Homemade rabbit stew recipe. Homemade rabbit stew in the oven

Good day everyone!

I finally decided to describe my recipe for making rabbit stew at home using the oven.
Backstory: My husband and I decided to get rabbits. We live in the city and the apartment doesn’t allow this. But we decided to start them in a brick garage. Things worked out for us. t. t. t. t. Accordingly, the question arose about processing meat when the freezer is full and no one is buying. Then I began to scour the Internet in search of a stew recipe. There are many of them and they are different. In many cases I was confused by the processing temperature. And since I don’t have an autoclave, I’m very afraid of botulism. Moreover, I have 2 daughters (8 years old and 1.5 years old)

Well, here's my recipe.

We take fresh rabbit carcasses. We cut out all the insides (we use them in other dishes - a delicacy). Stazy I cut the carcasses into large portions: two hind legs, two front legs, a piece of the backbone to the ribs, and the rib part itself. There is no point in cutting smaller, because the meat will have to be cut off the bones. I wash the pieces thoroughly. And I fill all the meat cold water for no less than 12 hours. The water needs to be changed. This is necessary so that the meat gives up all the blood and so that there is no blood foam in the jars. I usually do this at night.
In the morning I change the water again and while we have breakfast, the meat is still in clean water. But then the rather monotonous and labor-intensive process of cutting meat from bones begins. I make boneless stew because I have kids. The most I had on such processing was 4 carcasses - that’s 3 hours of work. When cutting meat, internal fat we collect separately. We will definitely need it.
Bones should also not be thrown away; they also participate in the cooking process.
We cut the separated meat neither finely nor coarsely, preferably into equal-sized pieces.
I don’t use jars that need to be screwed on with a key, but simply ones with screw-on lids. I wash jars and lids in advance and then sterilize them.

At the bottom of each jar I put 3 black peppercorns, Bay leaf ik, 1/2 tsp. salt.

Now we place the meat quite tightly. It is advisable that each jar contains meat from every part of the carcass. It will taste better this way.
Fill the jars with meat just above the shoulders. Next comes a layer of rabbit lard. 3 more peppercorns and 1/2 spoon of salt.

Cover the jars with lids. DO NOT TWIST!!!.

IN cold oven I put a clean rag on a baking sheet, fill it with water and put the jars with meat and lids on it.

Turn on the oven. The jars stand at a temperature of 180 degrees for 1 hour, then at 150 degrees for 3 hours. Total 4 hours.
Water should be added to the pan periodically. I always try to control this process, because I am afraid that the banks may burst. I have an electric oven.

While the stew is cooking, you need to prepare the broth for pouring into jars. From personal experience I will say that it is better to fill it with broth, otherwise the meat juice alone will be about 1/3 of the jar. And when there’s enough tremors in the stew, it’s so delicious!

We put the bones that we have left over from cutting meat into large saucepan stew. I do this about 2.5 hours before full readiness stews. Be sure to remove the foam, but since the meat was soaked, there will be little of it. After the broth boils, I add a whole peeled onion and carrot. About half an hour before the broth is ready, add a leaf or 2 bay leaves, a few black peppercorns and salt (to taste). The result is a very clear, rich, rich broth. We don't turn it off. It should be boiling.

When the oven is turned off, you need to take out one or 2 jars at a time and add the broth with a ladle until it swirls. Screw the lid on and under a warm blanket to cool gradually. After complete cooling, I put the jars in the refrigerator or cellar.

The stew is very tasty! Real and useful!

Bon Appetit everyone!

Homemade rabbit stew - difficulties and secrets of preparation


Stewed rabbit in an autoclave at home recipes

A favorite taste since childhood, rabbit stew, prepared by my grandmother from her animals, at home, what could be tastier. The meat is simply the most tender; in fact, they kept them especially for us children. Then we cooked soups and roasts with potatoes using stewed meat. We just loved to eat it with a spoon straight from the jar, with warm bread.

Now rabbit breeding is being revived again in villages, it is profitable to maintain, and your homemade meat still cannot be compared with any store-bought delicacies. Typically, animals of the same age are culled en masse two to three times a year, depending on who has the number of livestock. All this meat is very convenient to store in the form of semi-finished products, in jars.

