Impregnated with vanilla essence. Options for preparing impregnation for sponge cake with cognac

Let me start with the fact that the biscuit itself is tasty and tender, and therefore you don’t want to spoil it or “weight it down.” This should be our main task.

And a couple more “discoveries” that I came to myself or found in prescription reference books.

Do not rush to coat the cakes with cream while they are hot! This will not make them particularly tasty: the top layer will be soaked, but the middle and bottom of the cake will remain dry.

Therefore, our actions:

  • The first thing you need to do to make the cake soft and retain moisture in it is to let the sponge cake cool a little after baking. After which it is wrapped in film and placed in the cold for at least 8 hours.

  • Secondly, 20-30 minutes should pass between impregnation and lubrication of the cake with cream.
  • Third! Sponge cake is in no way related to desserts “a la guests on the doorstep”. After soaking the cakes, at least 6 hours must pass before serving.

I mentioned all the main subtleties. Now you can move on to the dessert impregnations themselves. I'll start with simple recipes.

Impregnation for biscuit made from sugar and water

Advantage: always in stock. This impregnation is universal. It is basic and on its basis you can construct more complex and interesting tastes. You can add juices, spices, and aromatic substances such as zest (except for spices, everything is added only to chilled syrup).

Recipe: ideally, water and sugar are taken in a ratio of 6 to 4. For 6 tbsp. water you need 4 tbsp. Sahara.

  1. Heat the water;
  2. Add sugar to it. Stir gently until the sugar dissolves;
  3. The syrup will boil and immediately remove the bowl with it from the heat so that the syrup does not thicken and caramelize. Cool.

This biscuit impregnation does not contain alcohol, it is the most common and simple. When it has cooled to room temperature, you can add vanilla extract to add a sweet aroma. But the main thing is that it goes wonderfully with any cream and cakes: coffee, chocolate, citrus and fruit.

I have used this soak in many other recipes.

Advantage: another basic universal impregnation. But it’s better not to let children near cakes dipped in it. But for an adult company, good cognac added to the syrup has a number of advantages. Of course, this is not 2 in 1, drink and snack. No. Then why is there alcohol in the cake? The aroma and taste of cognac is very rich; it will decorate the biscuit and give it a piquant sophistication.
One more important detail. The fact that there is an alcoholic drink in the composition is more noticeable if a low-quality product is used. Therefore, it is advisable to choose not a confectionery cognac, but an expensive, proven one. Then the taste will be softer and more voluminous.

  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Cognac - 60 g.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.

How to cook:

Add sugar to boiling water and stir. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Add cognac when the syrup is at room temperature. Stir and you can grease the cakes.
Most often, such impregnation includes additives: juices, coffee, etc.

Here are some recipe options:

- with coffee

  • Water – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Cognac – 2 tbsp;
  • Coffee – 2 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.

I used this impregnation for.

How to cook:

Boil 1 tbsp. water with sugar. Boil with 0.5 tbsp. coffee water, steep, then strain. When the drink and syrup are at room temperature, mix and add cognac.

— With cherry juice

  • Water – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Cherry juice – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Cognac – 3 tbsp.

Boil water, stir with sugar, keep on fire for 3-5 minutes. To keep the juice bright and retain its taste, add only to cooled syrup. Mix well, add cognac and you can grease. This impregnation option is perfect not only for, but also for.

— With lemon juice

  • Water – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Cognac – 3 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • Vanilla extract - 0.5 tsp.

Prepare the syrup by boiling sugar and water for 3 minutes. Cool and add cognac, vanilla and lemon juice.

Impregnation for milk biscuit

Advantage: suitable for light-colored cakes. Very gentle impregnation. And this recipe is the basis; you can come up with it yourself or take already prepared impregnation options.

Recipe: I will give 2 options.

With milk

  • Milk – 3 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.

Stir and boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. You can grease the cakes with the cooled impregnation.

