Is it beneficial to drink chamomile decoction? Opinions of people who have tried chamomile tea

Chamomile – popular medicine. Traditional healers often turn to him. However, traditional medicine specialists also did not ignore it. This plant is applicable for a wide variety of ailments: from any disorders of the functioning of the nervous system to problems with digestive system. Is it possible to drink chamomile regularly?

Plant value

The flowers in question are characterized by a rich composition. This is what makes them so valuable. Dried raw materials contain:

The effect of chamomile tea on the adult body

Traditional and folk medicine uses the healing properties of chamomile, such as:

  • treatment of urinary system disorders;
  • help with inflammatory processes and ulcerative diseases gastrointestinal tract various localization, hepatitis;
  • increasing the effectiveness of treatment of gallstone diseases;
  • reducing the aggressiveness (acidity level) of gastric secretions;
  • treatment of women's problems: pain during menstruation, disruption of the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle, inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • fight against bloating;
  • treatment of headaches;
  • normalization of the nervous system: solving problems of insomnia, increased arousal, stress, low mood;
  • prevention and treatment of rheumatism, gout;
  • increased appetite;
  • blood thinning;

This ability chamomile drink makes it impossible to combine the herb in question with anticoagulants.

  • improvement of protective properties immune system;
  • manifestation of antimicrobial, antiviral, choleretic, astringent, disinfectant, diuretic properties;
  • combating spasms, cramps, inflammation and symptoms of allergic reactions;
  • hemostatic quality.

When treating a cold, a remedy such as chamomile tea can reduce the manifestation of symptoms, fill the urgent need for additional fluid, and accelerate the decline. elevated temperature bodies.

When treating a child, parents and pediatricians often turn to the plant in question for help. This happens in the following cases:

  • the development of inflammatory processes in a child (for example, a reddened throat);
  • excessive activity, overexcitement;
  • Difficulty coping with the teething process;
  • loose stools and accompanying colic;
  • introduction of new products into the child’s diet.

The tea in question is given to children under one year of age if indicated (for treatment only). The inclusion of chamomile in a child’s diet in order to enhance immunity or enrich vitamin and mineral levels is prohibited.

Getting acquainted with the tool in question is carried out as follows:

  • first dose – one teaspoon;
  • daily use is possible only in consultation with a doctor;
  • If there are negative manifestations, you should stop taking it.

In relation to a child, self-prescription of medicinal and herbal preparations is not recommended. This task is the responsibility of pediatricians.

How often can you drink chamomile tea?

The value of the herb is impressive - the thought of drinking chamomile tea regularly may come to mind. But it's not that simple. There are several nuances.

The use of the drink in question to treat an existing illness must be carried out in courses. Recommended regimen: one week on – one week off. Dosage – 100 milliliters of medium concentration drink three times a day before meals.

This is a universal option. The most suitable course in specific case can be determined by a specialized physician.

When everyday use over a long period of time you should:

  • limit the frequency of taking the drink in question to one per day (maximum two);
  • focus on weak/medium concentration of tea;
  • use aids carefully herbal remedies for a combination.

Any medicinal herb has its own indications, contraindications, recommended dosage and duration of treatment.

This scheme is safe for any adult in the absence of contraindications to the drug in question.

Chamomile flower is often used to prepare decoctions, infusions and tinctures. Such means are prohibited everyday use and have exclusively medicinal functions. Prevention of illnesses with such liquids is not carried out.

Chamomile contraindications

A harmless remedy even with correct use can cause serious complications if:

  • individual intolerance to the plant in question;
  • reduced rates blood pressure;
  • bearing a child;
  • presence of mental problems;
  • progressive diseases of the pancreas, biliary tract, liver and kidneys;
  • up to 1 month of age ( this limitation does not apply to chamomile baths).

The manifestation of a negative effect from the drug is possible with excessive use. Characteristic symptoms are nausea, a feeling of pain, general weakness, retching and vomiting.

