Detailed table of calorie content of foods and ready meals. Calorie content of ready meals

In order to create a balanced diet, you should study the calorie content of the food products used, which the energy value table will help you do. To do this, you can study the nutritional value of ready-made dishes. Extra pounds will not appear if the calorie content of foods eaten per day does not exceed 1200-4000 kcal. The diet should be compiled for each person individually, taking into account his age group and body weight. A table of ready-made dishes will help you create a menu, which shows the number of calories in 100 grams of food.

It is important to note that the given values ​​are not 100% accurate, since food products of varying fat content and weight can be used during preparation. To create the most accurate table possible, you should seek help from a qualified nutritionist.

Calculating the energy value of ready meals

You can find out the calorie content of a particular dish yourself. To do this, all calculations should be carried out before preparing it. Each ingredient is weighed separately and in strictly the quantity in which it will be used during cooking. You can calculate the calorie content of each component using special tables of the energy value of individual products.

When cooking soups, the resulting volume of the dish does not change in accordance with the original one. When calculating the calorie content of first courses, you should add up the energy value of each product and divide by the total volume. Finding out the calorie content of cutlets is even easier. To do this, divide the total energy value by the number of cutlets. When determining the nutritional value of porridge, one should take into account the fact that when cooking cereals, the final volume of the dish increases. As a result, the calorie content of the cereal is divided by the resulting amount of the finished product. When drying, the volume of the product, on the contrary, decreases, so in this case multiplication is carried out. To do this, you should determine how many times the original product has decreased and multiply the resulting number by the standard indicator of the energy value of the product.

Energy value of salads

The calorie content of all dishes depends on what ingredients are included in their composition. The lowest calorie foods are cucumbers, cabbage and tomatoes. From them you can make the most healthy salad with low energy value. Despite the low nutritional value of these vegetables, after consuming them the body is saturated with vitamins and minerals, replenishing the daily need for them.

It is almost impossible to calculate the calorie content of dishes with 100% accuracy using tables. This is due to the fact that various food products that differ in energy value can be used for cooking. Despite this, you can get an idea of ​​the calorie content of dishes this way. When following a diet, this is often enough to achieve a positive result from the effort expended.

In order to reduce the number of calories in the salad, it is recommended to season it not with mayonnaise, but with low-fat yogurt. It should be noted that salads with sausages and smoked meats, in addition to a large number of calories, contain a lot of substances harmful to health. That is why you should give preference to vegetable salads.

Energy value of first courses: soups, borscht

The calorie content of soup depends on the energy value of the products included in its composition. It is also important what the broth is made from: beef, poultry or pork. The table below contains several options for soups, among which you can choose the most suitable one for creating a menu, taking into account its calorie content. The lowest energy value is found in those soups that contain seafood and poultry.

Based on the data obtained and entered into the table, the energy value of soups is not high. According to leading nutritionists, including such dishes in the daily menu is a mandatory rule of proper nutrition. It is important to prepare first courses correctly so that they bring maximum benefits to the body.

Energy value of main courses: fish, chicken, meat

The calorie content of second courses is higher than the first, which is due to the nutritional value of the products from which they are prepared. The method of preparation is also of great importance, since with the right approach you can reduce the calorie content of dishes. For example, fried meat products are the most harmful food. This category includes battered fish, breaded cutlets and chicken with a golden brown crust.

Name of ready meals Energy value per 100 g. product
Roast beef 389
Beef stew 230
Roast turkey 170
Boiled turkey 114
Beef cutlets 260
Pork cutlets 489
Boiled chicken meat 173
Fried chicken meat 270
Boiled pork 375
Fried pork meat 496
Roasted duck meat 278
Boiled duck meat 250
Escalope 492
Stuffed peppers 162
Pink salmon in batter 280
Boiled pink salmon 168
Fried river perch 190
Fried cod 110
Rolls 40-55

When determining the energy value of ready-made dishes from the table, you should take into account that any type of meat contains a certain amount of water, which increases the volume of the product. After heat treatment, 15-40% of the product weight is evaporated. Reducing the initial weight depends not only on the quality of the meat, but also on the type of heat treatment performed.

