Useful properties of amaranth cereals, application options. Amaranth seed porridge What are the benefits of amaranth porridge?

Amaranth was once one of the main crops among the Slavs. Amaranth grains were used not only for making porridges, but when ground into flour, they were intended for baking bread. Yes, amaranth grains began to be used much earlier than wheat or rye. Why? This remains a mystery to scientists. After all, amaranth is considered a southern heat-loving plant for our climate. Perhaps our climate itself was once not the harshest. Let's leave this mystery for scientists, and let's talk about the benefits of amaranth grains.

Amaranth is considered a weed almost all over the world. But the Aztecs of South America used it for food and for treatment long before Europeans learned about it. They called small amaranth seeds food of the gods.

Today, when this plant has become well studied, doctors and nutritionists all over the world talk about it as a useful nutritious plant. Thanks to this, amaranth and its cereals, or rather seeds, are becoming increasingly popular. And the other components of the plant are not far behind in this regard. They are also used for food. There are special vegetable varieties.

In terms of its nutritional value, amaranth grains are not inferior to such recognized grains as rice or buckwheat.

Amaranth description

Amaranth is a heat-loving plant native to South America. This plant was the main food of the local tribes living in this territory. Since the colonization of America by Europeans, amaranth first came to North America and then to Europe.

In Europe, it was more popular as an ornamental plant with beautiful leaves and tall inflorescences. But having realized how quickly it spreads and clogs areas, amaranth began to be considered a malicious weed. But they still found a use for it. It was used to feed livestock.

Today, beautiful amaranth flowers, translated from Greek as “denying death,” are specially cultivated in botanical gardens and turn heads of florists. Although, it is necessary to somewhat limit and control the reproduction of an annual or perennial cereal plant from the Amaranth family, which preferably chooses a warmer climate for its life, in the temperate zone.

Ancient Rus' was also not spared this plant with small bright red flowers collected in dense inflorescences. Only the Russians took a closer look at him and noticed a number of useful qualities. Therefore, until the time of Peter the Great, shiritsa (or cockscombs, velvet, cat's tail, axamite) was used in cooking along with legumes, millet and corn.

Due to the fact that amaranth is still best known as an original, unusually attractive flower, breeders do not stop developing more and more new amaranth varieties. There are at least a hundred of them in total, among which the most popular are bluish, upturned, paniculate (or crimson), tailed, Aztec, Giant, Helios, Valentina, Lera, Kizlyarets, Voronezh, Shuntuk, Rosaceous, Krepysh, Memory Kvasov, tricolor. The latter is characterized by elongated red-yellow leaves and bright inflorescences located on the stem tops.

Wild varieties can be found in China, Australia and Russia. The fact is that they grow widely in wastelands, along roadsides and on embankments.

Often, the flowering period of amaranth (almost all varieties) occurs in July. Flowers, leaves and seeds are also collected in July.

We must not forget the fact that amaranth was recognized by the UN Food Commission as the best food crop of the 21st century. It is not for nothing that in its homeland the Aztecs assigned this plant the status of bread.

Useful properties of amaranth cereal

Amaranth grains are recognized worldwide as a health food and as an alternative to gluten-rich grains. This grain has been known for over 7,000 years. Unfortunately, it is not yet on mass sale. Basically, cereals can only be bought in health food stores. It's a shame. It can be used not only for preparing porridges, but added to other cereals, muesli and other dishes.

The main wealth of cereals is its high protein content. 100 grams of grain contains:

Protein – almost 14 grams

Carbohydrates – 65 grams

Fiber – 7 grams.

Amaranth seeds are rich in minerals. Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc - all this is in the cereal.

In addition, it contains a number of B vitamins that are useful and necessary for a person to maintain health: folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, vitamin B 6. Vitamins A, C, E, K - all this is also found in these small seeds . The cereal contains a lot of the amino acid lysine, which is not often found in other cereals.

Like many other cereals, amaranth contains a number of beneficial unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, and linoleic.

The total calorie content in 100 grams of product reaches up to 375 kilocalories.

Small amaranth seeds can be boiled and roasted, sprouted or ground into flour. Healthy and nutritious oil is obtained from them.

Many nutrients act as antioxidants, increase energy levels and therefore stamina, and control hormone and blood sugar levels.

