Seasoning for pilaf: composition, proportions of spices, do it yourself. Composition and description of seasoning for pilaf with photo; classic spices and how to use them; how to make a product at home

Juicy and aromatic oriental pilaf is the ultimate dream of all representatives of the stronger half of humanity. If you know how to cook this complex dish, then you are a real cook. However, pilaf is ordinary boiled rice without properly selected seasonings and spices. It is they who fill each grain of rice with a fragrant aroma, without which we cannot even imagine the process of preparing this dish.

Seasoning for pilaf contains a mixture of those necessary spices that will help you create a real culinary masterpiece from ordinary meat and rice. This seasoning is very easy to prepare at home by stocking up on all the ingredients separately and mixing them together. You can easily prepare some of them in your kitchen, especially during the harvesting season.


  • 1 tbsp. l. dried garlic slices or their ground version
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. l.
  • 1 tbsp. l. khmeli-suneli
  • 1 tsp. topped with saffron or turmeric
  • 1 tsp. ground paprika
  • 1 tsp. cumin seeds
  • 10-15 g dried barberry berries


1. To create seasoning for pilaf, take a dry, clean container. Pour dry slices of garlic or ground dried garlic into it. You can also make it yourself in your kitchen.

2. Add dried herbs to the garlic. Any dried herbs can be used: parsley, dill, green onions, or a mixture of them.

3. Next, add suneli hops.

4. Garnish the selected spices with bright saffron or its cheaper substitute - turmeric.

5. Now comes the turn of the red color - ground paprika comes into play.

6. Sprinkle cumin seeds over the paprika.

Pilaf- one of the most famous dishes all over the world. It comes from oriental cuisine, however, it is impossible to say exactly in which country this dish first appeared. In addition, each nationality prepares pilaf in its own way, using a different set of ingredients and its own unique technologies. One thing remains unchanged, for pilaf you need: meat, vegetables, cereals and spices. Moreover, this dish can be prepared without meat, even rice is not always an obligatory element, but spices in it are the main ingredient that gives taste, aroma, and spiciness.

Pilaf. How to cook it yourself

In the East, pilaf is cooked over an open fire, certainly in a large, thick-walled cauldron. It is believed that a man should prepare this dish; only in his hands can it achieve perfection of taste. Traditionally, pilaf is prepared in two stages: first, meat with vegetables, the so-called zirvak, then rice is added. To make this dish tasty, you need not only to know how to cook pilaf, but also to take a responsible approach to such a preparatory stage as selecting products and utensils. Detailed step-by-step recipe for preparing pilaf

Of course, an open fire and a huge cast-iron cauldron are unlikely to be found in an ordinary, modern house or apartment. An excellent alternative is cast iron cookware, in which the prepared dish can “languish” for a long time. But it’s better not to use enamel pans - the dish will definitely burn in them.

The meat for pilaf can be anything: some prefer pork, others prefer beef. In the East, Uzbek pilaf is prepared from lamb - the dish becomes especially tasty and rich. Also, it can be made from poultry and even fish. The cereal part is traditionally prepared from rice. However, barley, wheat, peas, and corn can be used in pilaf. The vegetables used for pilaf are: onions, carrots, garlic. Some recipes contain dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots.

Basic spices for pilaf:
Saffron - it gives the pilaf a golden color
Hot pepper - pods
Garlic (fresh head)

Additionally, if desired:
Saffron, if expensive, can be replaced with turmeric
Red pepper
Black pepper

Spices for pilaf are chosen according to your own taste - any scope of imagination is possible here. But still, there are spices without which it will not be possible to cook pilaf. These are, first of all, cumin, barberry and saffron. Zira- Indian cumin seeds. They have a pleasant and strong aroma. Jeera can be sold in seed form or in a ground state. It is better to use whole seeds - they will give a richer smell. Used in pilaf and barberry- dried berries of dark red or black color. Barberry has a natural sourness and is very rich in vitamin C. Saffron gives the dish a bright yellow color and a spicy-burning taste. But you should add very little, otherwise the dish will turn out very bitter. Almost every recipe for making pilaf also contains pepper. The fiery taste of pepper will add spiciness to the dish. Pepper can be used either fresh or dried. If desired, you can purchase ready-made spice sets that contain a balanced combination of the necessary ingredients. The composition of these mixtures can be different; they can use garlic, paprika, red or black pepper, cumin, and onion.

Spices in pilaf not only give the dish a spicy and fiery taste. They serve as natural preservatives. In hot eastern countries, food safety is not an easy matter. Therefore, a large number of spices are traditionally used there; they contribute to the preservation of food.

