PP recipe from fermented baked milk. What can you cook from fermented baked milk? What to cook from sour fermented baked milk

Want to make a delicious dessert with frozen berries? I have an excellent solution to the issue. How do you like baking, for which you don’t need to buy a lot of products and sacrifice your free time?

I mean a treat in the form of an airy cake made from dough made with fermented baked milk, yogurt or any other fermented milk drink. The delicacy will be ready in one hour, I promise.

½ pack of chilled butter (100 g); 2.5 cups white flour; 3 eggs; a glass of fermented baked milk; a teaspoon of baking powder; large dining room - refined, odorless vegetable oil; one and a half glasses of granulated sugar; a glass of quick-frozen currants or any other berry, but only without seeds

Prepare baked goods using fermented baked milk according to the following scheme:

  1. First, beat the eggs with a whisk, without being too zealous, there is no need to achieve foam formation.
  2. Grate the butter into a bowl.
  3. Add a glass of fermented baked milk; if it has been in the refrigerator for a long time, don’t worry. You are unlikely to drink it, but baked goods based on it will be especially airy.
  4. Sift the flour and mix with baking soda; there is no need to quench it with vinegar, since the dough contains slightly sour fermented baked milk and berries.
  5. Stir the dough to a homogeneous consistency, add berries mixed with a small amount of flour. I’ll make a reservation that you don’t need to defrost the berries for the fermented baked milk dough.
  6. Now it’s the turn of sugar, pour it into a bowl, mix the mixture and pour it into a mold (grease it with vegetable oil or cover it with special paper, so the baked goods will easily come away from the walls).
  7. You will notice bubbles on the surface of the cake. This indicates that the reaction of soda and fermented baked milk has already occurred, which means that the baked goods will turn out airy.
  8. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and leave the cake for one hour. After 45-50 minutes, check the readiness of the dessert with a wooden skewer. If it turns out to be dry, the baked goods are ready and should be removed from the oven.
  9. After partial cooling, remove the cake from the fermented baked milk dough onto a plate and serve.
    As you correctly noted, we put the berries in the dough without defrosting them in advance. This is intentional to prevent the baked goods from being soggy.
  10. The trick is that frozen currants release almost no juice when heated strongly, and our cake will not suffer from excess moisture.

Another tip: Do not mix fresh berries with the total mass, but scatter them over the dough, placing them between layers of semolina.

Baking can be made from:

3 cups flour; 75 g butter; 180 ml yogurt without additives; 1 egg; 10 g baking powder; half a teaspoon of salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Start preparing the cookies by sifting the flour and mixing it with baking powder and salt. Then:

  1. Add cooled cubed butter.
  2. Chop the mixture with a knife until buttery crumbs form.
  3. Pour in the yogurt and quickly knead the dough.
  4. Roll out a layer of medium thickness with a rolling pin and cut out cookies using cookie cutters. Brush the top of the pastry with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar, then place on a baking sheet.
  5. The baked goods will spend 15 minutes in the oven if you preheat it to 170 degrees.

To prepare tea treats take:

a glass of flour with a small slide; 200 ml natural yogurt; 100 g sugar; 1 egg; 2/3 cup refined odorless oil; a teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and vanilla sugar; 2 bananas.

Baking is done in compliance with the technological process:

  1. Sift the flour and mix with granulated sugar, vanilla and cinnamon.
  2. Whisk liquid ingredients, including mashed bananas.
  3. Combine both masses in one bowl, then fill the muffin tins, not reaching 1/3 of the edges.
  4. Bake the dessert for 30 minutes in the oven, where the temperature has reached 180 degrees.

Take: 1 egg; a large spoon of fine-grained sugar; a glass of yogurt and 2 glasses of flour; a pinch of salt; a teaspoon of baking soda.
For frying: sunflower oil.

  1. Mix the liquid ingredients of the dough first.
  2. Add sugar, soda and salt combined with sifted flour. Beat everything well with a whisk.
  3. Spoon the pancakes onto the hot oil and fry on both sides.
  4. Serve pastries with sour cream or jam.

Housewives often end up with food that is past its expiration date in the refrigerator. If this happened with fermented baked milk, then it can be used to prepare many delicious dishes. If you add expired fermented baked milk for baking, then during heat treatment it will lose its harmful properties, but the dough will be fluffy and tasty, as when using any fermented milk products.

British buns

You can make traditional British scones yourself. These are savory buns that are perfect for any meal. Serve them instead of bread, make a regular or hot sandwich, spread them with butter or jam - this is an almost universal pastry. And it's very easy to prepare.

