The first mention of the poisoning of alcohol surrogates. Symptoms of poisoning true surrogates

Most poisoning occurs due to the use of low-quality alcoholic beverages (surrogates). Sometimes saving on road alcohol leads to severe consequences, up to death. More often poisoning persons with alcohol addictionBut sometimes the poisoning of alcohol surrogates is observed even in people who rarely use alcohol.

Sometimes adolescents are subjected to intoxication, which due to the fault of immaturity drinks substances, only published resembling alcohol. Poisoning in such cases is extremely severe and without urgent medical care is dying. What is surrogate alcohol and how much poisoning can they be dangerous to human life?

What are the surrogats

Surrogate alcohol is different liquids that are based on alcohols. These liquids are unsuitable for use inside, cause strongest poisoning. Incications of this group were made to the international classification of diseases 10 of the revision (ICD-10) and are subject to codes T51.1 - T52.9. All substances on an alcohol basis refer to two groups: containing ethyl alcohol, as well as not containable.

The first group includes:

  1. Alcohol butyl. The deadly dose is about 30 ml of a substance taken inside.
  2. Technical alcohol (denaturate). The substance includes wood and aldehyde alcohol.
  3. Sulfite alcohols, hydrolysis. Substances derived from wood. Since these alcohols have a little methanol, they are very toxic.
  4. Perfumes (lotions, perfume, cologne). The composition of these substances in the most part falls on ethanol (about 60%).
  5. Varnish. It consists of a combination of several poisonous alcohols.
  6. Morida. Contains a number chemical dyeswho fall into the human body, paint the skin, as well as mucous membranes in a blue shade.

The second group consists of the so-called false surrogates: ethylene glycol (included in the brake fluid and), methanol, isopropanol, dichloroethane. The danger of these substances is that, falling into the body in small doses, they often cause death.

The methanol fell into the body decays to formic acid and. This is pretty toxic substancescausing central nervous system. Just 50 g of methanol taken inside, causes a lightning fatal outcome.

Ethylene glycol decays on oxal and glycolic acid. It is enough to drink 100 g of antifreeze to come instant death. Polish contains acetone, often aniline dyes. A dose of 150 g is considered deadly for a person. Isopropanol causes heavy poisoning, and 240 g of substance drunk by a person will provoke a deadly outcome.

Dichloroethane is the most dangerous. It is enough 20 g of substance for severe defeat of all internal organs and as a result - death.

Attention! According to statistics, the poisoning of alcohol and its surrogates occurs in Russia is hourly. Similar to the underground production of "hot" drinks.

Symptoms of poisoning

Signs of intoxication surrogate alcohol depend on the drinking substance. When using alcohols from the first group, poisoning will be with a favorable outcome. If there was a second group surrogate, intoxication proceeds with very dangerous consequences, often there is a fatal outcome. The general signs of poisoning by the surrogate of alcohol include:

  • excessive motor activity;
  • emotional arousal;
  • redness of the skin of the face;
  • euphoria;
  • strong salivation;
  • hyperhydrosis (increased selection of sweat);
  • relaxation of the body on the physical and mental level.

Through a short, and sometimes very a short time There are symptoms of acute poisoning by surrogate alcohol:

  • pale leather;
  • becomes frequent urination;
  • there is an expansion of pupils;
  • dry oral cavity;
  • coordination of movements is disturbed;
  • loses the ability to talk.

Methyl alcohol intoxication

Hitting the body, methanol lightningly absorbed into digestive system. More from the actions of the poison suffer kidney, as well as the nervous system. Poisoning is accompanied by a psychotropic and neurotoxic effect (the visual nerves are damaged, the retina suffers).

Signs of alcoholic surrogate poisoning serve:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • flashing in the eyes of black "flies";
  • diplopia (twin in the eyes);
  • often the blindness occurs.

The pupils of the victim are greatly expanded, the reaction to the light is not observed. A couple of days after intoxication, soreness appears in the body (muscles hurt, lower, joints, stomach).

