Pork belly on the bones recipes. Best pork belly dish

Brisket in brine “Belorusskaya”


1 kg brisket Brine:
1 liter of water 1 cup of salt Rub mixture:
1 teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon chili 1/2 teaspoon marjoram 1/2 teaspoon coriander 1/2 teaspoon fenugreek 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder Peel the brisket, cut off the top bone. Place in tray:

Pour boiling brine over it. Place the weight on top. Leave for 3 days in the refrigerator:

Then dry the pieces and rub thoroughly with a mixture of spices. Leave in the refrigerator for a day:

Store in the freezer. To serve, cut crosswise into slices:

Brisket in onion skins

It is better to choose brisket and lard so that there are as many layers of meat as possible)).

  • 1.3 kg pork belly
  • 180 g salt per 1 liter of water (about 1 glass)
  • onion skins from about 6 onions
  • 1 onion
  • 2 heads garlic
  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 0.5 teaspoon red pepper
  • 3 Bay leaf

First you need to prepare a marinade with natural, onion dye, which will give the meat an intense, smoky color.)) Place the existing brisket in a suitable pan, it is better to take a pan that is not the best, because it will color a little, pour cold water into a measuring cup so that it covers about 2 fingers, then remove the brisket and measure and pour salt into the water at the rate of approximately 180 g per 1 liter of water, about 1 glass, not topped up. I got exactly 2 liters of water per 1.3 kg.

Add peeled onion, peppercorns, red pepper, coriander, bay leaf and most importantly onion peel, which is better to take from red onion, for a more intense color, the more peel, the brighter the color, it does not change the taste. Rinse the onion peel well and squeeze it out first.

Bring the brine to a boil, boil over high heat for about 5 minutes. Cut the brisket into pieces 5-7 cm wide, place loosely in the boiling brine, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and, without removing the brisket from the brine, let it brew for 8-12 hours, I usually leave it overnight.

Then remove the brisket from the brine, pat dry with a paper towel, and rub well with squeezed garlic and a mixture of peppers or any spices you like. Wrap each piece tightly in food foil and put it in the refrigerator for another 12 hours, you can put a press on top. Well, then you can eat it with homemade mustard)).

About 1 kg of brisket (you can also use lard)
Salt, ground black pepper, garlic to taste
Clean a piece of brisket with a knife. Rub it well with salt, sparingly and thoroughly rubbing it into the pulp.

Spice up. Leave for an hour:
Transfer to foil. Sprinkle generously with garlic:

Wrap in 5-7 layers of foil.

Place in a baking tray. Place in cold oven. Then set the temperature to 100 degrees. Leave for 5 hours:
After turning off, cool the brisket in the oven. Then place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. Slice and serve:

Brisket “Moskovskaya”

Pork belly dishes are very tasty if prepared correctly. Main secret of this product lies in the alternation of fat and meat layers. Taste ready-made dish gentle and unique. After all, during the cooking process, the fat gradually melts and transfers all the flavors to the meat. As a side dish for similar dishes you can use all kinds of cereals, potatoes and even beans. So, simple recipes pork belly dishes.

Pork belly with thyme and rosemary in citrus salt

To prepare this aromatic and hearty dish, you will need:

  1. 4 lemons.
  2. 1 kilogram of pork breast.
  3. 400 grams of fava beans.
  4. 400 grams of savoy cabbage.
  5. 20 grams of butter from cream.
  6. 100 grams of carrots.
  7. 20 milliliters of olive oil.
  8. 50 milliliters maple syrup.
  9. 50 milliliters of white wine vinegar.
  10. A teaspoon each of mustard and coriander seeds.
  11. Balsamic vinegar.
  12. 20 grams each of fresh rosemary and thyme.
  13. 50 grams of coarse sea salt.

Food preparation

Pork belly dishes are quite easy to prepare. The main thing is to follow all recommendations. First you need to prepare the pork. The thick skin from the brisket should be cut off. During cooking, it will become hard and unfit for consumption.