How to cook pilaf in Uzbek style?

Pilaf is not only the main, but also the most common dish in Uzbekistan. It is worth noting that real tasty Uzbek pilaf takes a long and difficult time to prepare. Before you start preparing this dish, you need to take into account a lot of nuances and master some tricks. However, every housewife prepares pilaf in her own way. There are many techniques for preparing pilaf. And the art of preparing this aromatic dish is called palovpaz. Ideal conditions for cooking pilaf are an open fire and a large cast-iron cookware with a round bottom. However, pilaf is usually cooked on gas stoves. A a cauldron with a flat but thick bottom is used as a dish. So, what do you need to prepare pilaf? First, let's go to the market and buy an excellent piece of meat weighing 0.5 kg. Don't forget to buy 1 kg of good rice, half a kilo of yellow carrots, the same amount of onions, 250 g of vegetable oil, spices like salt, pepper, cumin, barberry, chickpeas, sultanas, etc.

Meat - 0.5 kg - lamb
Rice - 0.5 kg, the best variety is devzira.
Fresh carrots - 0.5 kg
Garlic - 4 heads
Onion - 3 onions
Cumin - 2 tablespoons
Barberry - 1 tablespoon
Chili pepper pod - 2 pcs.
Turmeric - 1 tablespoon
Vegetable oil

Place the pan on high heat and wait until it reaches a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. You can check this with a drop of water, which, when it hits a hot surface, should hiss and immediately evaporate. Now you can pour out the oil.

Soak the rice in clean water and then rinse it about 5-7 times to remove as much starch as possible.

Reduce heat to medium and add chopped onion. Now be especially careful. You need to catch the moment when the onion becomes crispy and acquires a reddish tint, but does not have time to burn. If you miss this moment, the pilaf will turn out bitter.

Photo: Fry the onion until golden brown

As soon as the onion reaches the desired condition, add the diced meat. After it is browned, add the carrots cut into strips. Don’t be lazy and chop it by hand. All products are fried over medium heat until half cooked.

Photo: Fry until medium done

It's time to pour water into the dishes. It should cover all the contents. This mixture in a container is called zirvak .

Photo: Spices for pilaf: chilli, garlic, barberry, cumin, turmeric

Photo: Zira should be crushed in a mortar - then it will fully reveal its aroma

Photo: This is what it looks like - Zirvak- an important stage in preparing pilaf

Salt and spices should be added after the zirvak boils. Then reduce the heat and wait for 30 minutes. Add chilli pepper, garlic, and turmeric to the zirvak. You need to first peel the garlic, do it as in the photo, and also cut each clove so that the garlic gives out its aroma and taste as much as possible.

Now it's time for rice. We take out the chilli pepper and garlic from the zirvak and place them on a plate nearby. Thoroughly washed rice must be placed in an even layer on top, without mixing with zirvak. Turn on the heat a little higher than medium and wait until all the moisture has boiled away. Then reduce the heat to low and, using a wooden spoon, scoop the rice towards the middle to form a mound. Be sure to pierce the mound in several places and cover with a lid. Let it rest for 20-25 minutes.

Photo: Zirvak after 30 minutes, before adding rice

Photo: Putting rice in the zirvak - we're reaching the finish line! =)

Step 6 - last

Photo: The pilaf is almost ready.

As soon as the pilaf is cooked, you need to mix it thoroughly. When serving, pilaf is placed on a large dish and meat is sprinkled on top. A salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes will be an excellent addition.

Video recipe for Uzbek pilaf

Super video recipe from the famous culinary specialist Stalik Khankishiev - Fergana pilaf. Cooking pilaf in a cauldron. A must watch!

We wish you to prepare real and tasty pilaf!

Seasoning pilaf is as important as proper rice or meat. There are thousands of varieties of pilaf, and each one is usually prepared with different spices. There are European and Asian sets, for chicken and lamb. We will teach you how to choose and combine aromatic spices correctly!

Without seasoning, not a single dish made of meat and rice can simply bear the name “pilaf”. All why? But because spices saturate the dish with unforgettable signature aromas and make the taste original. It is believed that the dish under discussion was invented in Asia, so you can safely go to the market for a classic set of seasonings. There will always be food experts there and they will offer the right set.

Remember the right to an individual presentation - each “pilaf master” sees the classic composition of pilaf seasonings in his own way. The composition may be spicier, sweeter, or sour, so do not forget to tell the “consultant” about your personal preferences.

