Preparation of Kalmyk tea. Legendary Kalmyk tea: brewing secrets

Kalmyk tea is famous for its abundance of healing properties and original aftertaste. Mongols, Buryats and a number of other nationalities call this drink differently - “dzhomba”, “karimny”, “tile”, but they prepare it the same way. This is a whole ritual, which we invite you to familiarize yourself with in detail.

Tea or soup?

Since ancient times, the authors of the recipe believed that Kalmyk tea could save from thirst in the summer heat or warm a traveler well in the winter cold. There is some truth in this, given that this drink is the brainchild of nomads who were in constant motion, an endless journey.

The ancestors of the dzhomba sought to make tea not only tasty, but also nourishing (nutritious) - so that it could restore strength after a long walk across the steppes. This is how the idea arose to add lamb fat and milk to the drink.

Interesting! There is no sugar in traditional Kalmyk tea. Instead, the owners add salt to taste. Therefore, while in a local cafe, do not get into trouble by ordering Kalmyk tea for dessert!

About the benefits of jomba

Green tea

The composition of the drink is based on green tea and milk. These two components are beneficial for the body even separately. And together they completely turn jomba into a healing elixir.

Thus, green tea provides the body with antioxidants that slow down the aging process at the cellular level.

It also improves metabolism, transforming fats into vital energy. It is recommended to drink a tonic drink to increase endurance during daily physical activity and sports.

Green tea is in demand among long-livers, as well as people whose work involves psycho-emotional stress. It is believed that the drink can stimulate brain activity and reduce the perception of stress.

In addition, substances contained in green tea leaves have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


You can even write treatises on the benefits of milk. There is only one drawback. This product is poorly absorbed by the adult body in its pure form due to a lack of certain enzymes. And here green tea comes to the rescue. Milk diluted with it, that is, ready-made jomba, can be drunk by everyone without exception, without fear of consequences.

Let us remind you that doctors advise drinking milk during treatment:

  • colds,
  • insomnia,
  • heartburn,
  • poisoning

This means that Kalmyk tea combines the beneficial properties of two ingredients, making the drink accessible to everyone.


As for the harm of Kalmyk tea, there is none. The only thing that can be noted is that milk slightly neutralizes the tonic effect of green tea, and therefore the boost of energy from drinking jomba will be less.

Unusual packaging

It is not difficult to recognize original Kalmyk tea among other drinks. According to long-standing traditions, the manufacturer presses its brewing composition—young steppe herbs, large leaves and shoots of black and green tea—into rough tiles or bricks. When the time comes to brew Kalmyk tea, the necessary part is broken off from the massive, heavy briquettes, and the remnants of the pressed slab composition then wait in the wings.

Due to the fact that the leaves and cut shoots are not dried or fermented, jomba has a specific bitter aftertaste. This is one of the distinctive features of Kalmyk tea.

How to brew

Cookbooks and websites are replete with recipes for making Kalmyk tea. It is noteworthy that in most cases they accurately indicate the required amount of ingredients (grams, liters). But! It’s hard to imagine a nomad with measuring utensils.

Current recipes for Kalmyk tea make it possible to adapt the drink to the tastes of modern people. That is why it is permissible to add various spices and herbs to the classic base. What is the secret to making the original jomba?

Classics of the genre

For those who do not know how to prepare Kalmyk tea with milk, we present step-by-step instructions.

For the recipe you will need:
  1. slab tea
  2. milk (3.5%)
  3. lamb fat
  4. salt.

The ratio of water and milk is 1:3.

Preparation of Kalmyk tea begins with separating a small piece from the tile and crushing it into pieces.

During the brewing of Kalmyk tea, it continues to be saturated with oxygen, right up to the addition of milk. Then wait about 20 minutes of active boiling and add lamb fat. After 3-5 minutes, the jomba is ready to serve to guests. Prepare the bowls.

Important! Kalmyk tea is drunk exclusively hot. The ability of fat to quickly solidify can spoil the overall impression of the drink.

Herbs and spices

The national cuisine of any state does not stand still, but develops dynamically. The Republic of Kalmykia is no exception.

