The benefits and harms of potatoes, raw and cooked. What do potatoes contain: beneficial properties and medicinal qualities

There is probably no person on earth who has never tried potatoes. And for the Russian people, this is the main food product; moreover, thanks to potatoes, hundreds of thousands of human lives were saved in the days of hard times: during the terrible famine of the civil war, during the pestilence of the 1930s, during the Patriotic War.

Even frozen potatoes found in the fields were the very product that gave them strength to survive. By the way, frozen potatoes retain their nutritional properties while becoming sweet, since the starch contained in them is converted into carbohydrates. The taste is an acquired taste, so you shouldn’t store potatoes at temperatures below zero degrees.

Potatoes are still on the table of thousands of ordinary rural people who are deprived of high income. And what can I say, many famous people often call potatoes their favorite dish, especially those who grew up eating them.

So what is the power of this product and why is it so popular among the people?

The history of the appearance of potatoes in Russia

The vegetable's homeland is South America, where it was used as food 7-9 thousand years ago. However, potatoes (earthen pear, earthen nut, earthen apple) made their way to the table of European people, especially Russians, with great difficulty.

Its use in Europe began in the 16th century; Peter 1 brought it to Russia. There is an opinion that the use of potatoes began only under Anna Ioannovna, i.e. since the 18th century. At first, because of their beautiful flowers, potatoes were grown in flower beds, and a bouquet of potato flowers was considered the highest luxury.

Gradually, through the resistance of the ordinary Russian people, who did not want to give up the best lands for growing this alien overseas fruit, at the end of the 19th century, during the reign of Catherine II, potatoes were appreciated and firmly entered the diet of the Russian people, becoming the second indispensable product after bread.

Composition of potatoes

Today, the attitude towards potatoes is not so clear. More and more often we hear the opinion of nutritionists and doctors that eating potatoes is harmful. What caused this opinion? Potatoes, due to the large amount of starch they contain, are classified as high-calorie foods. So in 100 grams of cooked

  • boiled potatoes contain 70 kcal.
  • jacket potatoes - 66 kcal.
  • baked-80 kcal
  • mashed potatoes with the addition of milk and butter - from 90 to 120 kcal (depending on the amount of butter and milk)
  • water - 76.3%
  • dry matter from 23.7% to 36% including:
    • starch - 17.5 - 29%%
    • protein - 1- 4.5%%
    • mineral salts - about 1%
  • C, B1, B2, B6, PP, K
  • carotenoids in mature potatoes
  • There are few sugars (0.5-1.5%), but they can accumulate in tubers (up to 6% or more) or disappear completely, which is observed during long-term storage of the vegetable.

The reduction of starch in tubers most often occurs at low temperatures (1-2 °C).

Sugars in potatoes are:

  • glucose (about 65% of total sugar),
  • fructose (5%)
  • sucrose (30%),
  • maltose in small quantities, usually during potato germination.

Potato damage

  1. The biggest disadvantage of potatoes: high glycemic index(an indicator of the increase in blood sugar with the intake of the product into the body).
  2. High starch content (from 20 to 40%% by dry weight), which is poorly absorbed in the body. For this reason, constant consumption of potatoes leads to increased body weight. Although the product does not have a high calorie content, 100 grams of boiled product contains only 80 kcal.
  3. Therefore, potatoes rich in carbohydrates should not be constantly consumed by patients with stage 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, especially those who take insulin, as well as those suffering from fermentative flatulence.
  4. Corned beef content- a harmful toxic substance of glycoalkoloid in potato tubers and has a destructive effect on red blood cells and the human nervous system. However, this poison accumulates in those tubers that are stored in the light and acquire a greenish color. Such tubers cannot be used for food. All potatoes should be peeled with thick skins by spring. You should not eat sprouted potatoes, as corned beef also accumulates in them.

How to cook potatoes correctly for the benefit of the body

To avoid the harmful effects of potatoes on the body, they need to be cooked properly.

Potatoes should be eaten with vegetables and herbs, and meat and other fatty protein products should be avoided. This will allow it to be better absorbed in the body, and you will burn extra calories.

Fried potatoes and french fries are recognized as an absolutely harmful product, due to the formation of carcinogens during frying and the increase in calorie content of the product.

P beneficial and healing properties of potatoes

  • Potato contains slow carbohydrates, which ensures long-term satiety. This property of potatoes is suitable for people who work physically, but those who are watching their weight should avoid eating potatoes.
  • Potatoes are the record holder for potassium content among vegetables, which is favorable for consumption by heart patients and hypertensive patients. Potassium ensures good metabolism in the body, and therefore is useful for people suffering from kidney diseases. Baked tubers are especially useful for these diseases.
  • Potatoes contain caffeic and chlorogenic acids, as well as tomatine, which have antiviral and antimicrobial effects.
  • Potatoes contain a large amount of fiber and pectin substances, as well as glucose, fructose and sucrose, which are so necessary for our body.
  • A small amount of protein (only 3%) in potatoes is valuable because, thanks to the 8 essential amino acids contained in the tubers, it is well digestible and this makes it especially valuable.
  • Potatoes practically do not cause allergies, and even help cope with them. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in complementary foods for babies up to one year old.
  • Potatoes help with respiratory diseases: inhalation of boiled potato vapors has been known to everyone since childhood.
  • Grated raw potatoes are indispensable for skin burns. This method has been proven by everyone and is valuable because potatoes are always at hand. Raw potatoes need to be grated, quickly apply the mixture to the burn area, wait for a while, then remove the mixture and put a new one. And so on several times.
  • Suppositories made from raw potatoes help relieve pain from hemorrhoids.
  • Potato flowers have very valuable properties: infusions and decoctions help in the fight against lung cancer and tuberculosis, and treat women's diseases.

