Lush tasty cookies. Recipe simple but delicious cookies

Homemade baking aroma will now hear infrequently. Why get into flour when in any pastry department you can buy everything that only wishes the soul? Only for some reason a variety of shopping cookies pleases less, and more and more often you want home, tasty and fragrant cookies, the same as a mother or grandmother ... "Culinary Edom" picked up a variety of homemade cookies recipes - from traditional to unusual, From simple to virtuoso. Please the household!

Homemade biscuits from oat flakes

150 g of butter,
½ cup sugar,
1 egg,
2 glasses of oat flakes,
1 tbsp. Ground nuts,
Vanillin - to taste
Zepende lemon or orange.

Oatmeal warm-up in the oven on the contrary to light brown. During warming, periodically mix the flakes so that they do not have burned and smash uniformly. Distribute oil with sugar into a dense foam chopped nuts and spices and cooled flakes. Putting the dough put a teaspoon on the tray, put in the oven and bake the cookies. Ready cookies should be yellow brown and dry on a break.

Cheese Cookies (Failure)

Delicious cookies, an excellent snack to champagne (well, or to beer, at worst).

200 g butter,
2 cups of flour,
½ cup of water,
150-200 g cheese,
½ CHL Ground red pepper.

Finely disturb the cold oil, gradually add water and flour into it. Pretty mix and add cheese, powder on a large grater, and pepper. Roll the dough into the half of the half of the half themeter and cut the cookie with recesses. You can simply cut into rectangles. Part of the flour (approximately halfup) can be replaced by bran. Bake about 200ºС for about 15 minutes.

2.3 cups of flour,
½ cup of corn flour,
2 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp. Ground carnations,
1 tsp. Ground cinnamon
½ CHL Ground nutmeg,
150 g of white chocolate,
2 tbsp. milk
100 g of butter,
¾ Glass of sugar syrup cooked to golden color.

Heat oven to 180ºС. Barbed bastard to fasten his parchment. Sketch flour, starch, cocoa and carnation. Mix everything in a big bowl, make a smell in the center of the mixture, in which pour the mixture of oil, syrup and milk (the mixture you need to warm up on slow heat until the oil is mounted). Stir everything with a metal spatula to make a soft dough, lay out the surface of the flour and knead the dough. Shot from it the ball and leave for a few minutes. Then roll the dough in a rather thick layer (about 2 cm), cutting the "heart" cut cookies and put it on about 25 minutes (or to light brown). Finished cookies cool on the grille. In the water bath, melt the chocolate and lower each stovetry to half. Give chocolate to frozen.

Almond homemade cookies

2/3 cup flour,
½ cup of sugar powder,
60 g of butter,
2 protein,
¼ ChL Liker "Amaretto",
½ cup of almond flakes.

Lay the baking papers. Sketch the flour, add sugar, mix and make the recess in the center. Mix softened oil, proteins and liqueur and pour into a dry mix. Mix thoroughly before receiving a homogeneous mass. Cover the dough with a film and leave for 2 hours. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 180ºС. Lay out the dough on a baking sheet of 2 teaspoon and distribute it to press it so that there are circles with a diameter of about 10 cm. Then generously sprinkle every circle with almond flakes, press and send cookies into the oven. Baking time - about 5 minutes or until golden color.

3 eggs,
90 g flour,
100 g of sugar,
20 g of butter,
30 g of sugar powder,
a pinch of salt.


Yolks and 75g sugar beat in a foam and gradually add 75 g of sifted flour. In another dish, we take proteins with salt into a dense foam. Then gently mix the whipped proteins and the yolk mass and gently mix. Lubricate the baking sheet and sprinkle with flour. Confectionery syringe Fill in the dough and jeep on the baking sheet with a length of 10 cm. Mix the remaining sugar with sugar powder, sprinkle a half-mix cookies and wait 10 minutes while sugar is dissolved. Then sprinkle the cookies in the remaining sugar mixture, wait 2 minutes and put the baking sheet, preheated to 150ºС. Bake up the golden color. Finished cookies remove with a spatula with a battle and leave for the night on the table so that it dries.

This is a non-fat cookie, lightning (if such epithet is generally applicable to the liver) and without eggs - it is important for allergies.

1 cup flour,
1 cup of starch (corn, but can and potato),
1 cup of sugar,
100 g of butter,
½ cup sour cream,
½ lemon.

Wake up a softening oil with sugar, add lemon zest, sour cream, flour from 1 tsp. Soda, starch, lemon juice and quickly knead plastic dough. Roll the dough into a 5 mm thick layer and cut cookies. Bake on a lubricated oil counterfeit to light brown at a temperature of 180ºС. Cookies can be decorated with icing.

Homemade cookies with nut and dried fruit stuffing

200 g butter,
200 g sour cream
2-2.5 cups of flour.
1 cup of any nuts,
1 cup of prune or raisin,
100 g dried cherry,
1 yolk,
½ Sugar cup.

If you use raisins, then spark it. Dried fruits and cherry make fine, grind nuts, mix everything with sugar and egg yolk. Stuffing is ready. For the dough, melt the oil, cool it and mix with the sour cream. Wake up the resulting mass to a homogeneous state, gradually adding flour. Check the elastic, lung dough. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll in 2 thin reservoirs. Put one layer on the baking sheet, smeared with oil, spread the filling and cover with another layer. The edges are stirring, slightly pressing the rolling pin and put a baking sheet in the oven, heated to 180ºС, for 30-40 minutes. The top layer must be a light golden color. Cut the cookies on the squares, lubricate them with liquid honey or sprinkle with sugar. Let it be 20 minutes 20, and can be served to the table!

500 g of cottage cheese,
500 g of butter,
750 g of flour,
300 g of sugar,
½ CHL salts
1 Vanillina bag.

Wipe cottage cheese through a sieve, weak oil with sugar. Mix the cottage cheese and oil mixture, mix and gradually add flour with salt and vanilla. Emboss dough. It will turn out enough sticky. Lay out the dough on the populated board and roll in a layer with a thickness of 5-7 mm. Cut a glass of a mug, fold in half, turn in the middle to 180º and press the middle - the bows will turn out. Lay out cookies on a baking sheet, covered with baking paper, and put in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C. Bake up to grasp, just do not overcover.

Slices of chocolate in cookies - it's just delight! Just buy good chocolate, and not soy tiles.

0.75 cups of softened butter,
1.5 Sugar glasses,
2 tbsp. milk
1.5 cups of flour,
1 egg,
1 tsp. salts
0.75 Ch.L. soda,
1 tbsp. chopped walnuts,
1 cup chocolate pieces,
Vanillin - to taste.

Couple oil, sugar, milk, vanillin and mix well. Add an egg, beat. Separately mix the flour, soda and salt, add to the total mass, quickly mix. Add pieces of chocolate and nuts, stir. Lay out the dough on a dry baking sheet on one teaspoon at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Bake cookies at a temperature of 190ºС for 8-10 minutes if you want it to be soft, or for 11-13 minutes, if you want crisp cookies. It is important not to reap cookies! Finished cookies remove out of the oven and cool 2 minutes on the contradictory, then remove the table covered with foil or baking paper, and cool down.

2 protein,
½ cup of sugar powder,
1 tbspl flour,
350 g of coconut shavings,
100 g of chocolate.


Coconut chips can be bought, but there is much more tastier cookies from a real coconut. Buy coconut, inside which water splashes. Sculpt two of the three holes, drain the water. Then, holding the coconut in the hands, tapping on it with a hammer, turning it in a circle. After some time, coconut will burst. Remove the pulp, clean the brown skin with a potatoer and soda the pulp on the grater. Spread on the anti-smooth layer and dried in the oven at 150 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

And now actually cookies. Wake up proteins, gradually adding sugar powder. Proteins should form a dense, smooth, brilliant foam. Carefully add flour into it, stirring upwards. Then also carefully add coconut chips. On the baking sheet, unfolded by parchment, with two teaspoons, lay out small balls. Put the baking sheet, heated to 150ºС and bake the brenus of 15-20 minutes. Ready cookies are easily separated from parchment. Fold the biscuits tightly into one layer on a plate and sprinkle chocolate, spending a plate of frequent zigzag.

1 cup of carrot juice,
300 g of flour,
20 almond nuts,
2 eggs,
1 bed (squeeze juice),
100 g of sugar,
100 g of butter,
60 g sour cream
Soda or baking powder - on the tip of the knife.
For cream:
100 g of condenses,
200 g of butter.

One eggs separate the protein and retain, he will come in handy yet. Mix yolks and squirrels with sugar. Separately scroll sour cream with softening oil. Connect the egg and oily mixtures, add flour and soda, pretty kneel. From the resulting test, roll the harness and divide it into 20 parts. Each piece of dough roll into the oblong ball, put on the baking sheet and bake the "peaches" in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, until golden color. Take a condensed milk with an oil for cream. Ready "Peaches" Cut in half, carefully remove the middle and mix it with cream. Half of all dried cookies dip in carrot juice, half - to beetroot. Let it dry, fill with cream, put nuts and connect the halves: red with orange. Pulle in a whipped protein fork and cut break in sugar.

500 g flour,
1 cup of cold water,
20-25 g of pressed yeast,
100 g of butter,
1 egg,
½ CHL Salt.
250-300 g poppy,
150 g honey.

This cookie can be made from the remains of yeast dough, in this case it will be needed about 800 g. But you can cook the dough specifically. Cook the dough without a uncooked way: From the evening, pour cold water into deep dishes and loose yeast, add a crushed butter, egg, salt and knead the dough, slumbering sifted flour. The dishes with the dough (pretty deep, so that during fermentation the dough did not escape) put on the table in a warm kitchen and cover with a towel. In the morning, the finished dough is mixed, make a pretty and prepare cookies. To do this, roll the dough into a thin layer and cut the strips with a length of 10 cm and width 3 cm. For filling, rinse the poppy, boil it for 5-10 minutes, drain the water and skip it through the meat grinder. Mix poppy with honey. Laptop the dough strips, put on them the poppy and carefully protect the edges. It turns out sticks with stuffing. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil, lay the wands of the seam down and put in a strongly preheated oven. Bake cookies to light golden color.

300 g of carrots,
200 g sugar,
200 g sour cream or butter,
2-3 cups of flour,
soda on the tip of the knife
Vanillin, lemon zest or cinnamon - to taste.

