Recipe: Borsch without cabbage - with pork. Borscht without cabbage (step-by-step recipe with photos) Beetroot soup without cabbage

Traditional Ukrainian borscht is made from beets and cabbage. Not everyone likes these vegetables; for some, they are not recommended by doctors. Is it possible to cook borscht without them? It is problematic to cook this first dish without beets: it is they that give it its characteristic taste and color. The taste of soup cooked without cabbage will also change, but not so dramatically. In Belarus and Poland, similar soups are prepared without adding cabbage and eaten with great appetite. Borscht without cabbage turns out to be unique, but no less tasty and satisfying than the traditional Ukrainian one.

Cooking features

The principles of cooking borscht without cabbage are the same as when cooking traditional borscht.

  • An important task when cooking borscht is to give the soup a rich red color and to prevent the beets from discoloring. Knowing a few things will allow you to solve it. The first point: not all varieties of beets have a rich shade initially; the brightest of them are salad varieties, characterized by their small size. The second point: the digestion of beet juice and the loss of rich color by beets most often occur during prolonged cooking of the vegetable. If you put the beets in the soup 10 minutes before it is ready, they will remain red. You just need to add it already prepared, fried, stewed or baked, otherwise it will remain damp. Third point: the use of acetic or citric acid helps maintain color brightness. By treating the beets with citric acid or vinegar before adding them to the soup, you will protect them from discoloration.
  • When cooking any seasoning soup, it is important to observe the correct order of adding ingredients. In borscht without cabbage, carrots are placed first, after 15 minutes a dressing of beets and other vegetables is added. After this, cook the borscht for no more than 10 minutes. If you add crushed garlic or fresh herbs to the pan at the end of cooking, you should let the soup boil for a couple of minutes so that it does not spoil ahead of time.
  • Don’t be afraid to cook borscht in large quantities: the next day its taste will only improve. If you plan to eat it on the first day, let the soup sit, covered, for at least 20 minutes.
  • To make cabbage borscht thick enough and satisfying, other vegetables (bell peppers, tomatoes), legumes (grain or green beans, green peas), and meat are added to it. You can cook soup in water, but the first dish cooked in meat or chicken broth is much tastier and more aromatic.
  • The broth will be transparent only if you remove the foam that appears on the surface when it boils in time and cook it without allowing it to boil violently. To do this, do not cover the pan completely with a lid, making the flame small. The finished broth can be strained.

Serving borscht without cabbage is no different from the traditional one: sour cream and fresh herbs are added to the soup. Separately, you can offer garlic buns and rye croutons.

Borsch without cabbage with pork

  • pork ribs – 0.7 kg;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • beets – 150 g;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • fresh herbs – 100 g;
  • tomato paste – 40 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • fresh herbs – 100 g;
  • dried seasonings, pepper, bay leaf, salt - to taste;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • water – 2.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pork ribs, divide them into pieces with a knife so that each has a bone. Place in a saucepan, fill with water.
  • Place the pan over medium heat. Bring the water to a boil. Cook for 5–10 minutes over medium heat, skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon. Reduce the flame intensity and cover the pan with a lid. Cook for an hour.
  • Remove the meat from the broth. After cooling, separate the meat from the bones and chop finely.
  • Strain the broth, put pieces of meat into it.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into one and a half centimeter cubes.
  • Remove the skins from the onion and cut it into thin halves of rings.
  • Scrub the carrots, wash and dry. Cut it into small cubes or strips.
  • Peel the beets. Cut it into pieces approximately the same shape and size as the carrots.
  • Pour oil into a frying pan with high sides or into a saucepan and heat it.
  • Place the onion in it and brown it slightly.
  • Add carrots and fry them with onions for 5 minutes.
  • Add beets. Continue sautéing vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Add tomato paste. Sauté vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto the vegetables and stir.
  • Add a ladle of broth. Simmer the vegetables, covered, until the beets are completely soft.
  • Bring the broth in the saucepan to a boil.
  • Add salt and season. Add potatoes. Cook for 15 minutes.
  • Add vegetable dressing and continue cooking for 5 minutes.
  • Finely chop the greens and throw them into the pan with the borscht.
  • After cooking the soup for another 3 minutes, remove the pan from the heat. Leave the borscht covered for 20 minutes.