Brewing chamomile tea drink

The sequence of preparation of the product can be as follows:

  • dry raw materials are poured into a suitable container (a teaspoon per glass of water);
  • Boiling temperature water is poured in;
  • covered with a lid or saucer;
  • left for 10 minutes.

Possible additions to chamomile tea: sugar, honey.

You can increase the vitamin and mineral properties of the drink by combining it with such means as:

  • peppermint;
  • thyme;
  • valerian;
  • fireweed
  • Melissa;
  • parts of blackcurrant and raspberry bushes (leaves, twigs).

If you drink chamomile tea correctly, you can not only improve your body’s health and normalize your psycho-emotional state, but also speed up the process of treating specific diseases. The plant in question will never be out of place on the kitchen shelf among the variety of black, green and white teas.

Most people who know about the benefits of herbal medicine have heard that plants can help treat almost all human ailments. In recent years there has been an increase in interest in natural healing, with people trying different kinds herbal teas as self-medication, but are more drawn to. Due to the availability and effectiveness of chamomile tea, this drink is the most popular herbal tea in the world. But, of course, it is called “tea” conventionally, since it is prepared not from the leaves of the tea bush, but from the flowers of the plant. It would be more correct to call this tea an “infusion” or “herbal tea,” like all drinks made from medicinal herbs.

Composition of chamomile tea

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B9, C, RR.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine.

Chamomile tea also has significant benefits for the human body due to the large amount of flavonoids and polyphenols, polysaccharides, amino acids, essential oils and tannins.

Daily norm chamomile tea - 3 cups.

Useful properties and benefits of chamomile tea for the body

  • has a sedative effect,
  • treats colds,
  • removes toxins,
  • lowers blood sugar levels,
  • prevention oncological diseases,
  • helps with gastritis and ulcers,
  • normalizes digestion,
  • relieves discomfort in the stomach,
  • helps cope with increased gas formation and diarrhea,
  • treats hemorrhoids,
  • reduces pain during menstruation,
  • relieves cramps,
  • treats diseases of the mouth (pharyngitis, stomatitis),
  • calms down nervous system,
  • eliminates insomnia,
  • treats conjunctivitis,
  • improves complexion,
  • improves the condition of skin and hair.

Chamomile has a long history of use in human culture, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. They used it to combat the signs of aging, considering it very valuable. The ancient Greeks considered chamomile as a remedy for many ailments, including colic, sunstroke and fever. It has long been used in European herbal medicine. In Germany, chamomile has a reputation as a cure-all. In Rus', chamomile tea, of course, was also very popular.

In modern times, chamomile is used as a remedy for insomnia, which dates back to the 1600s. Its preparation is limited to more than just tea. For centuries, chamomile has been useful ingredient for creams, ointments, oils and extracts.

Chamomile tea is calming

The most famous useful advantage tea are its relaxation properties. Chamomile contains a lot of tryptophan and is a powerful sleep aid. Its relaxing properties promote sound sleep and calm thoughts. Many people who have chronic anxiety use chamomile to help relieve anxious thoughts. Because it is a natural stress reliever, people with nervous disorders often feel much less exhausted if they drink chamomile tea regularly.

Has powerful anti-inflammatory properties

Symptoms of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, interstitial cystitis and asthma are often reduced when people use chamomile for treatment. It relieves symptoms and improves the general condition of a person.

Has antispasmodic properties

Chamomile tea facilitates muscle contractions throughout the body (except for the uterus, where it can contract). It makes a drink effective means from stomach and intestinal colic, hiccups and menstrual pain. The use of chamomile for relieving indigestion is second only to its use as a relaxant.

Benefits of chamomile tea for men

Drinking tea is a good preventive measure against prostate cancer. Due to the substance apigenin, which is part of the drink, blood flow to cancer cells is blocked. The vessels, in turn, contract, and nutrition of the formations does not occur.