Energy value of side dishes

Many people who, for one reason or another, had to face a diet, completely excluded porridge from their diet. The erroneous opinion that the calorie content of these dishes is too high misleads almost everyone. Please note that cereals do not have high nutritional value, despite what most people claim. The benefits of these dishes are so great that with their help you can supply the body with energy for the whole day without the risk of obesity.

Side dishes should be selected for meat products in accordance with their calorie content. That is, meat that has a high energy value should be served with a low-calorie side dish.

Please note that adding butter to prepared dishes almost doubles their calorie content. The addition of sugar also affects the calorie content, which should be taken into account when preparing main courses.

Energy value of snacks

On almost all holiday tables, in addition to a wide variety of meat products, salads and side dishes, there are various snacks. They are the favorite dishes of all guests. But should they be abused on a low-calorie diet?

Energy value of fast food

Fast foods pose a serious danger to human health. This is due to the fact that fast food contains virtually no nutrients. After eating such food, a person quickly becomes full, which indicates its high energy value.

  1. Nastya :
  2. Denis S. :

    Thank you very much for the food calorie tables, I will also support Nastya - it would be great to add the ability to download them in Word or PDF format.

  3. Julia :

    What a useful sign. I didn’t know that corn flakes were so high in calories, but I eat them every day and wonder why the extra pounds don’t go away. Now I'll review my diet. I'll remove some products.

  4. Pauline :

    Everything needs to be detailed. It's strange that I've never seen anything like this before. But this is very convenient, especially for those people who monitor their health and their weight. I’ll probably save it in my bookmarks too.

  5. Alina :

    What a great and detailed plaque! I want to print it out and hang it in the kitchen, because sometimes I want to eat something forbidden, but at least I’ll know how many calories there are in something and I’ll think twice about whether to eat it.

  6. Dina :

    Tell me, in the morning I eat oatmeal with milk, nuts and dried fruits, and I want to lose weight... I stick to a diet. Maybe I should replace my breakfast with something else, as I understand it, based on the table, it’s quite high in calories?

  7. Julia :

    How do I know your calorie chart is correct? For example, I have slightly different data on the number of calories in foods, and I took my table from a site where they also said that they have the most correct table, and that using it, many people have lost weight. So who to believe? Or should I try, first that one, and then yours, or vice versa?

  8. Valeria :

    For some reason I always thought that mayonnaise had a lot more calories. A competent table, now it’s easier to control your diet. I immediately found my mistakes and will take them into account for the future. And I won’t give up my favorite bananas, you can afford one a day!

  9. Olya :

    I only monitored calories for the first 3 days of the diet, then I stopped, since it was already clear how many calories were in my breakfast, lunch or dinner. Moreover, there are a lot of applications that calculate everything themselves.

  10. Sonya :

    I look at such tables quite often, naturally the number of calories turns out to be approximate, not exact, but at least I know that I ate a little and my lunch or dinner did not affect my figure.

  11. Dasha :

    Sometimes you just wonder how many calories are in a particular product. During the diet period, you generally need to print out that table and hang it on your refrigerator, highlighting the most high-calorie foods.

  12. Sasha :

    Knowing the calorie content of foods is necessary, especially if you are trying to watch your figure. You need to at least approximately understand what part of the daily requirement you have eaten.

  13. Rita :

    Once again I’m going on a diet and this time everything will be serious, I downloaded and printed out calorie tables, hung them on the refrigerator and will count calories, once again I am convinced that diets do not work, only counting calories, when they are deficient, fat begins to melt .

  14. Eve :

    For convenience, I advise everyone to download a calorie counting app. There are a huge number of them. You don’t need to keep everything in your head, carry a cheat sheet with you. You bring in groceries, for example lunch, and everything is ready.

  15. Christina :

    Thank you for such high-quality and detailed tables, now it will be very easy for me to calculate the correct diet in order to effectively begin to reduce my excess weight!

  16. Maria :

    I was surprised that there are no carbohydrates in meat, nor in fish. And what fatty caviar!!! You definitely shouldn’t get carried away, it’s also salty – it can retain water. With such a useful table I learn a lot of new things about products.

  17. Anna :

    I didn’t know before that counting calories was so important for losing weight. I thought I should go on a diet and try to fast. And the greater effect is just with proper nutrition - this tablet is now helping me.

