Blue plum jam. How to make plum jam? Thick jam recipe

1. To prepare the jam, take plums, wash them, remove the seeds and tails. It doesn’t matter if some fruits are overripe and overly soft, while others are dense. Subsequent thermal and mechanical treatment will eliminate these differences.

2. Place the plums in a saucepan and add water - this will help the skins not to burn until the stone fruits warm up and release their juice.

3. Place on the fire, watch and stir occasionally. Cook over medium heat for about 15–20 minutes. It turns out to be a kind of plum porridge: the ripest fruits have boiled and fallen apart, those that were harder are held in halves. If you think that the mass is too watery, you can simmer it on the fire for another 10 minutes and let the liquid evaporate.

4. Using an immersion blender, puree the plums, turning them into a homogeneous mass. Personally, I like to leave visible pieces of skin, I think it adds a special flavor to homemade jam.

5. And only now we introduce sugar. Introduced at this stage, it will not add the smell and taste of burnt caramel to the plums and will not turn the color of the jam into brown-brown. Return the pan to the heat, bring the jam to a boil and simmer, boiling, for the next 20–25 minutes.

6. Pour the finished plum jam into sterile jars, seal and wrap with a warm blanket until it cools completely.

7. If you want to enjoy your creation sooner, then this jam can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time, ready to please your taste buds at any time.

Plum is a fruit with delicate pulp, aromatic and tasty. No wonder adults and children eat it with pleasure, and housewives prepare a variety of desserts. Particularly popular are jams made from plums, which do not require long cooking, can be made from various ingredients and can be used both directly as food and as a filling for baked goods. How to prepare a delicate plum delicacy that preserves the natural sweetness of the fruit with sourness?

To make the product tasty and acquire the desired consistency, it is worth considering some features:

  • it is important to adhere to the temperature regime, monitor the cooking process and time - the jam may overcook or burn;
  • the most delicious jam is obtained from ripe, large fruits, without rot or damage;
  • for cooking, you can use copper, aluminum or enamel dishes, wide, with low walls, but a thick-walled cauldron is better;
  • The most uniform consistency of plum jam can be achieved when using an immersion blender.

About 1 kg of jam comes out of 1 kg of fruit.

Preparation of plums

Before cooking, the fruits must be sorted, removing spoiled plums, rinsed under running water, and the stalks removed.

Since jam is most often made from seedless fruits, they must be removed.

This is most difficult to do if we are talking about white plums; you will have to tinker with them, since the seeds sit very tightly in the pulp.

As for the taste, plums are usually sweet and sour. But during cooking, the skin of yellow fruits gives the dish a slight bitterness, and to prevent this from happening, you can peel the plums.

Recipes for making plum jam at home

There are many options for making plum jam - from simple to complex, multi-component ones. Therefore, you can choose the one you like best.

A simple recipe for the winter

You can quickly make preparations for the winter using the following recipe. To do this you will need:

  • plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • hot boiled water - 100 ml;
  • cinnamon powder - 5 g.

Cooking process step by step:

  1. washed seedless fruits are poured with boiling water and placed on the stove;
  2. after boiling, the heat is reduced to minimum, and the mass is cooked for 20 minutes;
  3. after the time has passed, the container should be removed from the stove and the boiled fruits should be left to cool;
  4. plums must be pureed - passed through a sieve or crushed in a blender;
  5. the puree is covered with granulated sugar, added and boiled on the stove until cooked (if a drop of jam does not spread, it means it is ready);
  6. pour it hot and immediately roll it up.

"Five Minute"

If you need to quickly prepare plum jam, you can do it according to this recipe. It will require:

  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • water - 50 ml.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Place the plum halves in a saucepan, add water and sugar;
  2. the container is placed on the stove at a high temperature;
  3. when boiling, the temperature drops to a minimum, and the fruits are cooked for 5-7 minutes;
  4. the mass is cooled and pureed with a blender (can be passed through a meat grinder or sieve);
  5. the plum mass is boiled over medium or low heat (1-2 minutes is enough for liquid jam, 10-15 minutes for thicker jam);
  6. The boiling mass is poured into jars and rolled up.

In a slow cooker

This multifunctional appliance is suitable for preparing various dishes, including plum jam.

In this case, the housewife needs to do practically nothing after preparing the ingredients.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - half a stick.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. half plums are placed in a bowl, the “Stew” mode is set, cooking time is 15 minutes;
  2. stewed fruits should be pureed - with a blender or using a sieve;
  3. the mass is returned to the multicooker, all other ingredients are added;
  4. the “Quenching” mode is turned on for another 15 minutes;
  5. After cooking, the jam should be mixed and distributed into containers.

