A complete overview of rye flour - production, varieties and beneficial properties of wallpaper, peeled, whole grain. Characteristic features with photos and benefits of rye flour, its varieties, as well as recipes for cooking with the product

In Rus', bread has always been considered a separate dish. Today we only supplement our meals with it. And we don’t ask ourselves how much benefit there is and how much harm there is. And it’s worth asking about this. Our ancestors always had at the head of the table Rye bread. But it can also be different - both in taste and in usefulness. Which rye flour to choose and how to use it?

Composition and benefits

Rye flour is a source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids valuable for the body.

Both composition and benefits rye flour depend on its variety, and they differ from each other in what grains are ground:

  1. Sifted flour is used for baking; products made from it rise well and turn out tasty. But they are of little use. This is finely ground flour; grains that have been peeled from the shell are used, which, in fact, is where all the benefits of the product lie.
  2. Pecked flour - this flour has no benefit at all; it is used for baking gingerbread cookies and pies. Its grind is even finer than that of the seeded one. It is used not only for baking, but also for sourdough.
  3. Peeled flour is used for baking flatbreads and is used to add to other types of flour. It is made from grains that are partially cleared of bran and has a heterogeneous structure.
  4. Wallpaper flour is the most valuable and healthy, because it is obtained from whole rye grains. It preserves all vitamins, minerals, and valuable dietary fiber.

If we compare wheat and rye wallpaper flour by content useful substances, then the latter will be the leader.

Table: comparison of the content of nutrients in rye and wheat flour

Useful material Rye flour Wheat flour
RR2.8 mg1,2
N3 mcg2 mcg
E1.9 mg1.5 mg
AT 950 mcg27.1 mcg
AT 60.25 mg0.17 mg
AT 20.13 mg0.04 mg
IN 10.35 mg0.17 mg
A2 mcg0
Macroelements, mg
Calcium34 18
Magnesium60 16
Sodium2 3
Potassium350 122
Phosphorus189 86
Sulfur68 70
Iron3.5 mg1.20 mg
Zinc1.23 mg0.70 mg
Iodine3.9 mcg1.5 mcg
Copper230 mcg100 mcg
Manganese1.34 mg0.57 mg
Fluorine38 mcg22 mcg
Molybdenum6.4 mcg12.5 mcg
Aluminum270 mcg1050 mcg
The nutritional value
Polyunsaturated fatty acids1 g0.62 g
Saturated fatty acids0.2 g0.2 g
Ash1.2 g0.5 g
Starch60.7 g67.9 g
Mono- and disaccharides0.9 g1 g
Water14 g14 g
Alimentary fiber12.4 g3.5 g
Squirrels8.9 g11.79 g
Fats1.7 g1.12 g
Carbohydrates61.8 g87.09 g
calorie content298 kcal364 kcal

Coarse dietary fiber, or more simply put, bran, normalizes intestinal activity, enhances its peristalsis and helps rid the body of toxins. Grain shells, which are not digested, absorb toxins in the intestines and improve the body's absorption of fats and carbohydrates. They are a breeding ground for lactic acid bacteria, and this makes it possible to restore healthy intestinal microflora.

The essential amino acid lysine, contained in rye flour, is involved in the construction of cells, strengthens vascular walls, and stimulates mental activity. Potassium, phosphorus and magnesium help normalize cardiac activity and strengthen the nervous system.

Phenolic compounds contained in rye grain and its shell are antioxidants and have an anticancer effect. Rye bread is especially useful for residents northern regions, where people constantly lack sunlight and heat.

Benefits for men

Doctors recommend partial replacement wheat bread rye athletes because high content it contains protein and amino acids. In addition, such bread contains complex, or as they are also called, “long” carbohydrates, which are able to release energy to the body gradually, which allows you to withstand long periods of time. physical exercise.

Rye wallpaper flour contains very valuable substances for men - lignans. These are plant phytoestrogens. They can prevent and slow down the development of cancer cells. In men, they reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer, and if it is present, they reduce the malignancy of the formation.

Benefits for women

Eating dishes and baked goods made from rye flour prevents the development of cholelithiasis, mastopathy and breast cancer in women.

Phytoestrogens, which are large quantities contains such flour coarse, will help normalize hormonal levels and alleviate PMS symptoms.

Rye kvass

Another Russian national product- this is rye kvass that preserves everything beneficial features rye bread used for its preparation.

With its help you can restore water balance body, saturate it with vitamins, cleanse it of toxins. Rye kvass does not contain a large number of carbohydrates, so even diabetics can drink it. Low calorie kvass allows you to include it in your diet for weight loss.

How to prepare rye kvass

The simplest recipe is kvass made from rye bread. For 3 liters of water you need to take half a loaf of Borodino bread, 20 g raw yeast, 130 g of sugar and - optional - a spoonful of raisins. Dry the diced bread in the oven, then put them in a jar, fill it up to the hangers hot water, add sugar and yeast diluted in warm water. If you want to speed up fermentation, add raisins. Kvass should ferment for about two days. The finished drink should be poured into bottles and stored in the refrigerator.