Purified carrot soda on a shallow grater or grind in a blender. Add sour cream (or softened oil), spices, soda and flour, knead the dough. Cover it with a film and leave in a cool place for an hour. Lay out the dough on a lubricated oil baking sheet with a teaspoon, pressing a little fingers, and put in the oven, heated to 180ºС, for 10-15 minutes.

Potato cookies

200 g potatoes,
120-150 g cream
100 g of sugar,
½ CHL salts
1 tsp. Ground cinnamon
3 eggs,
1 tbsp. Ground walnuts.

Potatoes scold "in the uniform", clean, cool down slightly and skip through the meat grinder (or grind the blender). Wear a cream with salt, sugar and cinnamon, then, without ceasing to interfere, take one eggs, ground nuts and at the end of the kneading puree. From the mixed test, roll the cake with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm, put it into a shape, lubricated with oil (or silicone, in this case it is not necessary to lubricate it) and bake in the oven, heated to 160ºС for 40-50 minutes. Ready crude cut to rectangles.

Here is a different homemade cookies. Any recipe can easily be changed, add something your own, but most importantly - in your cookies there will be a piece of love, and this will not buy in any storei.

Bon Appetit!

Larisa Shufkaykin

Simple recipes of delicious home cookies will help the hostess quickly prepare gastronomic products without any chemistry, harmful dyes and thickeners. Since the ingredients are available at each kitchen and are used in everyday life. This pasting has many variations and is perfect for both a festive table, eating a treat with multi-colored glaze or all sorts of suit and for evening tea drinking.

  1. A soft butter is mixed in a bowl - 100 grams with sugar - 200 gr, chicken egg and 80 ml of cow's milk.
  2. Paul kilogram of wheat flour shakes through a sieve with a 10 grams of a baking powder.
  3. The dough is mixed, soft according to the consistency, which, with the help of a rolling pin, is rolled with a width of about 1 cm.
  4. The mold is squeezed with cakes, stacked on a lubricated oil baking sheet, smeared with eggs and put in the oven breathed to 200 ° C.
  5. They are prepared for a quarter of an hour before the ruddy surface. The cooled baking is covered with sugar powder and is served on the table.

Homemade baking with sesame in the oven

Prepare homemade cookies in the form of favorite heroes of animated series, involving children in cutting figures - a fascinating and fun process.

  1. With the help of a combine or mixer, 3 chicken eggs are beaten with 300 g of sugar sand.
  2. When the structure of the eggs is completely destroyed, 250 grams of soft butter are added to them and is whipped to complete mixing of oil and eggs.
  3. 350 grams of wheat flour sieves with a bakingbird and art pack. Spoon cinnamon powder. Intervened in small portions in the oil-egg mixture.
  4. The finished dough is removed into the container and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. The cooled blank is rolled by a rolling pin, after which curly jups are cut out and stacked on a baking sheet, covered with bakery paper.
  6. The top of the cookie is generously sprinkled with sesame and put on a pre-warm oven until the appetizing surface is formed (about 30-45 minutes) at 180 ° C.

Oatmeal recipe

Prepare dietary oatmeal cookies at home is much easier than it seems. It is only necessary to stock rapid food with oat flakes in advance (those that are enough to pour boiling water).

You can diversify the taste of traditional oatmeal baking, you can add pieces of dried fruits or any other low calorie products.

  1. In the combine with a nozzle for the dough there is 200 grams of soft sweet butter, two tbsp. Spoons of sugar and a pair of pinch of crystal vanillin. Everything is mixed to white mass.
  2. It is then added one egg and is stirred until uniformity, only then the second egg is introduced and is also thoroughly whipped to lush mass.
  3. After the beating, a half cup of oat flakes is riveted and stirred.
  4. 200 grams of wheat flour is sieved with 10 Gy of the baking powder and suits the rest of the ingredients. Since the dough for oatmeal cookies is often sufficiently sticky, then form neat baking balls can be mixed in water with hands.
  5. The finished dough is laid out in the package or container, not allowing air ingress, and is put on an hour and a half in the refrigerator.
  6. From the cooled test, beads with a diameter of 2 cm are formed. They are laid out on the baking sheet, covered with tracing. It is important to trace the balls between the balls, the deformations of the cookie shape when baking.
  7. Formed baking with a light pressure of the balls by hand.
  8. Baked for half an eye in the oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Cooking from sandy dough with cinnamon and jam

  1. 400 gr. Wheat flour is sieved in a slide bowl.
  2. Yolks of three eggs are whipped with a wedge.
  3. In the center of the flour slide, a small deepening is made in which yolks are poured, 250 Gy of sugar sand is poured, 200 grams of soft butter or margarine are added, a pinch of food salt, and a spoon of the ground cinnamon.
  4. From the ingredients, the dough is mixed out of the hands, which subsequently turns into the film and is placed "relax" into the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. The cooled dough rolls the sausage and rolls up to 1 cm. You can roll in the reservoir and cut curly products.
  6. In each killy, a small deepening is made. For example, Ryumka's bottom.
  7. At the bottom of the recess, the nuts are embanked to the crumb, on top of which dense jam is superimposed.
  8. The oven is heated in advance to 220 ° C.
  9. The baking sheet covers the bakery paper on which the products are laid out and baked within a quarter of an hour.
  10. Homemade shortbread with jam must cool on the contrary, otherwise it can break.
  11. If desired, the finished baking is powdered with sugar powder.

Tasty homemade cookies on kefir

  1. It is thoroughly whipped with 200 ml of kefir with 100 grams of sugar sand. It is necessary that the dry matter is completely dissolved.
  2. Then in the sweet kefir is added art. A spoon of melted sweetheart oil and a floor of a teaspoon of food soda, groomed apple vinegar. Everything is mixed.
  3. 350 grams operating through the fine sieve of wheat flour slowly suited into the kefir mixture. The dough is laid until it stops sticking to the hands. After the knead, it wraps into the package and falls at half an hour in the refrigerator.
  4. The cooled ball of the rolling pin is rolled into the thickness of half centimeters. The mold is cut into the juice and stacked on a baking sheet, covered with trays.
  5. Cookies are baked in preheated to 180 ° C oven for a quarter of an hour.
  6. After the time of time, the baking sheet gets, the products are smeared with milk and put to twisted for another five minutes.

Gentle sour cream cookies on ambulance hand

Soft baking under a crispy crust, cooked in a pan - a simple way to pamper households.

  1. 100 grams of sour cream mixed with one yolk and two st. spoons of vegetable oil.
  2. 300 Gy of Sugar Sand is added to the sour cream mixture and mixed well.
  3. 250 grams of wheat flour sieves with a bag of purchased tears and is introduced in small portions to sour cream.
  4. The finished dough is obtained smooth and not sticking to the hands.
  5. A sausage with a diameter of up to 3 cm rolls from the dough. Then rugged with a thickness of up to 1 cm. The sliced \u200b\u200bcakes are slightly squeezed with a hand in the washer, so the liver's middleness is completely passed.
  6. The frying pan with a non-stick coating is heated, after which the cookie is roasted on both sides for 2-3 minutes before the formation of a beautiful crispy crust.

Homemade sugar cookies

  1. Three cups of flour with a baking powder sketch will be asked to a deep bowl.
  2. In a separate peer, the wedge is whipped with 200 grams of soft margarine or spread from 300 grams of sugar before air mass.
  3. Then the bag of vanilla sugar is suited to the mixture and chicken egg is added. Everything is carefully laid up to homogeneity.
  4. All ingredients are mixed in plastic dough, which should "relax" in the refrigerator at least 20 minutes.
  5. From the cooled test you can roll small balls, which are laid out on the baking sheet, lubricated with oil, and slightly fill with hand. Or roll into not too thin layer and cut with molds or conventional cup curly products.
  6. Sugar cookies are prepared in pre-warm oven for ten minutes at 180 ° C.

Hot baking is very soft, but at the same time it has a hardening property as cool.

Unique curd snails: simple and tasty

  1. 270 Gy of homemade cottage cheese is broken with a pair of eggs and 100 gr of sugar sand. At the very end, the part of the part of the food soda is added.
  2. A half cup of sainted wheat flour interferes in the curd mass and the soft dough is smelted. It is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. The cooled semi-finished product is thinly rolled by a wooden rolling pin.
  4. 90 Gy of cottage cheese is mixed with one Art. A spoon is sour cream and evenly laid out at half the reservoir.
  5. From above, cottage cheese sprinkles two tbsp. Sugar spoons (if desired, you can add raisins) and serves the second half of the test.
  6. Started reservoir rolls into a loose roll and cut into pieces with a thickness of up to two cm.
  7. The oven is warmed up to 200 ° C.
  8. The baking sheet is covered with cottage and lubricated with vegetable oil.
  9. Curd snails are baked for half an hour.

Cheese crisp delicacy

  1. 150 grams of solid cheese are mixed in a cup, grated on a large grater with 3 tbsp. spoons of soft butter and two pinchs of salt.
  2. 4 tbsp into the cheese mass. Spoons of low-fat milk and 200 grams of sifted wheat flour.
  3. The kneaded dough is rolled into a thin layer with a thickness of no more than two mm.
  4. The oven is heated to 200 ° C.
  5. Products are cut out curly shapes, laid out on the baking sheet, lubricated with sunflower oil, and bakes up to the smoothing about 10 minutes.

Ready cheese house-made cookies are a great alternative to purchased chips or popcorn.

Children's chocolate spirals

  1. A half glass of wheat flour is sifted with a bakingbird and ½ t. Spoons of food salt.
  2. 100 grams of soft butter with one yolk mixed in a bowl, three arteys. spoons of low-fat milk and a half h. spoons of vanilla extract.
  3. In an oil mass, the flour mixture is falling asleep and is mixed into a soft dough-mild-consistency, which is divided into two identical parts.
  4. Half of the dough remains white, the tile of beloved chocolate fused on the water is added in the Water Bath.
  5. Both parts are wrapped individually in the food film and fall into the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Each ball of the test is separately rolled into a thin layer between the parchment sheets or the food film.
  7. The chocolate dough layer is superimposed on the white layer, after which the layers roll into the roll and fall into the refrigerator for about an hour.
  8. The oven is included for 200 ° C.
  9. The cooled roll is cut by rugs with a thickness of 1 cm, which are laid out on the baking sheet, covered with trays.
  10. Chocolate spirals are prepared for 7 minutes.

