Tomatoes for the winter without sterilization is a simple recipe. Tomato blanks for the winter: "Golden Recipes

Good afternoon dear friends. Harvesting of tomatoes will begin very soon and many of you will harvest and pickle tomatoes for the winter. Pickled tomatoes are probably one of the most popular twists after cabbage and cucumbers. Everyone really likes the aroma and taste of pickled tomatoes.

Naturally, those who from year to year make blanks in the form of conservation. They take care of their proven recipes and pass them on only within the family, but there are those who easily share their secret recipes. If you don’t have a single time-tested recipe yet, I recommend that you look at our selection and choose one or two recipes for harvesting tomatoes for the winter.

Tomatoes for the winter recipe without sterilization for a 3 liter jar

This recipe is simple and the most popular among the rest. Tomatoes for the winter are delicious fragrant and stored for a long time in a cool place. And so the recipe below is just for a 3 liter jar. I do not specify the number of tomatoes. We take as much as will enter the jar and the top.


1-2 umbrella dill.
2 currant leaves or horseradish leaves.
2-3 cloves of garlic.
1 st. a spoonful of salt.
3 art. spoons of sugar.
3-4 pcs. black peppercorns.

Half a hot pepper, optional.

Cooking process.

And so we take only ripe tomatoes without traces of corruption. Do not take too large fruits. The most optimal are those that easily crawl into the neck of the jar. After harvesting, rinse the tomatoes well and remove the twigs and tails.

It is also advisable to rinse the greens well before salting and shake off any remaining moisture from them.

Do not chop the garlic, just take it and throw it into the jar. If desired, you can cut into two halves, but no more.

And so we put the ingredients in the following sequence. Half greens, garlic, tomatoes. Banks naturally take only sterilized.

Lay the rest of the greens on top. Fill the jar with tomatoes to the very top.

When the tomatoes and greens are laid out, pour hot water into each jar to the brim. So that the banks do not burst from the temperature drop. Pour boiling water gradually.

When boiling water is poured over, cover each jar with lids and let stand for 10 minutes. Then drain the water into a saucepan and bring to a boil again.

While the water is heating, pour the rest of the ingredients into the jar. Salt, sugar, peppercorns, citric acid, which acts as a preservative.

Then again pour boiling water over the tomatoes and tighten the lids tightly with a special key.

We make the jars upside down, insulate and keep warm until completely cooled. After we transfer to a cool place for long-term storage. As you can see, the recipe is very simple, nothing complicated and not particularly smart. Pickled tomatoes are very tasty and appetizing.

Sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter

A recipe for those who love sweet canned tomatoes. This recipe is also not particularly difficult. So take note of the recipe.


2-2.5 kg of tomatoes.
Salt 2 tbsp. spoons.
Sugar 3 tbsp. spoons.
Vinegar 3 tbsp. spoons per jar of 3 liters.
Peppercorns 3-5 pcs.
Bulgarian pepper 1-2 pcs per jar.
Onion head 1 pc.
garlic 2-4 cloves optional
2 umbrellas of dill.
1 sheet of horseradish or currant.

Cooking process.

For this recipe, choose small tomatoes. We take only whole solid fruits without signs of spoilage.
In a sterilized jar we put dill umbrellas, sweet pepper slices, garlic cloves, a horseradish leaf, onion cut into quarters and peppercorns.

You can alternate laying the tomato with the rest of the ingredients. For example, put the tomatoes first, then the greens. Then another layer of tomatoes and a layer of peppers and onions.

Pour boiling water into the completed jars. Cover each jar with a lid and let stand for about 10 minutes.
Drain the water into the pan after putting a special lid with holes on the jar, which will make it easy to drain all the water and leave the tomatoes in the jar.

Pour salt, sugar into the drained water and put the pan on the stove. Bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar and while the brine is still hot, pour it back into the jars.
We take sterile lids and twist them on the jars using a special seaming machine.

Place jars of tomatoes on the floor upside down, cover and keep wrapped until completely cooled. This will take about a day or so. After the jar can be transferred to a cool place for long-term storage.

Green tomatoes for the winter

Pickling tomatoes for the winter recipe for 1 liter jar just lick your fingers

Many fundamentally do not make blanks in large 3-liter jars, but make their choice in favor of small ones. Since a large jar is not immediately eaten and it’s just a pity to throw out the spoiled product later.

But a small liter jar is quite our format. And it is eaten quickly and you can take it with you, for example, on a visit or to nature, well, in general, you yourself will find a use for these tomatoes. In the meantime, I will share a recipe for making tomatoes for the winter according to a special recipe.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar.