Modern recipes for Kalmyk tea welcome all kinds of additives and allow deviations from the classic version. For Europeans, finding the original collection is a hassle; it is much easier to prepare an exotic drink from “available” ingredients. Therefore, slab tea has long been replaced by affordable loose mixtures, and lamb fat - by butter. Cheap and cheerful.

Below are popular recipes for Kalmyk tea with milk, with a conditional reference to national origins.

Jomba with allspice

For brewing you will need:

  • part of the slab tea,
  • water (2/10 parts),
  • milk (8/10 parts),
  • a piece of butter,
  • salt,
  • 8-10 peas of allspice.

Place small pieces of tiled Kalmyk tea into cold water and bring to a boil. At the next stage, carefully pour in a portion of milk, sprinkle in salt and pepper.

Cook the jombu over low heat for 20 minutes. 2 minutes before removing the drink from the burner, add ghee. Kalmyk tea is drunk hot or warm.

Jomba on black tea with nutmeg

Ingredients for brewing:

  • black tea leaf (1 tbsp),
  • milk (at least 3.2% fat content),
  • butter (1.5 tbsp.),
  • ground black pepper,
  • nutmeg powder,
  • water,
  • salt.

Place the dishes on the fire, pour in water, and add loose tea. When the water boils, pour in the milk, season with salt to taste, pepper (about 1 tsp) and spicy nutmeg (on the tip of a knife).

Continue to simmer Kalmyk tea over the fire for about 17-20 minutes. Next, pour the melted butter into the drink, stir everything thoroughly, and bring the broth to a boil. Finally, remove the finished tea from the stove and pour it into ceramic bowls.

Recipe with green leaves

The green mixture is usually brewed on the stove. When the water boils, add full-fat milk (1 part water to 3 parts milk). In this case, suitable spices would be: white peppercorns, salt, bay leaves.

The simmering time for the drink over low heat is 17-18 minutes. 2 minutes before removing the tea from the stove, add melted butter. The finished broth is poured hot into bowls.

By the way, excellent seasonings for the drink in question are:

  • carnation
  • cinnamon
  • crushed walnut.

Interesting! Initially, tea was perceived by its creators more as a food product than a drink, which is why some nationalities still welcome the addition of wheat flour to recipes. Hence the satiety and thickness of the broth.

And finally, I would like to note that if you are not a follower of Kalmyk cuisine and cannot bring yourself to love salty tea with spices, do not be sad! Brew your usual green leaf, add milk and sugar and enjoy your favorite taste! This is much healthier, because you can drink this tea with pleasure!

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Kalmyk tea is based on ordinary green tea, but all other ingredients and their combination give the drink a completely unusual taste. This tea can be prepared not only according to the classic recipe, but also improvised, creating variations of the traditional drink. This tea came to us from Southeast Asia, from nomadic peoples who used the drink not only to quench thirst, but also as a source of calories and a warming agent.

There are many legends around jomba, domba, Mongolian tea - these are other names for Kalmyk tea. China or Tibet is considered its homeland, then it became known to the Mongolian nomads, and from there it migrated to the territory of Rus'.

The benefits of tea are described by a Kalmyk legend, according to which the drink healed Tsongkhava, a religious figure. The doctor recommended that he take the “divine” drink every day on an empty stomach: after 7 days, the reformer was healed and ordered the believers to prepare the same tea, which was later called jomba by the Kalmyks.

In Kalmykia, the ancient holiday Zul is celebrated annually, which is actually a national birthday; the tea ceremony and offerings to deities are considered its obligatory rituals.

Traditions of making Kalmyk tea

There may be some differences in the composition of tea according to the traditions of a particular nation, but in general the ingredients and preparation features are the same in different territories. For Kalmyk tea, pressed green tea is best suited. Recipe for a classic drink:

  • a tablespoon of tea;
  • a glass of boiling water and milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • spices: black pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg;
  • a little butter (half a teaspoon).

The drink should be strong: tea is usually poured with cold water, and after boiling, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. After adding milk, spices, and salt, you need to boil Kalmyk tea for another 5 minutes and season with oil. The tea is ready after 20 minutes of infusion.

Different types of Kalmyk tea

Although you can use regular loose leaf tea to make the drink, specialty tea varieties are best. For example, there are 3 in 1 options that include milk or cream and salt. In some types of industrial products, black tea is added to green tea.