  1. The very first secret is that the carcasses must be fresh, or at least chilled. From frozen meat, as I already wrote, the product will turn out dry.
  2. If the meat is homemade, then the rabbits need to be soaked in several waters to remove any remaining blood. Carcasses with blood will spoil the taste and the shelf life will be reduced. They prepare in exactly the same way.
  3. If you want, you can cut the meat from the bones, this can be done with back. It is better to cut the breast into pieces along with the ribs and stew it this way, it will be much more economical.
  4. The stew must contain fat, or rabbit fat; if the carcasses are skinny, then add lard.
  5. When preparing stew directly in jars, do not pour water into them, this is wrong. You are closing a semi-finished product, not a soup. The meat will cook completely in its own juices.
  6. do not overload the spices. I usually cook in half-liter jars; for each jar, a small bay leaf and three peppercorns are enough.
  7. There is no need to invent anything with salt, take regular table salt, no additives in the form of iodine.
  8. Do not put innards in the stew. Although rabbit liver is a delicacy, it is better to cook it as a separate dish.

Rabbit stew - traditional way

Classic way Although it takes a long time to cook, when there are no tools at hand, this is the best way.

We take three to five carcasses of rabbits, soak them in three waters to remove excess blood and bad smell, if the males are already sexually mature. We cut the back parts, completely cutting off the fillets (then you can cook soup from the bones). We cut the front briskets with a sharp knife directly with the ribs.

We sterilize jars of the same capacity. If the rabbits are well-fed, then there will be a lot of fat inside and on the withers; we cut it off and distribute it into jars; if not, then we use rendered lard, three to four spoons per jar.

It will be more convenient to salt the cut meat all at once in a large bowl, we count on a kilogram of a teaspoon without a slide. After it has been sitting for about thirty minutes, we spread it evenly into jars where there are spices.

Now we will need a wide and low pan. We put jars in it, cover them with lids, which need to be boiled in advance. Now is a very important moment - you need to carefully pour water into the pan so that it is just below the shoulders of the jars. Why is this so? So that when boiling it does not spill into the contents of the jars.

This way we will cook the stew for two and a half to three hours. Only we will not make the fire too strong so that the water does not boil. Next, we take the jars out of the water with tongs and immediately roll them under the lids, leaving them to cool upside down.

Stewed rabbit in an autoclave

The bones of young rabbits are so soft that they are practically unnoticeable in the stew. Still, it is better to take carcasses of young animals, up to a year old.

We will need about five kilograms of meat, which is usually three medium carcasses. If the rabbits are lean and grew up on grass, then it makes sense to prepare half a kilo of lard. For each kilogram take a teaspoon of salt, as well as the spices described above.

Be sure to remove fluff from the meat and soak it. Fresh carcasses just need to be left overnight in water and allowed to cool. Then we cut them into pieces. It is better to put the front parts in jars separately, from which we will prepare soups.

We wash the jars and sterilize the lids. At the bottom of each we place a piece of fat, distribute it among all the jars, bay leaves and pepper. I salt the meat cut into pieces in a large basin, mix it and let it sit for half an hour, then pack it in jars, it’s more convenient.

We do not fill autoclave jars to the very top, this must be remembered. Close the lids, place on a wire rack and fill with water. Close the lid tightly, heat to 110 degrees and increase the pressure to 1.8 atmospheres. In this form, the rabbit will cook for about fifteen minutes. Then we turn down the temperature and let it cool overnight without opening the lid. Store finished canned food in a cool place.

Homemade rabbit stew, prepared in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker you can make a very tasty rabbit stew that will go down with a bang with bread.

You only need to take the pulp, trim it and cut it into small pieces. If the rabbits are fat. then in the frying mode, first melt out all the fat; if there is none, replace it with pork fat. We’ll also send a couple of chopped onions, two grated carrots there, and after frying, add the meat. Here the calculation is for three kilograms of fillet. Also, in frying mode at open lid fry everything.

