Preparation of natural chopped schnitzel. Technological process for preparing “natural chopped schnitzel” and “fairy tale” sponge roll

Appearance - there are folds of fat on the surface, finely chopped herbs, sour cream - an island. The vegetables retained their cut shape.

Taste - usually spicy, moderately salty, with medium acidity.

Smell - characteristic of pickled cucumbers, sautéed vegetables, and spices.

Color - orange.

Consistency – average, vegetables are soft, not overcooked, cucumbers are crispy.


Recipe No. 221

Potato soup with beans

Preparation of legumes

Soak the beans in cold water for 5-8 hours, cook in a container with a closed lid until softened. It is not advisable to use a decoction of colored beans.

Cooking technology

Place the potatoes into a boiling salted broth, cook until half cooked, after 10-15 minutes add the vegetable sauté and boil. Place separately prepared legumes. 5-7 minutes before readiness, add salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Vacation rules

Pour the soup into a deep dinner plate, heated to +40 degrees, and place the greens on an island. Place a shallow tableware under a deep plate. Temperature: 70-75 degrees, yield: 500 g.

Quality requirements

Appearance - on the surface there are folds of fat, an island of greenery; vegetables cut into cubes, legumes soft, but not out of shape.

Taste, smell - characteristic of sautéed and boiled vegetables and legumes.

Color broth - light gray, cloudy.

Consistency- vegetables and legumes are soft, but not overcooked.


Recipe No. 240

Potato zrazy

name of raw materials For 1 serving Serves 4
Gross Net Gross Net
Eggs 1/10pcs 1/5pcs
Potato mass - -
Bulb onions
Table margarine
Eggs 1/2pcs 2 pcs
Weight of minced meat - -
Rusks or wheat flour
Weight of semi-finished product - -
Cooking fat
Mass of fried zraz - -
Table margarine or butter
Or sour cream
Or sauce No. 572, 586, 590 - -

Yield: with fat 210

With sour cream 220

With sauce 230

Cooking technology

From the potato mass, prepared as for cutlets, flat cakes are formed into 2 pieces. per serving. Place minced meat in the middle of the flatbread and connect its edges so that the minced meat is inside the product. Then the product is breaded in breadcrumbs or flour, giving the shape of a brick with oval edges, and fried on both sides.

For minced meat: cut the onion into strips and sauté. Onions are mixed with boiled finely chopped eggs, salted and ground pepper is added. When leaving, zrazy is poured with fat, sour cream or tomato, sour cream, or mushroom sauce.

Quality requirements

Appearance- the zrazy has retained its shape, there are no cracks or tears on the surface. The surface of the breading is golden and crispy.

Taste and smell - characteristic of boiled potatoes and sautéed onions with boiled eggs.


Nutritional and energy value

Quality and safety indicators

Registration, submission, sale and storage

Technological process


List of raw materials

2.1 To prepare potato zraza, the following raw materials are used:

2.2 Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish (product) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality certificates.

3.1 Recipe for the dish “Potato zrazy”

name of raw materials Mass of raw materials (gross) per 1 serving, g Mass of raw materials (net) per 1 serving, g Weight of raw materials (gross) for 10 servings, kg Weight of raw materials (net) for 10 servings, kg
Potato 2,41 1,81
Chicken egg 1/10 1 PC 0,04
Potato mass - - 1,8
Dried white mushrooms 0,1 0,1
Salt 0,05 0,05
Bulb onions 0,48 0,4
Margarine 0,05 0,05
Weight of minced meat - - 0,4
Wheat maca 0,12 0,12
Weight of semi-finished product - - 2,25
Cooking fat 0,1 0,1
Yield of finished dish - 2,0

4.1 The preparation of raw materials for the production of the “Potato Zrazy” dish is carried out in accordance with the “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments” (1994).

4.2 From the potato mass, prepared as for cutlets, flat cakes are formed into 2 pieces. per serving. Place minced meat in the middle of the flatbread and connect its edges so that the minced meat is inside the product. Then the product is breaded in breadcrumbs or flour, giving the shape of a brick with oval edges, and fried on both sides.

For minced meat: onions are cut into strips and sautéed, boiled mushrooms are finely chopped and fried, carrots, cut into strips, are simmered with fat. Onions are mixed with fried mushrooms. When leaving, the zrazy is poured with fat.

5.1 When leaving, place it on a plate immediately and pour over the fat.

5.2 Serve at t = 65°C.

5.3 Sales deadline is within a day.

6.1 Organoleptic characteristics of the dish

Appearance: Potato cutlet

Color: golden crust.