Kalmyk tea is presented in different varieties on the market, these can be:

  • briquettes, including tea and herbs weighing from 300 g to 2.5 kg;
  • pressed tea tiles;
  • Kalmyk tea in bags;
  • instant version of jomba with milk and salt.

Tiled pressed tea is of particular interest. It is produced from hardened leaves and shoots, collected in the fall after the main harvest is completed; elements of spring pruning of the tea bush are also used for briquettes of Kalmyk tea. These materials do not ferment or wither, so the drink has a tart and slightly bitter taste, as well as a beautiful yellowish-red hue.

Kalmyk slab tea should be brewed in a special way. In fact, it needs to be boiled and then infused. The result of preparation will be an unusually strong drink with a dense, rich taste and spicy aroma.

Variations of Kalmyk tea components

A special version of jomba is a drink with lamb fat instead of butter. The taste of tea will vary greatly depending on the type of milk used in it. In the classic version, it is camel or mare's milk. But in the modern world, goat or cow’s milk is more often used to prepare jomba; in extreme cases, cream or milk powder can be added to the drink.

Among the peoples of Asia, the southern regions of Siberia, and the Caucasus, it is customary to add steppe herbs to tea.

The composition of the herbs may differ, but bergenia is considered an essential component of the collection. The plants are collected before the flowering period, so tea with them is considered hypoallergenic.

The richness of its composition makes Kalmyk tea healing and nutritious. Of course, like other food products, this drink is not suitable for everyone, and its use can have both benefits and harm.

Indications and restrictions for drinking Kalmyk tea

The benefits of Kalmyk tea are undeniable; it is not without reason that there are legends about the drink. The drink invigorates, warms, saturates, its components activate many body functions. The positive effects of Kalmyk tea include:

  • general strengthening effect,
  • normalization of metabolism,
  • beneficial effect on digestion,
  • despite the high calorie content of tea, the beneficial substances included in its composition help reduce weight and cholesterol levels by activating metabolic processes;
  • increased lactation in nursing mothers;
  • vigor, increased performance, stimulation of mental activity;
  • detoxification effect;
  • saturation with vitamins, minerals and nutrients;
  • help in the fight against colds, severe coughs;
  • strengthening the immune system, preventing infectious diseases.

In rare cases, Kalmyk tea can be harmful if you have health problems. There are few contraindications to drinking the drink:

  • allergy or intolerance to tea components;
  • cholelithiasis, since the constituent components of jomba can provoke biliary colic;
  • pregnancy.

When using herbs in a drink, you should remember that they all have a certain effect on the body. If you have chronic diseases, you need to take into account restrictions on the use of certain plant components: this also applies to herbs and spices.

Recipes for creating various variants of jomba

You can properly brew tea, traditional for the residents of Kalmykia, not only according to the classic recipe, but also by changing some of the ingredients and nuances of preparation. Everyone has their own preferences, so changes in the recipe can improve the taste of the drink.

Different recipes for Kalmyk tea help you choose your version of the drink. It is this kind of tea - with your favorite taste - that will bring maximum benefits from its use.

Kalmyk tea, the recipe of which includes a mixture of black and green teas, is an option preferred by many lovers of the invigorating effect of the drink. The following ingredients are added to it:

  • large-leaf black, pressed or leaf green tea per tablespoon,
  • 1 liter of milk,
  • salt to taste,
  • black and allspice to taste,
  • 2 buds of cloves,
  • a little ground nutmeg,
  • 30 g butter.

Tea leaves are added to the milk, after boiling, spices are added and kept on low heat for 15 minutes. Before adding oil, the mixture is filtered and consumed warm.

Kalmyk tea can be prepared using only black tea. The original recipe, in addition to the usual ingredients such as milk and butter, also includes wheat flour. This drink is more like a soup that can satisfy hunger than a drink product in the usual sense.

Ingredients of Kalmyk tea with flour:

  • 100 g of tiled black tea,
  • one and a half liters of water and milk,
  • 100 g butter,
  • 3 tablespoons flour,
  • a few peppercorns,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • one and a half teaspoons of salt.

It’s easy to brew this tea: crumble 100 g of tea into water and bring to a boil, after 10 minutes add milk and continue preparing the drink for another 5 minutes. You need to make sure that the tea is brewed over low heat.

