessible to patients, makes this natural activator even more desirable. It is used both in pure form and in combination with other plant extracts.

For pancreatitis.

When the pancreas is inflamed, there are serious restrictions on foods consumed that can cause harm. Birch sap, with its cleansing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, will be a real help in the fight against the disease. To enhance the effect, it is mixed with the most beneficial potato juice for pancreatitis, so that the beneficial substances complement each other.

For gout.

The excretory properties of birch sap are very useful for gout, which is characterized by increased deposition of salts in the joints. Daily use of the extract will normalize weakened metabolic processes and enhance the removal of deposits.

For gastritis.

Natural birch sap is also useful for gastritis, it will restore appetite, reduce pain, and in case of erosion it will help accelerate its healing. Being neutral, it does not increase the acidity of the stomach, supplying the body with active substances.

For the kidneys.

Inflammatory processes in the kidneys can be treated more easily and quickly while taking birch sap. Being a strong antiseptic and diuretic, nectar will suppress inflammation, relieve swelling, and cleanse the excretory system of waste.

For colds.

Sore throat, runny nose, cough - birch sap will have an antimicrobial effect, relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes, speed up recovery, and help the immune system fight acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

With mental overstrain.

Fructose and other sugars in the composition will nourish the brain during mental overload, during exams, relieve headaches and stress, and normalize blood pressure. A few glasses a day and your studies will go easier, your mood will improve, and your memory will increase.

Beneficial features

In addition to the therapeutic effect, which is necessary when the disease has already arrived and you have to fight it, it is also useful for completely healthy people so that they remain so.

For weight loss.

A minimum of calories and active substances have made birch sap an important element of the diet; it enhances metabolism, cleanses the body, removes excess fluid and prevents fat deposition. They are used to enhance various diets and replace afternoon snacks and snacks; fructose satisfies hunger without adding calories. And the tonic properties of the liquid will make it easier to endure voluntary refusal of large meals.

During pregnancy.

Does not contain allergens and will not harm the expectant mother and baby, but is guaranteed to help. In addition to saturating the body with essential vitamins and microelements, it normalizes stool and relieves swelling, which plagues many pregnant women. It will help kidneys that are overloaded, control weight, and increase immunity. And in case of toxicosis, it will simply be a relief from the misfortune; it can replace almost the entire daily fluid intake. Pomegranate juice is also useful during pregnancy, but you should drink it with caution.

When breastfeeding.

When breastfeeding, it will not only make milk as healthy as possible, but also increase its production. This is a time-tested remedy that increases lactation naturally.

For children.

Starting from the age of one year, the product should be introduced into the diet of babies. It will protect them from colds, improve the functioning of their tummies, and provide them with energy. But it should not be purchased, but natural birch sap, without the addition of preservatives and citric acid.

For men.

And for the stronger sex, birch will provide all possible assistance; its sap perfectly fights inflammation that accompanies prostate problems, and it can significantly increase male strength. Unlike artificial stimulants, this is a natural potency enhancer that does not harm the heart.

In cosmetology.

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of birch liquid are actively used to combat imperfections and improve the condition of facial skin and hair.

For face. Tannins and biostimulants in nectar are effective against acne. You can wipe your skin with pure juice; this will not only get rid of acne, but also moisturize and tone. To enhance the effect, combine juice and healing colored clay in masks, diluting the raw material to a creamy consistency and applying it to the face. After washing off the product, wipe the skin with the juice.

For hair. To make your hair grow faster, shine and avoid dandruff, you should replace the purchased conditioner with natural birch sap and rinse your hair with this healing composition. A nourishing and strengthening mask is prepared from burdock juice and oil, in a ratio of 3/1, the components are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the scalp 20 minutes before washing. The head is covered with polyethylene and wrapped, then washed with neutral shampoo. It is enough to use the mask once a week, the results will not be long in coming.

For skin. Ice cubes made from birch sap will help tone, nourish and moisturize the skin. They wipe the face, neck, and décolleté area. You can combine nectar with green tea infusion or chamomile decoction.

How to collect

To preserve the beneficial properties of the liquid and minimize the harm caused to the tree during collection, it is necessary to collect the sap correctly.

