Cooking beef in the oven at low temperature. Low Temperature Cooking: Flavor Technology

Prolonged heating of meat at a low temperature helps to soften the veins, ligaments, and films. Even quite coarse meat becomes exceptionally soft and tender. But what’s even more important is that with this cooking method you are guaranteed to get an excellent result even if you don’t have enough experience. The meat will never be overcooked and will be exceptionally juicy, fragrant and rosy.

Ingredients for Long Simmered Pork Knuckle:

Nutritional and energy value:

Recipe for “Long-simmered pork knuckle”:

A large, solid piece of fried meat on the table immediately gives you a feeling of celebration and celebration. Intriguingly appetizing appearance, fragrant meaty spirit, divine taste - there is something to please guests. And it’s not at all difficult.
So, we buy a large shank (even better - a neck, a ham). A day before cooking, in the morning, rub it with spices - pepper, garlic, marjoram, mustard. We rub it well, from the heart. It would be nice to lightly sprinkle the shank with soy sauce and vegetable oil. But there is no need to salt it yet. Place the meat in the refrigerator. Of course, it needs to be covered somehow. Let it marinate in a cool place until the evening, but before going to bed, remove the meat and leave it at room temperature until the morning.

Early in the morning, rub the meat with salt and wrap it in cling film. You can also put it in a baking bag. The purpose of the film is to prevent the product from drying out during prolonged heating. No special sealing is required.

Place the meat packaged in this way into the oven. We set the regulator to the required air temperature in the oven. Let it be 70 degrees if you are cooking for the first time. In the future, as you gain experience, you can, if desired, reduce the temperature - down to 65 degrees (this is the lower limit of the sanitary readiness of pork). Turn on the oven and keep the meat in it for 8 hours. It takes so long to cook because the shank is very large and has a massive bone in it. In addition, we try to soften the veins and ligaments, which are abundant in the knuckle.

It takes a long time to prepare, but it’s simple - set it and forget it. You can do any household chores. The meat will not be overcooked. On the contrary, the longer it languishes in the oven, the better. At the right moment, take out the meat and remove the film. Basically, it's ready.

But you can add one more touch - the touch of an artist. Let's take a brush and grease the shank with some suitable sauce. For example: lingonberries + honey + pepper. Keep the meat in the oven under the top grill until the skin dries out a little and browns. Now the masterpiece is finally ready and you can serve it on the table. However, even here it would be good to pause for about 20 minutes. Gourmets know that this is important.

Like this, in the heat of the moment - all on the table

But even when cold, the shank remained surprisingly juicy and soft.

These nice pieces were cut from the shank the very next day after the feast. Delicious, isn't it? And what a delicate pink color! Marvelous. I often cook ham and have to add nitrite salt to get the red color of the meat. And here - without any chemicals. Just miracles in a sieve...

I really liked this method of cooking meat. Baked pork, ham, shank, ham, neck, suckling pig - now I’ll cook it this way only

P.s. Even meat in the “so-so” category with this cooking method falls into the “finger-licking” category. And if you take meat of the highest quality, then, of course, you won’t be able to find epithets to describe its taste...

This roast beef is so easy to make and so hard to mess up. I highly recommend this roast beef cooking technique for young housewives who are not experienced in working with meat. Thanks to the low baking temperature, the meat turns out very juicy. After all, it is the temperature regime that is of the greatest importance, since under the influence of high temperature the muscle (meat) contracts and becomes tougher, pushes water out of the cells, and accordingly becomes drier, and the higher this temperature, the tougher and drier your meat. And with such, one might say, careful baking, at a not so aggressive temperature, even for several hours, the meat remains fabulously juicy!

Before baking, we fry the meat in a hot frying pan to give a crust and a pleasant aroma of baked meat to our roast, since in the oven, at a relatively low temperature, neither a golden brown crust nor the aroma of baked meat will form on their own. That's why we fry it.