When serving the dish, add a spoonful of sour cream to each plate. Separately, offer spiced bread, garlic croutons or Ukrainian pampushki. Using the same principle, you can cook beef borscht. For this, it is better to use beef brisket. The broth cooking time must be increased by 30 minutes.

Diet borscht without cabbage with chicken

  • chicken breast – 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 0.2 kg;
  • beets – 0.25 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.8 kg;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • fresh parsley – 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • water – 2.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the chicken breast. Fill with water. Throw a few peas of allspice, a couple of bay leaves, and salt into the pan. Bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes. At this time, remove the foam that forms on the surface with a slotted spoon.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and cook the chicken for 40 minutes.
  • Wash the vegetables.
  • Wrap the beets in foil and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake it for 40–50 minutes.
  • Finely chop the parsley with a knife. Pass the garlic through a press.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes.
  • Scrub the carrots and wash them. After drying, chop on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips.
  • Cut out the stalk of the pepper and remove it along with the seeds. Cut the pepper into small squares.
  • Make cross-shaped cuts on the tomatoes. Place vegetables in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the fruits to a container of cold water to cool quickly. Remove from water and clean. Cut out the seals around the stalks. Cut the tomato cubes into pieces about a centimeter in size.
  • Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes.
  • After the required time has passed, remove the chicken breast from the broth and let it cool. Remove the skin and separate the meat from the bones. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes, dip into the broth, after straining it.
  • Remove the beets from the oven. Let cool slightly, unwrap. Clean. Grate it into a separate bowl. Sprinkle with lemon juice if desired.
  • Place the potato cubes into the boiling broth. After 10 minutes, add carrots, onions, peppers and tomatoes to the soup.
  • After 5 minutes, but not before the soup boils again, add the beets.
  • After 5 minutes, add chopped herbs and garlic to the soup. Stir. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove.

Leave the soup covered for 20 minutes. Serve with sour cream. This version of borscht will appeal to those who care about their health and try to avoid eating fried foods. The color, taste and aroma of borscht cooked according to the given recipe without cabbage will not disappoint you.

I, of course, was one of those people who believe that borscht without cabbage is not borscht, but rather a stew. But, as you know, it’s worth trying before you make your opinion. That's what happened with this hot one.

My daughter can't stand cabbage. If borscht was served for lunch, then it is simply impossible to persuade her to eat lunch. I had to fish out the cabbage, and only after that did she start eating. I accidentally found a recipe for how to cook borscht without cabbage. And she prepared it.

The whole family loved this dish. Borscht without cabbage turned out to be no less filling and appetizing. Just not as thick. But for a change it's very worthy. Now everyone in my family is happy. My daughter has never refused her portion yet. And this makes me very happy. After all, I know that the child is not hungry after lunch.

I cook borscht without cabbage almost the same way as the classic dish. For example, I only add beets to both the roast and the broth. I definitely cook meat broth (lamb, beef, pork).
And before serving, I sprinkle each serving with finely chopped parsley. It increases beauty and adds aroma. I offer a recipe for my borscht without cabbage.

Cooking steps:


Broth (meat) 4 l, beets 1-2 pcs., carrots 1 pc., onions 2 pcs., potatoes 4-5 pcs., sunflower oil (or fat) to taste, sauce (tomato) 2 tbsp. spoons, sugar 1 tbsp. spoon, vinegar 2 tbsp. spoons, salt to taste.

Has it ever happened to you that, when you are about to cook borscht, you discover that there is either no cabbage at all, or there is a small piece left that is completely insufficient for borscht? This often happens to me :) We love cabbage dishes, so it “goes away” unnoticed. And in such cases, you don’t have to deny your family rich borscht at all - cook borscht, but without cabbage! The borscht turns out delicious, and no worse than its classic “brother”!

So, what do you need to cook borscht, but without cabbage? Prepare the following products: chicken leg, potatoes, water, salt, beets, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, tomato juice, paste or special borscht dressing (preserved), garlic, bay leaf, ground pepper.