Photo: dishes made from rye flour

Dough pies made with rye flour - delicious and healthy dish made from rye flour wonderful dough for Russian cookies - kozuley, healthy low-calorie bread is baked from rye flour

Contraindications and possible harm

Rye flour - useful product, but has its contraindications. Baking and bread made from it are contraindicated for people with increased acidity gastric juice, as well as with a stomach ulcer at the time of exacerbation. In addition, the use of these products is prohibited for people suffering from pancreatitis. An allergy to gluten is also a contraindication.

Features of consuming products made from rye flour

You should not completely replace wheat bread with rye bread in your diet. Both have their own beneficial properties. There are standards for eating rye bread, which it is advisable to adhere to so as not to harm your body.

Is there an allergy to rye flour?

Allergies to any bread are caused by gluten or gluten contained in flour. Despite its small amount in rye flour, people suffering from this type of allergy should not eat it. But you can replace it with buckwheat, oatmeal or rice bread. Allergy symptoms in adults may include: bad smell from the mouth, flatulence, difficulty breathing. Children may experience hives, diarrhea, increased gas, restlessness, and sleep disturbances.

Products made from rye flour during pregnancy

The consumption of any bread during pregnancy should be limited. Perfect option- no more than three slices per day. Bread, in addition to useful substances, also contains components that can cause harm to both the mother and the unborn child. In particular, overuse Eating bread can cause water to accumulate in the uterus, which can make labor difficult.

Rye bread will bring the greatest benefit during this period. It contains less yeast, is rich in vitamins, energizes expectant mother energy and does not harm the developing fetus.

Doctors do not restrict pregnant women from eating Borodino bread.

On later During pregnancy, a woman may experience constipation. If they are associated with impaired intestinal motility (atonic), then rye bread will help solve this problem in combination with other products in the diet. For spastic constipation, it is better to limit its use, since dietary fiber can irritate the intestines and cause colic.

Is it possible to eat rye bread while breastfeeding?

Bread is an everyday product that we often simply cannot do without. What should a nursing mother who cannot limit herself in its use do? Specialists in breastfeeding It is recommended to switch to rye bread, which contains a large amount of nutrients. You can eat it from the first days of breastfeeding, starting with a small portion and observing the baby’s reaction.

But it should not be used without moderation. Maximum amount, which will not harm anyone - this is the third part of a loaf a day. B vitamins will improve mood and relieve nervousness in both mother and baby. Black bread is a source of complex carbohydrates that provide energy for a long time.

Eating rye bread after childbirth will reduce the risk of cellulite formation.

Rye bread in children's diet

Despite all the benefits of rye bread, it should be introduced into a child’s diet no earlier than 3 years. This is due to the fact that young children do not have enzymes capable of breaking down the complex substances found in rye bread. It is recommended to give it to children from 3 to 5 years old for constipation, as well as for obesity. The first portions of this product should be no more than 15 - 20 g per day, then its amount can be increased to 50 g.

Rye bread for diseases of the digestive system and diabetes

For cholecystitis, you should limit the consumption of rye bread to 150 grams per day. The bread must be yesterday's baked. You can eat it only during the period of remission of the disease. For gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, it is allowed to eat rye bread in the same quantity.

Sick diabetes mellitus It is preferable to eat rye bread. And here again, “long” carbohydrates come to the fore, which will not cause a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. Permissible dose- 300 – 350 g per day with control of blood sugar levels. Diabetics are also allowed to bake with rye flour.

Benefits of the product for weight loss

Everyone knows that it is not recommended to eat flour products while losing weight. But this does not apply to rye bread. During such diets, it will provide the necessary energy and replenish the loss of vitamins and minerals. Acceptable rate- 150 g of bread per day. It's best to eat it with fermented milk products. There are even special diets for weight loss, which are based on a combination of kefir and black bread.

Recipes for delicious and healthy dishes

People who care about their health can easily use rye flour to prepare many dishes. This product can turn even not very healthy food into a dietary one.

Pancakes with rye flour

Low-calorie pancakes are suitable for those who want to lose weight. They will need:

  • rye flour - 150 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Beat eggs and add salt and water. Make the dough, gradually adding flour. Pour oil into it and stir well. Bake in a frying pan. This amount of dough makes 15 pancakes.

Nutritional value (100 g):

  • calorie content - 115 kcal
  • proteins - 4 g;
  • fats - 3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 18 g.

Bread made from wheat and rye flour with raisins


  • peeled rye flour - 200 g;
  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • yeast (dry) – 8 g;
  • raisins (dark) – 200 g;
  • cumin - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 10 g.