Fast delicacy on sour cream without an egg

  1. A glass of sugar is thoroughly treated with a 200 GG of creamy margarine and a sachet of crystalline vanillin.
  2. Next to the mass introduces 300 g. Home sour cream with fatty no more than 25%.
  3. The bundle is sieved with a small part of flour, which is introduced into the sour cream mass in the first place.
  4. When kneading the dough, the flour sucks exactly so much so that it stops sticking to the hands, but it was not too cool.
  5. The rolled test ball worst into the film and falls half an hour in the refrigerator.
  6. Chilled dough is rolled into the reservoir of no more than 5 mm.
  7. The carved figures are sprinkled with sugar mixed with a lemon sister or orange and baked on a lubricated counterpart of 30-40 minutes at 180 ° C.

Cookies - Small baked pieces of sweet dough. What could be better and tastier simple cookies to tea or coffee? Tasty cookies will not only please your taste, but will quickly give forces.

If you love homemade cookies, and you need recipes for cookies with photos, simple cookies on an ambulance hand, want to know how to cook cookies, how to bake cookies - 49 recipes cookies are waiting for you here.

You can bake uncomplicated cookie to tea on an ambulance hand. Or workover over the shape and design and make cookies festive or thematic. The main thing is to show fantasy and stock patience. The product is covered with icing, decorated with various confectionary spripes.

Homemade cookies are a quick and inexpensive version of the dessert. And his taste is not a comparison with the purchase. Baking, cooked with your own hands, is safe for children, as it does not contain incomprehensible ingredients that are listed in abundance on the packaging of the store product. For flavoring and taste diversity, vanilla, cocoa, ginger, lemon zest or orange are added to the dough. For decoration sprinkled with sugar, nuts, coconut chips, etc.

The cookies give an absolutely any form: mugs, diamonds, hearts, tubes, strips. The dough can be sandy, puff, bless, curd. Some home cookie recipes are so simple that even a schoolboy will be understood. And sculpt and cut out the shapes of the figure will be interested in children of kindergarten.

Homemade cookies - 49 delicious simple recipes

When I was small, my mother often baked such a cookie! It is very tasty, and will not dry for a very long time! It was called "cookies from the meat grinder" because the dough was passed through the meat grinder. So I decided to make such a cookie with your son. But not through the meat grinder, but roll out the dough, and let the son it cuts the cookie forms. He really liked him, and he himself called the cookie so - "the taste of her motherhood childhood"!

1. Eggs with sugar confused. Add softening oil. (I mixed the dough in the combine.)

2. Sleep the flour, mix with a bundle and add to eggs and oil. Stir all.

3. Then sprinkle the table, put the dough on it and knead the state of elasticity and smoothness. Remove the dough for 30 minutes. In the refrigerator!

4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, sprinkle a little flour table and roll the dough! Not very subtle, but the cookies will be dry. Cut cookies with various shapes and lay out on a baking sheet, lubricated with oil.

5. Place the oven to the oven preheated to 180 and bake the cookie for 15-20 minutes before readiness.


  • Flour - 3 Stakana
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Butter - 250 G.
  • Sugar - 1-1,5 Stakana
  • Basin - 0,5 h. l.

Very fast in cooking, delicious homemade shortbread.


  • Flour - 220-260 G.
  • Sugar - 200 G.
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • 100 G.
  • Cinnamon - 1 h. l.
  • Soda - 0,5 h. l.
  • Vinegar - for soda harvesting
  • Salt - chipotch


  • In the tank, we whip the eggs, sugar, cinnamon and a pinch of salt. You can simply be a whitewash or use a mixer.
  • We add softened butter and once again we care carefully.
  • Next, add soda, hawked by vinegar. Mix.
  • And the final stage interfere with the sifted flour. The dough for cookies should be viscous so that you can form balls from it. But it is not necessary to score it with flour too!
  • With the help of a teaspoon, form balls from the dough, with a diameter of approximately 3 cm, and lay them on a baking sheet at a short distance from each other. High large size balls should not be done, because They increase fairly well in the volume when baking.
  • We bake homemade shortbread in the preheated oven at temperatures 180 degrees 12-15 minutes.

Surprisingly fragrant and honeycomb honey cookies!


  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Sugar - 130 G.
  • Honey - 2 Art.
  • Soda - 0,5 Ch.L.
  • Cinnamon - 1 Art. (taste)
  • Flour - 1,5 Stakana


  • Honey warm, add sugar, eggs, soda, mix.
  • Add cinnamon.
  • Add sainted flour.
  • Knead the dough.
  • To form balls (hands can be wrapped with water), put on the lubricated paper on the contrary. Bake 15 min. for 180

Wonderful homemade shortbread "Minute", the recipe of which is so simple and fast, which gave the name of this dessert. Of course, you will spend more than a minute, but a lot of time recipe for a "minute" cookie does not require. The main thing is to accurately follow the instructions.

Ingredients (for 3 servings):

  • Wheat flour - 300-400 g ( 2-3 glasses)
  • Margarine or butter cream - 200-250 G.
  • Milk - 60 G.
  • Sugar - 150 G.
  • Sugar Vanilla - 1 h. spoon
  • Or vanillin - on the knife tip

Cooking - 45 min (your 15 min):

  • Prepare products for the "Minute" cookie. Margarine remove from the refrigerator for softening. (Creamy oil can be used, but not high fat, otherwise biscuits when baking can spread.)
  • How to cook "Minute" cookies: Margarine (soft, but not melted) to demolition to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Mix margarine with sugar and vanilla sugar.
  • To beat everything to the formation of a lush mass.
  • Then add small portions of milk.
  • When sugar is dissolved, add sifted flour ( 300-350 d).
  • Mix everything well. You need to do it quickly so that Margarine does not heat. The dough should turn out such a consistency so that it can be rejected using a confectionery bag. If necessary, add the rest of the flour.
  • Turn on the oven, warm it up to 180-200 Degree. Cookies need to be put only in a well-hot oven, otherwise it blossoms and loses the form. Test fill the confectionery bag with a toothed tube and disembark products in the form of a chamomile (with a diameter of approximately 3 cm). Billets for cookies should not be flashed, because in the oven cookies settles. Between the cookies you need to leave the place, because when baking, they are a bit blossom. If cookies begins to break up or settle in the preparation for baking, it means the dough is not enough thick. In this case, you need to shift the dough into a bowl and add some flour.
  • Bake the "Minute" cookie in a preheated oven approximately 20-25 minutes at temperature 180-200 Degree. Follow the readiness - baking time depends on the size of the cookies and features of the oven.

Sugar cookies - a simple, traditional and very popular recipe. The kids love the crumbly shortbread, sprinkled with sugar, and adults do not mind hurt with sweet yummy.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Butter - 200 G.
  • Sugar - 0,75 Stakana
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Flour - 360 G.

Cooking - 2 hours 10 minutes (your 40 min):

  • How to cook sugar cookies: prepare products. Leave oil at room temperature for softening.
  • Softening oil, cut, mix with sugar.
  • Softened oil to rub with the sugar of others.
  • Fly to sift. Pick out sifted flour, mix.
  • Add eggs.
  • Gently knead the dough. Shape the ball from the dough, wrap in the food film and leave it in the refrigerator 1 hour.
  • Enable oven for warming up. Put the dough between two layers of the film.
  • Dough roll out into the layer thick 0,5-0,6 Cm curly excavations cut cookies.
  • Stay on the baking sheet, sprinkle with sugar and bake the cookie, sprinkled with sugar, in the oven, warmed up to 180-190 degrees, approximately 25-30 minutes (to the desired rush).
  • Cookies with sugar is ready. Bon Appetit!

Delicious, crumbly homemade cookies will undoubtedly delight your households. The recipe for serpentine cookies is quite simple, and its embodiment is under the power of the novice culinary. Such a cookie will be able not only to treat homemade, but also surprise guests. Baking is delicious and economical - biscuits in margarine.


  • Margarine "Generous Summer" - 200 G.
  • Sugar - 200 G.
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Flour - about 450 G.
  • Cocoa powder - 100 g ( 4 Art. spoons)
  • Basin - 10 G.


  • Ingredients for the preparation of serpentine cookies.
  • How to cook serpentine cookies: grind soft margarine "Generous Summer" with sugar.
  • In this mixture, knock the eggs.
  • Mix.
  • Purple a baking powder, after - sifted flour.
  • To knead the elastic dough.
  • Divide the ready-made dough. In one half add cocoa powder and resurrect again to become homogeneous.
  • Take the food film (or a new bag - ordinary, plastic) and roll out a light dough into a rectangle.
  • The same repeat with a dark piece of dough.
  • Gently lifting the film with a dark dough, turn it onto the bright. Upper film remove.
  • With the help of the bottom film, it is formed a dense roll of a tough.
  • Roulet on 15 It is recommended to put in the freezer (after it will be easier to cut it).
  • Cut the roll on the rings thick near the centimeter. Litten with sunflower oil (or use parchment for baking). And in the heated oven! Treat temperature 180 degrees, stove about 15 minutes.
  • Cookies "Serpentine" is ready. Pleasant tea drinking!

Sand dough cookies for chocolate treats. The test includes cocoa, and chocolate chocolate chocolate was decorated with melted dark chocolate.

How to cook chocolate cookies:

1. Run oven to 180 degrees. Cover baking tray (or two baking) with baking paper. Well, beat the micero oil with sugar. Over the mission with butter, seek flour and cocoa. Beat the dough until uniformity, then slightly knead your hands.

2.Form from the test of 16 balls, size from walnut. Put them on a baking sheet with parchment and slightly press for a fork (on the surface of the cookie it turns out a picture). Bake chocolate pastries 20 minutes. Fully cool on the lattice.

Melt chocolate and decorate chocolate cookies (wait for chocolate frozen).

Pleasant tea drinking!


  • Butter - 100 G.
  • Sugar - 50 g ( 1/4 glasses)
  • Flour - 160 g ( 1 glass)
  • Cocoa powder - 40 g ( 1/4 glasses)
  • Dark chocolate or dairy - to taste

All of us favorite cookies "Savoyardi" (or "Ladies' fingers") can be cooked independently. As it turned out, cook it is very simple. Cookies are light and air. From Savoyardi you can cook a lot of desserts. Enjoy your meal!


