Useful properties of lychee. How to choose lychees and what beneficial properties do fresh Chinese plums have?

    I choose lychees that are about 3 centimeters in size. It is better that the color is rich pink. The peel is quite thick, so I use a sharp knife, cut it crosswise and remove the skin.

    Then I put the fruit in my mouth and eat it)). I eat it carefully, there is a bone there.

    This is an easy way to eat.

    You can also lightly press on the pulp and release the seed. It doesn’t slide out right away, the juice leaks, so I don’t like this method. But it is also used.

    Very unusual fruit, with a refined aroma. I agree that it tastes like grapes and grapefruit. But there is something else mixed in there... very unusual!

    My MCH doesn’t like this). He says it's chemistry.

    Lychee is a very interesting and very tasty tropical product.

    Externally, it is very similar to a small round chestnut of red-raspberry color.

    In terms of taste, it cannot be compared with anything, because it has its own original taste.

    In order to eat it, you need to peel and separate the pulp from the peel, and then sit this delicacy.

    This is what Lychee looks like:

    Those who have tried lychee are delighted with it taste and aroma. There are no special sophistications in extracting ripe light pulp from under the rough skin.

    peel You can remove it with a knife, or you can cut it slightly and remove it with your hands, like we peel tangerines.

    bone we throw it away, and eat and enjoy the pulp, which resembles the pulp of grapes.

    Of course still worth buying ripe quality fruit. It should be bright red in color, without dark spots, and quite dense.

    Grows in India and China.

    Dragon's eye (as the Chinese call it) is not only tasty, but also very useful. Lychee contains a lot of water and minerals, so it helps quench thirst and gives tone. Lychee is also considered an aphrodisiac and promotes weight loss.

    First of all, before buying this exotic fruit, you need to pay attention to the ripeness, that is, the peel of the fruit should be somewhat dry. First, you will need to tear off the peel, that is, you need to press with your fingertips in the middle, mainly with your nails (if that doesn’t work, then pry it off with a knife), and the peel will slowly begin to crack and separate from the deliciousness itself. Just like a peach, there is a pit in the center, the eating process is essentially the same as a peach, carefully eat everything, and leave the pit accordingly)

    Lychee- This tropical fruit , very tasty.

    Its peculiarity is rough and lumpy skin.

    Pulp in lychee tender, sweet and sour.

    What to do with lychee:

    Wash the fruit, then take a knife and carefully separate the rough skin from the pulp.

    Remove the pit. The pulp is eaten like, for example, cherries.

    You can put lychees in a glass of champagne. Champagne will acquire an unusual, pleasant taste.

    Lychee can be used to make ice cream. Lychee pulp is used as a filling for sweet pancakes.

    See below for how to clean it for consumption. .

    You only need to eat the pulp, which has a whitish color. Separate the red (sometimes pinkish, and sometimes crimson red) color of the rough peel and discard it.

    It is, of course, advisable to wash the lychees first (not everyone does this). After this, peel off the peel with a knife (precisely as you peel, for example, kiwi). Cut and remove the bone. The pulp is used.

    Bon appetit.

    Lychee is a very tasty fruit. In eastern markets it is sold directly on the branches. To try it, you need to peel the pulp. It's very easy to do, no special devices no need, just hands.

    This interesting Asian fruit is also called Chinese plum in addition to its main name Lychee. U ripe fruit the peel becomes dry and to separate the pulp you just need to press it in the center with your nails. The peel will crack and you can easily get to the pulp, which is already edible. If you didn’t quite get it ripe fruit, and supermarkets often sell these, then simply peel the Lychee with a knife like a potato or a vegetable peeler. Remember also that in the middle of the white pulp there is a large bone.

    There are several options for eating lychee. But at home the most the best option- this is to wash the fruit, cut the skin with a sharp knife and simply remove it with your hands, like we peel tangerines or oranges. Be very careful when doing this, try not to damage the flesh - it is very juicy and tender.

    Yes, there is a seed inside the fruit. Naturally, we don’t eat it, but simply throw it away, like cherries.

    The taste and aroma are incomparable. But some people think that it is the scent of the perfume that these people do not like. That's why the fruit is memorable. Yes and by appearance Lychees are unusual - their skin is dense and with pimples. And I smell grapes, grapefruit, something else pleasant, and I really like lychee. Our cost is just over two hundred rubles per kilogram.