With condensed milk (I will give the proportions for a large cake):

  • Condensed milk with sugar – 1 jar;
  • Water – 3 tbsp

How to prepare this impregnation:

Pour boiling water over condensed milk. Stir well and let cool.
Both options can be supplemented with vanilla, cinnamon, melted chocolate or brewed coffee.

Impregnation for jam sponge cake

Advantage: you can use any jam: cherry and strawberry, apricot and apple. Both store-bought and homemade will do.

  • Water – 1 tbsp.;
  • Jam – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.

Mix everything and boil. Cool and pass through a sieve.

Advantage: wine makes the cakes juicy and flavorful.

  • Wine – 1 tbsp.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Spices - (any to your taste, for example, cinnamon or coriander).

The wine is heating up. Sugar is added. And boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Spices are added and removed from the stove to cool.
You can adjust the thickness of this impregnation. The longer the wine syrup is on the fire, the thicker it is, but the alcohol content in it is less.
This sponge cake impregnation, the recipe for which I gave, is suitable for both red and white wines.

How to calculate the amount of impregnation per cake?

How to determine whether this impregnation is enough for one layer and for the whole cake?

There is a simple formula: for 1 part of biscuit you need 0.7 parts of impregnation and 1.2 parts of cream.

That is, if the cake is 1 kg, then impregnation - 700 g, cream - 1 kg 200 g. But we don’t bake such a big cake very often. The best option is a sponge cake for 6 eggs. It weighs approximately 400-500 grams. This means that to soak it, you need 280-350 grams of syrup and 480-600 grams of cream. These numbers are approximate, because everyone chooses according to their own taste. Some people like their cakes drier, others like them wetter, so that they drip.

How to distribute impregnation?

This is best done with a spray bottle (yes, you can use one specifically for these purposes). Then the layer of impregnation will lie evenly, unlike pouring with a spoon. A brush will work too. In a word, there is a choice.
A few words after that. Impregnation is an important part of the dessert; without it, the colors seem to fade. Yes, and the cakes turn out dry if the cream is too thick or there is a soufflé between the cakes, or soft cheese as a layer. Of course, it’s still delicious, no doubt. But not bright. Therefore, I suggest you approach the choice of impregnation creatively. What do I take into account? Will there be berries in the cream or in the cake decoration? And also, what kind of cream, both in thickness and composition. If berries (fruits) are supposed to be used in the decoration and/or cream, then you can and should add berry syrup, fruit juice, and, if desired, some alcoholic beverages to the impregnation. Checked! This synchronicity is very impressive! For example, this rule works well in the Drunken Cherry cake.

A small nuance. You know, some things just need to be tested by your own experience. I've heard so many times that it is better to soak light-colored cakes with light syrups or milk. For dark colors you can use almost all impregnations. But when I saw how unattractive a classic sponge cake with coffee impregnation looked, I realized that the color of the cakes also needed to be taken into account.

An ordinary sponge cake will be complemented by impregnation with the addition of honey, alcohol, coffee, vanilla... The list is huge. And it’s better not to stop your imagination, let it prompt you. For example, the aroma and soft taste of lavender, zest, green tea, nut essence, milk, syrup from canned pineapples, etc. are interesting. And I repeat again, in my opinion, it is better when the cream, the biscuit itself and the impregnation complement each other, and don't play odds and ends. Just take into account the consequences, for example, it won’t be too lemony and sour-sour if the taste of this citrus dominates everywhere. Maybe “smooth it out” with heavy cream or butter?

I am always grateful to those who help me learn new things and not forget old recipes! Show off your inventions and secrets, add to the article, share and tell! After all, our goal is to make holidays and everyday life beautiful and incredibly tasty!

I'm waiting for your responses =)

It is said that biscuit dip was first invented by the sweet-loving Italians, although the French, proud of their status as trendsetters, dispute this fact. Be that as it may, this part of the confectionery product gives the biscuit an unusual delicate taste that most people like. It’s not difficult to prepare, the main thing is to know the proportion at which the impregnation will highlight all the benefits of the cake without turning it into a soggy, shapeless mass.