The benefits of amaranth cereal

The benefits of amaranth cereal for the body are great and varied. And all this thanks to the high nutritional composition of the seeds. They are also very versatile and can be used in different ways to get more benefits. The leaves of the plant, which are used to prepare salads and soups, are also useful. Cosmetology has not ignored this plant either.

Amaranth grain is great for weight loss. As it is rich in vegetable protein and the complex structure of carbohydrates, it becomes one of the most useful cereals in the diet of those who want to lose weight.

Amaranth seeds do not contain gluten, which is present in many other grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. It is ideal for feeding people with celiac disease, who can use it to thicken soups, sauces, baked goods and many other dishes.

Amaranth oils and phytosterols may lower blood cholesterol levels.

The anti-inflammatory properties of amaranth peptides can reduce inflammation in the body and relieve pain. This property is especially important for chronic diseases, heart disease, diabetes and others.

The same peptide compounds in amaranth protect against the development of cancer cells. Antioxidants can protect the body from many harmful effects that can lead to the development of cancer.

Amaranth phytonutrients can have an effect on lowering blood pressure.

Many vegetables and fruits often lack the amino acid lysine. It helps the body better absorb calcium, build muscle mass and produce more energy for the body.

Dietary fiber helps improve digestion, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, and lower blood pressure, without reducing the body's energy production.

Thanks to its rich composition of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and flavonoids, amaranth helps strengthen the immune system.

Amaranth grains are good for people with diabetes. Due to its high fiber content, it has a low glycemic index and helps control blood glucose levels.

Studies have shown that amaranth leaves can prevent premature graying of hair.

Use of amaranth seeds in cooking

Many historians claim that cereals, or rather amaranth seeds, were used for food for a very long time by the Slavic peoples living in most of the then Kievan Rus. Only Peter the Great, who strove for everything Western, banned this food. Gradually, this tradition of using amaranth as a food product was forgotten. Now not only scientists, but also farmers have remembered it. It’s just a pity that there aren’t so many yet. Indeed, in amaranth, almost the entire plant can be used as food, except for the roots and stem. That's why amaranth grains are still not as accessible as rice or millet. But you can still buy it. What to cook from it?

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, porridge. Today, such porridge can be found on the menu of some restaurants, where chefs prepare it from “amaranth grain.” The result is porridge with a characteristic nutty taste. You can add fresh fruits, dried fruits, cinnamon, nuts, honey to the finished dish.

This porridge is prepared like any other more familiar to us. Just cook it over low heat for at least 40 minutes.

You can add the seeds in their pure form to vegetable salads.

Amaranth leaves

Leaves blanched for three minutes or pickled are usually used as an ingredient in salads, as an appetizer, or separately as an addition to any side dish.

A good flavor combination is obtained with butter, feta cheese or grated hard cheese, or a boiled egg.

The leaves are often chopped as a substitute for beet tops or to add a natural, bright purple color to soups.

Amaranth meal

They call it the cake from the production of shiritsa oil. Some chefs classify this “waste” product as flour and actively use it in the preparation of various products, replacing wheat and corn with amaranth meal.

Amaranth oil

To obtain amaranth fatty oil, it is necessary to undergo a labor-intensive cold-pressing process, which allows you to keep all the main vitamins and minerals intact.

In cooking, oil is usually used for dressing salads and cereal dishes, as well as when creating various types of sauces.

An unusually useful and very beautiful plant that is eaten. This is a storehouse of magnesium, protein, squalene and other useful substances. Discover a lot of new things about amaranth!

The content of the article:

Amaranth (schiritsa) is a common annual herbaceous plant, the small flowers of which are collected in dense inflorescences. In common parlance it received the names “cockscombs”, “velvet plant”, “cat’s tail”, “axamitnik”. The homeland of amaranth is South America, where many of its species are now found. It came to Russia in the second half of the century and almost immediately began to be considered a harmful weed. It was previously banned by Peter I, while in Chinese medicine it was considered an anti-aging remedy. The Aztecs recognized it as their bread, the ancient Greeks - a symbol of immortality (the inflorescences of the plant never fade). The Japanese correlate the nutritional value of ashiritsa greens with squid meat, and its sprouted grains with milk.

Video about the amaranth plant - how it grows:

The word itself "amaranth" literally means "death denier". Today, the UN Food Commission recognizes shiritsa as the best crop of the 21st century.