For one and a half cups of expired fermented baked milk you will need 3.5 cups of self-raising flour, two spoons, 50 g of softened butter (margarine will do, but buns will taste better with butter), salt to taste. Sift the entire amount of flour through a sieve, add salt and mix. Grind softened margarine or butter with flour - you will get butter crumbs. Collect it into a slide and make a depression in the center. Pour in the expired fermented baked milk and knead the dough. It should be elastic and uniform to form buns. This volume of products yields 15-16 buns. Divide the dough into equal parts and form into balls. Place them on a baking sheet, taking into account that the dough will rise. The oven must be preheated to 220°C. Bake the scones for no more than 17 minutes, until a golden crust appears on top.


For half a liter of expired fermented baked milk, take two small eggs and 650 g of flour. Take a little baking soda into a teaspoon and quench it with vinegar. Add to . Add salt and granulated sugar to taste. Knead the dough from these products; it will be thicker than for pancakes. Preheat the frying pan and grease it with oil. Spoon the dough out with a tablespoon and bake the pancakes on both sides.

Fluffy pancakes

For a glass of expired fermented baked milk you will need a glass of flour, an egg, two spoons of melted margarine, two spoons of sugar, soda, baking powder, vanillin. To prepare the dough, separately mix fermented baked milk with egg, vanilla and melted butter.

Sift the flour into a separate bowl and add all other bulk products, that is, salt, granulated sugar, soda and baking powder. Pour the liquid mixture into the container with flour and stir. The dough does not need to be kneaded until smooth, otherwise the pancakes will not turn out fluffy. And the lumps will subsequently dissolve. The dough should rest for at least 20 minutes. Heat a frying pan and lightly grease it with oil. Bake the pancakes on both sides.

Ryazhenka cottage cheese

You can make delicious cottage cheese from any expired fermented milk, including fermented baked milk. Just put the spoiled fermented baked milk in the freezer and wait until it is completely frozen. After this, place the frozen product in cheesecloth and leave to drain for several hours. The result is delicious, non-acidic cottage cheese, which can be used for baking or eaten in its pure form.


For a glass of expired fermented baked milk you will need a glass of semolina, a glass of sugar, a glass of flour, four eggs, a pack of margarine or butter, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, a pinch of salt. It will take quite a long time to prepare the cookies. You need to mix fermented baked milk with semolina and leave for five hours to swell. The dough should stand at room temperature.

Mix eggs with granulated sugar and grind until white. Add this mass to the semolina, and add all the other ingredients there. The butter must first be softened. Knead the dough, it should be quite dense. Roll out a piece of dough into a thin layer, now you can cut out the cookies. It can be of any shape - use special molds or a regular glass. Place the cookies on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with parchment paper. Bake until done.

In any of these recipes you can use not only expired fermented baked milk, but also any other fermented milk product. The taste of the baked goods will be slightly different, but it will still be tasty and satisfying. By the way, it is not necessary to take spoiled fermented baked milk. The fresh product is also quite suitable for cooking.

I really love sour cream. These sweet, soft donuts. Ummm...

Recently I really wanted to eat them. Running to the store is not an option. The weather is not kind: slush, rain mixed with sleet. You need to cook it yourself.

I reached into the refrigerator for sour cream, but found only the remains of fermented baked milk there. A nervous laugh escaped me. Why?

Girls, I have a real problem with this fermented baked milk. Let me start by saying that I actually don’t like dairy products. What I haven’t tried already. Yogurts, curds, kefir, curdled milk... Doesn't work.

The only thing I willingly drink is fermented baked milk. And that's not all. I tried a bunch of companies and found the most delicious one. Tasty for me. I started to take it, and so what? I once bought this fermented baked milk, but it was 3 days old. Only a slight sourness appeared in it, but it also discouraged me from drinking this dairy product.

Then I began to carefully look at the dates. Ryazhenka is 1-2 days old? I'll take it! More? No, sorry.

Does everything seem to be in order now? But no, there’s still a problem with the volume. Packages of less than 0.5 liters are not made. And I don't drink that much. Maximum - 0.3 l.

The next day, sourness appears in the remains of fermented baked milk. I can’t bring myself to throw away this drink. So I have to make something out of it every time.

Usually these are pancakes. But this time I decided to make sour cream. Oh, or the mummers? In general, delicious crumpets.