Sea salt must be thoroughly mixed with lemon zest, previously crushed into fine grater. Finely chopped rosemary and thyme should be added to the resulting composition. The prepared piece of pork must be well coated with salt mixed with spices.

Do I need to marinate?

Pork belly dishes are more tender if the meat is marinated a little. In this case, a piece of meat coated with salt and spices must be placed in a container and then in a cool place.

In this form, the brisket should lie for 8 to 9 hours. To ensure that the pork marinates well, you can prepare it in the evening and refrigerate it overnight. In the morning you can prepare a delicious dish from it.

How to cook brisket

Dishes are prepared much faster. Therefore, after marinating, the meat should be cleared of salt and spices. If necessary, you can rinse it in running water. Then the brisket should be placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven, preheated to 230 °C. After 30 minutes, the temperature should be reduced to 120 °C. You need to cook the brisket in this mode for about 1-1.5 more hours.

Preparing the side dish

Pork belly dishes go well with other products. In this case, something from vegetables will do. To prepare the side dish, you need to take it apart into leaves and then put it in boiling water for a few minutes. After this, the product should be poured with a mixture prepared from olive oil, vinegar, maple syrup and mustard and coriander seeds, previously fried in a frying pan. After a few hours in the cold, the cabbage should be nice and crispy.

Peeled fava beans and chopped carrots must be blanched in salted water. After this, the vegetables should be combined with cabbage. Now vegetable mixture need to be simmered in butter.

How to serve

Place the side dish on plates and place slices on top of it. juicy meat. After this, the brisket needs to be decorated. Can be used in this case. It should be heated over a fire in a small container and cooked until thick. Pork belly dishes decorated in this way can be served.

Pizza with pork belly, arugula and cheese

To prepare this snack, you will need:

Preparing the dough

Such smoked pork belly dishes should be prepared starting with kneading the dough. In a deep container, mix water, granulated sugar and salt. Yeast should be added to the resulting composition. Cover the container and leave for about 10 minutes. When foam appears, add olive oil and sifted flour to the mixture. Everything should be mixed thoroughly. When you get a homogeneous mass, you need to transfer it to a work surface sprinkled with flour. Here the dough should be kneaded thoroughly. It should become elastic. After this, the dough can be transferred to a deep container, also sprinkled with flour. It should rise and increase several times in volume.

Preparing the rest of the products

Now you need to prepare the tomato sauce. To do this, peel the tomatoes and then grind them using a blender. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the chopped garlic in it. You should also add tomato puree, salt and pepper. All components should be mixed thoroughly. After the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat and cook until thick. Then you need to add marjoram.

Cooking pizza

The finished dough should be divided exactly into two parts. You need to form them into balls and roll them out. The thickness of the dough should be about 5 millimeters. The ingredients for the filling should be crushed and mixed with olive oil. The baking sheet should be covered with paper, sprinkled with flour and transferred to a layer of dough. Tomato sauce should be distributed throughout the entire layer. After this, you need to sprinkle the dough with cheese, and then lay out the filling. Cover the empty spaces with arugula. Pizza should be baked at 250°C for 10 minutes.

Pork belly in the oven - recipe

Pork belly goes well with any vegetable side dish, especially if it is prepared in a lacquer glaze from a mixture maple syrup and soybeans. Such a simple dish is fully worthy of a place on the holiday table.

The main feature of brisket is the presence of fairly dense skin, which is recommended to be dried until crisp when baking. You can achieve crispy and fried skin by grating it a small amount coarse salt before cooking, it is the salt that will draw out excess moisture.


  • pork belly - 1.3 kg;
  • honey - 45 ml;
  • soy sauce- 55 ml.


Rub the skin on the brisket and the meat itself with salt so that the piece is salted as thoroughly and evenly as possible, leave it in the refrigerator the night before cooking. After salting, place a piece of brisket fat side down, cover the piece with foil and leave to bake at 150 degrees for an hour and a half. Afterwards, remove the foil and cut the skin of the brisket crosswise. Leave the meat at 200 degrees for another hour to render out any remaining fat. Next, pour the honey and soy mixture over the piece, then leave the sweet and salty crust to caramelize.