And finally, the most important property of potatoes, established quite recently: potatoes are the only product that a person can eat for a long time without consuming other products, while providing the body with all substances, micro and macro elements, and essential vitamins.

Raw potatoes in folk medicine

It is not customary to eat raw tubers, although it is quite acceptable, since raw potatoes have even more beneficial properties. But in the treatment of some diseases, both raw potatoes and especially healthy potato juice are used.

What are the benefits of potato juice?

  • The juice of raw tubers has anti-inflammatory properties,
  • Fresh potato juice treats gastritis with high acidity, helps cope with heartburn, eliminate nausea and avoid constipation.
  • Widely used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the starch contained in potatoes has an enveloping, softening effect, but drinking the juice is quite difficult, so it is recommended to mix it with beetroot, carrots or add juice

Potatoes - beneficial properties

Potatoes are a product with a very complex, surprising fate. Our people rebelled against him for a long time.

Complex, contradictory, but today such a strong love of Russian people for this product has crystallized over the course of 200 years, starting from the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, when potatoes were called nothing more than “devil’s apple.”

And in other countries, these starchy tubers had a hard time. In 1630, the French parliament banned potatoes due to their toxicity. Diderot considered such food coarse and unpretentious. But these are the French - for centuries they have been the most scrupulous nation when it comes to food.

Nutritional value of potatoes

If there is a product in the world that can feed a person in the absence of other food, then it is potatoes. Take a look at the nutritional comparison chart between potatoes and some other foods. She explains a lot.

When you eat it, you quickly feel full due to the presence of starch. But potatoes are not only an excellent source of carbohydrates. It contains a lot of potassium and vitamin C, as well as easily digestible proteins - building materials for cells, tissues and muscles.

Among the beneficial properties, potatoes have a slight diuretic effect due to the high concentration of potassium and low sodium. And the specific mineral composition makes this root vegetable medicinal for the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

You've probably heard that potatoes baked or boiled with their skins (in their skins) are considered the healthiest. Indeed, in the peel itself and directly in the layer of pulp underneath it, a large amount of valuable substances, such as potassium and ascorbic acid, are concentrated.

Although it’s better to remove the skins from store-bought potatoes – who knows what they were sprayed with, away from prying eyes.

Ascorbic benefits

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is needed by the body for immune protection, maintaining vigor and optimism, and effectively fighting against harmful free radicals.

It is through potatoes that we most often replenish our reserves of vitamin C, because we eat them much more often than, for example, lemons, oranges or black currants. Unfortunately, this vitamin evaporates extremely quickly. In tubers that have survived the winter, it becomes at least 6 times less.

What are the benefits of potatoes?

Rescue of hypertensive patients

For hypertensive patients, an addiction to potatoes can save their lives. Their diet plan should contain as little meat as possible, because it contains the amino acid tyrosine, which contributes to the production of blood pressure-raising hormones.

Potatoes can successfully replace animal products, but only if you suffer from diabetes. In this case, this useful root vegetable should not appear on the table too often.

Potato broth for vigor

Seasonal depression, loss of strength, lack of motivation, low performance – all this can be treated with potato broth. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of warm broth. This remedy is more useful than modern energy drinks. It will return clarity of thoughts and former enthusiasm.

Potato inhalations

Our mothers and grandmothers know this recipe by heart. A stuffy nose, sore throat and severe cough are treated with healing potato steam. Just boil the potatoes in their jackets in a small saucepan, cover with a towel and breathe over the steam for a few minutes.

For sinusitis, traditional medicine recommends applying hot potatoes with fresh cuts to the inflamed sinuses. Caution is needed here: in case of acute inflammation, accompanied by severe pain and swelling, any heating is prohibited.

Potato gastroenterology

In folk medicine, juice from raw potatoes is widely used to treat heartburn, gastritis and peptic ulcers with high acidity. This is despite the fact that in large quantities it can be harmful and even poisonous.

But potato juice, its beneficial dietary qualities and rules of administration are the topic of a separate article, which will appear on the site in the very near future.

Diet horror story

Take almost any diet program and you will truly feel sorry for potatoes. Fans of healthy eating generously give slaps to this nutritious and healthy product. He is accused of high calorie content, exceptional harm to a slender figure and other sins.

In fact, potatoes themselves are a good and not at all harmful product. It simply absorbs animal and vegetable fats well: milk, butter and sunflower oil. But we still strive to flavor our favorite potatoes with mayonnaise, rich sauce, and ketchup. Here is the real reason for the dietary disgrace of potatoes.

Not long ago, the US Department of Agriculture conducted a large-scale study of the American diet. Over two years, experts managed to collect information on more than 10,000 people.

In a country where 55% of the population consists of people suffering from excess weight, potato lovers turned out to be almost the slimmest. Indeed, healthy foods rich in carbohydrates are very nutritious and significantly lower in calories than meat products.

Potatoes have been rehabilitated!

As the BBC news broadcaster reported, American scientists are ready to completely rehabilitate potatoes, which many nutritionists rejected for so long and advised especially obese patients to exclude this root vegetable from the diet.

