Popcorn. Popcorn

Puffed corn or popcorn was not widespread in Russia until the nineties of the last century and was associated with film footage from American life, where people constantly chew popcorn while sitting in a movie theater. Currently, this American habit has rapidly burst into our lives; popcorn has become a mandatory attribute of Russian cinemas. If earlier dates were made with a mandatory visit to the cinema, now they go to the cinema to relax and munch on popcorn. Life is changing, apparently the chewing reflex in people turned out to be stronger. The love for popcorn stimulated interest in the question of the benefits and harms of popcorn.

Aircraft has been known on the American continent since ancient times. Of course, then only Indian tribes used it, who fried corn grains with various herbs, cooked soups, prepared corn beer, and made unique accessories and hats. It was the Indians who treated the first colonialists to puffed corn in the 17th century, and it received its name “popcorn” in America. Later, at the end of the 19th century, a machine for making popcorn was invented in Chicago; American entrepreneurs quickly realized the benefits of selling popcorn during the holidays and when people visited the first movie theaters.

So what are the benefits and harms of popcorn? In fact, popcorn is ordinary corn, which is rich in fiber, which helps improve the functioning of the digestive system, reducing. In addition, the presence of active natural substances of polyphenols in corn, which have an antioxidant effect, has a beneficial effect on the condition of skin tissue. Polyphenols protect the body from numerous diseases and prolong a person’s youth. Popcorn can be successfully used in weight loss programs, since one serving of popcorn contains only 70 kilocalories, it quickly brings a feeling of fullness and is actively evacuated from the stomach. Puffed corn is a complete grain product, a rich source of carbohydrates necessary for human life. This is the undoubted benefit of popcorn.

When considering the benefits and harms of popcorn, you need to understand what corn kernels are when cooking. Unlike wheat or oat grains, when heated, the shell of corn grains does not allow water to pass through and does not allow water to evaporate, as a result of which strong pressure increases from the inside, the grains burst, turn inside out and become like little white flowers. Before popping popcorn, corn kernels must be stored properly because dry corn will not pop.

The main negative impact on the properties of popcorn is caused by the methods of its preparation. In pursuit of profit, which significantly exceeds the profit from the sale of tickets to shows, cinema owners offer visitors puffed corn that is sweet, salty, cheesy, caramelized, with many harmful synthetic additives. Moreover, portions sold in cinemas sometimes contain as much as 1,200 kilocalories. After eating so much popcorn, you always feel thirsty, so people start buying additional sugary carbonated drinks. Excessive consumption of popcorn has turned a rather healthy product into a harmful one. In addition, American doctors have discovered that cooking and consuming large amounts of puffed corn can lead to lung diseases, which affect many food industry workers involved in the production of the popular product. The occurrence of diseases is associated with the use of oil containing the chemical flavoring agent diacetyl, which, when heated strongly, becomes extremely harmful to the human respiratory tract.

Concluding the conversation about the benefits and harms of popcorn, it should be noted that popcorn is much healthier than chips, chocolate bars, and salted nuts. If you consume popcorn in moderation, there will be no health problems.

The popularity of cinema has made popcorn one of the most favorite snacks around the world. Children, teenagers, and adults love it, but few people ask themselves what the benefits and harms of popcorn are, and how you can protect yourself without giving up your favorite treat.

What is popcorn

Popcorn is corn kernels that have been exposed to high heat. To get an airy dish, you need special varieties of corn with a high starch content in the grains. When heated, the dense shell bursts with a characteristic crack, and the contents of the grains form an air mass.

The first puffed grains were made by the Indians several thousand years ago, by frying corn on the cob over a fire, and the resulting mass was consumed as a dessert and added to various dishes. In the 19th century, roasted corn kernels gained popularity in Europe, and after the invention of the compact machine in 1885, they became a real boon for the owners of snack bars and movie theaters, displacing other snacks such as. The popularity of the product is explained simply - from a relatively small volume of corn grains a large volume of delicacy is obtained.

Composition and calorie content

Classic popcorn contains only corn kernels. Modern manufacturers try to “enrich” the taste of the product by adding salt, sugar, flavorings, dyes, and flavor enhancers.

The calorie content of popcorn without additives is quite low - 100 grams of the product contains about 400 kcal.

