Recipe for delicious croutons from a loaf. Delicious white bread croutons with cheese

And about something crispy and piquant, without which first courses are not so tasty, and many salads are simply impossible. And for some, this dish is associated with beer. As you may have guessed, these are homemade crackers. Previously, I simply dried finely diced bread in a frying pan or on a baking sheet in the oven and called it crackers. But now I prepare homemade crackers differently, and it turns out not just better, but incomparably better. These homemade crackers are practically indistinguishable from those sold in stores, and you create their taste yourself. Today I will be making homemade croutons with salt, pepper and garlic flavor.


  • 1/2 loaf (can be slightly stale)
  • 4 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon salt (no heaping)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 4 cloves garlic

Crackers in the oven. Recipe with photo

So, I suggest preparing these homemade crackers from a classic white loaf. It has the ideal density for this. Of course, it’s most logical to make homemade crackers from slightly stale bread, but if you really want to, you can also use fresh bread. We cut the loaf into cubes or give future crackers any other shape; this will in no way affect the success of the final dish.

We heat up a large frying pan and send our future crackers to lightly fry. Although this is an oven-baked croutons recipe, the frying step is necessary and I'll explain why. Bread, even if it has become a little stale, after mixing with butter (this is the next step) threatens to partially turn into porridge, and we do not need such an effect. We want to get whole, beautiful crackers. It is in order for the bread cubes to retain their shape that we will dry them in a frying pan. This step will not take much time, about 5 minutes, provided the heat is high and the crackers are stirred frequently in the pan.

Now we have reached the step where we will prepare the “flavor” for our crackers. The base will be two types of butter - sunflower and butter, and to the butter we add everything that, in our opinion, should be present in the taste of the crackers. This time I just have fresh, pressed garlic and ground pepper. Well, salt. You can also use ground paprika, turmeric, dry garlic, dry herb mixtures, and so on.

Add the spiced butter to the crackers and mix everything well. Then we put the crackers on a baking sheet (if desired, you can cover it with parchment) and send it to the preheated oven to dry again and fix the taste. Bake the crackers for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

That's the whole recipe. Everything that is ingenious is simple, and everything that is simple is brilliant. Just imagine, we turned yesterday's bread into a wonderful snack that will refresh and complement soup, borscht, brighten up the evening watching TV, and you can also make excellent salads with croutons (for example, Caesar). Bon appetit!

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Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

If you are tired of eating regular bread, then I suggest you prepare delicious croutons from white bread in the oven. A very convenient recipe with a photo, according to which you can easily prepare a simple snack at home. Use regular day-old bread, a little spices and you will have a wonderful snack in the form of croutons on your table. Also, such crackers are convenient to eat on the go, and you will perfectly satisfy your hunger. The trip will not seem so boring and long.

Required Products:
- 300 grams of white bread;
- 1 tea. l. chicken seasoning;
- a little salt;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 50 grams of vegetable oil;
- a little ground black pepper.


I prefer to use yesterday’s or the day before yesterday’s bread for croutons. Nobody usually eats this kind of bread anymore, so it needs to be used for other purposes. Crackers are perfect in this regard. I cut stale bread into cubes. Stale bread is easy to slice and does not crumble.

Now, to give the crackers a certain taste, I sprinkle them with chicken seasoning. You can use any seasoning: for fish, for meat. The main thing is to give the bread the desired flavor.

Since my seasoning was without salt, I salted the bread a little. If I use a seasoning and it already contains salt, then I don’t add salt.

I sprinkle the crackers with freshly ground black pepper.

For additional taste, I squeeze the garlic onto the crackers and stir a little so that the bread is saturated with the aromas of the garlic.

I pour oil over the bread and leave it to soak for 5-6 minutes.

I put the crackers on the frying pan along with all the seasonings and spices. I put it in the oven to bake until golden brown. The crackers should dry well in the oven and become crispy.

I take the browned crackers out of the oven. I let them cool a little.

I put the crackers in any shape and serve.

These white bread croutons, cooked in the oven, can be eaten if you are hungry and don’t want to wait for lunch and just want to have a snack. I also often serve this crispy bread with hot soups. Then the soup becomes tastier and you won’t need regular bread, because there are delicious and aromatic croutons that are soaked in oil, spices and garlic. It’s also easy to prepare and

Most experienced housewives know how to properly dry bread crackers in the oven. Truly tasty and crispy products can be added to salads and soups, served with tea, and used as a quick snack. The product will be more flavorful if seasoned with spices.

