Homemade tiramisu cream recipe. Homemade tiramisu recipe using savoiardi cookies

The taste of tiramisu is familiar to many from chocolates, ice cream and cakes. But this is not just a sweet scent. This is the name of the Italian dessert based on biscuit cookies - savoiardi. The cream with the addition of mascarpone cream cheese gives it a special piquancy. You can prepare tiramisu at home, but for the original taste you must strictly adhere to the recipe.

Tiramisu - general cooking rules

  • The Italian dessert is prepared on the basis of two components: mascarpone cream and cookies. Many people replace baked goods with ready-made savoiardi, but the taste of tiramisu is lost. To make a real dessert, you need to prepare the base yourself.
  • Tiramisu is assembled in layers, like any other cake. Dessert is usually served to the table in portions, so it is placed immediately in small molds or bowls. But at home you can prepare it immediately in a large container.
  • The special taste of tiramisu is given by the impregnation of cookies, which is prepared on the basis of coffee and alcohol. Savoiardi is usually placed at the bottom and center of the dessert. They are covered with a large amount of cream on top and sprinkled with cocoa, which can be replaced with grated chocolate.
  • The cream is prepared with the addition of high-fat Italian cheese, which can replace butter. But mascarpone has a delicate taste and gives the cream an airy feel. Additionally, you can add vanilla extract.
  • Savoyardi has a second name, which is often used by bakers - lady fingers. It can be served as a separate dessert.

Classic tiramisu recipe - DIY savoiardi

Baking cookies does not require any special culinary skills from you. The main thing is to knead the dough correctly. In its consistency it resembles a biscuit.

For the test you will need the following ingredients:

  • wheat flour – 135 g;
  • chicken eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 115 g;
  • vanilla extract – 5 ml;
  • powdered sugar for dusting.

Dough recipe:

  • Step 1. Carry out all the preparatory work. Turn on the oven to preheat to 200 degrees. Sift the flour twice and set aside. Separate the whites from the yolks. It is very important that there are no traces of yolk in the whites, otherwise the biscuit will settle. Also prepare baking sheets - place parchment on them. Place the largest nozzle on the pastry syringe.
  • Step 2. In a separate container, beat the yolks with vanilla extract. The mixture should acquire a matte tint and have a thick consistency. Set it aside.
  • Step 3. Cool the whites, add sugar and beat at high speed until white peaks form (the mixture should have a dense consistency).

  • Step 4. Pour the yolks into the whites and stir them with a silicone spatula. At the same time, try to make movements from bottom to top, thereby gently mixing the dough.

  • Step 5. Add flour in small portions and quickly mix the dough. When you add it in full, mix the mixture well until smooth.

  • Step 6. Place the dough into a piping bag and pipe long strips of it onto the parchment paper. In total, from the specified amount of ingredients you should get 50 pieces. cookies.

  • Step 7 Sprinkle a thick layer of caster sugar over the raw dough and let it rest for about a minute. Then dust the dough with powder again.

  • Step 8 Bake the cookies until golden brown. This will take you 11-15 minutes depending on the thickness of the dough.

Classic tiramisu recipe - cream

It was the mascarpone-based cream that made tiramisu so popular. There are several variations of its preparation, but before experimenting, learn how to make the traditional version.

For the cream, take the following products:

  • mascarpone cheese – 900 g;
  • small eggs – 8 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • light cream - 1 tbsp;
  • vanillin – ½ tsp.


  • Step 1. In a deep container, beat eggs with sugar using a mixer.

  • You should end up with a thick, opaque mixture with air bubbles.

  • Step 2. Add the cheese and vanilla to the egg mixture and beat it thoroughly.

  • As a result, your cream should look like this.

  • Step 3. Separately, whip the cream until thick.

  • Transfer them to the cream and stir it with a silicone spatula. Do not use a blender for this, otherwise the cream will fall off. The cream is ready.

Classic tiramisu recipe - order of dessert assembly

The dessert must be assembled in layers, but before this, the cookies must be well soaked in coffee with added alcohol. To do this, brew strong coffee, cool it, add cognac or liqueur. Place the savoiardi in it for a few seconds.