  • (Ingredients on 24 PC. about 7 cm)
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Sugar powder - 50 G.
  • Flour - 50 G.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1/2 h. l.

Cooking - 25 min:

  • Ingredients for Savoyardi cookies.
  • How to cook Savoyardi cookies: To begin with, install a culinary bag with a nozzle into a high mug for convenience. Split eggs on squirrel and yolk. Yolks to mix a wedge with vanilla sugar. White proteins in light foam. Add parts of sainted sugar powder and beat to dense stable peaks. Mix with silicone spatula proteins with yolks, to a homogeneous consistency.
  • Add sainted flour and knead homogeneous dough. Lay out the dough into a culinary bag with a nozzle (a large round hole). Disembark on parchment cookies about about 7 cm at a distance 2 CM from each other. Sprinkle with powdered. Bake Savoyardi cookies in a preheated oven at temperatures 175 degrees, near 10-14 minutes. The cookie should be light color, it is not necessary to bake to brown crust.
  • Remove biscuits from parchment and cool on the grille. Cookies "Savoyardi" is ready! Let's give it to a cup of coffee or tea. You can also cook any dessert at your discretion. Enjoy your meal!

If the house smells like pastries - it means heat in it, and no matter what the weather outside the window is. Serve tasty homemade cookies to tea, and evening tea will become a small family holiday. Much time to prepare home cookies you will not need.

Ingredients (8 servings):

  • Wheat flour - 2 Stakana
  • Chicken Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Milk - 5-6 Art. span
  • Butter - 6-7 Art. span
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Sugar Vanilla - 1 Package ( 10 d)
  • Soda - 0,5 h. Spoon
  • Salt - 0,5 h. Spoon
  • Sugar for putting up - 2-3 Art. Spoons

Cooking - 1 hour (your 20 min):

  • Products for home cookies in front of you.
  • How to cook homemade cookies: to drive two eggs in a bowl.
  • Then add sugar to eggs.
  • Eggs beat with sugar to a homogeneous state. Add vanilla sugar, salt, drinking soda and beat carefully again.
  • Creamy oil to put in a saucepan. Put a saucepan on the smallest fire, melt oil.
  • Melted oil mix with milk. Adjust mixed with milk Preheated butter in the egg mixture. To stir thoroughly.
  • Sift flour.
  • Push into a bowl of half a cup of sifted wheat flour, mix the spoon.
  • And then knead the soft dough. Choose a bowl of food film. Put the dough in a cold place on 30-40 minutes.
  • Preheat oven. Roll the dough thickness 0,5 cm.
  • Dough for home cookies sprinkle with sugar and ride the rolling pin.
  • Cut the recess (molds) cookies.
  • The baking sheet is slightly lubricated by creamy oil. To lay out cookies on the sheet, put on the middle shelf in the oven.
  • Bake cookies home in hot oven at temperature 180 degrees to golden color (about 12-15 minutes).
  • Homemade cookies ready. Pleasant tea drinking!

Very simple and tasty cookies, and the filling can be the most diverse. Fresh cherries, thick jam or cottage cheese filling .. everything is equally tasty :) Cookies "Minute" just melts in the mouth. Try?

Ingredients (10 servings):

  • Margarine - 300 G.
  • Sour cream - 300 G.
  • Flour - about 5-6 glasses
  • Jam (thick) - to taste
  • Sugar powder - to taste

Cooking - 1 hour 20 min (your 30 min):

  • Ingredients in front of you. To cool sour cream and freeze margarine in the freezer.
  • Frozen margarine rubbed on a coarse grater. Add sour cream. Mix.
  • Sift flour. Adding flour with portions by half a cup in a bowl with a mixture of sour cream.
  • To knead the soft dough. Put in the refrigerator on 1 hour.
  • Divide the dough on 4 Parts. Roll out fine like on dumplings.
  • Cut the circle on 8 Parts.
  • At the base of the triangle to put the filling. Then roll the cookie in the form of a tube.
  • Share prepared cookies on the bastard.
  • 200 degrees). Put a baking sheet on the middle shelf. Bake at temperatures 200 degrees 15-20 minutes to golden color.
  • Cookies "Minute" is ready. Stay on the dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Enjoy your appetite and your guests!

Recipe for chocolate cookie "Oreo", which can be very easy to cook at home. Incredibly simple and inexpensive recipe! The recipe "Oreo" is so easy that even a child can prepare it.

Ingredients (for 5 servings):

  • Butter - 115 G.
  • Milk - 25 G.
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Flour - 150 G.
  • Cocoa powder - 50 G.
  • Sugar - 100 G.
  • Sugar Vanilla - 2 Package
  • Basin - 5 G.
  • Powdered sugar - 140 G.

Cooking - 20 min (your 20 min):

  • To prepare homemade cookies "Oreo", first prepare products.
  • How to prepare "Oreo" cookies at home: to connect flour with cocoa powder, baking powder and vanilla sugar ( 1 Package). Mix.
  • 90 g Butter mix with sugar.
  • Beat the mixer and add 1 egg. Mix.
  • A mixture of dry ingredients to connect with an olive egg mixture. Stir the silicone blades.
  • Knead the dough.
  • Divide the dough on 2 Parts. Wrap it in the food film and spread it so that it is thick with chocolate tiles. Send to refrigerator to 30 minutes.
  • Butter ( 25 d) mix with powdered sugar.
  • Add vanilla sugar and 25 ml of milk. Stir.
  • Beat a mixer.
  • A cooked cream fill the confectionery bag. Send to refrigerator.
  • Put the dough on the parchment sheet, cover top above the second sheet and roll out the rolling pin.
  • Glasses squeeze the circles.
  • Share blanks for chocolate biscuits on a baking sheet, covered with parchment paper.
  • Send cookies in the oven preheated to 170 Degree, on 10 minutes.
  • Turn the chocolate cookie and lay out the cream on top.
  • Cover the second biscuits.
  • Homemade cookies "Oreo" is ready. Bon Appetit everyone!

Biscuit Bush is a small round-shaped cookie. Prepare bush from biscuit dough.

If you have a small oven, take half or a quarter of the products of products for Bush - the cooking test technology requires bake it immediately after stirring!


  • Eggs - 10 PC.
  • Sugar - 200 G.
  • Flour - 200 G.
  • Lemonic acid - on the knife tip

Cooking - 40 min (your 25 min):

  • Preparation of the dough for Bush includes the following operations: whipping yolks with sugar sand, whipping proteins, mixing whipped yolks with flour, kneading tests, add whipped proteins into the dough. Prepare biscuit Bush recipe products.
  • How to cook biscuit Bush: Separate yolks from proteins. Mix yolks with sugar.
  • Yolks to beat with sugar to increasing volume in 2 times. Enable oven.
  • Beat egg whites before increasing the volume in 5-6 times and to a steady foam (first slowly, then gradually increasing the rate of beating). At the end, lemon acid can be added to strengthen the structure of whipped proteins.
  • To the whipped yolks add the fourth part of whipped proteins, slightly mix.
  • In the dough add flour, mix again slowly.
  • Then carefully add the remaining whipped proteins and slowly slow down the movements from the bottom up to homogeneity.
  • Baking baking sheet for baking paper. Ready dough for Bush immediately bake. You can lay out in a confectionery bag with a smooth nozzle tube, lean the cakes round or oval shape on a baking paper-covered baking tray.
  • Plant in preheated to 180-190 ° C oven and bake biscuit Bush around 10-15 minutes.


  • 60 G.
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Milk - 2 Art. l.
  • Flour - 150 G.
  • Powdered sugar - 80 G.
  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar - to taste


  • How to cook a shortbread: Rooming oil whipped with sugar powder.
  • We add eggs, vanillin (or vanilla sugar) and milk. Mix the mass after each ingredient.
  • We add sifted flour and knead the dough. It turns out quite thick.
  • Put the dough into a confectionery bag with a nozzle (for example, an "open star"). Sent arbitrary shape cookies on a baking sheet, covered with baking paper.
  • Bake a shortbread in a preheated oven when 210 degrees 10-15 minutes.
  • Homemade shortbread cookie is ready. Pleasant tea drinking!

Faster baking on the ambulance hand does not happen! Shortbread is simply prepared, it turns out delicious.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Creamy butter, room temperature - 100 G.
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Sugar - 1 glass 200 d)
  • Flour - 1,5 Glakana (approximately 220-240 d)
  • Soda - 0,5 Ch.L. (you can repay 0,5 h. l. Lemon juice or vinegar)
  • Cinnamon hammer - 1 Ch.L. (taste)
  • Ginger ground (optional) - to taste

Cooking - 25 min (your 15 min):

  • Softened butter, eggs, sugar, sifted flour and soda mix, add cinnamon (you can still add ground ginger).
  • Take the dough.
  • Shaking biscuits on a baking sheet with parchment. Bake in a preheated oven 10 minutes for 180 degrees, until golden color.
  • The cookie will cool and will be crisp, so it is better to remove hot spheres. Pleasant tea drinking!

Delicious homemade cookies "Curd ears", many familiar from childhood. Someone calls such a cookie "foot" or "envelopes". Cookies with a pleasant curd taste quite simple in performance.

Ingredients (10 servings):

  • Cottage cheese - 250 G.
  • Wheat flour - 140-160 G.
  • Sugar - 1 Art. Spoon (in dough) + 5-6 Art. Spoons (on the formation of cookies)
  • Butter - 110 G.
  • Basin - 1 h. spoon
  • Salt - chipotch

Cooking - 1 hour 30 min (your 30 min):

  • Products for cooking homemade cookies "Curd ears".
  • How to cook homemade cookies "Curd Ears": Cottage cheese with 1 Art. Sugar and pinch salt.
  • Add melted butter and mix well.
  • Next, add a baking powder and parts by introducing a sifted flour, kneading the tight dough.
  • Let's leave the curd dough in the refrigerator on 1-2,5 hour.
  • Then we shoot thin dough and cut out round blanks for curd cookies, diameter 7-10 cm.
  • We form cookies "Curd ears". Jump the dough in sugar on the one hand, we turn it in half sugar inside. We do the same again. The resulting triangle dip in sugar was the last time. We lay out curd triangles on a baking sheet, sugar up. Bake cookies from cottage cheese at temperatures 180 degrees 25 minutes.
  • Homemade cookies "Curd ears" are ready. Bon Appetit!!!