How to use amaranth: recipes

Shchiritsa is ideal for those people who have contraindications to consuming gluten-containing products. In general, the seeds of this plant have long been used due to their beneficial properties. Thus, in the “pre-wheat” time in Rus', ashiritsa seeds were suitable for making bread. Now amaranth, reminiscent of the taste of nuts, has become popular all over the world, including Russia.


Porridge from amaranth seeds is prepared mainly with pieces of fruit, it tastes better.
To prepare it you need to take a glass of seeds and 3 glasses of water. Bring the water to a boil and add the seeds, they will immediately float to the top - this is normal. Reduce the heat and cook until the grains sink to the bottom. Next, be sure to cover the pan with a lid, as the seeds will begin to burst and shoot upward! Periodically opening the lid to stir the porridge, it is advisable to take a wooden spoon with a long handle so as not to burn your hands. Cook for a total of 35–40 minutes. If necessary, you can add boiled water.

The finished amaranth porridge should be tender. Next, if desired, add fruits or dried fruits, nuts. Alternatively, you can eat it with cinnamon or honey, since the taste of the porridge is unique and not everyone likes it. I personally could not eat it, it just tastes disgusting. I barely ate one serving, but it was very filling and high in calories, a lot of protein and fat (including omega-3). The beneficial properties of amaranth are simply enormous, so you need to force this porridge into yourself little by little. This porridge is gluten free - a treasure trove for those with gluten allergies!

Amaranth grain bread

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 egg white, 3/4 cup high-lysine wholemeal flour, 3/4 cup amaranth seeds, 1 tablespoon margarine, melted, 1 cup low-fat cream.

Cooking method: Sift baking soda with flour and mix with other dry ingredients. Beat the egg and add it to the milk and melted margarine. Mix everything well and combine with dry products. Then place the mixture in an oiled pewter pan and bake in a hot oven for about 25 minutes.

Amaranth-oat bread

Ingredients: 2 cups of oatmeal-amaranth flour mixture, 2 cups of boiling water, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1/4 cup of sugar or 1/2 cup of molasses, 1 package of dry yeast, 1/4 cup of lukewarm water, 4 - 4 1/2 cups of full-fledged water wheat flour.

Cooking method: Mix flour and dissolved sugar with 2 cups of hot water. Set everything aside until it cools down. Dissolve yeast in warm water. In a large saucepan, combine the yeast and flour mixture. Gradually add 4 cups of wheat flour. Knead the mixture until a homogeneous dough is obtained on a floured board or in a dough mixer until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Divide and shape 2 loaves and place them on a greased baking sheet. Let them rise to double their size and then lower them. Let rise again until doubled in size. Bake at moderate temperature 200 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

The leaves are used in salads, and amaranth flour makes wonderful baked goods. Plant starch is characterized by increased swelling and viscosity, so it is often used for the production of confectionery, fermented milk products and even beer.

If you use this product correctly in cooking (add a little to salads, baked goods, soups, mix with other cereals, etc.), it turns out very tasty. For example, my family really liked pasta with ashiritsa.

As a fodder crop, amaranth is of great importance for agriculture. Many of its species are suitable for grazing, grain, silage and green feeding. After all, grains are useful food for poultry, and silage and greens are well eaten by pigs and cattle. In addition, agaric silage has a pleasant apple smell.

Chiritsa leaves: how to cook?

First, they should be blanched for three minutes or placed in boiling water for five minutes. Then, ready-to-eat leaves can be added to snacks, salads, and side dishes. If desired, they can be flavored with grated cheese, butter, boiled egg and feta cheese.
The resulting amaranth decoction is suitable for making borscht and soups, and also as a natural food coloring (characteristic of a bright beetroot color).

Composition of shiritsa: calorie content and vitamins

When compared with wheat, ashiritsa protein is 2 times higher than wheat protein! More than 50% of proteins are globulin and albumin, which are characterized by a balanced amino acid composition. Fat is based on linolenic, linoleic and oleic fatty acids.

Shchiritsa is a champion in magnesium content: for example, in 100 g of rice there is only 50 g of this useful microelement, in wheat - 140 mg, while in amaranth - 240 mg!

The stems and leaves, similar to spinach, contain sterols. They contain a lot of vitamins C, E, B1, B2, flavonoids (quercetin, rutin, trefolin), proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals.