Additionally, chamomile tea can be used as a medicinal infusion when inflammation of the genital organs occurs. To eliminate them, you need to make lotions.

Benefits of chamomile tea for women

The drink is famous for the fact that it alleviates a woman’s condition during menstruation. The tea eliminates spasms and pain in the lower back, making these days much easier. In addition, regular use stabilizes a woman’s menstrual cycle.

As is the case with male body, chamomile tea protects the fair sex from the development of cancer. Therefore, it is also indicated for the prevention of breast, ovarian and skin cancer.

And, of course, women love this product for its cosmetic effects. Washings, lotions and compresses using chamomile infusion help them cope with various skin diseases and rashes. In addition, it nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

To improve the condition of the skin, chamomile tea should be taken internally. This should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. Thanks to this, the skin becomes more healthy looking.

It will also be useful for blondes. Rinse your hair with it after washing to achieve a golden shine.

This drink is contraindicated for expectant mothers. Chamomile tea can trigger increased production of estrogen by the ovaries, which can lead to miscarriage.

Many people advise drinking chamomile tea in a highly diluted form and in extremely rare cases. We still advise you to refrain from it. There are many others in nature useful herbs, safe for pregnant women.

Contraindications and harm of chamomile tea

  • individual intolerance,
  • taking sedatives,
  • taking blood thinners,
  • schizophrenia,
  • pregnancy.

Do not overuse chamomile tea. Otherwise, an overdose can lead to headaches, signs of poisoning, coughing and decreased muscle tone. The daily norm of the drink is 3 cups.

How to brew chamomile tea

Take 2-3 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers per glass of tea. If you have tea bags, just use one bag per cup. Place the flowers in it and bring the water to a boil. Pour boiling water over the chamomile in a cup, let it brew for at least 3 minutes (longer if you want more strong tea). Take out tea bag or strain the tea through a sieve into another cup. Sweeten as desired or otherwise, but first let the drink cool, otherwise honey in too hot water becomes toxic. You can drink 3 cups of chamomile tea per day.

The benefits of chamomile tea for women and men are very great. Fortunately, this tool is very affordable. Buy chamomile flowers at any pharmacy or prepare them yourself in the summer, and then simple but effective remedy will always be at your fingertips. ;)

Chamomile is the most popular phytocomponent of any home medicine cabinet. With its help you can solve a large number of health problems. This is not only a preventive remedy, but also a therapeutic one. At home, decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared from chamomile, using them for lotions, compresses, gargling and bathing, and steam baths. It is often taken orally in the form aromatic tea, delivering taste pleasure and benefiting the body.

  1. Apigenin. A substance that can suppress allergies and inflammation of different nature, fight free radicals, inhibit some types of cancer cells. Of all the herbs that are used to make teas, chamomile contains greatest number apigenin.
  2. Chrysin, which has strong sedative properties. This substance can reduce anxiety, causeless fear, unconditional panic attacks, hysterical state, and relieve nightmares.
  3. Coumarin. The substance that gives chamomile its characteristic aroma. Known as an antiallergic agent that relieves swelling, especially associated with impaired lymph circulation, postoperative.
  4. Ascorbic acid. The most important substance for the normal functioning of connective and bone tissues. Promotes the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids, which stimulates digestion and prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Is a powerful antioxidant.
  5. Tannins, which give the plant a bitter taste, help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the microflora in the intestines, and get rid of microbes and rotting products. Effective for preventing deposits of heavy metal salts, which cause significant harm to the entire body.
  6. Pectin. Called "orderly" by doctors human body thanks to the ability to cleanse it from harmful substances without disturbing the natural microflora. Removes radioactive elements, toxic substances and pesticides from the body.
  7. Carotene. Actively participates in metabolic processes, is important for the formation of bones, nails, teeth, fat deposits, stimulates the growth of new cells, slows down aging, fights viruses and bacteria.
  8. Essential oils with antimicrobial, antispasmodic and regenerating properties. Vitamins, macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese.