In the oven

Experienced chefs say that the most delicious dishes are obtained when cooked in the oven. You can also cook plum jam in it - thick, aromatic, with a rich taste. It will require:

  • plums - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • vanilla - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Place halves or pieces of plums in a pan, the bottom of which has been previously sprinkled with water;
  2. add sugar and put on low heat until it boils;
  3. remove the container from the heat, cover with a lid or foil and place in the oven;
  4. Cooking time depends on the desired consistency of the dessert and can vary from 2 to 6 hours.


A tasty and satisfying plum jam is made using this recipe. It should be cooked in stages, gradually increasing the time, thanks to which it acquires the desired thickness and richness.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g.

The dessert is prepared as follows:

  1. halves or pieces of plums are turned into puree (use any suitable kitchen appliance);
  2. the puree is covered with granulated sugar and left alone for an hour and a half;
  3. the plum mass is placed on the stove and simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour;
  4. it is removed from the heat and cools, and then cooked for another 20 minutes;
  5. after cooling, the last stage follows - half-an-hour cooking at low temperature;
  6. Delicious plum jam is ready.

With bones

Usually, seedless fruits are used for sweet plum preparations, but for some recipes they are necessary, as they add the necessary tartness and taste. For plum jam with pits you will need:

  • plums - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • vanilla - optional;
  • bones.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. the pitted fruits are placed in a bowl, covered with sugar and simmered over low heat until boiling;
  2. washed and dried seeds and vanilla are added to the mass, the container is covered and infused for 10-15 minutes;
  3. cover the pan with foil and put it in the oven for a couple of hours; if it is not thick enough, you can leave it in the oven for another hour and a half;
  4. The jam can be taken out and placed in containers.


Using this recipe, you can quickly prepare a dessert, but you can only store it in the refrigerator. The following components will be required:

  • plums - 2 kg;
  • pectin - 30 g;
  • sugar - 2 dec. l.;
  • water - 1/2 tbsp.

Cooking algorithm:

  • Pitted plums are stewed over low heat until softened;
  • then pureed - with a sieve or blender;
  • the puree is put on the stove until it boils, and pectin, ground with sugar, is added to the mass;
  • After boiling, the jam is cooked for 5 minutes and poured hot into jars.

Storing plum jam

If plum jam is well cooked and contains enough sugar, then it can be stored without pasteurization, even if it is placed in non-airtight packaging.

This is my first jam. Before this, I made apple marmalade with great success. But it's actually very simple. But the plum jam... It seemed to me that this was a completely different story. And I put it off. One year passed, then another... And I still continued to doubt that so easily, at home, it would be possible to cook exactly the same jam as I remember it from childhood. Thick, thick, with bright color and unique taste. And only the appearance in the house of a hefty bag of late autumn plums “freed” my hands. “Even if I spoil a couple of kilos, then nothing bad will happen,” I thought, but I still decided to start practicing on smaller portions, and if everything works out, then prepare a row of jars of plum jam for the winter.


  • 1300 g sweet plums with pits (from which 900 g puree is obtained)
  • Zhelfix 2:1 sachet (yellow sachet)
  • 450 g sugar +2 tbsp. spoons

Making plum jam for the winter

My plums are ripe, ripe, sweet, sweet, so I use a minimum of sugar. I can decide on the exact quantity when I puree the plums. Minimum ratio: 2 to 1. If you take even less, the jam will not harden. And this happens due to the reaction of pectin with acid and sugar. Plums contain a lot of pectin, but not enough to make jam without long boiling. So we will use the Zhelfix gelling additive. It is now sold everywhere. Or on the shelves you can find other gelling additives for preserves, jams or marmalade. To take the quantity you need, see the instructions. It usually indicates how much raw material one bag is enough for.

I didn’t process the plums in any way before stewing - after all, they would burst anyway, and the seeds would remain in the sieve when I pureed them. I didn't add water. Plums immediately release a lot of juice, so they don’t burn. But if you are not sure about your plums, then add two to three tablespoons of water. Simmer the plums, stirring, until they become soft and burst.

Transfer them to a fine mesh sieve. Scroll through the plum porridge with a spoon and get this puree. Bones, peels and strange hard fibers remain in the sieve.

As you can see, the puree is still opaque and does not look very appetizing. I got exactly 900 g of puree (I remind you that the drain was 1 kg 300 g). So I measured out 450 g of sugar. Mix the puree with sugar and bring to a boil. Mix gelfix with 2 tablespoons of sugar. This is necessary so that it spreads evenly in the jam and does not stick together in a lump.