  18. Angelica :

    From my own experience, I will say that losing weight should begin by studying the tables of calorie content of foods, or even better, print it out and put it on the refrigerator. Sometimes it seems to us that there are few calories in a product, we eat without measure, in the end it all gets stored in fat, since I started counting calories, the weight has gone down and all this without dieting, I just eat in moderation, observing the recommended calorie intake.

  1. Nastya :
  2. Denis S. :

    Thank you very much for the food calorie tables, I will also support Nastya - it would be great to add the ability to download them in Word or PDF format.

  3. Julia :

    What a useful sign. I didn’t know that corn flakes were so high in calories, but I eat them every day and wonder why the extra pounds don’t go away. Now I'll review my diet. I'll remove some products.

  4. Pauline :

    Everything needs to be detailed. It's strange that I've never seen anything like this before. But this is very convenient, especially for those people who monitor their health and their weight. I’ll probably save it in my bookmarks too.

  5. Alina :

    What a great and detailed plaque! I want to print it out and hang it in the kitchen, because sometimes I want to eat something forbidden, but at least I’ll know how many calories there are in something and I’ll think twice about whether to eat it.

  6. Dina :

    Tell me, in the morning I eat oatmeal with milk, nuts and dried fruits, and I want to lose weight... I stick to a diet. Maybe I should replace my breakfast with something else, as I understand it, based on the table, it’s quite high in calories?

  7. Julia :

    How do I know your calorie chart is correct? For example, I have slightly different data on the number of calories in foods, and I took my table from a site where they also said that they have the most correct table, and that using it, many people have lost weight. So who to believe? Or should I try, first that one, and then yours, or vice versa?

  8. Valeria :

    For some reason I always thought that mayonnaise had a lot more calories. A competent table, now it’s easier to control your diet. I immediately found my mistakes and will take them into account for the future. And I won’t give up my favorite bananas, you can afford one a day!

  9. Olya :

    I only monitored calories for the first 3 days of the diet, then I stopped, since it was already clear how many calories were in my breakfast, lunch or dinner. Moreover, there are a lot of applications that calculate everything themselves.

  10. Sonya :

    I look at such tables quite often, naturally the number of calories turns out to be approximate, not exact, but at least I know that I ate a little and my lunch or dinner did not affect my figure.

  11. Dasha :

    Sometimes you just wonder how many calories are in a particular product. During the diet period, you generally need to print out that table and hang it on your refrigerator, highlighting the most high-calorie foods.

  12. Sasha :

    Knowing the calorie content of foods is necessary, especially if you are trying to watch your figure. You need to at least approximately understand what part of the daily requirement you have eaten.

  13. Rita :

    Once again I’m going on a diet and this time everything will be serious, I downloaded and printed out calorie tables, hung them on the refrigerator and will count calories, once again I am convinced that diets do not work, only counting calories, when they are deficient, fat begins to melt .

  14. Eve :

    For convenience, I advise everyone to download a calorie counting app. There are a huge number of them. You don’t need to keep everything in your head, carry a cheat sheet with you. You bring in groceries, for example lunch, and everything is ready.

  15. Christina :

    Thank you for such high-quality and detailed tables, now it will be very easy for me to calculate the correct diet in order to effectively begin to reduce my excess weight!

  16. Maria :

    I was surprised that there are no carbohydrates in meat, nor in fish. And what fatty caviar!!! You definitely shouldn’t get carried away, it’s also salty – it can retain water. With such a useful table I learn a lot of new things about products.

  17. Anna :

    I didn’t know before that counting calories was so important for losing weight. I thought I should go on a diet and try to fast. And the greater effect is just with proper nutrition - this tablet is now helping me.

  18. Angelica :

    From my own experience, I will say that losing weight should begin by studying the tables of calorie content of foods, or even better, print it out and put it on the refrigerator. Sometimes it seems to us that there are few calories in a product, we eat without measure, in the end it all gets stored in fat, since I started counting calories, the weight has gone down and all this without dieting, I just eat in moderation, observing the recommended calorie intake.

For people who are familiar with diets and weight loss techniques first-hand, calorie counting becomes a useful tool in losing weight. The amount of calories consumed gives the body a supply of energy, but if it remains unspent, it is stored in the form of fat cells. A balanced diet allows you to regulate the ratio of calories in and out and control your own weight.