Just don’t believe any myths that when frying meat, you keep the meat juices inside, that during frying the meat forms a crust through which the juices do not flow out. The fact that the meat in the frying pan continues to sizzle even after frying like this is the best proof of what nonsense this is. That hissing is nothing more than meat juices continuing to slowly flow out in contact with hot fat.

6-8 servings


  • 1 whole piece of beef (1.4-1.8 kg), rump, back, etc.
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp granulated garlic
  • 6 tbsp. vegetable oil

1) Wash the meat and dry with a paper towel. Rub with salt, pepper, paprika, garlic and 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

If you wish, tie the meat with kitchen string to help it hold its shape better. (See below for how to do this)

2) Over medium heat, heat a large frying pan (preferably stainless steel or cast iron), add the rest of the vegetable oil and place the meat in the frying pan. Fry for 4 minutes on each side. Do not touch the meat, just turn it every 4 minutes!! A nice crust should form.

3) Preheat the oven to 120˚ C.

4) Transfer the meat to a wire rack inserted into a heatproof dish.

If you don't have one, then place the meat directly at the bottom of a heatproof dish. Insert the meat and bake, turning occasionally, for 3-4 hours, until the temperature inside the meat rises to 60Cᵒ, if using a thermometer, for medium doneness (pink inside), or 70CᵒC, for fully cooked, by world standards, overcooked meat (well done).

5) Remove the meat from the oven.

When was the last time you bought really tasty boiled pork in the store - aromatic, juicy, with a reasonable amount of fat and moderately salty? I never. I'm probably just unlucky.

But even if luck sometimes smiled at me in the store, meat baked at home would still give a hundred points ahead to any factory delicacy. Following just a few simple rules for its preparation guarantees an unsurpassed result, and the desire to buy “something for a sandwich” in the store disappears without a trace.

What should the ideal baked meat look like? Not dry, but not too greasy either. Soft and juicy and at the same time quite dense - there is nothing good when it crumbles under the knife. Not fresh and not over-salted. Absorbs the aroma and taste of the spices and marinade you used. And, finally, beautiful.

What does it take to make the meat perfect? Of course, the quality of the original product plays an important role, but the main thing is the correct use of salt and cooking temperature. You will be surprised, but it is salt that is responsible for the juiciness, consistency and rich taste of the finished product. It is salt that allows absolutely lean meat to remain juicy and allows the marinade to saturate even the largest piece.

Rule one: Before cooking, the meat must be kept in brine. The aqueous salt solution changes the structure of the meat protein and allows the cells to retain water even during cooking, so that the meat remains juicier than simply sprinkled with salt just before baking.

In addition, the meat will be evenly salted, which is undoubtedly tastier than meat that is salty on the outside and bland on the inside, as is usually the case.

The optimal salt concentration is between 3 and 6 percent. That is, for 1 liter of water you need to take from 30 to 60 g of salt. Salting time depends on the size of the piece of meat. If these are small pieces, an hour is enough, and if you are baking a two-kilogram leg of lamb, it is better to salt it overnight, or even for a day.

Rule two: If you use a marinade, which usually differs from a brine only in the presence of acid (for example, vinegar or lemon juice) and fat (for example, vegetable oil), it must be salted. Unsalted marinade only acts on the surface of the meat, that is, it is only suitable for thin pieces. If, for example, a whole pork neck is baked, only a salt solution can deliver the marinade components inside the piece.

Rule three: you need to know at what temperature the meat is ready, but not yet overdried, and remove it from the oven when the temperature in the middle of the piece is 5-7 degrees lower than desired. For example, fully cooked and juicy pork has a temperature of 65 degrees, and at 70 it already becomes dry. To avoid drying it out, you need to stop heating when the thermometer shows a maximum of 60 degrees. Even at room temperature, the meat inside continues to heat up for some time - in 10-15 minutes the internal temperature will reach 65 degrees.

An alternative method is to cook the meat at 65 degrees, so the critical temperature will never be exceeded. It will take a lot of time to prepare, but no control over the process is required at all.

