Simple and tasty veal dishes. What can you cook from veal quickly and tasty so that it is soft? Veal stew - recipe

Veal has long been considered a very tasty and dietary food. And in terms of concentration of nutrients, it even surpasses traditional beef. Therefore, if you are a supporter of a healthy diet, you will probably be interested in how to properly cook veal.

How to cook veal goulash with gravy?

If you are tired of traditional boiled or goulash, this is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the subtleties of gastronomy. The simplicity of its preparation is captivating, and the meat retains all its beneficial properties.


  • veal – 800 g;
  • onion – 65 g;
  • salt;
  • high quality flour – 75 g;
  • vegetable oil – 45 g;
  • large carrot – 1 pc.


When considering what can be prepared from veal, do not forget about this simple dish. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it slightly. Peel the onion, cut it into half rings and place in a frying pan. Fry this vegetable for about 5 minutes with constant stirring. Then add the flour, mix thoroughly and leave on the fire for another couple of minutes.

Wash and cut the meat into not too large pieces, place it in a pan and pour in the roast and lightly salt it. Stirring occasionally, simmer the veal over low heat, adding vegetable oil and water if necessary. Cut the peeled carrots into cubes, place in a saucepan, mix well and simmer under the lid over low heat for 50-60 minutes.

How to deliciously cook veal in a frying pan?

When there is not enough time, sometimes there is no time for culinary delights. But from this recipe you will learn how to cook veal so that it is soft, without unnecessary hassle and financial costs.


  • veal – 675 g;
  • large onion – 1 pc.;
  • whole milk, full fat – 275 ml;
  • clove of garlic;
  • salt;
  • large, selected egg – 1 pc.


Finely chop the onion and garlic, add milk, raw egg and salt to them, then beat everything thoroughly with a mixer. Cut the veal into slices about 1 cm thick (the meat can be beaten). Place the pieces of meat in the resulting marinade and leave for 2-3 hours. Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it well and start frying the veal. This will take you 15-20 minutes.

If you don’t know how to cook veal in a slow cooker, do exactly the same, only instead of a frying pan, put the meat in this household appliance and turn on the “Roasting” mode for 10 minutes.

How to deliciously cook veal in the oven?

All vitamins and beneficial microelements will certainly be preserved in meat prepared in this way. A pleasant bonus will be the exquisite taste and incomparable crispy crust.


  • veal – 575 g;
  • salt;
  • garlic – 4 large cloves;
  • coriander and black pepper;
  • , burning – 65 g.


Take the cooled meat and leave it at room temperature for several hours. Grate the garlic on a fine grater, make deep longitudinal cuts in the meat and stuff it with garlic. In a separate bowl, mix mustard, salt and other spices well. Then brush the mixture on all sides of the veal and wrap tightly in foil. Leave it to marinate for 1-2 hours. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and place the meat on a baking sheet. Bake in this way for a quarter of an hour, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the veal for half an hour. After removing from the oven, the meat should be left in foil for another 15-20 minutes.

Swiss schnitzel

Swiss schnitzel is a very popular dish that is prepared in many restaurants around the world. And all because it is prepared according to a unique recipe, after which the result is meat that is unlike anything else: incredibly aromatic and tasty. This schnitzel is prepared quite quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. Prepare such a dish for your loved ones, and they will certainly not be able to remain indifferent either to the food or to your culinary abilities!

Veal in Parmesan crust

Baking veal in a Parmesan crust fills the kitchen with a wonderful aroma and the meat turns out unusually tender. This is an excellent dish that can be used both as a hot main course and as a cold appetizer. Veal - the meat of dairy calves - is a high quality product. It has great advantages, both culinary and nutritional. And therefore, dishes from it turn out to be light and tasty, just like our veal in a Parmesan crust.

Meat with eggplant

Meat with eggplant is a dish with perfectly combined ingredients. Its taste is reminiscent of a sweet and salty stew with tender pieces of steamed veal. It is made from a small selection of vegetables, and due to their aromatic juice, very little oil is used in the recipe. This makes the food not only pleasant to the taste, but also very healthy.

Veal baked in foil

On the eve of the holidays, many housewives are in search of decent and tasty treats. We suggest you opt for veal baked in foil. It is prepared quite simply, although it takes a long time, but the meat turns out very tender, and everything baked in foil is always incredibly aromatic and tasty. Therefore, the issue with the main hot dish can be considered closed!

Meatloaf "Amazing"

Meat rolls become an excellent dish on a holiday table; you can easily surprise guests with them, as they are both beautiful and tasty. They are served hot and cold. With the help of rolls you can diversify the menu. This Amazing Meatloaf recipe is a must-try.

