Chia seed and coconut milk pudding. Chia pudding - a dessert for lovers of tasty and healthy food

While following the principles of proper nutrition, you should not give up sweets. And now we are not talking about a piece of cake with rich buttery cream. There are many recipes for proper and healthy desserts that will perfectly satisfy your need for sweets without spoiling your figure. If you want to treat yourself to an unusual, exotic and, most importantly, the right treat, try making chia seed pudding - you can choose a recipe to suit every taste.

Chia seeds: an ideal product for pp treats

These South American seeds appeared on the shelves of our stores recently, but very quickly gained popularity among fans of proper, organic products.

They do not have a pronounced taste, they swell well in liquids, so they can be used as a thickener for any dishes, including chia puddings and other fancy desserts.

You can mix it with anything - milk, fermented milk products, juices, smoothies, coffee and even plain water. The end result will be a gel-like jelly.

Density depends on proportions. Everything is determined experimentally (different seed manufacturers, the density of the liquids itself is also different), but for reference you can take the following proportions - per 1 tbsp. 100 ml liquid. The result is a gel-like mass of “medium fluidity,” as in the photo.

Chia seeds are simply irreplaceable for weight loss, since this unique ability makes it possible to be satiated with a minimum calorie content of ready-made sweets.

Berry dessert without milk

Let's start with a recipe that is universal - its can be used for weight loss, even entering into ; During Lent, such a delicious treat is also irreplaceable. Vegetarians, as well as those who is lactose intolerant And raw foodists this option will also work. It can be called whatever you like, depending on the application - dietary jelly, pudding, etc.

Personally, I like it as a jam or sauce that goes well with morning porridge, ice cream, and cottage cheese. It’s very tasty just put on a piece of bread with a spoonful of yogurt.

This particular jam does not contain sugar or sweeteners - fresh fruits and berries are sweet in themselves. But for those with a sweet tooth, you can add a spoonful of honey or any saxam to taste.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 95
  2. Proteins: 2,5
  3. Fats 3,8
  4. Carbohydrates: 13

You will need:

  • apricot - 2 pcs.
  • raspberries white, black, red - a handful.
  • cherries, gooseberries - a handful.
  • chia seeds - 2 tbsp.

Frozen berries and fruits will also work, but first let them sit on the counter for half an hour.

Preparation step by step:

Separate the pits from apricots and cherries. Grind all fruits and berries to a puree using a blender or mixer.

Place the puree in a jar.

Add chia seeds, mix well and refrigerate for 12 hours to allow the seeds to swell.

Then mix thoroughly again and use. Stored in the refrigerator - 7 days.

Chia seeds will make the fruit mixture thicker and more nutritious.

Coconut milk pudding with mango

Coconut milk and chia seeds are already a classic combination in pp recipes.

For chia pudding, it is better to choose coconut milk without preservatives and stabilizers in the composition and with a short shelf life, which will indicate the 100% naturalness of the product.

It's even better to make it yourself.

Mango is the addition that will enhance the exoticism of the dessert and add a bright taste and aroma.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 174
  2. Proteins: 3,5
  3. Fats 12
  4. Carbohydrates: 12


  • chia seeds – 4 tbsp.
  • mango - one medium fruit
  • coconut milk – 250 ml
  • vanilla essence – 10 drops
  • any sweetener - to taste
  • fresh mint/almonds – for garnish.

How to cook:

  1. Mix coconut milk, seeds, vanilla and sweetener and let thicken in the refrigerator for 6 hours. It is very convenient to make this preparation at night. You can make more at once - shelf life - 3 days.
  2. Beat the mango pulp in a blender.
  3. Divide chia pudding with coconut milk into cups and top with mango puree. Garnish with almond petals and fresh mint sprigs.

Dessert with banana and almond milk

You can easily and quickly make a delicious and incredibly beautiful dish by combining layers of banana smoothie and chia pudding with almond milk.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 168
  2. Proteins: 4
  3. Fats 11
  4. Carbohydrates: 13,5

You will need:

We prepare in 3 stages:

  1. In a deep bowl, pour the chia seeds with milk, add cinnamon and sweetener. Leave for at least 3 hours, even better overnight in the refrigerator.
  2. When they are swollen enough, prepare a banana smoothie. To do this, beat the banana with the yogurt in a blender.
  3. Place dessert in a serving container in layers - ½ serving of chia pudding, banana smoothie, remaining pudding. Let soak in the refrigerator for another hour. Goes great with fresh blueberries.

