A recipe for excellent wheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker.

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker is simply incredibly tasty. I never end up with such porridge on the stove, no matter how hard I try. I always had to tinker with cooking this kind of porridge on the stove.

To prepare delicious porridge, I boiled it in a water bath. She poured water into the pan and put it on the fire. When the water in the pan began to boil, I placed a smaller cauldron with cereal and water in it.

This is how I cooked crumbly wheat porridge. If I tried to cook porridge in any other way, it would certainly burn. Then I spent a long time and tediously scraping the remnants of the stuck porridge from the bottom of the cauldron. Maybe the whole point is my inability to cook wheat porridge. I won’t argue, but the fact remained that the porridge turned out tasty and did not burn only in a water bath.

When the Redmond multicooker appeared in my house, I didn’t immediately remember about cooking porridge in it. Because I was very passionate about baking. This took up almost all my free time, because baking in a slow cooker turns out simply delicious. When I tried baking all kinds of baking recipes in a miracle pan, it was time to remember about porridge. First in line was buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker. How to cook the most delicious buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker? Check out mine on the website.

Now it’s the turn of wheat porridge; in terms of love, it’s in second place for me. I usually buy Arnautka cereal for her, most often it’s Artek. This cereal makes a very tasty porridge, just like my taste :). Well, butter, more butter, it’s so delicious!

Wheat cereal (arnautka) is very useful for adults and children. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements we need. Therefore, cook it more often! After all, you can easily prepare any side dish for it. Stewed meat, stewed mushrooms or simply stewed vegetables - they all go well with this healthy and tasty cereal. And having a multicooker, preparing such wonderful porridge is as easy as shelling pears! So let's get started

we need:

  • Wheat cereal (arnautka, I have Artek) – 1 cup;
  • Purified water – 3 glasses;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Butter – 60 grams.

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker recipe:

Delicious wheat porridge in a slow cooker recipe “You will lick your fingers” is ready.
Tender, soft, with an amazing creamy taste - I just love this recipe! Now let's move on to discussing my recipe.

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Wheat porridge is the best in its segment in terms of the content of all kinds of benefits. It also perfectly saturates the body, filling it with energy and therefore is perfect for both a hearty breakfast and lunch with a side dish. Today we have recipes for preparing this healthy dish using a slow cooker.

How to cook delicious wheat porridge in a slow cooker - recipe with milk


  • wheat cereal – 165 g;
  • fresh milk – 575 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • granulated sugar – 65 g;
  • – 90


First, we wash the wheat cereal. After this, put the mixture into a multi-pan, add the butter in a whole piece and pour in the required amount of milk. Next is a series of flavoring additives. Here you need to rely on your taste and preferences. Traditionally, a pinch of salt and granulated sugar are added. For a more original and rich taste, you can supplement the porridge with washed dried fruits and nuts.

Cook wheat porridge with milk in a multicooker, setting the device to the “Milk porridge” mode. The device itself determines the cooking time and the required temperature. After the signal, we give the porridge time to infuse in the “Warming” mode and after fifteen minutes we can serve. If desired, you can also enrich the taste of the dish with pieces of fresh fruit, berries, honey or.

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker - recipe with milk and water


  • wheat cereal – 160 g;
  • whole milk – 250 ml;
  • purified water – 375 ml;
  • salt – 1 small pinch;
  • butter - to taste.


Using this recipe, you can prepare unsweetened wheat porridge, which is perfect as a side dish for meat or vegetable dishes. A small amount of milk and the absence of granulated sugar also reduces caloric content of the dish, which makes it a higher priority for dietary nutrition.

Just as in the previous version, we first wash the wheat cereal very thoroughly and put it in the container of the device. Pour purified water and milk into it, add a pinch of salt, butter if desired and to taste, and select the “Porridge” program on the device display. After hearing the signal, don’t rush to open the lid of the multicooker. We’ll give the porridge an additional opportunity to steam and swell in the “Warming” program, and after fifteen minutes we can serve it with the main dish or on its own.

Wheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Hello friends! I never tire of singing praises. This miracle saucepan is the best assistant in the kitchen. The porridge in the slow cooker alone is worth it! Today we have wheat porridge in a slow cooker for breakfast.