1-2 carrots.
1 sheet of lavrushka.
1 dill umbrella.
1 hot pepper.
3-5 cloves of garlic.
How many tomatoes will go in (about 0.5-0.8 kg.)
1 bell pepper.
3-5 black peppercorns.
200 ml of vinegar.
100 grams of salt.
120 grams of sugar.

Cooking process.

First of all, before laying the products, we sterilize the jars over steam. Liter jars are conveniently sterilized in a teapot with a long spout.

Pour water into the kettle, put it on the stove and when the water starts to boil, put the jar on the spout of the kettle and sterilize over steam for 5-7 minutes. Be careful when working with hot steam.

If your kettle does not have such a long spout, you can use a special lid to sterilize jars.

And so the banks are ready, now you can transgress to the preparation and stacking of the ingredients.
Of course, all ingredients must be pure. Carrot and sweet pepper cut into 3-4 parts.

Leave the hot peppers and garlic whole.
At the bottom we lay an umbrella of dill, hot peppers, peppercorns.
Next, put a few tomatoes and distribute slices of carrots and bell pepper along the walls along the jar. The remaining free space is hammered with tomatoes to the very top.

Now pour hot water into the jar, also to the very top, cover with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes. After the water is drained into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, parsley and bring to a boil. Pour table vinegar boil for 1-2 minutes.
Pour the resulting brine back into the jar and now tighten the lids tightly.

Lids also need to be sterilized. To do this, it is enough to pour the lids with boiling water and soak for about 3 minutes.

We make jars twisted with lids together, cover with a warm blanket and keep for about 2 days. After turning the jars over and transfer to a cool place out of direct sunlight. Where the jars will be stored until the winter, or maybe you will open them earlier, who knows when you want to eat delicious pickled tomatoes cooked by yourself.

Tomatoes for the winter without vinegar and sterilization

In addition to tomatoes, you can put bell peppers and onions and more herbs in a jar.


1 head of onion.
3-5 cloves of garlic.
2 umbrellas of dill.
1-2 sheets of horseradish.
1-2 bell peppers.
1 hot pepper.
3-5 black peppercorns.
1 leaflet.
4 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
1.5 st. spoons of salt.
Half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Cooking process.

Wash vegetables well. Sweet pepper and onion cut into quarters.
If you want to make pickled tomatoes spicier, then chop the hot pepper, and if not, then it is better to leave the hot pepper intact.

At the bottom of a sterile jar we put onions, dill umbrellas, a leaf of horseradish and parsley, as well as allspice.
We fill the jar tightly with tomatoes and pour boiling water over it. Soak the tomatoes in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Then drain the water.

Add salt and sugar, as well as citric acid, to the water drained from the jar. Bring the brine to a boil and pour it back into the jar.
You can then seal the lid tightly.

That's the whole recipe for harvesting tomatoes for the winter without sterilization and vinegar. Instead of vinegar, we used citric acid, which will also act as a natural preservative.

Tomatoes for the winter the most delicious recipe with the addition of red currants

The recipe is quite unusual, so please take a closer look at it. Since we will add red currants in addition to standard vegetables. The ingredients below are enough for 1 3-liter or two 1.5-liter cans.


2 kg. Tomatoes.
150-170 gr. Red currants on tassels.
2 umbrellas of dill.
4 things. carnations.
6-7 black peppercorns.
2-3 cloves of garlic.
2 bay leaves.
Currant leaves.
3 art. spoons of sugar.
2 tbsp. spoons of salt.
Vinegar 2 teaspoons.

Cooking process.

Wash all the ingredients well.
We put almost all the ingredients at the bottom except currants and tomatoes.
Tomatoes are placed in a mixture with bunches of currants.
Then pour the whole thing with boiling water, stand for 5-10 minutes and drain the water.

Add salt and sugar to the drained water and bring to a boil. Add vinegar, boil for 1 minute and pour the finished brine back into the jars.

It remains to twist the jars with lids, wrap them up and hold the jars upside down until they cool completely.
This completes the cooking process.

I think from this collection you can choose for yourself 1-2 recipes for harvesting tomatoes for the winter.