Mucous and skin podissed, observed heat Body. Blood pressure Often reduced, heart activities are broken, cramps in the body may appear. The victim develops paralysis of the extremities, often there is a comatose state.

Incixing ethylene glycol

The substance is lightningly absorbed in digestive tract and excreted from the body liver and kidneys. As a result, these organs are subject to severe toxic effects, often the victim has been developing renal and liver failure for this reason. In severe intoxication, a nervous system is affected.

Ethylene glycol poisoning occurs in 3 stages:

  1. Incication may not give yourself about 12 hours. A person who drunk ethylene glycol immediately does not feel any signs of poisoning.
  2. The nervous system is affected.
  3. There are such signs as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, severe thirst, the sinusiness of the mucous membranes, headaches.
  4. Pupils are usually expanded.
  5. Breathing becomes difficult, severe heartbeat appears, convulsions.
  6. Osreshy hepatic and renal failure occurs. The skin acquires yellow, urine becomes dark.

Read how manifests: symptoms, help, treatment, consequences.

Learn about: symptoms, urgent help, treatment.

Why it is possible: causes, symptoms, first aid.

Sometimes, to determine what kind of substance is caused by intoxication, you should pay attention to some characteristic signs. Can a rash on the skin be a sign of poisoning by surrogates? The answer is unequivocal - maybe. It is in the poisoning of this substance in the skin, the strongest itching and rash arises.

How to help with intoxicating surrogates

If the victim is in consciousness, help can be carried out independently. For this, poisoning is placed horizontally, the head should be turned the side to exclude the fall in the throat of the vomit. Next, the victim gives any available sorbent: activated carbon, Smekt. Then it is necessary to accept the laxative, preferably saline. To envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines to drink a hard one from oatmeal or any kissel.

If a person is unconscious and does not apply signs of life (stopping heart or breathing), urgently cause medical care, and also make artificial respiration, heart massage (indirect).

Treatment of inxication in the hospital

Therapy of poisoning will be folded from the following steps:

  1. With the help of the probe, the stomach is washed.
  2. Apply antidote. In all cases, it is 5% ethyl alcohol introduced by the victim intravenously. With non-poisoning, it is possible to use inward 30% ethanol.
  3. Diuretics are introduced.
  4. Blood is performed (hemodialysis).
  5. When inxicating, the ethylene glycol requires the introduction of calcium gluconate.
  6. A solution of glucose with novocaine, vitamins B and C, prednisone is used.
  7. Incixing with methyl alcohol requires reinforcement punctures.


Inxication of surrogate alcohol - very life-threatening condition. Sometimes, when saving money, for example, on any celebration, instead of universal fun, you can get a mass poisoning of surrogate alcohol. It is impossible to save on health, acquire alcohol is better only in specialized storesWhere, on the first request of the buyer, can provide a certificate for the products sold.

The poisoning of alcohol surrogates occupies a leading position in the statistics of all intoxication. Moreover, 98% of patients dying to hospitalization. Understand the cause of one high mortality will help a brief description of Alcoholic Surrogate.

What is alcohol surrogates? What signs of poisoning such an alcoholic fake exist? How to help the victim? What could be the consequences of such intoxication? We will analyze the answers to these questions in this article.

What applies to alcohol surrogates

Alcohol Surrogate Poison international Classification MKB-10 diseases correspond to T51.1 - T52.9 codes.

They are divided into two groups: on those alcohol surrogates, which may contain ethyl alcohol in their composition and those that can be without it. The first group includes:

The second group or them is also called "false surrogates" presented:

  • methyl alcohol;
  • ethylene glycol.

Clinical Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning Surrogate

Symptoms of poisoning alcoholic Surrogatami Different depending on which group they relate to. They will be more favorable if these are alcohol surrogates of the first group containing ethyl alcohol, and more severe and dangerous with methanol or ethylene glycol in poisoning, so they should be stopped in more detail.