Mix flour with salt and yeast, add 350 ml of water and knead the dough. Stir cumin and raisins evenly into the mixture, which has already thickened to the point of a coma. The finished dough needs to be saturated with air. To do this, you need to slightly stretch it on the working surface of the table, lift it by one edge and shake it a little, and then fold it in half. This procedure must be done several times. Then the dough is formed into a ball, placed in a bowl, covered with a towel and set aside for an hour - the dough should rise.

After the dough has risen, you need to lay it out on a board, divide it into 2 parts and form each into a rectangle. Fold the edges of each of them inward and then fold them in half lengthwise. You will get two loaves. They should be left covered with a towel for another hour. Place the soaked loaves on a sheet, seam side down, and use a sharp knife to make longitudinal cuts or decorate beautifully with a strip of dough. The oven should be heated to 250°C. Before placing a baking sheet with loaves in it, spray it with a spray bottle - this will give the bread a crispy crust. Bake for half an hour at 220°C.

Nutritional value (1 loaf):

  • calorie content - 1193 kcal;
  • proteins - 28.9 g;
  • fats - 4.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 269.7 g.

Rye rolls with salmon


  • rye flour - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • lightly salted salmon - 400 g;
  • cheese (preferably hard) – 100 g;
  • Provencal herbs, black pepper, salt - to taste.

Mix flour with seasonings and salt, add water and knead the dough so that it can be rolled out. Let the dough rest for half an hour, then cut into pieces and roll out. Fry the flatbreads in a frying pan. Lightly sprinkle the finished flatbread with pepper and place the salmon on it. Roll into a roll and secure with a skewer, or cut into small pieces.

Nutritional value (1 serving):

  • calorie content - 324 kcal;
  • proteins - 26.5 g;
  • fats - 16.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 22.4 g.

Health Recipes

Rye flour is used not only as a food product, but also for the treatment of certain diseases.

For lymphostasis

If the outflow of fluid in the lower extremities is impaired, a compress with rye flour is used. To prepare it you will need 1.5 cups of rye flour brewed with hot water. Then add the same amount of kefir to the cooled mass, mix and soak a napkin with the resulting mixture. Apply a compress to the sore spot, wrap it in film and hold for 2 hours. This application should be done twice a day until the swelling goes away.

Treatment of radiculitis

Compresses with rye flour dough help with radiculitis. The dough is prepared as follows. In a three-liter container you need to mix 2.5 liters of warm water, a tablespoon of yeast and the same amount of sugar. Then you need to pour in 0.5 kg of rye flour. Stir and let it stand for 5 days.

The fabric is soaked in the prepared dough and placed on the back rubbed with turpentine. The sore spot is insulated. You can keep the compress for up to half an hour, then remove it and lie down for another 30 minutes. You can do it once a day. Course of treatment - 10 days

For hypertensive patients

For grade 2 and 3 hypertension, regular consumption of rye flour will help. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to eat a tablespoon of flour, poured with hot water. It is advisable to use this remedy in combination with laxatives.

Consult your healthcare professional before using this recipe.

For chronic colds

Flatbread made from rye flour will help get rid of this trouble. Same amount of honey grated horseradish and rye flour you need to mix and make a flat cake from this dough. It should be placed on the bridge of the nose and kept for about an hour. Do this unusual compress once a day for a week.

Beauty Recipes

Rye flour is also an excellent cosmetic product. It is used in masks for facial skin and hair care.

Milk mask

To remove oily shine from the face and refresh the skin, you can mix flour with milk to a consistency convenient for application. Exposure time - 20 minutes.

Firming clay mask

A lifting effect will be given by a mask of white clay mixed with rye flour (1 teaspoon each), 10 ml green tea and 5 ml lemon juice. All components are mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes.

Scrub mask with flour and soda

Mix flour and soda in equal proportions and dilute a little with water. Apply to the face for 10 minutes, then lightly massage the skin and rinse off the composition. This mask will get rid of blackheads. But it cannot be done if there are microtraumas on the skin.

Hair Mask

Rye flour has long been used to strengthen hair. The following mask will help strengthen brittle and thin hair. 100 g of rye flour should be mixed with burdock oil and sour cream (both - 1 tablespoon each), add a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to hair, starting from the scalp and spreading over the entire length. Cover your head and keep the mask on for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair.

Rye flour is an excellent dry shampoo that can help out at a time when it is impossible to wash your hair with regular shampoo. You just need to rub it into your hair and then comb it out with a comb.

Homemade shampoo

Oily hair can be washed with homemade shampoo. To do this, mix 50 g of flour and 100 ml warm milk, add your favorites to the mix. essential oil- 1–2 drops. Rub your hair with the prepared mixture and massage your scalp for 7 – 10 minutes. Then just wash it off.

Video: using rye flour to wash hair

Few people don’t like various buns, cakes, pies and just a store-bought loaf, on which you just need to put a piece of butter - and best sandwich You can't imagine it for tea drinking. Although the life of every person is inextricably linked with bakery products, few people think about the benefits this product brings to the body and what are the differences between the most popular types flour - wheat and rye.