Probably, for foreigners, the phrase "sweet tomatoes" seems as absurd as "carbonated boiling water" or "rectangular circle". But in a country where they know how to preserve almost everything: from radioactive waste to garlic shooters, they know perfectly well what this popular preparation is. Small tomatoes are poured with a spicy marinade with spices and a relatively large amount of sugar, clogged and put away. It is difficult to describe how, after a long infusion, sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter are obtained - moderately spicy, juicy, slightly salty, with a slight sourness (well, it turned out ridiculous again). You just have to try it in person! In one sitting, you can sentence half a three-liter jar! And I'm not kidding! In general, do not be intimidated by the name, the appetizer comes out great. And most importantly - no problems with cooking and storage.

Sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter without problems and sterilization

A stove from which one should dance if the soul asks for experiments. A basic recipe that uses vinegar and avoids sterilization. I propose to start with him. Use additional spices at your discretion. But it is my duty to warn: and so it turns out incomparably!

List of required:

Exclusively optional:

  1. dill (greens or umbrellas)
  2. garlic
  3. carnation

Exit: 1 3-liter jar.

How to close sweet canned delicious tomatoes for the winter:

To maximize the usefulness of filling the free space in jars, can only small and medium-sized fruits. At the same time, lay more tomatoes on the bottom. And leave the small ones to fill the neck. Sort out the vegetable. There should not be bursting, rumpled, starting to rot. Especially carefully inspect the place where the stem is attached. Mold usually appears there first. This is important because the workpiece is made without sterilization. Wash the main ingredient.

I gave proportions for 3 liters, but you can use smaller containers. For 1 liter, respectively, three times less ingredients will be required. Wash the jars well. Better clean with baking soda. Sterilize if desired, but not required. Dry. Put spices - bay leaf and peppercorns. The rest is up to personal preference.

Arrange the tomatoes as tightly as possible. But do not press hard so that they do not wrinkle. Boil water. Pour into banks. Cover (do not roll) vegetables with lids. Let stand until the water is warm (this will take about half an hour). The fruits will warm up well, which will avoid the souring of the workpiece during storage.

When canning large tomatoes, it is better to pierce them in several places with a toothpick. So the hot marinade is guaranteed to reach the middle.

Drain the water through the perforated lid into the saucepan. Pour vinegar into jars.

Add sugar and salt to the drained liquid. Bring to a boil. Stir to speed up the dissolution of the crystals. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Pour the boiling sweet marinade over the tomatoes. Seal with clean boiled lids. Flip. Wrap tightly with warm material. Store only after cooling.

Harvesting is excellent for 12 and even 18 months. But if you want to try sweet pickled tomatoes without waiting for winter, open the preservation no earlier than after 2 weeks. And you will be able to feel the rich taste only after a month.

Sweet tomatoes with onion rings, canned with citric acid

The combination of juicy tomatoes and onion rings in conservation is, if not ideal, then very successful. And the sweetness of the marinade does not spoil it at all. Reliable, proven many times, the method of conservation.


It turns out: 3 l.

How to cook:

In small jars (0.75-1 l) it is better to preserve small tomatoes. In three-liter bottles, fruits of medium size can be placed compactly. Wash vegetables in cold water. If time permits, you can soak them for 30-60 minutes. In each tomato, near the stem, make 2-3 punctures with a thin toothpick.

If you have large vegetables, you can cut them into slices.

Prepare a glass container for canning. Sterilization of jars is not required. But a thorough washing with soda is a must. Dry the washed jars. Put the bottoms up so that the water is glass.

Cut the onion into moderately thin rings or halves of rings. Lay on the bottom. Add spices - thoroughly washed dill umbrella, peeled garlic cloves, cloves, peppercorns.

Fill containers with tomatoes. Pack it tightly enough so that there is less free space. But be careful not to damage the fruit. By the way, if the skin does burst, don't worry too much. Such a tomato will quickly soak in the marinade and turn out to be more tasty. This will not affect the safety of the workpiece, it will stand until the winter.

In water (1.5 l), add salt and sugar. Boil. Boil for approximately 2-3 minutes. Add a lemon. After it dissolves, remove it from the stove.

Pour into banks. Cover them with lids cleaned with baking soda. Sterilize 3 liter bottles for 12 minutes, 2 liter bottles for 10 minutes, 1 liter bottles for 7 minutes. Roll up with tin caps. Turn over to make sure the seal is tight. Is there no leakage? Wrap the workpiece in several layers of warm material. Leave to cool.

After 24-36 hours, store in a pantry or dark cellar until winter. Tomatoes are sweet, savory, onions - crispy and fragrant. And I am also delighted with sliced ​​​​tomatoes, you can look at their recipe. Very tasty and easy!