Mix vigorously. Bring to a boil and cook for another three minutes.

That's all. The color of this plum jam exceeded all my expectations. How bright, rich and thick. It's a simple miracle. While I was pouring the jam into jars, it was still liquid.

But as soon as it cooled, the mass turned out exactly as I wanted - thick. Can be spread on sandwiches. And, of course, bake a butter pie. What I will definitely do in my free time. Luckily I have a wonderful dough recipe.

Bon appetit!

It turns out that jam made from boiled plums retains all the beneficial substances and vitamins just like fresh fruits. Fresh cream from the garden is difficult to preserve unless frozen whole, so jam is an ideal option. After all, what could be more pleasant - opening a jar of such a dessert in addition to strong tea in the cold winter.

To ensure that the cooking process is not so long, ripe sweet plums are selected. Often these fruits have fleshy and juicy flesh. It is also acceptable to use crumpled or burst cream.

If you want to saturate the jam with vitamin A, then it is best to use yellow cream. Blue fruits are rich in vitamin P. The variety is not important, the main thing is that the plum pulp is sweet, juicy and soft - these are the basic requirements.

It’s worth knowing: to achieve sourness, housewives add citric acid to the jam.

Preparation of plums

The color of the plums is not important - in addition to blue ones, you can use white or yellow ones for making jam. An obligatory step is to clean the drains from dirt and dust. Then you can remove the seeds from them or leave the fruits whole. They are boiled to a thick puree with the addition of granulated sugar. Due to the high content of pectin, plums have a gelling property - this helps the jam thicken.

Recipes for making plum jam at home

A few simple options will help you prepare a delicious treat even for those who are doing it for the first time. Experienced housewives will be able to learn some valuable tips and unusual new ways to cook plums.

For each jam preparation option, the amount of sugar and plums will be the same. The proportions for all recipes will be as follows: for 1 kilogram of plums of any color and variety, 800 grams of granulated sugar. Only the cooking methods and additional ingredients will differ.

A simple recipe for the winter

This aromatic and juicy delicacy is prepared quickly; it will only take a couple of hours.

It is advisable to include 200 milliliters of water in the list of necessary products.

Preparation of plum jam step by step:

  1. In a thick-walled saucepan, mix sugar and water and heat the liquid.
  2. Sort the plums and remove the pits. Add to boiling water and cook for half an hour.
  3. Boiled fruits in sugar can be ground through a meat grinder or using a hand blender.
  4. Pour the puree into the pan and boil again, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour into prepared jars. Roll up.

"Five Minute"

It turns out that in 5 minutes you can make a full-fledged tasty jam! The recipe is no different from more scrupulous and lengthy cooking methods. In addition to the main ingredients, the recipe requires one glass of water.


  1. Plums must be prepared in advance - they should not have seeds.
  2. Pour the fruits into an aluminum bowl and sprinkle them with sugar. For faster cooking, you can mash them with a masher.
  3. Place on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. The finished treat can be further ground in a blender or sent directly into sterile jars.

In a slow cooker

If you don’t have time to stand at the stove, you can make jam in a slow cooker. For this recipe you don’t need to do anything, just prepare the fruit, sugar, two cinnamon sticks and a glass of water.

  1. Place the cream halves in a multi-cooker bowl and sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Set the “Extinguishing” mode. Usually it lasts half an hour.
  3. Open the lid of the bowl to allow steam to escape, add cinnamon to the plums. Simmer them for 5 minutes.
  4. Then the fruits can be crushed into a puree or poured into jars directly from the slow cooker.

In the oven

An interesting way of cooking that will appeal to many. After all, if you cook plums in the oven, they will have a dense and viscous consistency. Sugar syrup will bind the fruits together, resulting in a delicious jam. As additional products, you can add the juice of one lemon, one cinnamon stick and two star anise.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the prepared pitted plum halves into a heat-resistant container.
  2. Mix sugar, lemon juice and spices together. Season the plums with this syrup.
  3. The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees. Place the form with fruit in it for 20 minutes.
  4. Then the temperature should be lowered to 150 degrees and the jam should be cooked for 60 minutes.
  5. The finished product can be crushed to a mushy state with a blender or rolled directly into jars.


The jam tastes perfect if there are no seeds in it. It is with this method of preparation that a homogeneous soft mass is obtained that you can eat and not be afraid of accidentally choking.

With bones

This method is similar to the “Seedless” recipe, the only thing is that the fruits must remain whole. The amount of ingredients is the same, but during cooking you can add 1 glass of water to prevent the jam from burning. Boiled plums in sugar syrup will give a thick consistency. The seeds give the jam a slightly spicy taste - this is the advantage of this method. This delicacy will receive positive reviews among real gourmets.