    Such interesting fruit what is lychee like oriental delicacy. To eat it, you first need to peel it, which should be slightly dry. After peeling, you can eat, leaving, of course, the bone.

Perhaps you are a fan of trying new flavors and have already enjoyed something as exotic as lychee? If not, be sure to try it.

An overseas guest will certainly amaze you with its appearance, taste, and amount of elements beneficial to the body, which will be discussed below.

Lychees are, of course, not apples. Even today you can only find it in large city supermarkets, but if you see it, don’t skimp and buy a couple of pieces to try, you should like it.

Many have not even heard of such a fruit as lychee, and even more so have no idea what to do with it after purchasing it. Externally, lychee resembles something between a rough nut or a small ball of bright brick-red color.

It's hard to choose something you've never tried, but experts advise exactly rich color fruits are riper and tastier. Lychee in its peel does not smell of anything; its aroma becomes noticeable only after removing the top inedible hard layer.

Having made a shallow cut, you will see the pulp of the fruit - a jelly-like mass of a cloudy cream color. A little unusual, but quite appetizing, especially considering the subtle pink-fruity aroma that this pulp exudes.

Then turn on taste buds: gentle sweet and sour taste, with notes of grape, citrus and mint, very refreshing and original. Inside the lychee there is a fairly large seed, reminiscent in color and shape of an acorn, which can be easily removed.

In our country, lychees will most likely be eaten exclusively in fresh to taste and experience the unique exotic bouquet.

But in the homeland of the fruit, in China, the fruit is as common as our plums ( Lychee, by the way, is also called Chinese plum). It is widely used in cooking and medicine. They prepare jams, desserts, compotes, tinctures, wine and much more.

Dried lychees are called nuts. The fruit does not store well - for several days, but when peeled it only lasts for a few hours.

A little history

Lychee, as already mentioned, comes from China, where it was known as far back as 2 centuries BC. Today it is cultivated not only in Chinese territories, but also in Thailand, Japan, Australia, South America, Africa.

It is believed that lychees were brought to Europe by the 17th century. They began to call him " dragon eye ».

The similarity is striking if you cut the fruit in half lengthwise - the cut will exactly imitate the aforementioned eye: the dark shell of the peel, the jelly-like whitish flesh and the central oval bone - the pupil.

Every year in mid-June, the Lychee Festival is held in Thailand, during which fairs, festivities, processions and the Miss Lychee beauty contest are organized.

In our latitudes, lychees can only be grown in greenhouses or at home by germinating the seed of a ripe fruit. Agricultural cultivation technology is quite specific and complex, and the fruits can appear in best case scenario for 8-11 years after planting.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition will help reveal: why it is so rich exotic fruit, and what value can be gained human body from its use.

The energy value of 100 g of raw fruits is no more than 65 kilocalories– an excellent diet and addition to the diet while losing weight.

Vitamins and minerals in 100 grams of lychee:
ascorbic acid – 72 mg;
folic acid(B9) – 14 mcg;
phylloquinone (K) – 0.4 μg;
vitamin PP – 0.6 mg;
choline – 7 mg;
vitamin E – 0.07 mg;
riboflavin (B2) – 0.07 mg;
pyridoxine (B6) – 0.1 mg;
protein part – 0.83 g;
fats – 0.44 g;
carbohydrates (including saccharides) – 16.5 g;
fiber – 1.3 g;
ash part – 0.44 g;
water – 81.75 g;
acids – 0.09 g;
minerals: calcium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, potassium, copper, sodium.

Rich chemical composition allows lychees to be widely used in folk medicine. Chinese and Indian healers know thousands of diseases that can be cured with the help of this amazing fruit.

Read more about what you can give to the body by consuming fresh lychees or preparations based on them.

1. Lychee copes well with coughs and inflammation of the tonsils, and vitamin C promotes a speedy recovery from colds and strengthening the body.

2. and PP are indispensable for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Nicotinic acid dilates blood vessels, improves their permeability, neutralizes cholesterol, and fights thrombosis.

3. Fruits are the strongest aphrodisiac, known to humanity for many centuries.

4. Lychee seeds effectively relieve pain from neuralgia and act as a general pain reliever.

5. Also, crushed bones restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. The fruit, which promotes weight loss and weight normalization, activates metabolic processes.