The flour is fried until golden brown and added together with spices at the end of cooking. The product should sit for another 15 minutes before it can be consumed.

There is a variation of Kalmyk tea in Adyghe style. The drink is radically different from ordinary jomba, because instead of tea, horse sorrel is added to it. The plant is boiled for about an hour, then the broth is infused and filtered. Based on this “infusion”, a drink is prepared with milk and butter. This option is also salted and peppered, you can add dried cilantro.

Some people prefer to prepare a drink based on fireweed tea. The plant in an amount of 100 g is brewed over maintaining heat for 40 minutes. After filtering, pour in boiled milk - a third of the volume of the decoction. After heating to 70°C, add oil, salt, and ground pepper. Let the drink brew a little and pour into cups.

The classic version of Kalmyk tea is prepared without sugar. But some people prefer to add a small amount of this ingredient to the drink: in this case, you can experiment with spices - add cinnamon or cardamom. The main thing is that you like the drink, then it will bring noticeably more benefits.

Kalmyk tea is more than tea - this drink with a rich history has faithfully served the Asian nomadic peoples for thousands of years, and now its benefits have been proven by modern scientists. with milk, salt and butter it will warm you up in cold weather, cool you down in hot weather, and in combination with a couple of slices of homemade bread it will serve as a complete breakfast or lunch. So what is the secret of Kalmyk tea?

There are different versions of how milk tea became the “signature” drink of Asian peoples. An ancient legend tells how the Tibetan religious figure Tsonghawa became seriously ill and turned to a famous healer. He prescribed him the only medicine - unusual tea on an empty stomach - and promised complete healing on the 7th day. A week later, Tsongkhava got out of bed and ordered all believers to light a lamp and prepare magic tea, later called jomba.

How the Tibetan reformer was able to pass on the recipe for tea to the Kalmyks is anyone’s guess - historians claim that the tea itself was borrowed by Mongolian nomads from the ancient Chinese, during the period of close contacts between the two peoples. The Chinese, the guardians of tea culture, did not even think about adding milk to green tea. And the Mongols added milk, fat, salt, and sometimes flour - and got a nutritious and healing drink. Mongolian tea quickly became the favorite drink of many Mongolian nomadic tribes, then conquered the peoples of Siberia, Central Asia, southern Russia and even the North Caucasus, with each culture bringing something of its own to the recipe for making the famous tea. But this tea received the greatest love from the Kalmyks - it is no coincidence that today it is known in the world primarily as Kalmyk tea.

Kalmyk tea: composition and benefits

The secret to the benefits of such an unusual drink as Kalmyk tea is its composition. First of all, Kalmyk tea is, therefore, it retains all the beneficial substances for which green tea has long been famous: invigorating caffeine, healing tannins, catechins, guardians of youth and health, and much more.

Due to its complex composition (milk, butter and salt), Kalmyk tea contains a lot of potassium, fluorine and iodine, manganese and sodium, a rich complex of vitamins - K, C, PP - nicotinic acid, group B.

Milk and tea seem to be made for each other, which is largely why Kalmyk tea has remained so popular for centuries. Whole milk is not always well absorbed by the body, especially in adults, but green tea facilitates absorption, so Kalmyk tea can be safely recommended to people of all ages. In turn, milk softens the harmful effects of caffeine and other alkaloids in tea. And this is especially important, since for classic Kalmyk tea, old tea leaves are usually collected, without even subjecting them to fermentation, which makes the drink very strong.

Moreover, when milk and tea react, they form a special nutritional complex of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. And to this is added natural cholesterol in butter, which nourishes the brain, a complex of vitamins A, D and B, so necessary for our bones, skin, hair and eyes.

So, Kalmyk tea – the beneficial properties of the drink:

  • increases lactation in nursing mothers;
  • stimulates metabolism and removes extra pounds: feel free to drink Kalmyk tea if you are watching your figure: nutritious tea in the morning will make you forget about hunger for many hours;
  • perfectly tones, activates mental activity and relieves fatigue;
  • has the ability to regulate sugar levels in the body: Kalmyk tea is an ideal choice for those suffering from diabetes;
  • fights diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • good for the digestive system: treats poisoning, indigestion, reduces gas formation;
  • and saves you from colds.

