Production of marmalade and marmalade sweets as a business. Own business: production of marmalade

Previously, in Portugal, the word "marmalade" was called quince jam, which was cooked to such a thick degree that the jelly-like dessert could easily be cut with a knife. In general, the homeland of the usual marmalade is the East, but the inhabitants of Europe recognized this dessert during the time of the Crusades.

Marmalade is an unusual sweet that is familiar to almost every person since childhood, because we all remember sugar jelly candies sold by weight. Despite the fact that the marmalade recipe has been around for many years, the popularity of this bright dessert will never fade away, thanks to the bright fruity taste and colors that uplift the mood. In this article, we will tell you the technology for the production of this sweet, and you will also find out how profitable it is to sell this product.

Is it profitable to produce marmalade?

According to experts, marmalade, whether chewing or jelly, is enough popular product on the market among buyers, because it will not only fit as tasty treat for tea, but also with the help of it you can decorate cakes and other confectionery. In addition, according to experts, the current domestic market is not so oversaturated with this category of goods, although, of course, there will be competition.

It is also worth noting that economists talk about the productivity of the confectionery market even in times of crisis - there is always a demand for goods, and marmalade, among other advantages, is not a costly production, since this dessert is based on inexpensive raw materials.

Pros of opening a "marmalade business":

  • Inexpensive raw materials, marmalade is based on products such as sugar, fruits and berries, jelly, agar-agar, pectin, flavoring and aromatic substances (depending on the type of product);
  • Inexpensive equipment (compared to the production process of other products), which will quickly pay off;
  • Huge demand for the look of it confectionery.

What are the types of marmalade?

  • Fruit and berry marmalade, which is prepared from fruits or berries with sugar. Jelly is used as a thickener or applesauce;
  • Marmalade plates - are dark plates with a brown tint, reminiscent of thick jam or jam;
  • Jelly jelly is the most popular on the market today, due to its simple and low-cost production. As a thickener, you can use jelly or agar-agar (sometimes pectin is used). For taste and benefit this product use fruit puree or juice;
  • Chewing marmalade, which has become very popular not so long ago. It has a fairly long shelf life, such sweetness can be taken with you on the road. Now modern manufacturers produce marmalade in the form various forms, not only with the taste of fruits, but also, for example, Coca-Cola.

Marmalade production line

The technology for the production of marmalade can differ in many respects from the types of this product due to the raw materials being prepared. So, for example, plast marmalade is prepared from apple puree, which gives marmalade jelly, with the addition of berries, for example, mountain ash, sugar, and then marmalade mass is cooked in a special machine.

Jelly marmalade is prepared using a different technology, with soaking agar-agar. But in any case, large-scale production cannot do without special equipment.

Marmalade machines

It is impossible to do without these machines in large-scale production of marmalade, whether it be jelly or chewing products. The meaning of the mechanism is that from the hopper the marmalade mass enters the dispenser, which distributes the mixture into special silicone molds, which can be absolutely different kind, ranging from bears and ending with orange slices.

Such equipment does not require special treatment and needs simple maintenance. Before buying a machine, pay attention to what functions you need, because, for example, some models with the help of special nozzles can produce stuffed products.

You can find models and prices at.

Advantages of purchasing a marmalade machine:

  • High time savings and minimization manual labor;
  • An easy process that one person can handle, the ability to program the machine;
  • The ability to quickly change production to another type of marmalade products;
  • Cold and hot casting.

Marmalade production: necessary ingredients, technological process, finished line and necessary equipment, drawing of marmalade production line.

Marmalade, along with other sugary sweets, can be considered a completely dietary confectionery. Especially if it is a real marmalade, and even not sprinkled with sugar - even diabetics can eat this.

Marmalade came to us from the Middle East. Lots of fruit and heat are the main factors behind the appearance of this delicacy, which at first was just a way to preserve fruit. There were only two ways: drying and boiling fruit almost to a solid state. This is how marmalade was born.