Symptoms of poisoning with surrogates containing ethyl alcohol

Clinically observed signs alcoholic intoxication:

  • emotional and motor arousal;
  • facial redness;
  • state of euphoria;
  • sweating;
  • increased salivation;
  • a feeling of mental and physical relaxation.

Then intoxication is replaced by symptoms alcoholic intoxication. The skin becomes pale. Frequent urge to urination appear. Pupils are expanding, a feeling of dryness occurs in the mouth. Elevated mental I. physical activity accompanied by a violation of coordination, movement becomes sweeping. The concentration of attention becomes a reduced sense. Abruptly reduced or there is no criticism of his words and actions.

Symptoms of methanol poisoning (wood alcohol)

Methyl alcohol is quickly absorbed in the digestive system. About 75% of the absorbed poison is excreted with breathing, the rest is with urine. The deadly dose is from 50 to 150 milliliters. The main blow in poisoning is to the nervous system and the kidneys. The psychotropic effect arises (pathological changes in psyche) and neurotoxic effect, accompanied, including damage to the visual nerves, retina.

So, in poisoning with alcohol surrogates containing methanol, the symptoms arise as follows:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • intoxication and euphoria are weakly expressed;
  • violation of vision: Flashing of black points before your eyes, the odorility of the vision, diplopia (shots in the eyes) and even blindness;
  • externally, such patients with pupils are expanded, sluggishly react to light;
  • 1-2 days after poisoning, abdominal pain appear, lumbar, losses in muscles and joints;
  • temperatures increase to 38⁰;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • excitation attacks accompanied by convulsions;
  • as the symptoms increase, the victim falls into someone, the extremities paralysis develops.

Symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning

Ethylene glycol is also quickly absorbed in the digestive tract. About 60% of the poison is split into the liver, about 20-30% - excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, these authorities will be more likely to suffer until the development of their acute insufficiency. With severe poisoning, signs of damage to the nervous system appear.

With intoxication, this surrogate alcohol symptoms develop in periods.

  1. Early period. It lasts about 12 hours and is characterized by signs of alcohol intoxication with well-being.
  2. Toxic damage to the nervous system. There are: nausea, vomiting, headache, thirst, diarrhea, leather and mucosa become blue. Pupils are expanded, the body temperature rises, difficult breathing, tachycardia, psychomotor excitement appears. Possible loss of consciousness with the development of convulsion.
  3. Nephro and hepatotoxic period develops by 2-5 days from the beginning of the disease. There is a clinic of liver and renal failure. The yellowness of the skin appears, which appears first on the cleaners and the latter turn yellow. Character skin itchThe darkening of urine can occur. Renal failure is manifested by a decrease in diuresis up to its absence.

Emergency care for poisoning alcohol surrogates

With suspected alcohol surrogate poisoning, emergency assistance will depend on the initial state of the patient. If the patient is unconscious, then it must be put on a flat solid surface, turn the head of the side so that there is no aspiration by the vomit masses and cause ambulance. In disruption of respiratory and cardiac activity, first cause ambulance, and then the indirect heart massage and artificial respiration are already carried out.

When the first victim in consciousness prefigure help consists of the following actions:

  • take the sorbent;
  • salt laxative;
  • drink enveloping decoction, for example, kissel;
  • emergency hospitalization in the hospital.

Treatment of poisoning alcohol in hospital:

  1. Washing the stomach through the probe. With intoxication, it is repeated for 3 days by methanol. Give sorbents.
  2. Antidote treatment in both cases is the same: five percent ethanol is injected intravenously. With light poisoning, the reception of ethyl 30% alcohol inside is allowed.
  3. When poisoning, the ethylene glycol is administered calcium gluconate to neutralize the splitting products of a poisonous substance.
  4. Current diuresis is carried out, which is based on drip administration large number solutions and diuretic preparations in the absence of a violation of the kidney function.
  5. The removal of blood toxins is also carried out by the method of hemodialysis.
  6. The introduction of glucose with novocaine, prednisolone, vitamins B and C.
  7. In case of methanol poisoning, spinal points are performed.
  8. In severe cases of intoxication, ethylene glycol may need a kidney transplant.