Rye flour - composition, properties

A few centuries ago, bread was baked from rye flour, since rye was more frost-resistant cereal crop and it was from it that it was possible to bake hearty bread, which remained soft and tasty for a long time.

There is practically no fat in rye flour ( 1.7 g per 100 g.) and contains a lot of vegetable protein ( 8.9 g per 100 g.). All useful material of the product are transferred into flour products baked from it, namely vitamins B and E, minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Although the composition of useful substances is not as large as that of other products, but at the same time they are minimum required products made from rye flour provide. Thus, vitamin B1 ensures health nervous system and supports metabolism. Without vitamin B2, it is impossible to maintain the health of the thyroid gland, and the condition of the reproductive system also depends on it.

Folic acid, contained in rye bread, is vitamin No. 1 for pregnant women in the first trimester, since its sufficient amount in the diet ensures the formation and normal development of the fetal nervous system. Peeled rye flour is most often sold; it retains about 60% of the beneficial substances of the grain. However, in production, for the preparation of gingerbread, gray and black bread, baked rye flour is used; unfortunately, it is the least healthy of all types of rye flour.

Wheat flour - composition, properties

To obtain white flour from wheat grain, it is fed strong processing, which is why, unfortunately, most of the nutrients never get into the flour, becoming production waste. In terms of nutritional value, wheat flour is ideal for baking various buns, pies and cakes, as it contains the necessary gluten and starch, which make the dough elastic and easy to shape. It is perhaps impossible to prepare a single baked product without wheat flour; even dough for rye bread necessarily contains wheat flour. In wheat flour small quantities contains vitamins B, PP, H and E.

Flour also contains macro and microelements - iron, boron, selenium, zinc, titanium, aluminum and nickel. As flour is produced vitamin composition present only in the second grade and in coarse flour, in flour premium There are no useful substances; it contains carbohydrates, proteins, gluten and fiber.

The benefit of white flour is that it speeds up metabolism, stimulates brain function, and thanks to the inclusion of wheat flour in the diet, the appearance of stones is prevented. gallbladder. The product is useful in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma, fights free radicals in the body. At the same time, we should not forget that with a minimum of nutrients white flour a very high-calorie product, therefore abuse flour products can lead to obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Two types of flour are used in baking; there are varieties of bread in which both rye and wheat flour are used for baking; much depends on the degree of processing of the flour; most often, the most refined flour is used so that it contains enough gluten to make the dough fluffy, and the product is porous and soft. The calorie content of the products is almost the same ( 340 and 325 kcal), the composition of semolina (unrefined wheat flour) and peeled rye flour is almost the same. They contain vitamins of group B, PP, H and E, in addition, the composition of flour of these varieties includes necessary for the body calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Rye and wheat flour contain a lot of carbohydrates, they do not contain fat, and they also contain vegetable protein.

Products contain the same amount fiber, which acts in the body like a “broom”, sweeping away toxins, waste products, decay products and other harmful substances from the intestines. Also, the two types of flour are united by the fact that one of them important conditions their storage is low humidity, as it quickly deteriorates. Also, wheat and rye flour is quickly attacked by pests.


The products also have some significant differences, which are as follows.

  1. Compound flour products . Speaking about the fact that the composition of useful substances in the products is almost the same, we should not forget that in baking activities, mainly high-grade wheat flour is used, which, after processing, loses all its beneficial properties, essentially becoming a source empty calories. Despite the degree of purification, rye flour remains a source of vitamins and minerals; it has a low glycemic index, therefore it does not cause a jump in blood sugar and the production of insulin, which causes an increase in excess weight.
  2. Baking properties. A special feature of wheat flour is the presence of gluten in it, which makes the dough elastic and easy to make pies, cookies and buns from. Wheat flour has a high gas-forming ability, due to which carbon dioxide is formed during dough fermentation. Therefore, baked goods made from wheat flour are fluffy and porous. Rye flour is not capable of forming gluten, the enzymes included in its composition break down starch, therefore, in addition to it, wheat flour should be added to the dough, only then flour product it will work out the desired shape, its crumb will be elastic.

While wheat flour predominates in the breads of Southern Europe and Great Britain, rye flour plays a more important role in the breads of Northern and Eastern Europe. This is due to the fact that rye has a high ability to grow in cooler and poorer climates.

Baking made from rye flour is very tasty and healthy for human body. Let's take a closer look at its composition and advantages.