Marmalade is formed due to a substance that is found in almost all vegetables, fruits and berries - pectin. However, marmalade was not made from all fruits - initially it was cooked from apples, quince, plums, melons. Thanks to the advent of pectin production technology, it became possible to produce marmalade from any fruit or berry, even from vegetables. And, unfortunately, no fruit at all (sugar, pectin, water, flavorings and dyes) - but this product cannot be called marmalade, at least real.

Today there are many types of marmalade - fruit, fruit and berry, chewing, jelly. The production of marmalade in Russia is very developed, but not all manufacturers can offer a really high-quality product.

The best option would be the production of marmalade on pectin - this is the most "natural" marmalade that can be made from any fruit or berry. Production jelly marmalade on agar it is no less developed (also a natural thickener, which is obtained from algae). In addition to agar, sugar, molasses, flavor additives, natural juices. If we talk about the "naturalness" of such marmalade, then the best would be to use fruit juices, exclusively natural dyes and fragrances. Far from real marmalade, but still it is tasty and enough useful product. It is also possible to make dietary marmalade, without sugar, with natural sweeteners (stevia extract).

The production of gummies requires the use of another thickener - gelatin. Gelatin is of animal origin. Its use allows you to get marmalade of the desired consistency and hardness. The naturalness of such marmalade is equated to the naturalness of marmalade on agar.

Marmalade production technology:

  1. Preparation of components (fruit puree, berry puree, juices, other components, depending on the recipe).
  2. Preparing molasses.
  3. Preparation of marmalade mass by mixing fruit puree, sugar, molasses, pectin and other additives, depending on the recipe.
  4. Mass digestion.
  5. Molding of marmalade (figured marmalade, marmalade in layers).
  6. Cooling marmalade.
  7. Decoration.
  8. Package.

Marmalade recipe

Today, each manufacturer himself determines the recipe for his marmalade. Some produce marmalade classic recipe(fruit-berry), others - based on fruit juices, fruits and pectin / agar / gelatin (fruit-jelly), someone makes marmalade based on sugar, molasses and gelling agents with the addition of natural colors and flavors, and someone - with the addition of artificial (jelly). Therefore, it is impossible to give a clear recipe. On average, the marmalade mass contains from 0.8% to 1% agar, or from 1% to 1.5% pectin; 50% to 65% sugar; 20% to 25% molasses, 23% to 24% water. It is worth noting that the modern consumer has become more demanding on the quality of sweets, including marmalade. First of all, it concerns the composition of the product - the more natural ingredients it contains, the better.

Specialists point out clear tendencies to the growth of the confectionery market in the marmalade segment (mainly jelly molded). Despite the consistently high demand for these sweets, the domestic market is still far from being oversaturated.

However, competition in this segment is also rather big (about eight to ten large manufacturing companies and dozens of small enterprises in the regions can be named in total), since equipment for the production of marmalade products is inexpensive and the production technology is quite simple.

According to experts and manufacturers themselves, the situation in this segment is gradually beginning to change: buyers from large cities of Russia prefer more expensive marmalade with the addition of natural juices, and cheap jelly-shaped marmalade is popular in cities, villages and villages with an average income per capita no more than 10 thousand rubles a month.

Manufacturers are beginning to expand their range of products, offering consumers special types sweets, for example lean version marmalade or marmalade with various fillers. Although most factories are not yet able to update their equipment and, as a result, they can only change the form and content of their products without making any major changes to the recipe.

The largest enterprises and small confectionery companies are trying to occupy narrower and more labor-intensive segments, producing, for example, fructose-based marmalade or jelly candies. Domestic products dominate this market. This is due not only to high transportation costs and limited shelf life, but also to greater consumer confidence in domestic brands.

Despite the fact that a year ago, experts predicted the emergence of possible difficulties with raw materials for marmalade producers, these forecasts were not confirmed. Factories use both Russian and imported raw materials (mainly agar and pectin). Paradoxically, raw materials imported from abroad are often even cheaper.