In order to get delicious crackers, stock up

Cut the loaf into small cubes. Next, the garlic should be chopped using a special device, the cheese should be finely grated, these ingredients should be mixed with butter and a little salt. Pour the flavor mixture over the bread cubes so that all the pieces are evenly saturated.

Now line a baking tray with baking paper and place the snacks on it in 1 layer. As mentioned above, the temperature for baking white bread should not exceed 170° C; the product must be cooked until a golden crust appears on it.

Garlic is an amazingly healthy product that should be included in your diet for anyone who wants to maintain their health, improve immunity and overall body resistance. This food product is widely used by traditional medicine specialists for the treatment of a variety of pathological conditions. And with skillful cooking, garlic becomes one of the most important components of ready-made dishes. It adds spice, zest of flavor and an amazing aroma that makes your mouth water. Let's clarify how to make crackers in the oven with garlic.

Oven croutons made from white bread - recipe with garlic and herbs

To prepare such a snack, you need to stock up on a white loaf, three to four tablespoons of olive oil and three cloves of garlic. Also use some fine salt, dry or fresh Italian herbs.

Cut the loaf into cubes approximately one by one centimeter. Pour olive oil into a baking tray, add garlic, passed through a garlic press, and add dry herbs.

Place the pieces of bread on a baking sheet, add salt and mix well with your hands. The oil and seasonings should be distributed evenly.

Place the pan in the oven, preheated to one hundred and sixty degrees, and cook for forty to fifty minutes. Stir the cooking crackers periodically with a spatula - at intervals of ten to fifteen minutes.

Long loaf croutons with garlic and herbs

To prepare this version of croutons, you need to prepare a loaf, a few cloves of garlic, a bunch of finely chopped herbs (choice of parsley, dill, oregano or basil). You will also need some vegetable oil and salt.

Pour one hundred milliliters of oil into a salad bowl or suitable sized bowl. Add garlic and finely chopped herbs to the container. Add salt and mix well.
Chop the bread into arbitrary pieces and soak in the prepared mixture. Next, pour it onto a baking sheet and place it in the oven, preheated to one hundred and sixty to one hundred and eighty degrees, for fifteen to twenty minutes.

How to make crackers with garlic and paprika?

To prepare this version of croutons, you need to stock up on half a loaf, a tablespoon of paprika and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Also use a teaspoon of salt, a little black pepper and a couple of cloves of garlic.

Cut the crust off the loaf. Then cut it into small cubes. Place future crackers in any heat-resistant container. Cook them for a quarter of an hour in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees.

During this time, prepare the dressing: combine vegetable oil with salt, black pepper and ground paprika. Mix well. Add garlic, passed through a press, to these ingredients. Mix well again.

Remove the crackers from the oven, pour them with vegetable oil mixed with spices. Place back in the oven (but now turned off) and leave for five to ten minutes.

How to make delicious and aromatic croutons from a loaf with garlic and cheese?

To prepare such a snack, you need to stock up on four or five garlic cloves, one loaf, one or two tablespoons of finely chopped parsley. Also use forty-five grams of grated Parmesan and sixty milliliters of olive oil.

Peel the garlic, chop it into smaller pieces or pass it through a garlic press. Wash the parsley, dry it and chop it into smaller pieces. Combine parsley with garlic, add salt and pepper.

Place this mixture in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and heat for thirty to forty seconds.

Combine the prepared bread with the heated spiced oil, mix well. Place the future croutons on a baking sheet, place in the oven, preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees, and cook for eight minutes. Sprinkle the croutons with grated Parmesan and leave for another five minutes until nicely golden.

Plain garlic croutons (crostini)

To prepare this version of croutons, prepare one loaf, fifty milliliters of olive oil and a couple of cloves of garlic.

Pass the garlic through a garlic press, pour in olive oil and leave for a while. Cut the loaf into pieces (you can also use ordinary slices of bread) and dry in the oven. Then brush the croutons with olive oil and garlic, keep in the oven for some more time and serve hot.

