Recipe for liquid lagman dish. Uzbek lagman according to home recipe

Despite the unusual name, lagman is actually just noodle soup. Let's look at how to cook lagman and what variations there are of this dish.

It is not difficult to prepare lagman correctly according to the traditional recipe; the most important thing is to follow the recipe.

Required Products:

  • several potatoes;
  • two onions;
  • a little tomato paste;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • about 400 grams of chicken;
  • two tomatoes and two peppers;
  • a pack of spaghetti;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. First, let's boil the pasta.
  2. Now we move on to frying the ingredients. In a frying pan, mix chopped onions and grated carrots with meat and tomato paste and fry for a while.
  3. There, in the frying pan, add chopped peppers and chopped garlic, a little later tomatoes and continue cooking.
  4. While the frying process is in progress, peel the potatoes, put them in a frying pan with the meat and vegetables and fill them with two glasses of water. If the frying pan is not deep, you can use a saucepan.
  5. After you have combined all the products, you need to simmer them for at least 20 minutes, covering them with a lid and setting the heating temperature to low.

Pork recipe

Lagman with pork is also tasty, but the result is fattier, albeit rich in flavor.

Required ingredients:

  • 200 grams of spaghetti or noodles;
  • several potatoes;
  • one tomato;
  • carrots and onions;
  • half a kilogram of pork;
  • a little tomato paste;
  • spices, pepper, herbs - to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. It is better to choose non-fat meat for this dish, although pork is traditionally not used at all. Cut the meat into pieces and place in a hot frying pan.
  2. When the meat is lightly fried, add chopped onion to it first, and then chopped carrots.
  3. The next step is tomatoes. They also need to be chopped and added to meat with vegetables. Remember to lightly stir all ingredients.
  4. Now you will need a good saucepan into which all the ingredients from the pan are transferred. Sliced ​​potatoes, tomato paste, noodles are also added there and all ingredients are filled with water. At this point you can add all the spices.
  5. All you have to do is wait until it boils, cover the lid slightly and cook for about 20 minutes over low heat.

Beef lagman

Lagman with beef is generally a dish of Uzbek cuisine, but it came to them from China. Despite the fact that this is a soup, it can be served either as a first or second dish.

Required Products:

  • carrots and onions;
  • a little tomato paste;
  • a couple of potatoes;
  • special noodles or regular spaghetti;
  • about 600 grams of beef;
  • several tomatoes;
  • various spices.

Cooking process:

  1. We prepare the meat, wash it, cut it into pieces and send it to a hot frying pan. While it is lightly fried, chop the onion, grate the carrots and place them on the meat. Cook for a couple of minutes.
  2. Now add the chopped potatoes to the rest of the vegetables and meat, add a little tomato paste and fill everything with water. Cook for about 20 minutes over very low heat.
  3. After this time, add tomatoes, cover and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. While the meat and vegetables are being cooked, you need to boil the noodles. After it is ready, place it on plates and pour the resulting gravy of meat and vegetables on top.

Chicken option

Lagman with chicken is a recipe that can also be called traditional. Although for this dish you can use almost any meat and add any vegetables to your liking.

  • several tomatoes;
  • two sweet peppers;
  • one carrot and onion;
  • approximately 600 grams of chicken fillet;
  • spoon of tomato paste;
  • three potatoes;
  • noodles or spaghetti – 200 grams;
  • seasonings and spices.

Cooking process:

  1. Let's start cooking with meat. As in other recipes for this dish, you need to cut it into small pieces and place it in a frying pan. When it changes color slightly, you can add vegetables.
  2. First, add chopped onions, then carrots, peppers and tomatoes. Cook all this for about five more minutes. You can add a little spice. Add water and simmer for a while.
  3. At this time, set the noodles to cook, prepare them like regular pasta.
  4. Then take plates where the lagman will be laid out. First they put the noodles in and pour the meat gravy on top.

In Uzbek

Lagman in Uzbek style at home is not at all difficult. Although from the name it seems that it is the other way around. The taste is such that you will not soon forget it.

Necessary products for cooking:

  • carrots and onions – 1 piece each;
  • several potatoes;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 800 grams of beef;
  • noodles – about 200 grams;
  • two sweet peppers;
  • garlic, spices.

Cooking process:

  1. It's best to make the noodles yourself, but not everyone can do it and it takes a lot of time. Therefore, you can buy a ready-made version specifically for lagman. It needs to be boiled and proceed to preparing the rest of the products.
  2. Cut the meat into pieces and place in a frying pan, cook for a while, then add chopped onions and grated carrots.
  3. A little later, chopped garlic, diced tomatoes and sweet peppers are added. Keep on fire for about 10 minutes.
  4. Now the vegetables and meat are filled with water and potato squares are placed on them. All this is simmered for about 20 minutes until it is ready.
  5. All that remains is to put the noodles on the plate first, and then the stewed vegetables and meat.

