A popular Japanese dish similar to pizza. Analogues of pizza among different nations

Pizzas differ from one nation to another. For many countries, differences are associated with the specific products grown or mined within its borders. In Brazil, hearts of palm stems are added to pizza.

In Finland, the traditional ingredient is venison, and instead of the usual champignons, they use chanterelles.

In Sweden, banana curry is added as a seasoning, and in India, pizzas often contain ginger and paneer, a type of local cheese.

In Connecticut, USA, one of the pizzas is called "White Clam Pie", which are included in the dish. Oregano and cheese are added to them.

In Alsace they serve the so-called “Tarte Flambé” - a cake made from thin dough, covered with sour cream, cooked in a white-hot oven. It is distinguished by its piquancy.

In Chicago, pizza is cooked in a special pan, which makes it deep with high, dry edges.

In France there is a special dish - it is scrambled eggs cooked on pizza, to which various additives are then added in the form of meat, vegetables and other things.

In Scotland, their national dish, Haggis, is found on pizza. It consists of the heart, lungs, kidneys and liver of a sheep with the addition of oatmeal and spices, as well as broth. This mixture is distributed over the dough and a kind of pizza is obtained.

Calzone is a type of pizza that resembles a pie., because it is closed. Its preparation is most common in the center and south of Italy.

Calzone is used in different ways: some prepare it as a main course, some as a snack, and some as a dessert. It all depends on what you fill this dish with.

Pizza2dom.ru offers three options to choose from. If you are a fan of substantial food, then the Meat Calzone is for you. This pizza includes chicken, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, red onion, mozzarella cheese and pizza sauce.

Particularly noteworthy is the Vegetable Calzone stuffed with champignons, tomatoes, red onions, sweet peppers and Mozzarella cheese.

As a dessert, we present to your attention the Apple Calzone pizza, inside of which there is the most delicate filling of apples and cinnamon.

Focaccia is another Italian invention that came after pizza. It is a flatbread made from wheat flour or yeast dough.

As a rule, they are prepared in a round shape, but some prefer square or rectangular. Traditional focaccia is served with fillings - both savory and sweet.

We offer focaccia in several versions: with bacon, with Mozzarella cheese, with tomatoes and Pesto sauce, or with garlic butter.

Japanese cuisine is loved all over the world, because it is very unusual, sophisticated and healthy, and most importantly - incredibly varied and tasty. Japanese dishes use ingredients that are unusual for Europeans (seaweed, seafood, delicious fish), and therefore surprise him with their taste. In recent years, our country has seen a real explosion in the popularity of Japanese cuisine: new Japanese restaurants and sushi bars are opening, and some Russians are happy to cook rolls and miso soup at home.

The Japanese are very conservative, and the main dishes of their national cuisine have not changed for decades. But they are not alien to the influence of other cultures. Therefore, the famous Italian invention, pizza, has gained popularity in Japan. As well as the accompanying service - home delivery of pizza. Surely pizza attracted the Japanese, who are very careful in matters of budget and restrained in food, with its economy and ease of preparation. But here it acquired local characteristics and became a completely special dish: neither in Italy nor in any other country will you try pizza with such an exotic taste as in Japan.

Chefs in Japan boldly experiment with combinations of products, and therefore the pizza on the Japanese menu will surprise you with its unusual toppings. You can order pizza on sale and get not the usual flatbread with bacon, tomatoes and cheese, but, for example, with octopus and Japanese shiitake mushrooms. And even the appearance of this simple dish will surely surprise you! So, what should you be prepared for when ordering Japanese pizza?

  • Unusual filling. Despite the fact that in a Japanese pizzeria they can prepare a dish according to a classic European recipe (the familiar “Margherita”, “Four Cheese”, “Hawaiian Pizza”), flatbreads stuffed with local seafood (shrimp, eel) and seaweed are still much more popular .
  • Seasonings. The Japanese use their traditional spices, which are different from European ones.
  • Appearance. The cult of everything beautiful in the Land of the Rising Sun is a national character trait. This also applies to cooking. All dishes should not only be tasty, but also beautiful in appearance. Therefore, only in Japan is it customary to decorate pizza: for example, with curly cuts of ingredients or small rolls on the side of the pizza.
  • Method of serving: in many Japanese restaurants, the client does not just wait for the dish to be served to him, but also watches the cooking process.

The Japanese have invented several of their own varieties of pizza. You should memorize them so that on occasion you can impress your companions with your knowledge of Japanese cuisine!

  1. The most popular Japanese pizza is a thick flatbread topped with nori (seaweed), shitake (Japanese mushrooms similar to oyster mushrooms) and chicken. A mandatory ingredient is teriyaki sauce, in which the chicken is marinated before being added to the filling.
  2. A gourmet variety is Okonomiyaki pizza. The guest assembles it himself, like a designer: he chooses what exactly and in what proportions will be included in the filling. The base of this pizza (also quite thick) is not baked, but fried. And everything on top is chosen according to your taste: tuna, shrimp, anchovies, meat, vegetables and even traditional Japanese noodles! Add sauce and cheese and your Okonomiyaki pizza is ready.
  3. Perhaps the most exotic variety of Japanese pizza is a dish with rolls that are baked along the edges of the base. This pizza is not only tasty, but also very filling.

And now some good news for all lovers of Asian cuisine: you don’t have to go overseas to order real Japanese pizza! Now an exotic dish made from traditional ingredients is available to everyone. You can try it in our restaurant or order it to your home (we deliver pizza to the Kirovsky district) to appreciate this unusual dish with your family.

Bon appetit!