Although the art of cooking does not use the rules used in the exact sciences, and the best dishes are prepared intuitively, in this case it is better to turn to mathematics.

French confectioners have developed a formula for the ideal cake, which makes it possible to make its taste incomparable without disturbing the shape or introducing special synthetic additives.

For 1 kilogram of sponge cakes there should be 700 grams of impregnation and 1.2 kilograms of cream.

To make a good cake, you just need to apply this proportion to the sponge cake you are using. By the way, the formula is only suitable for sponge cakes - shortbread, puff pastry and other types of bases used require compliance with their own special rules.

It's also important to know when to use a soak, as mistakes can turn a gorgeous cake into a piece of completely inedible, mushy batter. Sponge cakes should be poured with it 6-7 hours after the end of baking. If you are using ready-made purchased biscuits, you should start the process 2-3 hours after they enter the house.

You can only use impregnation at room temperature - when cooled, the sugar syrup becomes incredibly viscous and collects on the surface, gradually turning into a kind of sloppy glaze. And when it heats up too much, the shape of the cakes is disrupted, causing them to fall inside. Therefore, after preparing the impregnation of your choice, you need to leave it to cool for 2-3 hours, but do not put it in the refrigerator.

If you use alcoholic impregnations for sponge cakes, you need to clearly understand how many ingredients to take to prepare the ideal composition. When a cake is soaked in cognac, vodka or rum, too much alcohol will make the taste of the biscuit bitter, completely ruining the entire culinary masterpiece.

A similar approach is used with cinnamon, lemon zest, coffee and other products that have quite rich aromas and can become dominant in the finished dish.

Basic Recipes

It’s worth saying right away that any impregnation for a biscuit is a regular sugar syrup, equipped with certain additives. It should be prepared very carefully - for this you use a small saucepan with a thick bottom, which is placed on low heat. Moreover, you cannot bring the syrup to a boil, otherwise the resulting composition will be extremely unstable and, as the temperature drops, it will begin to precipitate, or, which is much worse, to crystallize.

First, let's look at how to prepare the base, and then the additives that will help make the impregnation refined and unique.


To prepare a high-quality syrup for impregnating the biscuit, you will need granulated white sugar and filtered water. The last requirement must be observed, since the liquid from the tap contains many foreign substances that will prevent the sugar from dissolving normally and spoil the taste. Some gourmets advise using cane sugar, which has an exquisite taste, but you need to remember that the cost of such a product is quite high, so the cake will not be a cheap pleasure.

Sugar syrup requires strict proportions, otherwise you will end up with either sweet water that can flow through the cakes without soaking them, or a thick slurry, more like icing.

The optimal amount of ingredients for preparing a liter of mixture is 450-500 ml of water and 0.5 kg of sugar.

If it is necessary to obtain a very strong taste of a certain additive, the amount of sugar can be reduced to 350-400 grams.

Heat the liquid with added sugar over low heat, but do not bring to a boil. When foam appears, carefully skim it off and continue cooking, stirring, until all the sugar has dissolved. Once you've finished making the cake topping, remove it from the heat and let it cool for about an hour before adding the flavoring. If you do this earlier, it will simply evaporate, leaving pure sugar syrup.

When everything is ready, you will need to pour the soaking mixture over the cakes, gently rubbing it with a spoon, gradually adding more liquid.

Alcohol additives

There are various impregnations for biscuits, which are created on the basis of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol significantly enhances the aroma of the cake itself, the cream used, as well as additional additives, if any. For this reason, fruit or herbal components are often added to alcohol as part of the impregnation.

The most popular cognac impregnation, which came to us from the traditions of French confectionery. Per liter of syrup you need to add 150 ml of the drink, making sure that it mixes well with the main thick mass.