The beneficial properties of Kalmyk tea are also enhanced by the spices that are traditionally added to it: thus, it turns Kalmyk tea into a real anti-cold cocktail: it kills bacteria, treats a sore throat, and relieves fever. Boosts immunity, treats rheumatism and strengthens the nervous system. Kalmyk tea with black pepper helps improve intestinal function, cleanses blood vessels and acts as an expectorant. By the way, spices improve the beneficial properties not only of Kalmyk tea, but also of another Asian drink - which we recently wrote about.

Kalmyk tea - the benefits and harms of this drink have not been disputed for a long time: the healing properties of tea have been known for centuries, but the harm of Kalmyk tea is due only to individual intolerance. So, if you are lactose intolerant, Kalmyk tea is prohibited. Tea with milk or butter is also not recommended in the later stages of gallstone disease: it is believed that strong Kalmyk tea can cause the movement of stones.

Kalmyk tea: how to prepare it correctly

Making Kalmyk tea is an ancient art; for centuries, each nation has had its own recipe, with different nuances and characteristics.

So, putting butter in a drink is a rather late, “lighter” option - initially the Kalmyks added lamb fat to their tea. The drink of the ancient Mongols was even more nutritious - tea, milk, fried pieces of fat tail and lamb bone marrow... The Adygs also liked to add horse sorrel to their tea for taste, aroma and the fight against scurvy, as well as the mysterious lebeshai - apparently.

Moreover, the recipes of the ancient Kalmyks advised boiling tea for a very long time, until only half of the water remained in the cauldron, and then steeping the tea all night. The next morning, the result was a powerful energy drink, an ideal drink for nomads, but a modern person would have difficulty withstanding such a shake-up for the heart and blood vessels...

But the main tradition that has survived to this day is to use tiled green tea to prepare the drink. In ancient times, this method of transporting tea was the most convenient: it was much better to carry bricks of tea leaves and stems with you than bags of loose tea. Today, pressed tea remains the preserve of adherents of classic recipes and those who do not like to rush. Many modern people prefer to prepare Kalmyk tea based on regular green long tea: this allows you to avoid wasting time crushing the bar, and you can also brew tea directly in a cup for 1-2 servings.

Kalmyk tea recipe for regular loose tea:

Pour tea leaves into a half-liter tea cup: 2 times more than usual. Fill two-thirds with boiling water and leave for 3-4 minutes. Then add hot milk, add a piece of butter, a pinch or 2-3 peas of black pepper, and salt. For those who like richer tea, it is recommended to immediately pour boiling milk over the tea leaves.

How to brew Kalmyk slab tea? There is no perfect recipe here - you can always bring something of your own to different methods of preparing tea.

So, Kalmyk tea - how to prepare it according to the traditional recipe?

Grind the tile tea, fill it with water (at the rate of 50 grams per liter of water), bring to a boil. Add milk - twice as much as water, a couple of clove buds if desired, and salt. Boil for 5-15 minutes (depending on the volume of liquid), then filter, and squeeze out the tea leaves. Pour into mugs, no more than a teaspoon of butter in each. Usually this tea was drunk with butter dough crackers.

This recipe also has options - you can add not milk, but cream (a little less than water), before pouring into cups, the tea is often steeped for 10-15 minutes.

Try Kalmyk tea - by changing the amount of brew, adding milk or cream, combining different spices, you will definitely love this unusual tea and milk decoction. The drink of the ancient nomads, the tonic Kalmyk tea, also came in handy in the modern metropolis with its frantic rhythm, giving us strength, vigor and saturating us with energy.


Hi all! Today on this page I will offer several recipes for making Kalmyk tea.

It turns out that not only Kalmyks consider Kalmyk tea their national drink.

Adygeans also consider it their national drink.

And its appearance in history is generally associated with the Mongols. And the raw materials were supplied to them by the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, that is, China.

The Mongols were very fond of this delicious drink. Over time, the drink spread to Central Asia, Siberia, and Russia.

Kalmyk tea has become a favorite drink among many peoples. And each people brought something new to it.

Kalmyk tea has many different names. One of them, very interesting, is jomba.

Compared to other types of tea, Kalmyk tea has valuable and healthy qualities.