Unlike black and green tea, chamomile tea does not contain caffeine at all.

Monks from Tibet appreciated all the benefits and harms of chamomile tea, its ability to restore cells and stimulate their regeneration. Therefore, this plant is an essential ingredient in the famous Tibetan elixir of youth.

Video: Chamomile tea. Healing drink

What diseases is chamomile tea good for?

For frequent colds, chamomile tea should be taken not only as a means of accelerating recovery due to its vitamin C content, but also as a for preventive purposes to avoid colds and other diseases. Tea has diaphoretic, antipyretic properties, soothes sore throats, and helps remove phlegm.

During the period of autumn-winter depression, 4-5 mugs of aromatic tea per week will significantly improve your mood and performance, and relieve depression. To improve the effect, you can add a teaspoon of honey or a couple of lemon slices to the drink.

The antispasmodic effects of apigenin will help relieve pain and colic in the intestines and get rid of flatulence. Chamomile tea is useful for gastritis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer, will help normalize and restore stool, improve appetite and digestion.

Chamomile tea is irreplaceable after heavy feasts and long holidays, accompanied by overeating, excessively fatty foods, and alcohol. For headaches caused by sudden changes in weather or changes in blood pressure, a glass of chamomile tea will quickly relieve muscle spasms, which will alleviate the condition.

Thanks to the vitamin PP contained in the herb, chamomile tea is also beneficial for people suffering from vascular spasms, rapid leg fatigue, and a tendency to varicose veins. Tea will cope with muscle spasms caused by stomach pain or during menstruation. For heavy and very painful menstruation, it is recommended to take tea daily a few days before it starts.

As a sedative, chamomile tea should be taken 2-3 cups per day. It helps you relax, fall asleep faster, relieves depression, and speeds up adaptation after stress.

At diabetes mellitus regular use Chamomile drink significantly reduces blood sugar levels, keeps it in one position, which improves the patient’s condition.

Daily consumption of chamomile tea also affects your appearance. The skin becomes healthier, acne and purulent formations disappear. Later and in smaller quantities, age-related pigmentation appears on it. To improve your appearance It is enough to drink a glass of warm tea in the morning on an empty stomach and wash your face with it.

To strengthen the immune system after a long illness or during a seasonal exacerbation colds A cup of tea a day for two weeks is enough. The plant phenols contained in chamomile will make the body resistant to any virus and bacteria of any nature.

How to brew chamomile tea

Pour a teaspoon of chamomile or a bag of herbs into a glass hot water, but not boiling water. After boiling, the water should stand for 10 minutes to cool to 90-95 degrees, most suitable for brewing any tea. Infuse under the lid, as regular tea, 5-10 minutes. Strain thoroughly through a strainer or gauze folded in several layers. Take warm, adding a teaspoon of honey or sugar to taste.

The specific taste of chamomile can be varied with a couple of mint leaves, grated with the zest of 1/4 lemon. Adding any component according to your desire and taste will not affect the medicinal properties of the herb in any way.

Preparing chamomile tea is so simple and does not require much time that it is better to avoid brewing it for future use. After standing for a while, the drink becomes richer and more bitter. This option is only suitable for external use of the herb.

It is better to take the drink after a meal, but not earlier than an hour later. At this time, it normalizes the digestion process and prevents gas formation in the intestines.

How to use chamomile tea leaves

Chamomile brewed in tea still contains a large amount useful substances. It can be used for lotions and compresses, or simply chewed. In the form of a compress, the herb will relieve fatigue, gray skin, swelling and black circles under the eyes, skin inflammation, and accelerate the healing of wounds and abrasions.

While chewing, it perfectly disinfects the oral cavity, freshens breath, and soothes pain from inflammation of the lips and mucous membranes. The herb can be brewed a second time to be used for baths, washing, hair washing and douching.