In addition, biscuit impregnations can be made with other alcoholic beverages, including:

  • expensive vodka;
  • liqueurs;
  • tinctures.

It is undesirable to use gin, tequila, absinthe and Sambuca tincture, as they have very specific aromas that can spoil the impression of the resulting cake.

You can also combine original flavors with cognac, for example, cinnamon, coffee, chocolate, cherry. Cream, coconut syrup or liqueur, mint, and other herbs are suitable for rum. But impregnations for biscuits based on liqueurs and tinctures are usually self-sufficient. By adding an additional ingredient to them, you can disrupt the harmony of taste, resulting in quite unpleasant sensations.

Fruity shades

To prepare high-quality impregnations for sponge cakes based on fruits and berries, you must first select the optimal additive option. The best flavoring is liqueur, tincture or spirit essence, but you need to be extremely careful with them, since a few extra drops will make the taste too rich or add excessive bitterness to it. Therefore, many chefs advise using jams and confitures. However, they must be fresh, since excess thickness will prevent them from dissolving properly.

All that remains is to make a choice. Lemon impregnation is considered a classic, which is also a classic of French, Italian and Spanish confectionery. But citrus fruits, including oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits, also need to be used with extreme caution, as they have a very intense flavor.

A good option in which you don’t have to be afraid to add a lot of flavoring - strawberry, cherry, raspberry, apricot, plum. A variety of berries are also popular - currants, gooseberries, blueberries, blueberries.

Floral notes

You can also make syrup with floral flavors. A good option would be violet, which will give the cake a delicate taste. Impregnation using roses, jasmine and other flowers that are used in cooking will also be original. They are used to make confitures, alcoholic tinctures and essences, and also grind them with sugar, leaving them for several days, after which the juice is collected.

Finally, if you don’t have the time or desire to prepare confectionery at all, but want to please your loved ones with a delicious cake, you can buy a ready-made essence or synthetic flavoring in the store. However, you should not abuse such additives, since they are much more harmful to the body than all those presented above.

The biscuits are delicious on their own. But you can make them even better. Now we will tell you options for preparing syrup for the biscuit.


Biscuit syrup recipe


  • sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 6 tbsp. spoons


Pour water into a small saucepan and add sugar, stir and place the container on low heat. Stirring to prevent the mixture from burning, bring to a boil. There is no need to boil, the main thing is that the sugar dissolves. After this, remove the syrup from the heat and cool to about 37-40 degrees. This is the classic sugar syrup for a biscuit. Various fruit juices, liqueurs, tinctures and even cognac are often used for flavoring.

Strawberry syrup for soaking sponge cake


  • strawberries – 300 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • water – 300 g;
  • cognac at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 g of syrup.


Squeeze juice from strawberries. Prepare sugar syrup - add sugar and strawberry pulp to the water, boil for about 5 minutes over low heat. Then we filter the syrup, pour in the previously prepared juice and bring it to a boil again. Boil for 3 minutes. After this, filter the syrup again and let it cool. And just pour cognac into the cooled syrup and mix.

Recipe for coffee syrup for soaking sponge cakes


  • natural ground coffee – 2 teaspoons;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cognac – 1 tbsp. spoon.


First, prepare the coffee infusion: pour natural ground coffee with boiling water, bring to a boil over low heat, then turn off the heat, cover the container with the coffee drink and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. After this, strain the coffee, add sugar and bring to a boil again. When it cools down, add cognac and stir.

Orange syrup for sponge cake


  • sugar – ¼ cup;
  • orange juice – ½ cup;
  • zest of 1 orange.


Chop the orange zest finely. Place the zest, sugar and orange juice in a saucepan. Cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Then reduce the heat to low and cook the syrup for another 10 minutes until it has reduced in volume by half. Then we filter it and soak it.

Syrup for soaking sponge cake with liqueur


  • sugar – ¾ cup;
  • water – ¾ cup;
  • liqueur – ¼ cup.


Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan. Place it on the fire and boil until the sugar dissolves. Then reduce the heat and simmer until the volume is reduced by about 2 times. After this, remove the syrup from the heat, let it cool slightly and soak the cake while still warm.

How to soak a sponge cake with syrup?

We have offered you several syrup options. And now we will tell you how to properly soak a biscuit with syrup.

So, first we determine what kind of cakes we have. The point is that you need to determine whether they are dry or wet. If we have the first option, then we will need a lot of syrup. If the cakes are oily and already moist, then just a little syrup will be used. A regular spray bottle sprays the syrup very well and evenly over the surface of the cake. We take the still warm syrup into it and spray it evenly over the surface. If you don’t have such a device at hand, you can soak the cake using a teaspoon. Pour the syrup a little at a time, it is important that it is distributed evenly, otherwise, it may leak in one place, and the cake will be dry in another. By the way, you can also use a regular brush to impregnate the cake.

After the procedure is completed, put the cake in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, or even better, overnight.

What syrup to soak the biscuit in is a matter of taste. Above are the basic recipes. Or you can always prepare the main sugar syrup, and for flavor add a little, for example, cherry, chocolate, etc. Tinctures are also suitable for the same purpose. Please note that any additions should be made to the already cooled syrup, so all the aromas will evaporate from the hot one.

Hi all. Let's talk today about impregnations for our cakes. In order for the cake layers of the future cake to become more tender and fragrant, we need to soak them in special syrups. These solutions also help mitigate the eggy smell and even some baking flaws, such as dry cake layers.

Let me make a reservation right away: not all cakes require soaking. Many modern desserts turn out to be quite moist, and they only need a coating of cream - ... This is only a small part of self-sufficient masterpieces.

There are, undoubtedly, some cakes that need additional moisture. Take the same, or. Let's use their example to understand.

Let's start with the fact that the finished cakes should stand for 8-10 hours under film in the refrigerator. During this time they will become softer and more hydrated. Next, you can begin impregnation. By the way, after applying the syrups, it is better to wait 15-30 minutes and then cover with cream. And remember that at least 6 hours must pass from the start of soaking to serving.

So, in order for us to decide which impregnation to use, we need to decide what we will put in the filling. If it is just cream (ganache, sour cream, or any other), then it is better to impregnate it with vanilla, coffee, honey or cognac.

If the filling involves the presence of berries and fruits in any form (fresh, purees, jams, preserves, preserves), then the impregnation should also be fruit and berry, possibly with the addition of alcohol.

The most common impregnation is considered to be sugar syrup. It is easy to prepare and inexpensive.

How to prepare sugar syrup for impregnation at home?

The recipe is as follows: for 2 tablespoons of sugar we need 3 tablespoons of water and 0.5 alcohol, from this amount approximately 100 grams of syrup comes out. That is, if, for example, you take 6 tablespoons of sugar, you will need 9 tablespoons of water and 1.5 alcohol.

Calculating the volume of syrup you need is also very simple. There is a formula 1: 0.7: 1.2, where 1 part is the biscuit, 0.7 is the impregnation, 1.2 is the amount of cream. That is, if your shortbread weighs 700 grams, then you need about 500 grams of impregnation and 840 grams of cream. Therefore, you need to cook a syrup from 10 tablespoons of sugar. This formula does not always work; it is more suitable for regular biscuits, but if your biscuit contains butter or yogurt, then much less impregnation is needed. It takes me about 50-60 grams of syrup to soak one 18-diameter cake.

Making the syrup is also quite simple. Place the sugar and water on low heat; it is better to do this in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Stir constantly with a silicone or wooden spatula. You must stir carefully so that sugar particles do not fall on the walls of the dish, so that in the future you do not have to strain the boiled syrup. Once all the sugar has dissolved, you can stop stirring and wait for the mixture to boil. After boiling, remove from heat and when the mixture has cooled, add alcohol (if you decide to do it with it).

