Fruit jelly recipe. How to make jelly at home from the simplest ingredients

A bright, summer, refreshing, light and healthy dessert - all this can be said about the gelatin jelly recipe. It is prepared from countless berries and fruits, using dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and milk) as a base. The delicacy can be served in portions or prepared in the form of a cake. The main thing is that creating this delicious beauty does not require much time, and all the subtleties will be discussed below.

Several gelling substances are used in cooking: pectin, which is obtained from fruits (citrus fruits, apples), agar-agar - the same substance of plant origin (from algae) and gelatin, obtained from animal raw materials.

The latter product is most often found in culinary recipes. Therefore, before you begin how to make jelly from gelatin, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules for its preliminary preparation.

First, the gelatin is soaked in cold water. The amount of water is taken depending on what product is used. Leaf gelatin can be filled with a very large amount of water, since it can then be easily drained. For a powder or granular product, liquids are usually taken 3-5 times more than the weight of gelatin.

Swelling time may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. In this matter, you should focus on the deadlines indicated on the packaging.

Melt the gelatin saturated with moisture to a liquid state, but so that it does not lose its gelling properties, it must not be allowed to boil. Therefore, the optimal way to melt is in a steam bath or microwave oven in the “Defrost” mode. After this, gelatin is completely ready for further use.

Fruit juice jelly with gelatin

Fruit juices without pulp with a rich color, such as grape, pomegranate, orange or cherry, are suitable for this dessert. Using them as a base allows you to get a bright delicacy with a rich fruity taste.

In the juice jelly recipe, gelatin and liquid are taken in the following proportions:

  • 500 ml of any fruit juice;
  • 100 ml water;
  • sugar to taste if the juice is not sweet enough;
  • 25 g gelatin.

Cooking technology:

  1. Pour water into the thickener and leave to swell according to the recommendations on the package.
  2. Sweeten the juice of fruits or berries to taste and place on the stove, wait until it boils and simmer for ten minutes.
  3. If the gelatin has already swollen, but water remains, carefully drain it. Remove the hot juice from the heat and pour the gelatin into it, stir the jelly base until all the gelatin particles are dispersed.
  4. Pour the slightly cooled mixture into prepared molds. If desired, you can decorate with fresh fruit. Allow the dessert to harden completely in the refrigerator.

Recipe for making jam

Cherry, raspberry or other jam can form the basis of a refreshing summer treat - jam jelly. If the preparation contains pieces of fruit or whole berries, they will add zest to the dessert.

List of ingredients required for jelly:

  • 200 ml jam;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 25 g gelatin.


  1. Prepare gelatin for further use (soak and dissolve until liquid) as indicated in the instructions on the package. The amount of water required for its preparation is not included in the list of ingredients.
  2. Pour the jam with the amount of water specified in the recipe, add sugar and stir. Then boil the mixture for 10 minutes and cool to about 50 degrees.
  3. Combine the jam base and liquid gelatin, pour everything into molds and place in the refrigerator for four hours until completely set. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Cooking with sour cream

Sour cream jelly is undeservedly considered a high-calorie dessert, because contrary to popular belief, it is not fatty homemade sour cream that is ideal for its preparation, but a store-bought product with a fat content of 15%.

To prepare a delicate sour cream dessert with gelatin, you will need:

  • 400 g low-fat sour cream;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 30 g gelatin.

Sequence of actions:

  1. To ensure that the sugar dissolves faster in the sour cream, and the gelatin does not curl into lumps in it, remove all the dessert ingredients from the refrigerator in advance, giving them the opportunity to warm up to room temperature.
  2. Using a mixer, beat the sour cream into a fluffy mass, gradually adding vanilla and regular sugar.
  3. When all the grains have dispersed in the dairy product, transfer a couple of tablespoons of sweet sour cream to a container with prepared liquid gelatin, mix and combine with the total mass.
  4. Spread the sour cream jelly into bowls and refrigerate until hardened. Some of the jelly can be colored brown with cocoa and placed in a mold, like multi-colored dough when baking a Zebra pie. You can also make a layered dessert, alternating fruits (any fruit except kiwi and pineapple) and jelly.