Types of puffed corn

Now there are many varieties of delicacies, mainly differing due to flavoring additives, such as:

Product properties

What effect does a product like popcorn have on the body? The benefits and harms for the human body are determined by the content of certain substances in it.

The benefits of popcorn

Corn is a nutritious food. The benefits of popcorn are due to the substances that make up corn.

Useful properties of popcorn:

  • improved digestion due to fiber;
  • positive effect on the nervous system due to B vitamins;
  • stabilization of heart function due to potassium content;
  • antioxidant effect of polyphenols.

By following the norms recommended by nutritionists - no more than one serving of popcorn 30-50 grams, eating only the product yourself prepared without chemical additives, you can really get the beneficial properties of popcorn. The delicacy helps improve digestion and quickly fill you up without gaining excess weight.

The dangers of popcorn

If earlier popcorn was considered a healthy dish, now nutritionists only talk about the harm popcorn causes to the body, especially to children and teenagers.

The health hazards of popcorn are explained by the cooking method and the presence of various additives:

  • frying in oil;
  • microwave cooking;
  • adding salt, sugar;
  • chemical flavor enhancers;
  • flavor substitutes.

The benefits and harms of microwave popcorn is a separate topic. Although the harmfulness of foods cooked or heated in a microwave oven has not yet been proven, it is still better to avoid popcorn cooked in it. Especially, buy a ready-made mixture. When exposed to high temperatures in the microwave, corn grains absorb all the additives. Some of them are carcinogenic and can cause allergies.

When cooking popcorn in oil, two problems arise at once:

  • Using palm oil immediately increases caloric content by 3 times. But such a dish definitely cannot be called healthy or dietary. It is enough to eat 100 grams of popcorn fried in oil to satisfy half of the daily energy requirement, but you will not be able to fill yourself with a portion. Therefore, those who regularly consume puffed corn have a several times greater risk of developing obesity.
  • When making popcorn on an industrial scale, low-quality oil with many additives is often used. Thus, diacetyl, which is often found in popcorn sold in public places, can cause lung and brain diseases. And oil used several times is a source of carcinogens.

Salty, sweet popcorn is much more popular and several times more harmful than the classic product. Excess salt leads to fluid retention in the body, provokes the development of edema, and negatively affects the functioning of the heart and kidneys. Sweet foods cause excess weight gain, tooth decay, and increase the risk of allergies and type 2 diabetes.

Any additives in corn are harmful to the human body. Substances are potentially dangerous, increasing the risk of developing cancer, causing the development of gastritis, colitis, and allergies.

Consumption of popcorn by children and pregnant women

Children and pregnant women are people at risk. Their body is more susceptible to the effects of any harmful substances, and the consequences of their use can be much more serious.

The answer to the question: is popcorn harmful for children is definitely yes. Since this product is used without measure, with various additives, often with dirty hands on the go.

But popcorn is not the most dangerous product in public catering, cinemas, or parks. Regular chips are much more harmful to children - they no longer contain natural potatoes or vegetable oil. Read about the dangers of chips.

Important! The high content of sugar and chemical additives makes popcorn a dangerous product for children.

It is possible to reduce the harm from puffed corn to yourself and your child only by consuming a self-prepared product in its “pure” form, without flavoring additives.

Can pregnant women have popcorn? It is better for the expectant mother to refuse the treat for a number of simple reasons:

  • sweet corn provokes weight gain and allergies in the unborn child; salty – causes thirst, swelling;
  • a snack with additives is a highly allergenic product that is strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

How is popcorn good for pregnant women? Expectant mothers have no reason to use the product. If popcorn is your favorite treat, but you can’t give it up, then you need to limit its consumption and eat only home-cooked corn.

Can you get poisoned from popcorn?

Popcorn poisoning is quite common. The cause of intoxication can be pathogenic microorganisms and fungi that infect corn grains during storage and do not die during roasting. But more often, poisoning occurs when sanitary and hygienic standards for preparation or sale are violated.

If abdominal pain from popcorn appeared almost immediately after eating it, it was most likely caused by pathogenic fungi or frying in low-quality oil. Vomiting, upset stool, and abdominal pain that occur several hours after eating most likely signal a foodborne illness, as well as a bacterial infection. These pathologies occur more often when sanitary standards are not observed - corn is prepared and sold by people infected with infectious agents.