Rule four: After the oven, the meat needs to “rest” for at least 15 minutes. If you cut the piece right away, you will end up with a large puddle of meat juice on the cutting board and dry meat. The fact is that meat fibers tend to shrink from heat, and “rest” gives them the opportunity to straighten out again and successfully retain the meat juice inside.

Rule five: The meat will turn out tastier and more beautiful if, before or after baking, you fry it on all sides over high heat in a frying pan or under the grill.

These rules apply to both hot and cold baked meat dishes. Here are a couple of examples to illustrate.

Leg of lamb with garlic and rosemary 7 hours

The leg of lamb can be baked in two ways: in foil with garlic and herbs or in a cast iron pan in white wine. In both cases, the finished dish simply melts, that is, literally melts without a trace, and with catastrophic speed.

You will need:

  • boneless leg of lamb weighing approximately 1.5 kg
  • 1 liter of water and 50 g of salt
  • a sprig of rosemary and a few sprigs of thyme
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 500 ml dry white wine (optional)

for garnish:

  • 500 g carrots
  • 250 g champignons
  • 30 g butter
  • salt, sugar, white pepper

What to do:

Pork neck for sandwiches

The technology is practically no different from baking a leg of lamb in foil, the only difference is the composition of the brine.

You will need:

  • pork neck weighing about 2 kg
  • 1 liter of water and 50 g of salt (the amount of brine can easily be doubled if it does not completely cover the meat)
  • 3 tablespoons mustard with grains
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp vinegar
  • black pepper and other spices to your taste

What to do:

  1. Stir salt, mustard, honey, vinegar and spices into water. Pour the brine over the meat and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. Remove the meat from the brine and dry with a napkin. Grease with a mixture of mustard and honey, tie with thread into a tight roll. Carefully wrap in several layers of foil and place in an oven preheated to 65 degrees for 7 hours.
  3. Remove the meat from the oven, let it rest for 15 minutes, unwrap it, dry it with a napkin and fry on all sides in a hot frying pan. Let cool completely before cutting.

Recipes and photos by Anna Safronova

I’ve made this pork before, but, as often happens, I didn’t write down the recipe. It seemed that everything was so simple that there was no need to write it down, but no, a couple of years passed and the subtleties were forgotten. I only remembered that it turned out to be a divinely tender and aromatic roast from the cheapest part of the pig.

Addition: Served this pork for breakfast today as a cold cut on a sandwich. It’s hard to say which is tastier, but even when cold, the meat retained the same tenderness and richness of taste with a bright note of fried pork:

I had to re-learn the Internet and my cookbooks. My recipe was sourced from numerous variations. Slow Roasts And Carnitas , but none of them suited me as is, so I had to derive my arithmetic mean recipe again.

But this time, being already a scientist, I will document this recipe right here.

I used one of the cheapest pieces of pork for it - like this:

http ://www. cleanfoodconnection. com/ catalog/ images/ pork%20 shoulder%20 roast%20 boneless. jpg

We call it Boneless Shoulder Roast . My piece weighed a little more than 2.5 kg. First, I salted it well with kosher salt and pepper. Then I thought and was influenced by recipes Carnitas added a glass of fresh orange juice. I thought some more and decided that I would like some piquancy, and maybe even a slightly smoky taste, and added a little Sweet Mesquite Seasoning:

Indeed, these additives suited the taste of the finished meat quite well, but the taste of the pork itself with this method of cooking is already so good that one could have stopped at salt and pepper, as I did last time. Although, however, the orange juice was still in order.

And so, place the pork coated with spices in a large plastic bag or bowl and refrigerate for 1-3 days. It just so happened that I kept it on for exactly half to a day and a half. I wanted to pamper my husband, who returned from Estonia today, so this was what dictated the time for marinating the meat.

Remove the marinated meat from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature. This takes from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the size of the piece. While the meat is heating up, it makes sense to tie it with twine for a neater appearance.