  • barberry (black or red) – adds the necessary sourness;
  • cumin (jeera) is a special and most unusual spice;
  • turmeric – gives a pleasant orange tint to the finished rice;
  • saffron – brightens the taste and adds a subtle bitterness;
  • paprika (chili, dried red pepper) – makes the taste of pilaf brighter;
  • savory (not to be confused with thyme!) – gives an exotic touch;
  • sage – has the property of enhancing the taste of meat.
  • cilantro (coriander) is a favorite spice in the East, without which, it seems, they cannot start cooking in principle.

By the way, saffron is added extremely rarely to sets available to everyone - the spice costs fabulous money even in Iran, where it is mined for export, not to mention the rest of the world. To get just 1 kilogram of spice, you need to process more than 150,000 crocus flowers, from the stigmas of which the spice is extracted. But the rest of the seasonings are grown there, in Asia, and are easy to get all year round.

It is important to know! According to the chefs' secret, seasonings are added twice. The first is in zirvak, when meat is fried with onions and carrots. And the second - after adding rice. This way the aroma of spices is revealed evenly and permeates every grain of rice and piece of meat.

Chicken pilaf can be considered a light version of a traditional dish. After all, it cooks much faster (if only because the chicken does not require such a long heat treatment). Is it any wonder that many housewives strive to find ready-made spices for a dish and simplify their task? We invite you to find out what seasonings are added to pilaf with poultry by popular spice manufacturers.

May contain:

  • dried vegetables (carrots, onions, garlic);
  • cumin, curry, black pepper;
  • turmeric, coriander;
  • dried basil;
  • sunflower oil;
  • iodized salt.

Interestingly, nutritionists approve of the presence of hot spices in pilaf - they speed up metabolism and help burn calories. But you need to eat them in moderation so as not to harm the stomach.

Please note that almost all manufacturers add glutamate to the seasoning, which improves the taste of the product, as well as citric acid and preservatives. Those who do not like artificial additives can do without spices, but it is still better to sprinkle pilaf with chicken with caraway seeds (in other words, dill seeds) - it gives the dish a wonderful subtle aroma. Also, add a whole head of garlic - this way the pilaf will acquire authenticity, and you won’t notice the lack of spices, emphasizing the delicate taste of the chicken.

Pork pilaf will be good with any ready-made set of spices, although you can ask the seller to make it a little less spicy by reducing the amount of chili pepper. What is it for? Pork is a tender meat and does not have the same bright aroma as beef, so you should not interrupt its taste with unnecessary spiciness.

But cumin, savory and sage, on the contrary, will enhance the meat taste and give a bright flavor note to the finished dish. Remember! It is better to cook pork pilaf one time at a time - when heated it loses its taste.

How to season a lamb dish?

Zira seasoning is considered ideal for pilaf with beef. Europeans do not particularly welcome this seasoning, but pilaf with lamb will not be pilaf if you do not add cumin to it. Outwardly, cumin resembles dill seeds, but its taste is completely different - bitter, with a nutty note, which intensifies when ground and during roasting.

For pilaf, the whole seeds are used and it is believed that it is cumin that “unites” the taste of all other spices. It is also very important to add barberry or dogwood to pilaf with lamb (they prefer to use it in Kyrgyzstan) to add a slight sourness, which perfectly neutralizes the dense and fatty taste of the meat dish.

With beef

An excellent addition to beef pilaf is basil and oregano. They always highlight the taste of veal. Basil, in principle, is a self-sufficient spice, but there is a nuance here - the green variety has a milder aroma, but the purple variety is more intense. The green variety of spice is better suited for pilaf, while its counterpart is ideal for pasta.

You can't overdo it with seasonings. They clog the taste of ready-made dishes and in large quantities can harm the digestive system.

Remember that for beef pilaf it is better to use more carrots and onions, otherwise it will be a bit dry.

Oriental spices for pilaf

Pilaf today is an international dish and is prepared in different parts of the world in its own way. To adapt the dish, the chefs developed two lines of spices. The first is European, and the second is Eastern.

What is included in the European set?

  • paprika;
  • dried tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • caraway;
  • black pepper and salt.

Oriental spice sets necessarily consist of:

  • cumin;
  • barberry;
  • coriander;
  • turmeric.

Eastern people will not sit at the table if the pilaf does not contain these spices. But they don’t need dried onions and tomatoes. And in the East (and Asia) they always add a whole head of garlic to the dish, and sprinkle the finished pilaf with pomegranate seeds to give it a light, pleasant sourness.

How to replace Khmeli-Suneli?

The composition of khmeli-suneli is truly unique. Some components of this fragrant spice are expensive (yes, there is a special saffron!), and others, like utskho-suneli or blue fenugreek, hyssop grow exclusively in highland Georgia.