Place the first layer of cookies in a large pan.

Apply half the cream on top of them so that it has the same thickness throughout the entire shape.

Then soak the cookies again, let the coffee drip off and place on the cream.

Spread the remaining cream over the savoiardi and smooth it out.

Make a pattern on top with a fork and sprinkle cocoa cream.

Let the tiramisu cool for 2 hours.

Classic tiramisu recipe - cooking secrets

  • When preparing the cream, pay special attention to the eggs. Since they are not thermally processed, they can be harmful to your health. To reduce the fat content of the cream, add cream or plain yogurt to it.
  • To beat meringue (whites with sugar), use a perfectly clean bowl. This also applies to the whisk on the blender.
  • To achieve a porous structure in cookies, you need to beat the whites separately from the yolks. In this case, the proteins must be chilled. Sift the flour thoroughly, this will enrich it with air.
  • The dough should be thick and hold its shape when baking, and the cookies themselves should be the same size. To do this, use a pastry bag and slowly squeeze the dough onto the parchment.
  • It will be easy to remove the savoiardi from the baking sheet if you first grease it with a thin layer of butter and sprinkle it with flour.
  • If you plan to use the cookies to make tiramisu, then you need to create a sweet crust on the surface. Once the savoiardi are ready, remove them from the oven and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Then put it back for 2-3 minutes.
  • Cognac or liqueur for impregnation can be replaced with essence - the taste and aroma will remain the same, but there will be no alcohol in the dessert. You don't have to use cocoa either. Instead of dusting for tiramisu, use coffee, chocolate, chopped nuts and even cinnamon.
  • There is no clear opinion on the use of sugar in the form of grains or powder. But powdered sugar dissolves faster, which means it will take you less time to whip the cream. In addition, it makes the cream more airy. But if you decide to replace sugar with powdered sugar, then calculate the weight correctly. These ingredients have different volumes in one glass.

I think there is not a single person who would not try this tiramisu at least once in their life!

A very delicate Italian dessert "Tiramisu" can be easily prepared at home. I often prepare this dessert, and that is why I have two options for cream for this dessert. One - with eggs.

And I will offer you another, simpler option today - Tiramisu with cream and mascarpone.

So, let's prepare all the products according to the list. It is better to prepare brewed coffee in advance so that it has cooled down by the time the dessert is prepared.

Let's prepare the cream for dessert. Place Mascarpone cream in a bowl.

Pour 30% fat cream into the cheese.

Add powdered sugar.

IMPORTANT: we don’t like very sweet cream, so I use a minimum of powdered sugar, you can add a little more powdered sugar to your taste.

Using a mixer, beat all ingredients until a thick cream is obtained.

Mix cooled brewed coffee and cognac in a bowl.

Now is the time to assemble our Tiramisu dessert.

Cover the bottom of the mold with a thin layer of cream. Dip the Savoiardi cookie sticks into the coffee-cognac solution and place the cookies in a single layer in the mold.

Distribute two or three tablespoons of cream on top.

Repeat the layers of cookies and cream several times. We should have cream left, we will decorate our dessert with it before serving.

At the very end, cover the dessert with film and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

We decorate the soaked Tiramisu dessert with cream and mascarpone with the remaining cream, sprinkle with cocoa powder and serve it to the table.

Enjoy your tea in Italian!

Tiramisu(Italian Tiramisù, literally - “raise me”) is an Italian multi-layer dessert, which includes the following ingredients: mascarpone cheese(usually espresso) chicken eggs,sugar And savoiardi cookies. As a rule, the dessert is powdered with cocoa powder. I have never met anyone who doesn’t like this most delicate delicacy. In addition, Tiramisu is very easy to prepare.

You will need:

  • fine ground or instant coffee 2 tsp.
  • sugar 2 tsp
  • boiling water 200 ml
  • eggs 4pcs
  • powdered sugar 4 tbsp. l.
  • Mascarpone cheese 500 gr
  • Savoyardi cookies 24 pcs
  • cocoa powder 1 tbsp.
  • liqueur or cognac 50 ml + 1 tsp. for cream

Step-by-step photo - recipe:

Cookie "Savoyardi" for classic Italian Tiramisu. It also comes in other packages.