Croutons with garlic and crabs

To prepare such amazingly tasty croutons, you need to stock up on three slices of loaf, one hundred grams of crab sticks and a couple of cloves of garlic. Also use twenty-five milliliters of vegetable oil, some salt and herbs.

Combine peeled garlic with crab sticks, well-washed herbs, vegetable oil and salt. Grind such components with a blender until you obtain a homogeneous mass. Cut the loaf into slices and coat thoroughly with crab mixture on both sides.

Delicious crackers with garlic can be easily prepared at home. This does not require any special skills or rare products.

In the summer, homemade crackers from black or white bread, made in the oven, and even made with your own hands, are perfect for kvass or any salads, first and main courses, soups.

They are very often served in cafes or other similar establishments as an appetizer just like that or as a first course.

Moreover, this is not just sliced ​​and dried bread, but really like store-bought crackers, because they can be made with a wide variety of spices, salt, sugar, sweets - a lot of recipes.

I’ll tell you in the recipes below exactly how to make unusual homemade crackers and not throw away spoiled flour products. Good luck!

Recipe for brown bread croutons with spices

Perhaps, let's start with the simplest and most well-known recipe. Perhaps you are already familiar with it from childhood, since such “processing” of a spoiled product was common practice for every housewife who knew her business.

I will take:

  1. A loaf of black bread; optionally and to taste, a mixture of dry herbs; 45 milliliters of sunflower oil without any odor; salt also to taste.
    How to make crackers from black bread: 1 I take bread, preferably yesterday’s or even older bread, because “grinding” a fresh product will be extremely problematic, and the crackers will turn out too hard. I can cut the loaf however I want, in whatever shape I want. The only important thing is that the thickness of future crackers with salt should not exceed 1 centimeter in thickness.
  2. I then pour the chopped into a regular bag with 22 milliliters of oil in it and salt with herbs. If you want to make the most ordinary crackers, then adding salt and the rest (except oil) can be avoided.
  3. Then I pour the rest of the butter onto the crackers and add a few more additives.
  4. I very carefully collect the package, which then has to be carefully and no less carefully shaken several times. This will ensure everything is evenly distributed and the crackers will be thoroughly saturated with spices.
  5. I cover the baking sheet with baking paper and put croutons from stale black bread on it.
  6. Bake at medium oven temperature until desired doneness.

Brown bread crackers in the oven are ready! Bon appetit!

Each type of bread needs its own temperature

Here I will indicate the approximate (average) temperature for individual types of baked goods, because each of them has its own unique composition and, therefore, requires its own temperature for drying.

Do not also forget about the universal rule, which states that the slices will need to be turned over several times throughout the cooking process.

If you are planning to make crackers from white bread or any bun, then heat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius. And gray, bran and black breads reach their readiness at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Garlic croutons in the oven, recipe with photos

This cooking method is almost no different from the previous one, but it also has some features. Let's say, instead of cloves, you can take granulated garlic (as it will be convenient) and the result will be crackers with a more pronounced garlic taste and smell.

In order to make crackers with garlic from black bread, I will take:

1 loaf of not quite fresh bread; approximately 7 cloves of garlic; 45 milliliters of sunflower oil and salt to taste.

Crackers in the oven are made like this:

  1. I pass the cloves through a press or use the dried version and mix them with sunflower oil and salt.
  2. I leave it all to sit for up to half an hour.
  3. Like last time, using a bag (shaking gently), I mix the chopped crackers with a mixture of garlic and butter.
  4. Not forgetting about the special baking paper, I lay out the fragrant slices of bread and bake in an oven preheated to 120 degrees Celsius for about one and a half to two hours.

The homemade crackers turned out beautiful and so crispy! Bon appetit!

Recipe for delicious croutons with salt in the oven with your own hands

Most often, it is these sweet/salty recipes that are usually served with first courses; they also serve as typical snacks for anything and non-white bread is used.

In the photo provided you can see what the end result will be. But don’t forget about the pleasant taste and wonderful aroma! Very appetizing, isn't it?

Everything is prepared very simply and quickly; absolutely no special effort or expense is required. Let's get started!

Ingredients of crackers: fairly fine salt to taste; 1 piece of baking; 45 milliliters of vegetable oil and various herbs and spices (also to taste).