Sand cookies recipes are a lot. The main criteria for this popular baking are tenderness and crumbling. Shortbread must melt in the mouth.


  • Flour - 450 G.
  • Butter - 200 G.
  • Sugar - 200 G.
  • Eggs - 1 PC.
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Sugar Vanilla - 2 h. Spoon
  • Salt - 0,5 h. Spoon


  • Prepare products for sugar cookies.
  • How to cook sugar biscuits: in a mixer bowl put 200 Gram of soft butter, add 200 Gram of sugar. Whip up to obtain white lush mass. Add in the process of mixing 2 Teas spoons of vanilla sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. If you wish, you can add a almond essence, an orange zest or other flavoring to your taste to the dough.
  • While the oil mixture is stirred, in a separate bowl mix one egg and 50 Milliliters of milk.
  • Do not stop stirring, alternately, gradually add to the oil mixture 450 Gram of flour and egg with milk.
  • Lay out the dough on the kitchen film, we attach a form convenient for further work, wrap and send to the refrigerator, at least 2 hour.
  • After two hours, we remove the dough from the refrigerator, sprinkle the table, dough and rolling rolling.
  • Roll over the sandy dough into the layer thick 3 millimeter.
  • Cut the cookies of various shapes, shift on the baking sheet.
  • Bake sugar cookies 10 minutes in a pre-preheated oven at temperatures 180-190 degrees Celsius. From this number of test we do approximately, 60 Medium cookies.
  • The finished sugar shortbread is taken out of the oven, we give cool and eat very tasty, gentle and beautiful cookies to tea or coffee.

Madly tasty chocolate cookies. I assure you will eat everything at once and do not want to share anyone! Soft, gentle and megashocolate. The recipe is so simple that even a small child will cope!


  • Butter 72 % - 100 G.
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Flour - 150 G.
  • Cocoa powder - 50 G.
  • Sugar - 160 G.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 G.
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Basin - 1 h. spoon
  • Sugar powder - for challenging

Cooking - 1 hour 30 min (your 10 min):

  • In a bowl send soft butter, salt, sugar and vanilla sugar. Stir until uniformity. You can use a mixer.
  • Add cocoa, mix again. Add eggs and mix. Add a bustle and parts to pour flour, stirring to homogeneity. Place the dough in the freezer on 1 hour. The dough must harden that the balls can be rolled out of it.
  • Roll from dough balls weighing 25-30 r (sized walnut) and pour them in the sugar powder.
  • Laying balls on a baking sheet with a parchment or silicone rug, leaving the distances between them, as cookies will increase in size when baking.
  • Bake chocolate biscuits 15 minutes at temperature 180 Degree.
  • The finished chocolate biscuit with cracks give a little cool, because it is very gentle. Then you can shoot cookies with a fight.

Biscuit "Bridal" on this recipe is especially crispy!

Ingredients (10 servings):

  • Flour - 1,5 glasses ( 220-240 d)
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Milk - 2 Art. Spoons
  • Salt - 0,5 h. Spoon
  • Vegetable oil - 200-300 ml
  • Powdered sugar - 2-2,5 Art. Spoons

Cooking - 40 min (your 30 min):

  • Fracture cooking products.
  • How to cook a trust crisp: Pull the flour and salt in a bowl.
  • Eggs sweat with milk.
  • Egg mixture pour into flour. Check the dough, it should be soft, elastic.
  • Divide the dough into several pieces to make it easier to roll. Roll as thinner as possible ( 1-1,5 mm). The thinner rolled the dough, the more tastier it will turn out.
  • Cut the rolled dough with squares 5x5cm, make a slim knife in the middle of each square.
  • Schedule into it one edge of the square.
  • Pour in the pan or in the cauldron vegetable oil layer at least 2,5 cm, warm and fry the twig from both sides to a golden color (it takes about 8 minutes).
  • Remove the twig with noise, dry on the grille or on a paper towel.
  • Sprinkle with sugar powder. Bon Appetit!

Shortbread with jam - quick and very tasty! Homemade shortbread or cake - comfort of the native home.

1. Soft margarine rub with sugar and eggs, add flour, salt, soda.

2. To knead the steep dough. Split into 2 parts. One part to shake along the bottom of the opposition, lay out a layer of jam / jam (the thickness of the layer is optional), the rest of the dough grate on a large grater to cover the entire stuffing.

3. Bake in a preheated oven for 15-30 minutes at an average temperature. Ready cake cut into diamonds in hot.


  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Margarine - 200 G.
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Flour - 3 Stakana
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Soda (harated) - 0,5 h. Spoon
  • Jam or jacket - to taste

Delicious, chocolate cake! Just melts in your mouth! Ideal with coffee or milk. :-) It is perfect for a festive table - for the day of birth, the new year, christmas ...

Brownie is one of the most popular desserts in the USA and Canada. It can be found in any cafe and pastry shop, and homemade baking lovers must bake Browni at home. Usually, Browni is served to coffee, ice cream, and American children will never give up the milk from Browni. This is a typical sample of Comfort Food (satisfying, calorie, home meal, causing nostalgia over the past and other light feelings).

In essence, Brownie is a cross between rich chocolate cake and dry cookies.

I really like to use Brauni as a root basis for cakes with moussami, because The cogichik turns out a wet, juicy, tall and light layer of mousse on it well holds, and very well suits the mastic :-)

Ingredients (8 servings):

  • Butter creamy (room temperature) - 180 G.
  • Sugar - 350 ml ( 280 d)
  • Eggs - 3 PC.
  • Flour - 250 ml ( 160 d)
  • Salt - 0,5 h. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1,5 h. l.
  • Or pinch vanillin
  • Cocoa powder - 150 ml ( 100 d)

Cooking - 2 hours (your 25 min):

  • Better if all ingredients for Brown are room temperature.
  • How to cook chocolate brows: oil to be confused with sugar to lush state.
  • One by one to introduce eggs, every time whipping the mass until uniformity.
  • Mix dry ingredients.
  • Seek gradually dry ingredients in the olive egg mixture.
  • It turns out such a creamy dough.
  • Heat the oven to 175-180 Degree. Lay out the dough in the prepared form (I have a diameter form 20 See), grow up with a spatula.
  • And put Browni baked into the heated oven at temperatures 175-180 Degree by 20-35 minutes. Brauni's readiness to check the wooden skewer - ready browns inside a slightly wet, it is not necessary to cut it. Turn off the oven, we open the door and leave ready-made Brauni to a complete cooling.
  • I got this is such a high chocolate patty! It can be cut on 2-3 Korzh and use as the basis for the cake (see the "Bird's Milk" Cake Recipe in me). And you can cut Browni to pieces and treat your homely delicious chocolate dessert with coffee or milk.
  • I especially like Brauni with milk - saturated, velvety, the chocolate taste of Brauni is perfectly combined with cold milk. Try, I think you will not leave you too indifferent! :-)

In the shortbread, I always add chocolate droplets, kids are simply delighted with such a cookie.


  • Wheat flour - 2 glasses +. 2 Art. l.
  • Soda - 1/2 h. l.
  • Salt - 1/2 h. l.
  • Sugar light brown - 1 glass
  • Butter creamy (melted and cooled) - 12 Art. l.
  • White sugar - 1/2 Stakana
  • Egg large - 1 PC.
  • Egg yolk - 1 PC.
  • Vanilla extract - 2 h. l.
  • Chocolate droplets - 1,5 Stakana


  • How to cook a shortbread with chocolate: 1 . Turn on the oven for preheating to 160 Degrees, set the grid on the middle position. Separate in parchment two large bets. In a big bowl, mix flour, soda and salt, retain a bowl aside. 2 . In another big bowl, mix all sugar and melted butter, beat the mixer on medium speed approximately 1-2 Minutes. Enter into this mixture a whole egg, yolk and vanilla extract, beat again 30 .
  • 3. Reduce the speed of the mixer to the minimum, enter into the oil mixture 2 cup flour, mix about 30 Seconds (if necessary, add a couple more flour spoons).
  • 4. Enter chocolate droplets into the dough, mix the shovel or spoon.
  • 5. From the resulting test, shape the balls of the same size (one ball is approximately 2 tablespoons of dough).
  • 6. Share the balls on two prepared bales at a distance of approximately 5 Santimeters from each other.
  • 7. Put one baking tray in a preheated oven and bake shortbread cookies with chocolate near 15-20 Minutes, to golden color (on the edges, cookies should be solid, and in the center a little soft). Get a baking sheet with finished oven cookies, leave a sandbreaker cookie with chocolate at room temperature until complete cooling. Put the second baking sheet, also bake the rest of the shortbread.

Another very simple and many beloved GOST. Personally, I have these corgings associated with senior school classes)). It was the only delicious baking in our dining room. And every day on a big change, we bought cakes and terribly tasteful tea, with the "wrong" number of sugar ... In general, I blusted with great pleasure today 2 corgis with disadvantage)

Ingredients (for 5 servings):

  • Butter creamy (room temperature) - 95 G.
  • Sugar - 200 G.
  • Egg - 1 PC. ( 0,5 PC. in dough +. 0,5 PC. for lubrication)
  • Milk - 75 G.
  • Vanilla sugar - 5 G.
  • Basin - 4 G.
  • Soda - 2 G.
  • Flour - 400 G.

Cooking - 50 min (your 35 min):

  • How to make breeding cakes: room temperature oil to beat with sugar to homogeneity. The egg is well breakdown and divided into 2 Equal parts. One part set, it is needed to lubricate the cortiers. Add milk and half the egg to the oil. Beat into cream. Add breakdowns, mix.
  • Pour flour and knead the smooth, not sticking the dough.
  • Table flour with flour. Roll the layer thick 6-7 mm. Cut cortiers diameter 9,5 cm (I have diameter 8 cm).
  • Transfer to the baking sheet with parchment. Lubricate the egg. (The remaining dough to gather into the ball, change, roll out again ... So, until you spend all the dough.)
  • Bake the dairy cakes in heated to 200 With oven 10-12 minutes. To golden color. Cool on the grid.
  • I got smoothly 20 cortiers diameter 8 See for one baking sheet not fit.
  • Finished dairy cakes. Bon Appetit!!!