The fate of the vegetable beloved by many Russians was the concern of the staff of the University. Scranton under the direction of Dr. Joe Vinson. The conscientious pundit admitted that he was inflamed with righteous anger after reading an opponent’s article in one of the medical journals on the dangers of potatoes.

For many years, Vinson had been researching natural antioxidants, so he could not agree with this opinion.

The two-month experiment, as usual, was carried out on mice suffering from high blood pressure. Each animal ate at least 2 potatoes per day, which is really a lot compared to its weight. No increase in body weight or blood sugar levels was observed.

It turns out that you can and should eat potatoes almost every day. Scientists have found biologically active substances in it that can strengthen the immune system. With a properly selected menu, potatoes do not cause obesity, since they contain few calories, no cholesterol, but a lot of B vitamins.

Joe Vinson recommends looking at red and purple potatoes since there hasn't been a full experiment with white potatoes yet. It is especially good, notes the American researcher, to eat potatoes boiled in their skins, because it is in the skin that the beneficial substances are concentrated.

"Unless you regularly eat fries or salty chips, you shouldn't worry about weight gain," Dr Vinson concluded.

According to news channel 16 WNEP, the results of the potato study attracted the attention of the American Chemical Society and the American Potato Council. They will contribute to further research.

Yellow potatoes are the healthiest

Not counting the amazing variety of varieties, all edible potatoes can be divided into 2 types - with white and yellow flesh. And if Europeans prefer the first one much more, then in the conventional homeland of the root vegetable beloved by many Russians, on the island of Chiloe, which is located in Chile, they prefer yellow potatoes.

Yellow color is a clear sign of a high concentration of beta-carotene, a substance responsible for good vision, beautiful skin and long-lasting youth.

If you don’t know what else new to cook from potatoes, pay attention to the recipes of Belarusian cuisine. There are more than 200 potato dishes: babka, kamjaki, drachena, komoviki, potato pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, porridge, taukanitsa and so on.

I wonder if there are any potato fans among my readers?

Potatoes are one of our most common and beloved vegetables, as well as an important source of nutrition for a large part of the world's population. Its beneficial properties include not only the excellent taste of the resulting dishes, but also its ability to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, lower blood cholesterol levels, ensure healthy heart function, prevent the formation of cancerous tumors and lower blood pressure.

Nutritional value of potatoes

Today, most of us find it difficult to imagine our menu without this vegetable. , primarily due to the wide variety of vitamins, minerals and vital organic compounds included in its composition.

One medium-sized vegetable contains 164 calories, 0.2 g fat, 0 g cholesterol, 37 g carbohydrates, 4.7 g fiber and 4.3 g protein. The same serving provides the human body with 2% of the daily value of calcium, 9% of iron, 30% of vitamin B-6, 51% of ascorbic acid, 25% of potassium and 12% of magnesium, as well as niacin and folic acid, phosphorus, choline and zinc.


With regular consumption of potato tubers, a person receives a significant supply of water and ions in the body due to the high potassium content in the product. The highest concentration of this essential element is found in the skin and immediately underneath it, so eating unpeeled potatoes is very beneficial. In addition to potassium, the vegetable contains calcium, iron and phosphorus.


The beneficial properties of potatoes are also due to the large amount of vitamin C it contains - about 17 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of product; in addition, it also contains vitamins A, B and P.


This vegetable is an ideal source of starch (about 17%), which can prevent the development of cancer cells, reduce sugar levels and improve the functioning of the immune system.


Despite the rather large size of potato tubers, their water content reaches from 70 to 80% of the total weight, so the common belief that you can gain weight from a few potatoes is unfounded. Of course, if the prepared dishes contain an excessive amount of oil or a person eats French fries, which are characterized by a high content of fat and cholesterol, or often eats potatoes in large portions, then it will not be difficult to gain weight.

Eating a variety of vegetables and fruits generally reduces the likelihood of developing many serious diseases. Numerous studies from around the world show that increasing the consumption of plant-based foods reduces the likelihood of obesity and overall mortality, as well as the risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and also improves a person's appearance, increases their energy levels and helps lose extra pounds. All this also applies to regular potatoes.

Bone Health

Thanks to the minerals contained in vegetables - iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and zinc - one of the beneficial properties of potatoes is the growth and maintenance of a normal human skeleton, as well as ensuring the strength of bone tissue. In addition, zinc and iron play an important role in the creation of collagen, which ensures the elasticity and strength of connective tissue, and therefore the health of joints, cartilage, ligaments and skin.

Cancer Prevention

The beneficial properties of potatoes can be used to prevent malignant neoplasms - this applies to red and brown-red varieties (sweet potato). High levels of flavonoids and vitamin A can protect a person from the development of many types of cancer. In addition, the results of experiments by the Agricultural Research Service prove that quercetin, which is part of potatoes, has antitumor properties.

Healthy heart

The beneficial properties of potatoes, first of all, are provided by the fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B-6 contained in it, as well as the complete absence of cholesterol, due to which the “engine” of the human body functions normally. In one study, participants who consumed 4,069 mg of potassium per day were 49% less likely to die from coronary heart disease than those who consumed less (1,000 mg). In addition, potato fiber helps reduce the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases, and vitamin B-6 prevents the accumulation of homocysteine, excess levels of which can lead to damage to blood vessels, blood clots and other diseases.