Cook together:

  1. I cut it exactly the same way (if desired), keeping the thickness of the bars/cubes, etc. no more than 1 centimeter.
  2. I pour half the butter into a bag, pour out the slices, season with salt and herbs.
  3. I use the rest of the butter and a little more salt for the bread.
  4. I close the bag and shake it gently so that everything is thoroughly soaked.
  5. I cover the baking sheet with special paper and place the future croutons on it.
  6. I bake in the oven until golden at 180 degrees.

The fragrant crackers are ready, nibble to your health! Bon appetit!

The following list will help you avoid some cooking mistakes so that the dish turns out beautiful and tasty the first time. Even if you have ever made such a delicacy before, you can find something new for yourself here:

  1. Is the bread too wet? There is no point in waiting for it to dry. Just keep the oven door open while baking.
  2. Important: garlic should not be mixed with dill, as these two products do not combine at all. And with the addition of any other seasonings, try not to overdo it, so as not to suppress the taste and spoil the original idea.
  3. If the delicacy is planned to be consumed with soup or salad, then the selection of spices should be more thoughtful: what will be in the dried bread and what will be in the main dish.
  4. In fact, you can take any oil, from maid oil to sesame, olive, etc. The main thing is not to boil.

How to cook croutons with cheese from white bread in the oven

This oven recipe, like the others, has a lot of advantages. Firstly, it is very useful, since there are no various factory additives. Secondly, the product will please not only yourself, but also your family and friends, who will be delighted with such a treat.

And, of course, deliciousness can be made easily and simply without any special experience in cooking, also without large-scale material and power costs.

You will need the following ingredients: salt to taste; 2 cloves of good garlic; 3 tablespoons of oil (vegetable/sunflower); 400 grams of white loaf and 100 grams of any cheese.

  1. I cut the loaf itself into any shape and grate the cheese into any fineness.
  2. To chop garlic, I use either a knife or a special crusher, which will only make things easier. You also need to salt this garlic and grind it with a spoon until the juice appears.
  3. I mix the slices of bread with the garlic. I do this carefully, as I need everything to be thoroughly soaked.
  4. I spread the resulting mixture onto a lined baking sheet and bake it in the oven until done at 180 degrees Celsius, remembering to stir. This is especially necessary to ensure that there is cheese on every slice.

It turned out just great! Bon appetit!

Garlic breadcrumbs with olive oil in the oven

You don’t know where to put the missing bread, but it’s an extreme shame to throw it away? Here is the simplest and most delicious way out of the situation, which will require a minimum amount of time.

Where else have you seen such beautiful simplicity in cooking? The family will be delighted!

For this we need: 60 milliliters of olive oil and 4 cloves of garlic; 1 loaf, baguette, pastry; salt, ground pepper and other spices - optional.

We prepare everything like this:

  1. I set the oven temperature in advance to 190 degrees Celsius, and put special baking paper on a baking sheet.
  2. I put the garlic in the oil in a frying pan and sauté it for about 30 seconds (longer is not advisable).
  3. I grind the bread as much as I like, then roll it all in the mixture in the frying pan. I leave the slices for a few minutes to soak.
  4. The final touch: I move the bread onto a baking sheet, and then into the oven and bake until done (golden).

Everything ingenious is simple! Bon appetit!

Rye spice in the oven

Previously, similar recipes were used for products that had expired. Well, simply because conscientious housewives or owners were simply very sorry to throw away a product that they did not have time to use in time.

But now the situation has changed radically. The cooking method has improved and dried bread has become so tasty due to the addition of various spices, herbs, etc. that they have already begun to make it specifically as an appetizer for various main courses (the same borscht).

Here's what we'll take: 2 tablespoons of olive oil:

1 teaspoon dried good garlic; 0.6 kilograms of rye product; 2 cloves of regular fresh garlic and seasoning to taste.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to decide how to cut the bread. The shape is optional, as well as the decision to leave the crust or use only the crumb - the choice is yours. It's a matter of taste and preference.
  2. I sprinkle the sliced ​​bread with salt and dry garlic and mix everything carefully. To avoid damaging anything, it is better to do this in a convenient container that can be covered with something (a bowl, for example).
  3. I pour oil into the mixture and add the last ingredient passed through a garlic press. I mix again.
  4. I send everything to finish cooking in the oven for about 15 minutes. Don’t forget to stir!

