Recipe for salted cookies in hot vegetable oil. Shortbread cookies (sablee) with salt

Actually, in place of these sablée There should have been a post about puff pastry. But it will have to be postponed, because... I'm not entirely happy with the result.We still need to understand and practice. BI've been with him for a couple of months now. I thought I had it all figured out. Not so. I was even upset. And without of frustration I baked the simplest shortbread cookies.Although, for a moment, these " the simplest sablée" included in the Le Cordon Bleu basic course exam. So, in fact, not everything is simple with them either.

I once attended a tasting at a pastry shop, where they gave me such cookies to try. It really melts in your mouth and has a very elegant, French-style crunch. And before this, it always came out a little hard, not so delicious whether. But this time everything worked out half a turn. If only it were like this with puff pastry, eh((((

I realized my mistake: when I mixed flour crumbs (flour ground with butter) with liquid (yolks + a drop of water), it always seemed to me that there was not enough liquid. I started to think that the apartment was dry, which meant the flour needed more liquid and blah blah blah... But this time I literally caught myself by the hand so as not to add more water, but continued squeezing the crumbs with my hand. I just collected it with my hands and squeezed it in my fist. And, lo and behold!, in the next seconds (not even minutes!) the crumbs began to stick together and very quickly gathered into a lump. This actually took some seconds, because... The dough didn’t even have time to warm up from the warmth of your hands. That's how beautiful it turned out

Because it was still cold, but already plastic (the right moment!!!), I did not put it away in the cold, but immediately rolled it out to the desired thickness between sheets of parchment. The dough rolled out easily and did not crack or tear. Super!

In general, I was very, very pleased!

Now about the cookies. It's not exactly simple in taste. The test includes

large salt. But this does not make the cookies salty. It remains sweet. And grains of salt appear only occasionally, and then the taste plays out interestingly.

Shortbread(sableee) With salt
(30 pcs. d5cm)

200 g premium wheat flour
100 grams of cold butter (very tasty!)
100 g powdered sugar
2 grams baking powder
40 g egg yolks (2 pcs.)
10 g cold water
a pinch of coarse sea salt

for covering:
1 yolk
a pinch of fine sea salt

  • Sift flour along with powdered sugar and baking powder. Add salt and stir until evenly distributed. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes.

  • Chop the cold butter into 1x1cm cubes. Place in the refrigerator.

  • Mix the yolks with cold water. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes.

  • Using your hands, rub the cold butter into the flour mixture until crumbly. Pour in the yolks with water and quickly knead the dough: collect the crumbs in your hand and squeeze. As a result, the crumbs themselves will stick together into a ball.

  • Roll out between two layers of parchment to 4mm. Place in the freezer for 15-30 minutes. During this time, the dough will rest and become hard. If you cut the cookies from cold, firm dough, they will retain their shape when baked.

  • While the dough is resting and cooling, mix the yolk with salt. Prepare a cookie cutter and a brush for greasing. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Turn on the oven at 150C.

  • Cut out cookies from the cold dough. Place on a baking sheet in a checkerboard pattern. Collect the scraps, roll them out again and cut them out. If the cookies are already hot, put them in the freezer for 10 minutes.

  • Brush with yolk and salt. Place in the refrigerator for 5 minutes.

  • Brush with yolk and salt a second time. Use the back of a fork to make a pattern.

This is what the pattern looks like on the test

And it will brown so beautifully when baking

  • Place the cookies in the freezer again for 5 minutes.

  • Bake for about 15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on the baking sheet.

And I’ll finish with a classic shot glass)))

I went to improve my relationship with the puff pastry)

Why danger? You will understand this when the fantastic aroma bursts out of the oven, and even when you feel the taste with the first crunch!..

1. Easy to cook.
2. Bake quickly.
3. A great healthy alternative to who-knows-what-they-were-made-from chips.
4. Remain crispy even on the third day after baking, if, of course, there is something left 😀
5. Without butter and eggs (read - almost safe for your figure).
6. Everyone eats, a lot and with pleasure.
7. Pairs perfectly with tea, coffee, dips, beer, football, soulful company...
8. There is always the opportunity to get creative, replace or add ingredients.
9. A wonderful culinary gift.
10. It's simply delicious!

For 230 grams of crispy, fantastically tasty baked goods, you need:

Flour - 140 g (here whole grain spelled, but any will do)
Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
Sugar - 1 teaspoon
Baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon
Flax seeds - 3 tablespoons
Sesame - 1.5 tablespoons
Ground nuts (any) - 1.5 tablespoons
Ground pumpkin seeds - 1.5 tablespoons
Vegetable oil - 20 ml
Milk (can be replaced with water) - 80 ml
Ground pepper
Herbs: oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage

Mix all dry ingredients

Add vegetable oil and milk (water)

Knead elastic dough

You may need a little more flour, depending on the type. The dough should be manageable and come off well from your hands and work surface.