Meat sauce Di Carne

Di Carne meat sauce is a masterpiece of Italian cuisine. The most tender meat, lightly flambéed in wine and stewed in tomatoes, will exceed all your expectations, and the thickened, aromatic sauce will make you ask for more! A little effort, the simplest ingredients and a great dinner, lunch or breakfast are guaranteed!

Veal cutlets

Veal is an excellent tender meat that is considered a delicacy and is in great demand among gourmets. You can cook a lot of delicious, very tasty, and also healthy dishes from it, but the simplest option is veal cutlets! They can be served as a separate dish or complemented with any delicious side dish!

Japanese raw meat

I recently visited Japan and tried an amazing dish. I'm warning you right now that I'm not an amateur! Few people know that the Japanese, in addition to eating raw fish, are also fond of eating raw meat. Eating raw meat in Japanese is considered an extreme activity. The most important thing in this recipe is to use proven fresh carcass!

Veal fricassee

Veal fricassee is a meat stew with vegetables, in this case it is veal with fresh salad, green onions and dill. For additional taste, we will add yolks beaten with spices and lemon to the broth. It turns out amazing!

Wiener Schnitzel

More and more often I want to please and surprise my guests and loved ones with unusual dishes. I suggest diversifying your holiday table selection by preparing Wiener schnitzel. In general, schnitzel was invented by Italian chefs, but when the schnitzel recipe came to Austria, there it received its current name. Schnitzel is made from veal, breaded in bread crumbs and fried to a crisp. Preparing this dish does not require much effort, but it is surprisingly tasty. Try it, you and your guests will really like it!


A piece of meat tenderloin with a bone and a dish of the same name - "Ossobuco". It is not surprising that in Italy this word has two meanings, inextricably linked with each other. After all, this yummy is a real culinary masterpiece. Even though it takes more than two hours to prepare, the meat has time to soak in the aromatic vegetable juice mixed with wine and spices and the result is so soft and tender that it will exceed all your expectations.

Meatballs with potatoes in a slow cooker

Cooking in a slow cooker is very simple, this wonderful pot steams, cooks, and fries. It makes any dish easier! Prepare meatballs with potatoes in a slow cooker today. This is a complete and satisfying lunch for the whole family. It turns out so delicious that no one will leave the table without refills.

Veal chops in creamy mushroom sauce

Veal chops in creamy mushroom sauce are an easy to prepare dish, the final taste of which depends on the ingredients you use and their quality. Here I suggest adding pearl onions, sweet carrots, aromatic mushrooms and thick sour cream to make the meat great, and we’ll also prepare a delicious sauce to boot.


Bograc is a national Hungarian dish with an interesting history. According to legend, even during the wars with the Turks, the cook was preparing dinner for the army and overdid it with paprika. This is how the recipe for bograch appeared. Over many centuries, the recipe has been improved and become even tastier. Today, paprika is added to it to taste, as well as potatoes.

Veal paprikash

Veal paprikash is a Hungarian dish; according to its recipe, the meat is stewed in a rather thick sauce with the addition of a large amount of sweet paprika. And this is truly a very tasty and worthy dish. Of course, the result largely depends on the quality of the meat you choose.

Veal goulash is an excellent second course of Hungarian cuisine, which is quite quick to prepare and is perfect for a variety of occasions, including holidays. Initially, goulash was prepared as a thick meat soup, the basis of which was veal. But, in everyday life, goulash gradually transformed into a hot meat dish, but the main principles of cooking were preserved. The result of preparing this dish will not disappoint you one bit!

Meat dishes play a big role in our lives. They are a source of “long-term” energy, protein, and a whole complex of essential amino acids. It is precisely because people cannot imagine their life without meat that so many interesting recipes for its preparation have been invented. Even a simple technology can be surprisingly tasty, this is what we want to demonstrate in the recipe - steamed veal. The tender, juicy structure of meat fibers literally melts in your mouth.


Chakapuli is a national Georgian dish, which is prepared in the spring for Easter and other Church holidays, when a huge amount of fresh herbs appear on store shelves. Its main ingredients are young lamb and tarragon (tarragon). But this dish will also be very tasty with beef.

Veal escalope

Escalope is a dish of Russian-French cuisine, made from tender, thin boneless meat, which is lightly beaten and fried. It cannot be called just a chop, because the technology for its preparation is slightly different from that used in the preparation of ordinary meatballs. If you prepare the escalope according to all the rules, you will not regret when you try this delicacy!