Cooking in a slow cooker - quick and tasty

Cooking this dish in a slow cooker is a pleasure. Moreover, it does not spoil its taste.

Required ingredients:

  • 600 grams of meat;
  • onions and carrots - one piece each;
  • two tomatoes;
  • potatoes - two pieces;
  • several sweet peppers;
  • about 200 grams of noodles;
  • a few cloves of garlic and other spices.

Cooking process:

  1. First, let's cut everything up. Meat - into medium-sized pieces. We turn the onions into rings, the garlic into small squares, and the tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and carrots into medium squares.
  2. We take a cup from the multicooker, first put the meat in it, turn on the “baking” or “frying” mode and cook the meat for about five minutes, so we add garlic and onions to it. Let it sit until a nice crust appears.
  3. After this, lay out the remaining vegetables, add water, add seasonings, close and set the “soup” or “stew” mode for about 90 minutes.
  4. While the meat and vegetables are being prepared, you need to boil the noodles. When everything is ready, put the noodles on a plate and pour the gravy over them.
  5. Required Products:

  • lamb – 600 grams;
  • three potatoes;
  • one onion and one carrot each;
  • three tomatoes;
  • two peppers;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, other seasonings;
  • about 200 grams of noodles.

Cooking process:

  1. Cook the noodles in hot water until cooked and set aside.
  2. Let's move on to cooking the meat. It needs to be cut into pieces. We do the same with vegetables, everything needs to be chopped.
  3. Place the meat in a bowl with thick walls, wait until it turns brown, and first add onions, then carrots and peppers. After some time, lay out the potatoes, season everything with the selected spices and simmer for a while.
  4. Now you can add the chopped tomatoes and cook for about 15 minutes.
  5. After this time, fill everything with water or broth that is left over from the noodles. When the filling is ready, the dish can be served. First the noodles are laid out, and then the meat gravy.

Lagman is a traditional Asian dish. His recipe spread all over the world and became firmly entrenched in the Russian cookbook. Thanks to its exquisite aroma, large amount of meat and tender noodles, lagman will appeal to even the most sophisticated gourmet. Traditionally, the dish is prepared using special noodles, but an egg product is also suitable. Experienced housewives have developed their own recipes, which we will talk about today.

Lagman with pork: a classic of the genre

  • tomato paste - 140 gr.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • fresh dill - 0.5 bunch
  • seasonings (any) - to taste
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • meat broth - 1.8-2 l.
  • pork pulp - 1.2 kg.
  • adjika (dry) - 2 pinches
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - in fact
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • noodles - quantity at your discretion
  1. According to classical technology, lagman is prepared using pork, but any type of meat can be used. Lamb, chicken, turkey, beef, veal, rabbit and even horse meat are suitable. Purchase a large frying pan with thick walls and a bottom in advance.
  2. Prepare ingredients, peel and wash vegetables. Rinse and dry the meat, chop it into 2*2 cm portions. It is important to remember that potato tubers are also cut into cubes. At the same time, bell peppers and carrots are chopped into strips.
  3. Fry the meat in a frying pan or cauldron so that a juicy crust forms on the surface. As a rule, 5 minutes of heat treatment is enough for pork. Chop the onion into squares or half rings and add to the meat.
  4. Place the ingredients in a cauldron intended for preparing lagman. Separately, fry the carrots in a frying pan and add them to the pork and onions. Add tomato paste, simmer over low heat for 7 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. In a separate pan, fry the potato cubes until they form a crust. Pass the garlic through a press, add to the potatoes, simmer for half a minute. Send the components to the bulk.
  6. Pour the broth into the cauldron, salt and pepper the lagman, add your favorite seasonings, adjika, bay leaf, chopped dill. Place the dishes on the stove and set the power to minimum. Simmer for 1.5-2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  7. After 1 hour, evaluate the taste. If the lagman lacks spices, add them. Separately, boil egg or special (lagman) noodles, provide them with a piece of butter. Use as a first or second course, at your discretion. When serving, place 2 cutlery - a fork and a tablespoon.

Lagman with radish

  • tomato paste - 135 gr.
  • radish - 2 pcs. medium size
  • lamb (tenderloin) - 750 gr.
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • turnip - 2 pcs.
  • egg noodles - quantity at your discretion
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • onions (purple) - 2 pcs.
  • cumin - 3 pinches
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • fresh parsley or dill - ½ bunch
  1. Wash the meat, dry it with paper towels, chop into pieces (size about 2*2 cm). Fry the beef/lamb in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Transfer the meat to the pan, add the chopped onion half rings.
  2. Grate the turnips and radishes on a coarse grater and fry separately from the other ingredients for 10 minutes. Chop the carrots into cubes, place them in a cauldron and simmer. Throw turnips and radishes here and add a small amount of water.
  3. Rinse the potatoes, chop them into cubes, and fry until crisp. Transfer to the meat, add tomato paste, cumin, pressed garlic, fresh herbs (chopped). Wash and remove seeds from bell peppers and add to the total mixture.
  4. Boil the broth or drinking water and pour the liquid into the lagman. Simmer the dish at low power for about half an hour, 10 minutes before cooking, add salt and pepper. Boil the noodles and serve lagman as a second course.