Improving brain activity and strengthening the nervous system

The next beneficial property of potatoes is maintaining human neurological health. The vitamin B-6 contained in the product promotes the formation of chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. In other words, eating potatoes helps you get out of depression or stress, and the high level of carbohydrates in the vegetable helps maintain the required level of glucose in the blood, which is important for the normal functioning of the brain.

In addition to the above-mentioned beneficial properties of potatoes, consumption of this vegetable is necessary for:

  1. Improvement of the immune system.

Potatoes and their beneficial properties

Many nutritionists consider potatoes to be one of the most harmful foods for your figure and body health. But recently, British scientists found that this root vegetable is so rich in vitamins, fiber and microelements that it outperforms many other vegetables and fruits in terms of these criteria.

So, the benefits of potatoes have been proven. And now the Women’s website of the city of Orekhovo-Zuevo will tell you in more detail what it is. You will also learn in what form you need to eat potatoes so that their wonderful beneficial properties are fully manifested.

Based on the results of numerous studies, it has been proven that ordinary potatoes, which entire generations of our citizens have eaten and are eating regularly, contain a whole complex of useful vitamins and microelements. These are sugar, proteins, mineral salts (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus), organic acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6.

In addition, all these substances are combined in potatoes so harmoniously that they are ideal for complete nutrition of the human body. An example is the fact that potatoes are much healthier than cabbage, bananas and even nuts.

Modern everyday life is filled with stress, which often turns into depression, ending in insomnia and chronic fatigue. Therefore, by regularly eating potatoes, you will feel stronger and more resilient, and increase your performance.

You can prepare a lot of different delicious dishes from potatoes, and the benefits of potatoes will depend on the cooking method. How are potatoes useful in different interpretations?

Baked potatoes: benefits

The benefit of baked potatoes is that they are very low in calories. But at the same time it is very tasty and loved by many people. Among the beneficial properties, we can note the high content of potassium in baked potatoes, which is necessary for our muscles. With its deficiency in the body, convulsions often begin. Baked potatoes can also reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients, and their peel has a positive effect on male potency.

There are several folk recipes with baked potatoes. For example, for boils, you need to apply warm, peeled and crushed potatoes to the sore spot for 10-15 minutes. For bronchitis, this puree is applied to the chest in the form of a compress until it cools completely for 7-10 days.

Ideally, potatoes should be baked over a fire. But modern housewives widely use the oven to prepare such dishes. Thoroughly washed potatoes are baked in the oven at a temperature of 100-120 degrees for about 50 minutes. Eat it if you don’t want to add calories with butter, you can eat it with herbs and black pepper.

The benefits of jacket potatoes

Jacket potatoes are considered the healthiest. This dish contains 5 times more fiber than bananas. Fiber is a plant fiber that is essential for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, such as helping with constipation and removing toxins. It also lowers cholesterol and helps normalize blood sugar levels.

Also, the benefits of jacket potatoes are due to the simply incredible amount of vitamin C, which helps iron to be absorbed, is necessary for blood vessels, protects us from viral and infectious diseases, and much more. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and prevents premature aging of the body.

The beneficial properties of jacket potatoes do not end there. This dish also contains selenium, and in larger quantities than nuts and seeds - record holders for this microelement. How is selenium useful? It strengthens the body's immune system and increases resistance to various diseases, including viral ones. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, stimulates metabolic processes, and is necessary for the beauty of skin, hair and nails.

A decoction of jacket potatoes is great for burning fat and breaking fast, and is useful for arthritis, heart disease and hypertension.

Benefits of boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes are considered the healthiest of all other dishes made from this vegetable. Its regular use normalizes many body functions. As we know, potatoes contain quite a lot of starch, which is not entirely healthy for your figure.

But on the other hand, potato starch has anti-inflammatory, softening and enveloping properties for gastrointestinal diseases. It protects the stomach and intestines from the harmful effects of various drugs. But boiled potatoes lose it during the cooking process, since most of it goes into the broth.

Benefits of raw potatoes

Raw potatoes activate anti-inflammatory processes in the body. In grated form, it helps with swelling and bruising under the eyes; to do this, you just need to apply it to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

The benefit of potato juice is that it can be applied to places of bruises and bruises for half an hour; this should be done using a gauze base. It also treats eczema, dermatitis and fungal infections. And when consumed orally, potato juice helps with heartburn and stomach bleeding.

It is impossible not to say a few words about potato peels, which we mercilessly throw away. But it contains zinc and potassium, which are so necessary for the cardiovascular system. Potato skins contain more minerals and vitamins than tubers, and only they contain enzymes that help the body properly absorb starch. That is why jacket potatoes and baked ones are the healthiest.

Potato damage

Potatoes can only be harmful if consumed in large quantities. In order to receive all the substances beneficial to the body, it is enough to eat 200-300 g of potatoes per day. Also, those losing weight should not eat it for dinner, but for lunch - as much as you like.

Potatoes that have turned green can be dangerous because, when exposed to light, a large amount of a toxic substance, solanine, is formed. All parts of the potato contain it, and initially there is very little of it in the tubers. But with prolonged illumination, it begins to germinate, and the content of this poison increases sharply.

And, of course, French fries are very harmful. When prepared in a deep fryer, in which the same oil is used many times, the product acquires pronounced carcinogenic properties. And homemade potatoes fried in a frying pan are harmful for diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver, and high cholesterol. Potatoes are strictly contraindicated for severe diabetes mellitus and hypocidal gastritis.