Pizza is one of the delicacies that many people love. And it seems like every country has its own version of pizza. True, this may not be the typical pizza with tomatoes, cheese and ham that you are used to.
From the traditional margherita of Naples to the sweet banana pizza of Sweden, these are the types of pizza you can try around the world.
In Naples Pizza is taken very seriously - so much so that there is a special organization called Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana dedicated to preserving the true taste and appearance of pizza. According to the rules, the pizza base cannot be thicker than 2 mm, and the dish itself is baked for 60-90 seconds in a stone oven on oak wood at a temperature of 485 °C. Classic Neapolitan pizzas have a soft crust and are usually topped with tomatoes, mozzarella, fresh basil and garlic.

In Brazil Common pizza ingredients include ham, cheese, corn, green peas and hearts of palm stems

In New Haven, Connecticut, USA, pizza (or apizza) is cooked in a hot oven to make its thin crust crispier. The ingredients include cheese and a “white clam pie,” invented by Frank Pip of Pizzeria Napoletana: the clams are fried in olive oil and topped with oregano, grated cheese and minced garlic.

"Tarte flambé" is an Alsatian form of pizza consisting of a very thin crust dough that is topped with sour cream and then topped with thinly sliced ​​onions and lard. This pizza is cooked in a wood-fired oven and is very crispy and spicy.

In Finland Berlusconi pizza is made from smoked venison, tomatoes, cheese, chanterelles and red onion. Pizza got its name in 2008 after Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi criticized Finnish cuisine. Moreover, in the same year, this recipe became the winner of the International Pizza in America competition, which was held in New York.

In Korea It's worth trying the Bulgogi pizza, which is made from the Korean dish of the same name - fried marinated beef, as well as tomato sauce, cheese and toppings such as mushrooms, bell peppers and kimchi. All these products provide a sweet and salty combination that harmonizes well with the sour taste of kimchi.

Chicago, Illinois, is famous for its deep-dish pizza, which is baked in a special round dish and filled with cheese and tomato sauce with slices of tomatoes.

In India Popular pizza ingredients include pickled ginger, minced lamb and Indian cheese known as pani

New York style pizza characterized by a fluffy crust on the outside, while the pizza base becomes thinner and crispier in the middle. Chefs roll out the dough by hand and cook the pizza on stones rather than in a frying pan.

In France Scrambled eggs are usually either baked directly on the pizza or fried and then placed on the pizza.

In Sweden There are many interesting pizzas, including banana curry, which is prepared using smoked ham, curry and ripe bananas.

In Scotland in pizza you can find “Haggis” - a meat dish made from the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep, and then mixed with onions, oatmeal, lard, spices and salt. After this, broth is added. Haggis has a nutty texture and a tangy taste.

In Australia a lot of meat fillings for pizza, including kangaroo, emu and crocodile meat.

"Mayo dzaga" is one of the types of pizza that can be found in Japan. It is made from tomato sauce, onions, corn, potatoes, pancetta, paprika and mayonnaise.

Detroit style pizza is a square pie with a thick, deep crust. The dough is baked twice in a well-oiled pan to give it a crispy texture, and the ingredients are usually pepperoni, olives and marinara sauce.

"Toonfish", or tuna pizza, is especially popular in Germany. Typically includes tuna, tomato sauce, peppers, onions, cheese and oregano.

In Argentina "Fugazza"- a popular pizza with sweet onions and spices. There is no marinara sauce added to it here. Another variety - "Fugazetta" - is a double dough pizza with mozzarella and sweet onions.

Hawaiian pizza differs from others in its interesting combination of pineapple and ham. It is said to have been invented in Ontario, Canada in 1962. You can also find versions with different types of peppers, mushrooms and Canadian bacon.

In Pakistan Chicken Tikka - chicken seasoned with chili peppers - is a popular ingredient for sausage-based pizzas.

Frozen pizza- This is an unusual variation of this dish, where ready-made pizza from the freezer is deep-fried, very tasty and popular in Scottish cities such as Glasgow and Fife.

In Sweden kebab pizza includes meat, yogurt sauce, various pickled vegetables and sometimes lettuce.

How to make okonomiyaki at home? But before answering this question, let’s figure out what okonomiyaki is. And these are simple Japanese fried flatbreads, the name of which translates to “fry what you want.” Therefore, the filling can be very diverse. In Japanese restaurants, flatbreads are fried on a special metal teppan plate, which is mounted right in the center of the table. Visitors choose the filling, the chef prepares the order before their eyes and immediately serves hot okonomiyaki, accompanied by a special sauce.

Japanese okonomiyaki pizza

To make your own okonomiyaki, you will need simple ingredients that you can easily buy in the store. A regular frying pan will do in place of the teppan. Therefore, do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of preparing an adapted okonomiyaki recipe and tasting a delicious Japanese dish.

Required Products:

  • 200 gr. egg noodles (boiled);
  • 1 fresh egg;
  • 2/3 tbsp. water;
  • 200 gr. squid meat;
  • 200 gr. fresh cabbage;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 100 gr. shrimp;
  • 3 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 100 gr. ham;
  • 50 gr. hard cheese.

Cooking diagram:

  1. This okonomiyaki pizza is made with seafood. Therefore, cooking begins with their preparation. Boil the cleaned squids until tender for 1-2 minutes in salted water. It is very important not to overcook them, because... the meat will become rubbery. Cut the squid meat into strips.
  2. Separately, boil and clean the shrimp. Any size clams will do.
  3. Cut the egg noodles into several pieces so that they are not too long.
  4. Shred the cabbage into strips.
  5. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  6. Cut the ham into medium strips.
  7. Take a large bowl, mix squid meat, noodles, shrimp, cabbage, and onion. Add salt and pepper to taste and mix.
  8. Separately prepare the dough. To do this, beat and beat the egg, pour in water, stir in flour, working intensively with a whisk.
  9. Pour the previously prepared ingredients into the resulting batter and mix everything thoroughly.
  10. The pizza frying process is very simple. Pour and heat a small amount of vegetable oil into a frying pan. We lay out the entire contents of the bowl, level the top with a spatula, place the ham on top, fry on both sides until cooked, as in the photo.
  11. The finished delicious okonomiyaki pizza is laid out on a plate, sprinkled with grated cheese and green stuff.