You will need 24 pieces. There are packages where the briquettes contain 13 or 15 pieces. But usually these cookies are narrower, so don’t be embarrassed and use 26 or 30 pieces respectively. There will be enough cream and impregnation.

Mascarpone cheese for classic Italian Tiramisu. Can be used in any other packaging.


Impregnation for Tiramisu.

Impregnation is necessary prepare in advance because it needs to cool down.

2 teaspoons and 2 teaspoons Sahara pour 200 ml of boiling water, stir and cool. If you use finely ground coffee, then after cooling it must be strained through a strainer.

Add to cold coffee 50 ml liqueur. Here is Amaretto. Any other one is possible. It also works well with cognac. Impregnation is ready.

Cream for Tiramisu

Wash the eggs well, because... This dessert is not cooked.
4 yolks separate from proteins.

Add to the yolks 4 tbsp. powdered sugar and beat until white and thickening.

Combine Mascarpone cheese with the yolk mixture, add 1 tsp. liqueur or cognac and whisk.

It is allowed to add whipped cream from 200 to 500 ml. Beat them separately and add them to the cream, stirring gently with a spatula. It is also possible to add whipped egg whites, but classic cream is made from Mascarpone cheese, yolks and powdered sugar.

The cream is ready.

To form Tiramisu you need a base - a dish, plastic board or tray. I do this in a glass form 27 X 27 with a side 6 cm deep. In this form it is convenient to store Tiramisu in the refrigerator - it can be covered with cling film.

Each cookie is slightly dip in coffee with liqueur for 2-3 seconds. Don't overdo it! The cookies are loose and quickly absorb the impregnation, and if there is too much of it, the dessert will become soggy and will not hold its shape well.

Cookie put in shape.

Above half the cream.

Lay down second layer of cookies, dipping in coffee impregnation.

Post it remaining cream and smooth it out.

The cream should be distributed over the entire surface and sides of the dessert. You can make streaks on the surface of the dessert with a fork.

Ready dessert needed keep in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. Before serving Tiramisu sprinkle with cocoa powder. It is convenient to do this through a tea strainer.

This is what happens if you leave the surface flat.

And this is how you make streaks on the surface of Tiramisu with a fork.

Tiramisu is possible cook in glasses. See how to do this

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Those who have been to Italy say that there is one wise piece of advice regarding one of the favorite desserts in the whole world - tiramisu. A sad person is told: “If you’re sad, friend, eat tiramisu!”

“Cheer me up!”, “Lift (pull) me up (up)!” - this is how you can translate the name of this most delicate Italian delicacy.

And therefore, when they ask what this word means, they always want to answer that this is a delicious, delicate dessert that, above all, lifts your spirits! And if it is made with soul and desire, then, most likely, it may well raise the person who tastes it to the very top of bliss!

Today we will prepare this delicate delicacy at home according to the classic recipe. And it provides such basic ingredients as mascarpone cheese, savoiardi cookies (or lady fingers), espresso coffee, or black strong coffee and Marsala wine, which can be replaced with liqueur, rum or skate. And of course you will need eggs, sugar and cocoa.

Sometimes they ask whether it is possible to replace mascarpone cheese with some other cheese. It’s possible, but such a dessert will already be called by a different name. The same applies to savoiardi liver. And if other components can still be replaced, then these two components are irreplaceable.

Mascarpone cheese is made from cream and has a creamy taste. All other cheeses are made from milk. And since we need cream cheese, it means that to prepare the dessert we use only mascarpone, and no other.

It is believed that the best cheese with a fat content of 55% can be tasted only in one place - in Lombardy, located on the Apennine Peninsula. But this place is inaccessible to us, so we buy cheese from the local supermarket.

This is the Galbani brand cheese, which is said to be the No. 1 cheese in Italy and is also considered very good for making a delicious dessert.

You can also buy it in some stores, but I didn’t waste time looking for it and baked it myself. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in its preparation.