Then add salt to taste, add peppercorns, three peppercorns for each kilogram, three bay leaves and cover with a lid. Set it to simmer for three hours and delicious stew ready. Immediately roll it upside down and let it cool upside down. You just need to store it in the refrigerator.

Homemade rabbit stew in the oven - video


The three most popular and reliable recipes for making rabbit meat stew.

Rabbit is an excellent raw material for preparing stew at home. This whole event is simple, low-cost, accessible to every rabbit breeder and more. The meat turns out very appetizing and tasty. Cooking stew is an excellent solution for mass slaughter of animals to store meat for future use.

1. Traditional stew.

First we prepare glass jars And tin lids to them (wash and sterilize for at least 10 minutes). Both liter and 0.5 liters are suitable. Then we move directly to the meat. From thoroughly washed carcasses, cut the meat no more than 2 centimeters thick. It is also possible to use chopped pieces with seeds.

If the rabbits were fed grain and concentrated feed, then you will probably find a layer of fat on their carcasses. It must be separated and half of the available amount evenly distributed and placed on the bottom of the jars in a layer of 1-2 centimeters. If there is little or no rabbit fat (poor feeding), then it can be successfully replaced lard, cutting it into small pieces up to 1 centimeter in size.

The prepared rabbit meat is placed tightly in jars on top of the fat. To spice up and enhance taste qualities use allspice, black pepper, bay leaf and cloves if desired. Salt is required. Spread the remaining fat over the meat again. As a result of the work done, the jars should be completely filled.

On 1 liter jar I recommend using 1-2 bay leaves (at the bottom of the jar), about 4-5 peas of bitter and allspice, 1-3 cloves, 1 full (heaped) teaspoon of salt. Other spices may be used in reasonable quantities and in accordance with the tastes of the intended tasters.

We cover the filled jars with sterilized lids and place them in a prepared container with water so that the water reaches the “shoulders” of the jars. Gradually bring the water to a boil and adjust the heating temperature so that there is no strong seething. Make sure that the jars do not touch each other or the walls of the container, and that boiling water does not get into the jars. 5 hours after the start of boiling, roll them up without lifting the lids.

Before they cool completely, I recommend gently shaking the jars and stirring their contents until smooth. Turn the jars over for 20 minutes, checking the tightness. After complete cooling, transfer the stew to a cool place.

2. Stew in broth.

Meat and jars are prepared in the same way as in the previous version. Place the rabbit meat in a saucepan, fill it with water so that it covers the meat by about 4-5 centimeters. Let it cook over low heat. Add spices and salt to taste. Once ready, remove the meat, separate it from the bones and continue cooking in the same broth for another 10 minutes. Then we fill the sterilized jars with meat, fill them with our broth, immediately roll up the lids, check for leaks and place in a cool place for storage. You can slightly modify the method of preparing this stew. Immediately place the chopped rabbit meat into prepared 0.5 liter jars (leave 3 cm to the top), top with spices and place in an unheated oven. Turn it on and set the heating mode to medium. Simmer for 2 hours. At the same time, cook the bone broth. Then pour the broth into jars, after adding a teaspoon of salt. If you previously cut off the rabbit fat, then melt it and pour the broth on top until the jar is full. We carry out sterilization as in the previous version. We roll up the jars and store as usual.

3. Stew in lard.

We cut the washed rabbit carcasses into pieces up to 2 centimeters thick. Salt as for barbecue and leave in a suitable container for five hours. Drain off the juice released from the meat. Lightly and evenly brown the pieces with lard until golden brown crust. Fill pre-sterilized half-liter glass jars with meat, add a few black peppercorns and fill it with melted fat. If the available lard is not enough to completely cover the meat, melt the additional required amount in a frying pan.

We don’t roll up the jars, but close them plastic lids, pre-covered with cellophane circles for complete sealing. This stew should be kept wrapped in dark paper in a cool place. You need to use it within a week, as with more long-term storage Product spoilage and, as a result, poisoning with toxins are likely.