Consistency: elastic, juicy

Taste: the dish is moderately salty with a pronounced taste of fried potatoes and mushrooms.

Smell: roasted potatoes

6.2 Physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish comply with the criteria specified in the appendix to GOST R50736-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions".

Compiled and developed

production manager _______________________ ___________

signature full name

I approve

Canteen director


on the “Fried liver” dish

Goal of the work: gaining practical skills in producing vegetable dishes and decorating them for serving.

Range: 1. Potato zrazy (No. 476) with sour cream.

2. Cabbage schnitzel (No. 485), butter.

3. Vegetable pudding (No. 519) with sour cream.

4. Peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice (No. 504), sour cream sauce with tomato (No. 1045).

Tools, equipment and utensils: pans with a capacity of 2, 1 and 0.5 l; root and medium chef's knives, a small knife, a cast iron frying pan, a metal spatula, a metal dish, a ram, a portion frying pan, small dinner plates; gauze, sieve.

Cooking technology

1. Potato zrazy (No. 476): Gross Net


eggs 1/10 pcs. 4

potato mass – 180

dried porcini mushrooms1010


table margarine55

minced meat mass – 40

crackers or wheat flour 1212

semi-finished product weight – 225

cooking oil1010

weight of fried zraz – 200

table margarine or 1515


sour cream3030

sauce No. 1029, 1044, 1050–75

Yield with fat – 215

with sour cream–230

with sauce–275

Sequence of work “Potato zrazy” (Fig. 5.1):

1. Boil potatoes. Wash the potatoes, peel them and cook until done. Salt the water first.

2. Peel the onion,rinse, cut into strips and sauté.

3. Soak the mushrooms rinse and boil. Drain the water. Chop the mushrooms and fry.

4. Dry the finished potatoes. To do this, drain the water and place the pan on the stove to evaporate the remaining liquid. Rub the potatoes through a sieve while hot. Leave to cool to a temperature of 50–60 o C.

5. Prepare minced meat. Combine sautéed onions with fried mushrooms, adjust to taste, adding salt and pepper.

6. Add raw eggs into the warm potato mixture, stir until smooth.

7. Form zrazy. Place the amount of potato mixture (according to the recipe) on a damp cloth (gauze), flatten it into a flat cake, put minced meat in the middle and connect the edges of the flat cake. Using fabric, shape into a brick.

8. Fry the zrazy the main way on both sides.

9. Prepare for submission. Place zrazy (2 pieces per serving) on ​​a shallow dinner plate, pour over sour cream, and garnish with a sprig of herbs.

Rice. 5.1. Technological diagram of cooking
"Potato zrazy"

2. Cabbage schnitzel (No. 485) Gross Net

fresh white cabbage281225

wheat flour55

eggs 1/4 pcs. 10


semi-finished product weight – 235

cooking oil1515

weight of fried schnitzel – 185

table margarine or 1515


sour cream3030

sauce No. 1040, 1044–75

Yield with fat – 200

with sour cream–215

with sauce–260

Work sequence “Cauliflower schnitzel” (Fig. 5.2):

1. Peel the cabbage and, without violating its integrity, remove the stalk.

2. Boil the head of cabbagein salted boiling water until half cooked.

3. Disassemble the head of cabbage on individual leaves, cut off the thickening of the cuttings from them and lightly beat the cut area with a hoe.

4. Form the schnitzel. Fold the cabbage leaves in twos, give the product an oval shape, trim the edges, bread in flour, moisten in the egg mixture and bread in breadcrumbs.

5. Fry the schnitzel using the basic method on both sides until golden brown.

6. Prepare for submission. Place the schnitzel on a warm metal dish and pour melted butter over it. Garnish with parsley.

Rice. 5.2. Technological diagram of dish production
"Cauliflower Schnitzel"

3. Vegetable pudding (No. 519) Gross Net


or white cabbage9072



table margarine55

weight of stewed cabbage – 20

weight of stewed carrots – 20


table margarine1010

weight of fried zucchini – 25

green peas (canned) 3120

semolina 1010

eggs 1 piece 40


semi-finished product weight – 170

mass of finished pudding – 150

sour cream–30

or sauce No. 1040, 1044–30

Yield with sour cream – 180

with sauce–225

Sequence of work “Vegetable pudding” (Fig. 5.3):