Lagman with beef: recipe for a slow cooker

  • tomato - 3 pcs.
  • meat broth - 1.3-1.5 l.
  • egg noodles - 275 gr.
  • celery - 2 stalks
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • beef tenderloin - 600 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 125 ml.
  • onions (preferably red) - 2 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • chili pepper (powder) - 3 pinches
  • tomato paste - 90 gr.
  • parsley - 0.5 bunch
  • ginger root - 15 gr.
  1. Rinse the meat with cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Cut the beef into cubes measuring 3*3 cm, wash and peel the onions, chop into half rings. Wash the pepper, remove seeds, and chop into strips.
  2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, leave for a couple of minutes, rinse in cold water and remove the skins. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, pass the garlic through a press and add to the onion.
  3. Wash and dry the celery, chop. Do the same with parsley. Place the pieces of meat into the multicooker bowl, set the “Quick frying” mode, wait for the golden crust to appear.
  4. As soon as this happens, add carrots, bell peppers, onions and potatoes, tomato paste, spices, turn on the “Frying” function, set the timer for 10 minutes. After this, pour the ingredients with meat broth, turn on the “Soup” or “Baking” program.
  5. While the stew is cooking, cook 2 quarts of noodles. salted water. Place it in a colander, season with the prepared meat gravy and pepper. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve as a first or second course.

Lagman with beans

  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • canned beans - 350 gr.
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • egg noodles - 380-400 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 45 ml.
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • broth or boiling water - 1.3 l.
  • dill or parsley (fresh herbs) - to taste
  1. Wash the potatoes and chop them into cubes. Chop the onions into half rings or small slices, chop the carrots into strips. Rinse and deseed the bell pepper and cut into thin slices.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a non-stick frying pan and fry the carrots and onions. Simmer until a brown crust appears, then add chopped tomatoes to the mixture. Fry the mixture for another 5 minutes.
  3. Add chopped potatoes and beans to the mixture, pepper and add salt and seasonings. Pour broth or boiling water over the dish and simmer on low power for 20-25 minutes. Don't forget to close the container with a lid.
  4. Pour 2 liters into a separate pan. water, add salt and wait until bubbles appear. Boil the noodles, drain in a colander and wait 10 minutes.
  5. When the pasta is cooked, place it in a deep bowl, pour over the meat stew, and sprinkle with chopped herbs. If desired, add broth to the mixture and serve the lagman hot.

  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • young lamb - 550 gr.
  • egg noodles/spaghetti - 350-400 gr.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • greens - to taste
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - in fact
  • dried paprika - 5 gr.
  1. Wash the lamb, pat dry with paper towels, chop into 2-3 cm portion cubes. Chop the onions into half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or chop them into strips.
  2. Cut the potatoes into cubes and fry until golden brown. Pass the garlic through a crush, mix with carrots and onions. Peel the bell pepper and chop into strips.
  3. Prepare a cauldron, pour vegetable oil into it, and place the meat inside. Fry it until half cooked, then add onions, carrots, garlic, bell pepper.
  4. Stir constantly. When vegetables and meat are completely cooked, pour broth or boiling water over them. Water should cover the entire composition. Salt, pepper, add spices and chopped herbs.
  5. After preparing the stew, take the noodles, do not break them, and immediately boil them in salted boiling water. Serve as follows: place noodles in a deep bowl, pour in gravy, and add broth if desired. Garnish the lagman with mint leaves or fresh parsley.

Lagman with tomatoes

  • carrots - 2-3 pcs.
  • parsley - 1/2 bunch
  • seasoning for lagman “Khavaedzh” - 15 gr.
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs.
  • beef or veal tenderloin - 850 gr.
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • cabbage - 180 gr.
  • onions (preferably purple) - 4 pcs.
  • young potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 85 ml.
  • egg noodles - quantity at your discretion
  1. First of all, let’s decide on the “Hawaedzh” seasoning; you can buy it in the store or prepare it yourself. If you decide to resort to the second option, use our recipe.
  2. Mix together 5 grams. ground turmeric, 8 gr. coriander, 6 gr. cumin (cumin), 3 gr. cardamom, 6 gr. ground black pepper. Mix all the seasonings, pour into a separate jar, seal, and use as intended.
  3. Boil the egg noodles in salted water with the addition of vegetable oil so that the pasta does not stick together. Prepare a cauldron, pour vegetable oil into it, lay out the beef, cutting it into cubes.
  4. Fry the meat until half cooked. Ultimately, a golden brown crust should appear. Frying duration is 7-10 minutes. Chop onions, carrots, garlic. Add ingredients to beef.
  5. When the frying is ready, pour in a little broth and simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Make sure that the vegetables do not stick to the bottom of the container. When the meat becomes soft, add diced potatoes to it. Simmer the vomit for 15-20 minutes.
  6. After the allotted time has passed, add shredded cabbage and bring it to readiness over low heat. Add more water if necessary. Chop the bell pepper into strips and the tomatoes into cubes, add to the general composition.
  7. Salt and pepper the dish, knead it, add spices, herbs, and bay leaves. Before serving, first lay out the pre-boiled noodles, then place the main composition with meat and vegetables on it. Fill the dish with broth and start tasting.