Wash the chicken leg, other parts of the chicken carcass or completely different meat (pork, beef, turkey, in general, something meaty), put in a pan along with potatoes (cubes), cover with water and cook until the meat and potatoes are ready. Chicken, of course, will cook fine together with potatoes, but with pork it is better to either cut the meat finely, or first cook the meat until half-cooked, and then with the potatoes until done. Since there will be no cabbage in the borscht, use more potatoes than usual. Somewhere in the middle of the cooking process, add salt to the broth.

While the meat and potatoes are cooking, i.e. the basis of our borscht, fry the onion (diced) and carrots in vegetable oil (half the carrots on a coarse grater, half on a fine grater). Cut the beets into thin strips, as thin as you can, or grate them on a grater (large). Take 2-3 beets so that the borscht in the end is not liquid, don’t forget - there won’t be any cabbage :)

Add the beets to the pan and fry the vegetables together a little.

Pour in tomato sauce for the borscht (I use homemade preserves) and simmer, covered, until the beets are soft.

When the potatoes and chicken are cooked, place the roasted beets into the pan. Cook the borscht until you see that all its components are completely cooked.

Add garlic (chopped), bay leaf, ground pepper to the borscht and turn off the stove. The borscht should sit for about 20 minutes before serving, this will make it richer and tastier:)

Red borscht without cabbage is served with sour cream, rich, real - you won’t be able to tear yourself away from this borscht!

I remember how, as a child, I would fish out hated pieces of boiled cabbage from my plate. She carefully placed the boiled onions, cabbage and fatty pieces of meat along the edge of the plate. Then I didn’t yet know that you could cook and happily eat delicious borscht without cabbage and meat. And in general, that a hot dish can be so varied: with Hetman-style eggplants, with,.

Many will begin to argue: “But my grandmother... and my mother... they cooked everything wrong, the borscht was tastier, and the grass was greener.” It’s a matter of habit or attachment to childhood memories. I think it's always worth expanding your horizons, even in something as simple as cooking. Therefore, I propose to go beyond the templates and prepare delicious borscht with beets and cabbage without meat.

And also, I will tell you a secret (which many people know:) how to make the soup bright red, aromatic and appetizing.

Recipe for borscht with beets without cabbage

I often replace meat with beans (red, white - it doesn’t matter), or chickpeas (chickpeas) - as in this recipe. If mushrooms are in season, it’s very tasty to cook borscht without cabbage in mushroom broth.

Greens are also in season. If there are fresh ones, then I add green onions, wild garlic, dill or parsley.

I leave the rest of the basic ingredients as is. And thanks for that, you say :)


  • 1 large beet
  • 1 large carrot
  • 2 medium size potatoes
  • 1/2 cup cooked chickpeas or beans
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice or apple cider vinegar 6%
  • tomato paste, tomato juice, ketchup or fresh tomatoes - I used 4 tbsp. children's ketchup
  • vegetable oil
  • 1 bay leaf

Step by step recipe

Well, a very simple step-by-step recipe on how to cook borscht without cabbage.

  1. Let the chickpeas or beans cook until fully cooked (soak them overnight in advance). You can immediately pour more water, this will be the broth - the basis of the hot dish.
  2. Cut the carrots and beets into strips or grate them on a coarse grater.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Lay out the vegetables.
  4. After 3-4 minutes of frying, add lemon juice. Immediately stir the vegetables so that they are evenly covered with juice. This is the secret of red borscht.
  5. Add tomato paste or ketchup.
  6. Simmer under the lid until done. I don’t like boiled, too soft vegetables, so I leave them slightly firm, perhaps even crunchy.
  7. When the beets and carrots are stewed, add chopped potatoes to the boiling chickpeas. Here you can choose whatever you like: sticks, quarters, thin stripes. Cook for 5 minutes, until the potatoes are almost done.
  8. Add stewed vegetables, bay leaves, and salt to the potatoes and chickpeas. If it seems that there are not enough tomatoes, at this stage add more to taste.
  9. Before serving, do not forget to remove the bay leaf. And sprinkle with herbs, if desired.