To obtain Kalmyk tea, tea is also mixed. They also add a mixture of steppe grasses.

This mixture contains the herb bergenia in large quantities.

All herbs that make up Kalmyk tea must be collected before flowering. This makes the drink hypoallergenic.

Green Kalmyk tea contains large quantities of various microelements and vitamins.

These include iodine and fluorine, potassium and copper, vitamins K, PP, B1, B2, C. In addition to them, the drink contains silicon and manganese, sodium and phosphorus.

The benefits of Kalmyk tea lie in many aspects.

It has a general strengthening effect, normalizes processes, and cleanses the body. This wonderful drink quenches thirst and increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Catechins present in Kalmyk tea prevent hemorrhages, strengthening the walls of the blood vessels. They also have an anti-radiation effect.

Kalmyk slab tea consists of large old tea leaves. They are collected late in the fall. They are not subject to withering or fermentation. This gives the drink a tart and slightly bitter taste.

How to prepare Kalmyk tea?

It can be prepared in different ways.

When preparing this drink there is wide scope for imagination in taste.

But the basic components remain the same.

  • Place 30 grams of tea in a saucepan. Pour half a liter of water and place on low heat. Boil, cook for 10-15 minutes.
  • Boil the milk separately and skim off the foam. Pour the milk into the tea and bring to a boil over low heat. Remove from heat.
  • Leave a little for the tea leaves to settle. Add spices. Kalmyk tea also includes nutmeg and cinnamon, cloves and bay leaves, and sometimes even lamb..

Tea is ready. You can pour it into bowls and add a spoonful of butter or ghee, a piece of cheese, an egg yolk and crackers to your tea. Delicious!

Another recipe for making Kalmyk tea:

  • You need to add Kalmyk tea to hot water and boil it. Add salt and sugar. Then move.
  • Pour in the milk, stirring the contents constantly. Bring to a boil. Do not boil. Remove from heat.
  • If the milk has low fat content, you can add butter. Stir. Pour the prepared Kalmyk tea into cups through a strainer.

When brewing Kalmyk tea, there are some subtleties that must be followed.

  1. You cannot boil water without tea leaves.
  2. All movements, both during cooking and when offering a drink, are made from left to right, that is, in the direction of the sun.
  3. The first cup of the prepared drink is offered to the eldest of those sitting, regardless of whether it is a guest or a family member.
  4. The dishes must be free of cracks and have intact edges.
  5. Bring and accept the cup with both hands.
  6. After drinking tea, return the dishes to the owner.
  7. You cannot turn an empty cup upside down. This was considered a curse.
  8. The cup of tea should be held on the chest line, which means respect for the guest.
  9. If there is an important person among the guests, the ceremony is performed by the owner of the house himself.

As you can see, Kalmyks strictly follow traditions and follow them carefully. It's a whole ceremony. And the elements that make up traditions cannot be neglected.

The benefits of Kalmyk tea.

For Kalmyks, this type of drink is highly revered and cures all diseases. Indeed, Kalmyk tea has very great benefits for human health. Let's list some of them.

Harm of green tea.

Green tea, it turns out, can be harmful to our body, if, of course, it is abused. This can contribute to the occurrence of various kidney diseases, including the formation of stones, and liver.

As you can see, the positive properties of Kalmyk tea are much greater than the negative ones. The main thing is to know when to stop. Drink regularly and correctly.

Drink Kalmyk tea and always be healthy!

In general, if you love tea in any of its manifestations, then please go to my section: “ “. There you will find information about any teas from Tibetan to .... Krasnodar

We are all accustomed to perceiving tea as hot, delicious and most importantly a sweet drink. But there is good news for tea gourmets - now you can enjoy a drink that is not the usual thematically, because there is Kalmyk tea, the recipe for which you will find here. But first, it’s still worth introducing you in more detail to such an exotic drink with very piquant flavor notes.

Kalmyk tea is essentially the same hot drink, but in this case it is not consumed with honey, sugar, lemon or other usual additives. This drink is also called Kyrgyz, Mongolian, dzhomba or even domba. Connoisseurs of exotic drinks drink this Central Asian tea with a variety of unusual additives: salt, milk, pepper and even butter. If you want to taste the unusual taste of Kalmyk tea, then you first need the correct recipe for its preparation and, of course, the product itself.