Traditionally, lagman is served in semi-liquid form - paste. If you prefer to eat it as a first course, add more broth. When lagman is served for dinner, it is enough to provide the noodles with gravy and season with fresh herbs. Some chefs prefer to decorate their masterpiece with fresh lemon balm leaves, it all depends on personal preference.

Consider the classic technology for preparing pork lagman. Make a dish based on beef or lamb, use additional ingredients. These include canned beans, fried chicken, turnips and radishes, tomatoes, and bell peppers.

Video: how to prepare dough and noodles for lagman

Today I bring to your attention the favorite national dish of the peoples of oriental cuisine - real lagman - noodles with a thick gravy of meat and vegetables.

When my husband first tried this dish in Fergana, Uzbekistan, he fell in love with oriental cuisine. I very often cook pilaf, samsa, and lagman at home for my beloved husband.

Lagman, prepared with your own hands at home, turns out to be unusually aromatic and satisfying; it can be both the first and second course. . With a large amount of broth, lagman looks like soup; with other cooking methods, it looks like noodles with gravy.

Some housewives prepare “European” lagman from chicken; it turns out to be less high in calories and light. And some people like lagman with pork, but in Islam it is forbidden to eat pork. At home I always prepare the classic recipe for real Uzbek lamb lagman.

The main ingredients of this delicious dish are: meat (beef or lamb), homemade pulled noodles (chuzma) and gravy (vaja).Vegetables used include potatoes, eggplants, cabbage, garlic, pickled capsicums, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, radishes and beans. And the addition of traditional spices and spices determines the unique taste of lagman.

Lagman is prepared at home in a cauldron, and it turns out especially delicious with smoke in a cauldron over wood. Have you ever cooked lagman over a fire?

Culinary tips and subtleties of preparing lagman at home

  • Young lamb (meat from sheep from three months to one year), this type of lamb has a delicate texture, a small amount of white fat and has a light red color.

How to cook lagman in Uzbek style at home: step-by-step recipe

When preparing this recipe, you cannot change only two ingredients - meat and noodles, the rest is at your discretion.

Some people like the combination of two types of meat, some have more meat in the dish, others allow the preparation of chopped noodles.

How to make gravy


  • Lamb - 0.7 kg
  • sunflower, cottonseed oil - ½ tbsp.
  • vegetables: peppers, cabbage, green beans, eggplants, tomatoes
  • root vegetables: turnips, carrots, radishes, potatoes - 300 gr.
  • garlic and onion - 1 head
  • spices: parsley, cilantro, celery, basil, chili pepper - to taste
  • spices: coriander, star anise, oregano, cumin - to taste
  • tomato paste - ½ tbsp. l.

The sauce for the dish can be made thicker or thinner.

If you want to prepare a thick sauce, then all the vegetables included in its composition (potatoes are not added here) are cut into strips and only lightly fried, which is why they remain crispy.

And the more liquid sauce certainly includes potatoes, and all the components are cut into cubes, and then stewed for a long time in a cauldron, as a result of which they turn out very soft.

Step-by-step preparation:

Wash the lamb, trim it from the membranes and cut it into pieces the size of a matchbox.

Pour oil into a heated cauldron, after it is hot, carefully place pieces of lamb into the cauldron and season with salt and pepper.

Wash, peel and cut all vegetables into small cubes. Cut the onion into half rings. Chop the garlic.

When the pieces of lamb are evenly fried until light brown, start adding them to the vegetables at intervals of 5 minutes in the following order: onions, carrots, potatoes, sweet peppers and finally tomatoes.

Add tomato paste to the sauce, stir the contents of the cauldron, and pour hot water into it, the level of which should be 2-3 fingers higher than the level of the mixture.

When the sauce boils, reduce the heat under the cauldron, add chopped garlic to the sauce, add all the spices specified in the recipe, add salt to the sauce, and leave it to simmer under the lid for another quarter of an hour.

Add finely chopped celery leaves and chopped parsley to the sauce, close the cauldron tightly and let the sauce brew for a while.