I replace Marsala wine with cognac, since I also could not find this Sicilian wine, famous in the culinary community, in our area.

Now that we have everything we need to prepare the dessert, it's time to start the creative process.

The recipe is given for 10 people, which is exactly how many guests came to us on October 9 for our Family Creation Day. My husband and I have lived together for 35 years, and on this occasion the people closest to us came to congratulate us. And how can we not treat our loved ones with a delicious dessert!

We will need:

  • Mascarpone cheese -500 gr
  • savoiardi cookies (lady fingers) – 250 gr
  • espresso or black ground coffee - 300 - 350 ml
  • eggs (fresh) - 6 pcs
  • sugar - 150 g (6 tablespoons)
  • cocoa powder - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • cognac - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or liqueur, or Marsala wine, or rum)


1. Brew espresso coffee. To do this, place finely ground coffee beans in a Turk and fill them with cold water. Brew the coffee over very low heat, without bringing it to a boil. As soon as the foam begins to rise, this is a signal that the coffee is ready and it’s time to remove it from the heat.

Pour hot coffee into a cup, add a little sugar, stir and cool. Then strain it through cheesecloth so that no grains of coffee get into the dessert.

You can brew strong coffee in a geyser coffee maker. This is exactly how my husband made coffee for dessert.

2. When the coffee has cooled, add cognac, or what is listed above. Since not everyone drinks alcohol here, and there will be children at the table, I poured out some of the coffee and did not add cognac to it. The dessert is delicious without any alcohol.

They also add almond syrup, literally a couple of drops, but unfortunately, I don’t have such syrup! They say that when syrup is added, the dish tastes as if Amaretto had been added.

3. Prepare two clean, completely dry containers. Wash the eggs with soap and dry with a paper towel.

To prepare tiramisu, only fresh eggs should be used! Since we will be preparing the cream from raw eggs, we must wash them to protect ourselves from salmonella infection.

To find out if an egg is fresh, you need to shake it. If you can hear the liquid bubbling around inside, it means the egg is no longer fresh. It is better to avoid such eggs when preparing dessert!

Sometimes quail eggs are used instead of chicken eggs. They are not susceptible to contamination and are safe to cook with. The proportion is as follows: 1 chicken egg - 4.5 quail, that is, 6 chicken - 27 quail.

4. Separate the whites from the yolks and place the whites in one of the prepared containers and the yolks in the other. In this case, you need to try to separate the whites so that not a single drop of yolk gets into them.

It is convenient to separate eggs by splitting them into two halves. And by transferring the yolk from one half of the shell to the other, and slightly tilting it at the same time, all the white, under the influence of gravity, will flow down.

5. Add sugar to the yolks and beat everything together with a mixer until a homogeneous thick mass, almost white. At the same time, there should be no grains of sugar left in it.

It is because of this that powdered sugar is sometimes used for churning. To do this, grind the specified amount of sugar, that is, 150 grams, into powder, then beat the yolks with it.

This is such a dense and thick mass that we have.

6. Then first add half of the Mascarpone cheese (I have one 250 g jar). As I already said, I use Galbani brand cheese. This cheese is really good and has never let me down with any of the recipes I've used it in.

Gently mix the mixture from top to bottom using a spatula. Then add another half, and also mix everything.

7. Beat the whites with a mixer. At first we start shooting down at a not very high speed. As soon as a lush foam with an abundance of bubbles appears, and this will happen quite quickly, we increase the speed. Beat the egg whites until they become quite thick but still airy.

When the cup is tilted from side to side, the finished mass does not fall to either side. And stable peaks form on the surface that do not fall.

8. Place the whites into the yolk mixture, or vice versa (there is no significant difference), and gently mix from top to bottom. It is advisable to use a wooden or silicone spatula, or, in extreme cases, a spoon. We no longer use a whisk, much less a mixer.

For the same reason, under no circumstances should we mix the contents in a circle.

9. When both masses are mixed, you can begin to assemble the tiramisu into molds or bowls. It is desirable that they be transparent. This is necessary in order to enjoy not only the taste, but also the appearance of a wonderful dessert.