4. General notes.

Sometimes rabbit meat is soaked in clean, cool water to improve taste. It depends on the conditions under which the rabbits are raised. It is also advisable to lightly soak the meat of a male that has reached sexual maturity. In all other cases, this is not necessary. Scrupulously maintain the sterilization regime during preparation. Personally, I sterilize the jars in any case, and add 30 minutes to the specified time to guarantee. Be sure to store the finished stew in a cool place and try to eat it within the first six months to a year. The most reliable way to prepare canned food is in an autoclave, since the temperature in it reaches 120° C.

Start making stew only when there really is an excess of free meat. Currently, they are increasingly resorting to freezing the product. In this case, the value of the prepared food will be much higher, and the danger of poisoning will approach zero. In addition, often due to unforeseen reasons, and simply mistakes made, non-compliance with technology, banks inflate, explode and all the work can go down the drain. But the main danger is not this, but what you can do to yourself irreparable harm. Surely you have heard about such a dangerous disease as botulism. External signs he does not have and this makes him even more dangerous. Even if everything is done correctly, do not store homemade stew for more than a year. After two years of storage, the likelihood of botulism increases significantly.


Stewed rabbit in an autoclave

  • rabbit weighing 2-2.5 kg
  • animal fat – 20 tbsp.
  • peppercorns – 10-20 pcs.
  • bay leaf – 5-10 pcs.
  • salt – 5 tsp.

Rinse half-liter jars and sterilize for 10-15 minutes. Lids also need to be sterilized. Place 2-4 black peppercorns and two bay leaves on the bottom of each jar.

Be sure to wash and dry the meat. Remove skin, veins, brain bones. Cut the meat into portioned pieces. Place the rabbit pieces into jars, filling them up to the shoulders. Then, pour one teaspoon of salt into each and add four tablespoons of animal fat, roll up the lids of the jars.

Place jars in an autoclave. You need to pour in enough water to cover the jars, but not to reach the very top level of the autoclave. Then seal the device tightly with the lid. Pump up the pressure to 1.5-2 atm. and heat to 120 degrees. Leave for approximately 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave for 6-8 hours.

During the autumn mass slaughter, for owners of rabbit pens, the question arises about rational meat processing. And not only the owners; to preserve meat for future use, many turn to preparing homemade rabbit stew.

Making rabbit stew at home

How to make rabbit stew at home? DIY stew made by stewing. Canned rabbit meat for the winter is an easy and repeatedly proven way to store rabbit meat. The actual shelf life in a cool place is more than one year. The process of making homemade stew begins with organizational issues. An enamel container with a volume of about 25 liters, 7 liter jars and 7 lids for rolling up the preserves are brought into readiness. Place a wooden circle on the bottom of the container. The lids and jars must be sterilized over steam for 10 minutes.

Using a kitchen knife, remove meat from 4-5 rabbits. This amount of product is enough to fill jars of stewed rabbit meat. The fat needs to be removed, it will be useful in the future, but if the rabbit carcasses are not fatty, then you need to use pork fat (lard), after cutting it into pieces the size of a walnut.

Ingredients for making rabbit stew

Place 1-2 washed bay leaves and a little pre-cooked fat in each jar. Then tightly put the rabbit meat into the jars, also throw in 2-3 cloves, 5-6 black peppercorns, 3-4 peas allspice, a teaspoon of salt. Next, water rabbit stew top with lard or rabbit fat. When the jars are filled to the brim, cover them with lids and place them in an enamel container so that they do not touch each other or the walls of the container. Fill the container up to the neck of the jars with water room temperature and place on low heat.

As the homemade stew heats up, increase the flame. When the water boils, adjust the heat so that the liquid does not splash the jars. As a weighting agent, so that the lids lie securely on the jars, you can put a wooden circle on top so that it covers all the jars.

Periodically adjust the boiling strength and straighten the cans of stew with a long knife, preventing them from coming into contact with the container. After 5 hours from the start of boiling rabbit stew, the jars are taken out and rolled up without removing the lid. Shake the finished jar a little to mix the contents evenly. Do this smoothly and carefully so that the lid does not fall off. After the operations have been completed, turn over the jar of homemade stew and listen for any hissing. If you hear hissing, roll up the can again. It is better not to store the contents of such a jar, but to eat it.