Potatoes - beneficial properties

Potatoes are simply replete with beneficial properties, because they are not only a versatile side dish, but also a very satisfying and nutritious source of healing compounds. Some scientists claim that potatoes help the brain produce substances that strengthen memory.

Eating at least a glass of mashed potatoes a day can significantly improve short-term and long-term memory. Complex carbohydrates contained in potatoes have this beneficial property, in particular starch, the main wealth of potatoes. Starch not only has a positive effect on memory, but also helps with heartburn and gives a lot of energy.

Potatoes are also rich in vitamin C - the main fighter against free radicals and protector of the immune system. Potassium, a substance necessary for regulating blood pressure, is present in potatoes in large quantities. This mineral substance improves the cardiovascular system, helps maintain water-salt balance and reduces the risk of kidney stones.

Vitamin B6 contained in potatoes protects the heart by participating in maintaining normal blood sugar levels and hemoglobin production. In addition, pyridoxine is useful for insomnia, irritability and depression, since this vitamin is extremely important for the regulation of mental processes.

It is assumed that compounds present in potatoes called “prosthetic inhibitors” are able to suppress the growth of cancer cells in the first and second stages of the disease.

The potato peel itself is not far behind in terms of usefulness: the caffeic and ferulic acids it contains have the ability to neutralize carcinogens. And antioxidant pigments called anthocyanins provide excellent protection against cancer and myocardial ischemia.

This vegetable is recommended for people who have kidney and heart diseases. Freshly squeezed potato juice can help with gastritis with high acidity, persistent constipation, heartburn, reduces the secretory function of the gastric glands, and has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.

Acetylcholine, which is part of potatoes, helps lower blood pressure. But here it is better to consult a doctor.

Freshly squeezed potato juice stimulates enzymes and reduces blood sugar. Therefore, it is recommended to drink juice for people with diabetes.

Fiber and pectin substances in potatoes help our body remove excess cholesterol and toxins, and in addition bind heavy metal salts, radionuclides, bile acids, and suppress the functioning of pathogenic microbes in the intestinal tract.

Potatoes are far behind other vegetables in terms of calorie content, so if you are obese, you should eat them with caution. Tubers contain 20 percent carbohydrates, 2 percent protein and 0.15 percent fat, as well as organic acids. The high nutritional value is due to the presence of carbohydrates.

Stems, leaves, flowers, sprouts and potato tubers can accumulate solanine (a poisonous glycoalkaloid). The largest amount of it is contained in greened tubers, so it is impossible to eat them or use them as medicinal raw materials.

Like any other vegetable, potatoes lose some of their nutrients when cooked. To avoid this, it is recommended to cook it in the peel. Vitamins are destroyed when potatoes are stored (for several hours) in cold water, as well as when dishes prepared from them are heated. Therefore, it is most beneficial to eat potatoes baked or steamed - this way they lose less vitamins than when boiled in water.

To prepare mashed potatoes, mash the potatoes in the same water in which they were boiled - this way you will preserve the B vitamins that were transferred into the water during cooking.

Treatment with potatoes - folk recipes

  • A potato face mask not only refreshes, but also saturates with vitamins and smoothes the skin. Dry skin becomes soft, smooth and elastic. A mask made from young potatoes, boiled in their jackets, is especially useful for ladies over 40 years old. Mash the potatoes, mix with sour cream and apply to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • If cardiac activity is impaired, drink 100 milliliters of potato juice three times a day on an empty stomach, before lunch and before dinner for 3 weeks. After this, take a break for one week and repeat the course.
  • Potato juice for heartburn. Drink 100 milliliters of freshly squeezed potato juice 30 minutes before meals, up to 20 times a day.
  • Potato juice for anemia. Freshly squeezed potato juice should be drunk 150 milliliters, 2-3 times a day, the duration of the procedure is 2-3 weeks.
  • Pollen from potato flowers for metabolic disorders. Take 1 g. pollen from potato flowers, 3 times a day for 1–2 weeks.
  • Potatoes for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Boil the potatoes in their skins and breathe steam over the pan until the tubers have cooled.
  • Potato juice to cleanse the body. Mix 100 milliliters of potato juice, 100 milliliters of celery juice and 100 milliliters of carrot juice. Drink 300 milliliters 2 times a day for one week.
  • Potato gruel for burns. Grate the potatoes, apply an even layer to the burn area and hold for 20 minutes.
  • Potato gruel for sunburn. About 200 gr. Boil potatoes in their skins, grate them, mix with 100 gr. sour cream and apply to the affected areas of the skin, keep this mask for 25-30 minutes.
  • Potato gruel for cough. Boil 3-4 potato tubers in their skins, mash them, place them on paper, place it on your chest and hold until the pulp has cooled.

Everyone loves potatoes. It makes delicious and satisfying dishes. For centuries, this vegetable has occupied one of the main places on our table. Scientists have been studying potatoes for a long time. But there is still controversy surrounding the simple but reliable tubers. And until now, for example, nutritionists have not come to a consensus on what the true benefits and harms of potatoes. Try it and you can form your own opinion about it.

Chemical composition of potatoes

Potatoes are a biologically valuable product from the point of view of one group of nutritionists. Its tubers contain water, proteins, a small amount of fat, carbohydrates, potassium, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, H, PP, minerals, iodine and starch. It is precisely because of the high starch content that the second group of nutritionists consider potatoes to be harmful.