Types of marmalade

Depending on the raw materials used in the production of marmalade, the following types of these confectionery products are distinguished: fruit and berry (based on gelling fruit and berry puree), jelly (based on gelling agents), jelly-fruit (using gelling agents in combination with fruit and berry puree) marmalade.

In order to save money and reduce the cost of production, modern domestic manufacturers prefer jelly marmalade, which, however, is inferior in taste to fruit and berry marmalade. For the production of jelly marmalade, sugar and molasses syrup, agar or agaroid (gelling components), dyes, flavors and food acids are used.

There is also a classification of marmalade, depending on the method of its formation: actually shaped (the marmalade mass is cast into rigid molds), layered (the mass is cast directly into the container) and cut (the cast mass is cut into separate pieces).

Equipment for the production of marmalade

The line for the production of marmalade includes a marmalade casting machine, steam digesters (for cooking marmalade mass of various colors), a steam generator for generating steam, a tempering machine, a cooling cabinet, a string cutter, and a drying cabinet. If you are also going to produce marshmallows or mixed marmalades, you cannot do without an opaque beater and a tubular apparatus. You will also need Silicone forms and trays for drying products. Used equipment will cost at least 550-700 thousand rubles, depending on the condition, configuration and performance.

To accommodate all the equipment, you will need a production room with an area of ​​​​at least 250 square meters. m. Renting such a room will cost 50-60 thousand rubles a month. To work on the line, 6-8 people are enough, who will work in two shifts.

Marmalade production technology

Based on the most common jelly marmalade lies such a component as agaroid, agar or pectin. Depending on the component used, a certain production technology is used. As mentioned earlier, most of the assortment of many domestic manufacturers is jelly molded marmalade.

The procedure for its manufacture based on agar or agaroid includes several stages: soaking and washing the gelling components, preparing a syrup from pre-prepared agar, sugar and molasses, boiling the jelly mass, cooling it and cutting it, casting the mass into molds, gelling marmalade, sampling from forms and layout of marmalade on a sieve. At the end, the marmalade is dried at a temperature of 40 ° C for 45-60 minutes and sprinkled with sugar, dried again and cooled, and then packed in boxes or bags.

Cooking technology fruit and berry marmalade somewhat different from jelly and includes the following steps: preparation of raw materials, preparation of the recipe mixture, boiling of the marmalade mass, its cutting, casting into molds or trays (respectively molded and layered marmalade), drying (for molded marmalade) or curing (for reservoir), packaging and packaging.

To prepare the recipe mixture, blended pureed fruit and berry (most often apple plus various additives) puree with sugar and molasses. To reduce the viscosity of the mass during boiling and to reduce the rate of solidification of the marmalade mass in the puree, modifier salts (sodium lactate or disodium phosphate, as well as other salts) are added.

After that, the mixture is mixed and sent to the cooking apparatus for boiling at a temperature not exceeding 85 ° C. If boiling is carried out in a batch process, a spherical vacuum apparatus is usually used.

Then the marmalade mass cools a little and is sent for cutting, where various dyes, flavors, and acids are added to it. This happens periodically in tanks with a stirrer. Then the mass is mixed again and transferred to the casting - either into molds (in the production of molded marmalade), or immediately into packaging or boxes (in the production seam marmalade). Marmalade is cast into molds on marmalade casting machines, and then laid out on aluminum perforated sheets, on which it is fed for drying.

There are several types of dryers: chamber, conveyor and cabinet. Since drying takes place at a high temperature, after it the marmalade must be cooled at a temperature of 15 to 30 ° C - in special chambers or simply indoors. The latter option, although it allows you to save on the purchase of drying cabinets, is less desirable. Chilled marmalade is packed in bags or boxes.

Technological features production various kinds marmalade directly affect the cost of production. So, figured marmalade is more expensive than jelly molded, which does not prevent it from being more popular among consumers. For fruit and berry, jelly and jelly fruit marmalade, GOST 6442-89 applies, which defines the requirements for raw materials, quality and appearance of products.