Calculating the caloric content of dishes and products is usually required to maintain athletic shape, in the process of losing weight or gaining weight. Calculating calories in foods entrusted to a computer avoids mistakes and saves time.

How to use a calorie calculator to determine the calorie content of one meal or find out how many calories you consume per day?

Using a Calorie Calculator

Table calorie content of food and ready meals is broken downinto two parts - “calorie content of dishes” and “calorie content of products”, each of which contains categories of dishes and products. When you click on a specific category, a list of corresponding dishes or products appears. For each dish, information is provided on calorie content and the content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Select the dish or product you are interested in - this can be done in two ways:

  • enter the name of a dish or product in the search and select the appropriate one from the pop-up list;
  • select a product or dish from the list of the corresponding category from the table

Example: you are interested in how many calories are in 200g of pea soup.

  • in the “calorie content of dishes” part of the table, click on the “first courses” category - a list of first courses will open;
  • look for and select “pea soup” from the list provided;
  • indicate the weight of the portion in the box on the left;
  • After specifying the weight, this dish will be added to the list of selected products.

Thus, your total is formed at the top above the category table.Calorie table for food and ready mealsindicating the number of calories separately for each dish and the final total calorie content. In the final list, you can edit the weight of the product and delete unnecessary dishes.

Such online calorie calculator for ready meals and productsconvenient for analyzing calorie consumption if the goal is weight loss. During the day, you can add all your meals to the list and find outhow many calories per dayyou consume. A useful service for losing weight is also a calculator for calorie consumption for various types of activities, you will find it

How to calculate the calorie content of ready-made dishes?

  • summing up the kcal of each dish ingredient, which can be found in the calorie table;
  • by entering all the data into the calorie calculator.

The amount of calories in products is indicated in the table per 100 g. When calculating, you need to multiply this number by the actual mass of the specified ingredient, so you can’t do without a kitchen scale. Since we usually prepare a dish for several servings, the resulting amount must be divided by their number.

To find out how many calories you consume throughout the day, you will need to add up the calorie content of all the foods you eat. If you use for calculation food calorie analyzer , then all arithmetic operations are performed automatically. All you have to do is select a dish or product and indicate the portion eaten.

Calorie intake rate

Each person has their own norm. It depends on gender, age and activity. Women usually require fewer calories to function normally than men. People with reduced activity have less than those who play sports. With age, the required amount of kcal decreases.

Thus, if you are a man leading an active lifestyle and under the age of 30, then your bar will be the highest - 3,000 kcal per day. If you are an active young woman, then your norm is already lower - 2,400 kcal. If you are an elderly man who does not exercise heavily, but is moderately active, then your optimal calorie intake is 2,200 kcal.

Also, when calculating the norm, you can start from the ideal weight that you are striving for. You can calculate your daily kcal intake using the following average formula: desired weight * 14 / 0.453. The resulting number of calories is your daily requirement, which should not be exceeded, but it is also not recommended to underestimate it.

In addition to the calorie norm, there is an optimal amount of macronutrients consumed. Proteins make up 10-15% of the total amount of kcal, fats - 25-30%, and saturated ones account for only 7%, the rest is given to carbohydrates.

How much should you reduce your calorie intake to lose weight?

If you are focused on losing weight, then you cannot do without reducing your calorie intake. It is calculated using the above formula. But not every desired weight is considered safe. Experts do not recommend reducing daily caloric intake by more than 20%.

You can check this by dividing the resulting value by the total caloric content currently consumed. If the calculated number is greater than or equal to 0.8, then the reduction in kcal will not harm the body. Under no circumstances should you reach the dangerous limit of 1,800 kcal for men and 1,200 kcal for women. To strictly adhere to this acceptable level, use calorie counter for ready meals.

Ways to reduce caloric content of dishes

You can reduce the calorie content of ready-made meals and products per 100 grams not only by selecting low-calorie ingredients, but also by using special cooking methods. Products that are subjected to heat treatment already lose up to 15% of calories. A multicooker and a double boiler help to reduce the calorie content of dishes as much as possible.

Pre-treatment of foods is also important. By removing the skin from the chicken, you will end up with a lower calorie dish. And by eliminating processed foods and choosing to cook your own meals from scratch, you will reduce the amount of saturated fat you use. Another important point is the presentation of the dish. The smaller the plate, the smaller the portion you will eat.