Japanese flatbreads with meat and sauce

Sometimes it’s useful to move away from tradition and cook something unusual, for example, today you will master a different recipe for okonomiyaki - Japanese flatbreads with meat. This is a simple and very tasty dish, something between pizza and pancakes. Okonomiyaki flatbread can have any filling, but shredded white cabbage remains a mandatory ingredient. Most often, Japanese okonomiyaki flatbread is fried, but sometimes cooking takes place in the oven on a baking sheet.

Ingredients for flatbreads:

  • 1 tbsp. meat or fish broth (or water);
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • 150 gr. lean pork;
  • 300-400 gr. cabbages;
  • 1 tbsp. white flour;
  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • Salt, pepper and sunflower oil for frying to taste.

Ingredients for the sauce;

  • 6 tbsp. "Chili" ketchup;
  • 2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce;
  • 2 tsp soy sauce.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Boil the pork in salted water, cool and disassemble into small pieces.
  2. Finely chop the washed greens and cabbage. After adding the meat, mix everything, add salt and pepper.
  3. In another bowl, combine the broth with flour, eggs and soy sauce. Place cabbage and meat into the liquid base and mix. The dough is ready.
  4. Place small flat cakes with a diameter of up to 15 centimeters in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. The okonomiyaki flatbread is fried until the filling is ready on both sides.
  5. Place the flatbreads on a plate and pour with a mixture of ketchup, soy and Worcestershire sauce.
  6. If desired, you can sprinkle with mayonnaise and sprinkle with herbs. Bon appetit everyone!

Okonomiyaki pizza with chicken, cabbage and mushrooms in the oven

This dish is somewhat reminiscent of an open cabbage pie. And in combination with chicken, mushrooms and vegetables, you get a very tasty, juicy pie in the Japanese style. You can actually prepare it yourself at home.


  • 0.6 kg cabbage;
  • 200 gr. Chicken;
  • 100 gr. dry porcini mushrooms;
  • 0.5 bunches of dill and parsley;
  • 150 gr. wheat flour;
  • 200 gr. mushroom broth;
  • 0.5 pods of bell pepper;
  • 1 fresh egg;
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • Mayonnaise and soy sauce to taste.


  1. We begin mastering the okonomiyaki recipe by preparing the mushrooms. Rinse the dried mushrooms and soak them in cool boiled water. When the mushrooms are sufficiently soaked, drain the water, leaving a glass of broth for preparing the dough.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage, chop the porcini mushrooms, raw chicken and sweet pepper into medium cubes.
  3. In a deep bowl, combine the egg and flour so that there are no lumps. Then slowly pour in the broth, stirring with a whisk. At the end, pour in a spoonful of soy sauce and add cabbage.
  4. Place chicken, bell peppers and mushrooms in a hot frying pan with oil, season the filling with soy sauce and fry, stirring, for 5 minutes.
  5. The process of forming a pizza is very simple. Place the contents of the pan in a square shape on a greased baking sheet. We form a layer of cabbage dough on top, sprinkle the pizza with soy sauce and bake in the oven for half an hour at 200 oC.
  6. After half an hour, take the pizza out of the oven and divide it into 8 portions with a spatula. Carefully turn each of them over and bake the same amount until the cabbage is soft.
  7. Delicious okonomiyaki pizza is served hot with soy sauce, mayonnaise and chopped herbs.

Armed with the step-by-step instructions for preparing okonomiyaki described above, every housewife can feed her family with delicious Japanese cuisine. Bon appetit everyone!

Video: How okonomiyaki is prepared in Japan

15th page of the section


    Page content:

  1. Pizza in Belarusian
  2. Adjarian cheese pizza
  3. Khachapuri (Georgian cuisine)
  4. Pizza with mushrooms and lard in Ukrainian
  5. Pizza with cheese in German style
  6. Scandinavian shortcrust pastry pizza
  7. American style pizza
  8. German unleavened potato pie
  9. Cuban fish pizza
  10. French shortbread pie with lard
  11. Pizza with lard from unleavened dough in French
  12. Pie Lorraine with lard, puff pastry
  13. Onion Pie
  14. Swabian pie with brisket
  15. Cheese cake Lorraine style
  16. Robber's thalers
  17. Pizza with cheese, onions and capsicums in Spanish
  18. Sfincione on a baking sheet
  19. Motley squares
  20. Gourmet cakes – 3 options
  21. Pizza in French
  22. English pizza
  23. Bulgarian pizza
  24. Tyrolean pizza
  25. Chinese pizza
  26. Pizza "Canadian"
  27. Pizza "Greek"
  28. Turkish Pizza
  29. Japanese pizza
  30. Pizza in Polish
  31. Pizza in Georgian

It is recognized all over the world that Italian cuisine is not only exquisite, but also practical. It is based on simple dishes originating from a peasant environment. Pizza is truly a national dish.

In many countries of the world There are foods that also arose in the depths of simple peasant life. In almost any European country you can find a dish similar to pizza. They are found in the national cuisines of both the East and the West. Although the Italians retain the priority of inventing this dish and it has already acquired mathematically precise proportions (for example, the weight of the dough required for one pizza should not exceed 180 g, the diameter of the crust should be 25-30 cm, the thickness of the dough in the center should be 2 mm, and along the edges - 6-8 mm), each nation has its own equivalent of pizza. Say, Georgian khachapuri, German Swabian pie and Russian cheesecake.