Gata - quick and cheap!

How to cook Gata:

1. Mix flour, sour cream, soda. To knead the dough, put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll out into the rectangular reservoir, lubricate with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar.

3. Collapse the roll and cut into portions. Stay on the baking sheet, covered with parchment.

4. Bake the gate in a preheated oven on medium heat until golden crust.


  • Flour - 2 Stakana
  • Sour cream - 200 G.
  • Soda - 0,5 Ch.L.
  • Sugar - 0,5 Stakana
  • Butter - 50-100 G.

Delicious coconut biscuits bought in the store and every time I thought: "Well, how do they do it? Such a tasty ... "And now, I saw the recipe for cookies from coconut shavings, as it seemed to me - very similar, prepared and was not mistaken - exactly the same fragrant and delicious! Sleeper crispy and very simple cooking!

The recipe for cookies from coconut chips saw in the magazine "Eat at home".

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Coconut chips - 250 G.
  • Sugar - 150 G.
  • Eggs - 3 PC.

Cooking - 1 hour (your 20 min):

  • How to cook coconut cookies: mix eggs, sugar and chips.
  • Share balls, put on parchment. Your kids will greatly cope with this - very fun to twist balls, such fragrant and white. And do not forget to coat the little palms in warm water so as not to stick to the handles.
  • Bake coconut cookies in the oven when 180 degrees 20-25 minutes. Heat the oven pre-! Bake a beautiful golden color. Do not stand, otherwise cookies will be dry and hard!
  • How bakes, remove coconut cookies with a bent and put a hill cool. Through 20 Delicate minutes.
  • Additional photos for skeptics. :) Squeeze the coconut "dough" stronger and form balls from it.
  • Here are the balls themselves. You can sculpt the cookies of any form (for example, pyramids) - your fantasy and handles!
  • Chief assistant.
  • On the baking sheet - and in the oven!
  • But the finished already grabs, not even cooled!
  • Take the game during the game. Good luck and good mood !!

Homemade shortbread on sour cream is perfectly suitable for hot and cold drinks! Soft cookies, fragrant, crumbles in the mouth.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Sour cream 20 % - 100 G.
  • Butter butter (softened) - 60 G.
  • Sugar - 90 G.
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Flour (for dough) - 180 G +. 2-3 Art. Spoons for working with dough
  • Sugar Vanilla - 2 h. Spoon
  • Basin - 1 h. spoon
  • Sugar powder (for feed) - to taste

Cooking - 5 hours (your 25 min):

  • Prepare all the ingredients necessary for the preparation of sandy cookies on sour cream. Creamy oil is removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it softened.
  • In a bowl, connect soft butter, sugar and vanilla sugar.
  • Stir the oil with sugar whitewash and lean the egg.
  • Mix well again until the creamy mass is obtained. Add sour cream.
  • Once again, you should slow down the test of the test.
  • Mix flour with a breakdler and ask for a bowl with an oil-sour cream.
  • Spoon or silicone spatula Mix the dough. It must be soft, sticking to the hands.
  • Purchase the dough into the package or wrap in the food film and put in the fridge on 3-4 hour (you can at night).
  • Before you start working with the dough oven, herar 180 Degree. On the covered flour working surface, roll the cold dough into the reservoir thick about 0,6-0,8 cm.
  • Shape cut cookies. Test trimming, roll back and cut cookies. Thus, do with all the test.
  • Billets from the dough lay on the baking tray lured by parchment for baking.
  • Bake the shortbread on sour cream in preheated to 180 Degree oven 15-20 minutes.
  • Finished cookies cool down and sprinkle with sugar powder.
  • Shortbread on sour cream is ready for feed. Bon Appetit!

It's hard to find a hostess who would be unfamiliar with meringue. But few people decide to prepare this sweet delicacy from whipped proteins, and after all, meringue is preparing very simple. The meringue, cooked in a water bath, is called Swiss Meringue.


  • Egg proteins - 4 PC.
  • Sugar - 200 G.
  • Citric acid - 1 pinch


  • To prepare meringue from egg proteins, prepare the ingredients.
  • How to cook meringue (Swiss meringues): mix citric acid with sugar and pour into proteins. Whipping a mixer 15 seconds.
  • We make a water bath: put a saucepan with water on fire. When water boils, reduce the fire and put a bowl with a protein mass on top. Be whipped within 10 Minutes with slow boil or 5 Minutes on strong fire.
  • Remove from the fire and beat more 2-4 Minutes.
  • Fill the confectionery bag by squirrels and sit on the parchment paper in small portions. (If you do not have a confectionery bag, lay the proteins with two teaspoons.)
  • Bake meringues in preheated to 80-90 degrees oven for 30 minutes.
  • Meringue (meringue) are ready.
  • So that the meringues were snow-white, bake them at temperatures 50-60 Degree, but they will be sued longer. Cook with pleasure, please your loved ones!

A simple and fast recipe that can be repeated at least every day! Will not get bored! The cookie is soft, with delicate pieces of apples. Children just adore!


  • Apples - 2 PC.
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Sugar - 100 G.
  • Butter creamy (soft) - 100 g + for lubrication bent
  • Flour - 280 g + for sprinkling
  • Basin - 1 h. spoon
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 h. spoon
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Powder sugar - to taste


  • Products are the simplest, for sure there is every kitchen. Creamy oil must be soft.
  • Eggs are slightly whipped with salt. After that, we continue to beat and introduce ordinary and vanilla sugar.
  • We add softening butter and beat some more.
  • Sugar was dissolved, add flour (not all right away), speaking it with a baking powder. Mix well mixer.
  • Apples cut into small cubes and mix with the dough. Now you can add flour residues and mix everything with a spatula.
  • Heat the oven before 180 Degree. Little baking sheet with oil and make flour. We lay out the dough on the prepared baking tray at a large distance, on the tablespoon.
  • We bake soft cookies in a preheated oven at temperatures 180 Degree Minutes 10-12 (Focus on your oven). Finished cookies sprinkle with sugar powder while hot.
  • Bon Appetit!

Want to taste that sweet taste of childhood, who dream of us in rainbow dreams? Of course you want! And now you have such an opportunity. It is enough to prepare the necessary ingredients, to give only 15 minutes of their time, add a drip of effort - and voila! Amazing cookies will send your thoughts for a few seconds ... minutes ... moments ... back to childhood. :)


  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Sugar - 70 G.
  • Flour - 90 G.
  • Soda - 1/3 h. l.
  • Lemon acid - 1 pinch
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Vanillin - 1 G.
  • Condensed milk boiled - to taste

Cooking - 15 min (your 15 min):

  • How to cook biscuit cookies with condensed milk: beat eggs. Not stopping the beating, sugar, flour, vanillin, salt, soda and citric acid gradually sugar.
  • Whip the dough until uniformity.
  • On a silicone rug (or a baking sheet, covered with parchment paper) with a confectionery bag, sit down the "droplets" of the test.
  • Bake biscuit cookies in a preheated oven 8 minutes for 180 degrees.
  • Finished cookies connect pairs, lubricating boiled condensed milk.
  • Cookies for tea for 15 Finally! Bon Appetit!

How to cook a shortbread:

1. The softened creamy oil is broken with sugar (4 tbsp. Spoons).

2. Add a sifted flour and quickly assemble a shortbread dough into the ball. If the dough is not going to, but scattered with crumbs, add more 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of softened (but not melted) oil or one or two spoons of icy water.

3. Roll out the dough on the flour table to the layer with a thickness of 1.25 cm. Sprinkle with the remaining sugar.

4. Cut cookies molds or knife. Share a shortbread on a baking sheet at a distance of 1 cm from each other.

5. Bake cookies in the oven, pre-warmed up to 180 degrees, 20 minutes. Remove from the backbone and cool on the grid.

6. Ready shortbread, if desired, can be decorated, dipping it into a melted chocolate.

Pleasant tea drinking!


  • Butter creamy (room temperature) - 150 G.
  • Flour - 2 glasses ( 300 d)
  • Sugar - 5 Art. span
  • Chocolate for decoration (optional)

Shortbread for children and for us adults. The cookie is not in the oven, but in a special form on the stove. Cookie baking recipe in molds I remember from the small years. Recall childhood!


  • Eggs - 5 PC.
  • Sugar - 200 G.
  • Creamy butter (or margarine) - 200 G.
  • Flour - 300-350 G.

Cooking - 1 hour:

  • Ingredients for cooking homemade cookies: eggs, sugar, butter, flour.
  • How to cook homemade cookies in shape: melt oil.
  • Add sugar and beat the mixer.
  • Add eggs, beat.
  • Add flour, mix.
  • The dough on cookies in the form should be slightly curved than on pancakes.
  • Well warmed on gas shape for cookies. We lay out the dough on one half of the form (about two tablespoons) and immediately close the second half. Bake homemade cookies in the form on both sides, approximately 2 min. (Checking on the rosy).
  • That's how and the stoken! Cookies from childhood is ready. Bon Appetit!

It so happened that the grandfather is indispensable to us with simple, but very tasty cookies. We call them "dangerous", since they fly away like seeds, but it is difficult to stop. I suggest you make cottage cheese cookies on grandfather recipe.


  • Cottage cheese - 250-300 G.
  • Margarine (softened) - 200 G.
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Flour - 2,5 Stakana
  • Sugar - 0,5 Stakana
  • Soda - 0,5 h. Spoon
  • Salt - 0,5 h. Spoon

Cooking - 1 hour (your 20 min):

  • This is what we need to prepare cottage cheese cookies. Well, of course, salt.
  • Cottage cheese, margarine (must be soft), eggs, sugar, soda (not quenched) and lay salt in a bowl.
  • There, add flour.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Then wash your curd dough and send it for minutes on 20 in the refrigerator.
  • Remove the rested dough, we divide on 2 Halves (so convenient to roll out), roll over and cut into stripes.
  • Strips cut through ka pieces. Send cottage cheese cookies in preheated to 200 Degree oven by 20 minutes.
  • Time has come - take out the finished curd cookies of their oven.
  • And now - on the table, and eat. Bon Appetit!!!