So, I needed the following products:

1 glass of fermented baked milk

1 packet of baking powder

2 packets of vanilla sugar

3 tbsp. l. Sahara

4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

2 tbsp. flour (approximate amount, depends on the moisture content of the flour and the thickness of the fermented baked milk)

By the way, my daughter has a sweet tooth. This amount of sugar was not enough for her. So if you like sweet baked goods, add more sugar.

I cracked the egg into a bowl and stirred it a little with a fork. I poured out the fermented baked milk and stirred it. Added sugar ( regular and vanilla), baking powder and vegetable oil - mixed.

I started adding flour little by little. Why little by little? Firstly, so that there are no lumps, and secondly, to control the amount of flour. The dough should be firm, but not rock hard.

I greased the cutting board with vegetable oil, laid out the dough and rolled it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1 cm. I cut out circles with a glass.

I also greased the cups and rolling pin with vegetable oil - then the dough does not stick to them.

I greased a baking tray with oil and placed these circles on it.

Don't forgetbLeave 3-4 cm gaps between them, otherwise during baking they will increase in size and risk sticking together into one mass.

I put it in the oven for about 20 minutes. The circles rose and browned...

That's all - the round crumpets are ready. They tasted just right to me - not cloying, but slightly sweet.

What else is good. The fat content of fermented baked milk is much less than the fat content of sour cream. So this baking turned out to be more dietary.

Yes Yes! I really felt that the more I ate diet crumpets, the more weight I lost. To be sure to lose weight, I ate as many as 7 pieces.

What to cook from fermented baked milk? Berry muffins, fluffy manna, custard pancakes, universal sauce, jelly for dessert. Take note of useful and unusual recipes.

Ryazhenka is a fermented milk product loved by many. We have become accustomed to it since childhood. But most often it is consumed simply in its finished form, without even thinking about what to cook from fermented baked milk. But there are many different recipes. In this article you can get acquainted with some of them. Take note and try to make your dishes sparkle with new colors.

Berry muffins with fermented baked milk

Ryazhenka muffins are very easy to prepare. For this baking you will need one glass of fermented baked milk, two chicken eggs, 100 grams of sugar, 50-60 grams of butter, one glass of flour, a teaspoon of soda, a pinch of salt. Berries can be used at your discretion. For example, currants, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, etc. First you need to beat sugar and eggs. Then add fermented baked milk, melted, slightly cooled butter, flour, soda, and salt one by one. Mix all components thoroughly until smooth. The dough is ready. Add the selected berries to it and mix. Now you need to pour the resulting mass into molds. Fill the molds a little more than halfway, as the dough will rise during baking. Place the muffins in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. The temperature must be set to 200 degrees.
Advice. To make the dish look even more appetizing, you can serve it with a sprinkle of powdered sugar. Or you can prepare the glaze separately and pour it over the finished muffins.

Lush manna on fermented baked milk in the oven

To please your family or friends, prepare lush manna with fermented baked milk in the oven. The set of ingredients is small and can be found at home in almost every housewife. It turns out very tasty baked goods. This dessert will sell with a bang.
So, for preparation you will need:
  • ½ liter of fermented baked milk
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar
  • 200 grams of semolina
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 packet of vanillin
First you need to mix all the dry ingredients together: semolina, sugar, baking powder, vanillin. Then gradually pour fermented baked milk into the resulting mixture, stirring constantly. The result should be a dough of uniform consistency. Pour it into the mold, put it in the oven, heated to 180-190 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
Advice. To check whether the semolina is ready or not, you can pierce it with a toothpick. If the dough does not stick, the baking is ready.

Custard pancakes

Custard pancakes with fermented baked milk are an excellent recipe. It may be a little unconventional, but such pancakes will not leave anyone indifferent. They turn out thin and delicate. You just want to eat them straight from the frying pan.
So, for preparation you will need the following components:
  • 250 grams of fermented baked milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • a glass of flour (about 250 grams)
  • 250 ml boiling water
  • half a teaspoon of soda
  • a pinch of salt
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil (for dough)
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (to grease the pan)
  • 50 grams butter (for greasing pancakes)
The dough prepares very quickly, so it is better to prepare the ingredients in advance. Beat eggs with sugar. Mix fermented baked milk with soda. Combine eggs with sugar and fermented baked milk with soda, mix thoroughly. Gradually add salt and flour, stirring constantly to avoid the formation of lumps. Then add vegetable oil and mix. And at the very end, add boiling water, stirring constantly. Next, all that remains is to fry the pancakes. They are fried on both sides until golden brown in a well-heated frying pan, lightly greased with oil. Each pancake needs to be greased with butter. You can serve with sour cream, jam, condensed milk or honey.