Pork belly roll - recipe in the oven


  • carrots - 155 g;
  • potatoes - 340 g;
  • pork belly - 1.6 kg;
  • flour - 45 g;
  • onion- 135 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • tomato paste - 175 g;
  • beef broth- 260 ml;
  • laurel leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • thyme sprigs - 10 pcs.


Rub a piece of pork belly well with salt and roll it into a roll. After securing the roll with kitchen string, roll it in flour and brown it in a Dutch oven over high heat. When the meat is ready, transfer it to a plate, pour oil into the frying pan and fry pieces of vegetables on it: potatoes, carrots, onions. At the very end, add the pureed garlic, and after stirring, add the bay and thyme. Pour the broth mixture over everything tomato paste and return the brisket to the dish. Simmer everything together for an hour and a half at 150 degrees.

Boiling brisket in onion skins is perhaps one of the most simple ways her preparations. The meat ends up smoked appearance, and the cooking process is not as labor-intensive as smoking itself.


  • pork (brisket) - 1.1 kg;
  • - 3 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 35 g;
  • - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 195 g;
  • laurel leaves - 3 pcs.


Fill an enamel bowl with water and place the laurel with onion skins and cut into petals into it. garlic Add salt and place everything on the fire. After boiling, add sugar and add ground coriander, then place in the resulting broth pork belly and leave it to boil for half an hour. After the time has passed, the meat is removed from the heat and left at room temperature for another half a day. Then the meat is dried, wrapped in paper and cooled well.

This simple recipe for salting pork belly gives an amazing result: the resulting meat acquires a pleasant brownish tint, characteristic of meat that has been smoked. At the same time, all the taste and aroma characteristics of pork are preserved.

Cooking Smoked Brisket at Home

Today I went to the store and saw a large, delicious piece of pork, about two kilos. It had everything, including brisket with a small layer of fat and a lean piece with a bone. And I really wanted smoked brisket, and also boiled pork and much more. I brought the desired pork home and quickly cut it up. Part - for boiled pork, part - for chops and of course for brisket (by the way, from 700 grams of meat we got 580 grams of delicious boiled smoked brisket). The first thing I started doing was the brisket. I really wanted to.

Having cooked at home at least once boiled smoked brisket, it seems to me that no one will be ready to buy it anymore. Of course, you can’t call my brisket completely smoked, I just boil it and add liquid smoke, but it turns out very tasty. Pork belly, salt, pepper, garlic and onion skins and a little liquid smoke. Recently, I have become less categorical about liquid smoke for several reasons. Firstly, almost all commercial smoked products are made using liquid smoke. Secondly, we don’t eat boiled-smoked brisket every day, so sometimes I use liquid smoke for flavor, putting it 10 times less than industrial production. Thirdly, I carefully studied the technology for making liquid smoke and realized that it is not dangerous. Like this.

Any novice housewife can cook boiled smoked pork belly. It is not difficult. First, the pork belly is boiled a little in onion skins and spices with salt, then infused for several hours. And then simply rub it with garlic and your favorite spices. That's all. The biggest problem in cooking is hiding the finished brisket so that it is not found ahead of time. Cooked smoked brisket just exudes mind-blowing aromas of smoke, garlic and spices, neither the parchment nor the bag helps. After cooking the pork belly, I put some in the refrigerator for eating and the other in the freezer. I will take it out of the freezer and use it to prepare all sorts of goodies. One thin piece of aromatic brisket, fried in a frying pan, and then a million options. With omelette, with pasta, pureed pea soup, to flatbreads and tortillas.

To bake brisket in the oven, we will need:

  • 1 kg pork belly
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt (without top)
  • 2 teaspoons of pepper mixture (without top)
  • 4-6 cloves of garlic
  • 8-10 bay leaves (optional - I personally don’t use bay leaves with this method, the smell is too strong)

How to bake pork belly in foil:

  • Ribbon of pork belly. Maximum lean. Here 800 grams.
  • Garlic
  • Freshly ground black pepper.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Your favorite spices. I used NOMU's Smokey Peri-Peri blend. ( Ingredients: sugar, chili, salt, paprika, garlic, onion, coriander, black pepper, mustard, parsley, cumin, oregano, ginger)

Preparing Roasted Pork Belly as easy as pie.