(seeds) per 100 g - 374 kcal (1565 kJ):

  • Proteins - 14.5 g
  • Fat - 6.5 g
  • Carbohydrates - 66.7 g

The unique chemical composition of agaric has largely determined its scope of application. Thus, the ancient Aztecs fed newborn children with amaranth, and warriors always took grains with them on long campaigns as a source of strength and health.

At the moment, amaranth is officially recognized as a remedy that helps in the treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system, anemia, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, loss of strength, vitamin deficiency, obesity, diabetes, skin diseases, neuroses, burns, periodontal disease, stomatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Amaranth oil as a source of squalene

The oil is saturated with unique substances, vitamins and microelements, so its health benefits cannot be overestimated. Thus, squalene is a substance that captures oxygen and saturates tissues and organs with it. At the same time, squalene is one of the antitumor agents that prevent the occurrence of cancer. It is also a powerful immunostimulant, which until recently could only be obtained from the liver of a deep-sea shark, which is why it was the most expensive and highly scarce product. The problem was not only the high cost, but also the low content of squalene in the shark’s liver - only 1.5%.

Squalene is necessary for deep-sea sharks solely so that they can survive severe hypoxia at great depths (lack of oxygen). People need it as a fungicidal, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic agent, since it is known that hypoxia leads to aging of the body and the appearance of malignant tumors. In addition, this substance improves the body’s immune system and thereby ensures its resistance to all diseases.

Amaranth oil contains from 8 to 10% squalene, which is several times higher than the amount in shark liver! These are incredible benefits for the body! It promotes better absorption of vitamin A and improved tissue regeneration of internal organs, which significantly speeds up the recovery of patients after radiation therapy.

What are the benefits of amaranth fiber?

In pharmacies and specialized departments of stores you can find fiber from amaranth seeds for sale. It is produced in the form of a powder intended for dietary use. The composition contains 50% fiber, 20% protein, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, chlorine, etc. Fiber is a source of ideal protein, minerals and water-soluble vitamins (PP, C, E, B1, B6, B2, B12 ). It also contains quercetin, anthocyanidins, and resveratrol.

The product helps cleanse the large intestine, normalizes the composition of intestinal microflora and helps improve its function. The product is recommended for use when breastfeeding a child, dystrophy, severe psycho-emotional and physical stress, chronic colitis, dysbacteriosis, prostate diseases, as well as when living and working in environmentally hazardous areas. The course of treatment is 30 days. You must first fill it with water (it would be better with kefir or juice) and take 1-2 dessert spoons with meals (three times a day). I sometimes add fiber to porridge or to a bowl of soup, it’s more pleasant and convenient to eat, otherwise adding only plain water will make it very difficult to drink because of the unpleasant taste.

Video about the benefits of shiritsa:

Harm and contraindications of shiritsa

The only contraindication for fiber is individual intolerance to the components of the product. Thus, some people experienced dizziness and mild nausea when using amaranth-based medicines.

Before using the product, patients suffering from pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis, cholelithiasis or urolithiasis should consult a doctor.

Good afternoon, our dear subscribers and readers!

The preparation technology that is before you is offered by me not only for those who observe fasting, but especially for those of you who wish health for yourself and your loved ones.

We can talk about the beneficial properties of amaranth and its oil for a long time and endlessly. You can verify this on the Internet. For example, on YouTube by following this link:

Therefore, I will not describe this “ordinary miracle”. Let's act right now in the direction of health and longevity in youth, if you are really ready for this, by starting to prepare this healing porridge, which not only saturates and nourishes the body, but also does not add extra calories, and also actively cleanses our digestive tract and the body as a whole.

How to cook delicious amaranth porridge


  • Amaranth seeds - a little more than ½ cup
  • Drinking water – 1.5 glasses
  • Sea salt - to taste
  • Amaranth oil or any other cold-pressed vegetable oil for serving

Yield of finished porridge: 370 – 400g

Cooking technology: very simple!

My cooking method:

1. Take amaranth seeds (preferably yellow ones, since red ones take longer to cook worse)

2. Rinse the seeds in running water using the smallest strainer to prevent seed loss

3. Fill with hot water, bring to a boil and reduce heat to low

4. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally (at about 20 minutes the porridge begins to thicken)

5. Salt to taste, mix

6. Remove from heat, wrap in a towel and leave for another 15 - 20 minutes

All! Tasty and healthy amaranth porridge ready! It has the consistency of caviar, very interesting! Before serving, season the porridge with amaranth or any vegetable oil.