The dough on the basis of meringues (whipped with sugar to the magnificent foam of egg proteins) is distinguished by weightlessness, ease, has a porous structure and ideal for many desserts. For example, the famous tiramisu is glorified by "Damsky fingers" (Savoyardi). Optionally, you can bake not only cookies, but also one-piece cakes for large products (cakes, cakes).

Ingredients (10 servings):

  • Eggs - 4 PC.
  • Sugar - 125 G.
  • Flour - 130 G.
  • Sugar powder - 50 G.

Cooking - 30 min (your 30 min):

  • Take products on the list. Eggs should be chilled, dishes - dry, clean and low-fat.
  • Separating yolks from proteins. Sift flour.
  • First, egg whites are scolding independently to remove possible clots.
  • We hit approximately 1-1,5 Minutes to light foam.
  • Parts supper sugar.
  • Whip up to stable peaks. The exact time depends on the power of your mixer. Merenga becomes shiny, snow-white and homogeneous.
  • The mixture is tightly kept on the wedges and the capacity can be easily turned over the bottom up - the mass will not turn out.
  • In a separate bowl, mix your yolks and overflow to proteins.
  • Men by confident movements of the shovel in a circle until uniformity.
  • For two or three receptions we introduce flour. We mix biscuit dough without lumps.
  • For molding, use confectionery devices or a conventional food package with a cut corner.
  • Sent long stripes on a baking sheet with parchment. Length approximately 7 cm.
  • Sprinkle with sugar powder (sometimes repeated twice, once and minutes through 10 for more brittle sugar crust). We bake in a preheated oven at temperatures 180 degrees near 15 minutes.
  • Enjoy and serve "Ladies' fingers" to tea, coffee or other drinks. Pleasant!

Recipe for perfect sand cookies, which is very easy to cook at home! French cookie "Sable" is carried out gentle, crumbly, with a pleasant creamy taste, and just melts in his mouth! :)


  • Wheat flour - 160 G.
  • Butter creamy (room temperature) - 115 G.
  • Powdered sugar - 50 G.
  • Chicken egg - 1 PC.
  • Salt - 1/4 h. Spoon
  • Sugar - for biscuits

Preparation - 30 min:

  • How to prepare French Sable Cookies: Creamy room temperature stirring in a spoon 1 Minutes so that the oil becomes creamy, smooth and homogeneous.
  • Skift sugar powder and add salt. Stir for a couple of minutes before homogeneity.
  • Protein separating from yolk. Yolk - in the oil mixture, protein while I postpone. Mix well.
  • In the resulting mass sifted flour. I mixed the sandstop dough, you don't need to wash it for a long time.
  • Shoot the dough on the food film or package, forming a small "log". I wander into the film and clean it in the refrigerator on 2 hour.
  • Laying 2 I lubricate the dough with a squirrel and sprinkled with sugar (brown or white - it's at will). Cut to the portion pieces thick 7-8 Mm and lay out on a baking sheet, covered with parchment paper.
  • French sandbathing bakes in a preheated oven when 180 ° S. 20-23 Minutes.
  • Cookies "Sable" leave for a couple of minutes on the contrary and shifting on the grille, until a complete cooling. Bon Appetit!

Oatmeal cookies are a very tasty, useful and low-calorie dessert, biscuits without flour.

Cookies can be prepared from the most diverse dough - sugar, sandy, puff, biscuit.


  • Oatmeal flakes 250 G.
  • Nuts - 100 G.
  • Butter - 100 G.
  • Chicken Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Sugar - 120 G.
  • Sugar Vanilla - 10 G.
  • Salt - 1 pinch


  • Prepare foods for oatmeal.
  • How to cook oatmeal cookies: in the Mixer bowl we put 100 grams of soft butter, 120 Sugar grams 10 Grams of vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt and threaten.
  • Do not stop rubry, add one by one 2 Eggs, rub the mixer at high speed until a homogeneous magnificent mass.
  • We reduce the speed of the mixer to a minimum, add 250 grams of oat flakes and 100 Grams of nuts. You can add any nuts to your taste. Stirring 1-2 Minutes, the dough is ready.
  • On a leaf, laid out for baking paper, with two spoons lay the dough and forming round biscuits thick 0,5-1 centimeter.
  • Bake cookies in a pre-preheated oven at temperatures 180 Degree Celsius approximately 15 minutes.
  • We remove the finished oatmeal biscuits from the oven we give cool, shift on the dish and feed to tea or coffee.

Delicious sand balcles with homemade jam or jam - just sodium!

Ingredients (8 servings):

  • Flour - 400 g ( 2,5 glasses)
  • Sour cream - 200 G.
  • Margarine - 200 G.
  • Soda - 0,5 h. Spoon
  • Jumped - 200-250 G.
  • Sugar powder - 3-4 h. spoons (to taste)

Cooking - 1 hour 30 min (your 30 min):

  • Prepare products for the preparation of bagels with jacket (margarine left at room temperature for minutes 15-20 ).
  • How to cook bagels with jam: Sour cream mixed with soften margarine. Add soda.
  • Add flour and mix well. The dough is quickly kneaded, wrap in the food film and cool in the refrigerator (half an hour).
  • Then split the dough on 4 Parts.
  • Each piece to roll fine. The thickness of the circle should be no more 0,5 See diameter it turns out about 25-28 cm.
  • Each circle is cut on 8 segments.
  • Each piece of the segment is evenly lubricated with jam and roll, starting with an outdoor wide end.
  • Rogani bend a hilt.
  • Turn on the oven (heat up to 190-210 degrees). Bakery stranded with bakery paper or foil. Rogani lay out on the baking sheet.
  • Bake the horns at temperatures 200 Degree approximately 30 minutes.
  • Finished bagels with journey to cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  • Rogani with jam is ready. Bon Appetit!

Shortbread, which is familiar with many childhood. The tender crumbly cookie "Kurakye" can be simply baked to the family tea party, and you can beautifully pack into the box and present it away.


  • Flour - 180 G.
  • Sugar powder - 4 Art.
  • Butter - 100 G.
  • Egg is large (only protein) - 1 PC.
  • Jumped to taste
  • Vanillin - on the tip of the knife


  • Prepare ingredients for sandy cookies with jam. I ask the flour. Oil will leave on the table (in warm kitchen) for half an hour before the start of work so that it becomes soft.
  • How to cook Cookies "Kurakye": In a separate bowl, the oil with sugar powder (or you can beat the mixer) to uniformity.
  • Egg protein add to the oil mixture. Intensively all with a wedge or mixer.
  • The sifted flour in portions we introduce into the resulting mass. Add vanillin.
  • We mix first with the shovel, and then with your hands. The final consistency of the test should resemble very soft plasticine. Therefore, if there is a need to, slightly adjust the amount of flour.
  • Put the baking parchment on the baking sheet. Confectionery bag Fill in the convenient amount of sand dough. Let's start carefully to detonate the cookie blanks at a distance of at least 1 CM from each other.
  • In the middle of each workpiece I will give my finger a small hole, which is filled with jam. To do this, it is very convenient to use a confectionery syringe with the thinnest nozzle.
  • We warm up the oven 200 Degree. Prepared baking tray with Koraruje cookies will send baked on 15-20 minutes.
  • Finished sandbath with jam posting cooling on a plate. Bon Appetit!

Instead of purchased gingerbreads, you can bake at home simple gingerbread glazed, from dough on kefir. The recipe for home gingerbread is quite simple.


  • Kefir - 250 ml
  • Sugar - 250 G.
  • Vegetable oil - 40 G.
  • Soda - 0,5 h. Spoon
  • Flour - 1-1,1 kg

For syrup:

  • Water - 60 ml
  • Sugar - 185 G.


  • Prepare home gingerbread products.
  • Sifted flour (approximately 2 Handstone to leave for further mixing), sugar, mix evenly mix. Pour kefir and oil.
  • To knead the dough for gingerbread on the kefir - it will be uncrowded and linded. Give him 10 Minutes on vacation.
  • Taking a small piece of dough, make it with flour, slightly chamme and toss it ( 1 cm). Ryumka squeeze the circles.
  • Heat the oven. For baking optimal temperature - 190 Degree. Cut circles folded on a baking sheet, the saturated silicone rug does not require lubrication.
  • Bake gingerbread 13 minutes.
  • Fold baked gingerbread in a deep bowl.
  • Meanwhile, prepare sugar syrup.
  • The mixture of sugar and water should boil. From now on during 7 Minutes syrup will be boiled on low heat. The specified time is already tested by the experimental way, but for the suspension it is possible to make sure the syrup will be prepared by closing it with a drop between your fingers. If a short thread is stretched during fingertip, syrup is ready.
  • Hot sugar syrup pour gingerbread.
  • Big spoon start mixing gingerbread with syrup. You need to interfere without stopping. A few minutes later, a characteristic sound, like clicks and gingerbreads, will face - this will mean that the glazing process is completed.
  • Dispatch homemade gingerbread glazed on drying.
  • White and soft inside, gingerbread cookies are coated with a crispy crust of sugar glaze, which will continue to fire them from drying out.

Many people miss Soviet recipes, as it seems to me. But not because there is a nostalgia in calm times in childhood. Rather, from the fact that these recipes were made on good proper technology, which is often often not enough. It's time for sanding rings with nuts "From the school buffet" - back to the USSR.

Cape "Brauni"

Today I will share with you a recipe for oh-very chocolate cupcakes.


For sand dough:

  • Wheat flour - 320 G.
  • Soft butter - 200 G.
  • Sugar small or powder - 120 G.
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Basin - 1 h. l.
  • Or soda - 1/3 h. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 h. l.
  • Salt - 2 g (pinch)

For the sprinkle:

  • Nuts (most often peanuts, but you can and others) - 70 G.
  • Yolk - 1 PC.