How to make borscht red

Good news for those whose borscht always turns out yellow or orange. Today you are guaranteed to learn how to make red borscht.

For this you will need beets and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Of course, fruit juice is preferable due to its beneficial properties and more pleasant aroma.

While you are stewing carrots and beets (grated or cut into cubes/cubes), pour in 1 tbsp. lemon juice or vinegar. And stir immediately so that the liquid is well distributed throughout the vegetables. You will immediately see how the beets and carrots change color - they will become brighter. These are the proportions for 1 large carrot and 1 beet slightly larger than medium size.

They poured acid over it and let the vinegar evaporate for 2-3 minutes without a lid. Then cover and simmer until the vegetables are ready.

That’s it, now you can make the borscht red 100%.

Is borscht cooked without cabbage and what can you replace it with?

Is it worth answering the question, is borscht cooked without cabbage? Yes! At the same time, the recipes are so varied that strict critics will be indignant, calling borscht not borscht, but simply red soup. As for me, the main thing is taste and aroma. The rest is trifles.

What to replace cabbage with:

  1. Back to cabbage - broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts.
  2. Zucchini, cut into strips.
  3. Eggplant - this kind of borscht is called Hetmansky.
  4. Beet tops, nettles, chard.
  1. For those who think that borscht with beets without cabbage is beet soup or something else, and you are not open to experiments.
  2. Or borscht, in your opinion, can be prepared in different ways, inventing new recipes, adding unexpected ingredients.

Borscht without cabbage - food down the drain? This is not true. Here are some delicious soup recipes. Now you can see from your own experience that such a soup has a right to exist, and what’s more, it exists in several incarnations, some of which are among the favorite first courses of the home table.

On pork

The first in this selection of simple recipes will be borscht with beets without cabbage. Check your bins for the following products:

  • a kilogram of pork ribs (if you don’t like ribs, just take the pulp);
  • four to five medium potatoes;
  • one juicy carrot;
  • onion - one piece;
  • beets - their quantity is calculated by size (if the beets are very large, one piece will be enough, a smaller vegetable - take two pieces);

  • one sweet pepper of any color;
  • spices and salt, bay leaf;
  • garlic - three to six cloves;
  • table vinegar 9% - tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil - we will sauté vegetables in it.

Cooking red borscht

And now let’s start turning into reality the recipe for beetroot borscht without cabbage.

  1. Wash the ribs and place them in a suitable sized pan. Pour cold water over the meat product and add some salt. We put it on the stove to cook. When the meat begins to boil, you need to remove the scale from the broth, and continue cooking it at a low boil for about half an hour.
  2. After this time, remove the meat from the broth and set aside to cool. Cut the cooled product into pieces. And the broth needs to be strained. Now we return the chopped meat to it.
  3. Wash and peel the potatoes. Grind as you usually do for soup and add to the meat in the broth. Place the pan back on the stove.


To prepare the frying, peel the carrots and grate them on a medium grater. We also clean and chop the beets with a grater. Cut the onion for borscht without cabbage into cubes.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and sauté all the prepared vegetables (except peppers) in it. During this process, you can add a few tablespoons of broth to the vegetables in the pan. After ten minutes, turn off the frying and add a tablespoon of vinegar to it.

We continue to prepare borscht without cabbage

The pan with its contents has already boiled. We give it seven to ten minutes so that the potatoes are almost cooked. And chop the seeded bell pepper. You can cut it into any pieces you want.

Place the pepper in a saucepan, add the bay leaf and simmer over low heat for about three minutes. At this time, taste for salt and add it if necessary.

When the potatoes are ready, turn off our borscht without cabbage. Let it sit for three minutes and now add the contents of the pan into the broth.

Squeeze the garlic through a press directly into the pan. If possible, you can add chopped herbs there. Pour in the rest of the spices too.

Mix the soup and frying. Cover with a lid and let sit for about ten minutes.