Consequences of alcoholic surrogate poisoning

Despite the fact that the course in poisoning alcohol surrogates containing ethyl alcohol, more favorable, consequences can be very serious. The forecast is determined by the amount of feeding fake, and more by the timeliness of the medical care provided. If the patient suffered from chronic alcoholism, poisoning occurs heavier and deaths more than those who did not have alcohol addiction.

When intoxicating, methanol is possible complete loss of vision, which, after the elimination of the poison from the body is not restored. Surrogates based on ethylene glycol lead to kidney failure. Such patients are mainly dying.

The problem of poisoning alcohol surrogates, unfortunately, remains relevant today. Many faces this disease, so knowledge of signs of such intoxication will help not only provide an emergency assistance to the victim, but also save him life!

26.11.2017 Narcologist Raisa Feodorovna Kovalchuk0

Incication of alcohol surrogates

The poisoning of alcohol surrogates ranks first among all intoxication with which victims are addressed to medical institutions. This is a very dangerous phenomenon that can not only provoke severe complications, but also lead to a deadly outcome. Alcohol Surrogate Poison - Code of ICD 10:

  • T51.0 - ethyl alcohol;
  • T51.1 - methyl alcohol;
  • T51.2 - Isopropyl alcohol;
  • T51.3 - syuvous oils;
  • T51.8 - Other alcohols;
  • T51.9 - unspecified alcohol.

The toxicology of alcohol poisoning and its surrogates allocates two types of substances: those that are produced on the basis of ethanol and made using impurities. The next group has the following:

  1. ethanol made using hydrolysis of wood;
  2. denatured alcohol;
  3. cosmetic lotions, cologne;
  4. bF glue - the composition includes polyvinyl acetal, phenol-formaldehyde resin dissolved in acetone, alcohol;
  5. politura - a mixture of ethanol with butyl, amyl, acetone;
  6. nigrosin is a veil containing ethanol, dyes. It is used for wood processing, skin painting in blue color.

The second variety includes chemicals that do not contain ethanol. They are made using ethylene glycol, methyl alcohol with the addition of various impurities.


Symptoms of poisoning with various alcohol surrogates differ from each other. If any signs of intoxication occur in a dangerous substitute for alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to immediately contact the medical institution for professional help. Otherwise, everything can end in deplorable.

Surrogat with ethanol

Ethyl alcohol is a substance that is contained in any alcoholic beverage. Ethanol poisoning is accompanied by the following symptoms from:

  • GTC: threading in the stomach, feeling of nausea, vomit, violation of the chair;
  • CNS: strong excitability, feeling of euphoria, expansion of pupils, auditory and visual hallucinations, incoherent speech (reminiscent of the speech), loss of coordination of movements, increased sweating;
  • cardiovascular system: weakness, red or pallor skin on face, rapid pulsation, reduced intravenous pressure;
  • respiratory organs: acute respiratory failure, shortness of breath;
  • kidneys: frequent urination, or its stop;
  • liver: The pain on the right side in the ribs, the yellowness of the skin.

Strong poisoning by surrogates can cause a comatose state.

Ethyl alcohol, after penetration into the body, absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. With a flow of blood fluid, it quickly spreads throughout the body. With small doses of ethanol, the liver is able to cope with its processing. If ethyl alcohol was used in large quantitiesThe body ceases to perform its functions and occurs to the poisoning of alcohol hazardous surrogates.


The kidney, CNS suffer the strongest of methyl alcohol. It has a psychotropic, neurotoxic effect. The following signs of intoxication with surrogate alcohol arise:

  • feeling of nausea, vomit urge;
  • "Points" before your eyes;
  • before your eyes;
  • in acute situations - full blindness;
  • expansion of pupils;
  • lack of reaction to light.

After a couple of days, the clinical picture worsens. There is a pain syndrome in the whole body. There is dry mucous membranes, leather. The functionality of the cordial organ is broken, intravenous pressure is lowered. The temperature is greatly improved. Cautions may appear, coma.