Chamomile tea for children

For infants up to four months, chamomile infusion is added to water and given to drink in small portions to get rid of colic. Children under one year old are given 1-2 teaspoons of warm tea for a sore throat, to normalize digestion, before bed, if the baby is restless.

After a year, the child can drink chamomile tea as usual, but in small quantities(no more than one children's cup).


Chamomile is one of the most versatile herbs, the use of which does not have side effects and even small children are allowed. However, it is not for nothing that it is called medicinal. This means that you should treat it accordingly. Otherwise a harmless glass herbal drink may harm the body or lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A chamomile drink is not recommended for people with individual intolerance to this herb. An excessive concentration of chamomile in tea will do more harm than good. This drink may cause headache, decreased blood pressure, upset stool, weakened muscle tone. Constantly drinking too strong tea will cause harm emotional state, will lead to a prolonged depressed or irritable mood, loss of attention.

It is advisable to avoid chamomile tea when taking medications with a sedative and diuretic effect. Chamomile has similar properties, and such a mixture will cause an overdose with the corresponding consequences.

You should not drink chamomile tea if you have diarrhea. Take it with caution if you have low blood pressure.

Pregnant women should avoid chamomile tea completely or take it in a weaker concentration, no more than one glass per day. The plant stimulates the formation of estrogen, which can cause miscarriage.

Chamomile tea: benefits and medicinal properties, popular recipes and contraindications for use.

Chamomile as a medicinal plant has been known to mankind since ancient times. Healing properties This simple flower was discovered more than two thousand years ago: people noticed that chamomile tea calms the nerves and helps get rid of insomnia. Today the plant is widely used in folk medicine, both in pharmacology and cosmetology.

Composition and medicinal properties of chamomile

Benefits of chamomile tea

Benefits for the nervous system

The fragrant drink contains the antispasmodic apigenin, which has a positive effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state. Irritability, insomnia, depression, overwork, nervous exhaustion, stress - all these problems will help overcome healing chamomile drinks.

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

Chamomile tea stimulates the secretion of bile, treats ulcers, gastritis and liver diseases, helps with intestinal microflora disorders and cholelithiasis. And also this one healing drink useful for people who take medications based on acetylsalicylic acid, as it is able to protect the gastric mucosa from its destructive effects.

Chamomile tea for diabetes

Chamomile tea has been proven to be beneficial for people suffering from type 2 diabetes: the plant contains substances that lower blood sugar levels. This miraculous property chamomile allows you to use it as an additional remedy in the fight against a serious illness: chamomile, in addition therapeutic effect, also helps prevent complications that diabetes can cause.

Properties of chamomile for colds

For influenza, sore throat, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, chamomile tea is useful due to its diaphoretic, expectorant, antimicrobial and analgesic properties. The healing decoction is drunk as tea, used to gargle, and made into baths and inhalations.

Skin Health Benefits

It is believed that chamomile tea, if drunk every day, can give a fresh and healthy appearance to the skin. And also healing decoction can be frozen. Ice cubes made from chamomile tea have an antiseptic effect, refresh and rejuvenate the skin, and eliminate irritation. Chamomile is especially useful for baby’s delicate skin; its extract is added to baby creams, shampoos and toothpaste. Chamomile decoction will give health to hair: both blondes and brown-haired women can use it to rinse their curls after washing.

Chamomile tea for weight loss

At daily use chamomile tea you can lose up to 4 kg per month, the main thing is not to ignore physical activity and proper nutrition. The following properties of the plant provide weight loss. Firstly, chamomile controls appetite, has a positive effect on digestion and promotes better absorption of nutrients. Secondly, the healing plant has a calming effect, which is especially important for people who are accustomed to “eating” stress. And thirdly, chamomile provides a diuretic effect, which means it helps the body get rid of excess fluid.