The next one will be borscht without cabbage, but with the addition of beans. This soup will not leave bean lovers indifferent. If your borscht will be tasted by a large number of eaters, multiply this rate by two or more. We collect ingredients for its preparation:

  • a piece of meat on the bone (pork) - about four hundred to five hundred grams;
  • potatoes - half a kilogram;
  • a couple of medium carrots;
  • large beets - one piece, if smaller, then two or three;
  • onion, large and juicy - one piece;
  • all fresh greens;
  • two small spoons of lemon juice (juice can be replaced with vinegar 9% - one tablespoon.

Attention! Please do not confuse table vinegar and vinegar essence. Essence is a very concentrated product. Dilute it to 9% according to the recipe indicated on the bottle.

You also need:

  • spices to taste and bay leaf;
  • lean oil for frying;
  • tomato paste - two large spoons;
  • ready-made or canned beans - from two hundred to four hundred grams;
  • a few cloves of garlic.

Cooking technology

  1. We wash the meat and cook until done: an hour from boiling while removing scale from the broth.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes (before putting them in the pan).
  3. We also peel carrots and beets and grate them into coarse grains.
  4. Peel and chop the onion according to your preferences.
  5. Pour oil into a frying pan and prepare frying onions, carrots and beets. When the vegetables have softened (after about five minutes), add the tomato to them and, stirring, heat for another couple of minutes. Turn off the pan and add lemon juice (or vinegar) to it. We leave the frying and continue to implement the recipe for borscht with beets without cabbage.
  6. The meat is cooked, and it’s time to add chopped potatoes to the soup. Cook it until almost ready.
  7. Add spices, laurel and salt to almost finished potatoes.
  8. At the same time, add the beans - ready.
  9. The borscht comes to a boil again and simmers for a minute. Turn off the stove and add roasted beets to the soup. Pour in some finely chopped greens - different ones.
  10. Taste the resulting borscht for salt and acidity. If you need a little more acid, add vinegar in small spoons, stir each time and taste the soup after adding.
  11. Let the borscht and beans steep for five to ten minutes and serve.

We present to you another recipe for borscht without cabbage with a photo of the finished dish. This is green borscht - very loved by many. And here is the composition of the products for a three-liter pan:

  • chicken meat - five hundred or seven hundred grams (any part can be used, but it is better if it is not a breast, but a couple of legs);
  • five potatoes;
  • five boiled and peeled eggs;
  • laurel leaf;
  • sweet pepper - one piece;
  • one large carrot (you can do without it);
  • bulb;
  • sorrel - a bunch or more;
  • other greens;
  • all sorts of favorite spices and salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • table vinegar 9% - tablespoon.

Cooking bright borscht

  1. First, let's cook the chicken and at the same time get a beautiful and tasty chicken broth. To do this, immerse the meat directly in boiling water with the addition of a bay leaf and salt. After boiling, remove the scale from the broth. Cook over low heat until the chicken leg is cooked. The foam must be removed several more times during its preparation. When the meat is cooked and excess scum is removed, we get a beautiful broth.
  2. When preparing the base for borscht, we do not waste time and remove inedible elements from vegetables and cooked eggs.
  3. Grind the prepared ingredients. The carrots must be grated. Chop the onion finely and chop the potatoes into cubes. Cut the eggs for borscht into cubes. Sweet peppers are also diced.
  4. Place the potatoes into the prepared broth and cook until fully cooked for about ten to fifteen minutes.
  5. In a deep frying pan you need to sauté the onion until golden brown, add carrots and pepper to it. Continue cooking the vegetables until the carrots are soft.
  6. Add the frying mixture to the soup and now put the chopped eggs into the pan. Cook for about ten minutes.
  7. After this time, add chopped sorrel, green onions and dill to the green borscht. The more greens in the soup, the tastier it will be. Stir, taste and, if necessary, add more salt. Pour the vinegar into the pan and after a few minutes pour the borscht into plates.

About greens

When sorting through sorrel for any dish, including this borscht, you need to very meticulously examine each leaf. Small caterpillars and snails may be hiding on the left side of the sorrel leaf, and if not carefully examined, such an additive will end up in your dish. Wash leaf by leaf, rubbing all sides with your fingers. You will spend a little more time on preliminary preparations, but the result will definitely not disappoint you.