Heat the oven to 300 gr. Fahrenheit (~150 degrees C). Place the prepared meat on a baking sheet lined with foil (easier to wash and collect meat juices) with the fattier side facing up and place in a preheated oven on a wire rack set to the middle position.

And that's really all. Then you can forget about meat for 5 hours. If the piece is smaller than what I had, then 4-4.5 hours may be enough. Having checked the meat after 5 hours, I decided to add another half hour. The goal was to obtain absolutely soft meat that almost disintegrates into fibers. That is, the meat is ready when a large meat fork goes into it very easily.

There are many further options. You can simply serve it immediately hot, pouring juice over it, with a side dish (I served it with fried cabbage, but this is far from the only option). You can cool, cut into small cubes, fry in a frying pan until golden brown and serve with tortillas, salsa and guacamole ( Carnitas ). You can cut into pieces, chop with a fork into fibers ( Shredded Pork ) and eat it on a sandwich with BBQ sauce. You can also use it as a cold cut for sandwiches.

By the way, since the cooking process, although simple, is quite lengthy, it makes sense to cook a large piece at once. If this is too much for your family, then half can be frozen without any loss of taste.

Yes, and one more thing - the juice and fat that leaked out during frying should definitely be used to stew the potatoes, it turns out amazingly tasty.
Next, as always, photos:
Salted and peppered pork:

This is what pork looks like, marinated in the refrigerator for almost two days and prepared for baking:

And here it is ready, rosy and lying in its juice and fat:

Served with fried cabbage and freshly baked rye bread:

And here is the bread itself, but I’ll make a separate post about it someday when I get around to filming the whole process:

Meat baked in the oven as a whole piece is an incredibly tasty dish! There are many different options for preparing it, and each method gives the meat unique shades of taste and aroma. Baking meat takes time, so in most national cuisines, housewives do it for holiday feasts. Hot, freshly prepared meat is simply a masterpiece, but even when cold, this dish is simply beyond competition as a cold appetizer, a component for sandwiches and salads.

MYASNOV offers you several tips and principles, using which you will get a brilliant result: tender, aromatic meat of your favorite degree of roasting with or without a crust.

So, the main conditions for success when roasting meat are:

  • choosing a suitable piece of quality meat,
  • convenient dishes,
  • choosing a temperature and cooking time that is suitable specifically for your piece of meat, taking into account the characteristics of your oven.

Everything else - spices, herbs, marinade, filling, gravy - are matters of personal taste, and we will also briefly talk about these nuances. Experiment with each experience of roasting meat, try something new, write down your observations - and you will discover your favorite combinations!

How to choose meat?

Soft parts of the carcass are suitable for baking in the oven, but not flat ones, and voluminous parts - flat ones are better fried in a frying pan or grill in the form of steaks. Large, soft pieces with little internal fat bake best.

If you prefer beef, for baking in the oven MYASNOV recommends that you choose the meat of young bulls, namely roast beef - the thick edge of the back muscle, located closer to the neck. The meat of young bulls is high-quality beef up to 3 years old. Young bulls' meat is softer and juicier than that of an adult animal, and it cooks faster. And unlike veal, the meat of young bulls has already accumulated all the useful substances necessary for adequate human nutrition.

If you want to bake pork, choose ham fillet. This is his inner, most tender part. It is preferable to use bacon pork - lean, tender meat with a thin layer of pink bacon, which is considered the most valuable.

Are you planning to cook baked lamb? Choose a leg. Thanks to its softness and tenderness, it is simply an ideal cut for baking.

It is important that the selected piece of meat does not contain films, veins, or excess fat (a small amount will not hurt), that is, the meat must be cut conscientiously and with high quality. Otherwise, you will have to do quite complex and painstaking work to prepare the piece for baking.

Culinary cutting of MYASNOV involves professional cutting of the carcass and careful processing of each piece, so neat pieces, cleared of bones, sinews, cartilage and films, arrive on store shelves. All you have to do is choose what you want to cook and strictly follow the recipe.