Correct khmeli-suneli always contains:

  • marigolds (Imereti saffron);
  • parsley (use whole branches with leaves);
  • celery stalks;
  • basil;
  • cilantro (not seeds are used here, but leaves with stems);
  • mint;
  • marjoram;
  • hyssop (a special type of shrub);
  • dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • savory;
  • red hot pepper.

Dry leaves are taken in equal proportions and a little red pepper and saffron are added to them (only 0.1% of the total spices). The mixture is crushed and then added to dishes. As you can see, making suneli hops at home is not so easy. It is easier to buy a ready-made set from a trusted seller. But in fairness, it is worth noting that hops-suneli are rarely added to pilaf, but it goes perfectly with chakhokhbili and kharcho. It also makes amazing creamy nut sauces for hot poultry dishes.

Regardless of the purpose of spices, it is important to learn how to choose them wisely. To do this, pay attention to the quality of packaging, production time and choose natural ingredients without preservatives or flavor enhancers. Then any dish will turn out aromatic, unique and delicious! Enjoy your meal.

As you know, pilaf without spices is no longer pilaf, but rice porridge. Seasonings are sold in all bazaars, in all countries. Ready-made special mixtures are sold, which were collected, taking into account the correct composition and proportions, by specially trained people who know the business.

In order not to calculate the ratio and not waste time on preparation, it is better to use ready-made mixtures, as I do. Spices are added to pilaf to give it taste and aroma. I will try to write in more detail about each component of the mixture from the market.
I'll start with the most popular seasoning in pilaf called cumin (cumin).

Although North Africa is considered the birthplace of cumin, in Central Asia cumin is used in the preparation of many dishes and pilaf. These are seeds with a strong, pleasant odor that becomes stronger during cooking. Zira seeds are brown in color, but there are others - black and yellow.

The next component is barberry.

These shrub fruits are collected and dried. We add the berries without chopping them. The sourness that distinguishes them goes well with the taste of palova. Ground fruits are added to the seasoning mixture.

Coriander is used in dishes in the form of whole seeds. It is found in ground form in the seasoning mixture. It also has a peculiar smell that not everyone likes. For example, me.

Saffron (crocus) is a powdered essential component in the preparation of pilaf. It is added to food to give it a golden color. But, given the high cost of this spice, not everyone can afford it, so there is an alternative replacement - inexpensive turmeric.

Which in its qualities is in no way inferior to saffron, only cheaper. Turmeric is also used to add color to the dish.
In addition to these main spices in pilaf mixtures, it is customary to add ground paprika, garlic, and capsicum. Dried fruits such as raisins, prunes, dried apricots also play an important role in cooking. True, these are not spices, but they add piquancy to the finished dish.

Garlic, although not a spice, is also often added to Uzbek palov. It adds aroma and taste. Garlic is usually put in as a whole head, only cutting off the roots and clearing the head of garlic from the dry outer husk. After the dish is prepared, the cooked garlic is eaten. By the way, people from Central Asia really like its taste. Try it yourself; you will also like garlic cooked in pilaf.
Prunes, raisins, dried apricots, dates and other dried fruits and even nuts are also added to pilaf during cooking. And they are also very tasty in this dish.

I would also describe the fruits that are put in the palov - quinces, apples, pears and many others, but alas, these are not spices and are added during cooking only to improve the aroma and taste.
Now let's talk about what spices to add to the pilaf.

If you don’t like the spices in ready-made seasonings from the market, then you have the right to choose the spices for your pilaf at your own discretion. Go to the market and buy exactly those spices that suit you best, depending on what you are cooking? Do you need spices for Uzbek pilaf, chicken pilaf or lamb pilaf? Of course there is no difference, but there are nuances. Spices are added to pilaf, as I already said, to add aroma and taste. Only bay leaf goes into pilaf with chicken. Not everyone does this, but in Russia they put bay leaves in almost all food, including palov. So, I mean that you can prepare such a mixture yourself at home. In Uzbek pilaf, spices, in addition to those already added, add a little more cumin. Zira should not be ground; the seeds should be planted whole, lightly rubbing in the hands.

We prepare our own spices at home

To do this you need to make a purchase:

  • Dried ground herbs - 1.5 table. l.
  • Dried garlic - 1 table. l.
  • Turmeric or saffron - 1 tsp.
  • Ground paprika - 1 tsp.
  • Zira - 1 tsp.
  • Barberry berries - 15 gr. (1 sachet).
  • Khmeli suneli - 1 table. L.