Deformation of products caused by violations of the order of formation, laying, transportation and storage of marmalade, sagging and burrs, wet and sticky surface, rough crust on the surface, dense and hard or, on the contrary, sugary and slightly elastic consistency, unexpressed taste and aroma, foreign impurities - all these are considered signs of inadequate product quality. Please note: storage conditions finished products are also of great importance.

Sales and promotion of products

Relatively high level competition in this segment of confectionery makes manufacturers fight for their place in the market and take into account all the factors that make consumers make a purchase: the cost of products, appearance packaging, the quality of marmalade, a large assortment, etc.

It is noteworthy that the majority of Russian confectionery factories, producing marmalade, does not pay enough attention to the positioning of its trademark, as this requires serious marketing support, and, consequently, an impressive budget.

According to experts, The best way promotion of such products - presence in all major retail chains (subject to affordable price And good quality goods). Negotiating with the latter is the most difficult task, especially for a young company. If this has not yet been achieved, then it is worth thinking about the production of not packaged, but by weight marmalade and selling it in retail grocery stores.

Do not skimp on the design and production of packaging. Weight products are packed in closed corrugated boxes or in the so-called "TVs" (cardboard boxes covered with a transparent film on top). Retailers prefer the latter type of packaging, which acts as a showcase, allowing the customer to have a good view of the product, as opposed to completely closed boxes. For packaged marmalade, transparent and bright packaging is used, which attracts the attention of buyers. The bottom of the jelly-shaped marmalade packaging is often covered with a pattern so that the sprinkled sugar is not visible.

The marmalade business, like the rest confectionery market, subject to the seasonality factor: after new year holidays demand rises sharply, and from the beginning of autumn until the end of the year, it noticeably decreases. This is due to the fact that with a cold snap, consumers prefer chocolate products, cakes and cookies. The peak of sales falls on the warm season. Unlike chocolate products, marmalade retains its marketable condition and freshness even in the heat, so in the summer it is bought much more often.

So for the organization own production marmalade will require capital in the amount of one million rubles. The average production capacity is 25-35 tons per month. With such indicators, profitability reaches 20-40%, depending on the cost of the raw materials used. With a minimum production volume of 25 tons of products per month, the monthly turnover is 700 thousand - 1 million rubles.

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A marmalade shop by weight is a business with little investment, accessible to many aspiring entrepreneurs. Organizing such a business is not difficult. The main thing is to solve the issue with the location of the outlet and find suppliers of sweets (marmalade, sweets and chewing gum) ...

Assortment of bulk marmalade store

The range of this store includes: chewing marmalade, caramel, dragee and chewing gums. The main customers are young buyers aged 3 to 14 who walk with their parents.

Choosing a place to open a store

The point of sale is a small trading island, consisting of glass showcases, cabinets, racks for sweets, shelving and a cash register. A complete set of equipment for a retail outlet costs about 180 thousand rubles. In total, taking into account the cost of purchasing goods, it takes no more than 300 thousand rubles to open a business.

To accommodate a shop in the "shopping island" format, it is necessary to rent from 2 to 5 sq. m. Most best places- the first and second floors of large shopping and entertainment centers. Although rent here is not the cheapest. It can also be summer amusement parks, where there are traditionally a lot of children and young people.

How much can you earn by opening a marmalade store by weight

A kilogram of marmalade at a wholesale price costs about 140 rubles, or 14 rubles per 100 grams. And the retail price for 100 grams of goodies is at least 30 rubles. In fact, the markup is 100%. Even with a minimum average check of 100 rubles, you get 50 rubles of income from each customer. From 10 customers - 500 rubles, from 100 customers (average number of customers) - 5000 rubles per day. The monthly income of the outlet in this way is about 150 thousand rubles.