How to prepare dough and noodles

Cooking the noodles will require patience and time. So whether you make dough for lagman or make do with store-bought special noodles is up to you. Long pasta is sold in factory packages and is called “Lagmon”.

And if you want to truly taste the taste of this delicious food, you need to make the noodles for it yourself.


  • flour -3 cups
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • water - 2/3 cup
  • salt, soda
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step preparation:

Mix flour in equal proportions, add eggs and salt.

Then pour in warm water and knead the dough in a circular motion.

It will be viscous and stick to your fingers. Don't rush to add flour, it will make it tough. The dough should be very soft.
Continue kneading the dough, adding a little flour at a time to form a stiff dough. Gradually it will become pliable. Then knead the dough long and thoroughly.

Roll the finished dough into a ball, wrap it in a cloth napkin and leave for one hour in the refrigerator. After an hour, take out the dough, knead it well again, add flour if necessary.

After an hour, take out the dough, knead it well again, add flour if necessary.
Roll out the round dough into a layer. Cut into small pieces, then roll into identical sausages.

It is also very important to stretch the noodles correctly. This is quite difficult, so it can take 2-3 hours to cook perfectly thin and smooth noodles. But if you have patience, then everything will certainly work out. To make it easier to pull out the noodles, you need to start with a small amount of dough. Roll out the round dough into a layer, cut the dough into several pieces and roll them into ropes. Be sure to lubricate each string with oil so that the noodles do not dry out and the dough does not tear.

First, start rolling the dough between your palms, then stretch it, lightly hit it on the table (gently) and fold it in half until the desired thickness is achieved.

Boil the noodles in plenty of salted boiling water. After the noodles float to the surface, cook for one minute, this is enough. After this, you need to rinse the noodles with cold water and then grease them with oil.

Spices and seasonings

Spices and seasonings are important in cooking. Spices are used both during cooking and to create seasoning.

Traditional spices - ground ginger and star anise, cilantro, turmeric, black and red pepper, garlic, cumin, coriander, peppercorns, celery, jusai (onion, which gives the delicacy a light garlicky aroma), also dominates in the dish raikhon (purple basil)

How to serve lagman

This Asian dish should be served hot in deep bowls for a family dinner.

Lagman is combined into one dish before consumption. If the meat is fried in large pieces, then cut it into portions. And if the noodles have cooled down, pour boiling water over them.

First, put boiled noodles in a bowl, then put pieces of boiled meat and vegetables in it and fill everything with rich meat broth.

Chop more greens - dill, parsley. To add a special aroma, add cilantro. To make the dish spicier, you can season it with crushed garlic and dill seeds, adding ground red pepper, serve hot sauce and vinegar gravy.

This is a classic version of preparing lagman in Uzbek style, but this recipe can be varied according to the season, availability of products and taste preferences.

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Lagman recipe

Delicious Lagman


800 g long noodles

700 g meat

2 large onions

2-3 carrots

Tomato paste or 3-4 tomatoes

4-5 potatoes

4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Ground black pepper

Dill, parsley, rosemary, basil.

Cooking method:

1. In a cauldron in vegetable oil, sauté finely chopped onion until transparent.

2. Cut the meat into small cubes and fry with onions (after cutting, it is advisable to dry the meat a little and fry until dark brown).

3. Add finely chopped carrots and fry.

4. Add tomatoes, simmer for 5 minutes. Pour 1.5 liters of water, boil, then reduce heat, add salt and pepper, cover and cook for 15 minutes.

5. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, add to the sauce and cook until tender.

6. Add finely chopped herbs, bay leaf, close the lid, remove from the stove and let sit for 10 minutes.

7. Separately, boil the required amount of spaghetti in salted water, drain the water, rinse with cold water (so that the spaghetti does not stick together, if you cook it more than once, after washing it must be sprinkled with oil), arrange in portioned plates and pour over the sauce.


Required for cooking:

Beef (lamb) - 700-800g.,

Margelan radish - 2 medium pieces,

Turnips - 2 medium pieces,

Potatoes - 5 small,

Carrots - 2 medium pieces,

Onions - 2 pcs.,

Bell pepper - 1,

Tomato paste - 4-5 tablespoons,

Noodles (I have ready-made lagman noodles),

Garlic, herbs, cumin, pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Fry small pieces of meat (in this case lamb and beef) in a frying pan in boiling vegetable oil with the addition of melted lamb tail fat. Place in a saucepan (cauldron).

2. Then fry the radishes and turnips, cut into small cubes, for a period of time. 7-10 minutes.

3. Fry the potatoes in cubes until golden brown and place in a cauldron. Also fry onions, carrots, tomato paste and add to the cauldron with the rest of the products.

4. Pour in boiling broth (boiling water) and bring to readiness (30-40 minutes), a few minutes before the soup is ready, add salt, add diced bell pepper, and season with finely chopped garlic, ground cumin and pepper.