Starch is a supplier of carbohydrates for the human body. And carbohydrates, when in excess, contribute to the accumulation of fat and the development of obesity. Therefore, potatoes are practically not present in any of the weight loss diets.

Healthy product potatoes

If it is not recommended to eat potatoes when losing weight, then they are simply irreplaceable for therapeutic diets. Potatoes are useful for gastritis, arthritis, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, pancreas, and cardiovascular diseases.

Another obvious benefit of potatoes is that they contain a large amount of fiber. Plant fibers stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins from the body and are an excellent preventive measure for diseases of the digestive system.

Due to their high potassium content, potatoes are of great benefit to people suffering from heart disease.

Potato juice is a strong anti-inflammatory agent. It is indispensable for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Moreover, life-giving moisture is used to combat cancer.

Raw potatoes

Grate potatoes and you have an excellent remedy for treating burns, bruises and bruises. Spread the raw mass on gauze folded in several layers and then apply to the affected area. Keep the lotion for 20-40 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times and you will see a positive result.

Raw grated potatoes are also successfully used to relieve swelling. Apply the mixture on gauze to your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Instead of grated potatoes, you can use sliced ​​and cooled mugs for these purposes. Potato juice is used to treat boils, eczema and abscesses, and an infusion of sprouts is used to improve vision (a handful of sprouts are infused for 12 hours in 200 ml of water and taken 20-30 minutes before meals).

baked potato

Baked potatoes are not only very tasty, but also no less healthy. It is recommended for use for heart disease and obesity. And baked potatoes in their skins can increase potency.

Topically baked potatoes are used to treat skin inflammation and boils. Apply the crushed warm mass together with the peel in the form of a compress to the inflammation for 10-15 minutes.

Bronchitis and colds quickly disappear if you use hot potato decoction in the form of inhalations, and crushed tubers in the form of compresses on the chest.

New potatoes

Young potato tubers contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and fiber. It has high taste and brings invaluable benefits to the body after a long cold winter. How delicious are new potatoes sprinkled with green dill and flavored with butter!

Potatoes in cosmetology

Mashed potatoes are often used in the form of masks to rejuvenate, nourish and soften the skin of the face and neck. For these purposes, potato mass is combined with sour cream, cream, milk, egg yolk or vegetable oil. After this procedure, the skin becomes fresh, velvety and elastic.

A decoction of potato tubers and a starch solution are used in the form of baths for hands and feet to cure dry, flaky skin. Warm mashed potato wraps are an excellent remedy for deep cracks in the toes and heels.

So are potatoes harmful?

Undoubtedly, potatoes fried in oil or lard, potato pancakes with sour cream, pies and pies are very, very tasty, but high in calories. Roast potatoes with meat does not fit into the canons of separate and low-calorie nutrition. However, it should be noted that mashed potatoes contain much less calories than pasta and all kinds of pastes. But Russian cuisine has always been famous for its delicate, airy puree, complemented by fresh, crisp salad. This healthy food is still popular among sensible and food-savvy people. For comparison: pasta is filled with sauce containing more than 300 kcal calories per 100 grams. This means that the choice in favor of boiled potatoes and vegetables is obvious.

But even mashed potatoes should be approached with caution when it comes to losing weight and staying slim. Sometimes you can allow yourself this pleasure surrounded by juicy and sweet tomatoes, the delicate foam of the freshest salad and the delicate greens of a cucumber. The final chord of this story will be delicious splashes of olive oil with sharp splashes of lemon juice. But don’t become trivial and don’t make puree from a plastic cup with a flavor enhancer. This way you will maintain your health and self-esteem.

We should not forget that potatoes are not very useful for people suffering from pancreatic dysfunction and low tolerance to carbohydrates. All of them are at risk of developing diabetes.

Potatoes can be tricky. During long-term storage and when stored in the light, the strong poison solanine accumulates in it. Everyone has probably seen green tubers. Eating such potatoes is strictly prohibited. Solanine can cause severe poisoning. And for pregnant women it is doubly dangerous, as it contributes to the development of heart defects in the fetus.

The benefits of potatoes are obvious. And although there are dark spots in his biography, there are still more positive aspects. And if the tubers are stored and prepared correctly, there is no harm at all. Only at the table should you show moderation and foresight.

Potatoes are a favorite dish of many people. It is a traditional dish and is present on our table.

Potatoes can be stewed, boiled, fried, baked. Potatoes are not only tasty, but also healthy. What are the greatest benefits of potatoes for humans?

If we regularly include potatoes in our menu, our body will be provided with:

  • essential amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins.

The benefits of potatoes for the body are obvious, although there is one thing, potatoes are very high in calories, so if you are overweight, you should not particularly abuse this root vegetable.

What are the benefits of potatoes?

Potatoes contain:

  • proteins;
  • vitamins B, B2, B3, B6, B9;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins K, PP, D, E;
  • phosphorus;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • cellulose.

The benefits of potatoes for the body.

The main value of potatoes is that they contain a lot of potassium.

Thanks to potassium:

  • excess fluid is removed from the body;
  • metabolic processes are regulated;
  • the cardiovascular system improves.

There is even more potassium in potatoes than in bread, meat and fish.