7. Chinese medicine uses lychee extract to make anti-cancer drugs.

8. Lychee stimulates hematopoietic processes.

9. Helps heart disease.

10. The fiber contained in lychee is indispensable for the proper and proper functioning of the stomach.

11. 8-10 lychee fruits can normalize blood sugar levels - fruit is good for diabetics.

12. Since lychee contains a lot of nicotinic acid, which dilates blood vessels, it is recommended to increase lactation. At the same time, do not forget about caution and moderation.

13. In oriental medicine, lychees are often used to improve the health of the kidneys, liver and lungs.

As for contraindications to consuming lychee, there are none.. A negative reaction of the body is possible only in the case of individual intolerance or exceeding reasonable standards when consuming unusual fruits.

Those with ulcers suffering from gastritis and duodenitis should try lychee carefully and a little at a time.

For everyone else, consuming “dragon’s eye” once or twice a week, apart from benefits and gastronomic pleasure, does not threaten anything. Be healthy.

Europeans learned about lychees in the 17th century. And in Thailand, Africa, Australia, Japan and China it is evergreen fruit tree"Lichzhi" has been cultivated since ancient times.

There are references to the fruits in treatises of ancient China from the 2nd century BC. For the Chinese, lychee is a plant that grows everywhere. The fruits are used as food in China and wine is made from them.

In mid-latitudes, lychees can be purchased in stores. The fruit has another name - Chinese cherry. The fruit does not look like familiar berries and fruits: it is covered with a thick “pimply” peel, inside there is white jelly-like pulp and a dark seed. Due to this appearance, the Chinese call lychees “dragon eye”. The peel and pit are inedible, the pulp tastes like... white grapes or plum.

Lychees are grown in tropical and subtropical regions. They are available from May to October. This is a summer fruit, so fresh lychees can only be bought in the hot season. It is recommended to eat lychee raw or dried, but when dried, the fruit loses its aroma. At the same time, dried lychees are more concentrated in nutrients Oh.

Composition of lychee

In addition to vitamins and minerals, lychee contains protein, fiber, proanthocyanidins and polyphenols. This fruit is one of the low-calorie foods.


  • C – 119%;
  • B6 – 5%;
  • B2 – 4%;
  • B3 – 3%;
  • B9 – 3%.


Calorie content of lychee – 66 kcal per 100 g.

Benefits of lychee

The tropical fruit helps treat digestive problems, increase blood circulation, prevent cancer and improve skin condition. Let's take a closer look beneficial features lychee.

For bones and muscles

Lychee is a source of nutrients necessary for the musculoskeletal system. Magnesium, phosphorus, iron and manganese enhance the absorption of calcium in the bones, keeping them strong and healthy. Flavonoids in the fruit eliminate inflammation and tissue damage after intense training.

For the heart and blood vessels

Lychee improves blood circulation. The flavonoids and fiber found in lychees support heart health and increase nitric oxide levels in the blood.

Lychee is rich in potassium and contains no sodium, so it maintains fluid balance in the body. Potassium is considered a vasodilator that prevents constriction blood vessels and arteries, reducing the load on cardiovascular system. The potassium content in dried lychee is almost 3 times higher than in fresh one.

For the brain and nerves

Eating lychee improves cognitive function and prevents neuronal damage in Alzheimer's disease.

For eyes

Lychee provides the body daily norm vitamin C. This vitamin has antioxidant properties and its consumption reduces the risk of developing cataracts, as well as inflammation of the middle part of the eye.

For the bronchi

Lychee is effective in combating cough and asthma. It relieves swelling, relieves pain, protects against infections and reduces symptoms of respiratory diseases.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Lychee is a source of dietary fiber, which helps in weight loss. Lychee contains a lot of water and little fat. In addition, lychee is low-calorie fruit, which provides a feeling of fullness for a long time and protects against overeating.

For the kidneys

Lychee helps improve kidney health. It contains potassium, which is useful in flushing out toxic deposits in the kidneys. The fruit reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood and reduces the chances of kidney stones. Lychee acts as a natural diuretic that relieves pain caused by kidney stones.

For skin

Lychee contains a lot of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. Free radicals lead to rapid aging. The vitamin C in lychee fights these free radicals. It increases collagen production and improves skin condition.

For immunity

The main benefit of lychee for the body is its abundance. It stimulates the activity of leukocytes, which are protective immune system body.