  • Prepare products. In the original recipe GOST in the dough there is soda, choose what you want.
  • How to cook sand rings: mix flour with a baking powder.
  • Beat the oil with sugar. Here add salt, vanilla sugar and egg.
  • Add all the flour and mix for 15 Seconds on the minimum speed of the mixer.
  • From the resulting crumbs to knead the homogeneous dough, but not to wash it for a long time.
  • Ready to wrap the dough into the food film and on 20-30 Remove minutes to refrigerator.
  • Fry peanuts in the oven for 10 minutes at temperature 160 °- 170 ° С.
  • Roll the dough on the flour table up to the thickness 6-7 mm. Form or ring diameter approximately 8 cm Cut Mugs.
  • Inside a mug cut holes approximately 2 cm diameter. Put in the freezer on 15-20 minutes.
  • Fascinated nuts are chopped with a knife or blender in the "pulse" mode, but not very finely.
  • Add to yolk 1 h. Water spoon and mix. The top of the rods to lubricate the yolk and the lubricated side to omit into nuts. Stay on the baking sheet, covered with parchment, nuts up.
  • Heat the oven to the oven 200 ° С. Bake shortbread with nuts 12-15 Minutes in a well-preheated oven. You do not need to lie.
  • Sand rings with nuts are ready. Bon Appetit!

All the favorite French cakes from whipped egg proteins and almond flour.

Recipe from Elizabeth Glinskaya (Winner "Master Chef - 2").

To prepare almond flour, you will need raw almonds, it must be blanched (pour boiling water, leave for a couple of minutes, to merge the water, repeat again), clean and lay out on a paper towel (I left for the night). Then lay out on the tray and at 100 degrees to dry in the oven 1.5-2 hours.

Proteins for making macarunov should also be prepared in advance - leave them at room temperature for the night.

So, proceed:

How to cook macarunas:

1. Measure 150 g of powdered sugar, mix it with 150 g of almond flour to homogeneity and sake. Pour from above 55 g of proteins and retain to the side.

2. Mix the remaining 150 g of sugar powder with water and dye, put on the middle fire and after the first bubbles, cook 3: 40-4 minutes (if you have a kitchen thermometer, then cook to 118 degrees).

3. In the meantime, we take 55 g of proteins and a thin weaving pouring syrup (hot, 118 degrees) into proteins, without stopping to beat - first at high speed, and then turn on the small and interfere before cooling.

4. Purses add whipped proteins into a mixture of flour and powder and mix the spatula.

5. When mixed to homogeneity, fill the confectionery bag and jerk the macarunas on the parchment paper (on the counter or blackboard) in a checkerboard.

Keep in mind that they will still spread, do not make them big. From this test, approximately 35 Makarunov should be obtained, which means 70 halves. Try to distribute for one parchment no more than 20-23 halves.

5. After that, the board on which the parchment is with halves is to knock on the table, so that the air and the hat are smoothed. And leave Makaruna for 40 minutes - 1 hour (this is important!).

6. Bake the macarows on the contrary to 9-11 minutes at 170 degrees. By 6 minutes, open the oven to release excess moisture. Remove Makaruna with a bunch and pick up the halves to each other.

7. For the recipe, Lisa Makaruna was studied with lemon conferencing, but I decided to reduce the time and started a custard. I have a cream stayed, but if I write half, it may not be enough. So I write as done.

Yolks to be confused with sugar and vanilla sugar, add flour, stir and pour milk. Brew to thickening, continuously stirring the wedge. Cool and beat the mixer again by adding oil.

I applied the cream to Makaruna in a circle with the help of a confectionery sleeve, but someone as convenient.

Bon Appetit! Bon Appetit! :)

  • In a bowl of bowl 2 egg squirrel add 140 Gram of sugar, mix.
  • Add 80 Gram of melted butter, mix.
  • Add 80 Gram of sifted flour, mix. Dough is ready.
  • Spread half of the teaspoon of the dough on the baking sheet and with the help of a teaspoon, moistened with oil, molding thin round biscuits with a diameter 5-6 Santimeters.
  • We bake sugar cookies "Twill" in small portions in a pre-preheated oven at temperatures 180 degrees Celsius 6-8 minutes to golden color.
  • With hot removal from the back and with the help of a rill give the shape of the tile. While the cookie is hot - it is elastic and can be given shape. Let the liver cool down.
  • Lay out on the dish and give a very tasty, gentle and beautiful French cookies to the table. Bon Appetit!
  • Sugar powder, for decoration (optional) - to taste
  • Cooking - 1 hour 35 min (your 35 min):

    • We prepare products. We take the creamy oil from the refrigerator in advance - it will be needed in a softened form. To prepare cookies for this recipe, we will need a meat grinder.
    • In a bowl we put soft butter, sugar and vanilla sugar.
    • We rub the oil with sugar fork or a wedge.
    • We smack the eggs in a bowl and beat the wedge again.
    • Sift flour with a breakdler.
    • Separations gradually introduce flour and knead the dough.
    • The dough is supplied elastic and not sticking to the hands.
    • Turn the dough with the food film and send to the refrigerator approximately on 40 minutes.
    • It is necessary to get the dough from the refrigerator with parts, as it quickly melts and it becomes difficult to work with it. A small part of the test (approximately with the palm) we skip through a meat grinder without a knife, with a nozzle with the largest holes.
    • Immediately share "snakes" from the test 3-4 Things and turn them with a harness.
    • The resulting harness turn the spiral in a circle, and we have a product in the form of roses. So form cookies from the entire test. Heat the oven to 190 Degree.
    • We put cookies on the baking sheet, covered with parchment paper. I got two bars. Bake the shortbread in the oven when 190 degrees 15-20 minutes.
    • We give the finished liver to cool.
    • You can sprinkle a cooled sugar cookie. Bon Appetit!

    Cheese crackers are delicious cheese cookies, very fragrant, crisp and simple in preparation. Cheese pastry is perfectly suitable for sweet tea or coffee, or as a snack to beer.

    Ingredients (for 5 servings):

    • Hard cheese - 100 G.
    • Butter creamy (room temperature) - 100 G.
    • Yolk - 1 PC.
    • Flour - 120-150 G.
    • Salt - 1 pinch

    Cooking - 1 hour 40 min (your 30 min):

    • Connect with a plug softened butter, yolk, salt and grated cheese on fine grater.
    • Gradually add flour and mix soft dough for cheese pastries. Remove the dough on 1 Hour in the refrigerator.
    • We divide the dough in half (for convenience), slightly roll over and cut into segments.
    • We lay out cheese pastries on a baking sheet covered with parchment. We make decorative holes and send to preheated to 180 Degree oven. We bake cheese crackers 10-15 minutes. Ingredients:
      • Flour - 600 G.
      • Butter - 300 G.
      • Sugar - 250 G.
      • Eggs - 2 PC.
      • Sugar Vanilla - 5 G.
      • Salt - 0,5 h. Spoon
      • Cocoa powder - 20 G.


      • We prepare products for vanilla-chocolate sand cookies.
      • How to prepare shortbread "Spirals": prepare vanilla sanding dough. In the bowl of mixer put 150 Grams of soft butter, add five grams of vanilla sugar, pinch of salt and 125 Sugar grams, mix. Add one egg and beat at high speed to obtaining white lush mass.
      • In the resulting mass sifting 300 Flour grams, mix and quickly mix soft sandy dough.
      • Watch the dough into the food film, give the shape of the brick and put it in the refrigerator.
      • Prepare chocolate sandbreaker in the same way, but in a separate bowl. Mix 300 Grams of Flour I. 20 Cocoa powder grams, sift flour from cocoa to the oil-sugar mixture.
      • Mix and quickly knead the chocolate sanding dough. Watch the dough into the food film, give the shape of the brick and put it in the refrigerator on 10 minutes.
      • Through 10 Moments take out the dough from the refrigerator. For convenience, roll off the dough parts.
      • A piece of vanilla dough laying between two sheets of baking paper and rolling into a rectangular layer thick, approximately 4 millimeter. In the process of rolling, you can lift the sheet and end the dough to get the right rectangle.
      • Also we do with a chocolate test - put between two sheets of baking paper and roll in a rectangular layer thick, approximately 4 millimeter.
      • The layers of chocolate and vanilla test must be of the same size. We put the reservoir of the chocolate sand dough on the platter of the vanilla sand dough.
      • We take another small piece of vanilla dough, shape sausage and put on top of a chocolate sand dough.
      • All together, with the help of baking paper, we turn into the roll. Cut the roll on cookies, thick 5 millimeters
      • We lay them on a baking tray, baking sheets.
      • Bake the sandbread "Spirals" in advance preheated to 200 degrees oven, approximately 10 minutes.
      • Through 10 For minutes, take out the cookie "Spirals" from the oven, let me cool and apply to tea or to coffee.

      It's time to bake apple cookies! Homemade baking sweet and cozy. I recommend that you have a very simple recipe for sandy cookies with apples, which is ideal for tea drinking in a family circle. Record cookies into simple baking recipes for every day, it is worth it. After all, it is baking with apples, recipes with photos are proved.

      Ingredients (for 5 servings):

      • Apple Large - 1 PC. ( 250 d)
      • Margarine (melted) - 100 G.
      • Sour cream - 50 G.
      • Egg - 1 PC.
      • Sugar - 70 g (approximately 3 Art. spoons)
      • Flour - 250 g (near 1,5 glasses)
      • Baking powder for the dough - 2 h. Spoon

      Cooking - 35 min (your 15 min):

      • Prepare ingredients for rapid cookies with apples.
      • How to cook apple cookies: Apple rolling on a large grater, pre-removing seeds. In a deep bowl, we sift the flour and mix with a breakthrower. We whip the egg and add to the flour. They add sugar, melted margarine and sour cream. We mix the dough.
      • We interfere in the dough stuck apples. Dough for cookies with apples is ready.
      • On a baking sheet, stinged by bakery paper, lay out small portions of apple dough - spoon or moistened hands.
      • We send shortbread with apples in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, about 20 minutes.
      • Fast apple cookie is ready. Pleasant tea drinking!

      15 minutes. for 180 degrees. Bon Appetit!

    Simple cookie recipes are presented in the site section so that you can prepare and surprise your family and guests with fragrant sweet pastries for every taste. Hundreds of recipes with a variety of fillings and types of dough are assembled for those who want to try something new and improve their culinary skills. Here you will learn how to prepare delicious cookies at home based on milk, cottage cheese, kefir, butter, oatmeal and other products.

    Video recipes

    Soft homemade cookies on sour cream! Delicious and gentle:

    Soft homemade cookies is the simplest, I often prepared him as a child:

    Homemade cookies - very tasty and simple:

    Fast homemade cookies. Very simple, but very tasty:

    The fastest and most tasty cookies:

    Delicious homemade cookies with honey - very tasty and simple:












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