Ethylene glycol

This substance enters into components of brake fluids, antifreeze. With intoxication, an acute lack of liver, brain swelling occurs. The following toxicological symptoms are observed:

  • in the first 12 hours, only not strong intoxication is observed;
  • after that, nausea begins, vomiting, migraine, stool violation;
  • skin sinusiness, mucous membranes;
  • high body temperature;
  • violation of the rhythm of the heart;
  • strong excitability;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • loss of feelings;
  • convulsions;
  • dark color urin.

If not available need care When poisoning alcohol surrogates, death will come.


When inxicating, the moonshine arises the following signs:

  • feeling of nausea, vomiting call, stool disorders;
  • dizziness, right up to loss of consciousness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • severe thirst, dry mouth;
  • labored breathing;
  • intravenous pressure jumps;
  • chills, high sweating.

In severe cases, cramps may occur. The victim loses sight. First, visual and auditory hallucinations arise. After that, a person can go to whom.

Diagnostic research

Before appointing adequate treatment, a specialist produces a complete survey of the victim. First of all, he conducts a visual inspection. After that, the history of pathology collects: the stage of alcoholism, used substances, the presence of concomitant diseases and so on.

Additional diagnostic methods are also assigned. It is necessary to study the rhythm of the heart, the amount of toxic element in the blood. Studies are complicated by the fact that the most often falling into the clinic already in a coma. But modern medicine does not stand still, with proper first aid and modern hospitalization of the patient, you can save.

Emergency measures

In a timely manner, the first help is able to save life to a person. Therefore, it is necessary not to be confused in an emergency and do everything right. First of all, call the brigade of medical workers, and then proceed to action:

  1. Provide air intake victim. To do this, open all windows and windows. If possible, take a patient on fresh air. Unbutton collar, remove the tie, belt, corset.
  2. Put the victim on the horizontal surface on the side. Pull the bottom hand forward. Control so that the poisoning does not illuminate the fluid, not suppressed by his own language.
  3. If the patient is in consciousness, he needs to make a rings of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, give the poisoned drink a rich amount of fluid. After that, provoke a vomit reflex, pressing your fingers or spoon at the beginning of the tongue. Action repeat until the leaving fluid becomes transparent. It is well washed with a stomach of water-salt, weakly pink manganese solutions.
  4. If the victim is without feelings, bring your nose to his nose, moistened in summer alcohol. Also come to help the rubbing of the uches, the tip of the tip of the nose.
  5. After the release of the vomit masses, the water-salt balance is broken. To bring it back to normal, it is necessary to give the patient sorbents. For example, activated carbon.
  6. If the patient was poisoned as a result of the admission of ethylene glycol or methyl alcohol, let me drink a little vodka or other high-quality alcoholic beverage.
  7. If the victim is frowning, we look at it with a blanket.

When stopping heartbeat and respiration, it is necessary to produce an indirect massage of the heart body and make artificial ventilation of the lungs.

What you can not do

With a pathological condition, it is forbidden to make the following:

  • turn over man with belly to the top;
  • place the victim under the cold shower or in the bathroom;
  • make a patient to show physical activity;
  • provoke vomiting if the poisoned is in an insensitive state;
  • give any medicines, with the exception of sorbents;
  • leave a person one, unattended;
  • refuse hospitalization in the hospital, even if the victim has become better.

If this is not taken into account, you can harm the patient.


Therapeutic measures are carried out in stationary conditions, in the ward of intensive therapy in the separation of toxicology. The treatment of acute poisoning by alcohol surrogates should be produced under the clock observation of medical workers.

  1. The hospital produces detoxification of the body using a special probe. The alcohol is introduced 5%. Dorganic drugs are prescribed, blood fluid is cleared.
  2. When inxicating, the ethylene glycol is assigned calcium gluconate. A solution of glucose with novocaine, vitamin complexes B and C were used. When poisoning with methyl alcohol, spinal points are made.
  3. After cleansing the body, a special diet must be observed. Food should be light and balanced. There is a complete refusal to alcohol productsEven good quality.