Lychee (Wikipedia even knows about such exotic fruits) is the fruit of an evergreen tree called “ Chinese lychees" This fruit tree, growing in the subtropics, belongs to the Sapindaceae family. The lychee tree grows mainly in China, but it can be seen in South America, Africa, Asia, and occasionally in Australia. Lychee reaches a height of 30 meters. Fruits appear on the tree from about May to June.

The lychee fruit (the photo won’t let you lie) is a small berry with a diameter of up to 4 cm, covered with a peel that resembles scales with numerous sharp tubercles. The skin of the berry is hard and easily removed, revealing the tender, jelly-like and slightly transparent pulp. It’s amazing that under such a “crocodile” skin there is such a delicate fruit. And inside there is a large oval bone, which holds the shape of the pulp. The taste of lychee is sour and bitter, slightly astringent and quite a bit reminiscent of purified white.

Lychee. How to select and store

The route from China is not close. Therefore, lychees are picked in whole clusters with leaves. Optimal temperature for transportation not lower than one degree and not higher than six degrees Celsius. Under such conditions, the berries can be stored for up to a month. But at room temperature they begin to deteriorate after just a few days - this can be seen by the color and structure of the skin.

When buying lychee at the market or supermarket, carefully inspect the skin. The skin of a ripe berry is red, while that of a slightly overripe or stale one is brown. The peel should be intact, of medium hardness, without rotten parts or cracks.

It is better to eat lychees right away, since after 4-5 days they already lose some of their properties. They are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of less than 5-7 degrees. Look at the label when the bunch was picked or transported - from this date we store the berries for no more than a month in the refrigerator.

Lychee. How do you eat berries?

In cooking, lychees are used in different ways.

  • Lychee can be eaten fresh - wash it, peel the skin, remove the seed if desired, put it in your mouth and enjoy the sweet and sour taste.
  • You can add it to ready-made or homemade ice cream, curd mass or yogurt, after cutting the berries.
  • Do you like to bake? Instead of apples or plums, add lychee to the pie - the taste will surprise you. Fortunately, the prices for this exotic product don't bite.
  • Make jams, lychee marmalades, jellies and mousses.
  • Lychee is a fruit, but it is suitable not only for sweet dishes. It can be served with fish and meat, pate and chicken. Yes, it won’t be superfluous in salads.

Lychee Ice Cream Recipe

Squeeze the juice from five medium-sized lemons and mix it with a kilogram of lychee. The berries must first be peeled, cut and pitted. Add half a liter of juice to the mixture.

Pre-soaked gelatin (you will find instructions on the gelatin package) is filtered and a quarter kilogram of sugar and a little lemon juice. All this is poured into lychee, the mass is mixed, placed in molds or in a container and left in the freezer for several hours.

The delicious-tasting sorbet ice cream is ready. Enjoy.

Composition and beneficial properties of lychee

In China, lychees were used in medicine as early as the 2nd century BC. And the Chinese watch their health, oh, how they watch it. Judge for yourself, one berry weighing about 20 grams contains potassium, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, calcium, zinc, chlorine, iron, magnesium, sulfur, copper. What fruit or berry do you know that contains so many elements of the periodic table? So you don’t need any medications. Lychee also contains vitamins C and H, K and E, PP and group B.

The berry is of medium sweetness; it can contain from 5-6 to 13-14% sugar. It depends on the place where the lychee grows and the type of tree. The calorie content of one fruit is no more than 66 kcal, it contains vegetable matter, carbohydrates and proteins.

This rich content Lychee has beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall health, no matter how pretentious it may sound.

  • , which is very abundant in lychee, fights viral infections.
  • Potassium is indispensable for heart patients, for those with increased levels of potassium in their blood vessels.
  • Vitamin PP is a means of combating atherosclerosis.

The combination of other microelements successfully copes with diseases of the kidneys, lungs, liver, stomach and intestinal colic, and normalizes blood sugar levels and pancreatic activity (you need to eat 10 berries per day).

Lychee contains oligonol, which is. If you take some other herbs along with lychee, you can treat cancer or at least slow down the development of this scourge.

Hindus value lychees for strengthening male power, so they eat it regularly. Do you want to know what else this is useful for? valuable product? Please!

  • Relieves thirst because large volume contains water. Although the advantage is quite controversial - you can just drink water...
  • Eat a few before lunch ripe berries They will saturate your body a little, and you won’t eat too much at the table.
  • Treats constipation.
  • Bronchitis, tuberculosis, and asthma are also affected by lychee.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Stimulates brain activity.
  • Treats anemia.
  • Lychee is filling, so it helps you lose weight or keep it off. Naturally, when used correctly.
  • Pediatricians will agree that lychee is useful for children as a means of helping to form the skeleton, strengthen teeth and bones.