5. Place boiled noodles in a plate and pour in thick soup, sprinkle with herbs.



Meat (beef) - 800 g

Potatoes - 6 pcs. (medium)

Carrots - 2 pcs. (average)

Cabbage (in the authentic version they add shalgan, turnip in Russian, 2 pieces are enough, when it’s not there, replace it with cabbage) - 200 g

Onions - 4-5 pcs.

Tomatoes - 3 pcs.

Bell pepper - 3 pcs.

Cilantro (or parsley) - half a bunch

*Hawaedzh seasoning - 1 tbsp.

Salt, freshly ground pepper - to taste

Bay leaf - 1 pc.,

Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Noodles (this amount will be a lot for lagman, the rest needs to be dried and removed until next time):

Flour - 500 gr.,

Eggs - 5 pcs.,

Salt - 1 tsp.

*Hawaej - Yemeni seasoning for soup:

Turmeric - 2 tsp.

Cariander - 3 tsp.

Ground cardamom - 1 tsp.

Ground cumin (jeera) - 3 tsp.

Black pepper (I used ground) - 2 tsp.

Mix all the spices and pour into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

1. We prepare the noodles for lagman ourselves, knead the dough in the kitchen machine, but if you are too lazy to do this, you can buy ready-made wide egg noodles in the store.

We make the dough only using eggs, but you can also make regular dumpling dough (it’s easier to knead and roll out by hand)

Place flour, eggs, salt in the bowl of a kitchen machine. knead for 5 minutes. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave to “rest” for about twenty minutes. Then knead the dough again and you can roll it out. Roll out as thick as dumpling dough.

2. Cut noodles 0.5 cm wide from the rolled out dough and boil in salted water.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron, heat it, put the meat cut into cubes. Fry the meat until golden brown.

Add onions to the meat, you can cut them into cubes or half rings. Lightly fry.

Then add the diced carrots. Simmer everything together for ten minutes. If necessary, add a little water to prevent the vegetables from burning.

4. Simmer the meat until cooked (until soft). If the meat is tough, it is better to simmer a little more (if necessary, add a little water (boiling water) so that the liquid covers the meat). Then just add the potatoes.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and place them in a cauldron with the vegetables and meat. Simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Add chopped cabbage and stir.

5. Immediately add chopped bell peppers and diced tomatoes. Stir and simmer for five minutes.

Pour boiling water over everything. There is enough water so that there is approximately two fingers of water above the surface of the vegetables.

Salt, pepper, add seasonings and simmer for about half an hour.

Five minutes before readiness, add herbs, bay leaf, and salt and pepper if needed.

6. Submission. Place the boiled noodles in a casa (or other deep bowl)

Place stew of meat and vegetables on top, pour in broth. When serving, lagman can be sprinkled with herbs.

Lagman - Uzbek thick soup - an easy-to-prepare appetizing dish

We will need:

Beef or lamb - 0.5 kg.

Thin long noodles or spaghetti - 0.5 kg.

Onions - two pcs.

Carrots - two pcs.

Two potatoes

Sweet bell pepper.

Garlic - three cloves

Greens to suit your taste

Ground black pepper

Red pepper (paprika)

Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

1. Cooking lagman may seem tricky only at first glance; it is a very simple (to the point of primitive) dish to prepare. Especially if you don't make homemade noodles. Search, you will find good noodles on sale, now there is nothing in stores.

2. As always, first we need boiling water.

3. Cut the meat into small pieces.

4. Chop the onion.

5. Cut carrots and potatoes into cubes.

6. Finely chop the garlic.

7. Sweet peppers can be cut directly with the grains.

8. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan or cauldron and fry the meat until cooked.

9. Add onion to the fried meat, mix and lightly fry.

10. Place potatoes, carrots, peppers, garlic in a pan and fry everything, stirring constantly.

11. Then pour boiling water so that the water covers the vegetables.

12. Salt, pepper and cook over low heat until fully cooked.

13. Boil the noodles in a large amount of salted water (of course, we immediately take boiling water) and drain in a colander. By the way, we don’t break the noodles, but cook them whole.

14. Place a portion of noodles into deep plates and add gravy, adding broth as desired.

15. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.

Those who have already tried it know that lagman is very tasty, and now you know how to cook lagman!



Lagman noodles



Green radish

bell pepper



Vegetable oil

Method for preparing lagman:

1. Cut the meat into medium cubes.

2. Cut peppers and carrots into strips, radishes and onions into cubes.

3. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron. Add meat. Cook until the meat changes color.

5. Salt and add spices. To cover with a lid.

6. While the meat and vegetables are stewing, cut the tomatoes and potatoes into cubes. Chop the garlic.

7. After 10 minutes. add garlic, tomatoes. Potato.

8. Stir, add boiling water (the amount depends on how you will serve - in the form of noodles with gravy, or in the form of a thick soup).