Preserved sweet and savory tomatoes stuffed with garlic

I decided to leave the most interesting recipe for last. Lunch looks amazing! After a long pickling, garlic partially loses its piquancy, so do not be afraid of thrills!


Outcome: 1 l.

Action plan:

Wash ripe tomatoes well. With a thin knife, carefully cut a “patch” from the stalk to make a hole about halfway deep. Peel the garlic. Cut the cloves into 3-4 pieces. Place a piece of garlic in each tomato.

Pack tightly into clean glass jars. Fill with boiling water. Cover with lids. Let the workpiece stand for about half an hour.

On a note:

To preserve such tomatoes in a three-liter container, triple the amount of all the ingredients from the recipe.

Drain the liquid into a bowl (pot). Add spices to the list. Pour in sugar and salt. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Pour vinegar after 2-4 minutes. Remove from fire. Pour into jars to the brim.

Screw on the lids. Put bottoms up. If the marinade does not leak, cover with a blanket. Open the workpiece if there is a leak. Boil the brine and reseal. After cooling to room temperature, hide the tomatoes in a dark, cold place (cellar).

Tomatoes are awesome! The sweet taste of brine is successfully combined with spices, it comes out spicy, moderately spicy and juicy.

Homemade canned tomatoes are good for everyone, but here's the problem. A standard glass jar has a specific neck diameter, approximately 80 mm. Delicious autumn tomatoes of large-fruited varieties cannot be placed in such jars without destruction. To overcome this problem, a recipe for homemade pickling of tomatoes in halves has long been used. A cut tomato compresses very easily without losing its appearance. Tomatoes of this salting have a more salad taste. There is no need to wait 2-3 months, when the brine, all its flavors and components penetrate through the whole and intact skin. Tomato halves for the winter are salted in a week. You can safely experiment with the amount of sugar and vinegar in the marinade filling, choosing the most suitable combination for your taste.

Taste Info Tomatoes for the winter

Ingredients per 2 liter jar:

  • large tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt for salting - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion turnip - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic, cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • sweet pea pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 5-6 pcs.

How to cook tomatoes in halves "Lick your fingers" for the winter

We pick ripe large tomatoes and wash them thoroughly. Onions and garlic should be washed and peeled.

Let's prepare the rest of the ingredients. Vinegar on sale is often of high concentration, 70%, it is diluted with cold boiled water 1:11. It turns out table vinegar, normal in severity, with a strength of 9%. It is ideal for use in home canning.

We cut out the point of attachment of the stalk of the tomatoes and cut the fruit in half. If a larger fruit fell into your hands, feel free to cut it into 3-4 parts. There is nothing wrong with this retreat.

Cut the peeled onion into half rings, and cut the garlic cloves into 4 parts.

We sterilize a glass jar with boiling water, drain it and start laying out layers of onions and tomatoes. Garlic, seasonings and pieces of bay leaf are added gradually, after laying each layer. Lightly shake the jar for better compaction of the fruit.

We finish laying the last layer of tomatoes with onions, garlic and spices.

To give a special charm to this conservation, you can add a teaspoon of homemade or other adjika, the tomatoes will turn out just lick your fingers.

Boil 0.5 liters of water in a separate clean saucepan, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil and pour over the tomatoes halves. In this way, guessing the amount of marinade is almost impossible. Top up the jar with clean boiling water.

Immediately close the jar with a sterilized lid. Tomato halves are ready for the winter. Turn the jar over and let it cool. We remove the tomatoes in halves for the winter without sterilization in a cool dark place.

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Recipe number 2. Tomato halves with garlic and adjika for the winter

Salting or pickling halves of tomatoes is gaining popularity. With this technology, tomatoes (when they ripen in the marinade) acquire a completely different, more salad flavor than whole salted ones. It turns out the accelerated penetration of all components of the marinade into the halves of the fruits of tomatoes. Onions or garlic also get tomato impregnation. Alternatively, you can prepare such a salad by taking more garlic instead of onions and adding a little homemade green adjika, which we cooked in, to each jar. This vegetable preparation for the winter will be in demand and appreciated by lovers of spicy vegetable snacks.

Ingredients for 0.6 l:

  • tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • garlic, cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • adjika green at home - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tsp;
  • salt - 1.0 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf to taste.

Let's start cooking tomatoes halves with garlic for the winter

Let's make homemade tomatoes. These are the remains of this summer's harvest. Tomatoes need to be washed well, sorted out and the stalks removed.

Homemade adjika was kept in a glass jar. Her balance in the jar is about 1 tablespoon. Adjika does not know what mold is due to its composition. Therefore, scraping it out of the jar and sterilizing the dishes does not make sense. We will pickle halves of tomatoes for the winter right in the remnants of adjika. The head of garlic should be divided into cloves and peeled.

We cut the washed tomatoes into halves and remove the base of the stem from each half. Cut the garlic cloves in half lengthwise.

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We put half the tomatoes and pieces of garlic in a glass jar with the remnants of green adjika. In the middle of the jar, you can put a bay leaf. We are trying to compact the contents of the jar a little. You don't need to use force, you can crush all the tomatoes. Add sugar and salt on top. We put a little salt, because homemade adjika is a rather salty seasoning.

Pour 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar directly onto the sugar and salt.

Directly from the kettle with boiling water, we fill our jar with tomato halves and garlic, marinated for the winter, with boiling water. Pour boiling water carefully, as a bubble with air and drops of boiling water can escape from the jar. Let's wait a bit, move the jar and release the remaining air from the tomatoes. Place another bay leaf on top.

We close the jar with a sterile lid and turn it over. Let the dissolved adjika not scare you with its color. She has strength in the sharpness and aroma of a dozen spices and Caucasian herbs. The jar must be cold. Tomato halves with garlic are ready for the winter. We remove the workpiece in a dark place.

The secret to harvesting tomatoes for the winter without sterilization is to preserve the flavor of summer in the vegetable. Tomatoes cooked according to this recipe have an excellent appearance, are tasty and super-aromatic. And the cooking method itself does not require special skills. What you need:

  • ripe tomatoes;
  • spices, garlic cloves and some seasonings of various kinds;
  • food acid (70-80%), acetic acid - 1 tsp. three liters.

The composition of the sweet marinade solution per liter of water:

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l. without a hill.

Winterization technology

Sterilize containers. Next, lay out the tomatoes, after washing them well. We irrigate with strong var and send it to stand a little. While insisting, we prepare tomato pickle. We throw allspice, cloves, garlic, some seasonings, salt, granulated sugar into the water and bring to a boil. We subject to filtering and boil again. Pour out the liquid formed in the vessel, and then “inject” the boiling solution into the tomato.

We add the vinegar component and begin to roll up the jar with an iron lid. The canned jar must be wrapped, after which we complete the preparation: we are waiting for the product to cool. Tomatoes should be stored at 15-20 degrees Celsius, in a dark place. Then canned tomatoes will be a pleasant meal in the winter.

Tomatoes for the winter without sterilization and without vinegar

Ingredients (based on a 3-liter jar):

  • washed and dried tomatoes;
  • salt - two tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • granulated sugar - five tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • half a dessert spoon of citric acid;
  • garlic - three teeth;
  • some peppercorns.


We sterilize jars. We wash, dry the tomatoes and lay them out. Throw the peeled garlic and pepper into the jar. Scald the vegetables with boiling water. We put more water on the stove for re-scalding. While it boils, add salt, acid and granulated sugar and again scald with boiling water. Subjected to a hermetic seal.

At the end of all manipulations, we redistribute the container upside down and cool in a natural way.

Delicious tomatoes for the winter without sterilization

What you need for the base:

  • acetic acid solution (70-80%) - half a dessert spoon;
  • head of garlic;
  • two kilograms of tomatoes.

For the brine solution we prepare:


We begin the process of harvesting tomatoes for the winter season by washing vegetables. We remove the stem. Everything must be done carefully so as not to damage the skin. Thanks to this, the vegetable will retain its original whole shape. If this incident happened, then you should not be upset: the tomatoes will be saturated with the marinade solution much more efficiently.

Next, we perform the following steps: we introduce a clove of garlic into the tomatoes and put them in containers. Fill with centigrade water and set aside for a few minutes. During this period of time, we prepare the tomato brine: we take granulated sugar and salt per liter of water in the quantities given at the beginning. Add spices and boil for a few minutes.

Thanks to this recipe, vegetables become incredibly tasty without the addition of additional seasonings and ingredients. But still there is a recommendation to add cloves, because it gives pleasant fragrance effect. We pour out the water from the jar tank and at the same time add boiling brine. In a 3-liter jar, pour an aqueous solution with acetic acid. We close it with iron lids - and you can roll it up. Turn over, wrap in a blanket or towel and leave to cool.

According to this recipe, the workpiece does not require the use of additional sterilization. Winter will be delicious.

An easy way to preserve: tomatoes for the winter without sterilization



  • Prepare jars. We put the garlic cut in half, greens (dill, half a bunch of fresh parsley), peppercorns, cloves.
  • Next, we take the washed tomato in our hands and carry out simple manipulations with a toothpick: we create holes in the place of the flower.
  • We begin to tightly stack vegetables with holes in the container in rows
  • When filling the container, add bell pepper and the rest of the herbs
  • Boiling new water
  • A jar of tomatoes is placed in a bowl and poured with boiling water to the neck
  • We put the lid on the jar and forget about it for 20 minutes
  • After that, pour a little more than a liter of water into a saucepan of a smaller volume, preferably pre-filtered.
  • Salt and granulated sugar are poured into this container. We keep them in boiling water for five minutes.
  • Pour out the liquid that was used for the first time to fill the tomatoes - it will no longer be needed.
  • We update the tomatoes with a newly prepared saline solution, add vinegar and twist with a sterilized lid.
  • We wrap the workpiece with a warm thing, an old fur coat or a blanket and cool
  • In winter, tomatoes should be stored at room temperature.

Tomato recipe without sterilization for the winter

Product range for one three-liter jar:

For the marinade you will need:

  • 13 dessert spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3 dessert spoons of salt;
  • 45–50 ml of table vinegar;


In order for the tomatoes to turn out well, you should adhere to the technology and proportions in the recipe. Tomatoes can be used as tomato paste and when fried in soup. Glass containers should be washed well, you can use a solution of soda for this. The remaining moisture from the cans must be removed, for this we turn the can upside down. While the liquid is draining, we prepare the vegetables, we start filling the container. At the very bottom we put a bundle of dill, leaves of cherries, currants, bay leaves and cloves.

We remove the peel of garlic. We take three cloves and grind them lengthwise, and then put them on the base of the jar. This is followed by the operation of laying the tomatoes to the top, after which we add the rest of the garlic, after chopping them. Boil water and pour it over the tomatoes, wait ten minutes.

Here it will find its application capron lid with holes: so it is easier to drain the liquid. You can do without it. It is necessary to carefully drain the water so that the contents do not fall out. In the water mass, which was poured, add sugar and salt and bring to a boil again, while stirring all the time. While stirring, gradually add the vinegar. Turn off the gas, and the marinade is ready. This is followed by the operation of rolling under an iron lid, previously boiled. This is done so that the covers do not swell during operation. Now it is necessary to wrap, for example, with a fur coat and leave for the night - this increases the preservation period.

Tomatoes without sterilization with table vinegar, prepared according to the recommendations, can be freely stored until the next harvest and even survive several winters. The ideal place to store food is in a basement, shed, cellar or pantry.

Recipe tomato with vegetable oil and onions without sterilization for the winter


  • tomatoes - five kg;
  • onion - one kg;
  • garlic - 200 g;
  • hot pepper - one piece;
  • parsley - 40 g;
  • spices - to taste.


To prepare the marinade you will need: one liter of water, vegetable oil - 7 tbsp. l., vinegar - 150 g. We wash the onions, herbs. We clean the garlic. Put in sterilized jars, add spices and a ring of hot pepper. We heat the oil and very carefully pour it into jars (4 dessert spoons of oil).

We pierce well-washed tomatoes with a toothpick and put them in jars, mixing with onion rings. From time to time we shake the jars for a better configuration of the space. Boil water, add sugar and salt to it. 2 minutes before removing from the stove, add vinegar. Set aside the tomato brine and cool slightly. Fill with marinade and close the lid. We send to cool in a warm room. Tomatoes without sterilization for the winter are ready!

The best recipe for tomatoes for the winter without sterilization

It is doubly pleasant to get a “jar of summer” in winter. Choose tomatoes with thick skin and fleshy appearance. Tomato recipe:


  1. We wash off the dirt, dry it, pierce the tomatoes with a toothpick and put them in pre-prepared clean containers with spices and herbs.
  2. Fill each container with boiling water. Close with a metal lid and set aside for twenty minutes.
  3. Drain the water back into the tank and boil for five minutes with salt and granulated sugar.
  4. Vinegar is added before being removed from the gas. Scald vegetables with hot marinade and roll up.
  5. We put the jar upside down, wrap it up and give a “rest” to the roll of tomatoes.
  6. Seaming can be stored at room temperature.

Some ways of preparing tomatoes (with onions and vinegar) can be attributed to the "golden" recipes of housewives.