You can find it everywhere ingredients needed for pizza: wheat flour, tomatoes and sheep cheese. But all these dishes contain ingredients that give them their own bright national flavor. To understand the features of a particular cuisine, you don’t have to go on a trip; you can cook the food you like without leaving home.

Dishes similar to pizza presented in this chapter will help you understand the common features of the culinary art of different peoples.

Pizza allows modern housewives to fully realize their culinary fantasies and abilities.

1. Pizza in Belarusian

For the base : 600 g wheat flour, 200 ml milk, 30 g yeast, 150 g margarine, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 egg.

For filling : 100 g boiled meat, 50 g sausage, 50 g mushrooms, 50 g cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, 1 egg, parsley, pepper and salt to taste.

For the baking sheet


Dissolve yeast in 100 ml of warm water, add cold milk. Mix margarine with flour, chop with a knife, add salt, add sugar, egg, knead the dough and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Roll out the dough into a layer, place it on a greased baking sheet, grease the top with tomato sauce, then add the filling of finely chopped meat, sausage and mushrooms, fried with onions. Sprinkle with grated cheese, grease with mayonnaise mixed with one egg.
Bake for about 40 minutes at 220°C.

2. Adjarian cheese pizza

For the base : 500 g wheat flour, 100 ml water or milk, 10 g yeast, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of margarine or butter, 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

For filling : 100 g cheese, 3 eggs.

For finishing : 3 eggs.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.


Roll out the yeast straight dough into a layer 1-1.5 cm thick and place on a greased baking sheet. Brush the edges of the layer with egg and place a side of dough with a diameter of 1 cm, which is also brushed with egg.
Grind the cheese (Ossetian, Tushinsky or feta cheese) on a coarse grater or finely chop it, mix with 3 boiled chopped eggs. Spread this mixture evenly over the dough and leave to proof for 20-30 minutes.
Bake for 10-15 minutes until half cooked at a temperature of 200-220°C. Then pour 3 raw eggs over the surface and bake the pizza until fully cooked.

3. Khachapuri (Georgian cuisine)

For the base for 10 khachapuri : 750 g wheat flour, 200 ml water, 30 g yeast, 50 g butter, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

For filling : 500 g cheese, 2 eggs.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of fat.


Knead the yeast sponge dough. To knead the dough, take flour (40% of the norm), water (60% of the norm) at a temperature of 30°C and yeast. Mix everything until smooth and, covered with a napkin, place in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Add the remaining ingredients from the recipe to the prepared dough, knead and leave to ferment for 1-2 hours. During the fermentation process, knead the dough 2 times.
For the filling, pass the cheese through a meat grinder and mix with the egg.
Roll out the finished dough on a flour-dusted table into circles 0.7-0.8 cm thick, put the filling in the middle. Pinch the dough on all four sides so that it forms a square, with the cheese visible in the middle. Place the prepared products on a greased baking sheet and leave for 10 minutes to proof, brushing with egg.
Bake at 260-280°C for 8-10 minutes.

4. Pizza with mushrooms and lard in Ukrainian

For the base : 4 cups wheat flour, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of margarine or vegetable oil, 1 egg, 20 g of yeast, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 glass of milk or water.

For filling : 200 g mushrooms, 100 g lard, 2-3 eggs, 100 ml water, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. tablespoons parsley, ground black pepper, salt.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Prepare the yeast dough and roll it into a thin crust. Transfer it to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
Boil the mushrooms, cut them into small pieces, add diced lard. Mix everything and place on the crust. Then beat the eggs, add water, lemon juice, chopped parsley, salt and pepper.
Pour this mixture over the mushrooms and lard and place in the oven.

5. Pizza with cheese in German style

For the base : 300 g wheat flour, 100 ml milk, 15 g yeast, Zet. spoons of margarine.

For filling : 250 g cheese, 150 g salami, 3 tomatoes, 1 pickled cucumber, 4 anchovies, vegetable oil, ground red pepper.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of fat.


Knead the yeast dough and let it rise in a warm place. Knead the dough and place it in a well-greased tall pan.
Mix cheese and sausage, cut into cubes, and spread over the dough, place tomato slices on top and season with spices. Spray the surface with vegetable oil and let the dough rise a little longer.
Bake the pizza in a preheated oven at 200°C for 25 minutes. Serve hot.
Use cucumber slices and anchovy fillets as a side dish.

6. Scandinavian shortcrust pastry pizza

For the base : 120 g wheat flour, 2 tbsp. spoons of cream, 100 g butter.

For filling : 60 g ham, 50 g Emmental cheese or a handful of champignons, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon flour, 100 ml cream, pepper on the tip of a knife.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of fat.


Quickly knead shortbread dough from flour, cream and butter and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Grease a small pan and line it with a thin layer of dough. Cut the ham into fairly large slices, and the cheese, on the contrary, into small pieces. Peel, wash, stew the champignons and add a mixture of flour, eggs and cream.
Season the mixture with pepper and place in the mold.
Place the pizza in the preheated oven and bake at medium temperature for 20-30 minutes.

7. American style pizza

For the base : wheat flour, 400 ml water, 50 g yeast, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon salt.

For filling : 300 g of sausage, 200 g of tomatoes, 2-3 onions, 200 g of cheese, 50 g of wild garlic, hot cabbage and pickled peppers, 5-6 slices of salami.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Dilute the yeast with warm water, beat in the egg and mix, adding salt. Add enough flour so that the dough has the consistency of thick sour cream. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Chill the dough for 1-2 hours.
Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, pour the dough onto it and let it spread. Place in the oven for 5-6 minutes. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and arrange the filling: tomatoes, cut into thin slices, then finely chopped sausage, pickles and onion rings, sprinkle with grated cheese and spices crushed in a mixer. Garnish with a few slices of salami.
Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes at a temperature of 220-250°C.
Serve the pizza hot. You can sprinkle it with melted butter and garnish with parsley or dill. Wash it down with dry wine.