Ready! Make your loved ones happy and improve your composition yourself. Bon appetit!

Bread croutons for Caesar salad

In general, dried sweet/salty bread has long become a restaurant food and is present on the menu of any such establishments. Are you surprised that such a simple dish is so popular?

Well. cook and see the excellent taste for yourself!

What you will need:

3 cloves of garlic; 2 tablespoons of basil (dry) and Provençal herbs; 0.5 kilograms of a rather stale loaf; 0.25 from a glass of vegetable oil and the same amount of butter.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. I do not chop the bread too coarsely into cubes/sticks.
  2. In a bowl, mix vegetable oil melted in a thick-bottomed pan and butter melted in the same way with crushed garlic. I add seasonings.
  3. I dump the bread in the butter mixture so that they are thoroughly soaked.
  4. I put everything on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes until golden brown.

Snacks are ready to eat! Bon appetit!

Recipe: how to make sweet or savory bread croutons

This delicacy can be prepared with anything and consumed whenever you want (use it as a snack, dessert, etc.).

What is included: 5 grams of salt or sugar; 1 piece of loaf and take seasonings, spices, herbs to taste.

We prepare everything this way:

  1. Observing the required thickness (about 1 centimeter), I divide the bread. If there is less or more, then future products may simply burn or not be cooked at all.
  2. I put it on a baking sheet lined with paper and lightly soak it, sprinkle it with plain water, salt and sugar in moderation.
  3. I preheat the oven taking into account the preferred temperature (described in more detail above) and bake it on baking paper until golden brown at 150 degrees Celsius.

All is ready. Experiment, surprise! Bon appetit!

My video recipe

Almost everyone loves delicious golden brown croutons. The crispy delicacy can be a snack, then the croutons are served with beer, soup or used as an addition to salads. And sweet vanilla crackers with raisins or poppy seeds are served with tea, milk or coffee.

Of course, today such a delicacy with any flavor can be purchased in every store, but it will be much tastier and healthier if you prepare the croutons yourself in the oven. Moreover, it is so simple that even a child can cope with the task.

You can make croutons in the oven from any bread. It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s white or black, fresh or the day before yesterday. The only condition when using stale bread is that there are no traces of mold on it.

So, how to make crackers in the oven? We cut the bread into cubes. If we plan to use croutons in salads, then make the cubes small. If we just intend to eat them, then it is better to make cubes with a side of about 2-2.5 cm. While we are slicing the bread, turn on the oven to heat up, setting the thermostat to 180 degrees. Pour the bread cubes onto a baking sheet and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes. The time depends on how crispy and browned the crackers you want. This is how simple crackers are prepared, but to make their taste more interesting, you can use a variety of seasonings.

For example, if you decide to cook savory croutons in the oven, then before putting the baking sheet with bread cubes into the oven, you should sprinkle them with finely ground salt, black pepper, dry paprika or curry. Seasonings can be chosen to suit your taste. But if you plan to make sweet crackers for tea, then you need to sprinkle powdered sugar (you can mix it with vanilla sugar or cinnamon) on the ready-made crackers as soon as you take them out of the oven.

Or you can show your imagination and prepare fragrant garlic croutons in the oven, which can be served instead of traditional pampushki. For half a loaf of white (or black, as you like) bread you will need about half a glass of vegetable oil. It’s best, of course, to take olive oil, but pour this oil into a bowl, squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic into it, add dried herbs and add salt. Dried herbs can be anything - dill, parsley, basil. Or you can take a ready-made mixture, for example, “Provencal Herbs” or a set of Italian spices. Roll the pieces of bread in aromatic oil (to prepare this dish, do not cut the bread too finely). Place the bread cubes on a baking sheet and into the oven. Bake until they are browned and firm enough.

You can also make this snack with cheese. To do this, you need to sprinkle the almost finished crackers with cheese, which needs to be grated on the finest grater, and put them in the oven for just a couple of minutes so that the cheese begins to melt.

It must be said that dessert croutons are prepared not only from Sweet crispy croutons, which are given below, but are baked like cookies.