10. Quickly dip a stick of Savoiardi cookies into the coffee with the side on which the powdered sugar was sprinkled. There is no need to keep the cookies in the coffee for a long time. It is enough to just lightly dip, and even then not all the cookies, but only half with powder. If the cookie stick is large, you can break it off as much as needed.

11. Place the first layer of cookies. Approximately 3.5 sticks are required per serving. That is, we put 1-1.5 pieces down, and accordingly leave 1.5-2 for the second layer.

12. Next, place a layer of airy cream on the cookies. You can lightly tap the mold on the table, or shake it slightly so that the cream sits better on the cookies.

13. Then lay out the second layer of cookies. And then cream again.

14. Cover the molds prepared in this way with cling film and place in the refrigerator. Minimum for 3 hours. But of course, the longer the dessert sits in the refrigerator, the better the cookies will be soaked in the cream and the tastier it will be.

It is best to keep the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 10-12 hours, or even better, a day.

15. Before serving, remove the film from the molds and generously sprinkle the top layer with cocoa powder. For an even and neat coating, it is better to use a small sieve.

Sometimes grated chocolate is used to decorate the dessert. This option also turns out very beautiful and tasty.

And in the summer season, when there are a lot of tasty and fresh berries, you can decorate tiramisu with them. Then you will definitely get fireworks of taste!

Decoration is certainly good! But everything important is inside! When you try the first spoon of dessert, you feel complete delight! Delicate, airy, with an amazing creamy, slightly sweet taste, echoing the bitter and invigorating aroma and taste of coffee, the dessert simply creates an explosion in your mind.

You can never have enough of this dessert! You want to eat it and eat it!

But you should always remember that tiramisu is very high in calories. Due to the fatty mascarpone cheese, it is still better to take a decent break between the first and second servings. Especially if you watch your figure.

This is what it is - a delicious and invigorating dessert!

Classic tiramisu dessert - recipe without eggs

On hot summer days you are not always sure of the freshness of the eggs you buy. And you want to cook a delicious dessert both in winter and in summer. And in this case, a dessert recipe comes to the rescue, according to which you can prepare your favorite delicacy without eggs. I bring to your attention a video recipe.

The recipe is not at all complicated. And if you buy ready-made cookies, then cooking will not be difficult at all. The most difficult thing will be waiting for a whole day.

By the way, did you know that tiramisu can also be prepared in the form of a cake.

Tiramisu cake according to the classic recipe

This cake is prepared in exactly the same way as the previous version. The only difference is that we make a different design for it.

To shape the cake you need a mold. It can be round, square or oblong. At the same time, you need to understand that it will be difficult to get such a cake out of the mold. Therefore, you need to think about the method of presentation. And there can be several ways.

You can cook it in a glass form, and when ready, cut it into portions and serve it separately to each person on a plate.

If you want to serve the cake as a whole, it is best to use a small springform pan. By removing the side walls, the cake will remain intact and will be pleasant to put on the table to the delight of all guests.

Or just make a small cake with a cookie-length side.

It should be noted, however, that such a cake will be quite difficult to cut beautifully. Brittle cookies and airy cream! You should be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult to cut it beautifully!

But in order to have good chances for this, it must be kept in the refrigerator longer. The more it is in the cold, the better the cream thickens. Therefore, you need to leave it in the refrigerator at least overnight, and preferably for a day.


1. Place some cream down the pan. Place savoiardi biscuits, which have previously been dipped in coffee on one side, tightly together on top.

2. Place a layer of cream on top.

3. Then cookies again. And again cream. Usually they make two layers of cookies. But if you really want to, you can make a tall cake and add another layer.

4. The top should be covered with cream. If you have an open cake, it is also better to grease the side walls with cream.

5. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 12 hours, or better yet, 24 hours.

6. Then take it out, sprinkle cocoa powder on top, or decorate it as your imagination dictates.

7. Cut into portions and eat with pleasure!

I believe that whatever form tiramisu takes, in the form of a cake or as a separate dessert in a bowl, the content is still more important.

Although the form can also be great!