Chamomile tea for children

Chamomile tea is also useful for children: it is indispensable when the baby is teething, has a tummy ache or has a cold. Chamomile tea relieves pain, improves digestion, helps the baby calm down, and normalizes sleep. But small children can only be given a very weak decoction.

Benefits for women's health

The substance bisabolol, which is contained in chamomile drinks, has a positive effect on women Health. Chamomile tea improves work endocrine system, soothes pain during women's days, helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases, in particular, it is recommended to drink it for inflammation of the appendages. For diseases genitourinary system Chamomile tea is used not only internally, but also externally - in the form of compresses, baths and douches.

Chamomile tea for pregnant women

Expectant mothers should also try chamomile tea. Even in such a crucial period as bearing a child, this sunny flower is desirable and useful. Chamomile-based drinks will help the expectant mother cope with an impending cold, because herbal treatment is a safe alternative to drug therapy. Headaches, apathy, depression, stomach cramps, toxicosis - all these problems can be alleviated and even eliminated by ordinary chamomile.

Precautions for Pregnant Women

Chamomile tea can be used externally (in the form of baths, compresses, inhalations) during pregnancy without fear, unless, of course, you are allergic to the plant. As for oral use, expectant mothers can drink no more than 2 glasses of weak infusion per day. Abuse healing tea may cause premature birth. Chamomile-based drinks promote the production of estrogen by the ovaries, which tones the uterus, which may result in a risk of miscarriage.


Chamomile, although it has anti-allergic properties, can itself cause allergies. Before you drink healing tea, make sure you are not allergic to the plant. If you decide to be treated with chamomile infusions, you should not be overzealous. In case of an overdose, nausea, dizziness, weakness, headache, and rapid heartbeat may occur. Without first consulting a doctor, it is not recommended to combine chamomile drinks with artificial sedatives, diuretics and blood thinners (including aspirin).

Chamomile tea recipes

Recipe 1. Classic chamomile tea

2 full teaspoons of chamomile flower baskets - dried and crushed, pour a glass (200 ml) of hot boiled water, cover with a saucer and leave for 20-30 minutes, filter, squeeze out the flowers and drink warm. This infusion can be consumed on its own or added to green or herbal tea.

Recipe 2. Chamomile tea with peppermint

Chopped mint and chamomile are taken into equal proportions– 1 teaspoon each, pour a glass of hot boiled water, let it brew and filter. This tea is very soothing, helps alleviate gallbladder diseases and prevent the appearance of gallstones. If you are preparing a calming drink, you can add cumin in addition to mint and chamomile.

Recipe 3. Chamomile tea with lemon balm

If you take previous recipe, but replace the mint with lemon balm, you get a wonderful medicine not only for the nervous system, but also for the stomach. This drink also helps with colds: take it warm, 1 glass 2-3 times a day. To recover faster, supplement the aromatic drink with natural honey, but it is better not to add it to tea, but to eat it as a snack.

Recipe 4. Chamomile tea with herbs

Medicinal plants - peppermint, sweet clover, St. John's wort and chamomile are taken in equal proportions - one coffee spoon each, pour the mixture into a glass of hot boiled water, cover with a saucer, and filter after half an hour. This herbal tea has a cleansing, rejuvenating and appetite-reducing effect.

How to choose flowers for tea

To benefit from chamomile tea, prepare it from natural dry raw materials purchased at the pharmacy. Give preference to natural powder; it is better to avoid crushed flowers in bags. You can prepare healing baskets with your own hands, the main thing is not to confuse chamomile with other varieties of the plant (there are about 50 of them in total). At self-collection Inflorescences, pay attention to the petals: in chamomile they always look down, and the yellow part of the flower has a conical shape.

The value of chamomile medicinal plant very big. We turn to this sunny flower with many of our problems, and it can really help us say goodbye to them. Stock up on fragrant sun baskets, prepare a healing drink that will fill your home with the aroma of a blooming summer meadow, and give its inhabitants warmth and comfort. Drink chamomile tea and always be healthy!