Veal has a light pink color and a delicate taste. The structure of the fibers of dairy calf allows you to quickly prepare a dish and make it incomparable. This type of meat is very popular in Europe, since the calf has practically no fat layer. For each veal dish recipe there is your ideal piece for cooking. So, for example, the sauce should use neck, brisket or shoulder; for steaks and brisoles - the flesh of the hind leg; For roasts, the kidney part and shank are suitable, and for baking in dough - legs and brisket.

Veal is an exclusively separate type of meat, despite the fact that it is essentially young beef. You can prepare very tasty and healthy dishes from veal that are dietary.

Also, veal is not as popular as beef, but in other respects it only benefits, because it contains much more protein than beef, but less fat. This meat is very rich in all kinds of vitamins and microelements that are constantly needed to maintain human health and beauty.

This meat is very tender, as it is the meat of dairy calves, so it should be prepared especially so that it retains not only the best taste, but also all the nutrients. Calf meat contains a lot of water, much more than beef, therefore it can easily be spoiled during cooking and overcooked to a very tough state.

Like any meat, veal has its own degrees of readiness, but there is no such thing as rare-frying, since this will release not only traces of blood, but also traces of milk, which is why the aroma will not be pleasant. In addition, eating such veal is not at all safe for those who have stomach problems.

This meat is valued for its dietary characteristics, light pink color and, of course, delicate taste. Mostly, this type of meat is chosen by girls who watch their figure and many others who care about their own health. Despite the fact that this type of meat is not so easy to prepare, there are quite a lot of lovers of this type of meat. The most important thing is to always cook in a good mood and with great pleasure, then everything will work out, because an optimistic attitude is the most important condition in cooking!

Veal can be prepared in different ways, it can be fried and stewed, boiled and baked. Most of all, veal is baked and stewed. This meat can be used to prepare excellent roast beef, as well as escalopes. But for all dishes you need to select only those parts of the calf’s body that are intended for a particular dish. By the way, you need to buy any carcass on the market and, as they say, check it 100%, so as not to scold yourself later for a mistake.

But how do you choose the right veal? Fresh calf meat should always be pleasant to the eye and not have any strong or even foul odors. The color of the carcass can range from light pink to beige-pink, with very fine fibers. The meat should be elastic, and when pressed with a finger it should always instantly return to its original position. Fresh veal should also have some fat and be moist, but not slippery. The age of the calf can be determined by the color of the meat, so lighter meat indicates that the animal was younger, just the opposite, deeper pink meat suggests that the calf was more mature.

It is best to make broth from the neck part or stew meat with vegetables. The lumbar and back parts of veal are perfect for frying and baking in the oven. Rump should be used on escalopes; it can also be baked and fried not only on, but also in the open air. The rump can make excellent schnitzels and roasts. The spatula should be reserved for beef stroganoff and, but you can also make stews from it. Brisket is perfect for minced meat or for preparing first and second courses with stewing. The rump can be baked as a whole piece, or you can make delicious beef stroganoff and schnitzel from it. The shank will be used to prepare various brawns.

When all the parts are distributed, you can choose which dish you want to cook and prepare the appropriate part of the meat for it.

In order to prepare an excellent veal dish, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • Veal meat – 800g;
  • Turnip onion – 1 piece;
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs;
  • Butter – 20g;
  • Fresh or frozen cranberries - 1 handful;
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Dark beer - 1/3 bottle;
  • Peppercorns – 2 pinches;
  • Salt and ground pepper - to taste.

To ensure that the stew is soft and juicy, it should be cut into lengthwise pieces approximately 4mm thick. After that, take it and heat it well without oil, put a bay leaf there and when the smell comes from it, put the meat in and pour over the oil. So the veal needs to be fried until cooked so that a golden crust forms on it. After this, the meat needs to be salted and peppered, then put the chopped onion and add oil and peppercorns, fry for another 7 minutes. Then pour out the beer, add the berries and simmer over low heat for another 20 minutes, but make sure that the meat is stewed and not burned or not cooked at all due to lack of fire. Veal according to this recipe turns out to be surprisingly very aromatic and soft with an incredibly delicate taste.

Many people cook tender and young veal according to the principle of cooking beef, and this is a grave mistake, since this meat is young and very tender, so its preparation will be more similar to cooking chicken than beef. As a result, the meat takes longer to cook and becomes tough as a sole. In the same way, beef should never be cooked according to veal recipes, since this will not make the meat tasty; on the contrary, you will ruin everything.

The main condition in cooking veal is accuracy even in the smallest components; you should not think that if you put more of this or that spice, you will get it tastier; it is also not recommended to replace some spices with others. Otherwise, you will simply overwhelm the entire taste and aroma of tender and young meat with spices. If you still want to improvise, think about how well certain spices will be combined with young meat, don’t rush.