Previously, I had to stand at the stove every morning and cook porridge for my child, stirring constantly, because you couldn’t leave it. Now everything is much simpler, because it’s not at all difficult to load all the ingredients into the multi and press a button. And you don’t need to stand nearby, she launched it and left. Multicookers also have an excellent function - delayed start. I don't use it often, but it's a very useful thing! If you cook porridge in this mode, it will not only be cooked, but will also infuse while you are away. And you will get excellent, authentic, very tasty porridge in a slow cooker. I will give you two recipes for wheat porridge in a slow cooker, with milk and water.

First, we need to rinse the wheat cereal. Place the thoroughly washed cereal into the multicooker bowl (by the way, I have a Panasonic multicooker). Add sugar, salt, a piece of butter.

Pour in milk. The specified amount of ingredients makes porridge for three people. Since multi-glasses are usually small, you can take a regular glass, just keep the proportion of cereal and milk, that is, take 1 to 5.

Close the multicooker and set the “Porridge” mode. Some models of multicookers do not have such a mode, but you can turn on the “Buckwheat” mode, which is similar in function. Milk wheat porridge in a slow cooker is ready!

By the way, if you are afraid that milk may escape from the multicooker, then I will tell you how to avoid this! When you add all the ingredients for the porridge into the bowl, simply run a piece of butter above the surface of the milk and then it will not run away.

Dairy-free wheat porridge in a slow cooker

In the same way, wash 1 multi-glass of cereal, add salt, 4 glasses of water and start the “Porridge” mode. That's it, very quick and simple, add butter at the end. Dairy-free wheat porridge is ready!

By the way, by adjusting the amount of water, you can make it thick or not very thick. If you don’t like very thick porridge, pour not 4 multi-glasses of water, but 5.

Wheat porridge in the oven

If you still don’t have a multicooker, then I’ll tell you another way to prepare very tasty dairy-free wheat porridge. In this recipe we will cook porridge in the oven. To do this, boil 200 grams of cereal in 2 glasses of water in a saucepan until the water completely boils away. Then we transfer the porridge into clay pots and put it in the oven so that the porridge melts and infuses. When serving, add a piece of butter to the porridge and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

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Wheat porridge is famous for its beneficial properties, nutritional value, containing the required amount of vitamins, as well as easy digestibility for our bodies. It’s not for nothing that nutritionists recommend this dish to people who lead an active lifestyle and engage in physical labor. Wheat porridge is recognized as a natural source of vital energy. Constant rather than occasional consumption of this porridge improves the functioning of almost all organs and systems of the human body. Cooking wheat porridge in a slow cooker has a number of serious advantages that are worth paying attention to. These are: significant time savings, unique taste and richness of the porridge, the obvious simplicity of the available recipes, maximum preservation of the beneficial properties of the cereal, the inability to make a mistake (overcook, dry out, burn, etc.).

Traditionally, two types of such porridge are prepared: wheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker and wheat porridge in a slow cooker with water. Wheat milk porridge in a slow cooker is considered healthier and richer; it is good to prepare for children, as well as people in need of restoring their health. Depending on the cereal used and the type of grinding, there are also two types of wheat cereals - “Artek” and “Poltavka”. The time spent on preparing such cereals in the traditional way varies, but in a slow cooker this disadvantage is leveled out. Indeed, in our case it is wheat porridge in a multicooker-pressure cooker! And little time is spent on this device.

The question “how to cook wheat porridge in a multicooker” is not difficult; you need to strictly follow the instructions for the specific multicooker and the recipe. More often than not, housewives want to show their imagination and figure out how to serve it and what to use it with. Wheat porridge can be served either as a separate dish, adding butter to taste, or as a side dish for meat dishes. Wheat porridge with meat in a slow cooker may well become the main dish at the table in any situation.

Unfortunately, in our time, under the influence of various “delicious things”, many wonderful products and dishes made from them are undeservedly relegated to the background, incl. and wheat porridge. You can cook anything in a slow cooker, but not this healthy delicacy. Let's correct the situation, make us healthier and stronger, and distribute recipes for such wonderful wheat porridge. Its multicooker recipes are numerous and varied.

If you wanted to cook healthy and nutritious wheat porridge in a slow cooker, a recipe made with milk would be just right. Want to diversify your diet? Wheat porridge with water is suitable; the recipe in a slow cooker is just for you. And if you have not previously tried to cook wheat porridge in a slow cooker, a photo of this dish taken from the website will help you in preparation. The main advice for beginners: if you want to cook wheat porridge in a slow cooker, the recipe with photos should be in front of you at first. Then you won’t have any unnecessary questions about how to cook wheat porridge in a slow cooker.