8. German unleavened potato pie

For the base : 300 g wheat flour, 2 tbsp. spoons of fat, 100 ml of kefir, soda and salt on the tip of a knife.

For filling : 1 kg of potatoes, 150 g of ham, 100 g of pickled cheese, 4 boiled eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of grated cheese, grated nutmeg, ground black pepper and salt.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.


Boil jacket potatoes in salted water, peel them and mash with a fork. Season the puree with salt and black pepper, butter, a small amount of grated nutmeg and grated cheese.
Separately cut ham, cheese and boiled eggs into small pieces. Mix this mixture well.
Knead the dough from flour with soda and salt, fat and water. Divide it in half and roll it into 2 layers according to the size of the baking sheet (one of them should be larger).
Place a larger layer of dough on a greased baking sheet and sprinkle with fat. Place a small layer on top and also sprinkle with fat.
Place half of the mashed potatoes on a small layer, smooth, sprinkle with a mixture of ham, cheese and eggs, cover with the rest of the mashed potatoes. Pull out the ends of a large layer of dough slightly and form a side.

Serve the finished pie with pickles.

9. Cuban fish pizza

For the base : 200 g wheat flour, 100 ml water, 15 g yeast, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons melted butter, juice of 1/2 lemon, 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh rosemary.

For filling : 200 g fish fillet, 1 small onion.

For the baking sheet : 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.


Sift the flour. Dilute the yeast in half the specified amount of warm water, mix with flour, add the rest of the water. Knead the dough and place in a warm place for 1 hour to proof.
Add eggs, melted butter, lemon juice and rosemary to the dough. Let the dough rest for another 20 minutes, covered.
Mix raw fish fillet with chopped onions, season the mixture with salt and pepper. Take the dough with a teaspoon and drop small balls (about the size of a walnut) into the boiling oil. When they are browned, remove with a slotted spoon, dry on paper, and then place in a frying pan or mold. Place minced fish on top of the balls and smooth out.

10. French shortbread pie with lard

For the base : 300 g wheat flour, a little water, 100 g butter, 2 eggs, salt.

For filling : 200 g bacon, 400 ml cream, 4-6 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter or margarine, pepper, salt.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Knead shortbread dough from flour, butter, eggs, a pinch of salt and water. Refrigerate the dough for 40 minutes.
Cut the bacon into cubes and melt. Whip the cream, carefully adding the eggs, salt and pepper. Then roll out the dough and place it in a small form (raise the edges higher). Place fried bacon on top and pour whipped cream and eggs.
Place the pan in a preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes at 250°C.

11. Pizza with lard from unleavened dough in French

For the base : 150 g wheat flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 eggs, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of salt.

For filling : 100 g bacon, 200 ml cream, 2-3 eggs, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter or margarine, ground pepper, salt.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Knead the dough from flour, butter, eggs, salt and water. Place the dough in the cold.
Cut the bacon into cubes and fry. Whip the cream, carefully adding the eggs, salt and pepper. Then roll out the dough and place it in a small form, greased with oil (raise the edges of the dough to form a side). Place fried bacon on the dough and pour cream whipped with eggs on top.
Place the pan in a preheated oven and bake for 30-40 minutes at 200°C.

12. Pie Lorraine with lard, made from puff pastry

For the base : 200 g wheat flour, 1$0 g butter, 1 egg yolk, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cold water, salt.

For filling : 250 g lean bacon, 2 onions, 4 eggs, 100 ml cream, 200 g grated Grazer cheese, 1 bunch of green onions, ground black pepper, grated nutmeg to taste.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Knead the chopped puff pastry and roll it into a round cake. With wet hands, press the cake tightly into the pan, lifting the edges. Prick with a fork and bake until half cooked.
Cut the bacon into small cubes and fry in a frying pan with a lid.
Cut the onion into small cubes, add to the bacon and sauté until translucent.
Mix eggs, cream, cheese and finely chopped green onions, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Place bacon and onions on the crust, pour over the egg mixture and bake in the oven at 200°C.

13. Onion pie

For the base : 300 g flour, 20 g yeast, 100 ml warm milk, 3 tbsp. spoons of butter, 1 teaspoon of salt.

For filling : 1 kg of onion, 100 g of smoked brisket, 1 cup of sour cream, 4 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of cumin, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.


Grease a baking tray with oil. Sift the flour into a mound, make a well in the middle, crumble the yeast into it, dilute it with a small amount of sugar and milk, cover with a towel and let it rise for 15 minutes. Then add melted butter, salt and knead the dough. Knead until it starts to bubble. Sprinkle the dough with flour, cover with a towel and place in a warm place to rise for another 30 minutes.
Chop the onion. Cut the brisket into cubes, heat it in a frying pan, put the onion in and brown it. Roll out the dough on a floured board and place it on a baking sheet. Mix fried onions with eggs, sour cream, salt, cumin and cover the dough with this mixture. Let the cake rise for another 15 minutes.
Bake for 30 minutes at 200°C. Serve warm.

14. Swabian pie with brisket

For the base : 400 g flour, 30 g yeast, 200 ml milk, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 1 egg, 1/2 teaspoon salt.

For filling : 400 g smoked brisket, 2 tbsp. spoons of cumin, 2 tbsp. spoons of coarse salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.