Recipe with yogurt and berries

Chia seeds are great for making thick berry jelly. Combined with Greek yogurt you get a delicious, healthy and beautiful breakfast recipe.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 125
  2. Proteins: 4,4
  3. Fats 6
  4. Carbohydrates: 12,5


  • chia seeds – 2 tbsp.
  • berries (strawberries, wild strawberries) – half a glass
  • thick Greek yogurt – 120 g.

How to cook:

  1. Mix yogurt with seeds and let it swell for a couple of hours. The proportions are such that the result is a very thick pudding - almost jelly.
  2. Simply stir strawberries and strawberries into yogurt. If desired, you can puree everything.

Milk pudding with strawberries

Do you like panna cotta? This chia seed dessert is a light version of the famous Italian treat made with cow's milk.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 108
  2. Proteins: 4,2
  3. Fats 3,8
  4. Carbohydrates: 13,2

  • chia seeds – 6 tbsp.
  • cow's milk – 250 ml
  • honey - to taste.
  • strawberries - 10 berries.

Cooking steps:

  1. Mix milk, honey and chia in a deep bowl. This dessert has a very dense consistency, so you must follow the proportions of seeds and milk so that the panna cotta can thicken well.
  2. Leave to gel for 4 hours in the refrigerator.
  3. Set aside 2 strawberries for decoration and puree the rest. And then there are 2 options - the simplest - mix everything and put it in bowls. Or you can put strawberry puree on the bottom of a serving glass, and the milk part on top.
  4. Serve with strawberry slices.

Recipe for coffee lovers

Chocolate and coffee pudding with soy milk is an ideal treat for those who are watching their figure, but cannot live without chocolate and coffee.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 74
  2. Proteins: 3,3
  3. Fats 4
  4. Carbohydrates: 7

List of required ingredients:

  • freshly brewed coffee – 250 ml
  • soy milk – 250 ml
  • chia seeds – 8 tbsp.
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp.
  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup/maple syrup/stevia - to taste
  • dark chocolate, dry chia seeds, nuts for decoration.

How to cook:

  1. Add cocoa to warm milk and mix well so that there are no lumps left.
  2. Pour in coffee, add seeds and sweetener.
  3. Pour the coffee-chocolate mixture into portioned cups, cover with cling film, and leave to set in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  4. Before serving, garnish with a handful of chia seeds, some grated chocolate and ground nuts.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with desserts with chia, though. the seeds are quite high in calories (about 500 kcal per 100 g). No more than 4 tablespoons of seeds added to various dishes per day are enough to get all the benefits of this product without harming your figure.

Puddings should not be stored for more than 4 days from the moment of preparation.

Chia desserts can be prepared using any plant-based milk – oat, soy, coconut, almond and cashew.

If you don't have time to wait overnight for your chia seed pudding to set, try to at least let it sit for a while 3 hours in the refrigerator is the minimum period for which the seeds will swell sufficiently in liquid.

Breakfast idea

If you make chia pudding not only with fruits and berries, but also with granola, you get an excellent breakfast option, somewhat reminiscent of oatmeal in a jar. Here is a simple video recipe with kiwi and banana:

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 1 cup of plant-based milk of your choice;
  • ½ cup freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • zest of 1 orange;
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey;
  • ¼ cup chia seeds;
  • nuts, coconut flakes, any frozen berries and orange slices for decoration.


Mix milk, orange juice, orange zest and honey or maple syrup. Add chia seeds and mix well. Place in cups or bowls, let sit for literally 5 minutes, mix well again and put in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Before serving, sprinkle nuts, coconut, orange slices and berries (optional) on top.

Recipe No. 2. Apple with cinnamon

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 2 cups unsweetened plant milk;
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract or a pinch of vanillin;
  • ⅔ cup chia seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons coconut flakes;
  • 2 apples, peeled and cut into thin slices;
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon.


This pudding is served warm. To prepare it, pour milk with vanilla extract into a saucepan and heat over low heat for 2-3 minutes. It shouldn't be hot, just warm. Place chia seeds in a deep plate and pour milk over the seeds. Stir continuously for about two minutes while the chia seeds absorb the milk. Then leave for 5 minutes, add apples, coconut and cinnamon on top and serve. If you don't want warm pudding, you don't need to heat the milk. You just do the same thing, but with milk at room temperature. You can also add a little honey.