To prepare such a tender and juicy dish, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • Veal tenderloin – 500g;
  • Butter – 50g;
  • Medium fat sour cream -200g;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Champignon mushrooms – 10 pcs;
  • Flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt and white pepper - to taste.

To prepare, wash the meat well, remove small bones if there are any, let the meat drain and dry it. Then it needs to be cut into sharp slices no more than 1cm thick and beaten well on both sides. Next, the meat needs to be cut lengthwise into 5 cm widths. Cut the onion into half rings, also chop the mushrooms or cut into six parts.

After this, heat the frying pan and add butter, then fry the meat and onions for 3 minutes. Add the flour to the meat and onions and fry for 1 minute.

Take it out, pour the contents of the frying pan into it, add salt and pepper, add mushrooms, lightly salt and pepper again, then season with sour cream and stir. Cook the meat for 25 minutes, then you can serve it.

Tender veal goes well with some fruits, such as apples, lemons, oranges, quinces.

To prepare flavorful veal you will need:
  • Veal – 500g;
  • Quince – 1 piece;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

To prepare the marinade, take:

  • Sweet peas – 3 pcs;
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs;
  • Star anise – 1 piece;
  • Cloves – 2 pcs;
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • Provençal herbs – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Lemon juice - exactly half;
  • Cumin – 1 pinch.

First, grind all the spicy spices in a mortar, then add vinegar and juice from half a lemon, stirring, add oil, and let it brew for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, rinse the meat well under running water and wipe dry.

Wash the quince and remove the seeds inside, cut into medium-sized pieces. It is preferable to cut the onion into half rings. Take two frying pans, in one you need to fry the meat well with butter over high heat, just make sure that it doesn’t burn, otherwise the whole dish will be ruined. On another you need to fry the quince and onion, also with the addition of oil. When the juice in the frying pan with the meat solidifies, this means that the meat should be transferred to the onion and quince, stir and simmer for at least 15 minutes, do not forget to stir periodically so that the meat does not burn, the heat should be kept moderate. Then the meat can be placed on a dish and served; if desired, you can decorate with fresh herbs or fruits.

All the secrets and subtleties of cooking juicy veal

    Young meat should not be cooked at high temperatures, unless of course you need to do extreme frying for a short time as required by the recipe; otherwise, veal likes a little heat when cooking.

    To make the meat more tender and juicy, you can use lard or bacon; for this, it is enough to cover the meat with thin layers of lard or bacon, the meat will become much juicier and more flavorful.

    Veal should be baked very carefully, and to keep it soft and flavorful, pour the juices that drain from the meat during baking on top, the same method is used by fried veal.

    Tender veal meat goes well with both cheese and mushrooms, so dishes with such ingredients will be a real masterpiece and your personal achievement in cooking.

    Veal is combined with anchovies and parmesan and mustard. She loves cream and white wine, balsamic vinegar and cognac, coconut milk. You should pay attention to celery and carrots, tomatoes and onions, garlic and potatoes; all these vegetables are in great harmony with veal.

    Veal does not need long-term marinating, but it is still worth keeping it in the marinade for an hour to give the meat truly excellent taste and aroma. In addition, after this the meat cooks much faster.

Which in Russia began to be eaten not so long ago - only in the 19th century, and before that it was considered a forbidden product - something of a “taboo” in Russian cuisine. But the French and Italians respected veal, and to this day it is these countries that supply the world market with a product of the highest quality, with a delicate taste and a very attractive smell. Nutritionists consider veal one of the most valuable types of meat: it is not difficult to prepare, and it contains many useful and nutritious substances - therefore it is always recommended for children, elderly people and those recovering from illness.

Veal: composition, calorie content and benefits

There are practically no carbohydrates in veal, but it contains a lot of healthy, easily digestible protein and very little light fat.

The calorie content of veal is low - about 97 kcal, but it is rich in vitamins and minerals: this is group B (7 vitamins) and vitamin E; potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, iron - it is most abundant in the liver, copper, fluorine, nickel, manganese, cobalt, iodine and zinc.

Veal is often recommended for anemia, and iron is well absorbed in the presence of vitamin C. Therefore, many sources talk about sauerkraut - it has always been popular in Russian cuisine, but veal can be consumed with any foods rich in this vitamin. These can be sweet peppers and any types of fresh cabbage - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, etc., green garlic feathers, fresh green peas, wild garlic, spinach, horseradish, sprouted cereals, etc.

Diabetics, hypertensive patients and stomach patients are also recommended, and calf liver is included in the diet to prevent heart attacks and speed up the treatment of urolithiasis. Doctors recommend that people recovering from infections, injuries and burns consume boiled veal.

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