Peel the garlic, cut each clove in half lengthwise.

Using a thin sharp knife, we make punctures in the meat and use the knife (this is more convenient) to stuff the pork with garlic.

The marinating process for brisket that you are going to bake in the oven is not superfluous at all. This gives the meat an additional opportunity to “ripen”, become more tender and softer, and be imbued with additional appetizing aromas of spices and herbs. Before marinating, rinse the brisket well, as it was chopped on a wooden block, which can leave sawdust and debris on the meat. If you get a piece with ribs, you can cut them off to prepare another dish, such as a roast. For the marinade for a piece of brisket weighing 1-1.5 kg you will need: - ground black and red hot pepper to taste; - 5-6 cloves of garlic; - 2 tsp. salts; - dry spices(basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary); - 2–3 tbsp. mustard.

Pat the brisket dry with paper kitchen towels. If there is a skin on it, you don’t have to cut it off; the skin will help preserve the meat juice during baking. To marinate a piece of brisket, combine black and red hot pepper and salt in a small bowl. Add dry herbs to this mixture.

4. Place on a baking sheet covered with foil and place in a well-heated oven. Bake small pieces of brisket for about 25-30 minutes at medium temperature.
5. Remove the baking sheet from the oven, place a slice of garlic on each piece of meat.

How to deliciously cook boiled pork belly?


How to bake pork belly stuffed with rice and meat. Rinse the rice until the water is clear, boil it until tender in salted water, add 2 tbsp. butter, cool. Finely chop the eggs, garlic and onion, fry the onion and garlic in 1 tbsp. oil until browned, combine the prepared products with minced meat, add chopped parsley, the rest of the oil, pepper, salt and mix. Rinse the meat, make a deep cut-pocket, rub inside and outside with pepper and salt, stuff, sew the cut or fasten it with toothpicks, place on a baking sheet, add water, fry in an oven preheated to medium temperature until cooked, pouring over the juices that stand out. When serving, decorate the brisket with olives and sprinkle with chopped herbs (spinach will best highlight the taste of the dish).

You can change the ingredients in this recipe: try combining chopped meat not with rice and egg, but with celery, carrots, onions and garlic.

Recipe for pork belly stuffed with eggplant and cheese

Then reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and bake for another hour and a half.

Now let the brisket cool under the foil. After this, you can remove the foil and put the brisket in the refrigerator. You can pre-cut it.

Cheese snacks. Recipes delicious snacks from cheese

Snacks on festive table- recipes. Tomatoes, stuffed with chicken and cheese

“In order for the brisket to be saturated with garlic aroma, it must be stuffed with garlic immediately after boiling. For me it turns out like this:

Delicious brisket from Olya.

Today I went to the store and saw a large, delicious piece of pork, about two kilos. It had everything, including brisket with a small layer of fat and a lean piece with a bone. And I really wanted smoked brisket, and also boiled pork and much more. I brought the desired pork home and quickly cut it up. Part for boiled pork, part for chops and, of course, brisket (by the way, from 700 grams of meat we got 580 grams of delicious boiled smoked brisket). The first thing I started doing was the brisket. I really wanted to.

Having prepared boiled-smoked brisket at home at least once, it seems to me that no one will buy ready-made brisket again. Of course, you can’t call my brisket completely smoked, I just boil it and add liquid smoke, but it turns out very tasty. Pork belly, salt, pepper, garlic and onion skins and a little liquid smoke. Recently, I have become less categorical about liquid smoke for several reasons. Firstly, almost all commercial smoked products are made using liquid smoke. Secondly, we don’t eat boiled-smoked brisket every day, so sometimes I use liquid smoke for flavor, putting it 10 times less than in industrial production. Thirdly, I carefully studied the technology for making liquid smoke and realized that it is not dangerous. Like this.