Universal ryazhenka sauce

Ryazhenka sauce can be a great addition to your favorite dishes. It is very easy to prepare. To create it, you need to take a container and pour one glass of fermented baked milk into it. Then dissolve a small amount of citric acid in one teaspoon of water and pour it into the fermented baked milk. Add salt and mustard to the mixture to taste, mix everything thoroughly. Cool, then serve.

Ryazhenka dough for pies

Ryazhenka dough for pies is very easy to prepare and does not require any unusual ingredients. All we need is 200 milliliters of fermented baked milk, 100 grams of granulated sugar, 2 eggs, 50 grams of butter, 600 grams of flour, one and a half teaspoons of dry yeast.
Cooking method.
  • Add sugar and yeast to the warm fermented baked milk and mix. Leave until bubbles appear
  • Add soft butter and eggs to the mixture. Mix to obtain a homogeneous mass
  • Gradually add flour. Knead the dough
  • Leave for two hours for the dough to rise
The dough is ready. While the dough is rising, you can prepare your favorite filling, and then sculpt and fry the pies.

Lazy oatmeal with fermented baked milk

Lazy oatmeal with fermented baked milk is a very tasty, healthy, and also dietary dish. It is rich in fiber and helps remove toxins from the body. The basis of this dish is oatmeal and fermented baked milk. For one serving you will need 3-4 tablespoons of cereal and 200-250 ml of fermented baked milk. Pour oatmeal into a container (you can use a jar). Then you need to fill it with fermented baked milk. Add the resulting mixture with additives, mix thoroughly and refrigerate for several hours (preferably overnight).
As additives, you can use whatever you like best.
It can be:
  • dried fruits such as dried apricots, prunes, raisins
  • fresh fruits, e.g. bananas, tangerines, apples
  • berries such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries
  • variety of nuts
  • chocolate, etc.
Use all sorts of combinations to make this dish play with new colors and flavors every time.

Dessert jelly from fermented baked milk

Ryazhenka jelly is a light and delicate dessert. It can be prepared with the addition of fruits or berries. To prepare you will need half a liter of fermented baked milk, 100 grams of sugar, 50 ml of water, 20 grams of gelatin, berries or fruits as desired. So, first you need to dissolve gelatin in water and leave for 20 minutes. Mix fermented baked milk with sugar, wait until the sugar dissolves. Then add berries or fruits. You can use frozen ones. Heat water with gelatin on the stove until completely dissolved and transformed into a homogeneous mass. Then add to the mixture, mix, pour into molds. Place in the refrigerator to set for several hours.

Flatbread with fermented baked milk at home: video

The following video provides a detailed recipe for flatbreads made with fermented baked milk, which is easy to prepare. Take note.

Often you want to please your family with some unusual, tasty and at the same time affordable, easy-to-make dish. It is useful for every housewife to have a recipe for a treat that will be appropriate both in the evening for a family tea party and for a holiday table.

If a package of fermented baked milk has been left in the refrigerator longer than usual, it can be put to good use for making amazing muffins. The most delicate pastries will delight children who ask for something tasty, and unexpected guests will certainly appreciate the culinary talents of the hostess.

Distinguished by their special taste, fermented baked milk muffins are baked from the most familiar ingredients, from which, it would seem, everything possible has already been prepared. And be sure to check out the recipe for sauteed eggplant.

Ryazhenka cake recipe - ingredients

  • 1 cup semolina;
  • 1 glass of fermented baked milk;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1.5 cups wheat flour;
  • 125 g margarine;
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (or baking powder);
  • 1 packet of vanilla.

Ryazhenka cupcake - preparation

  • Mix fermented baked milk of any fat content with semolina.

Note: For traditional muffins, various fermented milk products (kefir, sour milk, bifidok, etc.) are most often used. But fermented baked milk gives baked goods a surprisingly subtle, delicate caramel-milk aroma and taste. Try it somehow to replace kefir in a familiar recipe and see how pleasantly the taste qualities of a familiar dish will be revealed.

Note: When baking using fermented milk products, it is not necessary to quench the baking soda with vinegar. It reacts properly with the acidic environment, forming a porous base, and the cupcakes turn out fluffy.

Note: Some housewives prefer to use butter. However, the alternative solution makes the dough heavier due to its higher fat content. To make the muffins airy, it is better to purchase special margarine for baking..

Note: If desired, add raisins, nuts, poppy seeds, chocolate chips, cocoa, candied fruits or any berries to the muffins.