Analysis of the composition and calorie content of rye flour

Rye contains much less gluten than wheat. Consequently, bread made from rye flour does not increase in size as much as wheat flour. A bread crumb that is predominantly rye will be dense and have smaller holes. On the other hand, rye has more free sugars than wheat, so rye dough ferments faster.
Rye contains a group of complex sugars called "pentosans". They are present in other grains, but rye has more of them. Pentasons break easily during mixing and fragments result in a sticky dough. Because of this, rye doughs require softer and generally faster mixing than wheat doughs.
Rye has more enzymes (amylases) that break down starch in sugars. Starch is essential for structure, and if too much is broken down, the texture of the bread suffers and becomes sticky. Traditionally this is prevented by acidification rye dough, which slows down the action of amylases.
Composition of rye flour:
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Group of vitamins B and E
100 grams contain 8.9 g of protein, 61.8 g of carbohydrates, 1.7 g of fat.
Calorie content of rye flour is 298 kcal.

The benefits and harms of rye flour for the body

Weight loss
Rye is often considered an excellent weight loss food. The type of fiber in rye is somewhat unique in that it binds extremely well to water molecules, meaning it makes you feel full. The problem with dieting is that you are often hungry, so you inevitably give up. With rye flour this issue will be resolved.
Prevents gallstones
Recent studies have shown important element rye, which can help reduce the severity of gallstones. This is due to the effect of fiber on digestive process, as explained above, since fiber can help reduce the amount of bile acids formed, which is the main cause of gallstone development.
Diabetes control
When it comes to blood sugar levels, diabetics should always take care and watch what they eat and when. Eating rye flour-based products will not cause a spike in blood sugar (unless they are sweet).
Improves digestion
As mentioned in the weight loss section, impressive composition and density dietary fiber in rye make it ideal for those who suffer from constipation or other intestinal problems. It can reduce excess gas, relieve abdominal pain and cramps, and prevent more serious conditions such as ulcers, gallstones, or even colon cancer.
Increases metabolic efficiency
Compared to other grains in the same family, rye appears to be best suited for optimization metabolic processes in organism. As a result, weight may also decrease, since energy will be burned rather than stored in fat reserves.

Popular types of rye flour

The following types of flour exist:
  • Pecked. Contains practically no vitamins. Used for baking bread
  • Seeded. Very low level calorie content
  • Ripped off. Used for baking bread, very aromatic
  • Wallpaper. The largest amount of vitamins and minerals
Advice! It is best to bake bread from the wallpaper variety, because it contains the most useful components.

What to bake? Delicious dishes based on rye flour

What can you bake with rye flour? Rye is very suitable for baking baked goods. As a rule, dough prepared on the basis of only rye flour, due to the rather low concentration of gluten, is not elastic and elastic and sticks strongly to your hands. Therefore, it is recommended to mix it in equal proportions with wheat flour. The resulting bread will not spoil much longer than if it were made only from wheat flour.
Dishes made from rye flour are not the most varied, but they are very tasty. So, in addition to baking bread and muffins, you can make sourdough for kvass. Based on rye flour, this will be the most delicious drink.
Rye flour makes very tasty flatbreads, which are especially suitable for hot dishes.

Variety of lean baked goods made from rye flour

I would like to highlight as a separate point Lenten baking. At the moment, there are a large number of recipes for cookies, muffins, breads, and flatbreads that will not only be tasty, but also very healthy. It will be especially useful for people who fast or adhere to proper nutrition.
Advice! Based on it you can make small energy bars, which will saturate the body with vitamins and satisfy hunger.

The best rye flour producing countries

As mentioned earlier, rye is grown primarily in regions where it has historical significance. Central, Eastern and Northern Europe remain the largest rye producing regions in the world, having cultivated the grain since the Bronze Age. This information is also reflected in the list of producing countries.
So, the best rye flour is produced in:
In 2012, Germany grew 3,893,000 tons of rye, making the country the world's largest producer and one of the only countries to increase production in the last 20 years. In 1992, Germany produced only 3.3 million tons of this grain, indicating an increase of 600,000 tons. Today this country exports a significant amount of rye and is responsible for 21% of the world supply.
The second largest producer of rye is Poland. In 2012, this country produced 2,888,137 tons of rye. Despite its ranking and high production figures, Poland actually experienced a gradual decline in rye cultivation. For example, in 1992 it was 5.9 million tons. Like Germany, Poland also exports a significant portion of this grain. In fact, it is responsible for the largest percentage of rye exports in the world. In 2014, 36% of global rye exports came from Poland.
Russia ranks third in the world in rye production. In 2012, this country produced 2,113,519 tons of grain. Although this is a significant amount of rye production, Russia once produced large volumes. In 1992, it was the world's largest producer with 13.9 million tons. This downward trend in production suggests a decline in global demand. Most of what Russia produces remains within the country. In 2014, Russian rye accounted for only 5% of global export supply.

Simple flatbreads made from rye flour: video

Rye flour is very healthy. At the same time, baked goods made from it are aromatic and tasty. She's great suitable for those people who care about their health or like to eat tasty, safe food. At the same time, eating baked goods will help improve the health and functioning of the intestines, which is important.