Cognac, rum, port wine, liqueurs are suitable as alcohol. Whatever your heart desires, one thing, but the alcohol must be good, expensive, port wine 777 will not work here :) Baileys liqueur is perfect for these purposes.

This impregnation is suitable for both regular sponge cake and chocolate cake.

If you add freshly brewed coffee to the sugar syrup (2 tablespoons per 2 tablespoons of sugar), then it is great to soak the chocolate biscuit with it.

Vanilla (vanilla sugar) added to this syrup will also help to highlight the eggy smell of the classic biscuit.

Another option for cheap and quick impregnation is condensed milk. It can be either regular or boiled. It should simply be diluted with warm boiled water, cool slightly and you can pour it over the cake.

The juice from canned fruit makes a great topping for the crust, and the combination of a classic sponge cake with peaches is amazing.

If you have jam at home, the pulp will go into the filling, but the liquid component, diluted with water, is suitable for soaking the cakes. I especially like the combination of chocolate cakes with cherries, lingonberries or blueberries.

By the way, even the most ordinary sweet coffee, cocoa or tea can be soaked into the cakes; naturally, this is best done for the chocolate version of the cake. A store-bought option, such as a Miracle Chocolate Milkshake, will also work.

Freshly squeezed juices are quite suitable for the same purposes, especially orange juice boiled with sugar.

Honey impregnation is ideal for light sponge cake in combination with sour cream. Honey simply needs to be diluted with warm water to the desired consistency.

In order to evenly saturate the biscuit, you can use a spray bottle; if you don’t have one, you can simply make small holes in the lid of a plastic bottle and pour it over the cakes. The main thing here is to know when to stop, because if you overfill the syrup, the finished product will disintegrate unsightly on the plate, releasing a puddle of excess liquid. But, personally, I just grease the surface of the biscuit with a silicone brush.

If you have recipes for the impregnations you use that I have not covered here, feel free to share them in the comments. And in one of the following articles we will talk about fillings.

Delicious cakes to you!

A photo of this sweet will be presented in this article. We will also tell you how to properly use such impregnation.

Classic version

A homemade biscuit is delicious on its own. But if desired, it can be done much better. To do this, we recommend using the following ingredients:

  • drinking water - about 6 large spoons;
  • fine beet sugar - 4 large spoons.

Cooking process

Classic sugar syrup for soaking sponge cakes is quite simple to prepare. To do this, pour water into a small saucepan and then add sugar. After mixing the ingredients with a spoon, place them on low heat. In this form, the ingredients are brought to a boil. To prevent them from burning, the mixture is constantly stirred with a tablespoon.

You should not boil sugar syrup to soak the biscuit. The main thing is that the sugar is completely dissolved. After this, the finished syrup is removed from the heat and cooled to a temperature of 38-40 degrees.

If you want to get a more aromatic product, you can add various fruit juices, tinctures, liqueurs and even cognac to it.

Making berry syrup

Now you know how classic sugar syrup is made. How to prepare a more aromatic sweet for soaking a biscuit? To do this, we recommend using:

  • fresh garden strawberries - about 320 g;
  • beet sugar - 50 g;
  • drinking water - 300 ml;
  • any cognac - at the rate of 1 large spoon per 200 g of finished syrup.

How to cook?

Berry sugar syrup for impregnating the biscuit turns out to be very aromatic and tasty. To prepare it, squeeze out all the juice from fresh strawberries using a sieve and a masher. The remaining cake is added to drinking water, where sugar is subsequently added. After mixing all the ingredients, place them on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for about five minutes.

After the described steps, the syrup is filtered and then combined with the prepared strawberry juice. In this form, the ingredients are again brought to a boil and cooked for exactly three minutes.

After removing the impregnation from the stove, cool it. And only after that add cognac to the cooled syrup and mix everything well.