You can add cane sugar or honey when the dish has cooled a little. But this is a super sweet tooth. I didn’t add any sweets to this already wonderful porridge, but I couldn’t refuse raspberries :))

Amaranth seeds can be added to any dish. Prepare healthy food with JOY, making it tasty and filling, and be healthy!

At the end of cooking, you can add turmeric or cinnamon, or any dried fruits. But first, I advise you to try to cook porridge without any additives, fully experiencing the true taste of the finished porridge. The very first time I cooked it without salt at all.

Good luck with your cooking! I look forward to your comments.

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Bulgur, amaranth, millet and quinoa. Cereals, little known and unpopular, but so nutritious and valuable! We will tell you which ones are worth choosing.
The range of cereals is actually much richer than we think. For example, bulgur, amaranth, millet, quinoa, spelt - these grains are returning to our tables with triumph. Find out why you should get to know them better and what are the benefits of these cereals!

Benefits of cereals: nutritional value

— It contains a lot of protein, which promotes weight loss, but at the same time low in fat. It has a low glycemic index (GI – 46), does not provoke surges in blood sugar levels and gives a feeling of fullness for a long period of time. This in turn makes it an ally for weight-conscious people and diabetics.

- Contains the highest amount of fiber of all the cereals described here. Dietary fiber is known to regulate digestion, prevent constipation and even colon tumors.

Preparation: just pour the cereal into boiling, lightly salted water. The proportions of cereal and water, as well as the cooking time, depend on the size of the grains. A glass of large bulgur should be filled with two glasses of water and cooked for 6-8 minutes. Fine-grained cereals should be poured with 1.5 cups of water (per 1 cup of bulgur) and left for 20 minutes so that all the liquid is absorbed. Then simply stir with a fork to separate the grains. You can add it to salads and soups. Porridge is ideal for breakfast with warm milk, honey and fruit and!

Nutritional value of cereals: quinoa

Bolivian millet, or quinoa, comes from South America, where it has been cultivated for 5 thousand years. The Incas called this plant “the mother of cereals”, “golden grain” and considered it sacred. Although from a botanical point of view, quinoa is not considered a grain crop, despite its similarities. Has seeds with a high starch content.

- This is an excellent source of protein. Contains all essential amino acids, that is, those that our body cannot produce and which we must provide it with food. For this reason, cereals are an excellent addition to a vegetarian diet.

— Quinoa contains a lot of fat – 2.5 times more than wheat. But this is only a plus of this cereal. The main component of the seeds is actually healthy omega-3 unsaturated fats, which are involved in building cell membranes, helping the heart, strengthening the cardiovascular system and nourishing the brain.

— Quinoa enriches meals with minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese), as well as B vitamins and vitamin E.

- Quinoa is a rich source of flavonoids - substances with antioxidant properties that have anti-inflammatory effects and effectively fight harmful free radicals, reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.

Preparation: Quinoa grains can be ground into flour and used for baking bread, cakes, and pastries. The seeds are used as porridge - first they need to be soaked in hot water and strained through a sieve to get rid of saponins (which make the porridge bitter and unsuitable for children). Boil quinoa in salted water for 20 minutes, taking the proportions of one glass of cereal to two glasses of water. If foam forms on top during cooking, scoop it up with a spoon. After turning off the porridge, leave it covered for 5 minutes. Serve with raisins and dried cranberries in a sweet version or with legumes, vegetables, and nuts. We ask you to comply

Nutritional value of cereals: amaranth

It is called the grain of the 21st century, although the ancient tribes of the Incas and Mayans knew about the benefits of amaranth. For them, it was one of the most important agricultural crops, along with potatoes, corn and beans. Amaranth grain is also called “Aztec wheat” and “Inca bread”. Amaranth is currently taking the modern kitchen by storm, making a big comeback.

— It contains a lot of highly digestible protein. In this regard, amaranth seeds are healthier not only than corn and soybean seeds, but also meat, and can be equal to dairy products. Therefore, this product is an ideal dietary supplement for those who cannot drink milk due to lactose intolerance.

— Amaranth is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, which regulate blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

— Contains a lot of starch, which is five times easier to digest than corn starch. Dishes with amaranth give a great boost before mental and physical stress.

— Contains a lot of calcium (100 g of seeds covers a third of the daily requirement for this element) and iron.