Homemade milk jelly

The simplest milk jelly requires only three components: prepared gelatin, milk and sugar. But this low-calorie dessert can be varied by adding various spices (vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon), chocolate or cocoa, coffee and fruit.

For classic homemade milk jelly, take:

  • 200 ml milk;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • vanilla powder to taste.


  1. Place the milk on the fire and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, add sugar and vanillin to the yolks and grind everything until smooth and creamy.
  2. Pour hot milk into the yolks with sugar, stir until smooth. Then lay out the swollen gelatin and warm everything up a little with constant stirring, without heating the mass above 60 degrees.
  3. Pour the hot milk jelly into prepared dry containers and, once it reaches room temperature, put it in the refrigerator until completely stabilized.

The jelly can be served in bowls, cups or other molds in which it has frozen, or you can dip the mold in hot water for a couple of minutes and carefully remove the jelly onto a plate. This creates more opportunities for effective delivery.

How to make dessert from compote

As for using winter preparations for preparing summer desserts, you can prepare not only jelly from jam, but also from compote. A pinch of citric acid, vanilla or cinnamon can add a special taste to the dish.

The ratio of components for compote jelly will be as follows:

  • 500 ml compote;
  • 30 g gelatin.

Cooking process:

  1. Strain the compote to filter out the fruits and berries. Pour out the required amount of liquid and pour the gelatin over it. Leave the mixture alone for 30 minutes.
  2. Then put the compote with gelatin on the fire and heat, without allowing it to boil, until all the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour half of the jelly base into silicone muffin tins and place in the refrigerator, filling them halfway.
  4. When the jelly in the molds has hardened, place the berries from the compote on it and pour in the remaining jelly. Serve once completely set, removing from the molds.

Kefir option

Using the same principle as sour cream jelly, a dessert is prepared based on another fermented milk product - kefir. The dish can be just white, or you can prepare a beautiful multi-colored treat using food coloring, but even without it you can make a beautiful vanilla-chocolate jelly.

It will require:

  • 1000 ml kefir;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 100 g dark chocolate without additives;
  • 15 g gelatin;
  • 3 g vanillin.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Beat kefir at room temperature with a mixer running at medium speed along with sugar and vanilla.
  2. When all the sweetener crystals have melted, add the prepared gelatin. Divide the jelly base into two equal parts.
  3. To serve, use beautiful stemmed wine glasses. Fix them in a horizontal position at an angle so that you can fill them halfway with liquid. Pour in vanilla jelly on kefir and refrigerate.
  4. Melt the chocolate bar in a steam bath and add the jelly to the second part, whisking the mass with a mixer. When the white part has hardened, place the glasses vertically and fill them with chocolate jelly, after which has hardened, the dessert is ready to serve.

Curd jelly with gelatin

Curd jelly can only be prepared using cottage cheese, sugar and prepared gelatin. In this case, it is better to soak it and dissolve it not in water, but in milk. But there is a recipe for a more delicate curd dessert, more like a soufflé.

For curd jelly with a delicate creamy taste, take:

  • 900 g of soft dietary cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml vanilla syrup;
  • 20 g vanilla sugar;
  • 16 g gelatin;
  • 250 ml heavy confectionery cream for whipping.

How to make jelly from gelatin and cottage cheese:

  1. Place the cottage cheese in a container of a suitable size, pour vanilla syrup into it and grind with an immersion blender until smooth. Next, add the prepared liquid gelatin and mix everything again with a blender.
  2. Beat chilled cream with vanilla sugar to stiff peaks. In order not to overwhip the cream and dissolve all the particles, the sugar can be ground into powder in a coffee grinder.
  3. Next, carefully mix both masses (cream and curd) with a spatula. Place into prepared containers and after hardening, you can enjoy the creamy curd tenderness.

Homemade strawberries

During the strawberry season, it would be a big mistake not to try to make delicious jelly from the juice and whole strawberries.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 550 g strawberries;
  • 220 g granulated sugar;
  • 200 ml cold water;
  • 15 g gelatin.