Alcohol addiction is a severe disease that must be treated in mandatory. Otherwise, regular intoxication of alcohol and its surrogates can lead to severe consequences, up to death:

  • hepatitis of acute character;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver failure;
  • the emergence of thoughts about suicide;
  • vascular vegetative violations;
  • loss of vision;
  • tremera hands and other heavy pathologies.

If you cannot get rid of alcoholism yourself, contact a narcological clinic for help. They not only clean the body, but also help to cope with the psychological dependence.

Translated from Latin surrogate means replaced. Surrogates of alcohol - drinks, including alcohol having low quality and manufactured by handicrafts. They replace excisable products.

Surrogate toxmia

The poisoning of alcohol surrogates is located on one of the leading positions on the likelihood of other poisoning. According to some medical research, more than 90% of victims die before hospitalization.

Classification of beverages

Such beverages are divided into two groups that differ in the presence of ethyl alcohol.

Those that contain it belong to true surrogates. And containing other alcohols relate to false.


Lotions, Colognes - True Surrogates

The same group includes detergents, various solvents, glue for technical and building purposes, antifreeze, braking fluids. As part of which denaturates, hydrolysis, as well as sulphite alcohols obtained from wood, as well as technical alcohols and acetone fluids are found.

These alcohols have a much greater toxic effect than alcohol. This is due to the presence of aldehyde in denatants, and in the verses - a variety of dyes. Penetrating the body, they entail cyanosis skin Pokrov.


They have infinite toxicity. Their consumption is fraught with critical devastating changes in almost all internal organs and organism systems, identity degradation and fatal exodus.

Toxic impact

The poisoning of alcohol surrogates is fraught with the fact that their small doses can provoke a fatal outcome. No less dangerous poisoning derived from the consumption of Palented alcohol, because their composition can be completely non-standard.

Deadly doses vary depending on the composition of the drink.

Methanol, falling into the body, begins to split. The final product is formic acid and formaldehyde. These substances have very large toxicity. The results of their impact are serious violations of the central nervous system.

For acute toxmia, accompanied by trimming conditions and loss of vision, 7 ml of fluid is enough. And 50 gr. Provocate instant death.

One hundred grams of antifreeze deadly

Antifreeze is made from ethylene glycol, which decomposes into two high toxicity of acid, oxal and glycolic. When eating half of the glass of beverage, an acute toxemia occurs, accompanied by convulsions, confusion of consciousness, inhibition of breathing.

100 gr. Antifreeze cause death.

From the combination of ethyl and other alcohols, as well as acetone and anil dyes (not always) produce polytera. When using 50 ml, acute intoxication occurs, as a result of which all the tissues of organs and systems are affected. No coma is excluded. The deadly dose corresponds to 150 ml.

For acute toxemia, acetone is enough 30 ml. The larger volume is deadly dangerous.

When 0.5 ml / kg of isopropanol, hell drops, the gastrointestinal function is disturbed, the sign in whom is not excluded. And the dose in the amount of 240 ml is leading death.

The most dangerous toxemia is possible from Dichloroetan. It comes from 5 ml consumption, and sometimes less. Mortal Exodus is probable from 20 ml of liquid.


Signs of poisoning with surrogate alcohol differ, and depend on the group affiliation of beverages. They are less dangerous in the case when alcohol surrogates belong to the first group.

When the poisoning of surrogate alcohol occurred, the symptoms appear initially will be identical, regardless of the type, and are similar to toxemia from vodka. They are characterized by:

  • nausea;
  • development of vomiting;
  • strong dizziness;
  • dryness in the oral cavity;
  • head pains.

Further features indicating poisoning by poor-quality alcohol are caused by the composition of the drink and the used dose.

Methyl alcohol

Signs are manifested after 30 minutes. During these minutes, the substance applies to all organs and generates a slight drug effect.