9. Cover with a lid and cook until the potatoes are done. Switch off. Let it brew.

10. Place the noodles in a plate, pour in the gravy and sprinkle with cilantro and dill.

The best gratitude is adding an entry to the quote book :)

Lagman is a Central Asian national dish of stewed vegetables, tender meat and special homemade pulled noodles. How to cook it at home so that even a novice housewife (or owner) can handle the recipe? :)). To do this, let's look at preparing lagman with photographs of each step. Our dish will turn out fantastically tasty, bright, orientally aromatic and appetizing!

Lagman is popular in many Asian countries and is prepared differently everywhere. using your usual products. Therefore, there can be a variety of vegetables and meat; there are a lot of recipes. We have already prepared with you 🙂 a wonderful dish of Middle Eastern cuisine - today we will look at the best recipes for preparing lagman.

How to cook lagman at home:

Lagman is something between the first and second courses. Classic lagman is served in a bowl and decorated with herbs.

Let's look at how to cook lagman at home step by step, with photos. It’s better to make homemade noodles, but if time is short, you can buy noodles in the store; fettuccine, wide-cut Italian spaghetti or lagman noodles, that’s what they’re called, will do.

Traditionally, lamb meat is used; in the absence of this, we can use beef and/or pork.

You can make both the first and second courses from lagman by simply changing the amount of broth. If we add a large amount of broth, our food will become like a soup; if we add a little broth, we will get noodles with gravy, various vegetables and meat.

Lagman according to the classic recipe at home from lamb:

Lamb lagman is perhaps the recipe closest to the original.

The classic lagman recipe involves the use of lamb.

Let's look at how to cook lagman at home, with photos. You can change the ingredients, for example, you can remove the turnips, add potatoes, radishes or radishes, carrots, eggplant, celery. For spices, you can use star anise, cumin, coriander, whatever you like.

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • Lamb – 300 gr
  • Tomatoes – 3-4 (medium)
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece
  • Turnips (or potatoes, carrots) – 1 pc.
  • Onion - half a head
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves, as desired
  • Greenery.

How to cook lamb lagman:

For cooking it is better to use a real cauldron, wok, or a saucepan :)

We cut:

  • Finely chopped onion, maybe in half rings
  • Garlic
  • Meat into small cubes
  • Thinly sliced ​​tomatoes
  • Carrot
  • Potatoes, celery, etc.

You can add your favorite vegetables. The lagman recipe nowadays undergoes many variations.

Let's cut the vegetables right away, because then we'll have to deal with the meat and onions.

Pour some oil into our container and heat it up.

Place chopped onion and garlic on the heated oil. Fry over high heat until the onion starts to turn golden, about 2-3 minutes, don’t forget to stir.

Gradually add the meat and fry for about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

When the meat is slightly fried, we can start adding our vegetables.

It is worth recalling that lagman is a dish of Central Asian cuisine, that is, it is prepared by representatives of different Central Asian countries, using their usual products. Therefore, there can be a variety of vegetables and meat; there are a lot of lagman recipes

We lay out all the vegetables: we will add tomatoes and bell peppers, turnips and chili peppers. If desired, add your favorite ingredients that you would like to see in this dish.

Fry for 5 minutes, stir.

Add pepper, a little salt, you can add star anise.

Pour in 0.5 water, if desired, add a little tomato paste.

After the water in the sauce boils, reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and leave for an hour stew.

Then add the herbs, taste for salt and spices.

Stir and let it brew.

I think most people don’t have a pasta machine 🙂 so now we’ll make it together with you, or we’ll simply buy it in the store, fettuccine or a special lagman pasta machine will do, we have that too.

We set the noodles to boil, they cook for 5 minutes.

As a result, the vegetables and meat are stewed and the noodles are cooked.

When everything is ready, we can make the lagman.

If you made the noodles yourself, your lagman will turn out even tastier! 🙂

So, it turned out to be a bright and delicious dish! 🙂

In fact, lagman is a fairly simple dish to prepare, despite the fact that the name promised a terribly complicated process.

Lagman is ready! Bon appetit!

Lagman, recipe with photos at home from beef:

The essence of the preparation comes down to the same: chop the ingredients, fry the meat, vegetables, simmer, serve with boiled long noodles. 🙂

Lagman is assembled from noodles, vegetables and meat immediately before consumption. Place noodles in a bowl, add wajji (meat and vegetables :) and greens.

It’s not difficult to prepare beef lagman; take a look at the step-by-step photo of preparing lagman if you have any questions.

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • Beef – 300 gr
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece
  • Onion - half a head
  • Tomatoes – 4-5 pcs (medium)
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Radish – 1 piece
  • Sunflower oil
  • Tomato paste
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Red hot pepper, salt - to taste
  • Greens, maybe celery
  • Star anise, cumin, coriander

How to cook beef lagman:

Lagman, homemade pork recipe with photos

This recipe is slightly different from the previous one, but, of course, you cannot call it a classic lagman recipe. Pork adds its own distinct flavor to this dish and is suitable for everyone who is “not on a diet” or simply loves this meat :) From pork, you can use pork pulp or ribs; it is advisable, of course, to cook from fresh, not frozen meat.