It is not difficult to suspect poisoning, knowing the signs that appear within a few hours:

  • the occurrence of nausea, gagging and vomiting;
  • the appearance of colic and pain in the upper abdomen;
  • upset, frequent bowel movements;
  • general malaise and weakness.

The first aid algorithm does not differ from the standard one:

  1. It is necessary to induce vomiting in order to remove the remaining toxic substance - this will be useful when no more than 3-4 hours have passed since the poisoning. To cleanse the stomach, you need to give several glasses of warm water to drink and press on the root of the tongue. The procedure is repeated until the vomit consists only of clean water.
  2. Giving plenty of fluids will help speed up the elimination of toxins and protect the body from dehydration. To avoid the gag reflex, you need to drink in small portions every 5-10 minutes.
  3. Sorbents are necessary to remove toxins from the intestines. Activated carbon, enterosgel, tagansorbent, and any other drug in an age-specific dosage can be used as sorbents.

Important! After the poisoning has stopped, you should completely stop eating popcorn for several months.

The persistence of vomiting and stool disorder for 1-2 days, the deterioration of the patient’s condition is a reason to call an ambulance or independently transport the victim to a medical facility. There he will be provided with qualified assistance:

  • administration of intravenous infusion solutions;
  • use of antibiotic therapy;
  • symptomatic treatment: drugs that support the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

Everyone decides for themselves whether eating popcorn is harmful, but you can always reduce the negative impact of the product by preparing popcorn at home and consuming it no more than 1-2 times a month.

Popcorn, also known as popcorn, is a certain type of corn that, when heated, expands in volume by popping the grain. The first people who started eating popcorn were the Indians, who noticed the abilities of a certain variety of maize. Later, popcorn became a common food in both the USA and Europe. In Europe, popcorn began to be sold in cinemas in 1912 and people began to combine watching films with eating popcorn. I wonder what the benefits of popcorn are? The benefits of popcorn for the body are not just a pleasant taste; in order to understand what benefits popcorn can bring, it is necessary to consider its composition. It will be useful to know the benefits and harms of popcorn, the calorie content of the product.

Puffed corn is prepared by heating the grains to a temperature of 170-180 degrees, but the heat treatment period is quite short, so most of the beneficial substances can be preserved. Popcorn contains B vitamins (B1, B2), fiber, zinc, iodine, magnesium, potassium, etc. The product is quite high in calories, since 100 g of popcorn contains 325 kcal. Popcorn may or may not be beneficial for the body, and a lot depends on the preparation. Popcorn made at home can be beneficial for the body, which cannot be said about the popcorn sold in the store, as it contains many flavors, preservatives and other substances that are harmful to health. The solution is to buy corn kernels and make popcorn yourself, this is the only way to benefit from it.

Popcorn benefits:

— Good for the nervous system

— Improves metabolism

— Natural popcorn is useful even as a dietary snack, as it supplies the body with useful substances, cleanses the esophagus and satisfies hunger.

— Normalizes digestion

– Lowers blood sugar levels

– Has anti-aging properties as it contains antioxidants

- Has a beneficial effect on skin health

Popcorn harm and contraindications:

— Store-bought popcorn and semi-finished products for making popcorn at home contain a lot of calories, a lot of salt, sugar, flavorings and taste enhancers, and this is harmful to health.

— When making popcorn, oil is used, which is heated to a certain temperature, which leads to the formation of carcinogenic substances in it.


Popcorn is the most popular food consumed in movie theaters. It is tasty, light, satisfying, which is why it gained its popularity. However, you should figure out whether the delicacy is healthy and whether it is worth consuming during illness and pregnancy. Let's offer a recipe for homemade popcorn.

What is popcorn made from?

The product is made from a special type of corn grain that “explodes” when heated. Inside each grain contains a small drop of water with dissolved starch. After heating to 100 °C, water boils, but cannot go into a gaseous state due to the lack of free space. Only when the temperature rises to 230 °C does the pressure inside the grain rupture the shell and steam escapes.
The heated liquid softens the starch, which then expands and hardens. It is for this reason that finished popcorn has a volume several times greater than the raw materials used.