The beneficial properties of chamomile were first described in the 17th century, but the use of the plant in medicinal purposes began long before this time. In the past, chamomile was used primarily for treatment women's diseases(fibroids, mastopathy), so another name for the flower is “uterine grass.” You can use chamomile in the form of infusions, decoctions, and external compresses, but the most accessible and convenient method of therapy is drinking chamomile tea.


To prepare chamomile tea, use dried flowers plants. You can collect them yourself or buy ready-made mixtures at the pharmacy. Experts advise giving preference pharmaceutical chamomile, since all raw materials sold in pharmacy chains undergo several degrees of purification and are carefully checked for the presence of nitrates and other hazardous substances.

Chamomile is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, so the drink is most often used as an aid in the treatment of colds. Chamomile decoction helps reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, soothe irritated mucous membranes of the larynx and relieve pain.

The product can be taken orally, replacing morning and evening tea with a drink, or used for local treatment as a solution for gargling. Chamomile flowers have a pronounced antiseptic and bactericidal effect, so drinking warm tea from this plant is indicated for the following infections:

  • angina;
  • flu and respiratory diseases(ARVI and acute respiratory infections), accompanied by cough and sore throat;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis.

Drinking the drink during inflammatory processes of the lower respiratory tract(bronchitis, pneumonia) helps relieve a painful cough, moisturize the mucous membranes of the larynx and esophagus and facilitate the discharge of sputum. To achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea 3-4 times a day. You need to gargle more often - 5-6 times.

A large amount of vitamins in chamomile flowers has a positive effect on the state of the immune system during illness, alleviates the severity of symptoms and speeds up recovery.

Chamomile tea has a moderate diaphoretic effect and allows you to quickly remove toxins and bacterial waste products through the skin. Thanks to this, the patient’s headache goes away, the temperature drops and other signs of intoxication disappear.

For stress and insomnia

For people suffering from neuroses, depression, or constantly in a state of emotional agitation, doctors recommend taking a decoction or infusion of chamomile internally. This excellent remedy to combat stress, as active ingredients chamomile has a gentle effect on the nervous system and has a slight calming effect.

Drinking chamomile infusion before bed will help cope with insomnia, improve sleep quality and avoid nighttime wake-ups associated with anxiety. If you add a little honey, milk or a few branches of lemon balm to chamomile tea, you will get an excellent natural medicine for restoring your psycho-emotional state.

For pain

Chamomile is considered one of the most effective plants that helps fight various types pain. An extract from chamomile flowers eliminates spasms and helps muscles relax, so drinks based on this plant are recommended for colitis, muscle pain and other painful conditions caused by muscle spasms.

It is especially worth mentioning the benefits of the product for women with painful menstruation. Chamomile will help not only relieve pain, but also cope with emotional outbursts characteristic of this period, so an infusion or decoction of the plant must be included in the menu before the end of menstruation.

For gastrointestinal diseases

  • elimination of bloating and flatulence;
  • neutralization of excess hydrochloric acid;
  • normalization of intestinal function.

After entering the intestines, chamomile disinfects its walls and organ cavity, destroys pathogenic flora, reduces slagging, removes toxins and prevents decay processes. Preventive intake of chamomile-based drinks helps improve the functioning of the large and small intestines, strengthen the immune system and improve the health of the body.

The use of chamomile tea is also recommended for liver diseases, as the product gently cleanses the organ and has a slight hepatoprotective effect, protecting liver cells from the effects of adverse factors.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the large number beneficial properties, chamomile tea can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm. Most often, negative reactions when consuming the product are caused by misuse or non-compliance with recommendations for preparation and administration.

When brewing tea, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, since too Reviver can produce the opposite of the desired effect and cause headaches, apathy, and muscle weakness. We should not forget about the pronounced sedative effect of chamomile, so the plant is not recommended for use by patients with mental disorders and severe forms of depressive disorders.