A significant part of the grown rye grain is used for flour production after being collected from the fields. It is the main derivative product of seed rye. It is most in demand as a component of bakery products, but can also be used in other cases, for example, for making kvass or distilling moonshine. Rye flour is one of the richest in variety and concentration of nutrients in its composition. What is rye flour, the benefits and harm to the body, as well as varieties and varieties, calorie content and its use in cooking - read the article.

From this article you will learn:

Rye flour: description and review of the product

Production of rye flour

Cereal flour is produced through two-stage processing - preparation and grinding. The first includes cleaning from debris, third-party fractions, hydrothermal effects and mixing seeds of different qualities into a grinding mixture.

Typically, at the stage of hydrothermal treatment, grains are moistened, heated and cooled. This allows the close connection between the shell and the endosperm, which prevents separation, to be broken. This process also improves the milling and baking qualities of the flour. Rye grain is subjected to cold conditioning, since hot conditioning is not possible due to starch gelatinization at relatively low temperatures. high temperatures Oh.

When crushed in a torn system consisting of rollers with a grooved surface, grits are obtained. To obtain flour, it is passed through a grinding mechanism with smooth rollers. With a one-time run, the output is rye wallpaper flour, which retains approximately 96% of the initial raw material.

Because of more aleurone layer and grain shells, as well as their tighter connection with the endosperm, what is obtained from rye grains after crushing is sorted by size and sent for grinding separately. The output is flour of a specific type, and not a grinding mixture, which is then divided into types.

Varieties of rye flour

Flour mills Russian Federation in accordance with state standards, three grades of rye flour are produced: wallpaper, peeled and seeded; but peked ones are also available on sale. Whether a product belongs to one category or another is determined by the size of the fractions, raw materials, starch content and ash content.

Varieties of rye flour

Unlike wheat flour, the key baking characteristic for rye flour is autolytic activity. It shows what mass of water-soluble elements the product can accumulate.

Types of rye flour:

  • Peklevannaya. The finest flour obtained from endosperm. Almost entirely consists of starch. In relation to dry raw materials it makes up 60% of the weight.
  • Seeded. Retains 65% of the mass of the original raw material. It has a cream or white color with a bluish tint. A delicate, predominantly starchy substance, excellent for baking.
  • Ripped off. Not only the endosperm is ground into this flour, but also most of the membranes surrounding it, the aleurone layer and the embryo. It has a creamy-gray or white-gray color, often with a brown or greenish tint. The best in terms of the ratio of the usefulness of the composition to the ease of absorption by the body.
  • Wallpaper. When grinding it, no more than 4% of the grain is lost, so this flour contains a high amount of bran inclusions. It may be grayish or brown in color. Despite its weak baking qualities, it has the highest nutritional value.

Whole grain rye flour

Whole grain flour is very similar to wallpaper, with the only difference that it is not sifted at all after grinding, that is, 100% of the composition is preserved. As a rule, grinding is carried out in a single pass, so the flour fractions are characterized by a rather large size.

Benefit whole grain flour is to completely preserve the rich composition. It saturates the body with such valuable microelements as silicon, manganese, magnesium, selenium, iron, copper, etc. Rye flour itself is one of the foods leading in antioxidant content.

rye flour benefits and harm: composition

Unlike high-grade flours, which, in fact, give the body nothing but starch, whole grain and wallpaper flour have a positive effect on the functioning of many organs and systems:

  • iron, copper and potassium improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, regulate hematopoietic processes;
  • magnesium and vitamins B stabilize the functioning of the central nervous system and stimulate brain activity;
  • selenium, tocopherol, vitamin C and beta-carotene prevent free radicals;
  • fiber removes from gastrointestinal tract toxins and ballast, stimulates peristalsis and blood circulation of the intestinal muscles;
  • the vitamin base of rye flour improves appearance, ensures healthy hair, nails and skin;
  • zinc, copper, ascorbic acid, vitamin E and other elements have an antiseptic effect and increase immunity.

Nutritional value and calorie content of rye flour

The nutritional value different varieties rye flour per 100 grams:

Rye flour in cooking

Flour from rye grains is almost entirely used in cooking as a bakery product. Most often it is mixed with wheat flour so that the overall mixture has a gluten content suitable for high-quality baking. But you can also bake 100% rye bread, for which you will have to use sourdough rather than yeast.

In addition to the bakery industry, rye flour is actively distributed in networks retail sales. IN home cooking it is used to create pies, pancakes, sweet pastries, gingerbread, cupcakes, etc.

In addition, flour can be used to ferment kvass wort or prepare mash for moonshine brewing. Although this practice is not common, since preference is often given to whole grain malt from sprouted rye.

The choice of one or another type of flour for baking is determined by the type of bread you need to get. The sifted flour mixed with wheat holds its shape well and is baked into a very fluffy crumb. Peeled flour produces an elastic, porous crumb with a more beneficial chemical composition.