Preparing coffee syrup

Coffee sugar syrup for impregnating the biscuit turns out to be especially aromatic. It can be used to process not only milk cake, but also chocolate cake. For this we need:

  • any cognac - 1 large spoon;
  • ground natural coffee - 2 dessert spoons;
  • drinking water - about 200 ml;
  • fine sugar - 2 large spoons.

Cooking method

Before making such a syrup, you need to prepare a coffee infusion. To do this, pour boiling water over natural ground coffee, put it on low heat and wait until it boils. Next, the container with the coffee drink is removed from the stove, closed and allowed to brew for ¼ hour.

After time, the aromatic mixture is filtered. Then sugar is added to it and placed on the stove again. After bringing the ingredients to a boil, remove them and cool completely. At the very end, cognac is added to the coffee syrup and mixed thoroughly.

Making syrup with liqueur

How to make a sweet sugar syrup to soak a sponge cake? We will look at the recipe for such a mixture right now. To implement it we need:

Cooking process

To make a very sweet syrup for soaking homemade sponge cake, combine all of the above ingredients in a small bowl, then put them on the fire and cook until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

Reducing the heat to low, the resulting mixture is slowly boiled until the volume is reduced by exactly half. After this, the sugar syrup is removed from the stove and cooled slightly. The biscuit should be soaked in this sweetness while still warm.

Orange sugar syrup for soaking sponge cake: recipe with photos step by step

Making this sweetness yourself is not very difficult. The main thing is to adhere to all prescription requirements.

So what components do we need to make sugar syrup at home to soak a biscuit without alcohol? Experienced confectioners recommend preparing the following products:

  • fine beet sugar - about ¼ cup;
  • natural orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed) - ½ cup;
  • orange zest - from one medium fruit.

Step-by-step preparation

Before boiling sugar syrup to impregnate a homemade biscuit, you should carefully separate it from the fruit and then chop it very finely.

Place the peel in a deep saucepan and add freshly squeezed sugar. After mixing the ingredients, place them on low heat and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Reducing the heat to a minimum, cook the aromatic syrup for another 10 minutes. In this case, the impregnation for the biscuit should decrease in volume by exactly half. After the described steps, filter it through a fine sieve and soak all the cakes.

How to properly soak a sponge cake using homemade syrup?

Above we have presented several options for how to make sugar syrup at home. However, this is not enough to ensure that you get a delicious and as tender cake as possible. Therefore, we decided to tell you about how to properly soak biscuits with ready-made syrups.

First of all, we need to determine what kind of cakes we have. In other words, you should identify the dry ones or In the first case, you will need quite a lot of self-prepared syrup. If your cakes are wet and greasy, then impregnation can be used in a minimal amount.

A regular spray bottle sprays sugar syrup quite well and evenly over the surface of the biscuit. However, you should fill it with still warm impregnation, otherwise it will not pass through the tube.

If a spray bottle is not at hand, then the homemade cake can be soaked using usually a dessert spoon. Use it to scoop out sugar syrup in small quantities. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the impregnation is distributed evenly throughout the biscuit. Otherwise, in one place the cake will remain somewhat dry, and in another it will simply flow.

If using a small spoon seems inconvenient for you, then this confectionery procedure can be carried out using a regular culinary brush.

As soon as the sponge cake is completely soaked in granulated sugar, and also covered with cream and decorated with various confectionery powders, the finished cake is put into the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, or even better, overnight. In the morning, the cakes will soften well, become tender and very tasty.

Let's sum it up

What kind of syrup to soak a homemade sponge cake with is a matter of personal taste. Many chefs prefer to use the classic version. But to give the cake a special taste and aroma, we recommend using more original recipes. To do this, you can add cherry, chocolate or cherry to the main sugar impregnation. Also, various tinctures, juices, cognac, etc. are ideal for the same purpose. By the way, alcoholic drinks should only be added to ready-made and cooled syrup. Otherwise, under the influence of high temperatures, all their aroma will simply disappear.