— It does not contain gluten, which means it is excellent for patients with celiac disease.

Nutritional value of cereals: millet

— Contains a lot of iron, which protects against anemia, copper to support the immune system. May be an addition to the diet during periods of increased incidence of colds and flu.

— Compared to other cereals, the benefit of porridge is that it contains little fiber, and therefore is suitable for people with irritable bowel syndrome.

Preparation: Before cooking, rinse the cereal thoroughly, preferably in a sieve under running water. Then pour it into boiling lightly salted water (2.5 cups of water per glass of millet). You can add a spoonful of any oil to the pan to prevent the grains from sticking together. Next, cook the porridge for about 20 minutes, covered, without stirring. Serve the prepared porridge with stewed or baked vegetables and mushrooms. If you want to make a sweet porridge and serve it with apples and raisins, boil the cereal in milk instead of water. You can also bake in the oven with fruit, yogurt and honey.

Everything about amaranth is unusual, starting with the name, which is interpreted as “denying death”, “unfading”.

This, of course, is an exaggeration (although it blooms for a long time - 2 months), but the plant has truly miraculous properties and can give people a lot of valuable things, including health.

The amaranth plant has amazing healing properties.

The beneficial properties and uses of amaranth have attracted increasing interest in recent years. The plant has broad prospects.


Its varieties are divided into 3 main groups:

  • floral and decorative;
  • stern;
  • vegetable.

Each is interesting and useful in its own way. Flower growers appreciate the original beauty of amaranth.

Plants from the amaranth family are of great interest to livestock farmers: thickets of the wild amaranth variety can become an inexhaustible source of feed for livestock and poultry; young animals with this grass grow 2 times faster.

It is promising as a vegetable and medicinal plant. A true treasure trove of unique flavors and powerful healing properties, anyone can benefit from knowing how to consume amaranth seeds.
Amaranth seeds are not only healthy, but also extremely tasty.

Treasure for health

What amaranth is and how it is useful is explained by its chemical composition:

  • it contains a wide range of vitamins: C and P, beta-carotene, almost all representatives of group B, and vitamin E is in a particularly active form here;
  • there is a wide range of macro- and microelements;
  • the plant is distinguished by an abundance of valuable vegetable protein, the advantages of which are not inferior to the proteins contained in breast milk and squid;
  • seeds up to 77% consist of polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • contains red pigments, serotonin, steroids - substances that are very important for the normal functioning of the body.

But the main highlight is the unsaturated hydrocarbon squalene, which can enrich living cells with oxygen. For a long time, the liver of deep-sea sharks was considered the richest source of this antioxidant, but not so long ago it turned out that amaranth oil contains 8 times more squalene, and it is much easier and cheaper to obtain.

For 8 thousand years he successfully fed the Incas and Aztecs. Oblivion came with the Spanish conquerors, sword and fire, who destroyed life in all its manifestations in these parts. The plant acquired a second home in China and India. Russia has also become a place where amaranth grows. In our country, it is widespread in the Caucasus and the middle zone.

A thousand grains amount to only 0.4 g. But the low weight is compensated by the high fertility of the plant, so both wonderful flour and miraculous oil are successfully produced from amaranth. The 19 percent protein content makes amaranth an ideal protein product. More and more people are interested in how to eat amaranth.
Amaranth can be used to prepare protein-rich dishes


How to cook porridge from amaranth grains - 5 options:

  • 250 g of grains, 750 ml of water. Cook for a little over an hour; you can add an apple or banana to the finished porridge;
  • add 1 part of amaranth to 2 parts of constantly stirred boiling water, add salt, sugar, butter, cook under the lid for 10-15 minutes;
  • For milk porridge with milk, you need semolina flour instead of grains. Pour 5 large spoons of flour into 1/2 liter of milk, add vegetable oil, cook, stirring from time to time, for 10 minutes. Then cover with a lid and let stand for a while;
  • a glass of amaranth seeds, a small onion, a clove of garlic, 3 glasses of vegetable broth or water, soy sauce. Cooking time is approximately 20 minutes. The result should be a medium-thick porridge;
  • Place the seeds in water in the evening, rinse in the morning - the porridge is ready. For taste, you can add fruit puree or jam, honey or cinnamon to the porridge.

A month of daily consumption of delicious amaranth porridge will not pass without a trace for the body.