If you have questions about choosing meat, consult with the seller, pay attention to the information indicated on the price tags and information posters, and you will certainly select the perfect piece for baking!

What kind of dish is best to bake meat in?

Cast iron pans are ideal for this purpose: they are characterized by excellent thermal conductivity and uniform heating. It is advisable that they have a non-stick coating. Try to choose heavy dishes with a thick bottom and sides 3-5 cm high. It is convenient when you have several baking trays of different sizes in order to select the optimal dishes for a specific piece of meat. In a baking tray that is too small, the meat will not fit completely, and the boiling juice will pour out over the edge, and on a huge baking sheet, the juice of a small piece will spread and burn, and a good gravy based on it will no longer be possible.

Preparing meat for roasting

Wash the meat, let the water drain, and dry the meat with paper towels. Rub coarse salt and spices into the surface of the piece, coat it with olive oil. If the meat is lean (for example, beef), it is advisable to add additional fat to it so that the meat remains tender during baking and does not dry out. To do this, create an artificial fat layer by “wrapping” the meat with slices of lard, bacon, or stuffing the meat with pieces of lard.

Dry, lean meat can also be baked in foil, a plastic “sleeve”, dough, grape leaves - that is, in an airtight environment where the piece will “languish” in its own juice. But we will consider in detail the basic version of baking - meat in a baking sheet.

Should you marinate meat before baking? It's a matter of taste. Many people believe that marinating meat is necessary to tenderize it - this is a myth. The meat will be soft if you choose the right piece and maintain the optimal temperature. You should marinate meat if you want to give it a certain taste and aroma. To do this, place the prepared (that is, washed, dried, grated with salt, spices, lard, etc.) meat in a marinade prepared to your taste for about one day (the exact time depends on the recipe). After this, remove the meat from the marinade and bake.

Meat is an excellent material for realizing culinary fantasies! By experimenting with fillings, sauces, marinades, and also combining different types of meat, you can create different rolls and bake them in the oven. To do this, take a piece of meat whose shape allows you to roll it into a roll. Salt, spread one side with mustard or sauce to your taste, lay out the filling (it can be anything - mushrooms, nuts, dried fruits, cheese, cereals, vegetables, herbs), roll it up and tie it with a rope. Further steps are the same as when roasting meat in a piece.

Do you want to cook something like this, but don’t have time for culinary delights? Take advantage of the MYASNOV offer - baked meat with various fillings, for example, marbled beef roll with French mushroom sauce, Italian meat polpettone with ham and cheese, pork and beef roll with spinach and suluguni Rolls are made manually at MYASNOV's own factory from selected raw materials. All you have to do is choose a dish to your taste and bake it in the oven according to the recommendations on our website.

...So, the product is prepared, and we come to the main thing: heat treatment of meat - in our case, this is baking in the oven. The main thing here is to maintain the optimal heating temperature and determine the time required for baking.

Temperature and time

To choose the optimal temperature and baking time, you need to decide what result you want to get: meat with a crispy crust or without a crust, with a tender surface? Depending on this, baking will be either high-temperature and relatively fast, or low-temperature and, accordingly, longer.

High temperature method

In this case, the meat is placed in an oven preheated to 210-230 °C and cooked for 10-30 minutes (depending on the size of the piece) until a characteristic crust appears, which “seals” the meat juices inside the piece and gives a delicious taste to the dish. The exact temperature also depends on the size of the meat. If you are cooking a piece weighing up to 1 kg and with little external fat, preheat the oven to 210 °C. For cuts weighing more than 1 kg, you need to preheat the oven to 220-230 °C.

After 10-30 minutes, you need to reduce the oven temperature to 160-170 °C. To cool the oven faster, open the door for 30-60 seconds. The time for simmering meat at this temperature may vary depending on the size of the piece and what degree of doneness you want to achieve.