Kalmyk tea - recipes and introduction to Central Asian tea drinking

The classic version of preparing Kalmyk tea is to use ordinary green thematic tea leaves, but well compressed. So what happens - Kalmyk tea and its preparation recipe are very similar to ordinary green tea? No, in this case the product turns out to be quite piquant, original, special, one might say, for gourmets. So let's look at cooking recipes and get acquainted with a non-standard version of tea drinking.

Mongolian milk tea

This is the very first ingredient or rather additive that makes the themed drink complete. You can use absolutely any milk that suits your taste, that is, cow, goat, sheep, and so on. The most commonly used option is the first option, but this is a matter of individual tastes. Do you want to make Kalmyk tea? The recipe for making it using milk is described below.

So, you need to prepare 4.5 tsp. dry pressed Kalmyk tea, a liter of boiling water and a glass of milk. Boil purified water, add all the milk to it and then pour the tea leaves into the slightly cooled liquid. Leave this whole mixture for a few minutes so that the leaves of the plant open a little and then boil the whole mass. After turning off the heat, remove your tea from the stove, allow it to cool to an acceptable temperature and you can enjoy your Kalmyk drink.

Add a spoonful of salt... instead of sugar

Yes, the Kalmyk tea drink is also consumed with salt - this recipe is a little simpler than the previous one. In this case, you just need the same 4.5 tablespoons of the pressed plant, a liter of water and a pinch of salt to your taste. The recipe is familiar and simple - put the tea leaves in hot water, put the mixture on the fire again, wait until it boils, turn off the stove, let the drink cool slightly and then add a pinch of salt.

For a richer and more piquant taste of Kalmyk tea, you can add a little red pepper to it. It will give the product a special flavor note, which will definitely be felt during tea drinking. It is worth noting that red pepper can improve the functioning of the circulatory system, so you can safely warm up with this liquid in cold weather.

Tea with butter and bay leaf

The recipe for making Kalmyk tea with maloma is a nutritious version of the drink that will help quickly put your body “on its feet” during colds. Kalmyks, instead of the usual store-bought butter, initially supplemented Mongolian tea with lamb fat, since it contains a much larger amount of important and beneficial substances for the body.

The original recipe for preparing a drink with oil and bay leaves called Kalmyk tea looks like this: measure out 2-3 teaspoons of the appropriate tea leaves, fill them with a liter of cold filtered water, then put the future tea drink on the fire and bring it to a boil. After this moment, pour a glass of warm milk into the hot liquid and add a teaspoon of a little melted butter. Also, do not forget to add one important ingredient to the finished tea, which will act as a unique seasoning - this is a small leaf of bay leaf. That’s it, your Kalmyk drink according to the original recipe is ready!

Nutmeg and cloves in tea!

Yes, Kalmyk tea is prepared with everything – the recipes are not limited to the options described above. If you cook it correctly with the addition of nutmeg and cloves, you will be surprised by the novelty of the taste notes of such a drink. Do you want new specific sensations from drinking tea? Then let's go...

Take a piece of thematic tea leaves weighing up to 50 grams, dip it in a liter of water and bring the liquid to a boil. Add a handful of nutmeg, a few cloves and boil the liquid for about 10 minutes. After completing the preparation of Kalmyk tea according to the real Tatar recipe, you need to strain it through a sieve or other convenient device and allow it to cool.

Advice! To give this tea a special pleasant aroma, you can add a small piece of butter.

All at once! With honey and bread...

By the way, the most original and complex recipe for making Kalmyk tea is all the combined options described above. Initially, nomads from Tibet used this drink as a kind of warming drink, which, in addition, could cure people from many diseases. If you cook it with milk, salt, pepper, nutmeg, bay leaf and butter, you will get a simply amazing option that perfectly invigorates the nervous system.

Important! The invigorating effect of the drink may make it taboo to drink it before bed or in the evening.

If you prepare this Mongolian drink as a snack with croutons, sharp cheese or flatbreads made from your favorite type of bread, then you will have a Kalmyk dinner. Together with these snack options, this drink will immerse you in Central Asian culture, which is significantly different from ours. Get to know the traditions of other peoples and enjoy their cuisine.