After eating the pulp, do not throw away the peel and seeds. By boiling the peel, we obtain a remedy that removes excess water from the body. The same decoction is a restorative and tonic drink. We dry the seeds, grind them and drink a decoction from them for problems in the intestines, pain of various types, for orchitis, myositis and neuralgia.

Who shouldn't eat lychee?

Lychee is not capable of harming anyone. Unless for those who are allergic to this exotic fruit. And nutritionists do not advise eating more than one hundred grams of berries per day. Oversaturation threatens bloating and gas formation.

Is it possible to grow lychees at home?

Lychee is a subtropical crop and it will be difficult to grow it here. And is it necessary, given the growth of the tree? Remember, it can reach 20 or even 30 meters in height!

For those who want to try their hand at selection and cultivation, the following information will be useful.

  • For lychee it is worth creating a dry climate, like in the subtropics. If the air is humid, lychee may not bear fruit.
  • Lychees can be grown vegetatively or from seedlings.
  • You can expect fruits already in the sixth year with vegetative propagation or in the 10th year if grown from seeds.

As an experiment, you can try growing decorative lychee at home on a windowsill from a seed - you didn’t throw it away when you ate the pulp, did you?

  • Moisten the fabric and wrap the washed bone in it. Place in a warm place for a week or two. Don't forget to moisten the cloth.
  • The seed can be planted in the ground when it swells a little. Upper layer earth is about 2 cm.
  • We buy well-drained, acidic soil for lychee, generously flavor it with fertilizers,
  • To make the seed sprout faster, you can split it a little.
  • We water our seed with water that has settled for a couple of days. room temperature. Don't forget to loosen the soil.
  • You can fertilize the soil as soon as a sprout appears from it.

Make sure that the soil does not become waterlogged, otherwise the plant will die. As the lychee grows, transplant it into a larger pot so that the roots are not crowded. During the first couple of years, the tree can be shaped by pruning.

It is difficult to say whether the tree will bloom and bear fruit. Still this overseas guest, and he has his own character. But if you don’t try to grow it, it will definitely not bear fruit...

Lychee is an unusual and even outlandish name for us, and those who hear it for the first time will not immediately think of a tropical fruit. And this fruit, like many previously unknown fruits, is not only tasty, but also healthy.

What is lychee

What are lychees? This is the name of a tree from the Sapindaceae family: this family is very large - there are about 150 genera in it, and there are many more species - as many as 2000. The vast majority of these species grow only in the tropics: in America, Asia, Africa, but in Australia there are not so many of them .

Perhaps this is so: in Ancient China, lychees were actually consumed - mentions of this are found in documents dating back to the 2nd century BC. Then the fruit came to neighboring countries, and there it was also appreciated - they began to grow it all over South-East Asia, and then on other continents.

Lychee came to Europe much later - only in the 17th century. For the first time Europeans were able to read it detailed description in the book of Gonzalez de Mendoza, a Spanish writer interested in the history of China. He wrote that lychees are similar to plums, and you can eat as many of them as you like - there will be no heaviness in your stomach. Therefore, one of the names for lychee is Chinese plum, and these fruits are grown today in many countries - even in the southern states of the USA.

Lychee fruits are small, ovoid or oval, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, and weigh - at most - about 20 grams. The peel of the fruit is dense, pimply and lumpy, rich red in color, and is separated from the pulp quite easily. The pulp in lychee fruits is very interesting - jelly-like, with a white or cream tint, and inside it there is a large brown seed. The taste of this pulp is very pleasant and refreshing - sweet and sour, and the aroma is not inferior to it - you want to inhale it again and again.

Composition and beneficial properties of lychee fruit

The Chinese often call lychee the “eye of the dragon”: white flesh, dark seed. Lychee is very rich vitamin composition and many useful properties. It contains a lot of useful clean water, quite a lot of complex carbohydrates, there are proteins, some fat and alimentary fiber. The amount of sugar in lychee fruits depends on the region in which the fruits grew, as well as their variety: it can be about 6-14%.