Any novice housewife can cook boiled smoked pork belly. It is not difficult. First, the pork belly is boiled a little in onion skins and spices with salt, then infused for several hours. And then simply rub it with garlic and your favorite spices. That's all. The biggest problem in cooking is hiding the finished brisket so that it is not found ahead of time. Cooked smoked brisket just exudes mind-blowing aromas of smoke, garlic and spices, neither the parchment nor the bag helps. After cooking the pork belly, I put some in the refrigerator for eating and the other in the freezer. I will take it out of the freezer and use it to prepare all sorts of goodies. One thin piece of aromatic brisket, fried in a frying pan, and then a million options. With omelettes, pasta, pea soup, flatbreads and tortillas.

IN cooking time: 30 minutes

Difficulty: Medium

Composition: 580 grams.

  • Pork belly – 700g
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt – 5-6 tablespoons
  • Onion peel - from 3-5 onions
  • Liquid smoke – 1 tbsp
  • Allspice peas – 6 pcs
  • Black peppercorns – 6 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves

How to Prepare Boiled Smoked Brisket at Home:

  • Cut the brisket into 5 by 10 cm cubes. This size is convenient for both cooking and use.
  • Wash the onion skins.
  • Place half in a two-liter stainless steel saucepan onion peel, bay leaf, sprinkle peppercorns and salt.
  • Place the pork belly skin side down on the husk bed.
  • Cover the meat with the second half of the husk and fill everything with a liter cold water. The water should cover the meat. Add 1 tablespoon of liquid smoke.
  • Cover it all with a small flat plate so that nothing floats up.
  • Place the pan on strong fire. After boiling, cook the pork belly over low heat for 10 minutes. Do not cover with a lid.
  • Turn off the fire. Cover the pan with a lid and let cool and salt. It takes approximately 6-8 hours
  • When the brisket becomes room temperature, remove it from the pan and let dry for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rub the brisket with chopped garlic and ground pepper
  • Wrap each piece of boiled brisket separately in parchment and in a bag or film.
  • Ready.

Boiled-smoked brisket prepared at home will never compare to store-bought, believe me. With a small caveat. Mine cannot compare with the brisket that I once tried at the Sorochinskaya fair. But there was a real one, without any tricks or liquid smoke. There was aerobatics. But it was a long time ago. And today my delicious, fragrant brisket, sliced thin slices and seasoned with horseradish, brings me incredible pleasure

How I Cook Boiled-Smoked Brisket:

  • To prepare cooked brisket, I buy fresh brisket with a small layer of fat and meat to suit my taste. I cut the brisket into 5 by 10 cm cubes. This size is convenient for me both for cooking and for use.
  • I wash the onion skins. Onion peels give the meat a smoky flavor golden color and elusive taste. I admit it since childhood Easter eggs only with onion skins for their taste. That’s why I don’t skimp on onion skins; I put in as much as I have.
  • To cook pork belly, I use a stainless steel pan. We must remember that onion peels perfectly color not only breasts and eggs, but, for example, enamel pans

    • At the bottom of the pan I place half the onion skins, a bay leaf, peppercorns and salt.

    • Then comes the pork belly, skin side down,

    • put the second half of the husk on it. I fill everything with a liter of cold water. Add 1 tablespoon of liquid smoke. I cover it all with a small flat plate so that nothing floats up.
    • I put the pan on high heat. After boiling, cook the pork belly over low heat for 10 minutes. I turn off the fire.
    • I close the pan with a lid and give it to my delicious brisket take your time to cool and salt. It takes approximately 6-8 hours

    • When the brisket reaches room temperature, I take it out of the pan and let it dry for 5 minutes.

    • I rub it with chopped garlic and ground pepper. I can sprinkle one block with black ground pepper, another with red pepper, and the third roll in provencal herbs, for a change.

  • I wrap each piece of boiled brisket separately in parchment and in a bag or film.
  • I put some of the brisket in the freezer. I will use it as needed. And I put the second part in the refrigerator, after 8-12 hours you can try it.

Bon appetit! If you have any questions about cooking, ask, I will definitely help.