So, break three eggs into a bowl and beat them with a glass of sugar and a teaspoon of salt, add a glass of sour cream and a glass of raisins to the mixture (can be replaced with nuts or poppy seeds). Mix a teaspoon (without a slide) of soda with the same amount of flour, add to the dough and mix. Add another 4-4.5 cups of flour to prepare a fairly stiff dough. Let it rest for about thirty minutes, then divide it into three or four parts and form elongated bars, shaped like French baguettes. Place them on a greased baking sheet and bake at two hundred degrees until done.

Then take them out of the oven, cool them a little so as not to burn yourself, and cut them crosswise into narrow slices. Place them on a baking sheet and put them back in the oven so that the crackers dry and brown. Sprinkle the finished croutons with powdered sugar, cool and serve for tea.

All kinds of beer snacks that are sold in stores definitely cannot be classified as healthy food. They contain a large number of unnatural flavoring additives, preservatives and other harmful chemical components. Fortunately, everyone can make crispy croutons on their own; we will tell you several recipes for this simple snack.

Features of preparing crackers

  • Crackers can be made from any bread and even sweet buns.
  • It is most convenient to first cut the bread into slices, and then crumble it into cubes or sticks.
  • White, very soft or airy bread is not cut very finely, otherwise it will simply crumble. Black bread has a denser structure, so it can be chopped into pieces of any size.
  • A slightly stale loaf is ideal for making crackers.
  • You can add any spices to the crackers: paprika, black or red pepper, dried herbs, garlic or plain salt. To make the seasonings better coat the crackers, you need to add a little oil to them.

Crackers with mustard

Making mustard crackers is very simple, and you need very little:

  • white loaf - 3 slices;
  • spicy mustard – 2 tbsp;
  • bouillon cube – 1 pc.

We make mustard crackers in this way:

  • Cut slices of white loaf into bars or cubes, place on a baking sheet in one layer and place in the oven. Dry the bread at 200°C until crisp.
  • Crush the broth cube and mix with mustard. If you want a completely natural taste, then use simple salt instead of a bouillon cube.
  • Place the slightly cooled crackers in a bowl with mustard and mix thoroughly. Then we place it on the baking sheet again and fry it in the oven until it is beautifully golden brown.

Croutons with garlic and oregano

Garlic croutons are perhaps the most appetizing of all, which is why their recipe is very popular. They can be made from white or black bread, and they will turn out equally delicious. Here are the products we will need for this snack:

  • white or black bread - 4 slices;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • salt - to taste;
  • oregano – 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp.

Make garlic croutons according to instructions:

  • Take slices of bread and cut into cubes. Black can be cut into smaller pieces, while white will produce larger pieces.
  • Pass the garlic cloves through a press and put them in a food bag. Add oregano, vegetable oil and approximately 1/3 tsp. salt. Throw in pieces of bread, inflate the bag and tie it.
  • Shake it all for a couple of minutes to distribute the spices among the future crackers.
  • Spread the bread onto a baking sheet in an even layer and place in the oven. Turn it on at 200°C and fry the appetizer until nicely golden brown and crunchy.

Sweet crackers with butter

Sweet crackers, which you can chew with tea, are no more difficult to prepare than salty ones. For them, you can take a simple white loaf or a sweet bun. Here are the products you need to make these crackers:

  • loaf or bun – 1 pc.;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • butter – 100 g.

We will prepare sweet crackers for tea in the following way:

  • Cut the loaf or bun into thin slices. Soften the butter a little in a warm place and spread it on the bread.
  • Sprinkle the slices with sugar to your liking. Place the bread on a baking sheet and place it in the oven to dry.
  • You need to keep the crackers in the oven until a beautiful blush appears. By the way, if you make the slices not very thin, then after baking there will be a soft layer inside them, which is also very tasty.

Spicy croutons with olive oil

To get spicy croutons, we will use the Khmeli-Suneli seasoning, and olive oil, which we will use instead of sunflower oil, will make the snack piquant. Let's prepare the following ingredients:

  • white loaf – 0.5 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp;
  • Khmeli-suneli seasoning – 1 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste.

We make crackers this way:

  • Cut the bread into cubes and pour into a bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and seasoning.
  • Mix the cubes, distributing the spices among them.
  • Transfer the bread to a baking sheet and bake in the oven until crispy.