A concentrated infusion of chamomile can significantly lower blood pressure, so before taking it it is important to make sure that the patient does not suffer from hypotension.

If a person (or his blood relatives) previously had chamomile intolerance reactions, drinks from this plant should be consumed very carefully, starting with 1-2 teaspoons. If there are no complications, you can continue taking it, gradually increasing the amount of drink you drink.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

In some cases, chamomile can cause allergic reactions - for this reason, doctors previously recommended that pregnant women avoid drinking chamomile drinks. Now experts do not object to the inclusion of chamomile decoctions in the diet expectant mother, especially since they can help cope with some pregnancy problems.

  • Chamomile has a moderate diuretic effect, so it can be used to prevent edema and gestosis.
  • To eliminate heaviness and fatigue in the legs, which appears already in the second trimester due to a shift in the center of gravity and increased stress on the joints, a woman can use foot baths with chamomile infusion.
  • In the third trimester, chamomile tea with linden and honey will help cope with the growing anxiety before the upcoming birth without the use of sedatives.

Breastfeeding women can also include chamomile decoction in their diet, especially since it helps increase lactation, but provided that the woman and baby are not allergic. If your baby develops allergy symptoms (rash, watery eyes, redness of the eyes and skin), you will have to stop drinking tea.


Chamomile tea has almost zero calorie content - only 1 kcal per 100 ml finished product. At the same time, the drink has a rich vitamin and mineral composition.

Vitamins (per 100 ml):


Chamomile tea also contains essential oils, tannins, amino acids, polysaccharides, mucus and gum.

How to cook?

Tea. To prepare tea, you can use loose raw materials or buy ready-made filter bags for one-time brewing. The second preparation method is preferable, since dosed sachets eliminate the possibility of preparing a drink that is too strong and concentrated. In this case, you need to pour one sachet with a glass of boiling water and leave for 3-4 minutes.

If tea is prepared from loose raw materials, the actions will be similar, you just need to take into account that for medicinal drink Only chamomile inflorescences (dried or fresh) are suitable. To prepare tea you will need 1 teaspoon of chamomile.

You can drink tea cold or hot. If desired, you can add lemon, honey, lemon balm, linden and other ingredients to it that will help diversify taste sensations. You can drink tea an hour after meals.

Decoction. To prepare the decoction, you need to take 4 tablespoons of chamomile and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Place on the stove and cook, stirring, for 10 minutes. Let the mixture brew for 3-4 hours, then strain through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Infusion. The proportions are the same as for preparing the decoction. The difference is that the mixture does not need to be boiled. It is enough to mix chamomile with water in a thermos and leave for 4 hours. It is best to drink the infusion strained.


Dry chamomile can be stored for 2 years if storage conditions are met. It is best to place dried raw materials in a bag made of natural dense fabric and put them in a dark place (avoid high humidity).

Ready tea can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 20 hours. After this period, the drink loses half medicinal properties. Tea can be left out of the refrigerator for 2 hours.

How to choose?

If chamomile is purchased at a pharmacy, you only need to check the expiration date and the integrity of the original packaging. When purchasing fresh flowers, you should carefully inspect the petals and stem to ensure there are no signs of pest damage, dust or chemicals. If there are black dots and specks on the stem, it is better to refuse the purchase.

What does it go with?

Chamomile tea can be drunk instead of regular tea. An excellent addition to such a drink would be jam, jam or natural honey. Fresh leaves Chamomile can be added when brewing to black tea or other varieties. Combination with others medicinal herbs(calendula, thyme, St. John's wort) will help enhance the taste of the drink, but before drinking such tea you will need to consult a specialist.

Chamomile infusion can be beneficial or harmful - it all depends on the correct use and compliance with the recommendations of specialists. In most cases, chamomile drinks are well tolerated, but cases of individual intolerance may rarely occur, so they should be consumed carefully, observing the measure (4 cups per day).