Recipe No. 3. Coffee

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • 1½ cups brewed coffee (can be decaffeinated);
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa;
  • ½ cup coconut milk;
  • 1¼ cups almond milk;
  • ¼ cup of honey;
  • 1 cup chia seeds;
  • 2 scoops chocolate protein powder (optional)


Simply mix all the ingredients in a bowl, pour into cups or bowls and refrigerate for 4-6 hours.

Recipe No. 4. Berry

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 1 cup coconut milk;
  • ½ cup frozen or fresh berries;
  • ¼ cup chia seeds;
  • honey to taste.


Blend together coconut milk, honey and berries. Place into glasses, add chia seeds, mix well and refrigerate for several hours or overnight.

Personal observations

To be honest, I didn’t expect it to turn out so delicious. The consistency of this dessert is somewhat reminiscent of passion fruit, only it is thicker and has smaller and softer seeds. My favorite of these four options is the coffee one, but I didn't add the chocolate protein powder to it. I think it would be even tastier with it. Apple came in last place.

During the preparation I used milk from , and instead of coconut milk I used coconut cream. They are much thicker than coconut milk and result in a thicker pudding. If this suits you, good, but if you want to make the dessert more liquid, then you need to either add a little less chia seeds, or use less coconut cream and more plant milk.

For the berry pudding, I chose blueberries, and when preparing desserts I also did without coconut flakes, since I don’t really like them.

One more point that I would like to highlight: be sure to stir the seeds both while pouring liquid into them and after they have stood for 5 minutes before putting them in the refrigerator. If you don't stir, you'll end up with lumpy pudding.

Enjoy your meal!

We are so often influenced by fashion and in cooking as well. Remember before it was cupcakes and cakes with berry caps, and now we all drink lemon water and eat superfoods for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Of course, the topic of superfoods is very complex, but no less interesting. I started my acquaintance with them with chia seeds. But let's take it in order! First, let's figure out what a “superfood” is and what it is eaten with?

Nowadays it has become fashionable to call “superfoods” food products that radically differ in their valuable properties from all other food products. Superfoods are completely natural (without technological interventions), they are real gifts of nature from different parts of the world. Their composition can provide all the needs of an active lifestyle and even heal the body, while they are neither drugs nor dietary supplements. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a miracle and think that “superfood” is a panacea for any disease. You should not expect an instant therapeutic effect. Any superfood shows its maximum potential only with long-term and systemic use.

Perhaps the most famous superfood is physalis berries. Yes, yes, these are the same berries that people like to decorate cakes and pastries with, but we often put them aside, thinking that they are just inedible confectionery props. Meanwhile, the fruits of physalis have a huge content of carotene, vitamins A, C, P, protein, and phosphorus.

Let's go back to my favorite seeds :). Previously, chia could only be ordered on iherb, but now they are sold in any large supermarket. Yes, they are not cheap, but they are worth every penny. It is an excellent source of Omega fatty acids (as you understand, completely vegetarian), as well as minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, zinc), vitamins (B3, B2, B1) and dietary fiber. Chia contains 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries, and they contain 8 times more Omega acids than salmon. In a word, super food!

Now chia seeds are included in our daily diet. They have neither taste nor aroma. Although many people talk about a pronounced nutty taste, I don’t feel it. Most often I just add it to my favorite B. yogurt. Yu. Alexandrov" with natural vanilla, I put it in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning I get a wonderful, and most importantly healthy pudding. In general, there are a lot of options for puddings with chia seeds; another favorite recipe of mine is coconut milk pudding. It is prepared very simply - soak chia seeds in coconut milk, add cinnamon, any natural sweetener (jerusalem artichoke syrup, agave syrup, stevia or just honey) and put it in the refrigerator overnight. And in the morning we add our favorite fruit puree, in our case mango :).