S v o i t u s h e n o c h k a .

The three most popular and reliable recipes for making stew from rabbit meat.

Rabbit is an excellent raw material for preparing stew at home. This whole event is simple, low-cost, accessible to every rabbit breeder and more. The meat turns out very appetizing and tasty. Cooking stew is an excellent solution for mass slaughter of animals to store meat for future use.

1. Traditional stew.

First, prepare glass jars and tin lids for them (wash and sterilize for at least 10 minutes). Both liter and 0.5 liters are suitable. Then we move directly to the meat. From thoroughly washed carcasses, cut the meat no more than 2 centimeters thick. It is also possible to use chopped pieces with seeds. Make sure that in this case there are no fragments from sharp edges and jagged. They can form when forming portioned pieces.

If the rabbits were fed grain and concentrated feed, then you will probably find a layer of fat on their carcasses. It must be separated and half of the available amount evenly distributed and placed on the bottom of the jars in a layer of 1-2 centimeters. If there is little or no rabbit fat (poor feeding), then it can be successfully replaced with lard, cutting it into small pieces up to 1 centimeter in size.

The prepared rabbit meat is placed tightly in jars on top of the fat. To add piquancy and improve taste, use allspice, black pepper, and, if desired, bay leaf and cloves. Salt is required. Spread the remaining fat over the meat again. As a result of the work done, the jars should be completely filled.

For a 1 liter jar, I recommend using 1-2 bay leaves (at the bottom of the jar), about 4-5 peas of hot and allspice, 1-3 cloves, 1 full (heaped) teaspoon of salt. Other spices may be used in reasonable quantities and in accordance with the tastes of the intended tasters.

We cover the filled jars with sterilized lids and place them in a prepared container with water so that the water reaches the “shoulders” of the jars. Gradually bring the water to a boil and adjust the heating temperature so that there is no strong seething. Make sure that the jars do not touch each other or the walls of the container, and that boiling water does not get into the jars. 5 hours after the start of boiling, roll them up without lifting the lids.

Before they cool completely, I recommend gently shaking the jars and stirring their contents until smooth. Turn the jars over for 20 minutes, checking the tightness. After complete cooling, transfer the stew to a cool place.

2. Stew in broth.

Meat and jars are prepared in the same way as in the previous version. Place the rabbit meat in a saucepan, fill it with water so that it covers the meat by about 4-5 centimeters. Let it cook over low heat. Add spices and salt to taste. Once ready, remove the meat, separate it from the bones and continue cooking in the same broth for another 10 minutes. Then we fill the sterilized jars with meat, fill them with our broth, immediately roll up the lids, check for leaks and place in a cool place for storage. You can slightly modify the method of preparing this stew. Immediately place the chopped rabbit meat into prepared 0.5 liter jars (leave 3 cm to the top), top with spices and place in an unheated oven. Turn it on and set the heating mode to medium. Simmer for 2 hours. At the same time, cook the bone broth. Then pour the broth into jars, after adding a teaspoon of salt. If you previously cut off the rabbit fat, then melt it and pour the broth on top until the jar is full. We carry out sterilization as in the previous version. We roll up the jars and store as usual.

3. Stew in lard.

We cut the washed rabbit carcasses into pieces up to 2 centimeters thick. Salt as for barbecue and leave in a suitable container for five hours. Drain off the juice released from the meat. Lightly and evenly brown the pieces in lard until golden brown. Fill pre-sterilized half-liter glass jars with meat, add a few black peppercorns and fill it with melted fat. If the available lard is not enough to completely cover the meat, melt the additional required amount in a frying pan.

We do not roll up the jars, but close them with plastic lids, having previously covered them with cellophane circles for complete sealing. This stew should be kept wrapped in dark paper in a cool place. It must be consumed within a week, since longer storage may result in spoilage of the product and, as a consequence, poisoning by toxins.