Calorie content and chemical composition


Nutritional information for caramel popcorn:

  • proteins - 5.3 g;
  • fats - 8.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 76.1 g.

Nutritional value of salted popcorn:

  • proteins - 7.3 g;
  • fats - 13.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 62.7 g.

Important! The calorie content of the treat comes from slow carbohydrates, which include starch.


  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • zinc.
Vitamins: Although the sweet and salty delicacy contains vitamins, their quantity is extremely small, so popcorn cannot be considered a complete source of vitamins.

Note that the energy value of raw corn grains per 100 g of product is 86 kcal.

Benefits and harm to the body

Let's consider the beneficial and dangerous properties of the corn product, as well as its effect on the body.

Is it useful?

The benefits of popcorn are as follows:

  • a product prepared without using a large amount of oil has a small amount of fat in its composition, and therefore does not lead to obesity;
  • the vitamins and minerals contained, as well as slow carbohydrates, are good for health;
  • active substances included in the composition prevent the development of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • in its pure form it is a dietary product that gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
  • high fiber content improves intestinal motility;
  • It is quickly digested, so it can be consumed at night.

Why is it harmful?

This product also contains harmful properties:

  • during the cooking process, dyes and flavors are added that are harmful to the liver;
  • corn is cooked without changing the oil, which is why the popcorn is saturated with carcinogens;
  • flavoring additives lead to exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers;
  • a large amount of salt disrupts water metabolism and also leads to edema;
  • the sweet version of the product loads the pancreas and also sharply increases blood sugar levels, so the product is dangerous for children;
  • Strong-flavored popcorn is made with diacetyl, a carcinogenic chemical linked to lung dysfunction and Alzheimer's disease;
  • Some supplements are addictive.

Is it possible to eat popcorn

The beneficial and dangerous properties of the product are contradictory, so it is necessary to understand whether it is worth consuming the delicacy in case of illness, as well as in special conditions.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women should refrain from consuming the finished product, which is sold near cinemas and in markets.
The abundance of various flavoring additives and fats makes the delicacy extremely dangerous for the health of the child and mother. However, it is not prohibited to eat popcorn made at home. To do this, you need to purchase grains without any additives, then fry them in a frying pan or cook them in the microwave. Ready-made cereal should not be sprinkled with salt or sugar.

For pregnant women, the product will be a valuable source of fiber, which will relieve constipation and also help not gain excess weight.

When breastfeeding

A nursing mother needs a complete diet, however, many foods are prohibited for consumption due to their allergenicity. When breastfeeding, it is allowed to eat popcorn, but in moderation and without any flavoring additives.
It is worth understanding that the pure product is unfolded wheat grains that do not contain dangerous compounds. Even after heating, carcinogens do not form in them, so there is no reason to refuse delicious cereal.

The problem most often is that finding grains without additives is problematic, which is why breastfeeding women neglect the dangers of seasonings and flavors. In this case, not only their body suffers, but also the child, who receives a “dose” of chemicals along with the milk.

Benefits and harms of losing weight

Fans of this product are concerned with the question of whether it is possible to gain weight from eating popcorn, and how this relates to additives. Most often, cereal is eaten while watching movies or TV shows.
This promotes rapid and uncontrolled eating of food, which is why the body receives a huge amount of calories (more than 1 thousand) in a short period of time. Since you physically cannot expend so much energy, given your type of activity, carbohydrates are quickly stored in the form of subcutaneous fat.

Important! During breastfeeding, it is forbidden to consume treats if the mother is diagnosed with vascular thrombosis.

Most treats are generously sprinkled with synthetic seasonings, which create a strong flavor. This encourages eating large amounts of popcorn, which also leads to weight gain. At the same time, the presence of fats in the composition increases the energy value several times, which is why you can consume your daily calorie intake in a few hours. This outcome will not please those who are on a diet.
Even a home-prepared delicacy is not suitable for those who want to lose weight, since the abundance of carbohydrates affects the figure. For this reason, it is necessary to either exclude the product from the daily diet or severely limit its consumption.