Grease a baking tray or mold with oil. Sift the flour into a mound, make a well in the middle, crumble the yeast into it. Dilute them with a small amount of sugar and milk, cover with a clean towel and leave to rise for 15 minutes. Add melted butter, salt and egg to the risen dough and knead the dough. Knead until it starts to bubble. Sprinkle the dough with flour, cover with a towel and let it rise again for 30 minutes.
Cut the smoked pork belly into thin squares. Roll out the dough on a floured board, place it on a baking sheet or in a mold, cover with a layer of brisket, sprinkle with caraway seeds and salt and let stand for 15 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 220°C and place the pie for 25-30 minutes. Serve hot.

15. Cheese cake Lorraine style

For the base : 200 g flour, 100 g butter, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 100 ml water.

For filling : 200 g smoked brisket or ham, 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, 3 eggs, 200 ml cream, 150 g cheese, salt.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Grease a cake pan with a diameter of 26 cm and sprinkle with flour. Sift the flour, add chopped butter, salt, water and knead the shortbread dough. Wrap in foil and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Preheat the oven to 200°C. Roll out the dough on a floured board into a 0.4 cm thick cake and line the bottom and sides of the pan. Prick the dough with a fork. Cut the brisket or ham into slices and place evenly on the dough. Beat the egg with cream and pepper, add grated cheese and pour over the brisket.
Place the cheese cake in the oven for 30 minutes.
Allow the finished cake to cool slightly in the mold, then carefully transfer to a plate and cut while still warm.

16. Robber's thalers

For the base : 500 g wheat flour, 200 ml milk or water, 20 g yeast, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, salt, 1 egg, 300 g butter.

For filling : 150 g ham in one piece, 150 g cheese, 2 onions, 4 tomatoes, 12 slices of raw smoked sausage, 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, 1 teaspoon ground red pepper, 4 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped parsley, 1/2 teaspoon of ground dried mushrooms, bet. spoons of vegetable oil.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Knead puff pastry dough. Moisten 12 molds with a diameter of 10 cm with cold water.
Cut the ham and cheese into pieces. Cut the peeled and washed onions and tomatoes into slices. Heat the oven to 200°C.
Roll out the puff pastry into a thin layer, cut into 12 pieces and place in molds. Prick the dough with a fork, put a slice of raw smoked sausage, a little ham and onion in each mold, pepper, sprinkle with pepper and ground dried mushrooms. Place tomato slices, sliced ​​cheese evenly on top and sprinkle with parsley.
Let the prepared molds stand for 15 minutes. Then sprinkle with vegetable oil and place in the oven for 20 minutes.
Serve hot.

17. Pizza p. cheese, onions and capsicums in Spanish

For the base : 2 cups wheat flour, 100 g butter or margarine, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

For filling : 200 g tomatoes, 2 onions, 2 sweet peppers, juice of 1/2 lemon, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 150 g cheese, 1/2 bunch of parsley, ground black pepper, salt.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of fat.


Knead the unsweetened dough with soda* Roll it out into an even layer 0.6-0.7 cm thick, transfer it to a greased baking sheet, straighten it and shape the edges.
Cut onions, tomatoes and capsicums into rings, place on the crust and sprinkle with lemon juice. Then arrange the tomatoes, sprinkle with ground black pepper and grated cheese. Pour vegetable oil on top.
Bake for 30-45 minutes at approximately 220°C.
Serve sprinkled with finely chopped parsley.

18. Sfincione on a baking sheet

For the base : 500 g wheat flour, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 4 tbsp. tablespoons margarine or vegetable oil, 1 egg, 20 g yeast, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 100 ml milk or water.

For filling : 1 kg of tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 onions, 1 teaspoon of salt, 4 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon oregano, 20 olives, 200 g hard sheep cheese.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Knead straight yeast dough from flour, sugar, margarine or vegetable oil, eggs, yeast, salt, milk or water. Roll it out, place it on a baking sheet and prick it with a fork to prevent the formation of bubbles.
Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut into pieces. Finely chop the peeled onion and garlic, add salt and 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of vegetable oil with tomatoes. Spread the dough with tomato mixture. Sprinkle with chopped mint, basil and olives and crumbled cheese.
Bake the sfincione for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 220°C.
Sfincione can be sprinkled with either oregano or basil. You can bake it in the form of small round cakes or in a whole pan.

19. Variegated squares

For the base : 500 g wheat flour, 360 g butter, 1 egg, 200 ml kefir, 1/3 teaspoon salt.

For filling : 1 small onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, 400 g of peeled canned tomatoes, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper, 200 g of grated cheese, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of finely chopped greens. For garnishing, sets to taste: slices of raw smoked sausage, olives stuffed with paprika, capers and a variety of finely chopped greens, or shellfish, champignons, onion rings, ground black pepper, or sweet red pepper rings, olives, small onions and sardines.


Knead puff pastry with kefir. Peel the onion and garlic, chop finely and sauté in vegetable oil.
Add chopped tomatoes, salt and simmer for 15 minutes. Finally, add finely chopped herbs.
Roll out the dough and cut into 10 squares. Moisten a baking sheet with cold water and place the dough on it. Lubricate it with tomato mixture and decorate it with your choice of additives. Sprinkle the garnished squares generously with grated cheese and let stand for 15 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 220°C and bake the squares for 15-20 minutes.

20. Gourmet cakes
Option I

For the base : 500 g of wheat flour, 200 ml of water, 400 g of butter or margarine for layering, 4 teaspoons of flour for rolling the butter, 8 drops of citric acid, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

For filling : 250 g minced meat, 1 teaspoon salt, 200 g tomatoes, 10 pitted olives, 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper, 1 egg.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Knead puff pastry, roll out into a thin layer and place on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil.
Mix minced meat with egg, salt, pepper and spread evenly on the dough. Sprinkle olives on top, place tomatoes cut into thin slices.
Sprinkle the cake with cheese and bake in a hot oven for 40-50 minutes at 220°C.