After kneading, wrap the dough in film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. If it is not possible to bake after 30 minutes, then you can leave the dough in the refrigerator until the next day, for example.

Before baking, roll out the dough thinly, first dusting the table with flour.

Using available tools and imagination, cut the dough. Now you can clearly see that working with it is very simple.

This amount of dough makes two trays of cookies.

Bake until golden brown (about 10 minutes) at 170 degrees

In Turkey, women's gatherings, the so-called "golden days", are very popular. The scheme is reminiscent of our Soviet lotteries, when at work or in the neighborhood a group of people agreed among themselves, played out the order, and on certain days everyone contributed an agreed amount, which was taken by the one whose name was on the list in line.

Here, on certain days of the week or month and with a certain order, a pre-agreed circle of participants gathers (but never men!) The one in whose house the next gatherings will take place prepares for this event quite seriously - several types of baked goods, fruits, nuts, fresh gossip. ..The expenses will more than pay off, because each of the participants brings with them a gold coin. How many people are in the group, so many coins

Well, we, those who are not local, organized our own club called “Breakfasts”, but without gold coins (though not without gossip)

On Tuesdays, when the husbands have fled to work, the children (who have them) have gone to kindergarten, some to school, the after-weekend cleaning is over, and you can finally think about yourself - we gather in turns “for breakfast.” A kind of women's club called "Breakfasts".

There are no problems with gold here and therefore admission is free, there is no strictly defined menu, but everyone still tries to show off - some with a recipe, some with skill, some with serving, and some with an outfit. The only unspoken rule is not to repeat yourself!

Last month, my guests were delighted with the recipe for salted cookies, which I will now dictate to you....

350 g melted margarine

100 g vegetable oil

Half a dessert spoon of salt

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp honey

1 egg (separate white and yolk)

1 packet of baking powder

3.5 or 4 tbsp flour

Mix all ingredients, except flour, baking powder and yolk, thoroughly, add sifted flour with baking powder, knead the dough and leave it for two hours (no more and no less!)

Form bagels from the dough or squeeze out cookies of various shapes with a template, brush the top with egg yolk, sprinkle with poppy seeds or sesame seeds (it is better to fry the sesame seeds first, it will be much tastier) and bake at a temperature of 175 degrees in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes.

I am sure that you will like it as well as my guests. , homemade - you can’t have too much of it, everything goes clean! Of course, success inspires and although there is still a whole month before the next gatherings, I immediately began to think about the next program. And then I was lucky - just these days my friend Larisa was on her blog

Flax seeds are very healthy and I try to add them to baking more often and cook various dishes with them. The cookies taste like store-bought saltine crackers. But, of course, homemade is much tastier.

I also really liked the fact that the ingredients needed to make salty cookies are the most common ones, which can always be found at home. The cookies are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Original and tasty, I highly recommend trying and making salty cookies with flax seeds. I'm sure you'll like it.


  1. Wheat flour - 200 grams
  2. Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons
  3. Milk - 60 grams
  4. Flax seeds - 2 tablespoons
  5. Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  6. Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  7. Salt - 1 tablespoon (without a slide)

How to make simple homemade savory flax seed cookies

1. In a bowl, mix sifted wheat flour, baking powder, salt, sugar and flax seeds.

2. Mix the dry mixture thoroughly with a spoon.

3. Add vegetable oil to the dry flour mixture (be sure to use odorless oil, otherwise it will not be tasty).

4. Pour in cold milk and knead the dough. At first, the dough will crumble into crumbs and will not come together well into a ball. You need to knead it for 5-7 minutes, after which you will get a dense lump. The dough should be approximately the same as we knead for dumplings.

5. This is such a wonderful dough. Wrap the resulting dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

6. After the time has passed, remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it into a layer approximately 0.5 cm thick. If you roll it thinner, the cookies will turn out completely crispy, if thicker, they will turn out soft inside. Cut cookies into any shape.

7. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and place the cookie dough. Prick each piece with a fork in several places.

Bake the cookies in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes, depending on your oven. The cookies should take on a slightly brown color. My oven does not brown the baked goods well on top; after 15 minutes of baking, I turned the cookies over and baked them on the other side for another 10 minutes.

Serve cookies with tea or coffee.

Bon appetit!

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