Excluding the cost of renting retail space (~20 thousand rubles), wages of 2 salespeople (~40 thousand rubles), insurance deductions (~15 thousand rubles) and taxes (UTI ~ 5 thousand rubles) .) the net profit of the outlet is 70 thousand rubles per month.

Where to get equipment and goods

A well-known supplier of equipment for such points is Sweets. It is also a wholesale supplier of loose sweets. They work with a minimum lot of 30 thousand rubles. They also offer entrepreneurs from different cities of Russia to open a franchise business.

A step-by-step plan for starting a business selling by weight marmalade

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Drawing up a business plan.
  3. Choosing a place to sell.
  4. Purchase of equipment.
  5. Purchase of products.
  6. Advertising.
  7. Launching a store.

How much money do you need to start

A marmalade outlet is a miniature shop with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 5 square meters. m. To run it, you will need showcases, racks, cabinets. The cost of equipment does not exceed 200 thousand rubles. The entire project requires no more than 300 thousand rubles. costs. This includes:

  • Inventory;
  • Products;
  • Decor;
  • Wage;
  • Other expenses.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

  • 24.22 - retail confectionery;
  • 27.39 - retail sale of other food products.

What documents are needed to open a business

For a small trading island, it is advisable to issue an IP by submitting an application, a photocopy of the passport and a receipt for payment of state duty to the tax office.

Which taxation system to choose

The taxation system is better to choose UTII. The choice of the system is carried out immediately after registration of IP.

Do I need permission to open

There is no need to obtain a license to open a trading island. It is important that the products presented in the mini-shop have quality certificates.

Business Startup Technology

The success of a business depends on the location of the outlet. by the most the best options furnishing store is shopping mall, office, train station, airport. After the choice of place is made and the documents are drawn up, you can proceed to the arrangement. Today in the online store you can purchase special equipment, which is distinguished by accuracy and spaciousness. Having placed beautifully products, you can safely start trading.

Marmalade today is becoming increasingly popular both in the domestic and foreign confectionery markets.

Despite the rather large number of manufacturers of this product, there is still an opportunity to take your place in this niche. In this regard, the production and sale of marmalade as a business is a very promising area. We offer you to learn more about how to open such an enterprise.

History of marmalade

Despite the fact that this confectionery owes its real popularity to the countries of Europe, it was born in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Due to the hot climate, local residents were forced to look for ways to preserve useful property and taste qualities of berries and fruits. So they learned to boil the fruits to a very thick consistency.

What are the types of marmalade?

Depending on the raw materials used, the final product can be of various types, among which jelly can be distinguished (jelly formers are used for production), fruit and berry (based on gelling puree from berries and fruits), fruit jelly (using both gel formers and puree from fruits and berries).

Domestic production of marmalade is mainly concentrated on the jelly product. This is due to the fact that it taste qualities are in no way inferior to fruit and berry, and manufacturing costs are much lower. The production of marmalade in this way involves the use of a gelling component of agar, as well as dyes, food acids, flavors and syrup from sugar and molasses.

Also, this culinary product is divided, depending on its shape, into sliced ​​​​marmalade (when the whole mass is divided into parts), reservoir (when the entire mass is immediately poured into containers) and molded (when the mass is poured into molds).

Preparation of the necessary documentation

To start this business, first of all, you need to go through the registration procedure, obtain all the necessary certificates of conformity, statutory documents, as well as a package of permits, which includes a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station, a sanitary passport for the premises for the production workshop and vehicles involved in transportation finished products and raw materials, an agreement on the disinfection of both production and storage facilities, the conclusion of the fire inspection.

What equipment is needed for the production of marmalade?

One of the reasons for the growing popularity of this business is the relatively low cost of organizing a line for the manufacture of the final product. Equipment for the production of marmalade includes, first of all, a marmalade molding machine, as well as steam digesters used to cook mass of different colors.

In addition, it will be necessary to purchase a steam generator to generate steam, cabinets for cooling and drying, a tempering machine and a string cutter. If you plan to produce mixed products and marshmallows, then you need to purchase equipment for marmalade, such as a churning machine that makes an opaque layer, as well as a tubular apparatus. In addition, you will need silicone molds for casting culinary products and trays for drying them.