1. Carrots, cabbage, zucchini wash, clean.

2. Carrots and zucchini cut small cube. Shred the cabbage.

3. Sauté carrots and cabbage in milk until half cooked.

4. Fry the zucchini the main way (at a temperature of 160 o C).

5. Vegetables(carrots, cabbage, zucchini) and green peas, combine, add semolina.

6. Boil until thickened, cool to 40–50 o C.

7. Wash the eggsseparate the white from the yolk, beat the white.

8. Add yolk and whipped white into the vegetable mixture, stir.

9. Grease the mold(portioned frying pan) with fat and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

10. Postvegetable mass into the prepared form.

11. Lubricate the surface sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese.

12. Bakeat a temperature of 200–220 o C.

13. Prepare for submission. Serve the pudding in the form in which it was baked, placing it on a shallow dinner plate, lined with a paper napkin. Drizzle with sour cream and garnish with herbs.


Rice. 5.3. Technological diagram of dish production
"Vegetable pudding"

4. Peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice (No. 504) Gross Net

sweet pepper187140

for minced meat:

rice groats11301




vegetable oil1515

minced meat mass – 100

semi-finished product weight – 240

sauce No. 1042, 1044, 1045–75


* In the gross column, the numerator indicates the gross mass of products, the denominator indicates the net mass of products, and the net column indicates the mass of finished products.

Sour cream sauce with tomato (No. 1045) Gross Net

sour cream10001000


wheat flour5050

tomato puree100100


Sequence of the work “Peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice” (Fig. 5.4):

1. Wash the pepper,remove the stalk and seeds without disturbing the integrity of the fruit, and rinse again.

2. Pour hot water over the pepper and boil (1-2 minutes) until half cooked. Drain in a colander.

3. Sort the rice,rinse under running water.

4. Boil ricein salted water until half cooked, drain in a colander.

5. Peel carrots and onions , wash, cut into strips.

6. Sauté onions and carrots.

7. Wash the tomatoes remove the stalk, scald with boiling water, remove the skin, chop into slices.

8. Fry the tomatoes the main way.

9. Prepare minced meat. Combine boiled rice, sauteed vegetables, fried tomatoes. Stir and add salt to taste pepper

10. Fill the peppers with minced meat.

Rice. 5.4. Technological diagram of cooking
"Peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice"

11. Prepare the sauce . (Fig. 5.5) Saute the flour in butter with the addition of tomatoes.

12. Warm up the sour cream up to a temperature of 85–90 o C.

13. Dilute the flour sauté with hot sour cream. Bring to a boil and taste.

14. Place the peppers on a baking sheet (form). Pour over the sauce.

15. Bake in the oven (t = 200 o C) until ready.

16. Prepare for submission. Place a portion of the dish into a lamb, pour over the sauce with which it was baked, and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Rice. 5.5. Technological diagram of dish production
“Sour cream sauce with tomato”

Requirements for the quality of finished products


Taste and smell

Potato zrazy

Zrazy is oval-shaped with blunt ends, with an evenly breaded and fried crust; no cracks, minced meat is not visible; with sour cream

Golden crust, cut: minced meat – light brown

Boiled fried potatoes with minced meat, aroma of minced meat and sour cream

Cabbage schnitzel

The product is oval in shape, evenly breaded in breadcrumbs, with an evenly fried crust; with butter and parsley

The crust is golden, the cut is pale green

Sweetish with slight acidity, smell of cabbage in breadcrumbs, pleasant

Vegetable pudding

The product is in a portioned frying pan, placed in a mound with an evenly fried crust; with sour cream

The crust is golden, the cut is creamy

Soft, pleasant with the smell of baked vegetables

Peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice

Sour cream sauce with tomato

The pepper retained its shape, the minced meat did not fall out; the color of the product is uniform; normal consistency sauce

The red-brown sauce characteristic of this type of vegetable

The smell of rice and vegetables with a slight sourness, without foreign flavors




SPECIALTY: “Pastry Chef”

PM 0.1

TOPIC1.4: Cooking potato cutlets, croquettes, zrazy, casseroles

Potato roll with minced vegetables. Quality requirements.


Educational: To consolidate the knowledge of students, to develop

Practical skills

And skills in organizing the workplace and using

Safe working practices.

Educational: Promote the formation of independence,

Use raw materials and electricity economically, carefully

Treat the equipment and follow the safety rules.

Developmental: Contribute to the formation of technological and

Educational thinking.

Material and technical equipment:

Equipment: PESM-4ShB, production tables,

Food warmer, vegetable cutters, VNTs-10, ShZhESM -2K.