  1. The place is away from highways and railway lines, so that the product does not turn out to be enriched with the entire chemical table.
  2. The period is from mid-March to April, when the active current has already begun and the leaves have not yet blossomed. When to collect maple sap is also an interesting question.
  3. The tree is an adult birch, with a girth of at least 20 cm, from thin young birches the nectar is thinner, and the danger of ruining the drinker is higher.
  4. The hole is a longitudinal cut or a recess drilled at an angle of small diameter, up to 5 cm deep. A plastic or iron hollow tube is inserted into the hole, the end is directed into a container.
  5. The location of the hole is on the south side of the trunk, at a level of 20–40 cm from the ground.
  6. Volume - although you can strain it all the way, the tree can give out about a liter of liquid without harm to itself. If you have a large, old birch tree, you can borrow a couple of liters by making several holes in the trunk.
  7. Time – the current is stronger during the day, the optimal collection time is from 12 noon to 5 pm.
  8. Preservation - to prevent the tree from bleeding after collection, the hole is covered with wax or plugged with a fresh piece of moss.

How to drink

The juice is neutral, therefore practically harmless even in large quantities, but three glasses a day are enough as a preventive measure or to keep the body in good shape. During treatment, this amount is doubled and drunk on an empty stomach. You can completely replace the water consumed per day with a product (only natural).

How to preserve birch sap at home

A large amount of sugar in the composition leads to rapid spoilage of freshly collected liquid; it must be strained and stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. To stock up on nectar for future use, it is frozen or canned.

Preservation at home.

Unlike freezing, during canning a significant part of the nutrients is lost, but this is the only way to consume a completely natural product in the off-season. There are two most popular methods of harvesting for future use.

  • Sterilization - the liquid is brought to a temperature of 80° over low heat, poured into sterilized glass containers, rolled up and pasteurized. Store in a dark, cool place. To improve the taste, you can add sugar (2 tablespoons per liter), orange or lemon slices, but then you will have to boil the composition, and it will lose even more active elements.
  • Making a concentrate is the best option when there are problems with space. The juice is evaporated over low heat until a fourth of the volume remains, and before use it is diluted with water to the original amount.


Birch sap can only cause harm to allergy sufferers whose causative agent is birch pollen. And it should be used with caution for kidney and gallstones; it can cause movement of formations and blockage of blood vessels.

Recipes for making drinks based on birch sap

To increase shelf life and improve taste, tasty and healthy kvass has been made from birch sap since ancient times.

Kvass with raisins:

  • Juice – 1 liter.
  • Raisins - zhmenya.
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
  1. Fresh juice is strained, poured into a glass container, and all ingredients are added. If the nectar is slightly warmed up in advance, fermentation will be more intense.
  2. The composition is left for several days.
  3. The fermented kvass is strained. If tightly sealed and kept in a cool place, it will keep for several months.

Kvass with dried fruits:

  • Juice – 1 liter.
  • Dried fruits – 200 grams.
  • Raisins – 50 grams.
  1. The liquid is filtered, the raisins and dried fruits are thoroughly washed, discarded to drain, and added to the container with juice.
  2. The container is left in a room at room temperature for several days, shaken periodically.
  3. Fermented kvass is strained and stored in a closed container.

Those who like it sweeter can add sugar or honey to taste, but fermentation will proceed without a sweetener.

With citric acid:

  • Juice – 1 liter.
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
  • Lemon - on the tip of the knife.

The ingredients are mixed in a glass container and left to ferment in a warm place; there is no need to strain this kvass. Sprigs of mint or lemon balm are added to enrich the taste.

Recipes for the winter:

  • Juice – 1 liter.
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
  • Lemon - half.
  1. The lemon is cut into slices, covered with sugar, juice is poured in, and placed on low heat.
  2. The mixture is brought to a boil, poured into sterilized jars, and rolled up.

To enrich the taste, you can add mint and currant leaves, a thin slice of lemon or orange to the jar.

  • Juice – 3 liters.
  • Sugar – ¾ cup.
  • Dried rose hips - a handful.
  1. The rose hips are washed, poured into a saucepan, sugar and liquid are added, brought to a boil over low heat and boiled for several minutes.
  2. Pour hot into sterilized jars and wrap.

Birch sap is a tasty and healthy alternative to chemical immunomodulators that can do more harm than good. In winter it will compensate for the lack of vitamins, and in spring it will help restore the body.