Benefits of amaranth porridge:

  • improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal microflora;
  • neutralizes inflammatory foci in the liver and gall bladder;
  • improves joint health;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • significantly improves hair condition.

You will learn more about the benefits of amaranth porridge from the video:

Amaranth flour

And in Russia, before Peter’s reforms, which for some reason banned amaranth, this plant was widely used in baking bread, which, according to legend, gave long life. Now it is again at the peak of popularity; questions about how to take amaranth flour, its benefits and harms are of interest to many. It does not contain, which often causes serious allergic reactions.

But wheat proteins consist of 80% of this gluten. This increasingly forces us to choose amaranth flour.

Baked goods with the addition of amaranth flour do not go stale for a long time and have an attractive nutty taste. The calorie content of amaranth flour is 298 kcal, which is significantly less than, for example, wheat flour, despite the fact that the richness of its vitamin and mineral composition has no equal in the cereal family. Its main feature, squalene, normalizes cholesterol levels, protects cells from damage by toxins, and has antioxidant properties.

Flour helps:

  • in the treatment of the liver in people with alcohol dependence;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • for gastrointestinal disorders;
  • anemia;
  • normalize blood sugar levels;
  • reduce cholesterol concentration;
  • cure fungal diseases;
  • for osteoporosis;
  • keep your weight under control - it contains 3 times more complex fiber than wheat.

You will learn all the details about amaranth flour from the video:

Flour should not be used for:

  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • severe diseases of the digestive system;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • personal intolerance.

In these cases, like amaranth seeds, instead of being beneficial, it can cause harm.

Amaranth flour is an important component of the dietary and vegetarian diet, recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers, children, and people after serious illnesses.

It helps speed up metabolism and is indispensable for overweight people.

It is used in baking bread, cookies, preparing pancakes, sauces, vegetable dishes, pasta, breading and simply adding it to your morning omelet.

Amaranth flour recipes

Amaranth flour can be used to prepare:

  • Blinov: Beat 1-2 eggs with sugar (2 tablespoons), a pinch of salt and 1/2 liter of milk. Gradually add 200 g of flour plus a teaspoon of baking powder. To avoid pancake batter sticking to the pan, add vegetable oil. The pancakes will emit an unforgettable nutty aroma;
  • of bread: for 1 loaf take: 50 g of amaranth flour, 450 g of wheat, 5 g of dry yeast, 20 g of butter, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of sugar. The milk with dissolved yeast and sugar is left warm for up to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, sift flour into a bowl and add salt. A yeast cap that appears on the milk is a signal that it’s time to knead the dough. During the kneading process, which lasts 15-20 minutes, butter is added. Cover the bowl with the dough with a clean towel or cling film and leave it in a warm place for an hour. After this, a loaf is formed from the dough, which has increased in volume by 2-3 times, placed in a baking dish and again sent to rest. When its size has doubled, the pan with the loaf is placed in a heated oven, with a bowl of warm water placed at the bottom. In the first 10 minutes, the bread needs a temperature of 220°, then it is reduced to 180°.

You can make amaranth sourdough bread; you will learn the detailed recipe in the video:

The use of amaranth in folk medicine

Traditional healers have known the medicinal properties of amaranth herb for several centuries:

  • to get rid of skin lesions, Simmer 300-400 g of dry herb with 2 liters of boiling water over low heat for 1/4 hour, leave and add to the bath. Such baths are taken for 25-30 minutes 2-3 times a week;
  • And you can soften your facial skin with. To do this, apply a thin layer of warm fermented baked milk to the skin of the face and rinse after 15-20 minutes.

  • when they finish it ailments of the genitourinary system, dry leaves and flowers are infused in vodka for 2 weeks, after which a teaspoon of tincture is diluted in 50 ml of water and drunk before meals. Another recipe for those suffering from problems in the genitourinary system: take 1 glass of infusion of a liter of boiling water and three tablespoons of amaranth herb before bed;
  • with gastritis, liver pain, diabetes mellitus fight with the juice of fresh leaves, passing it through a juicer or meat grinder, the resulting liquid is combined in equal proportions with cream or fresh sour cream, the dosage rate is after meals, at the table. spoon three times a day;
  • It will also help to cope with gastritis. Cereals are an excellent means of prevention and dietary treatment of many diseases of the digestive tract (manna porridge for gastritis can reduce pain and prevent seasonal exacerbations).