Prepare strawberry dessert as follows;

  1. Strawberries, sort, remove stems, rinse and dry on a paper towel. Squeeze the juice from about half the total number of berries.
  2. Cover the rest of the strawberries with sugar and add water, bring to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes. Next, strain the broth and carefully place the berries into molds.
  3. Prepare gelatin using strawberry infusion. Combine the dissolved thickener with strawberry juice and pour it over the berries, and after waiting for everything to harden, you can proceed to tasting.

Step-by-step preparation of cranberries

The recipe for jelly with gelatin and cranberries allows you to get not only a very healthy, but also an original dessert. After all, the benefits of cranberries are preserved due to the fact that the pureed berries are not affected by high temperatures, and the pink, airy jelly foam makes the dish more interesting.

Proportions of ingredients used:

  • 160 g fresh or frozen cranberries;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 10 g gelatin.

Cooking steps:

  1. First, pour gelatin into 100 ml of cold water and safely forget about it for the next 30 minutes.
  2. If using a frozen product, cranberries must first be thawed, then washed, dried and pureed using a blender.
  3. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve. Pour the remaining 400 ml of water over the cake and put it on the fire, and you will need the pureed puree a little later.
  4. Pour sugar into boiling water with cake and boil for a couple of minutes until it is completely dissolved, remove from heat.
  5. When the liquid has cooled slightly, add the swollen and melted gelatin into it. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve and mix with cranberry puree.
  6. Pour 2/3 of the liquid jelly into serving bowls, without adding a few centimeters to the brim, and place in the refrigerator until completely hardened.
  7. Cool the remaining part of the jelly to the state of liquid jelly and beat with a mixer into foam, which is then distributed over the frozen jelly, and put the dessert back in the refrigerator.

Homemade plum treat

Plums, along with other fruits and berries, can also be an excellent base for delicious sweet and sour jelly.

In this case you need to take:

  • 150 g of ripe plum fruits;
  • 100 g sugar (the amount of this ingredient can be adjusted depending on personal preference);
  • 600 ml drinking water;
  • 20 g gelatin.

Homemade recipe for jelly with plum gelatin step by step:

  1. After removing the seeds, cut the washed plums into small pieces, add 0.5 liters of water, add sugar and boil everything on the stove after boiling for five minutes.
  2. Using the remaining 100 ml of water, prepare the recipe amount of gelatin.
  3. Pour the hot plums in syrup into a blender bowl and blend into a smooth, homogeneous mass. Then return to the pan and combine with the prepared gelatin.
  4. When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, it should be distributed into portioned containers and refrigerated for 2-4 hours.

Cherry jelly with gelatin

This dessert looks like an expensive restaurant dish if you pour it into bowls and garnish with whipped cream and a cocktail cherry before serving. You can make cherry jelly from jam, juice or compote, and in season you can take fresh cherries.

List of products used:

  • 300 g cherries;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 600 ml water;
  • 20 g gelatin.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 100 ml of water into the gelling component and leave to soak in moisture. Depending on the product used, it will take up to half an hour.
  2. Place the remaining water and sugar in a saucepan of appropriate capacity, stir and put on fire.
  3. While the syrup is boiling, remove the pits from the washed cherries. Then transfer them to a boiling sugar solution and boil for ten minutes.
  4. Remove the cherries from the heat, pour the swollen gelatin into them, and stir until smooth. After this, all that remains is to pour the jelly into bowls and let it harden.

In classical cooking, jelly is the name given to fruit juice that has been boiled with sugar. This dish appeared long before the mass production of gelatin and therefore previously only fruits with a high pectin content were used to make jelly. Thanks to this component, quince or blackcurrant jelly was made without problems and very easily, but with red currants, sour apples, blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries, the process was more complex.

At the moment, there is no longer any need to choose how to make jelly and which fruits are best to use for this. Gelatin ensures that any culinary creation achieves the desired consistency. The main principle is to use this ingredient correctly and understand exactly what you don’t like.