The only thing is, if you buy coconut milk, be sure to pay attention to its composition. There should be no stabilizers or citric acid. Only processed coconut meat and water. I take this one marked “ORGANIC”:

Portions Preparation time Passive time
2 servings 10 minutes 8-10 hours
Portions Preparation time
2 servings 10 minutes
Passive time
8-10 hours


  • 400 ml Coconut milk (cream)
  • 4 tbsp. spoons Chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp. spoons Jerusalem artichoke syrup (or honey)
  • 1/3 teaspoon Ground cinnamon
  • 1 PC Mango
  • For decoration coconut flakes
  • For decoration Mint

Portions: portions


  • 400 ml Coconut milk (cream)
  • 4 tbsp. spoons Chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp. spoons Jerusalem artichoke syrup (or honey)
  • 1/3 teaspoon Ground cinnamon
  • 1 PC Mango
  • For decoration coconut flakes
  • For decoration Mint

Simple desserts, one base - three options. In general, I admit honestly, I am not a supporter of the superfoods that are fashionable today; for some reason, while paying tribute to the foreign fashion for such products, we forget that in our area there are many equally useful analogues. In this case, chia can be replaced with flax seeds, both whole and ground. They are also pre-soaked in liquid and a jelly-like mass is obtained. But now I’ll still talk about desserts using chia, since I, as a curious girl, probably have everything that is possible. You should try it at least once to have a broader culinary horizon.

In general, there are no recipes as such, I very often do everything by eye, I can’t say that I’m that skilled, I just go by my feelings, which I trust :)
So, for each jar I took 1.5 tbsp. chia seeds. I soaked it overnight, but a couple of hours is enough.

Chocolate coconut dessert

This jar holds about 150 ml of liquid. Soak 1.5 tbsp. chia in coconut milk (I use either low fat 6% or I have another 4% coconut milk that I brought from Finland). Of course, you can also use regular full-fat coconut milk. Then added 1 tbsp. finely grated dark chocolate, 1 tsp. carob and 1 tsp. cocoa powder, 1 tsp. unrefined cane sugar and 1 tsp. coconut flakes. I mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour. A light dessert because I have unroasted carob and light cocoa. Serve with chocolate and pistachios.

Banana dessert with persimmon

1.5 tbsp. chia, 150 ml soy milk, half a small banana, a piece of persimmon (as much as you want). Chia is soaked in milk, banana and persimmon are mashed and added to the chia. Also cool the dessert before serving.

Berry dessert

1.5 tbsp. chia, 150 ml soy milk, a handful of frozen berries (I used a mixture of blueberries and cherries), 1 tsp. unrefined cane sugar and 1 tsp. coconut flakes. Berries with sugar and coconut are crushed into puree and added to chia. The dessert is also served chilled.

How else can you experiment? Add a little ground oatmeal for more thickness and satiety. You can take any milk to your taste, you can make it with yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir, or you can add soft cottage cheese. The addition of nuts is welcome; you can add ground in a coffee grinder, roasted peanuts, almonds, pistachios or hazelnuts. Space for imagination without limits!

Our regular columnist Calgary Avansino shares the basics and recipes for preparing a healthy and tasty dessert - a sweet pudding made from newfangled chia seeds, tested many times on himself and his household.

In one of my first articles, I already talked about the fantastic benefits of chia seeds - it’s no wonder why they have become so popular. One way to consume chia is to make it into a dessert pudding for breakfast. It won't be difficult to prepare it.

Step one
The pudding is based on a combination of chia seeds and any type of milk. In my opinion, coconut and almond make the best desserts. The main thing is to remember the proportions: 3 tablespoons of chia seeds per 1 glass of liquid. For example, if you're making 4 servings (which is great since the pudding stays fresh for days), you'll need ¾ cup chia seeds and 4 cups milk. Combine the ingredients together and mix thoroughly.

Step two
This is where the fun begins: you can fantasize about the dessert as much as you like and add any healthy ingredients. For example, dried coconut, raisins, cocoa powder, pomegranate seeds, mango pieces, walnuts, almonds or pistachios. Try any combinations! Add them to the milk with chia seeds, stir and put the mixture in the refrigerator overnight, or if you don’t have time, for at least 20 minutes.

Step three
Stir the finished pudding, add a little milk and garnish with blueberries, raspberries, maple syrup, agave or honey if you like sweeter desserts. Below are the recipes that I usually use:

Chia pudding with cinnamon
2 cups almond milk
2/3 cup chia seeds
½ teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon ginger
2 tablespoons chopped dates
2 tablespoons dried cranberries

Vanilla-coconut pudding with almonds
2 cups coconut milk
2/3 cup chia seeds
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons chopped almonds
Blueberry and raspberry topping

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding
2 cups almond milk
2/3 cup chia seeds
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 tablespoons coconut flakes
½ tablespoon maple syrup

All the necessary products for preparing recipes can be purchased at the organic food store "Biostory".