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • Pork – 300 g
  • Tomatoes – 2-3 pcs (medium)
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Radish - 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml
  • Garlic – 1 head, optional
  • Chili pepper – 1 pod, optional
  • Star anise, cumin, coriander, red hot pepper
  • Celery, greens if desired.

How to cook pork lagman:

Let's take some dishes, a cauldron, wok, saucepan or frying pan will do.

If you want to make your own noodles, description.

Pork lagman is ready! Bon appetit!

Lagman, recipe with photos at home with chicken

Making chicken lagman is very simple. This, of course, is an unconventional version of a dish of Central Asian cuisine; classically, lagman is prepared from lamb. But for chicken lovers, this dish is perfect. It will have its own special aroma; lagman with chicken is also considered more dietary.


  • Chicken – 300 gr
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Onion - half a head
  • Eggplants – 1 piece
  • Tomatoes – 4-5 (medium)
  • Garlic – 1-2 heads, optional
  • White cabbage – 100 g (a little)
  • Pepper, salt
  • Vegetable oil

How to cook lagman with chicken:

Delicious chicken lagman is ready! Bon appetit!

How to make homemade noodles

Let's look at preparing noodles for lagman step by step, with photos - for those who decided to make homemade noodles themselves.

Attention: the recipe is long, but not complicated 🙂!


  • premium wheat flour – 1 kg
  • egg – 1.2 pcs

Pour the flour onto a flat surface and build sides, using your hands to make a depression in the center for water.

Don't overdo it with water. Let's pour a little. It is important.

Mix the salt in the water a little.

Add an egg.

Let's start mixing, it is important to make the dough not too soft or too hard.

Let's try to moisten all the flour.

So far, the result is a heterogeneous mass of dry flour and flour that has already absorbed moisture.

We need to take the dry residue and mix it into the wet dough. Thus, the dry dough will also absorb some of the moisture.

Slowly stir the dough until a more or less homogeneous mass is formed. The process will take approximately 5-10 minutes.

The dry dough gradually becomes monolithic and homogeneous.

Now we need to little by little add water to the dough until it becomes plastic, like plasticine.

You can do this as follows: roll out the dough with a rolling pin, grease the surface with a small amount of water.

Now fold it in half, grease it again with water, etc.

This way it will be easier for us to regulate the moisture content of the dough.

So, we brushed the dough with water, folded it in half, rolled it out with a rolling pin, and brushed it with water again.

We do this until the dough is plastic and elastic.

They smeared it with water, folded it, and rolled it over with a rolling pin.

This procedure will take about 10 minutes. But in the end, kneading will take about 20 minutes.

Here is an example of how the dough should turn out – elastic.

You need to let the dough rest in a plastic bag for an hour and a half.

I would like to emphasize that it is precisely due to prolonged kneading that the dough becomes elastic, and that is, it will not tear, which is very important, since we will be making long noodles.

An hour and a half has passed, let's proceed to the next stage of preparing the dough.

The dough layer needs to be rolled out uniform layer approximately 1 cm thick.

To make the dough easier to cut, we can grease half of the layer with vegetable oil, so it won’t stick together, and fold it in half.

Let's cut the dough this way - about 2 centimeters wide. These are blanks for our noodles.

While we are working with the rest of the dough, you can cover the slices with film so that they do not dry out.

First grease the plate on which we will place the noodles with vegetable oil.

We begin to roll out the strips, pushing our hands and palms away from ourselves and returning them to ourselves, while moving our hands slightly to the sides, thereby thinning the dough.

The thickness should be approximately 1 centimeter or slightly less.

Place the noodle preparations on a greased plate.

We stretch a few more strips. Pour sunflower oil on top and rub with your hand.

The noodles will keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

When we need noodles, we take them out and “pull them out”.

Dough that has been stored in the refrigerator does not need to be heated. Our pieces are 1 cm in diameter, but for noodles they should be thinner.

Roll out with one hand, pull with the other and twist the other end so that the dough curls a little. It's okay if the dough sometimes breaks.

The diameter should be approximately 0.5 centimeters.

Now we will stretch the stretched future “noodles” and gently hit them on the table.

After the dough has stretched a little and become a little thinner, fold our future homemade noodles in half and repeat tapping on the table.

We repeat the procedure several times until the dough resembles noodles in thickness.

Adjust the thickness to your taste, you can make it thick or thin like spaghetti.

Place a pan of water, throw in 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

Cook our “pulled” noodles for 5 minutes after boiling. Add to our delicious lagman! Ready!