Option II

For the base : 500 g wheat flour, 200 ml water, 400 g butter, 8 drops citric acid, 1/2 teaspoon salt.

For filling : 1 cup finely chopped champignons, 100 g cheese, 100 g canned tongue, 100 g raw smoked hunting sausage, 2-Z. spoons of vegetable oil.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Knead unleavened puff pastry. Roll out the cake with a diameter of 20-25 cm and place it on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil.
Cut the cheese, tongue and hunting sausage into small pieces and mix. Place the filling on the crust and sprinkle with vegetable oil.
Bake the cake in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 200°C.

Option III

For the base : 500 g wheat flour, 100 ml water, 400 g butter, salt.

For filling : 1 cucumber, 100 g veal liver sausage, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped parsley, salt to taste.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Knead puff pastry. Roll out the cake to a diameter of 20-25 cm and place on a baking sheet.
Peel the cucumber, chop coarsely, mix with liver sausage, salt and parsley. Spread the mixture onto the dough and sprinkle with vegetable oil.
Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 250°C.

21. Pizza in French

For the base : 200 g wheat flour, 15 g yeast, 200 ml water, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, a pinch of sugar and salt.

For filling : 5 onions, 125 g cottage cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper, herbs.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of fat.


Sauté chopped onion in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Beat well mashed cottage cheese with sour cream and eggs. Add salt and pepper and mix with onion.
Prepare yeast dough. Place the rolled out cake on a greased baking sheet and pinch the edges, making a border. Quickly add the prepared filling and sprinkle with herbs on top.
Bake the pizza in a preheated oven at 200°C for 40 minutes.

22. English pizza

For the base : 20 g yeast, 700 g flour, 250 ml milk or water, 10 g sugar, 50 g butter, salt.

For filling : 100 g lamb, 50 g potatoes, 3 onions, 150 g fresh mushrooms, 40 g kidneys, 20 g butter, herbs.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Dissolve the crushed yeast in heated water, add salt, add flour, knead the dough and place in a warm place to ferment for 3-4 hours. During the fermentation process, knead twice. Cut the lamb meat into small circles and remove excess fat.
Cut the peeled potatoes into large cubes and chop the onion. Wash the mushrooms and, without removing the skin, cut into halves. Cut the buds lengthwise, remove the ducts and rinse well.
Roll out the finished dough into a thin crust and place in a frying pan with shallow edges, greased with oil. Lay out the filling in layers, starting with lamb, then onions, potatoes, mushrooms, kidneys, and herbs. Sprinkle each layer with salt and pepper.
Leave the finished product for 15 minutes in a warm place, covered with a napkin so that the dough does not dry out. To improve the appearance of the pizza, you can brush it with beaten egg.
Bake the pizza in a preheated oven at 200°C for 25 minutes.

23. Bulgarian pizza

For the base : 300 g yeast dough.

For filling : 1 head of cauliflower, 100 g of cheese and ham each, 2 eggs, 120 g of sour cream, 250 ml of milk, 2 pods of sweet red pepper.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.


Place the dough on a floured board, cut pieces from it and form each into a flat cake, pressing with your hand. Place them on a baking sheet and cover with a napkin or piece of gauze. Boil cabbage in salted water with milk, drain the liquid, cut the cabbage into slices. Beat eggs with sour cream.
Place the cakes on a greased and floured baking sheet. Place the filling on the cakes in the following order: cabbage, then finely chopped ham, sliced ​​peppers and cheese, grated on a fine grater.
Garnish with small sprigs of parsley.
Place in the oven preheated to 200°C and bake for 20 minutes.

24. Tyrolean pizza

For the base : 1 kg of flour, 600 ml of warm water (preferably mineral, without gas), 25 g of brewer's yeast, 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil.

For filling : 400 g of tomato paste, 600 g of mozzarella or other young cheese, 500 g of dried smoked ham with spices and aromatic herbs.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of fat.


Knead the yeast dough, roll out a thin crust and place it on a greased baking sheet. Spread finely chopped tomatoes in an even layer and add salt.
Place in a preheated oven (250°C) for about 15-20 minutes.
5 minutes before readiness, add mozzarella (small pieces).
When the pizza is ready, garnish with slices of ham.

25. Chinese pizza

For the base : 1 liter of milk, 60 g of sour cream, 20 g of butter, salt, South sugar, 2 eggs, 600 g of flour, a pinch of baking soda.

For filling : 15 g dried mushrooms, 1/4 head of savoy cabbage, 2 carrots, leeks and soybean shoots each, 1 zucchini, 400 g each pickled chestnuts and canned bamboo shoots, 110 g monosodium glutamate, 50 g fried onions , 90 g of a mixture of chopped peanuts with spices, salt, pepper.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.


Add sour cream, eggs, butter, sugar, salt and baking soda to the milk. Then add flour and quickly knead the dough.
Soak the mushrooms. Cut the cabbage into strips and the carrots into slices. Peel the zucchini and cut into thin slices. Cut the leeks in half lengthwise, and then into 2 cm pieces. Place the bamboo shoots and chestnuts in a colander and cut into thin slices with a curly knife. Roll out the finished dough into a crust and place it on a greased frying pan.
Mix cabbage, carrots and green onions and place in the first layer. Then add the zucchini, mushrooms, soybean shoots, chestnuts and bamboo shoots one by one.
Season all this with french fries, monosodium glutamate, salt, pepper, a mixture of chopped peanuts and soy sauce.
Place the pizza in an oven preheated to 200°C for 25-30 minutes. Cover the dough with a clean cloth and place in a warm place to ferment for 2 hours (knead twice). Place the finished dough on a floured cutting board, cut pieces from it and form them into flat cakes, pressing gently with your hand. Leave to proof for 5-8 minutes.
Boil separately the head of asparagus, bean pods, goose liver, carrots and chop finely. Place the finished cakes in a greased frying pan or in a special form. Layer pieces of foie gras, asparagus, chopped baby beans, carrots, halved pickled mushrooms, celery, tomatoes and leeks. Pour all this with spicy ketchup, mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Place the pizza in an oven preheated to 200°C and bake for 20 minutes. Serve it with cold beer.