The benefits of baked, raw, boiled potatoes

To keep your heart healthy, you need to eat a baked potato every day. When baked, potatoes retain all their beneficial properties, but when boiled, the potassium content in potatoes can be reduced by half.

If you have hypertension, eat baked potatoes often.

To reduce blood pressure, you need to take a few potatoes, chop them finely, add three glasses of water, cook until it turns into a paste, strain the broth and drink half a glass in the morning and evening.

Raw potatoes treat eczema and burns, just apply the potato to the affected areas. Apply a thick layer of grated potatoes and cover the top with a napkin and lightly bandage. Change compresses after 4 hours.

This compress will also help against bruises, boils, swelling, and tumors. Two procedures of half an hour are enough.

Of course, our grandmothers always did inhalations, breathing in the steam of boiled potatoes, relieving coughs and thereby reducing inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Benefits of potato juice

Potato juice is very healthy and cures many ailments:

1) Potato juice is especially useful for gastritis and stomach ulcers. To prevent an autumn exacerbation, you need to drink half a glass of potato juice for two weeks, preferably before meals.

For treatment, drink potato juice three times:

  • half a glass in the morning;
  • half a glass at lunch;
  • half a glass at night.

Take the juice before meals.

2) For chronic headaches, nausea, heartburn, drink half a glass of juice 2-3 times a day:

  • first dose - on an empty stomach
  • second one at lunch
  • the third one an hour before bedtime.

We are treated for two weeks, then a 6-day break. And we repeat the course using half the dose of juice.

3) Potato juice is great for various skin diseases; just moisten the bandage with the juice and apply it to the sore spot. Bandages need to be changed after 5 hours.

4) For pharyngitis and laryngitis, you need to gargle with potato juice.

5) Another benefit of potato juice is that it cleanses our body; if you mix it with carrot juice and celery juice, then 3-4 tablespoons of this juice will help with nervous disorders.

The benefits of potatoes and use in cosmetology

Potatoes are also an excellent cosmetologist.

1) It’s easy to make a moisturizing and softening potato mask, mix:

  • mashed boiled potatoes;
  • yolk;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • spoon of olive oil.

Apply the mask to your face, rinse and apply nourishing cream.

2) If you love natural cosmetics, then the following wonderful recipe is for you:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • a tablespoon of cottage cheese;
  • half a teaspoon of honey;
  • half a raw egg.

Apply to the face and neck and cover the top with a gauze cloth, after 20 minutes rinse with warm water. We apply the mask several times a week for a month

3) You can also make a nourishing hair mask from potatoes.


  • two or three potatoes, grated on a fine grater;
  • 3 teaspoons milk;
  • a teaspoon of flour;
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

4) After boiling the potatoes, do not pour out the broth, dip your hands in it and the skin will become soft, peeling will go away, and the nails will become stronger.

The main thing is to choose the right potatoes; choose smooth, firm, medium-sized root vegetables without green spots; throw away green and sprouted tubers immediately, as they accumulate poison - solanine, which can cause severe poisoning. Poke the tuber with your fingernail; if liquid comes out, it means it contains a lot of nitrates.

That's how many benefits potatoes have. Bake, stew potatoes, prepare a variety of dishes and your body will thank you.

Best regards, Olga.

Potatoes are one of the most common crops. It is used to prepare dishes and create valuable products. Its tubers serve as raw materials for the glucose, alcohol and starch industries. Let's consider the history of this crop, the benefits, harm to the body and what the potato fruit can be called.

What is a potato fruit called: tuber or berry?

Some people believe that tubers are potato fruits, but this is not true. The fruits of the plant are berries growing on bushes. People call them tomatoes, bulbs or shellabols. They begin to form closer to autumn.

Green potato berries are not good for you because of the solanine they contain.

The fruit reaches 2-3 cm in diameter and has a dark green color. Inside the ripened berries are seeds, with the help of which breeders develop new plant varieties.

Potatoes contain a large amount of solanine. This substance is produced to protect the plant from pests and diseases. Solanine is dangerous to human health, so the berries are not recommended for consumption.

Benefits for the body

Potatoes have a huge number of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body. His the benefits are determined by the chemical composition of the tubers, which are 80% water and fats, 20% carbohydrates, 2% proteins.

Young potatoes contain the maximum amount of vitamins B and C. The plant is also rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements.

The positive qualities of potatoes include:

  1. Nutritious food. It is a source of energy and saturates the human body well. The nutritional value of the vegetable is 94 kcal per 100g.
  2. Fighting swelling. The fruits of the plant have antispasmodic and diuretic properties. They contain potassium, which helps remove salts and excess fluid from the body. It also helps normalize metabolism and maintain electrolyte balance. To maintain your daily potassium intake, it is enough to eat 500 g of potatoes per day.
  3. Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Raw root vegetables help people with gastritis, ulcers or fibroids. To treat gastrointestinal diseases, you can use the vegetable in boiled form.

When treating a cold Inhalation of potato steam helps to get rid of ARVI. To do this, you need to boil the tubers and breathe hot steam over the pan.

Culture also contributes eliminating skin problems. The vitamins contained in the tubers make the skin softer. Many experts recommend that people with delicate skin use potato masks. With their help you can get rid of rashes and redness. You can use raw tuber to speed up wound healing.

What other diseases does the culture help with:

  • Prevention of atherosclerosis. People with vascular and heart diseases are recommended to eat potatoes regularly. With the help of starch, the amount of cholesterol in the liver and blood is reduced.
  • Treatment of periodontal disease. Freshly squeezed potato juice will help get rid of this disease. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with it three times a day and periodontal disease will disappear.