At a temperature of 160-170 °C for a piece of meat weighing less than 5 kg for every 500 g you will need:

For meat weighing more than 5 kg for every 500 g at a temperature of 160-170 °C you will need:

fully cookedmedium done"with blood"*
Meat of young bulls
20 minutes15 minutes10 minutes
Lamb MYASNOV20 minutes15 minutes10 minutes
Bacon pork
25 - 30 minutesIt is forbidden!It is forbidden!

* The degree of doneness “rare” does not mean that the meat contains blood. There is almost no blood in cut meat, there is only juice, the red color of which is given by the protein myoglobin. Only 2 types of meat can be undercooked, that is, consumed “rarely”, beef and lamb. Pork and veal must be cooked completely.

In addition to the data from the tables above, it is necessary to take into account several more factors that affect the cooking time of meat in the oven:

If you know that your oven does not warm up to the required temperature, but you want to get meat with a crust, you can do the following. Before putting the meat in the oven, you need to fry it in a very hot frying pan until evenly golden and crispy. To do this, take a frying pan of a suitable size and heat the fat in it - vegetable or butter or melted pieces of lard. When the fat in the pan begins to sizzle, place the meat, dried with a paper towel, in the pan and fry it on all sides over high heat for 2 minutes on each side. After this, place the meat in the oven and cook until cooked at a temperature of about 160 °C.

Low temperature method

Many people believe that meat cooked at lower temperatures is much juicier. If you want tender, melt-in-your-mouth crustless meat, choose the low-temperature method. In this case, the meat should be baked at a temperature from 120 to 160 °C (lower than 120 °C is possible, but not every oven supports this temperature). The lower the oven temperature, the longer the meat should bake. It is impossible to indicate the exact time here, but you can use one of the suggested methods for checking the readiness of meat.

How to check the doneness of meat

The most accurate way to check readiness is to measure the internal temperature of the meat with a special cooking thermometer.

The internal temperature at various stages of cooking is as follows:

Keep in mind that even after the oven is turned off, the temperature inside the meat will continue to rise. Therefore, turn off the oven when there are a few °C left before the desired temperature inside the meat is reached. If you want the piece to reach 71°C, turn the oven down to 65°C.

If you don't have a food thermometer, use the following method: pierce the meat in several places with a knife or culinary needle. The readiness of a dish can be determined by the color of the juice that flows out of the meat when cut. If the juice released is cloudy or reddish, the meat is still raw. If the juice is clear, the meat is well cooked. Do not pierce the meat often, otherwise it will lose all its juices, which will have a bad effect on its taste.

Finishing touches

After you take the meat out of the oven, let it rest: place it on a preheated plate (you can do this by running it in hot water and wiping it dry), cover with foil and place in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the meat will continue to cook due to residual heat, and the juices will be evenly distributed throughout the piece.

And from the meat juice and fat remaining on the baking sheet, you can make a delicious gravy. Add a little wine, water or broth to the pan and place on low heat on the stove or in the oven at 180°Cx. Wait for the liquid in the pan to boil and add 1 teaspoon of flour: scatter it evenly, stir with a spatula and cook to the desired consistency. You can add vegetables and herbs to the gravy to suit your taste - onions, garlic, carrots, thyme, rosemary... In this case, it is better that the vegetables are baked together with the meat, and when preparing the gravy they can be gently mashed with a spatula. Before serving the meat, strain the gravy through a sieve into a small saucepan and cook for a few minutes.

Important nuances

When roasting meat, especially if you are using a high-temperature method, it is important to be sure that your oven maintains the required temperature and is not “cheating” on you. If possible, use a special thermometer to check the temperature in the oven. In this case, it may turn out that in order to achieve the optimal 220 °C, the oven regulator must be set to 210 or 230 °C.

  • Never put meat in an oven that is not heated to the required temperature - all the juice will leak out of it.
  • If during baking you feel like the crust on the meat is about to burn, cover the meat with a sheet of foil.
  • There are several classic meat and spice combinations that you can use to achieve brilliant results: