Pomelo: what it contains, how it is useful, how to clean and use. Does pomelo have contraindications for use? Positive properties of pomelo

Pomelo (or sheddock in other words) is incredibly useful citrus fruit. The first mention of it was found in ancient Chinese chronicles in 100 BC. In China, this fruit was revered as a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. This is a real vitamin bomb and during the spring-winter period of vitamin deficiency its benefits are invaluable. Does it have any harm? Read more about this.

Pomelo lifts your spirits just by its appearance: the color of its peel can take on all shades from yellow-green to bright orange, and the flesh can be yellow, red-pink, green or white. Its taste is refreshingly tart, with a barely noticeable bitterness.

Shaddock, like all citrus fruits, is a real storehouse of vitamin C - its daily requirement can be replenished by eating only 150 grams of this fruit. In terms of vitamin C content, it competes with such famous fruits as lemon, orange and grapefruit. Also, this giant fruit is rich in essential oils, trace elements, antioxidants and fiber. Pomelo is useful not only as an effective remedy for scurvy, it can protect against cancer. Its benefits have been proven for people with heart disease. People who eat a lot of fruits with vitamin C are even cured of coronary heart disease. The risk of tumors and damage to the body from free radicals is reduced.

Helper for the body

The medicinal properties and benefits of pomelo are that it:

  • cleanses blood vessels
  • activates metabolism
  • has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines
  • relieves asthma
  • supports the condition of the cardiovascular and nervous systems
  • improves immunity
  • protects the body during flu epidemics and viral infections
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • has an antipyretic effect
  • improve intestinal perilstatics
  • lowers cholesterol levels

In Chinese folk medicine I use all parts of the pomelo - the fruits, flowers, peel, and unripe young fruits have beneficial properties. They are dried and ground into powder. This medicine is used for swelling, cough, upset stomach, vomiting, hangover.

For body and soul

The benefit of pomelo is that with regular consumption, the body's endurance increases and mood improves. Pectins contained in its pulp cleanse the body of toxic substances, pesticides and radionuclides and neutralize their harm. This exotic fruit is the main enemy of depression and bad mood.

This fruit is also in demand among the fair sex who are on a diet. Its calorie content is low - only 38 kcal per 100 grams, but it quenches hunger and thirst well, helps cleanse the body, and at the same time accelerates the breakdown of fat.

This fruit is also of great benefit in dentistry - it ensures the strength of teeth and effectively fights the causative agents of caries and gum inflammation.

How to choose this fruit

Pomelo is a rather large fruit. Some of its specimens can reach a gigantic weight of up to 10 kg and a diameter of up to 30 cm. The main feature of this fruit is that it can be stored for a very long time at room temperature- whole month.

It has excellent taste qualities. A good sheddock should be elastic and moderately soft. Too soft a fruit should alert you - there is a high risk that it has begun to deteriorate from the inside. The skin of a benign fruit is without spots or dents. It is best to choose a pomelo by weight: the heavier it is, the juicier the pulp. An unripe fruit will not cause harm, but you will not get pleasure from eating it.

Each fruit ripens at a certain time of the year and it is at this time that it has the most beneficial properties and the best taste. It is better to buy pomelo from February, it is during this period of time that its benefits are greatest.

Pomelo is an exotic fruit. Indonesia is considered its homeland. This bright green fruit not only has a pleasant taste, but also a large amount of vitamins and microelements that can perfectly saturate the body.


Pomelo appeared in European countries a long time ago, but only recently its benefits for the human body were recognized. Very often this fruit is also called sheddock. It is grown mainly in Asian countries and has a very specific, slightly bitter taste. Pomelo is the largest representative of the citrus world. Its weight sometimes reaches 10 kg. Pomelo has beneficial properties, such as:

  1. Normalizes normal performance human cardiac system.
  2. Capable of normalizing levels blood pressure.
  3. Contains a large number of essential oils, the benefits of which are manifested in strengthening human immunity.
  4. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.
  5. Recommended for use by patients with a disease such as hypertension.

The benefit of pomelo also lies in an incredibly large amount of vitamin C, which helps with colds and viral diseases. Ascorbic acid has a positive effect on overall well-being and the body as a whole.

Pomelo helps prevent the formation of blood clots, makes blood vessels more elastic and strong. This exotic fruit will help lift your mood and restore strength after physical activity. This is especially true for athletes and people who lead active image life.

The benefits of pomelo have been scientifically proven from a medical point of view. It is a preventive agent for cancer, helps to significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer and facilitates the progression of existing ones. Helps the body recover after serious interventions such as chemotherapy and various surgeries.

The vitamins contained in the fruits help concentrate attention and improve memory. It contains a large percentage of water, which allows you to quickly quench your thirst with the juice from this fruit. The nutritional value of the product allows you to saturate the body and eliminate the feeling of hunger.

The benefits of pomelo also manifest itself in diseases respiratory tract. Regular consumption of the fruit helps prevent diseases such as bronchitis and asthma. Works great for coughs.

The calorie content of this product is low, which makes it even more popular among women.

Pomelo fruits can also be used for poisoning. They help cleanse the body of harmful substances and promote faster recovery.

Pomelo contains a lot of calcium, which has a positive effect on skeletal system, and phosphorus regulates mental activity.

The benefits of pomelo lie not only in the pulp of the fruit, but also in its peel. It contains vitamin P, which prevents the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The zest is also used as an additive for tea and various drinks.

This exotic member of the citrus family is very useful during pregnancy. Thanks to folic acid, it has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus and the formation of its central nervous system. During pregnancy, a woman's immunity weakens and becomes vulnerable to colds and viral diseases. Pomelo helps to cope with this disease, activates a person’s protective functions and helps maintain them at a normal level.

The benefits of pomelo are also manifested in its ability to normalize metabolic processes. By accelerating metabolism, the body begins to accumulate and store less fat, which contributes to effective weight loss. It also has a low calorie content, which allows it to be consumed in large quantities even for people trying to lose weight. Even 100 gr. This product will help you cope with hunger and give you a feeling of fullness.

Another advantage of pomelo is that it is completely safe for people who suffer from diabetes mellitus. Many doctors even recommend that diabetics use it to lower blood sugar levels.

Pomelo also has useful properties in cosmetology. A large number of skin and hair care products are made based on this fruit. And specialized beauty salons offer masks and body wraps to correct the silhouette and tighten the skin.

The benefit of pomelo also lies in normalizing the functioning of the pancreas. It serves as a natural depressant, helping to cope with depression, apathy and insomnia.


Pomelo can cause harm to the body if a person is allergic to the citrus family. The consequences of this will be choking and a swollen throat. Also, an allergic reaction to this fruit can manifest itself in the form of skin rashes.

If a person suffers from increased stomach acidity, he should also avoid eating this exotic product. The fruit contains acid, which will only aggravate the situation and negatively affect a person’s well-being.

In other cases, eating pomelo cannot harm the body. Of course, if the consumption does not exceed the permissible limit.

Calorie content

The calorie content of pomelo is very small compared to other fruits. It is only 30 kcal per 100 grams. product, which makes it one of the most popular dietary products. Pomelo fruits vary in size, from 1 to 10 kg. The table shows the calorie content of the product (pulp) in spoons and glasses of different sizes.

Table: Calorie content of pomelo

The pomelo pulp is quite heavy, 200 g in a glass. you can place about 200-220 gr. product.


Despite all its benefits, pomelo can also cause harm to the human body. This can occur due to excessive consumption or in cases where a person does not take into account the contraindications to the use of this product.


  1. Allergy.
  2. Gastritis.
  3. Increased stomach acidity.
  4. Stomach ulcer.
  5. Nephritis, especially in acute form.
  6. Hepatitis.
  7. Urolithiasis disease.

These contraindications should be taken into account to avoid unpleasant health consequences.


Pomelo is not only tasty, but also healthy fruit. Despite the fact that its beneficial qualities were recognized relatively recently, traditional medicine uses it to prevent and treat many diseases.

Pomelo is very useful for atherosclerosis. Its juice helps cleanse blood vessels and prevent them from clogging. It can also be used to cleanse the intestines. Enough for breakfast, on an empty stomach, eat a few slices of fruit. There is no need to be afraid, this exotic fruit will not cause harm to the body, but it will awaken the intestines and activate its performance. It is advisable not to eat anything after this for several hours.

It has pomelo and antiseptic properties. Traditional healers and healers use it to treat coughs, bronchitis and kidneys. And the juice of this green treasure will help you forget about caries forever. To do this, mix the juice with water 1:1 and rinse regularly. oral cavity. It is also very beneficial for your gums. They stop bleeding and inflammation is eliminated.

With the help of a pomelo, you can raise hemoglobin to the desired level without the use of medications.

But not only the pulp is used for medicinal purposes. The leaves of this plant have also become especially popular. They have a wound healing and antiseptic effect. Simply apply a pomelo leaf to the damaged area of ​​skin. It will have a drainage effect, help relieve inflammation and promote faster wound healing. They can also be used for burns and frostbite.

If the wound is deep, then you can cook a poison based on the leaves of the plant and treat it and apply it in the form of compresses. This will also help with abscesses and ulcers that appear directly on the human skin.


Only unspoiled fruits can be stored. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the smell and color of the fruit. If it is fragrant and has a green tint, then the product is suitable and can be purchased.

The ripening period for pomelo falls in February. This month is the best time to buy fruits. Pomelo can be stored for a long time at home, just provide it with a dark, cool place. But it should not be raw, otherwise the fruit may begin to rot. This way it can be stored for a month.

You can store it either as a whole or in an already cut state. If the fruit has been peeled, then it must be wrapped in cling film to prevent air from entering and placed in the refrigerator. Thus, the fruit will still be suitable for 3-4 days. After this period, you should not use pomelo for food; it can cause harm to the body, which will manifest itself in the form of stomach upset or poisoning.

The nutritional value

Despite the fact that the broom low calorie product, it is able to provide the body with up to 120-130% of the daily vitamin requirement. The nutritional value of pomelo is presented in the table below.

Table: Nutritional value per 100 g. product

Vitamins and minerals

Pomelo is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, vitamins A and C, as well as folic acid. But this is not the entire list of useful substances that this fruit contains. Beta-carotene, which is included in the composition, has a positive effect on vision and helps improve it. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and protects against many colds and viral infections.

Table: Vitamins per 100 g.

Name Weight(mg)
WITH 30-60
A Up to 35
AT 5 0.3
IN 1 0.06
AT 2 0.03

Table: minerals per 100 g.

Pomelo is a fruit from the citrus family. This green fruit is rich in vitamins. The beneficial properties of pomelo became known in European countries relatively recently. But despite this, he managed to win the recognition of many people. Traditional medicine uses it to treat many diseases, and cosmetology delights with its integrated methods of use. But not only can pomelo bring benefits, but it can also cause harm to the body if certain rules of use are not followed. There are cases when pomelo is strictly prohibited for people, so as not to cause even greater harm and aggravate the health condition.

Pomelo: calorie content, benefits and harms of large citrus. Various facts about the beneficial and harmful properties of pomelo

Pomelo is the largest citrus representative.

The pomelo pulp is drier than other types of citrus fruits, the taste is slightly bitter, the fibers are large and elastic, the color is green-yellow, and the smell is vaguely reminiscent of a banana.

But the taste of pomelo is unusual - the combination of sour and sweet will be remembered by everyone.

The homeland of pomelo is China.

Before our era, this fruit was intended exclusively for the royal nobility.

And at the beginning of the 14th century it was brought to Europe, where it did not immediately take root. Currently, pomelo is grown in countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Japan, India and Indonesia.

Pomelo – component many dishes of Chinese, Thai and Indian cuisines. Interestingly, the weight of some pomelo can reach 20 kilograms!

There are 3 types of pomelo:

Red– an oval-shaped fruit with bitterish red pulp

Pinkjuicy fruit with pink flesh and anthelmintic effect

White– the shape of the fruit resembles a pear, the flesh is white and sweet

Many people confuse pomelo with its close relative, grapefruit, mistakenly believing that their tastes are the same. However, their properties and characteristics are different in many ways. Pomelo is not a giant grapefruit, but rather its parent. How did this unusual fruit win our hearts?

Pomelo: what are the benefits for the body?

Pomelo is a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, trace elements and coarse fibers.

The unique taste of pomelo is justified by its unique composition:


Vitamins B and A

Beta carotene

Vitamin C

Essential oils

Pomelo strengthens the immune system! Experts conducted interesting experience: Lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, orange and pomelo were tested for vitamin C. Surprisingly, the winner was pomelo! The largest amount of ascorbic acid was found in it. Being a source of vitamin C, pomelo serves as a prevention of colds, infectious and viral diseases. If they already exist, a broom will help deal with them easier and faster. Essential oils in pomelo perfectly strengthen the immune system.

The coarse fibers of the pomelo create a kind of food bolus that moves through the intestines. Coarse fibers collect waste and undigested food debris, absorb and remove them from the body.

Pomelo helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and stabilizes blood pressure. Moreover, doctors have proven that pomelo can protect against the formation of blood clots in blood vessels!

Pomelo improves mood, increases vitality and helps the body tone up. Lemonides in pomelo are responsible for our performance, attentiveness and productivity. The phosphorus contained in pomelo promotes active mental activity.

Scientists have proven that pomelo helps in the fight against oncological diseases. The exotic fruit is able to resist the proliferation of malignant cells.

Citrus lovers will definitely appreciate the special, fresh, pleasant taste fruit. If you compare pomelo with its relative, grapefruit, you will notice the difference - grapefruit has a bitter taste, while pomelo has a sweet taste. In summer, pomelo pulp can perfectly quench your thirst.

Pomelo is useful for lung diseases and poisoning. In China, many people make pomelo based medications.

The calcium in pomelo strengthens bones, hair and nails. Antioxidants in pomelo will help maintain youth and good physical health for a long time.

Pomelo - an assistant for gastritis and others stomach diseases. By making decoctions and tinctures from pomelo peel, you can quickly cope with poisoning, stomach upsets and intestinal disorders.

Pomelo is not only tasty and healthy, it is also healing. By inhaling the scent of pomelo peel, you can easily relieve nasal congestion and even lower your body temperature a little!

It is often difficult to force yourself to go to the gym or go on a diet next Monday. This is where the broom comes to the rescue! The fruit helps the rapid breakdown of proteins and fats in the body, speeds up metabolism and helps burn excess calories.

Pomelo is also useful in for cosmetic purposes. An excellent product for moisturizing and nourishing oily skin. By rubbing the skin with pomelo juice, the effect is immediately noticeable: the skin is shiny, rejuvenated, fresher and cleaner without an oily sheen. The pulp of the fruit is incredibly juicy and nutritious, so the pomelo will be your companion for a fasting day.

Pomelo is a symbol of well-being, prosperity, health and prosperity. In China, it is customary to give this fruit to your loved ones on New Year's Eve. Try to give a piece of happiness to your loved ones by presenting them with a basket of tropical fruit.

Often in European countries you can find pomelo decorations on their peel. At home, it is interesting to make a salad dish from the peel of the fruit, cutting the fruit horizontally in the shape of a circle.

Pomelo is an ingredient in many culinary dishes! Feel free to add it to salads, complement meat and fish, and top pies with it. Use the peel to make jam or flavor tea. And, of course, don’t forget that there is nothing better than starting your day with freshly squeezed juice.

The benefits of pomelo for the nervous system are invaluable. Pomelo is boldly called an antidepressant fruit. Eat this wonderful fruit and improve your mood! But the source of joy and happiness is not only the inside in the form of pomelo pulp, but also its peel. Psychologists advise not to throw away the peel, fill a deep vase with it and place it next to your sleeping place. Such a natural aromatic lamp will definitely give you positive emotions, energy and strength.

Calorie content of pomelo

Despite great amount beneficial properties, pomelo is low in calories - 100 g of product contains 25-40 kcal. Such boundaries are determined simple rule: The sweeter the pomelo, the more calories it contains. The low calorie content of pomelo is explained high content it contains water - per 100 g of fruit there is almost 90 g of liquid!

Pomelo: what is harmful to health?

The benefits of pomelo have been proven, and no one will argue with that. But, like any product, pomelo has its disadvantages and contraindications.

You should not use pomelo if you have:

Allergic reactions to citrus fruits

Stomach and duodenal ulcers

Increased stomach acidity


Be sure to consult your doctor before eating fruit if you have the above diseases. Eating pomelo can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract. By greatly increasing the acidity of the alkaline environment, it causes heartburn.

An allergy to citrus fruits can lead to a swollen throat and even asthma attacks. In order to check whether you are allergic to pomelo, just eat 1-2 slices of it or remember what the body’s reaction is to other citrus fruits.

During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to eat pomelo, so as not to harm the health of your unborn baby. Excessive consumption of pomelo can produce a laxative effect. Overeating fruit causes itching and hives.

Pomelo for children: good or bad

Due to the fact that pomelo belongs to the citrus genus, the fruit is strong allergen. It is not recommended to give pomelo to children under one year of age. After a year you can add it to your diet, but with caution and in small portions.

Be sure to consult with your pediatrician to see if the inclusion of a rather exotic overseas fruit in the diet will harm your baby. If the child accepted the fruit well and the body did not give any reactions, feel free to feed the baby. But remember, it’s better to eat seasonal fruits eg pears and apples. They absolutely will not bring undesirable health consequences to the child.

Pomelo contains less juice than orange and grapefruit, and children are often neutral about this fruit. Therefore, parents can decorate desserts and fruit salads by adding a few slices of such a healthy and tasty pomelo.

Children's salad with pomelo

It will require a few simple ingredients:

Bunch of salad

Boiled breast

Hard cheese

Sour cream

The pomelo is cut, cleared of layers, and finely chopped along with a bunch of lettuce. Mix with small pieces soft boiled chicken breast. Rub on top hard cheese. Stir, pouring plenty of sour cream. If desired, you can add grated nuts.

How to choose a pomelo?

Only ripened fruit will bring benefits. How to find one and not make a mistake?

It should be soft to the touch, heavy in weight, aromatic in smell, and light yellow in color. It is best to buy pomelo from January to March, because these are the months when its ripening peaks. Be sure to keep an eye on the peel - it should not be damaged! The peel of the fruit should be hard and shiny, and the smell should be intense.

Whole pomelo is stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Cut fruit should be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2-3 days.

Pomelo is an alternative to many unhealthy desserts. For more than 15 years, the fruit has been presented on store shelves - affordable, healthy, exotic. By many criteria, pomelo is superior to grapefruit: it is easier to peel, the taste is sweeter, and it is almost impossible to get dirty.

Once you try pomelo, you will definitely fall in love with it!

What are the benefits of pomelo?

A fruit with a funny name for the Russian ear “pomelo” came to us from China. Despite the fact that this exotic fruit appeared on the shelves of domestic stores relatively recently, people in Europe learned about it five centuries earlier. But at the same time, Westerners were in no hurry to eat the new product; they grew it as an ornamental garden plant, and then they completely forgot about its existence. Pomelo was “rediscovered” only in the middle of the 19th century, when Europeans finally tasted and appreciated its taste.

In China and the Malaysian Islands, they have long known the benefits of broomstick. There it is considered a symbol of prosperity, so it is customary to give it as a gift on special occasions. special occasions. In the East, this fruit is included in most health-improving diets; various healing properties are readily attributed to it.

What are the benefits of pomelo?

Before talking about the benefits of pomelo, you should learn more about the features of its composition. This fruit is quite large in size; one piece can easily weigh several kilograms. The color can be soft green or yellow, the peel is dense, easily separated from the pulp and does not taste bitter. The edible part of the fruit is sour, not cloyingly sweet, with a very thin unique taste, unlike other citruses. Most of the pomelo pulp contains water and carbohydrate compounds; it also contains B vitamins, vitamins C and A, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, pectin, antioxidants and essential oils.

Based on knowledge about the composition of the fruit, you can accurately answer the question of what is healthy in pomelo. It can strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process. Due to the abundance of microelements, the pulp of the fruit has a beneficial effect on the heart, vascular system, blood pressure indicators. Regular consumption of pomelo helps reduce the risk of cancer. This is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for ARVI and influenza. Pomelo also helps reduce sugar and cholesterol levels, break down fat deposits, and helps cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances.

What is healthier - an orange or a pomelo?

It is, of course, possible to compare this fruit with other varieties of citrus fruits in terms of benefits, but it is hardly worth it. Each fruit has its own advantages, its own taste characteristics, your indications and contraindications.

If you weigh the beneficial properties of pomelo and, for example, the most popular citrus orange, you will not find any fundamental differences between them. Both fruits contain many vitamins and organic acids. They should be used with caution if you are prone to allergies and gastrointestinal diseases. However, pomelo is lower in calories than an orange, but the latter has a higher vitamin C content.

Is pomelo good for weight loss?

In terms of calorie content, the fruit is most often compared to grapefruit, which is why it is often included in weight loss diets. One hundred grams of pomelo contains only 35 kcal; it contains dietary fiber and substances responsible for the breakdown of fats. Therefore, when asked whether pomelo fruit is useful for weight loss, experts have long had no doubts. The pulp of the fruit can reduce appetite and create a feeling of fullness. By eating pomelo just a few times a week, you can lose two to three kilograms without effort. For greater effect, you can arrange fasting fruit days.

A very common citrus exotic fruit is pomelo. Its homeland is China. In appearance, it resembles a huge grapefruit, but the taste of pomelo is much more pleasant than its brother, and in terms of beneficial properties it can easily compete with it. Anyone interested in healthy eating has heard about the benefits of citrus fruits for the body. Pomelo is also becoming increasingly popular in dietetics. The fruit is recommended for many women during pregnancy. What is its charm?

Composition of pomelo

  • It contains many different microelements.
  • Contains vitamins B, C, A, beta-carotene, antioxidants, essential oils.

Beneficial features

The pulp of this fruit contains many different useful substances that are of great value to the human body. Therefore, you can even use pomelo during late pregnancy.

By eating this fruit daily, you can:

The medicinal properties of the fruit are also manifested in the treatment of infectious, viral and colds. When you use it, you can cope with any ailment much faster. Doctors advise eating pomelo during pregnancy, as well as for patients with hypertension, since it has been proven that it reduces naturally pressure.

Are you upset about something? And again, dried pomelo will come to your aid, since its medicinal properties also include the ability to restore a short time vitality, lift your spirits and tone the body. This product has anti-inflammatory and softening effects. Scientists believe that it can even fight cancer cells: with its regular use, they stop reproducing!

Pomelo peel also has beneficial properties. By making tinctures and decoctions from it, you can very quickly deal with:


Potassium stimulates thinking by improving the supply of oxygen to brain cells; sodium makes tissues hardy. These 2 minerals together in the body regulate its water-salt metabolism. Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to eat pomelo during pregnancy? The answer is simple - due to high content phosphorus, the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is normalized, and the functioning of the kidneys and heart improves, therefore, this fruit will be very useful for pregnant girls. Phosphorus, together with calcium, is involved in the construction of bone tissue. At the same time, calcium plays a huge role in normal blood clotting and reduces the risk of developing colon cancer and diabetes.


It is recommended to eat pomelo during pregnancy because this fruit contains:

Many components contained in the fruit help activate organic processes, and this improves the functioning of all human organs. Eating it can protect a person from diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, depression, colitis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diseases of the joints and bones, and oncology. Due to reduced calorie content pomelo is indispensable during pregnancy and dietary nutrition in case of diabetes, obesity, fever. It strengthens the immune system and significantly increases human performance. The peel of the fruit contains bioflavonoids, which are recommended for diseases of the mammary and pancreas, and gastrointestinal diseases.


Very often, doctors advise eating pomelo during pregnancy. This is explained by the many microelements contained in the fruit. Thus, iron removes carbon dioxide from the body, participates in oxidative processes, and normalizes hemoglobin content in the blood. At the same time, magnesium improves the functioning of the prostate and gastrointestinal tract, helps the production of female hormones, and also accelerates blood clotting.

Calorie content

This fruit has a low calorie content - 28-37 Kcal per 100 g. Moreover, the sweeter the fruit, the higher this figure, and vice versa. Moreover, even its maximum number is much lower than that of other fruits, which is why it is often recommended to eat pomelo during pregnancy.

Pomelo during pregnancy: harm or benefit

Many pregnant women select fruits with special care so as not to harm the baby. The same applies to pomelo.

Since a woman’s body is especially vulnerable during pregnancy, it requires an increased amount of vitamin C, which is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of this kind of ailment. The fruit contains it in large quantities. In addition, it contains a lot of calcium and potassium, which will maintain a woman’s health, and will become a building material for the child’s bones. In addition, they will help the brain develop better.

Pomelo is very useful for women during pregnancy (the harm or benefits of this fruit are described in detail in this article), also because it can prevent excess weight gain - one of the most undesirable consequences of pregnancy. The enzymes that make up it contribute to faster and better breakdown of fats and proteins, and also activate metabolism. Due to this, there are no problems with the functioning of the intestines and stomach, which means excess weight won't appear either.

The next problem that future mom may encounter depression. Quite often it happens that a girl becomes completely different one day, completely forgetting what real joy is. Pomelo, which is one of the best antidepressants, can also easily cope with this! The desire to move actively, joy and vigor can be restored again by eating 2-3 slices a day of this miracle fruit.


The main contraindication to using this fruit for food is allergies. Therefore, it should not be eaten by people who are allergic to citrus fruits. Despite the fact that pomelo is recommended for use by pregnant women and diabetics, it should be used with caution. It is advisable to go to the doctor, who will accurately determine the daily intake of this valuable and healthy fruit.

Grape seeds benefits harm

Many people pass by stalls with pamela; these fruits are also called pomelo. Even true connoisseurs of citrus fruits are wary of buying large and bright fruits, despite the fact that they smell so delicious. This is explained very simply - few people know how to select, clean and use them in cooking. Nutritionists strongly recommend including unique fruit into your diet. With regular use, it can show itself on the positive side, and much brighter than everyone’s favorite tangerines and lemons.

What is a pomelo

Pomelo is the name of an evergreen tree and its fruit. Another option is sheddock, in honor of the English captain who brought the fruit to Europe. The plant bears fruit once or twice a year. It takes about 5 months to mature. A tree hung with large fruits looks unusual and surprises tourists from northern latitudes.

China is considered the birthplace of the plant. Mentions of it are found in chronicles created before our era. Today it is also cultivated in Thailand, Japan, Vietnam and some other countries. The peculiarity of this fruit is its size. He is a real record holder among citrus fruits. Individual specimens can reach 30 cm in diameter and weigh 10 kg. The average pomelo weighs 1-3 kg, which is still larger than a grapefruit.

This is interesting!

Sometimes it is believed that pomelo is a hybrid. In fact, this is a separate type of citrus fruit; it has not been crossed with anything. But it is used together with other fruits to produce a hybrid - sweetie.

Pamela - description and types of fruit

Few people know that pomelo is the largest of all known citrus fruits. The weight of the fruit can reach 10 kg; it is only in stores that fruits up to 1 kg are mainly sold. Distinctive feature The product has a fleshy, very thick peel that can be greenish, yellow, light orange or pink. Although the peel complicates the process of cleaning pamela, it is thanks to it that the fruit can be transported over long distances without fear for its integrity.

There are several varieties of pamela, which differ in the color of the pulp:

  • Red. Sour version, with obvious bitterness. It is usually small in size, about the size of a grapefruit, and covered with a green peel.

  • Pink. It contains a lot of seeds, which is the only drawback of the variety. This is the sweetest and juicy view pomelo. It is actively used in folk medicine as an anthelmintic.

  • White. These are usually the largest fruits. Their flesh is not as juicy, but quite sweet.

Pamela crossed with orange gave us grapefruit. The unique fruit is able to retain its appearance, taste and chemical composition, being at room temperature for a month. It is difficult to find a fruit that could boast of such a skill.

Composition and beneficial properties of pamela

The exotic fruit contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, pectins, antioxidants, essential oils, plant fibers, organic acids and fiber. Unlike other citruses, it does not contain much citric acid. Thanks to this, the product can sometimes be used by people with gastritis and peptic ulcers (of course, in remission).

  • Like all citrus fruits, pamela is rich in ascorbic acid. By eating 100-150 g of fruit pulp, you can meet the body's daily need for ascorbic acid.
  • B vitamins. Necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and brain. If you eat a pomelo for breakfast in the morning, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day, increase your performance and stress resistance. The fruit will improve your mood and help keep your body in good shape.
  • Potassium. It has a positive effect on the heart, normalizes the contraction of the heart muscle.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.

The fruit also contains some amount of iron and sodium.

Abundance useful components gives pomelo an impressive list of beneficial properties:

  • Fighting inflammatory processes. In Thailand unique product used to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Stimulating the functioning of the kidneys without putting excessive stress on them.
  • Strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

Interesting fact: In some countries, pamela is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. This fruit is even considered the most the best gift for the New Year.

  • Strengthening teeth and improving gum condition. Unlike other citrus fruits, pamela does not destroy tooth enamel.
  • Prevention and treatment of anemia. The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of iron, which is qualitatively absorbed by the body under the influence of ascorbic acid.

  • Normalization of blood pressure indicators, if they are elevated.
  • Prevention of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults and the elderly.
  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system through active cleansing of the intestines. This allows not only to remove toxins and waste from the body, but also to increase the absorption capacity of the intestinal mucosa. Pamela contains a special enzyme that promotes better absorption of food and the breakdown of fats. It is not digested by the body, but it is indispensable for cleansing the intestines. Pectin has an enveloping effect; it protects the delicate mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach from the aggressive influence of vitamin C.
  • Pamela is able to resist the formation, growth and spread of cancer cells. It should be included in the diet of people with a family history of cancer.
  • Pomelo – indispensable product in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. In just a couple of months regular use The fetus can expect a decrease in levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and an improvement in the texture of the vascular walls.

  • Among other things, pamela stimulates the heart, improves memory, increases concentration and performance.
  • Antioxidants in the fruit actively fight aging, which allows you to count on improved external indicators and increased life expectancy.
  • Thanks to regular consumption of the fruit, your complexion will improve, skin turgor will increase, and small pimples will disappear.
  • People who are trying to lose weight are advised to eat this fruit regularly. It is low in calories, so it can be included in any diet. If you really want to eat in the evening, you can eat a couple of slices of the fruit. They will give you a feeling of fullness, but will not be deposited on your waist.
  • Pregnant women should think about introducing pomelo into the menu. The fetus does not cause a negative response from the female or child's body, and the tissues are saturated so much necessary for the fetus folic acid.
  • The fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to use for cough and asthma.
  • Even people with diabetes can eat it, since the product has very low glycemic index.

With all this, pamela has a low calorie content - only 50 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, it is often used as a mandatory component in the diet of obese or overweight people.

Harm of pamela and contraindications

When consuming pamela, you need to take into account not only the beneficial properties of the product, but also its potential harm. Firstly, the fruit has a pronounced laxative effect, so you should not use it if you have unstable stools. This can lead to severe intestinal upset. In addition, pomelo should not be included in the diet with the following contraindications:

  • Tendency to food allergies. This fruit, like any citrus fruit, is a strong allergen. So if a reaction was noticed, for example, to oranges, then it is better not to eat pomelo. For this reason, it is not recommended to give it to children under one year old. Older kids need to limit the amount.
  • Taking medications. Substances in the fruit pulp reduce the effectiveness of medications.
  • Increased stomach acidity (only if permitted by a doctor).
  • Peptic ulcer and colitis in the acute stage. In a state of remission, eating it is allowed, but only a little. The same applies to problems such as increased stomach acidity.
  • Acute liver and kidney damage. If you have kidney or liver diseases, it is recommended to consult a specialist before introducing fruit into your diet.

If there are no contraindications, you can safely eat pamela. Of course, you should not abuse the product and consume it several times a day; including fruit in one meal is quite enough. If the mother eats them in large quantities, then in the future the baby may develop an allergy. Moderation should be observed. True, practice shows that it is quite difficult to eat several fruits at once.

Rules for choosing, storing and using pamela

When choosing a fruit, you need to pay attention to several points, then you will be able to purchase a tasty, fresh and high-quality fruit:

  1. The peel should be smooth, shiny, without dents or stains. The color is uniform, but not very bright.
  2. It’s good when the skin is dense, but not hard, but bends under your fingers. If the pamela is very soft, it will begin to deteriorate inside. If the surface is hard, the product has not yet ripened and, most likely, will not ripen.
  3. A ripe fruit should exude nice smell citrus. Do not take products wrapped in cling film. Manufacturers do this in order to mask problematic indicators and increase the shelf life of products. Once the casing is removed, the product may deteriorate within days or even hours.
  4. The ideal fruit is small in size but heavy. This indicates its juiciness and thinner skin.

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There are signs that mean you should refuse the purchase.

  • The color of the skin is uneven, there are burgundy spots - most likely, chemicals were used during cultivation.
  • If, when pressing on the place of the stalk, a noticeable dent remains, then most likely the pulp has deteriorated.
  • Excessively hard skin indicates immaturity.
  • Dark spots and soft areas are signs of decay.
  • An unpleasant odor also means that the fruit is spoiled.

Pomelo can be eaten in fresh. To do this, it is enough to remove the peel from its surface, which is much easier than in the case of an orange or grapefruit. After finding the juicy slices, you need to remove the film from them, all that remains is to eat the tender pulp.

Peeling the fruit is easy. You just need to make a few vertical cuts and the peel will come off easily.

In addition, pamela is used to prepare various conservations, marmalade, jam. In addition, there are recipes in which the fruit pulp is used as the main ingredient in original salads.

If the fruit is unpeeled, it can be kept in a warm compartment of the refrigerator or at room temperature for about 2-3 weeks (depending on its degree of ripeness and harvest time). The peeled pulp should only be kept in the refrigerator. You need to eat it within 2-3 days.

Several original recipes with pomelo

Residents of Thailand and the Philippines eat pamela not only as a dessert, but also as a snack. To do this, it is flavored with whipped cream. The fruit interestingly complements the taste of the meat, giving the dish a touch of exoticism. You can also add the tender pulp to one of these simple salads:

  • Mix 200 g of fruit pulp disassembled into grains, chopped and fried garlic in a frying pan, finely chopped onion, several mint leaves and 100 g of boiled shrimp. Season with salt fish sauce and lime juice. Serve the pomelo halves in the peel.
  • Mix the pulp of 1 fruit, carrots, and 50 g of fried. We chop all the ingredients well; they should be approximately the same size so that the salad has a uniform texture. Season it all with fish sauce, lime juice, sugar and chopped garlic, fried in a frying pan without oil.

After cleaning and consuming pamela, do not throw away the peels. A medicinal extract can be prepared from them. It can relieve stomatitis, warts, skin diseases, signs of psoriasis and manifestations of fungal infections.
Its taste is too bitter, so you should not eat the peel raw. But it can be dried and added to tea. They also make infusions and even jam from it. Leaves are used for treatment peptic ulcer, and also to relieve swelling.
You can also wipe your face with the juice of the fruit. The fruit acids it contains will help cleanse the skin of dead particles. The skin will become smooth and radiant. But in the summer it is better to avoid this product, as there is a risk of getting age spots. On sunny days, when using preparations with acids, you must apply sunscreen to your face.

Not so long ago, large fruits called pamela or, in other words, pomelo, which are not quite common for Russians, appeared on the shelves of our stores.

Tempted, in the last couple of decades, by all sorts of rare exotic fruits, the residents of our cities are not very fond of this overseas fruit, despite its relatively low price, but in vain.

Pamela deserves more attention for many reasons. Usually what is offered looks quite nice, but...

Kremlin d... Pomelo "Thongdi"

People who encounter this new fruit for the first time often try to find out from the seller what it is and what they eat it with before buying it. Standing nearby, you can hear a bunch of questions from customers: how to eat pamela, what is the calorie content, what are the benefits and harms of it, where and how does pamela grow, can it be used for weight loss? In response, you can hear something that makes your ears wither. One trader, who looked like a guy from the Caucasus, said that it was like this new variety a tangerine, the second, Tajik or Uzbek, assured that this is a special variety of melon that grows far in the desert.

And one lady from the crowd actually said that this is a genetically modified grapefruit and under no circumstances should you eat it because it can cause cancer. After listening to all these fables, we decided to write this short review in order to provide reliable information about the nutritional and medicinal properties of this new fruit for us, as well as some warnings when consuming it. We hope that this will be useful to know for both buyers and unlucky sellers, so that we are not misled.

Where and how does pomelo grow?

Well, firstly, pomelo belongs to the citrus family, i.e. it is a relative of tangerines, oranges and grapefruit. By the way, this is not a variety of grapefruit, but an independent species. In size it is much larger than the citrus fruits known to us. The taste will also be slightly different. The homeland of pomelo or pomeplius is the south of China and the equatorial islands of the Pacific Ocean. In particular, it is quite common in the Cook Islands. In the 15th century, Pomeplius came to Europe and spread to Barbados and the Caribbean islands. Now it grows quietly in Taiwan, southern Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Tahiti, California, and even Israel.

Since this fruit was brought to Europe by the English navigator Shaddock, in some places the name was assigned to it after his name, and they call it sheddog. In its homeland in China, this fruit is especially popular. The Chinese consider this fruit to be a symbol of prosperity and give it as a New Year's gift to bring prosperity and good luck to the home. Maybe this is why the Chinese kept these fruits secret from foreigners for so long.

Pomelo trees are quite tall, sometimes reaching a height of 8-10 meters. The branches have large glossy leaves and many internal spines, some varieties are spineless.

Pamela blooms with large white flowers, the fruits grow either singly or in 6-8 pieces in close proximity to each other. The fruits are large, ranging in size from two to three kilograms, sometimes up to 10 kg.

The peel is dense, yellow-green in color. Under the skin there are large slices and large seeds. The aroma is quite pleasant, like all citrus fruits.

Although Pamela looks like a grapefruit or an orange, it is much larger in size, and the taste is also completely different, less sweet with a slight pleasant bitterness. The peel is quite thick on the outside, dense, and comes off quite easily. Inside, the fruit is divided into large slices, which easily fall apart into peculiar fleshy juicy threads.

What is the calorie content of pomelo?

Pomelo is a low-calorie product. 100 grams of pulp contains no more than 35-40 kcal. But her nutritional properties are such that after eating three hundred to four hundred grams of pamela pulp, a person feels full. This property is very valuable when dieting for weight loss; when you eat, you seem to be full, you don’t want to eat, and at the same time you get a minimum of calories. But, nevertheless, it contains quite a lot of different microelements: calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus. Fiber is only 0.5%-0.7%, protein 0.4%-0.8%, fat 0.1%-0.3%. Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B5, B9 are present. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, pamela is good to use both for fasting days as well as for a mono diet.

Pomelo fruit - benefits and harm

This fruit is very juicy and perfectly quenches thirst and hunger. Very rich in essential oils, antioxidants and ascorbic acid. In its homeland, pomelo is widely used in the treatment of colds. Pamela juice is rich in flavonoids, which weaken the effect of free radicals that cause aging of cells, and also has antiseptic properties and the ability to strengthen the immune system. Seed extract is successfully used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membrane, in the treatment of eczema, fungal infections, and psoriasis. The pulp of the fruit has a beneficial effect on digestive system, it absorbs toxins, improves the breakdown of protein and fats, cleanses the liver, pancreas and intestines.

In fact, pomelo is a natural antibiotic. It is successfully used for the prevention of the body with low hemoglobin, with atherosclerosis, with increased content blood sugar, with hypertensive heart disease. Pomelo helps improve vision in the dark. Using pamela in nutrition increases hemoglobin. Local healers use pamela to prevent the development of cancerous tumors. To do this, they use the peel, which contains a large amount of bioflavonoids that can stop the development of cancer cells. This is especially effective for treating breast cancer in women. What this looks like from a scientific point of view is not yet known, but there are many, many positive examples.

Useful properties - contraindications

Along with the fact that pomelo has many beneficial properties, you need to keep in mind that, like any product, it has its own contraindications for use, so you need to use pomelo in your diet with caution in cases where you are taking medication. This is expressed in the fact that it weakens the absorption process of certain medications used: to reduce blood pressure, to eliminate allergies, with high cholesterol levels. As a result, the effectiveness of these drugs is reduced. Some medications may have the opposite effect. Therefore, during treatment with such drugs, it is better to avoid using pomelo or consult your doctor. Keep in mind that the effect of pamela juice in the body lasts for three days.

How to choose a pamela?

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to their maturity. The shape of the fruit can be different: pear-shaped, flattened or round. The color of the ripe fruit can range from light green to golden. The stronger the smell, the riper it is and, of course, the more palatable and healthy it is. Externally, the fruit should not have any mechanical damage: dents, cuts, cracks. The peel should be dense and smooth, and when pressed on it should be elastic. Choose fruits with smooth and shiny skin, hard and heavy, they will contain more juice. The pulp of the fruit also comes in different colors: greenish, yellow, pink, and almost red. The taste of ripe fruits is sweet and sour without bitterness. Buy only ripe fruits.

How do you eat pomelo?

Pomelo can be eaten in a wide variety of forms. As a main dish, as a snack, as a dessert or just as a juice. Most often in tropical countries, in Thailand and the Philippines, pomelo is eaten fresh with a seasoning of chili pepper, sugar, salt and hot pepper. Well, of course, this is not for everyone who has a tinned stomach. And for us the best option: simply peeled in slices like an orange, as an additive to salads, sauces for fish and meat dishes.

Pomelo for weight loss

Pomelo very effectively improves digestion, creating a gentle alkaline reaction when digesting food. The special enzyme contained in pamelo absorbs fats and reduces the content of sugar and starch in the body. As a result, with regular use, overweight and obese people can lose excess weight. The juice can be consumed in the morning to increase appetite and tone. In cooking, pamela gives a special taste to the filling; the pulp of this fruit goes well with meat and fish fillings, with fruits and vegetables, with cheeses and spices. It can be safely added to fruit and vegetable salads, in jam, in ice cream and even in cakes. It can truly be considered a valuable dietary and medicinal product.

Pomelo fruit in cosmetology

The juice, pulp and peel are often used in cosmetology. Ointments, creams, and lotions are prepared on their basis. These cosmetics can also be found on sale here, although they are not very common. More often, pamela is used as face masks. Here's an example of a moisturizing mask: Take a small piece of pulp, chop it finely and mix with honey and lemon juice. Immediately after preparation, apply to face for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse off the mask with warm green tea. Then apply moisturizer. It is better to do this mask at night. After several sessions, the skin will become perfectly clean and velvety.

In winter, it is very useful to periodically wipe your face with fresh pomelo juice. This will prevent the usual winter dry skin. By spring, your skin will be noticeably fresher and even younger. Keep in mind that oily skin should be wiped with fresh, undiluted pomelo juice, and for dry skin, use juice diluted in half with water.

For oily skin, a mask of pomelo with kefir is very useful. Peel the slice, add a teaspoon of low-fat kefir, mix everything until smooth. Rub the juice onto your skin, and as soon as it dries, apply the mask for 10-15 minutes. You need to wash off with warm water without soap. In 10 sessions you will get rid of oily skin for a long time.

It is useful to wipe the skin of the body with the inner surface of the pomelo peel in places where skin rashes appear. Applying pamela juice diluted with half and half water before sunbathing will give your skin a beautiful chocolate shade.

Do not forget about the rules for storing this exotic fruit. At room temperature, the fruits can be stored unpeeled for up to one month. Peeled fruit should only be stored in the refrigerator and for no more than three days. Under normal conditions, it will simply dry out and lose its beneficial and tasteful qualities.

Eat pomelo boldly, without fear, but only with benefit. Be healthy!

Video: Pamela (pomelo) fruit:...

Pomelo is a citrus fruit known in European countries since the 15th century, but its beneficial qualities received special recognition only in the 18th century.

One of the amazing features of pomelo is the size of its fruit, reaching up to 10 kg in weight and up to 30 cm in diameter in its homeland - the tropical regions of Asia.

The shape of the fruit can be round or pear-shaped, it has a sweet and sour taste and has subtle aroma. The peel of the fruit has a variety of colors depending on the variety - green, yellow, pink, orange.

The closest relative of this plant, characterized by some bitterness in taste and greater juiciness of the pulp.

Nowadays, pomelo is cultivated in China, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Tahiti, Vietnam, Taiwan, Israel, southern Japan and the USA. IN eastern countries This fruit symbolizes wealth and prosperity and is given as a New Year's gift to family and friends and as a religious offering in temples.

With a low calorie content - from 25 to 39 kcal per 100 g, this product contains:

many vitamins:

  • C – from 30 to 53 mg,
  • A (beta-carotene) – about 30 mg,
  • B vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 5);


  • potassium – 235 mg,
  • calcium – 27 mg,
  • phosphorus – 25 mg,
  • iron – 0.5 mg,
  • sodium – 1 mg;
  • carbohydrates – from 6 to 9 g,
  • fats – 0.02-0.04 g,
  • proteins – 0.6-0.8 g,
  • fiber – 1 g;

As well as essential oils, lipolytic enzyme, pectins, limonoids.

These substances determine the beneficial properties of pomelo, which are very valuable for the body. For example, the vitamin C content in one medium-sized pomelo is 120-130% of the required daily requirement.

Medicinal properties

Pomelo has medicinal properties that are widely used to improve the health of the body:

  1. The high content of antioxidants, vitamins and essential oils increases immunity and susceptibility to viral and colds, and also helps fight age-related changes in the body of older people by participating in the regeneration of damaged cells.

It is very useful to include pomelo in your diet during a flu epidemic.

  1. The high potassium content of the fruit strengthens the cardiovascular system, supporting the functioning of the heart muscles.
  2. Pectin prevents the formation and deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, which is the main cause of increased blood pressure and is involved in the formation of blood clots.

A healthy lifestyle and regular consumption of pomelo can prevent the development of heart attack and stroke.

  1. The lipolytic enzyme contained in the pulp of the fruit promotes the active breakdown of fats and proteins, and fiber creates a feeling of satiety.

This allows you to quickly and easily lose excess weight by including it in your diet.

  1. Regular inclusion of pomelo in the diet (about 150 g per day) helps improve metabolism and reduce blood sugar in people with diabetes.
  2. Eating pomelo helps prevent malignant tumors, since the limonoids it contains prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. Another property they have is the prevention of cataract development.
  3. When eating pomelo, an alkaline environment is created in the gastrointestinal tract, which improves digestion processes.

Chinese healers treat stomach upsets and alcohol poisoning with a remedy prepared on its basis.

  1. Special diets, the main therapeutic component of which is pomelo, alleviate the condition of patients with bronchial asthma.
  2. Moderate consumption of pomelo is very beneficial for pregnant women.
  1. Pomelo supplies the body with calcium and phosphorus.

Calcium accelerates the healing of fractures, makes the skeletal system stronger, phosphorus improves thought processes and has a positive effect on brain activity.

Vitamins, enzymes and limonoids have a restorative and rejuvenating effect on skin cells, which is widely used in cosmetology and for preparing cosmetic masks and scrubs at home.

The antidepressant properties of this fruit are well known, allowing you to improve a person’s stamina and performance, cope with nervous disorders, and improve mood and vitality.

Properties of pomelo juice and peel

The main property of pomelo juice is its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is useful to use it for stomach and intestinal disorders. It also helps cleanse the liver and kidneys of toxins.

For inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, for colds accompanied by sore throat and sore throat, caries, toothache, bleeding gums, rinsing with juice diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water has a good effect, which has a softening effect and inhibits pathogenic microbes.

Just like the pulp, pomelo juice is widely used in cosmetology due to its ability to inhibit pathogenic microflora, restore elasticity and freshness of the skin, rejuvenating its cells, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Not only the pulp and juice of this exotic fruit brings benefits, but also its peel and leaves.

The peel contains many bioflavonoids, which help normalize estrogen levels and strengthen gastrointestinal tract. Jam is made from it, and when dried it is added to tea.

Fresh leaves of the plant are applied to abscesses, boils, burned and frostbitten areas. Wounds are washed with a decoction prepared from them.

Contraindications for use

  • It is not advisable to use pomelo for people who have allergic reactions to citrus fruits.
  • If you have a chronic peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum and high acidity in the stomach, you need to take this product in small quantities; if these diseases worsen, it is better to completely exclude it from the diet for a while.
  • You should use pomelo very carefully, after consulting with your doctor, if you have hepatitis, colitis or nephritis.
  • Health can also be harmed overuse pomelo for urolithiasis.

People who have no contraindications should also not switch completely to this fruit, but take it simultaneously with other equally important and beneficial fruits for the body. optimal quantity. Fully beneficial qualities appear only in well-ripened fruits.

The use of pomelo in medicinal recipes

To the maximum extent, pomelo has therapeutic effect in natural fresh form without heat treatment, which significantly reduces the amount of nutrients contained in the fruit. For variety, you can add it to a salad or fruit smoothie.

  • To prevent atherosclerosis, remove the film from pomelo slices (100-150 g), cut them and mix with a tablespoon of olive (sunflower) oil.

To cleanse cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, you should consume this mixture several times a week.

  • If you suffer from acute bronchitis, accompanied by a wet cough, you can prepare fresh fruit juice, heat it to 40°C and drink in small sips to free the bronchi from phlegm.
  • To relieve sore throat during acute respiratory infections and sore throat, squeeze 100 ml of juice from peeled slices, dilute with water (1:1 ratio) and rinse regularly throughout the day.
  • To cleanse the intestines of toxins and harmful substances, eat 0.5 kg of pomelo instead of breakfast; the next meal should be taken no earlier than 3-5 hours later.

Diet with pomelo for weight loss

For breakfast, eat half a fruit with 50 g of low-fat cheese.

For lunch, cook steamed or stewed vegetables and boiled fish.

For an afternoon snack, eat the other half of the fruit and a boiled egg.

For dinner, prepare a portion of boiled cauliflower, 1 boiled egg, ½ pomelo fruit and 1 apple. You can drink tea and coffee without sugar, replacing it with a teaspoon of honey.

If you follow such a diet, you can feel a significant result in 2 months.

Use in cosmetology

To restore freshness and youth to your facial skin, you need to wipe it with juice undiluted - for oily skin and diluted in half with boiled water– for dry.

Preparation nourishing mask, moisturizing the skin:

Grind a pomelo slice, mix with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice, apply to skin for 10-15 minutes. Remove with pre-prepared chilled green tea and apply a thin layer of moisturizer. Sometimes additional ingredients are added to the mask oatmeal and egg yolk.

If your facial skin is oily, use the following mask:

Peel and chop a slice of fruit, combine with 1 teaspoon of kefir. Dip a cosmetic disc into a small amount of pomelo juice and wipe the skin with it. After it dries, apply the resulting mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Peel body scrub:

Mix chopped pomelo peel and half a lemon with a little sugar and olive oil. Apply the scrub to a body pre-moistened with warm water using light rubbing movements for 15 minutes. It should not be applied to the chest area. After rinsing with a contrast shower, you can repeat the procedure.

How to choose a pomelo

The most useful are well-ripened fruits.

They are quite soft, with a shiny, smooth and fragrant skin without damage.

It should not have stains or uneven coloring. If one side of the pomelo is green and the other is yellow, it can be assumed that it is not ripe enough.

It is not the size of the fruit that is important, but its weight - the heavier one contains more juice. As a rule, the peak of fruit ripening occurs in February. Therefore, when purchasing this fruit during February - March, you can be sure of its freshness.

A whole, undamaged fruit can be stored for one month at normal room temperature and 3-4 months in the refrigerator. After the fruit is peeled, it can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

Pomelo is one of the most wonderful fruits given to man by nature. Using the properties inherent in it is a great opportunity to heal the body, strengthen strength, get a charge of vigor, wellness and optimism.

Pomelo originates in China, and to this day, is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. It was known as early as 100 BC.

At the end of the eighteenth century, the seeds of the strange fruit were brought to India. Europeans were able to become acquainted with pomelo only in the 19th century. Pomelo is now cultivated in Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Israel, Vietnam, Japan, California and the Tahiti Islands.

In the east there is a tradition to give it for the New Year. The Chinese also use pomelo in religious ceremonies.

In our country, pomelo is simply used in cooking, less often in cosmetology and folk medicine. As it turned out, not only with the help of lemon can you cure a cold, lower your temperature and improve your condition immune system sick. Most citrus fruits, including pomelo, have these properties.

Pomelo is a hybrid of which fruit?

Some people believe that pomelo is a type of grapefruit. But this statement is incorrect, on the contrary, grapefruit is a degenerate descendant of pomelo. The fruit has another close “relative” - sweetie (oroblanco or pomelite), which is a hybrid of white grapefruit and pomelo.

In European countries, pomelo is often called “shaddock”, since a captain with the same name brought the seeds of this fruit there. Also Citrus can be called pomela, pamela or pompelmus.

Pomelo belongs to the rutaceae family, subfamily citrus. The fruit peel comes in pale green, orange and yellow color. The inside of the pomelo is red, white, yellow or green.

Ripe citrus is juicy and sweet taste, without the bitterness inherent in grapefruit.

Chemical composition and calorie content

An exotic fruit called pomelo has excellent quality characteristics regarding calorie content and composition.

The fruit itself has practically no calories, but it contains a lot of useful substances that can not only dull the feeling of hunger, but can also easily cope with the rapid breakdown of protein deposits and accumulated fat. Leading nutritionists often recommend introducing it into the diet of precisely that category of people who have been struggling with obesity for a long time. Eating pomelo with others dietary products, the body can be transformed and brought into shape very quickly. Also, a feeling of lightness in the body, satiety and lack of discomfort during a complex diet becomes noticeable very quickly.

Calorie content per 100 grams is 38 kcal.

1 peeled pomelo weighs approximately 609 g (231.4 kcal).

1 slice = 190 g (72.2 kcal)

The nutritional value: carbohydrates – 8.62 g, proteins – 0.76 g, fats – 0.04 g.

Also contains dietary fiber and ash.

Pomelo is 89% water.

Vitamins: B1 (0.034 mg), B2 (0.027 mg), B6 ​​(0.036 mg), C (61 mg), PP (Niacin equivalent) - 0.22 mg.

Chemical composition: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese.

Fruity peel pomelo is rich in bioflavonoids.

Useful and healing properties

Scientists have discovered spermine in the chemical composition of pomelo - it protects cells from damage and slows down their aging. Studies have shown that this substance can prolong life.

Healing properties of pomelo:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, thanks to the lipolytic enzyme contained in the fruit, which accelerates the breakdown of proteins.
  • Increases immunity. Used as a prophylaxis against influenza and other colds.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system due to its high potassium content.
  • Bioflavonoids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas and prevent the formation of cancer cells in the mammary gland. Therefore, it is useful for girls and women to eat not only the pulp, but also the peel of the pomelo, since these useful material concentrated in it.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Prevention of malignant tumors.
  • Improves the condition of asthma.
  • The fruit has a low glycemic index and is therefore safe for diabetes. Its juice helps reduce blood sugar.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis (pectin).
  • Used in dietary nutrition (low-calorie).

For women Pomelo is not only a storehouse of health, but also of youth. Beautiful in winter cosmetic product is the juice of the fruit. If you regularly wipe the skin of your face and body with it in cold weather, then by spring it will look younger and become visually refreshed. At oily skin it is better to use juice in pure form, if dry, dilute it with boiled water in equal proportions.

Helpful advice for men: Chewing fruit pulp slowly relieves hangovers.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

You should not abuse sheddock during pregnancy, as this can lead to heartburn due to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. Pampering yourself with citrus 2-3 times a week will be quite enough.

Benefits of pomelo for pregnant:

  • Gives strength and increases performance.
  • Perfectly quenches thirst.
  • Thanks to the presence of calcium (4 mg), it strengthens teeth and bones well.
  • Preventative against constipation.
  • Strengthens blood vessels and makes them elastic.
  • Improves mood.

At breastfeeding You should gradually introduce the fruit into your diet, observing the baby’s reaction. It is better to do this when the baby is 3 months old. If there are no allergic reactions, then you can safely eat pomelo. Doctors believe that what is good for the mother is also good for the child.

Harm and contraindications

Since the fruit itself belongs to the citrus subsection, the number of contraindications is similar. The first is the possibility of an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance, or due to overeating. After all, as they say, everything is good in moderation. Pregnant women should especially pay attention to the point “abuse of citrus fruits”, because not only the health of the mother, but also her child is at stake.

Avoid eating pomelo, as well as other citrus fruits, is needed for stomach problems such as acid-base imbalance, ulcers, gastritis, nephritis and other exacerbations.

It is better to avoid this delicious fruit for people suffering from urolithiasis or any form of hepatitis.

On my own pomelo cleanses the liver(due to the high activity of the enzymes included in its composition), so for this reason an additional load is created on the affected organ. Eliminate fruit from your diet if you have liver disease and its complications.

Regarding whether it is worth giving pomelo to children, you can take into account that citrus fruits, as a rule, should be introduced into the children's diet last, like cabbage, legumes or corn. Although the fruit is very nutritious, its composition is rich in vitamin C and others, the child’s body is not yet adapted to such food. Before the age of one, it is better not to introduce pomelo into the diet of children.

Also, eating fruit may not have a positive effect on the body in case of diseases that are associated with sudden changes in pressure. Pomelo lowers blood pressure.

So, to summarize, under what circumstances and characteristics of the state of the human body can pomelo be harmful?

Main contraindications and restrictions on the use of pomelo:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in this case, you should not abuse the fruit so as not to aggravate the disease);
  • It is not advisable to consume citrus for colitis, ulcers, hepatitis, nephritis;
  • should not be used in the diet of people with low blood pressure;
  • contraindication for children: It is not recommended to consume pomelo until the child is 1 year old.
  • tendency to allergies.

How to choose?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a pomelo is its smell. How richer aroma citrus, the more juicy its taste will be. The peel of a fresh ripe fruit should be smooth, with a beautiful shine and slightly soft. It is better to choose a heavy fruit (so that there is more juice in its pulp) of medium size

It will be useful to know that fresh pomelo can be stored at room temperature for no more than a month. The peeled fruit must be placed in the refrigerator, where it can remain for about 3 days.

Fruit for weight loss

The fruit is considered dietary. It is often introduced into their diet by people who want to lose weight. Pomelo quickly causes a feeling of satiety, thanks to the content of plant fibers, saturates the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

At daily use pomelo for breakfast you can see real results (weight loss combined with skin tone) after just 2 months.

How to clean a broom:

  • Vertical cleaning method.

First, cut off the tops at the top and bottom of the fruit. Make cuts approximately 1.5 cm deep (this is the approximate width of the crust) along the slices. Pieces should be separated from top to bottom.

  • Spiral cleaning method.

You need to make a cut in a spiral from top to bottom. After tearing the peel at the bottom of the citrus, tear it off along the entire circumference.

The white layer under the peel can be peeled with your hands or with a knife.

The film is conveniently removed if you place the slices on a cutting board and easily pry off the film by running the tip of a knife along the narrow part.

How do you eat pomelo?

Pomelo is eaten as an ordinary fruit, for breakfast, afternoon snack, and as a dessert. Add to salads, use as a filling for baked goods and pies, and add to sauces.

Pomelo goes well with meat, fish dishes, spicy, sweet. Jam and marmalade are made from the peel.

  • Few people know, but pomelo juice is extremely useful during colds, the complication of which is inflammatory process in the throat. Half a glass of juice, diluted 50% with warm water, is not used for oral consumption, but for gargling.
  • The juice of the exotic fruit is also very effective for exacerbations of bronchitis. Only in this case, the glass of pomelo juice should not be diluted. You just need to heat it to 100 degrees and give it to the patient to drink. This simple trick will help get rid of phlegm and wheezing in the throat, which will significantly speed up the healing process.
  • Pomelo salads are very tasty, healthy and nutritious. Its pulp is so nutritious that it helps fight atherosclerosis. The recipe for preparing the dish is quite easy and simple: fruit slices are peeled and film-free, then, for better absorption, lightly sprinkled with vegetable oil. You can add other ingredients as desired. The benefit of regularly eating salad is that it will also help get rid of cholesterol plaques that tend to form on the walls of blood vessels.