How to make jelly at home without gelatin?

In addition to fruits with the highest pectin content (discussed above), raspberries, apricots, cherries, pears, strawberries, wild strawberries, and cherries can be used to create jelly. However, be sure to mix them with pectin-containing fruits in equal parts.

Add sugar to the fruit mixture: 600 g of sugar is enough for 1 liter of fruit. Boil the mixture until it thickens. When taking the sample, you should get a viscous mixture. Pour the resulting dessert into bowls and then place it in the refrigerator.

How to make jelly from gelatin?

The use of gelatin expands culinary possibilities.

Gelatin allows you to:

  • Add very little sugar to the fruit mixture. As a result, you can even make a low-calorie dessert;
  • You are not limited to a certain set of fruits, you can create any fruit desserts and even dairy ones;
  • Do not wait several hours for the mixture to boil down and harden. Gelatin jelly hardens on average in 50 minutes;
  • Rest in confidence that everything will be as it should! After all, if you strictly follow the rules, the jelly will definitely turn out great.

Before starting to prepare the jelly, the gelatin is soaked in cold water. The gelatin should be left to swell for at least an hour. At this time you can prepare the base for the jelly.

You don’t need to soak the gelatin in water (of course, if you don’t use sheet gelatin). However, in this case the hardening process will be longer. If you follow all the proportions (one 15-gram package of gelatin for 2 glasses of liquid), then the jelly will harden in any case - not in a couple of hours, but definitely by the next morning. However, by adhering to clear instructions on how to prepare the jelly mass at home, you will be able to prepare the dessert not the day before, but almost several hours before the start of the holiday or dinner.

Fruit jelly recipe

Many people will like this jelly.

You will need:

  • Half a cup of canned or fresh cherries;
  • Fruits (pear, apple) 1 piece each;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of gelatin;
  • 2 sprigs of mint;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 100 g sugar.

Cooking instructions

  1. Peel the pear and apple and cut into pieces.
  2. Prepare the syrup: add sugar to heated water, boil and leave on low heat.
  3. Place the chopped pear and apple in the boiling syrup for a couple of minutes, let them sweat slightly, and then remove. Remove the syrup from the heat and cool slightly.
  4. Place a layer of pears and apples on the bottom of the molds, and put cherries on top.
  5. Place the pre-soaked gelatin over low heat until it completely melts. The mass should not boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties.
  6. Stir gelatin into syrup.
  7. Pour the resulting mass into molds with cherries and fruits, garnish with mint and leave in the refrigerator until hardened.

Sour cream jelly recipe

Delicious jelly can be made from regular sour cream. The main thing is to follow the instructions and you can turn this ordinary ingredient into an incredibly delicious dessert!

You will need:

  • 1 liter of sour cream medium liquid;
  • Take as many prunes as you want;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 25 g gelatin.

Cooking instructions

  1. Let the gelatin swell and dissolve after 40 minutes by heating it in the microwave or on the stove.
  2. Place the sour cream in a deep container, add sugar and beat thoroughly with a blender or mixer.
  3. Add gelatin to the mixture, continuing to beat.
  4. Finely chop the prunes, add to the sour cream, and then stir.
  5. Divide the mixture into glasses and molds.
  6. Place in the refrigerator until completely set.

There are a huge variety of gelatin jelly recipes. Because thanks to this ingredient, almost everything freezes! We introduced you to the most simple and delicious ones. You can come up with your own - for the holiday and for every day!

Fruit jelly at home with gelatin takes its rightful place among others in my opinion. This dessert is perfectly refreshing and looks appetizing on the holiday table. The peculiarity of this dessert is that you can use any berries and fruits to make jelly.

Various juices, compotes or dairy products are usually taken as a basis. I told you before, but today I will tell you how to make jelly from gelatin and juice. I used cherry juice for this recipe, but any other juice will work. You can combine several types of drinks and pour them in layers in several stages.