And now - other expert advice on how to cook wheat porridge in a slow cooker:

Wheat cereal likes to be thoroughly washed, and foreign particles and dirt are also removed from it;

The required viscosity of wheat porridge is achieved by selecting the ratio of liquid and cereal;

The porridge will not burn in a slow cooker, but if you do not have this device, to avoid such a nuisance, cook the wheat porridge in an enamel bowl;

When cooking porridge with milk, the cereal should be placed in already heated milk;

The classic ratio of products for porridge on water: wheat grits - 1 cup, water - 2 cups, butter - 70 g, salt - to taste;

To save time, try pouring boiling water over the cereal;

For children, cook sweet porridge in milk, adding a very small amount of salt and sugar to taste. You can add chopped fruits or nuts to the finished porridge for flavor and attractive appearance;

After finishing cooking, it is advisable to let the porridge brew in a closed bowl for 10 - 15 minutes, and then serve;

Be sure to take into account the specific features of your multicooker, carefully read the instructions and use the various modes for their intended purpose.


Wheat porridge today, unfortunately, is not as popular as it used to be. But in vain, because such a dish has a beneficial effect on the functioning of our digestive tract. You can easily cook wheat porridge in a slow cooker using water. This side dish is in harmony in taste with meat and fish dishes.

Culinary secrets:

  • Before serving, wheat porridge is seasoned with olive oil, as well as flaxseed and butter.
  • Buy cereals that are packaged in bags. During the heat treatment process, it will retain its taste and beneficial qualities to the maximum.
  • To make wheat porridge in a multicooker with water crumbly, follow these proportions: add 3 parts of water to 1 part of cereal. Use a multi-cup or measuring cup for this.
  • If you like liquid porridge, then add 6 parts of water to 1 part of cereal. By the way, this porridge is useful for people who have recently undergone surgery.

Wheat porridge in a Redmond multicooker on water

Let's start with the traditional method of preparing wheat porridge. Minimum ingredients and your time – maximum benefit and taste!


  • 1 multi-cup of wheat cereal;
  • salt;
  • 3 multi-glasses of purified water;
  • 50 g soft butter.


  1. The first and important stage is preparing the cereal. Wash it at least three times with cold water. This will rid the product of foreign harmful impurities.
  2. Place the cereal in a multi-cooker container.
  3. Add salt, you can add some spices, for example, cumin or herbs de Provence.
  4. We introduce purified water.
  5. Let's turn on the "Porridge" option.
  6. We wait for the end of the regime, and then add oil to the porridge.
  7. Stir the dish and leave for 10 minutes in automatic heating mode. Ready!

Advice! It is better not to cook wheat porridge for future use, since when heated it will lose some of its beneficial components.

Hearty, complete meal

Wheat porridge can become a complete second course if you cook it with pork. Add some vegetables, and the porridge will sparkle with bright flavor notes.


  • 1 tbsp. wheat cereals;
  • 3 tbsp. purified water;
  • soft butter;
  • salt;
  • 0.5 kg pork pulp;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 ml broth;
  • blend of peppers


On a note! You can fry delicious cutlets from the remaining wheat porridge. Add herbs, vegetables and eggs to it. Fry the cutlets in a slow cooker, setting the “Fry” option.

Porridge with tomato notes

Wheat porridge in the Polaris multicooker on water will become a real festive dish if you complement its taste with tomato and meat notes. Shall we try?


  • 0.6 kg of millet cereal;
  • 4 things. chicken thighs;
  • 1 liter of tomato juice;
  • 200 ml purified water;
  • carrot;
  • salt;
  • 2-3 laurel leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. purified vegetable oil;
  • greenery;
  • seasonings


On a note! If the porridge rises like a “head” during cooking and you hear an uncharacteristic sound, open the lid of the device for a couple of minutes. Then you can continue cooking the dish in the same program.

A dish with amazing taste and aroma!

Wheat cereal goes well with many ingredients. It will be incredibly tasty if you cook it with dried mushrooms and eggplants. Believe me, your household will become fans of this dish.


  • 1 cup of wheat cereal;
  • 2.5 cups of water;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 2 eggplants;
  • carrot root vegetable;
  • salt;
  • seasoning blend;
  • 1 tsp. dried mushrooms