Equipment, tools, dishes : knives and cutting boards with

Marked “OS”, wooden whisk, whisk, garnishes

Spoons, slotted spoon, colander, saucepans, stewpans,

Small dinner plates, cast iron frying pans.

Raw materials: potatoes, zucchini, cooking oil, salt, wheat flour,

Sour cream, greens, white cabbage,

Didactic equipment: technological cards, diagrams,

Instruction cards, collection recipes

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory briefing

1. Organizational part _______ min.

(brigadier report on readiness)

1.1 checking absenteeism

1.2 appearance check

1.3 briefing on t/b.

2. Preparation for work at the main stage _______min.

2.1. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

2.2.testing the student’s knowledge based on theoretical knowledge:

Make a graphic dictation:

  1. When cooking potatoes, do you pour cold water over them? (No)

2. Are the potatoes cooked with the lid closed? (Yes)

3. The finished potatoes are dried for cooking.

Potato mass? (No)

4. Does the potato mixture contain flour? (No)

5. Is the potato roll shaped like a circle? (No)

6. Calculate the products for cooking 10 and 50

Portions of potato zraz. (see technological card).

7. Calculate the products for preparing 10 and 50 servings

Potato croquettes. (see technological card)

8 What shape are the croquettes?

9. How are croquettes fried?

Technology for preparing dishes from vegetable masses: potato, carrot cutlets; potato roll.


Material and technical equipment.

Equipment: PESM-4ShB, ShZhESM-2K, production tables,

Marmite, VNC-10.

Inventory, tools, dishes: knives and cutting boards marked “OS”, “OV”, spatulas, baking sheets, frying pans, stewpans, stovetop cauldrons, small dinner plates, gravy boats.

Raw materials: potatoes, carrots, fresh cabbage, onions, table

Margarine, eggs, cooking oil, crackers or flour, sour cream, herbs

Parsley or dill, milk or broth, semolina, cottage cheese.

Sequence of technological operations.

Operation No. 1 . Organization of the workplace.

Operation No. 2 . Primary processing and cutting of products when preparing dishes from vegetable masses.

  1. sift semolina;
  2. rub the cottage cheese through a sieve
  3. carry out primary processing of eggs, vegetables,
  4. chop vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions into strips; fine greens

Operation No. 3. Heat treatment of products when preparing dishes from vegetable masses.

  1. They set eggs, potatoes, carrots to boil, pouring hot water over them.
  2. fry shredded cabbage (salt at the end)
  3. sauté onions, carrots, chopped into strips
  4. cool, peel and finely chop the eggs
  5. combine the prepared cabbage, sauteed onions, carrots, eggs, herbs, salt, pepper - the minced meat is ready (for the roll)
  6. sifted semolina is introduced into the stewed carrots in a thin stream with continuous stirring, boiled for several minutes until tender;
  7. drain the broth from the finished potatoes
  8. dry the potatoes (put them in a cauldron on the stove for a few minutes)
  9. rub the prepared potatoes through a potato masher

Operation No. 4. Preparation of semi-finished potato cutlets.

  1. cool the mashed potatoes to 50...40% C
  2. separate part for making rolls, part for potato cutlets
  3. add raw eggs to mashed potatoes (for potato cutlets) mix well
  4. portion the mass by weight
  5. form oval-shaped cutlets with one pointed end
  6. breaded in flour

7. heat treatment

Operation No. 5. Preparing semi-finished potato rolls

  1. 1. place the potato mass on a clean napkin moistened with water, level the mass
  2. 2. add minced vegetables
  3. 3. give the shape of a roll or kulebyaki
  4. 4. laid seam down

smear sour cream on top, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, make several punctures along the roll, and sprinkle with fat on top.

Operation No. 6. Preparation of semi-finished carrot cutlets

  1. cool carrot mass
  2. add eggs, salt, grated cottage cheese to the carrot mixture, mix well
  3. portioned
  4. molded, giving them an oval-flattened shape with one pointed end
  5. breaded in flour or breadcrumbs
  6. heat treatment

Operation No. 7. Heat treatment of vegetable dishes

  1. The roll is baked in the oven until golden brown.
  2. Potato and carrot cutlets are fried in a well-heated frying pan with fat, using the basic method until golden brown.

Quality requirements.

Potato and carrot cutlets. Appearance - oval cutlets

forms with one pointed end; the surface is smooth, without cracks; at the fracture, the product is a homogeneous mass without lumps.

The consistency is fluffy, loose, without lumps of ungrated vegetables or semolina.

Color - corresponding to the stewed vegetables; the surface is dark golden in color.