  • 400 ml cherry juice
  • 4 tsp. instant gelatin
  • 100 g cherries and berries for decoration

How to make fruit jelly at home with gelatin:

There are several types of edible gelatin: regular, sheet and instant. If you make jelly from regular gelatin, you must first soak it in cold water. For one pack weighing 15-25 g you will need 50 ml of water. Pour the powder over it, mix and leave to swell for 1 hour.

Leaf gelatin also needs to be soaked in cold water (the amount does not matter) for 3-5 minutes and then squeezed out.

Instant gelatin powder is most convenient to use. Therefore, today we will prepare jelly from fruit juice and gelatin, which does not need to be pre-soaked.

Pour the fruit juice into a saucepan or ladle and put on fire. When the juice becomes hot, add instant gelatin to it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of liquid.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you bring the juice to a boil. Just heat to about 55-65 degrees. If gelatin is poured into boiling water, it will lose all its gelling properties, and the jelly will not harden as a result!

Mix the ingredients thoroughly with a whisk until the gelatin is completely dissolved, following the recipe for gelatin jelly at home. If you suddenly find undissolved gelatin granules, be sure to strain the mixture through a fine sieve.

Next, prepare the dishes for the jelly. You can use glass glasses, bowls, transparent cups or silicone molds. Sprinkle some fruits or berries at the bottom. I used cherries, red and black currants.

Pour fruit juice and gelatin over the fruit.

Cover the top of the homemade fruit jelly with gelatin with cling film and put it in the refrigerator. After about 1-2 hours, the jelly will harden and be ready for use.

Fruit jelly with gelatin is not a dish that I prepare every day, because normally I somehow make ready-made jelly from bags. You too? But sometimes you want something unusual and non-standard, and then... The composition of fruit jelly in this case depends on what I have on hand.

In general, I would single out at least two groups of fruits: fresh and canned. Fresh ones can be used in different ways: it is better to squeeze juice from citrus fruits and apples, and puree all sorts of mangoes, peaches and apricots. For canned ones, it is rational to use syrup for gelling, and leave the whole pieces of fruit in it. Naturally, you can also mix freshly squeezed juices with syrups. In this recipe I will show two-layer jelly, without mixing, it’s even more beautiful.

It is also important to remember that there are fruits that cannot be gelled. This is fresh pineapple and kiwi. It makes no sense to make juice or puree out of them. And even if you put the puck into jelly from other fruits, they will dissolve it around themselves. Canned pineapples do not do this; they can be gelled.

So, let's prepare fruit jelly with gelatin at home...

First, pour the syrup out of the jar and measure how much we have. I ended up with about 200 ml.

Squeeze about twice as much fruit juice. I increased the number to 500 ml, purely to make it easier to calculate the gelatin.

Now a little theory. Sweet liquids are heavier than unsweetened ones. Therefore, it is realistic to pour the syrup in a separate layer at the bottom of the glass, and the juice on top. It is impossible to do the opposite when the bottom layer is not frozen - the syrup will pass through the juice and lie on the bottom. Those. if you want to make jelly, where the transparent syrup layer will be on top, and the opaque layer of juice will be at the bottom, then first you will have to let the lower unsweetened one harden, and only then pour in the upper sweet one. But a couple “sweet at the bottom - not sweet at the top” can be poured at once, and they will not mix.

We calculate gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Since there may be a certain amount of liquid that is inconvenient for calculations without any residue, keep in mind the following rule: for the lower sweeter layer you should take more gelatin than normal, and for the upper unsweetened layer you CAN use less. Those. I have 3 sheets of gelatin on the bottom layer per 200 ml of syrup, and 5 sheets on the top layer per 500 ml of juice.

Soften the gelatin in cold water according to the instructions on the package (normally 5 minutes). For each liquid - its own portion of gelatin, otherwise how to divide it later?

Squeeze out excess liquid and melt the gelatin at minimum microwave power in batches of 15 seconds. Stir for 15 seconds, stir; if the gelatin does not dissolve completely, stir for another 15 seconds. Do not overheat under any circumstances! The gelatin should dissolve completely and turn into a clear liquid.