An ideal recipe for those who keep their figure in shape, for diabetics or simply for those who adhere to proper nutrition. For this recipe you only need one product - ripe juicy plums.

Cooking method:

  1. It is advisable to remove seeds from the fruits. Place them in a deep saucepan and put on fire.
  2. Cook the cream over low heat for 1.5 hours, stirring frequently with a wooden spatula.
  3. Remove the jam from the heat and let it sit for one night. Then boil again and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Distribute thick jam into jars and roll up.

Storing plum jam

If the jam was sealed in sterile jars, then its shelf life is 2 years. It will be stored in a metal container for 1 year.

Plums are Queen Elizabeth II’s favorite fruit; she starts her day with them. These “gifts of summer” are included in sauces, puddings, and baked meats. Nutritionists and oncologists are unanimous: plum jam improves intestinal function, prevents cancer and... improves mood. All you have to do is remember your childhood favorite pies with delicious filling. But not everyone can prepare it the way they do it in production conditions.

Plum jam is better than marmalade for the winter


Plum 1 kg

  • Number of servings: 3
  • Cooking time: 80 minutes

Simple plum jam

The main tricks of homemade production:

  • The fruits are used when they are ripe, soft, but not spoiled (wormy and crushed fruits are removed immediately).
  • They don’t skimp on time - it won’t be possible to cook quickly (sometimes they boil it in 2-3 stages), but the result will please you.
  • Cook the jam, stirring it frequently on the bottom to prevent it from burning (the fried taste will ruin the entire product).

A properly prepared delicacy is combined with viscous milk porridges (rice, semolina), toast, croutons, and pastries. Even a slice of fresh bread spread with mixed butter and jam will become children's favorite breakfast.

Preparing a homogeneous “jam” is not complete without prolonged boiling. Sugar syrup will speed up the process (it will give the desired consistency and become a reliable preservative). The most painstaking task is pitting plums. The appearance of the fruit is not important - they should all become a homogeneous mass in the end.

  1. Prepare the plums by washing them and removing the pits. While the fruits are standing aside, prepare sugar syrup (take 1.2 kg of sugar per 0.5 cup of water). After boiling, add cinnamon to the syrup (optional).
  2. Peeled plums (1.5 kg) are also sent there. Everything simmers on the stove for 30 minutes. Let the excess moisture from the jam evaporate.
  3. Remove the mass from the heat, carefully (so as not to get burned) grind it with a blender (to the state of puree, when there are no lumps and skin).
  4. After three hours, put the jam on the stove again and let it simmer for 50 minutes (after boiling).

Next, the jam awaits the standard “scheme”: sterilized jars - sealing - turning upside down - warm blanket - (in a day) basement. It is important that it is better to roll the delicacy into a small container, so that the contents do not have time to deteriorate after uncorking.

Plum jam for the winter: Hutsul secrets

Transcarpathian delicacies are famous for their unusual taste and history. The jam from this region of Ukraine is thick and contains little sugar (sometimes there are recipes without it). This jam is even added to dumplings!

  • Clean 5 kg of plums. At the end they will give 1 kg of jam (thick, almost like marmalade or chewing gum).
  • Hutsulki cook jam for 15-16 hours, stirring manually or with special devices (mechanical), without breaks. A simple way is to cook in several stages (for 5 days, 1.5-2 hours each).
  • Do not add water to the plum mass; if the jam turns out to be sour, add sugar (per 1 kg of fruit - 0.1 kg of sugar).

As soon as the desired thickness is achieved, the jam is removed from the stove, allowed to cool, and placed in any container (bottle, pot, jug, enamel pan). Be sure to cover with a lid (to prevent insects from crawling in).

Plum jam: a recipe for an exquisite delicacy

Vanilla and cinnamon add tenderness and sophistication to plum jam. And adding cocoa will give the dessert nobility. Prepare the ingredients (take 3 to 1 plums and sugar), cocoa powder.

  1. Boil 1.5 kg of pitted plums (half an hour), grind through a colander. Place on the stove and add some sugar (200 grams).
  2. Let it boil for 20 minutes, add 5 tbsp. cocoa powder, 300 g sugar. Cook for 20-30 minutes. If desired, add peeled and crushed walnuts.
  3. Remove from the stove and place the jam in sterilized jars. They are sent to a dark place upside down (wrapped in a blanket).

Jam made from plums will become a favorite treat. If it is not eaten within a year (which is unlikely), it will survive for more than one season.