4. General notes.

Sometimes rabbit meat is soaked in clean, cool water to improve taste. It depends on the conditions under which the rabbits are raised. It is also advisable to lightly soak the meat of a male that has reached sexual maturity. In all other cases, this is not necessary. Scrupulously maintain the sterilization regime during preparation. Personally, I sterilize the jars in any case, and add 30 minutes to the specified time to guarantee. Be sure to store the finished stew in a cool place and try to eat it within the first six months to a year. The most reliable way to prepare canned food is in an autoclave, since the temperature in it reaches 120° C.

Start making stew only when there really is an excess of free meat. Currently, they are increasingly resorting to freezing the product. In this case, the value of the prepared food will be much higher, and the danger of poisoning will approach zero. In addition, often due to unforeseen reasons, and simply mistakes made, non-compliance with technology, banks inflate, explode and all the work can go down the drain. But the main danger is not this, but the fact that you can cause irreparable harm to yourself. Surely you have heard about such a dangerous disease as botulism. It has no external signs and this makes it even more dangerous. Even if everything is done correctly, do not store homemade stew for more than a year. After two years of storage, the likelihood of botulism increases significantly.

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One of the advantages of raising rabbits is that you can always have fresh, uncanned meat on the table. However, experienced rabbit breeders know that they still can’t do without homemade stewed meat. Mass slaughter before winter is common. Often, population reductions are carried out during periods of increased risk, that is, epidemics or suspected health problems among some rabbits. You can make high-quality stew at home. You don't need to buy it for this. special equipment. All you need, besides the meat and spices, is an oven, glass jars, metal lids and a key for sealing them. To learn how to properly cut a rabbit carcass, watch the video below. This is also a very important point.

Basically, rabbit breeders use the carcasses of freshly slaughtered rabbits. But if you take them out of the freezer, you need to defrost the meat. To speed up this process, fill the carcasses with cold water with the addition of table vinegar, one tablespoon per rabbit. After an hour or an hour and a half, we check the carcass in the thickest places with a sharp knife. If it has completely thawed, we proceed to cutting.

An important point is the process of forming portioned pieces. They should be approximately the same size, not very large. The smaller the pieces, the more of them will fit into the jar. But there is no need to cut too finely. Firstly, this will complicate the whole process, and secondly, you can end up with minced meat mixed with bones. Example correct cutting look at the photo.

THE KNIFE MUST BE sharply sharpened. We will need to cut the bones to such an extent that they can be easily broken. As a last resort, make no more than one chopping blow, since a repeated blow will inevitably form sharp bone fragments, which can cause big trouble in the future. If you do not have sufficient carcass cutting skills, I recommend cutting the vertebra with scissors after a small incision.

Stew recipe and technology for its preparation.

There are a lot of ways to cook and roll rabbit meat, but basically they are all similar. On our website you can already familiarize yourself with three popular stew recipes. Let's look at another option, which was provided to us by our regular consultant Irina Tylik. The more choice, the more likely it is that you will find something to suit your taste. So, we will cook the stew in broth with spices.

PORTIONED PIECES soak in cold water at six o'clock. This will remove any possible unwanted taste.

GLASS JARS Just wash it well, don’t sterilize it. This saves not only time, but also energy costs.

TO THE BOTTOM For each jar we put a couple of peppercorns and a couple of bay leaves. Add salt at the rate of a heaped teaspoon per half-liter jar.

OVERLAY Fill each jar with tightly raw meat and fill it with water to the top. Place the cold jars in a cold oven and immediately turn it on to 180°C so that they all heat up at the same time. We do not cover the jars with lids.

IN ONE HOUR lower the temperature oven up to 130° and keep it in this state for another four hours. The water will naturally evaporate, so you need to monitor its level and add boiling water if necessary.

AFTER THE SPECIFIED TIME We take out one jar at a time and roll up the boiled lids. At the same time we draw Special attention to ensure the tightness of the closure is maintained.

IMPORTANT THEN Place our stew under the fur coat until it cools completely. Then we transfer it finished products in the refrigerator or cellar.

The approximate consumption of meat and containers for one round of cooking is as follows: 3 rabbits, 3 liter and 6 half-liter cans. Received valuable product— dietary rabbit meat will always be welcome at your table. It can be consumed throughout the year if stored in a dark and cool place, such as a cellar or basement.