Used high-quality lines for the production of marmalade can be purchased at a price of 600-700 thousand rubles. However, the cost may vary depending on the performance, configuration, as well as the operating condition of the equipment.

What should be the room for the production of marmalade?

The workshop for the manufacture of this type of product should be located in a room with an area of ​​​​at least 250 square meters. It must have access to water supply, sewerage, electricity, etc. Since you will be producing food, the production facility must comply with all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire safety. The rent of such a workshop will cost about 60-70 thousand rubles a month.

Apart from directly production premises a warehouse will also be required, which must also be brought into line with all the requirements and rules for storing marmalade so that the product does not deteriorate and does not lose its presentation.

How many staff will be required to work?

Marmalade production does not require a large number employees. So, it is quite possible to get by with eight workers working in shifts. Also, due to the fact that you will be engaged in the production of products related to food, employees must have medical books. Otherwise, conflicts with the sanitary and epidemiological station are inevitable.

Marmalade production technology

The manufacturing technology of this confectionery directly depends on its type. The production process of jelly marmalade requires the availability of raw materials in the form of agar (or pectin) and consists of several stages. First of all, there is a washing and subsequent soaking of the gelling components.

Then a syrup is made from sugar, molasses and agar. After that, the jelly mass is boiled, cooled and poured into molds. Next, the gelation of marmalade occurs, after which the product is selected from the molds and dried for about an hour at a temperature of 40 degrees. After that, the culinary product is sprinkled with sugar, dried again and cooled. Next comes the packaging.

The process for the production of a fruit and berry product is slightly different. So, first prepare the raw materials and the recipe mixture, then the marmalade mass is boiled, cut and poured into molds. Then there is drying (if the marmalade is molded) or maturing (if it is layered). After that, the product is ready for packing and packaging.

The recipe mixture is made on the basis of blended puree of berries and fruits (most often it is applesauce) with sugar and molasses. Modifier salts are also added to the mixture, which make it possible to reduce the viscosity of the mass during cooking and the rate of its solidification. After that, the mixture is thoroughly mixed and it enters the boiling apparatuses.

Then the mass is again mixed and cast into molds or immediately packaged. Casting according to molds is carried out in marmalade casting machines, then culinary products laid out on aluminum sheets to dry.

As for the drying units, they are of several types: conveyor, cabinet and chamber. Because drying takes place high temperatures, after its completion, the product must be cooled and only then sent for packing and packaging.

Sales of finished products

Since today there is quite a lot of competition in this market segment, entrepreneurs are forced to make a lot of efforts to attract customers: this is the price of the product, its quality, as well as a wide range.

However, the vast majority of confectionery factories cannot afford an expensive marketing campaign to promote their own brand, so they do not deal with the issues of positioning their brand on the market.

The best option for the sale of ready-made marmalade are large retail chains. However, if you have just entered the market, you may encounter certain difficulties in concluding contracts with them. In this regard, at the initial stage of your activity, it is best to produce weight, and not packaged marmalade. Such a product can be sold in small retail grocery stores.

Packaging for marmalade

Experts advise not to save on this item. So, retailers most often use the so-called "TVs" (which are boxes covered with a transparent film), in which weight marmalade is packed. So the buyer has the opportunity to evaluate the appearance of the product. For packaged marmalade, bright translucent attractive packaging is most often used.

Business for the production and sale of marmalade: the financial side of the issue

According to experts, if you decide to open a marmalade production, then you will need a start-up capital of about 1 million rubles. At the same time, depending on the equipment used, you can produce from 25 to 35 tons of finished products per month.

At the same time, the cost of raw materials will affect the level of profitability. On average, this figure is in the range of 20-40%. As for income, even with a minimum production volume per month, you can earn from 500 thousand rubles, which will allow you to recoup your investment in two to three months of vigorous activity.