How to make rye flour at home

For home milling activities, a household coffee grinder and dried grains are suitable. It is important to buy exactly the raw materials that are intended for food use, since seeds for planting are treated with special substances.

When produced from rye grain at home, the resulting flour can be described as whole grain. The fact is that the coffee grinder does not actually grind, but breaks the grains into fairly large fractions. But this does not make flour any less useful.

How to grind:

  1. Grind the sorted grain. Mains-powered coffee grinders produce finer flour than manual grinders. By the way, sometimes a knife for chopping nuts in a blender copes with this task just as well.
  2. Place on a clean napkin or paper to dry in a layer no higher than 3 cm. Newspaper is not suitable, as the paint can be absorbed into the flour.
  3. Dry the flour until it stops sticking to your palms in a ventilated room. Be sure to stir it periodically. Another sign of readiness is a whitish-yellow color (immediately after grinding the flour is deep yellow).
  4. Pour the ready-to-use substance into a paper bag or fabric bag. Store in a cool place without high humidity.


Rye flour does not have any strictly established contraindications associated with impaired body functions or illnesses. However, negative effects from its use are possible. Most often, it is associated with a poor digestive reaction to a heavy product with a high proportion of fiber in the composition. The consequences of this may be flatulence, bloating, gas formation, intestinal obstruction, constipation, etc. Similar problems arise with excessive use.

If you milk yourself, flour can have a bad effect on your health due to the use of low-quality raw materials. For example, grains treated with chemicals intended for sowing.

Flour is called wallpaper coarse grind- particle size reaches 600 microns. During the production of such a product, all the grain is completely ground, thanks to which all the beneficial substances are preserved. We will look at varieties of flour and recipes made from whole grains in this article.


Wheat flour is a powdery product obtained by grinding cereals. Used in baking and confectionery production.

Wheat grain consists of the following layers:

  • External surface. Otherwise it is called bran. It is rich in vitamins, protein and cellulose.
  • Main part (endosperm). Consists of starch grains and gluten particles. It is the endosperm that provides the dough with viscosity.
  • Sprout. The base of the grain rich in fats, minerals and protein.

In Russia, according to GOST 26574-85, the following types of flour are produced:

  • Krupchatka. It consists of small grains of creamy color. There is practically no bran. Rich in gluten, produced from certain varieties of wheat and widely used in baking. The main segment of application is butter yeast baking, rich in sugar and fat. Not recommended for use in fresh dough- the final products will not be porous.
  • Top grade. The main difference between it and grit is the smaller fraction. It is impossible to tactilely separate or feel the flour particles. It is rich in gluten. Used in the baking and confectionery industry.
  • First grade. It contains less gluten than a premium product. It comes in a creamy color with sandy or brown patches. Used for cooking - pies, pancakes, noodles, etc.
  • Second grade. Flour production in Russia provides consumers with a product that contains about 8% bran. Used for the production of cookies and gingerbread, often mixed with rye flour.
  • Wallpaper flour. a product obtained by grinding grain completely. Contains 2 times more bran than 2nd grade flour. It is functionally inferior to a premium product in the baking industry, as it has a lower gluten content, but at the same time has better nutritional value due to proteins, vitamins and minerals.

The mention of the word “variety” does not characterize placing it higher or lower relative to other varieties. The grade designation indicates the composition and scope of application, nothing more.

Rationale for benefit

The peculiarity of wallpaper flour is that it is made from almost whole grains, without removing the top, most useful layer. Most of the minerals and vitamins accumulate in the cereal shell - bran, which is removed if we're talking about about the production of premium flour. By adding wholemeal bread to your diet, we get:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin H;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • chromium.

These elements have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, circulatory and, of course, digestive system. In the latter case, this is achieved due to the high fiber content - it normalizes stool and stimulates intestinal function.

With all its advantages, this product is not without its drawbacks, which become apparent as soon as peeled flour appears in the recipe. We found out what it is and indicated that it contains a significantly smaller amount of gluten (gluten) compared to a premium product. Gluten is responsible for the taste and aesthetic qualities of the final product. Due to a lack of gluten, baked goods will have slight porosity and hardness. In this regard, it is recommended to use peeled flour in combination with regular premium flour - this improves the taste of the final product while maintaining the benefits.

Wheat bread made from wallpaper flour. Recipe

We will give basic recipe bread, which you can diversify with all sorts of additives to suit your taste - for example, these can be spices, olives, cheese, dried fruits and so on. The main condition: peeled flour must be used. What it is and why it is good is described above. Replace her regular flour premium grade is not recommended, since the proportions of the liquid are given taking into account its hygroscopicity. If desired, the dough according to the recipe presented below can be used to make a pie.

  • water - 110 grams;
  • wallpaper flour - 200 grams;
  • yeast - 0.6 tsp.
  • opara—all;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • wallpaper flour - 200 grams;
  • premium flour - 110 grams;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. without slide;
  • vegetable oil - 50 grams.

