Five-minute strawberry. Multicooker to the rescue

Currant is the healthiest berry, containing many useful properties and vitamins. It is rich in vitamins such as E and C. When consuming 40 berries black currant per day you will provide for yourself daily norm these vitamins. If you properly prepare jam from this berry, it will not lose its beneficial properties. By consuming jam, you:

  1. Enrich your body with vitamins C and E;
  2. Strengthen your immunity;
  3. Improve digestion processes;
  4. Get over colds and flu faster;
  5. Improve metabolism in cells.

Currant delicacy can be served with tea as a stand-alone dessert, use for filling pies and pies, muffins, cakes and other baked goods.

How to make jam correctly: recipes and features

The process of making jam is a simple task for any housewife. The main thing is to have in stock: sugar, currants, the necessary equipment and, most importantly, the desire to prepare the product.

Five-minute currant jam - recipe

To prepare this recipe for blackcurrant delicacies, you The following ingredients are needed:

  1. Black currant - 0.5 kg;
  2. Granulated sugar - 0.75 kg;
  3. Filtered water -0.5 cups.

Step-by-step preparation for this recipe:

Recipe for making classic currant jam

For this recipe you will need:

  1. Sugar - 3 kg;
  2. Currant berries - 3 kg;
  3. Filtered purified water - 1.5 cups.

Method of preparing the treat That's why classic recipe is as follows:

  • Sort the berries, remove the bad ones, rinse in slightly warm running water and dry;
  • Pour water into a jam container and dissolve one glass of sugar in it. Bring the syrup to a boil. When it boils, pour a glass of currants into the container. Cook for 5 minutes with constant stirring. Don't forget to skim the foam from the jam;
  • When 5 minutes have passed, pour another glass of berries and sugar into the boiling mass and boil again for 5 minutes;
  • Repeat this procedure until all the berries and sugar are gone. Boiling time interval 5 minutes:
  • Prepare the jars: wash them well soda solution or detergent, then rinse under running water and sterilize. The lids also need to be sterilized;
  • Pour the finished hot treat into jars and seal them. Turn the jars over and wait until they cool completely.

Five-minute recipe for making jelly-like currant jam

To prepare the jelly-like treat according to the recipe you need to take:

  1. Ripe currants - 5 cups;
  2. Sugar - 5 glasses;
  3. Filtered water - 1.25 cups.

For this recipe:

Raw five-minute currant jam - recipe

For this five-minute currant jam recipe, take:

  1. Currants - 2 kg;
  2. Medium size orange - 2 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 3 kg.

To prepare currant delicacy according to the recipe, you need:

  • Wash the orange well and, without peeling it, grind it with a meat grinder or blender;
  • The currant berries must be sorted, washed and also pureed;
  • Combine two types of puree in one container and cover it with sugar;
  • Stir well to obtain a homogeneous mass and let it brew for several hours at room temperature;
  • You will need to stir the jam several times and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • When the sugar is no longer visible, place the jam in pre-sterilized jars and seal with lids;
  • Store in a cool, dark place.

Recipe for making currant jam without cooking

To prepare this recipe without cooking you will need:

  1. Fresh black currants - 2 kg;
  2. Sugar - 3 kg.

Step-by-step preparation jam according to this recipe:

Recipe for blackcurrant jam with lemon added

In order to make such jam, you The following components will be needed:

  1. Ripe black currants - 1.5 kg;
  2. Lemon small size- 2 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Making this recipe includes the following stages:

  • We sort out the currant berries, remove all the bad ones and stalks, rinse and let the excess moisture drain;
  • Wash the lemon well too (no need to peel the zest) and cut to remove the seeds. Grind it into a puree using a meat grinder or blender;
  • Immerse the resulting lemon mass into the container where you will cook your delicacy and add sugar. Place the container over low heat to melt the sugar;
  • Place currants in sugar-lemon puree and bring everything to a boil;
  • After boiling, cook for 30 minutes, stirring from time to time and removing foam from the surface;
  • Ready jam put into pre-prepared jars and seal tightly with clean lids;
  • Wait until the jam has completely cooled in the jars and take it to a cool, dark place for further storage.

Recipe for raspberry and blackcurrant jam

To prepare such a classic, but extremely tasty jam, according to the recipe you will need:

  1. Black currant - 0.9 kg;
  2. Ripe juicy raspberries - 0.3 kg;
  3. Sand-sugar - 1.5 kg;
  4. Filtered water - 0.15 l.

How to cook a delicacy correctly according to this recipe:

Recipe for currant jam made using a slow cooker

To prepare, take the ingredients:

  1. Ripe currants - 0.5 kg;
  2. Sugar - 0.75 kg.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Prepare the berries: sort them and rinse them well in running water. Then pour into the multicooker bowl;
  • Cover the berries with sugar and let them brew for about 3 hours;
  • When the berries release juice, mix your mixture well and set the multicooker to “stew” mode for 1 hour;
  • When one hour has passed, put the hot jam into pre-prepared sterile jars and roll them up.

Raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant jam - recipe

For this assortment you will need:

  1. Black currant - 0.75 kg;
  2. Whole gooseberries - 0.3 kg;
  3. Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  4. Raspberries - 0.2 kg;
  5. Water - 0.5 cups.

Cooking method assorted berries according to this recipe:

Apple and blackcurrant jam - recipe

For this jam take these ingredients:

  1. Juicy apples - 4 kg;
  2. Fresh black currants - 4 kg;
  3. Sugar - 8 kg;
  4. Water - 4 liters.

Preparation includes:

  • Wash the apples well and cut them thinly. We also wash the berries well;
  • Make syrup from sugar and water. Pour currant berries into the syrup and wait for them to release juice;
  • When the water takes on the color of berries, add apples to the container and cook until the mixture thickens completely. The mass must be stirred constantly;
  • Wash and sterilize the jars and pour the prepared hot jam into them. Close with lids.

Note: from specified quantity ingredients you will get 2 jars of 1 liter each.

Currant jam – 5-minute recipe:

In order to prepare blackcurrants for making jam, first we will sort out the berries and remove any spoiled or too crushed ones, and also remove the leaves and stems that might have gotten into the berries. Pour the prepared currants into a colander and rinse under the tap. Let the liquid drain.

Surely you already know how to cook currant jam traditional, so to speak, “grandmother’s” method. This usually happens like this: fruits or berries are covered with sugar and left for a while so that the sugar crystals begin to interact with the berry or fruit juice, which will ultimately give us the desired syrup. Today we will do things differently! To preserve the integrity of each berry, first boil a regular sugar syrup on water, and only then will we cook blackcurrants in it. Thus, the currants will not need to be mixed with sugar or crushed in order for the juice to appear for the syrup, which means that the delicate thin outer skin of the berries will be preserved as much as possible. Pour sugar into a special bowl for making jam and add water.

Place a bowl of sugar and water on the stove and dissolve sugar mass and bring the syrup to a boil, stirring. At this moment it is better not to leave your stove, as the syrup tends to rise foam cap at active boiling. Boil the syrup for about 5 minutes over medium-medium heat.

Carefully and carefully transfer the currants into boiling sugar syrup and immediately reduce the heat. Let the berries warm up gradually in the syrup so that the cooking process is uniform. At this time, do not stir the jam! If you feel like it could use some stirring at some stage, stir it by lightly shaking it and rocking it over the sides of the basin. When the berries are well warmed up in the syrup, they will no longer be so “vulnerable” and you can grab a spoon.

From the moment of boiling, cook the currants for 5-7 minutes. Remove foam as needed.

Pour the blackcurrant jam into clean, dry jars (having previously prepared and sterilized the containers and lids), placing a saucer under each jar.

We tighten with ordinary screw or traditional, with rubber sealing, turnkey lids. Wrap it in a thick blanket or large towel, folded in several layers, and keep the jars in this state until completely cooled.

Usually, if the entire process is followed, the syrup in such a five-minute jam, when cooled, gels under the influence of natural pectin.

Blackcurrant jam is ready in 5 minutes!

Look how beautiful and intact the berries are!

Fruits and berries


Strawberry jam in 5 minutes– it’s very simple and affordable winter preparation, which is sure to be present in the pantry of any self-respecting housewife. Not only because such a delicacy is easy to prepare, but also because it contains a lot useful vitamins. It is increasingly better to please your loved ones with something tasty and at the same time natural, rather than with what is sold in stores today. Now let's try to figure out what this jam is in 5 minutes. It is obviously false to assume that you will be able to prepare this or any other jam in just 5 minutes. The simple process of washing the amount of strawberries that we will use today will take you more time.

The essence of any five-minute jam lies in the method of its preparation, which we will talk about in more detail directly in the very step by step photo recipe, and now let’s clarify only some features. In order to save taste characteristics jam and the shape of the berries, you definitely can’t overexpose it over the fire, but in this case, the sugar will not preserve the berries enough, and the preparation may simply deteriorate. It may seem like a vicious circle, but this is where five-minute recipes come to the rescue. More simple and delicious recipe strawberry jam you just won't find it. You can serve this treat in any quantity, because strawberries are plentiful in summer. Let's start preparing delicious and delicious food for the winter. healthy jam from strawberries in five minutes at home.



    We wash the selected amount of sweet and ripe strawberries in advance in cold water and at the same time we remove the green tails ourselves or with the assistance of loved ones. You shouldn’t be seduced by store-bought berries that are the same shape and too bright in color; they were probably not fully grown in a natural way. It’s better to buy or even pick fresh strawberries different shapes, but with a natural scent. Place the washed strawberries in a colander and let excess liquid drain completely, then place the berries in a clean enameled basin.