Pour the syrup into the warm gelatin in small portions with continuous stirring. Not the other way around, it is the syrup into gelatin. If you do the opposite, the warm gelatin in the colder liquid will harden on its own rather than bind it.

We do the same with the juice: slowly pour the juice into the warm gelatin, stirring it all the time.

If the canned fruits were large pieces, then cut them into smaller pieces. I used 6 halves of canned peaches for 4 cups of jelly, i.e. total - 3 whole peaches.

Place pieces of fruit on the bottom of glass glasses and pour gelatin syrup over them so that the fruit is completely covered.

Pour in the juice with gelatin, spoon by spoon. In case anyone doesn’t know how to “spoon” it, they press its tip into the wall of the glass somewhere at the same level as the surface of the lower liquid and begin to pour it into the upper spoon in a thin stream. As the new level of liquid rises, the spoon is gradually raised up.

Place the fruit jelly with gelatin in a cool place and let it harden. It sets in about 6 hours even just in a cold room; in the refrigerator it sets faster.

Bon appetit!

Today we will talk about a unique dessert and look at its classic recipe.

It is a known fact in history that the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was a sincere fan of the dessert - jelly. Initially, the jelly product was made on a milk basis and was intended for dietary nutrition, as it was easily digestible. In modern cooking, jelly is prepared using gelatin, which is the main liquid thickener.

Gelatin powder was invented by English engineers and inventors Peter Cooper and Pearl Waite for medical purposes. But the patent did not bring profit and was sold by the scientists to the enterprising businessman Woodward. He also found a use for gelatin, starting to make sweet jelly from it.

We have had such a dish for a long time and called it sweet or berry jelly. It was prepared using fruits with a high pectin content. Our chefs created different types of jellies, including fruit jelly.

Jelly with fruits

To make jelly that contains fruit, you need gelatin, and pectin or agar-agar (a gelling agent obtained from seaweed) are also suitable.

Many studies have proven that a product such as jelly, especially one that contains fruit, is very healthy.

  1. Gelatin is able to restore cartilage and bones, so jelly is recommended for patients with bone damage.
  2. Pectin and agar-agar improve intestinal function and remove harmful substances from the body.
  3. Jelly with fruits It is useful to use at almost any age. It contains fresh, uncooked fruits. Consequently, all vitamins and microelements are completely preserved in them. This jelly can be used as a dietary supplement for weight loss.

Fruit jelly recipe

The main or standard ingredients of this dish are:

  • gelatin 1 package,
  • fruit 200-250 gr., more is possible at your discretion,
  • water or juice; gelatin packets usually indicate how much liquid is required,
  • sugar to taste.

Prepare the dish in enamel or nickel-plated dishes

To quickly dissolve the gelatin powder, it is diluted with cold water 1:10 or 1:15 and placed in a water bath. If you have a microwave oven, you can place the prepared mixture in it for a few seconds. You can also pour gelatin into hot 70-80° water and dissolve it there with constant stirring.

Warm dissolved gelatin is poured into sugar or fruit and berry syrup (any fruit and berry juice with added sugar) and stirred thoroughly so that no clots form.

For fruit jelly, take any ripe fruit, crush it and place it in molds. Before placing the fruit, pour a little jelly filling into the mold or portion containers.

Loosely packed fruits in cooled containers are poured with a hot gelatin-containing mixture and placed in the cold or in a cool place until completely frozen.

Cookman to help

After the jelly molds have frozen for a few seconds, you can lower them into a bowl of hot water so that the product separates from the walls. The jelly mass in this form can be placed on a dessert plate and additionally decorated with whipped cream with the addition of berries.

Jelly with fruits is one of the most exquisite desserts, healthy and loved by both children and adults. Jelly, and especially with fruit, is a very healthy and tasty product.


Did you like the recipe? Maybe there is something else worth adding or do you have your own amazing recipe for this wonderful dish? Or perhaps a small but important secret? Write about this in the comments, and many will know about it, and naturally they will be grateful to you.