Are we ready?

The production of flour in the Russian Federation provided us with the opportunity to pamper ourselves and our loved ones with delicious and healthy bread, which goes well with first courses and vegetable appetizers.

First of all, take care of the dough.

1. Mix flour, water and yeast until smooth. You will get a dense lump of dough. Leave it in a warm place for 4 hours to mature.

2. As soon as the dough is ripe, add the remaining products to it, with the exception of oil. Mix thoroughly until smooth and homogeneous. Add oil.

3. Knead again until the dough comes away from the work surface on its own. This will take 5-7 minutes.

4. Divide the dough in half, form 2 loaves and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

5. Cover with a towel and let rise for 1-2 hours. During this time, the workpieces will increase 3 times more, so leave a gap between them for growth.

6. Preheat the oven to 250 o C and bake the loaves on medium level for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

7. Cool completely, wrap in a towel, and serve.

Rye bread made from wallpaper flour "Marble". Recipe

This product not only features outstanding taste qualities, but also attractive appearance.

The following products will be needed.

Light dough:

  • wallpaper flour - 1 cup;
  • rye flour - 0.75 cups;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • warm water - 0.6 cups.

Dark dough:

  • premium flour - 0.5 cups;
  • wallpaper flour - 1 cup;
  • rye flour - 0.75 cups;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • warm water - 0.6 cups;
  • cocoa - 1.5 tbsp. l., dissolve in 1.5 tbsp. l. warm water.


1. Mix all the dry ingredients for the light dough in a bowl.

2. Add everything liquid products into a bowl, knead until smooth for 5-7 minutes. Place in a greased bowl vegetable oil, cover with a kitchen towel and let rise for 1.5 hours. The dough should double in size.

3. Do the same with the products for the dark dough. It should fit at the same time as the light one.

4. To shape, divide each type of dough into 4 parts approximately 20 cm long.

5. Roll out each piece into an oval shape.

6. Place layers of dark and light dough alternately on top of each other. You should get two striped stacks of 4 layers.

7. Slightly flatten the stacks of dough and roll them into a roll.

8. Place the rolls on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place until the pieces double in size.

9. Preheat the oven to 180 o C, place a baking sheet with the preparations in it and bake for 30-40 minutes until cooked.

10. Cool the loaves by wrapping them in a kitchen towel.

That's all, you can serve.

Such bread tolerates freezing well, it can be prepared in advance in large quantities, placed in freezer and take it out as needed.

Yeast-free bread with wallpaper flour

Many people avoid yeast baked goods. We publish it especially for them. healthy recipe, which uses wallpaper flour. What this is, we found out above. The resulting bread is spicy, rich taste And big amount fiber.


  • 1st grade wheat flour (you can use higher grade) - 1 3/4 cups;
  • oat bran - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • brown sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • buttermilk or low-fat kefir - 2 cups;
  • soda - 1 tsp. without slide;
  • wheat flour - 1 3/4 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • mixture of seeds and nuts for sprinkling - 3 tbsp. l.

You can make buttermilk yourself - to do this, add 1 teaspoon to 2 cups of low-fat milk lemon juice, leave in a warm place for 10-15 minutes.

Cooking step by step

1. Preheat the oven to 220 o C.

2. Grease a rectangular one with oil (1 tbsp.).

3. Combine all dry products in a large bowl, mix thoroughly. Add oil, grind everything into crumbs.

4. Add buttermilk to the resulting crumbs, knead the dough until smooth.

5. Transfer the dough into a mold, grease with water, sprinkle with a mixture of seeds and nuts, place in the oven and bake until tested with a dry toothpick - this will take about 40 minutes.

6. Remove the finished wallpaper flour bread from the mold, wrap it in a kitchen towel and cool. That's all, you can serve.

Wheat pancakes made from wallpaper flour

They differ excellent taste and porosity, despite the fact that the list of products does not contain baking powder:

  • milk - 720 ml;
  • melted butter - 50 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • premium flour - 70 grams;
  • wallpaper flour (what is it - see above) - 210 grams;
  • boiling water - 120 ml.

How to cook

1. Mix wallpaper and premium flour.

2. Heat the milk until warm.

3. Add salt, sugar, eggs, vanillin, butter, mix thoroughly until smooth.

4. Sift into milk-egg mixture flour, whisking the mixture as you go to avoid lumps.

5. Cover the dough and let it rest for 15-20 minutes.

6. Heat a frying pan and lightly grease it with vegetable oil. In the future, you don’t have to use oil - what is included in the dough will be enough.

7. Boil water and, stirring constantly, add required amount into the dough.

Fry like regular pancakes- wallpaper flour will not affect the cooking process. What is it and what are the benefits of this product, we described above, but specifically in this recipe it is worth noting the very unusual and attractive “bread spirit” of ready-made products.