    Now you need to generously sprinkle the prepared strawberries granulated sugar. Remember, if you use a different amount of strawberries than what is indicated in the ingredients, the amount of sugar will also have to be recalculated. We leave the strawberries in this form until the evening or for the next 6-8 hours so that the strawberries release the juice we need so much. By the way, this is why we use enamel containers at this stage, because in this case we will keep the taste and color of the juice natural.

    It will be most convenient to use a large saucepan instead of a basin; otherwise, you will have to pour the strawberries and juice into a separate pan for cooking or prepare the jam directly in the basin. After the specified time has passed, you need to carefully mix the strawberries with the remnants of undissolved refined sugar using a wooden spoon.

    We place the container with strawberries and juice on the stove, bring the liquid to a boil and prepare the jam for 5 minutes, the same ones about we're talking about in the title of the recipe. As soon as five minutes have passed, turn off the heat, cover the container with a cotton cloth and leave the strawberries in this form for at least another 8 hours.

    We repeat the procedure the next day again, at the same time a white foam will form on the surface of the jam, as shown in the photo, it must be carefully removed with a slotted spoon, then the workpiece will turn out transparent and smooth. We steep the strawberries again for 8 hours and cook for the third final time for the same 5 minutes. It is thanks to this method of preparing jam that strawberries will retain their shape and natural taste.

    Now all that’s left is to thoroughly sterilize small jars for the preparation, pour still hot strawberry jam into them and seal them tightly with sterilized tin lids. This one is perfectly stored sweet preservation in the pantry or in the refrigerator, most often served with tea. Homemade delicious jam from strawberries in 5 minutes by yourself simple recipe ready.

    Bon appetit!

Finally we waited for strawberries, probably the most fragrant, beautiful berries, from which you can prepare many different desserts and salads. Or you can “stop time” and make strawberry jam for the winter. How wonderful it is to then get out of the bins for tea or pancakes fragrant jam, in which the aromas of summer have been preserved!

In addition, preparing strawberry jam is very simple. True, you need to decide right away whether you want sweet or sugar-free jam, thick or liquid, well-cooked or five-minute. In this collection I will describe everything in detail possible options making strawberry jam. Depending on your preferences, you will need to choose the appropriate recipe.

Strawberry jam recipes:

Thick strawberry jam with whole berries for the winter

To make the strawberry jam thick. and the berries remain intact, we will cook the jam in several stages. This will take a lot of time, of course, but the delicious jam deserves it.

For this recipe, it is better to use smaller strawberries so that they cook faster. The ratio of strawberries to sugar in this recipe is 1:1.

  1. Pour 1/4 of the strawberries into the pan, add about the same amount of sugar on top, then put another layer of strawberries and sugar on top. And so alternately all the layers.

2. Cover the pan with a lid and leave overnight, during which time the strawberries will release a lot of juice. When there is enough juice, lightly stir the contents of the pan.

3. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the strawberries from the syrup into a separate bowl.

4. Let’s deal with the syrup separately. Place the pan with the syrup on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil and until the sugar is completely dissolved. Reduce heat and cook until syrup is reduced by 1/4 (about 20-30 minutes). Do not forget to stir periodically.

5. Remove the pan from the heat and place the berries from the bowl into hot syrup.

6. And again we repeat everything as in points 2-5, i.e. First, we leave the berries in the syrup for 12 hours, then we take them out with a slotted spoon and boil some more syrup, and finally we put the strawberries back into the hot syrup. The berries will further decrease in volume and the syrup will become thicker.

7. But that's not all. The third time we repeat all the steps - leave for 12 hours, take out the berries, cook the syrup and mix everything. Now, finally, cook the berries together in syrup for 5 minutes. Place in hot sterilized jars (don't forget to sterilize the lids too). Turn the jars over and keep them like this until they cool completely.

Strawberry jam 5 minutes

We will need:

  • for 1 kg of strawberries
  • 600 gr. Sahara
  • 250 ml water.

Since we do not mix the berries in this recipe, immediately place the berries in the container in which you will cook the jam.

  1. Pre-wash the berries and remove the stems. If the strawberries are very large, you can cut them in half or into 4 parts. But this is a matter of taste. I usually boil whole berries.

2. Separately, cook the syrup - add sugar to the water and, stirring, cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

3. Pour the resulting syrup over the berries and do not interfere with anything! The berries should remain intact. Cover the container with a towel or film and leave to cool for 2 hours.