Did you know? The inventors of the delicacy are considered to be the American Indians, who 4 thousand years ago cooked the product over fires. They ate it, used it as decoration, and also predicted fortunes by the shape of the flakes.

For gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which causes the organ to react negatively to spicy, hot, alcoholic, sour, alkaline, and carbonated foods. In general, for all aggressive products.

Popcorn without additives can be eaten if you have gastritis, as it is modified corn. However, a product with the addition of flavoring and aromatic substances can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Regular consumption will lead to stomach ulcers.
If gastritis worsens, it is recommended to avoid popcorn altogether, since it contains a lot of carbohydrates that overload the organ.

For diabetes

It is prohibited to use the product with additives for any type of diabetes. The calorie content of such popcorn reaches 1 thousand kcal, so the blood sugar level jumps instantly, which ends in the hospital.

Flakes without additives should not be eaten if you have type 1 diabetes. This is due to the fact that they contain a lot of starch, which affects blood glucose levels. For this reason, it is better to refuse the treat.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you can eat natural treats, but in small quantities. In this case, you should avoid adding salt and fat, and also control bread units.

For constipation

You should not eat popcorn if you are constipated, as the shells of the grains, which are not removed from the finished product, can worsen the condition by blocking the excretion of feces. Despite the fact that the treat contains a lot of fiber, it does not help with constipation, but only irritates the intestinal walls.
As a result, the hard shells of the grains can significantly worsen the condition, causing inflammation of the organ. In this case, it will not be possible to get rid of the problem without the help of a doctor.

How to make popcorn at home

We offer a recipe for preparing a high-quality natural product that will only benefit your health.


  • corn kernels for popcorn without additives in sealed packaging;
  • sunflower or edible coconut oil.

Cooking process.

  1. Take a 3-4 liter saucepan, rinse and wipe dry.
  2. Spread 2-3 tbsp evenly over the bottom. l. oil, then place on the stove and heat to the required temperature.
  3. To understand when to add corn, you need to throw in 1 grain and wait. If it bursts, the oil is hot enough.
  4. Pour some popcorn into the pan so that it completely covers the bottom, and at the same time comes into contact with the oil and the iron surface of the pan. Keep in mind that the volume of the finished product is tens of times greater than the volume of grains.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid, then wait 2-3 minutes.
  6. When the “explosions” stop, remove the pan from the stove and immediately check for readiness.

Video: how to make popcorn at home If you want to get not only a healthy, but also a delicious movie-theater product, then you need to add the following ingredients:

  • creamy coconut oil;
  • nutritional yeast (deactivated, not baker's yeast);
  • salt.

Add 1 tbsp to hot cereal. l. coconut oil, ½-1 tbsp. l. yeast and salt to taste, mix.

Did you know? Popcorn first appeared in the USSR in 1945. It was supplied from the USA along with other food products under the terms of Lend-Lease.


  • ready-made treat;
  • sugar syrup;
  • nut butter;
  • milk chocolate bar.

Cooking process.

  1. Prepare the grains according to the recipe described above, then immediately transfer them to a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Add some syrup and nut butter.
  3. Distribute hot chocolate with additives evenly over the surface of the cereal and stir.
  4. After the chocolate has hardened, pour the popcorn into a convenient bowl.

Popcorn is a tasty and healthy product that has a considerable number of beneficial properties. However, the benefits are limited by the added flavors and fats, so avoid buying ready-made treats. Remember that popcorn is low in protein, so it should not be included in the menu of athletes and people who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

The ancient American Indians were the first to discover puffed corn. While lighting a fire, a cob of maize fell into the fire and greatly frightened the Indians with its explosions. Having tasted the snow-white open grain, the ancient inhabitants were delighted with its taste and aroma. They began adding corn to soups, frying it in oil, decorating their hair with it, and using it to make various accessories.

The Indians shared their unique find with the British, who liked the pleasant taste of these puffed grains. In 1885, C. Kitorz invented a special apparatus for cooking corn and called it “Popper”. The miracle machine was on wheels and could move around the city, treating everyone with a delicious delicacy.

Many people wonder why corn explodes when it gets into hot oil. Maybe the reason for this is the water contained inside the dense grains? As it turns out, the cause of the explosion is the smooth, dense peel that only this type of maize has. When it comes into contact with hot oil, the internal pressure of the grain increases so much that it bursts, and the water contained inside turns into steam and turns its insides in the form of a snow-white flower.