Tiramisu cake without eggs

I found a very interesting video recipe for tiramisu cake on the Internet. Its originality lies in the fact that it is prepared without pre-baking the savoiardi cookies. Instead of cookies, a biscuit is baked and the cake is made from this biscuit. By the way, I agree with this. This cake is easy to shape, easy to cut, and can be served very beautifully.

And another feature is that this cake is prepared completely without eggs, using cream. I really liked the recipe and am happy to share it with you.

Well, how do you like the recipe? Really good! And you don't have to worry about the freshness of the eggs. Everything is spectacular, beautiful and very tasty!

Now that you know several ways to prepare a delicious Italian dessert that has received widespread recognition and love from millions of people, I think you can easily prepare it using any of them.

And don’t look at how much has been written. In fact, everything is much simpler and easier! You just have to start, and everything else will go like clockwork.

And I wish you that you get the most delicious tiramisu possible! So that you too “lift up” the mood of those for whom you cook!

Bon appetit!

Today we will prepare the popular Italian dessert tiramisu at home. The “airy” cream and pleasant coffee-almond flavor together form the most delicate delicacy, which will be a great idea for a romantic dinner or an original afternoon snack.

According to the classic recipe, tiramisu with mascarpone is prepared; the obligatory ingredients are also eggs, coffee with sweet liqueur, cocoa powder, sugar/powdered sugar and, of course, oblong cookies (savoiardi or “lady fingers”). You can make it yourself or find it on sale, but do not try to replace this ingredient with anything, as the dessert will not taste the same.

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • mascarpone cream cheese - 250 g;
  • - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa powder - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Amaretto liqueur - 1 tbsp. spoon (or almond essence);
  • espresso coffee (or regular strong coffee) - 200 ml.

First, a few words about the cream. It is prepared from raw eggs, so be sure to select the freshest chicken eggs for tiramisu and wash them thoroughly with soap before cooking. It will not be possible to exclude raw whites and yolks from the recipe, since they are the ones that give the cream “airiness”. If you wish, of course you can replace the eggs, for example, with whipped cream, but the taste will be completely different.

  1. First of all, we prepare coffee. The classic tiramisu recipe includes espresso, but there will be nothing wrong if you brew regular strong coffee in a Turk (2 teaspoons of coffee per 200 ml of water). Cool the finished drink.
  2. Next, separate the egg whites from the yolks and place them in different containers. Try not to get a drop of yolk or water into the protein mass, and also pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes, as even the smallest speck can disrupt the whipping process. So, let's start working with the mixer. As soon as the mass thickens, add a tablespoon of powdered sugar, gradually increasing the speed. As a result, the whites must be whipped into a very dense foam so that the finished cream does not spread in the dessert.
  3. Mix the yolks with the remaining portion of sweet powder. Beat until a thick, light-colored mass is obtained.
  4. Gradually stir mascarpone cheese into the sweet yolk mixture. Add the whipped whites in parts (in 2-3 additions) to the mixture of yolks and cheese, each time carefully mixing from bottom to top. As a result, you need to get a homogeneous and “airy” cream.
  5. Mix cold coffee with Amaretto. This ingredient gives the dessert an almond flavor. If you do not want to include alcohol in the tiramisu, you can replace the liqueur with almond essence.
  6. Quickly dip the Savoiardi into aromatic coffee (it is better to immerse the cookies not completely, but only the side with powdered sugar). Next, shake off the excess liquid.
  7. Place the soaked savoiardi on the bottom of a serving bowl or transparent glass (if the cookies do not fit entirely, break them into pieces of suitable size). By the way, you can cook tiramisu in one large container, for example, a baking dish, but keep in mind that the dessert is very delicate, so it will be difficult to cut it into beautiful portions. And there is a widespread belief that among Italians cutting tiramisu is considered bad form.
  8. We hide the cookies under a layer of light cream. Next we repeat the layers.
  9. Cover the surface of the dessert with cocoa powder through a fine sieve, then cover the dish with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for several hours (it’s better to leave it overnight).

Let's start tasting, enjoying the delicate taste of the multi-layer tiramisu dessert at home! Enjoy your meal!