Taste and smell - potato cutlets are slightly salty with the aroma of potatoes, butter and sauce; Carrot cutlets are slightly sweet, with the aroma of roasted carrots.

Potato roll. Appearance - the roll has an elongated shape in the form of a loaf; the surface is smooth, without cracks.

The consistency of the shell is loose, non-stretchy; the filling is juicy.

Color - on the surface - golden; on the cut - white;

minced meat - matches the color of the vegetables from which it is prepared.

The taste is characteristic of baked potatoes and minced meat.

The smell is of sautéed vegetables.

Submission rules.

Potato and carrot cutlets are served on portioned dishes or plates (preheated) 2-3 pieces each. per serving, pour over with olive oil. Separately in a gravy boat, sour cream or milk or sour cream sauce is served, as well as mushroom sauce for potato cutlets.

When serving a potato roll, it is cut into portions, placed on a portioned dish or plate, poured with olive oil, and tomato or sour cream or mushroom or sour cream sauces are served separately in a gravy boat.

Implementation deadlines.

Potato rolls, potato and carrot cutlets are stored hot and sold within no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation.

II. Current briefing______ min.

Stage of assimilation of new knowledge

Targeted walk-throughs of students' places:

First round: check the contents of workplaces, their organization. Pay special attention to students ________________________________________________

Second round: pay attention to the implementation of cooking techniques.

Third walkthrough: check that the technological sequence of the work is being followed correctly.

Fourth round: check the correctness of self-control. Check students' compliance with safety regulations and point out any shortcomings in their compliance.

Fifth walkthrough: accept and evaluate the work performed. Give additional assignments to the most successful students.______________


III. Final briefing________min.

3.1. Summarize the lesson.

3.2. Point out the mistakes made and analyze the reasons that caused them.

3.3. Report and, if necessary, comment on the student’s assessment

To work.

3.4. Reflection: What moments did you like or dislike during

Studying the topic.

3.5. Give homework.

3.6. Cleaning workplaces.

Master of Industrial Training E.A. Drobotova.

Pork - To prepare the minced mass, meat from the neck, flank, hem, as well as trimmings is used. We wash the meat, remove the tendons, cut into pieces, pass through a meat grinder, add water, salt, pepper, mix. Portion the prepared mass, shape it into an oval shape 1 cm thick, grease it with leison and bread it in breadcrumbs.

Egg - wash, peel, and beat.

Liezon - Add water, salt, pepper to the beaten eggs and mix.

Young potatoes - we sort, we calibrate, we wash, we clean, we clean, we wash. (p.8)

1.3.4. Technology for preparing the dish “Natural Chopped Schnitzel”

Place the prepared semi-finished product in a frying pan heated with fat, fry until a crispy crust forms and cook in the oven until cooked. (p.225)

1.3.5.Methods of serving the dish “Natural Chopped Schnitzel”

Place a side dish on a serving plate - boiled potatoes, schnitzel next to it, pour vegetable oil over it. Feed t o 65 o. (p.225)

Quality requirements, sales conditions and shelf life

Schnitzel – It has an oval-flat shape, on the surface the crust is from light yellow to light brown, evenly covered with breading. The taste is moderately salty. The consistency is soft, juicy, with a crispy crust.

Boiled potatoes - must keep its shape. Color ranges from white to yellowish. Redness or darkening is not allowed. Well cleaned of eyes and black spots. Store on the steam table for no more than 2 hours.

It is better to fry a dish made from natural chopped and cutlet mass before serving; storage is allowed for no more than 30 minutes. (p.231)

1.3.7. . Technological equipment, production tools for preparing the dish “Natural Chopped Schnitzel”

The preparation of “Natural Chopped Schnitzel” is carried out in a hot shop, which is equipped with various technological equipment and production tools.

To prepare the “Natural Chopped Schnitzel” dish we use

heating equipment: electric stove, food warmer, oven

mechanical equipment: table scales, electric frying pan.

non-mechanical equipment: production tables.

production equipment: boilers, chef's knives, chef's fork, marking boards, spatula, plates, cutlery, dish, portion pans.

Cranberry jelly (thick)

Recipe of dishes and calculation of raw materials

Table 6 - Cranberry jelly (thick)

The recipe indicated in Table 6 is taken from (p. 315, recipe No. 437)

1.4.2. Description of the main types of raw materials for preparing the dish “Cranberry jelly (thick)”

Cranberry- grows in swamps, very juicy and bright berries containing sugars and organic acids, and vitamin C. Often used to treat the cardiovascular system. (p.87)