Place garlic in a dry porcelain or earthenware bowl, add herbs and suneli hops.

Add saffron if finances allow, since the price of saffron reaches $1,000 per kilogram or turmeric, which is much cheaper. Next add paprika.

Place cumin and barberry in the same bowl. Mix the contents of the container and pour into a jar with a hermetically sealed lid.

That's basically it. Your mixture is ready. But, if you want to add more spices, ground
hot pepper, for example. This is possible if you prefer spicy dishes. Add seasonings of your choice. The main thing is that they combine in taste with each other.

Now you know how to prepare spices for palova at home. The main thing is to maintain the proportions and store the mixture correctly.
Pilaf must contain seasonings. There is one more secret if you haven’t found either saffron or turmeric, but don’t want to get snow-white pilaf. Along with the vegetable oil, pour a little sesame (black or red) oil into the cauldron. Then your food will acquire exactly that brownish-golden color even without these spices. Turmeric will make the dish yellow, saffron is not affordable for some people, and sesame oil, although not easy, can be found at the market or in retail outlets such as supermarkets.

Bon appetit!

Pilaf is an oriental dish that has gained popularity all over the world. Different peoples prepare it in different ways, but only one thing remains unchanged - spices and seasonings, without which it is impossible to imagine real pilaf. Without spices, it will no longer be pilaf, but just rice porridge with meat.

It is the spices that give the dish its unique taste, aroma and spiciness. In addition, seasonings serve as a natural preservative, which allows the pilaf not to spoil for a long time in hot climates. They are also responsible for burning excess calories and quickly satisfying hunger. Spices improve metabolism and digestion.

Classic spices for pilaf

Any trader at the market, especially if he comes from Central Asia, will help you choose a seasoning for pilaf depending on your preferences - spicier, more fragrant, or perhaps colored in a golden saffron color.

But the three components of real oriental pilaf remain unchanged - cumin, barberry and red pepper.

Zira is a herbaceous plant; only seeds are used to prepare pilaf. In order for the spice to fully reveal its slightly bitter and rich aroma, before adding to the dish, you need to crush the seeds a little with a wooden mortar - you will immediately feel the amazing aroma exuded by the oriental spice.

Zira will not only help you better digest fatty foods, but will also prevent stomach cramps and flatulence.

Barberry- Dried berries of this bush are used for pilaf. Barberry berries will add a slight sourness to the rice. Whole berries are added to the pilaf, which when bitten will explode with a pleasant apple aroma.

Barberry will help you feel full faster. The berry is a real storehouse of vitamin C, glucose and fructose.

Red pepper(hot) is used in traditional Asian cuisine, while European cuisine favors sweet paprika. You can use a mixture of peppers - this will give the pilaf a spicy bitter-sweet aroma. It is advisable to grind the pepper immediately before adding it to the pilaf or add whole pods.

What other seasonings can be added to pilaf?

Saffron is almost always added to pilaf; the only reason for its absence may be the rather expensive price that you have to pay for the spice. Saffron will give the rice an amazing golden hue, a subtle aroma and a unique bitter-sweet spicy taste that is impossible to describe - you need to try it.

Many people add garlic to pilaf, and the whole head goes into the dish, not the head passed through a press or grater, previously peeled.

Professional chefs like to add dried tomatoes, bay leaves, coriander seeds, cilantro, parsley and even Provençal or Italian herbs to their pilaf. In Europe, popular seasonings for pilaf include mustard, black pepper, nutmeg and cloves - all of them perfectly highlight the taste of fried meat.

Seasonings that work well for pilaf with beef include cumin, marjoram, basil, coriander and cumin.

For chicken pilaf, in addition to classic seasonings, you can add oregano, dried thyme and cumin seeds.

Pork pilaf can be supplemented with seasonings such as turmeric, dried tomato and sweet paprika.

Pilaf can even be made from fish! In this case, curry and suneli hops are well suited.

For fruit pilaf, which is prepared without meat, you can take a little barberry, cumin, saffron, raisins and dried fruits.

Modern housewives now have access to such exotic Indian seasonings as curry and cardamom, cumin, fennel, tamarind and many others. With the help of these unusual spices, you can make the pilaf spicy or, on the contrary, soft, and you can also improve the mood of yourself and your loved ones from a perfectly prepared dish.

How to properly add seasonings to pilaf

The main rule is not to overdo it! Spices should be added very little at a time, so that they emphasize the taste of the dish and do not interrupt it. A sense of proportion is decisive when adding seasonings; its absence can lead to the fact that the expected subtle taste will not be achieved, and the dish itself will be hopelessly spoiled.