4. During this time, prepare the jars and lids - wash and sterilize them.

5. Place the pan or bowl with strawberries in syrup on medium heat, bring to a boil. Stir the berries not with a spoon, but simply by rocking the pan or basin from side to side. Remove the foam from the jam. As soon as the jam boils, cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

6. All that remains is to transfer the jam into clean jars, close the lid and turn over. Cover the jars with a towel and keep them there until they cool completely.

In jam prepared in this way, the berries are whole and not overcooked.

The best recipe for strawberry jam without boiling the berries

We will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg

For such “fresh” jam, it is necessary to sterilize the jars and lids

  1. We wash and peel the strawberries, let them dry a little and add sugar in a 1:1 ratio.

2. Using a wooden masher, lightly mash the berries and at the same time mix the sugar. Do not mash the strawberries completely, so that whole berries remain. Leave the pan with strawberries to stand for 2 hours. The strawberries will release juice and the sugar will dissolve during this time.

3. Add up the received raw jam into sterilized jars, leaving a little space at the very top. Sprinkle sugar on top, it looks like sugar plug which will prevent the jam from turning sour.

4. Close (roll up) the jars with metal lids.

Be sure to store this strawberry jam without cooking in the refrigerator!

Strawberry jam with lemon and mint

The recipe contains less sugar, so the result is not very sweet, but sour jam.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • sugar - 700 gr.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • mint leaves
  1. Wash the strawberries and let them dry a little. To do this, you can lay it out on a paper towel. Cover the berries with sugar and leave overnight (7-8 hours).

2. When the strawberries release their juice, lightly stir the contents of the pan and put on the fire to boil. Add mint leaves to the jam and cook for 5 minutes.

3. Using a grater, grate the zest from the lemon and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Add the zest and juice to the jam and cook for another 10 minutes.

4. You can finish here, but some housewives advise not to be lazy and cook the jam again for 5 minutes after 8 hours. It's probably more reliable this way. It is advisable to place the jam in sterilized jars.

Their strawberry jam without boiling the berries - strawberries in their own juice

And this recipe is my favorite, because the berries remain intact, and the syrup is appetizingly transparent. In addition, these strawberries require little sugar, so you can safely eat as much as you like. True, in order to enjoy this delicacy in winter, firstly, you need to select whole, healthy berries for preparation, and secondly, store the jam in a cool place.

Preparing this jam is simple, you just need to first prepare the jars - wash with soda and dry. Wash the strawberries and dry them a little on a paper towel.

Place strawberries in half-liter jars and pour 100 grams on top of each jar. Sahara. And we leave it like this for several hours, I do it in the evening and leave it overnight.

During this time, the strawberries release juice, but the berries decrease in volume. Therefore, if at first you had, for example, 3 jars, after the night you need to spread the strawberries with syrup from one jar into the other two, filling them.

Now put the jars in warm water in a pan and sterilize in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

A wonderful dessert is ready. Prepare it, and I have no doubt that you will appreciate the taste of almost fresh strawberries in winter.

Strawberry jam with gelatin - a recipe for the winter

I sincerely advise you to use these recipes for delicious strawberry jam for the winter, so that you can enjoy long autumn and winter evenings drink some tea and remember the warm days.

And if you liked the recipes, I would be grateful for your comments.

Are you looking forward to the start of the cheap berry season as much as I am, so you can start with a bang? make jam? There is something almost mystical in this process, when you stand at the basin and stir the gurgling brew with a spoon (always a wooden one!).

Strawberries, cherries, currants, raspberries, mulberries... a song! Jars in orderly rows gradually fill the shelves in the closet.

Don’t think that we are calling on you to turn your apartment into a branch of a cannery! But how great it is: in winter, while sipping tea, enjoy the fragrant summer dessert from a jar...

In our crazy age of constant time pressure, the recipes of grandmothers and mothers, when jam was cooked for a long time and in several stages, are losing their relevance. I want to do everything quickly, so that once, twice, it’s done! This is where you remember the famous five-minute jam, which can be prepared from any berries.

Quick jam

How less jam is cooked, the healthier it is, berries retain their taste, shape and aroma. For the recipe below, raspberries, currants, strawberries, and cherries are ideal.


  • 1 kg of berries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice (no need to add to cherries)


  1. Sort out the ripe berries and wash them; remove the pits from the cherries. Add sugar and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning, place the bowl of berries on low heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. After boiling, add lemon juice and cook for another 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the jam hot into sterilized jars and close it. For me, it is most convenient to use 250 ml jars with screw caps. While the jam is bubbling, I boil the lids and sterilize the jars in the microwave.
  4. Turn closed jars of jam upside down and wrap them for several hours until they cool.

Approximate output finished product depends on the berries: from raspberries, strawberries, currants - 1 l, from cherries - 1.6 l (due to the abundance of juice). Tested: homemade preparations are perfectly stored in a city apartment outside the refrigerator, do not sour or explode.