Vitamins – C, E, H, K, group B; minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine. There are few calories in lychee, but more than other similar fruits - about 76 kcal per 100 grams. There is much more vitamin C in lychee than other vitamins, and potassium comes first among minerals - so lychee fruit is very useful for heart patients.

The Chinese have always believed that its use helps the heart, and today in China it is used for prevention cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, as well as to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body.

Lychee has a tonic effect on the body, and in Eastern countries it is also considered strong aphrodisiac– Hindus even say that lychees are the fruit of love. It quenches thirst, relieves constipation, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and helps to lose weight. Eating lychee is recommended for anemia, liver and pancreas diseases, gastritis, peptic ulcer and diabetes.

In combination with lemongrass and others medicinal herbs Lychee is used in China to treat cancer. Lychee peel is also used: a decoction from it helps prevent the accumulation of fluid in tissues and improves body tone.

Lychee fruit in medicine

Eastern medicine especially often uses lychees to treat diseases of the kidneys, liver and lungs - these organs are considered the main organs by Eastern specialists.

Lychee improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs: this fruit is recommended for bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. For diabetes, it is enough to eat 10 fruits a day to normalize blood sugar levels.

Many countries in Southeast Asia make good money by growing and selling lychees. For example, in Thailand, the share of exports of this fruit is quite large among all others: the areas where lychee grows are constantly increasing - growing lychee is profitable because it is stored for a long time and can be freely transported to other countries.

Feel real taste You can taste lychee only by trying the fresh fruit, but also dried, ice cream and even canned these fruits retain many of their beneficial properties. Frozen lychees can be stored for more than a month, and at the same time they will not lose their taste and healing qualities.

Lychees are also grown in Vietnam - in the northern regions, and are also exported to many countries around the world, including Russia.

When you buy lychees in a store, pay attention to the color of the peel of the fruit: dark peel means that this fruit was removed from the branch a long time ago, and it is tasteless, and there is little benefit in it. U fresh fruit The peel is red, soft but not too soft, and has no damage.

How to eat lychees

Eating lychees is very easy: you need to wash the fruit, remove the peel, and put the pulp on a plate. Lychee fruits can remind us of cherries in some way - the seeds are pulled out of them like seeds. You can add peeled lychee fruits to champagne - it will turn into an amazing drink.

Lychee is added to desserts and sauces, ice cream and drinks, it is used as a filling for pies, and enterprising Chinese have learned to make wine from it. Lychee goes well with fish, chicken and even pork; You can serve lychee with pates and fried foods, and it’s always good in salads.

Pancakes with fruit filling

Can cook different dishes, but we suggest you try fruit filled pancakes as a dessert. At first glance, the recipe seems somewhat exotic, but today it is not difficult to buy any fruit, so it’s worth a try - children will especially like it.

You need to take a little flour - only 150 g, one whole egg and one yolk, 300 ml of coconut milk, banana, papaya and mango - 1 piece each, passion fruit - 2 pieces, and lychee - 4 pieces. In addition, you will need lime juice, 2 tbsp. liquid honey, 3-4 fresh mint leaves, 1 tbsp. powdered sugar, a pinch of salt and vegetable oil for frying.

You need to sift the flour, add the eggs, and then gradually add coconut milk and butter, knead the dough. Cover it and leave for half an hour. Prepare fruit filling: mix peeled and chopped banana and papaya in a deep bowl, pour in lime juice, stir, add chopped mango and passion fruit, lychee and honey. From the prepared dough, bake 8-10 thin pancakes, place the filling in the center of each, roll the pancakes into a cone, place on a plate, sprinkle powdered sugar and garnish with mint.

You can also make homemade ice cream with lychee: it will resemble what you made industrially, but it will be much more useful and safer. 1 kg of lychee is peeled, cut, seeds removed, mixed with the juice of 5 lemons and ½ liter of pineapple juice. Prepare gelatin in advance: soak the plate for 10 minutes in cold water, squeeze it out, and then dissolve it along with sugar (250 g) in some lemon juice, and also add it to the lychee. Mix everything well and put it in the freezer in a plastic container. After a few hours, the dessert is ready.

Are there any contraindications to eating lychee fruit? Surprisingly, there are practically none: lychees can be harmful only if there is an individual intolerance, but they should also not be abused - in this case allergic reactions may occur. Children can eat these pleasant-tasting fruits little by little - no more than 100 grams per day, otherwise they may develop acne on their skin. In adults, when excessive use Lychee affects the oral mucosa.