27. Pizza “Greek”

For the base : 500 g flour, 1 kg potatoes, 1 egg, 25 g yeast, 30 g butter, salt.

For filling : 600 g of beef, 250 g of onions and carrots, 200 g of celery, 300 g of eggplant, 150 g of bacon, 100 g of butter and green beans, salt, pepper.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of fat.


Peel the potatoes and cut into slices. Boil it in a small amount of water and rub through a sieve. Beat a raw egg into the hot puree, add diluted yeast, add 1/3 of the total amount of flour, mix thoroughly and place in a warm place for 3-4 hours. After this, add vegetable oil, salt, add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. Place it in a warm place for a second rise.
Cut the meat into pieces and lightly fry. Cut vegetables (except eggplants) into small slices and combine with meat. Salt and pepper. Scald the eggplants with boiling water and remove the skin. Finely chop them.
Place the dough in a greased pan and shape it into a flat cake. Place the mixed mixture of meat and vegetables, chopped eggplants and bacon cubes on it. Sprinkle all this with boiled beans. For best taste, place pieces of butter on top of everything.
Place the pizza in an oven preheated to 200°C and bake for 20 minutes.

28. Turkish Pizza

For the base : 300 g flour, 50 g cottage cheese, 10 g dry yeast, 100 ml warm water, 60 ml milk, 1-2 eggs, salt.

For filling : 200 g lamb, 2 onions, 1 tomato, 100 g cheese, 100 g cream or sour cream, 90 g parsley, salt, pepper.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Mix cottage cheese with cream or sour cream. Dilute the yeast with warm water. Beat the eggs into the flour and pour in the heated milk. Mix cottage cheese with flour and yeast. Add salt and knead the dough thoroughly. Leave it in a cold place for 2 hours. Boil the lamb in lightly salted water and cut into small cubes. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Carefully cut the tomato into circles so as not to leak juice.
Roll out the dough into a flat cake. Place it on a baking sheet so that thin sides are formed. Place the filling on the dough in the following order: meat, onions, tomatoes, cheese. Mix cream or sour cream with ground red pepper, salt and pour over the filling. Boil rice in boiling water for 10 minutes, drain and cool.
Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, peel them and cut into large pieces. Mix the finished rice with tomatoes, finely chopped green pepper and crab meat.
Roll out the cooled dough into layers and place in special molds, pre-greased with oil.
Place a mixture of rice, tomatoes, peppers and crabs there.
Pour all this with mayonnaise and tomato sauce. Soft-boil the eggs, peel them, sprinkle them on the pizza and pour mayonnaise mixed with dissolved gelatin over it. Garnish it all with slices of cucumbers and tomatoes. Sprinkle with pepper and pour over white sauce. Fold the edges of the pizza and mold.
Bake in a well-heated oven at 200°C for 25 minutes.
Serve the dish on napkins with Japanese patterns.

30. Pizza in Polish

For the base : 500 g flour, 1 egg (or 15 g egg powder), 25 g yeast, 30 g butter, salt.

For filling : 240 g of Krakow sausage, 300 g of canned green peas, 50 g of onions and hot garlic ketchup, 100 g of pickles and mayonnaise, 20 g of green salad.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


In 1/3 of the flour specified in the recipe, add eggs, yeast diluted with a small amount of water, knead the dough and put it in a warm place for 2 hours so that it rises.
After this, add vegetable oil, salt, add the rest of the flour and knead the dough well again. Place it in a warm place for a second rise (for 1 hour). Then place on a greased baking sheet and roll out.
Cut Krakow sausage into pieces and fry in oil. When the pieces form “bowls,” place them on the flatbread. Cut the cucumbers into small slices and place them between the sausage. Fill the bowls with green peas.
Chop the onion and green salad and sprinkle them over the food. Pour mayonnaise and ketchup over everything.
Bake the pizza in a preheated oven at 200°C for 25 minutes.

31. Georgian pizza

For the base : 400 g flour, 100 ml milk, 20 g dry yeast, 50 ml water, salt.

For filling : 100 g meat, 6 eggs, 150 g cheese, 2 potatoes, 3 onions, 60 ml vegetable oil, red and black pepper, a bunch of parsley and dill, salt.

For the baking sheet : 1 tbsp. spoon of fat.


Dissolve the yeast in milk, add flour, salt and knead the dough, gradually adding water. Place the finished dough in a warm place for 1 hour.
Boil the meat in salted water and cut into cubes. Chop the boiled eggs. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Boil the potatoes and also cut into cubes and the onion into rings. Chop the parsley and dill.
When bubbles appear in the dough, roll it into 2 flat cakes. Place one on a baking sheet and put the filling in the middle in the following order: onions, meat, eggs, potatoes, cheese. Salt and pepper. Then place the second flatbread and also add the filling (in the same order). Pour in vegetable oil.
Bake the pizza in an oven preheated to 200°C for 30 minutes. When it's ready, sprinkle it with herbs.

The "PIZZA" section contains more than 300 recipes for both classic and modern pizza and its analogues from different peoples of the world.

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