In order for popcorn to burst, its shell must be intact and the inside must not be overdried. Only at a temperature of 170-180 degrees does a rapid heating of the grains occur, which contributes to cracking of the peel and a deafening explosion of corn.


The dangers of popcorn

The negative impact of popcorn on the human body is directly related to the method and technology of its preparation. Today, flakes can rarely be seen in their natural form - for attractiveness and bright taste, manufacturers add flavors and synthetic components during frying. Popcorn with the taste of chocolate, caramel, with the aroma of red caviar and cheese - this is the delicacy that contains the most dangerous ingredients.

Popcorn can cause enormous harm to the body due to the oil in which it is cooked. Usually, unscrupulous manufacturers add a toxic substance to it - diacetyl, which gives the corn a sweet aroma and masks the synthetic odors of various additives.

After conducting a number of studies, experts have found that the harm from popcorn will be significant if:

  1. During its preparation, salt or sugar was added in large quantities. Salted puffed corn disrupts the water balance in the body and causes severe thirst. Sweet popcorn has several times more calories than natural popcorn, so it can cause excess weight and create additional stress on the pancreas.
  2. The popcorn was cooked in palm oil. Everyone has long known that when heated, fats and oils release dangerous carcinogens that cause cancer. In addition, instead of the usual 325 calories, a box of flavored popcorn contains four times more!
  3. During the frying process, manufacturers used the additive diacetyl. This dangerous synthetic component has a detrimental effect on the human respiratory system and can cause pulmonary fibrosis. This additive has properties that cause Alzheimer's disease (dementia), which is practically untreatable.
  4. The flakes are generously seasoned with additives (bacon, cheese, paprika). In large quantities, these substances can provoke the formation of gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers and cause intestinal flatulence.
  5. Popcorn is believed to be addictive.


The benefits of popcorn

Puffed corn as a cereal is very beneficial for the body. One hundred grams of grains contain about three hundred calories, and when prepared, this is the largest box of ready-made cereals. The benefits of popcorn for humans lie in its nutritional composition and impressive vitamin content.

Popcorn contains the most vitamins of group B. They remove harmful cholesterol from the body's cells, improve metabolism and contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. Puffed corn flakes are rich in magnesium, zinc, potassium and iodine. Quickly cooking popcorn allows you to preserve a huge amount of valuable substances that the body needs for its vital functions and healthy tone.

The expressed benefit of popcorn lies in the huge content of natural chemicals - polyphenols. They are powerful antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer and heart disease. Popcorn is rich in fiber, protein and carbohydrates. It is widely used by nutritionists when planning weight loss programs, because the cereal itself is low in calories, quickly fills the stomach and dulls the appetite.

Popcorn during pregnancy

Anyone who follows a healthy lifestyle and wants to get rid of extra pounds should know about the benefits and possible harms of popcorn. However, pregnant women should be careful when using this tasty product. Many of them are interested in the question: is it possible to eat popcorn in an interesting situation and will it cause harm?

The process of making popcorn uses various additives, oil and dyes, so it is better to avoid eating the flakes during pregnancy. However, if you purchase fresh corn kernels and cook them at home, you can enrich your diet with this nutritious product.

At home, it is better to cook popcorn in a frying pan rather than in the microwave to avoid “burning”. So in a frying pan you yourself regulate the process of its preparation - but in the microwave it very often happens that individual grains simply burn from the set temperature to black.

In a reasonable amount, homemade popcorn will not harm the expectant mother’s body at all, and will be very useful as a snack.

Can children have popcorn?

All children don't mind crunching the airy flakes. They love popcorn and can eat unlimited amounts of it. However, it should be remembered that popcorn sold in movie theaters and entertainment centers contains many additives and synthetic colors, so it is better to avoid consuming this treat.

Before going to the cinema, feed your child well, and also stock up on fruits or natural nuts. Be sure to explain to your child why you can’t eat popcorn in public places and why it’s better to prepare it at home. Seasoned with a minimal amount of salt and sugar, you get a natural product that children will like and benefit the body. Eat only the “correct” puffed corn and be healthy!