Helps against gastrointestinal diseases Steam inhalation is a well-known “old-fashioned” method of treating colds. Periodontal disease requires the intervention of a competent specialist.

Harm to humans

When exposed to the sun for a long time, the tubers of the plant turn green and a substance called solanine accumulates in them. After this, you cannot use them, as this can lead to serious consequences.

  • red blood cells are destroyed;
  • nausea, vomiting and diarrhea appear;
  • Fainting becomes more frequent.

Potatoes should not be eaten by people with diabetes. The ingestion of starch into the body increases sugar levels several times.

You should not combine the card with other products. This can cause gas and heaviness in the stomach.

Obese people should avoid potatoes in their diet

Potatoes during pregnancy

Eating potato dishes during pregnancy can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Useful qualities

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body weakens greatly and needs to be restored. Potato dishes saturate it with vitamins, carbohydrates and other useful elements:

  • Folic acid. With its help, the baby’s nervous system is formed.
  • Calcium and phosphorus. Participate in the formation of the child’s musculoskeletal system.
  • Potassium. Normalizes the performance of the cardiovascular system of the expectant mother.

Why are potatoes harmful for pregnant women?

Pregnant You should not eat fried or stewed potatoes.. They contain a lot of cholesterol and much less vitamins. Such dishes can be harmful to women who are prone to rapid weight gain.

Sprouted tubers can harm the expectant mother. The amount of starch in them increases and because of this they are much less digestible.

Potatoes for children

For bottle-fed children Can give mashed potatoes from six months. To prepare it, potatoes are crushed in a blender and steamed.

Starting from eight months, children can prepare soups and pureed potato soups. These dishes contain the elements that a baby’s growing body needs: sulfur, calcium, sec, phosphorus, magnesium.

They play an important role in the formation of muscle mass, teeth, bones, nervous and immune systems of the child.

However there are some reasons why pediatricians do not recommend start complementary feeding with potatoes:

  • It contains a lot of starch, which is poorly digested by small children and causes them constipation, colic and bloating. With age, this element is absorbed much better.
  • Potatoes are a high-calorie product and should not be given to overweight children. It is better to replace it with beets, carrots, cabbage or zucchini.

For allergy sufferers: potatoes have a moderate degree of allergenicity and because of this, they can cause allergies in a child. Quite often it appears after eating tubers with pink, reddish and dark skin.

Make sure that your child does not develop an allergy to vegetables during complementary feeding.

History of the origin of potatoes

The history of the origin of potatoes goes back several thousand years. This plant appeared in different parts of the world at different times. However, we will try to convey it briefly.

In America and Europe

Homeland culture is South America. It was on its territory that local residents began to cultivate it about 12 thousand years ago. Scientists came to these conclusions after studying the remains of plants found during excavations of Indian settlements.

There are many versions of the appearance of this plant in Europe. However, many researchers are sure that the monk Neronim Kordan was the first to bring it back in 1580.

Potatoes did not immediately gain popularity in European countries. For a long time it was considered inedible. Some doctors even claimed that he was a carrier of the infection. Only in times of famine in 1755 they began to actively use it for food.

To do this, many European monarchs had to intimidate the peasants because they refused to plant potatoes:

  • peasants in England were given gold medals for growing it;
  • The king of Prussia issued a decree - it said that people who refused to plant potatoes would have their ears and noses cut off.

In Russia

The first batch of this vegetable was brought to Russia by PeterI. He ordered the potatoes to be distributed in different areas, but this idea failed.

Only under Catherine II was it possible to spread the plant throughout Russia. For this purpose, a special order was issued, with the help of which, after 15 years, the vegetable was grown even in Kamchatka.

This is interesting: in Rus', potatoes were introduced into peasant farming with scandals. Many people ate green poisonous berries instead of potatoes and became poisoned because of it. To solve this problem, peasants were given special instructions with rules for cultivation and consumption.

In 1840 areas for planting potatoes have become fast increase. Over the course of 10-15 years, several hundred new plant varieties were developed.

Peter the Great brought culture to his homeland. It received recognition thanks to Catherine the Second.

Healthy potato dishes

There are many types of dishes containing this culture. It is very easy to prepare a healthy and tasty potato dish. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the recipes for their preparation.



  • a tablespoon of whole grain flour;
  • one chicken egg;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • salt to taste.

The potatoes are washed and scalded in their skins. After this, it is cleaned and mixed using a blender. Then salt, sifted flour and egg are added to it. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and cut into small pieces, which will need to be added to boiling water.

The dumplings are removed from the water when they begin to rise. Served with sauce or sour cream.

Diet pancakes


  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • two eggs;
  • two onions;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • salt to taste.

The potatoes are washed, peeled and grated. Then salt, eggs, flour and chopped onions are added to the potatoes. All ingredients are mixed until smooth, after which the mixture is laid out in small portions in a frying pan and bakes for 20-30 minutes.


  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • three heads of garlic;
  • salt to taste.

Potatoes and garlic are washed, peeled and cut into several pieces. Then they are placed in a mold and placed in a preheated oven. The dish should be baked for 45-50 minutes. To make it softer, shape can be covered with foil or lid.

Potatoes are a plant with a rich history. It is used for cosmetic purposes, to treat diseases and to prepare various dishes.