  • treatment of enuresis: Boil a tablespoon of inflorescences with boiling water along with the seeds for 15-20 minutes in a water bath. The cooled broth is filtered, consumed three times a day for 2 weeks in a row, half an hour before meals, plus a teaspoon with 50 ml of water at night;
  • rejuvenating mixture: combine equal parts of amaranth grass and birch buds. Combine an amount of the collection equal to 2 tablespoons with half a liter of boiling water, and strain after 2-3 hours of infusion. Directions for use: a glass with a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed. The liquid should be warmed before use.

Magic oil

This is the most valuable product obtained from the plant. It is produced by a single cold pressing, which retains all the beneficial substances. It is difficult to name an area of ​​the human body where amaranth oil does not exhibit healing properties.
Amaranth oil retains all the healing properties of the plant

Amaranth oil treats:

  • Heart and blood vessels. Amaranth oil is strong in the fight against blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. It has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and lowers blood pressure. It is effective for hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia, angina pectoris, cerebrovascular accidents, and alleviates the condition of strokes, heart attacks, varicose veins, etc.;
  • It will also help to cope with problems of the heart and blood vessels. Perga normalizes the heart rhythm, is effective against coronary heart disease, and can overcome high blood pressure due to hypertension.

  • Gastrointestinal system. The oil helps quickly get rid of ulcerative and erosive lesions. It defeats pathogenic microflora, removes toxins and radionuclides. It is successful in getting rid of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids;
  • For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it will also help. The beneficial properties of oat decoction lie in its healing properties, normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Diabetes mellitus, obesity. Amaranth oil is strongly recommended for use by overweight people, since squalene, phospholipids, and phytosterols, present in large numbers in it, correct problems in fat metabolism. It also contains many substances that regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.

Amaranth can normalize sugar levels

Amaranth oil for oncology

Its role in cancer resistance deserves special mention. The plant contains a huge range of antioxidants, starting with the already mentioned squalene, which has a beneficial effect on cells, and ending with carotenoids, which protect the body from attacks by free radicals and carcinogens.

Its use is especially necessary for people with an increased risk of cancer.

Intensive treatment with oil inhibits tumor growth. It is indicated during courses of radiation and chemotherapy, as it helps to quickly restore strength and immunity. In addition, this oil is an excellent radioprotector, weakening the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.

Other diseases

This powerful remedy also helps in the treatment and prevention of:

  • ENT diseases, lesions of the oral cavity;
  • organs of vision;
  • genitourinary system;
  • diseases and skin damage;
  • colds, viral diseases;
  • nervous system;
  • painful conditions in joints, muscles, spine.

It is gradually becoming one of the leading products adopted by cosmetologists. Amaranth oil for the face is a real panacea. Cosmetics based on it smooth out wrinkles, make the skin radiant and velvety, heal scars and burns, and get rid of acne. As part of rinses and masks, oil helps hair growth, restores shine and elasticity.

Amaranth oil is highly valued in cosmetology
A visible transformation of the skin can be achieved even by simply adding 5 drops of life-giving oil to a regular cream or mask, which can be done even at home.
The recipe for making amaranth oil yourself is quite simple:

  • take a liter of olive oil, 400 g of amaranth seeds;
  • Dry the amaranth in the oven for 10 minutes at minimum temperature;
  • grind the dry seeds in a coffee grinder;
  • pour the resulting powder with oil;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • Infuse for 3 weeks in a cool place protected from the sun;
  • shake daily;
  • Strain the finished oil.

Every beneficial substance also has negative sides. Speaking about the benefits and harms of amaranth oil, it is worth noting individual intolerance and the need to consult a doctor for pancreatitis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Amaranth tea - a source of health

The beneficial properties of amaranth tea are such that it can be given even to infants. This natural storehouse of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, and important microelements is also necessary for old people. It is neutral in taste and smell; to enhance the taste, it can be brewed with mint or.

Amaranth tea helps with anemia, normalizes hematopoiesis, relieves inflammation, working as a natural antibiotic.

Even children can drink amaranth tea

The drink improves the immune system and has anthelmintic properties. The best variety for making tea is “Valentina” with red leaves. For 5 liters of tea you need half a glass of dry amaranth leaves.

This is what amaranth is - a beautiful flower with powerful healing properties. Through the millennia he carried an amazing gift to be useful to people in all respects. And time will only expand the areas of application of amaranth.