Retina's retina and respiratory system is immediately damaged. Euphoria faded after 30 minutes and defeat the kidneys, and then hearts.

Characteristic signs of toxmia:

Ethylene glycol

Symptomatics occurs after 8-9 hours. It is characterized by signs that can be divided into three groups:

  • The initial period lasts 12 hours and is expressed in alcohol and alcohol. But at the same time, well-being remains good.
  • Toxic influence is expressed by sharp pains in the abdomen and lower back area, abundant vomiting. A malfunctions appear in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, cianosis of the skin, pupils are expanded, convulsions begin. Then the loss of consciousness is likely.
  • The nephro- and hepatotoxic phase is manifested by 2-5 days. Renal failure occurs, skin cover and sclera are acquiring a yellowish tint. This phase is peculiar to the skin itching, dark color Urinary discharge. Diuresis can significantly decrease either completely absent.


The poisoning of the moonshine is due to the content of the seawous oils.

They increase the toxicity of this beverage one and a half times in comparison with the usual ethanol.

The characteristic signs of such toxmia are as follows:

In case of poisoning, the mucous membrane is destroyed

  • destruction of the gastrointestinal mucosa, development of erosions;
  • strong nausea and vomit reflexes;
  • significant dehydration;
  • strong hanging syndrome.

The same symptoms will appear if there was surrogate vodka as an alcoholic beverage.

Cognac products

Cognac poisoning is manifested when a high percentage of fluid is reached. Often it happens after 1-3 hours. This is characterized by:

  • drowsiness;
  • nausea moving in vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • fever and low temperatures;
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • intestinal colic;
  • spasmodic phenomena in muscles;
  • excessive saliva;
  • meteorism;
  • the narrowing of the pupils and the lack of reaction to the shift of lighting.

Other drinks

It is possible to choose, not only using the alcoholic surrogate drink. Many lovers have a drink experimenting over their organism. They resort to the reception of medicinal alcohol medicines. Among them, you can find a tincture of ginseng, propolis, hawthorn, mother-in-law, Valerian and others.

Reception of such drugs dosed. And when non-compliance with the dosage, you can provoke the development of liver pathology, heart, gastrointestinal tract.

Assistance activities

If there are obvious signs pointing to alcohol poisoning and its surrogates, you need to call the brigade of medical workers. This is very important momentbecause the effect of toxic substances on human body May be irreversible. Therefore, without the help of professionals, the consequences will become irreparable.

Primary help

Antidote ethylene glycol - vodka or brandy

Loading emergency careOperational measures should be made:

  • Careful washing of the stomach. You need to drink plenty of water and cause vomiting by pressing the root of the tongue. The process is repeated until the vomits are transparent. This method is effective for a couple of hours after intoxication.
  • Reception of absorbent drugs. It should be borne in mind that this is also effective for 2 hours.
  • Reception of a saline laxative drug.
  • The use of enveloping beam.
  • In the case when toxemia was provoked by the consumption of ethylene glycol, the reception of high-quality brandy or vodka is appropriate. It will stop the splitting of alcohol fluid to toxins.
  • The work of artificial ventilation of the lungs and the massage of the heart, if necessary.
  • Bringing into feelings of the victim, by bringing to the nostrils of a cotton swab, moistened with ammonia alcohol.

It is impossible to wash the stomach when the victim is unconscious.

Hospital treatment

Treatment in the conditions of the hospital involves the same activities that are usually carried out to excrete alcohol coma:

  • Washing the stomach using the probe and sodium sulfate solution. This event is carried out within 2-3 subsequent days.
  • Artificial ventilation of lungs in order to restore respiratory activities.
  • Introduction drip by ethyl alcohol, in order to avoid the oxidation of methanol and in order to quickly eliminate it.
  • For the diagnosis of the disease, lumbar puncture are produced. This is necessary B. therapeutic purposesTherefore, toxemia by surrogates is accompanied by violations of visual functions.
  • Forced diuresis, by drip administration of solutions with a diuretic effect.This procedure is shown under the condition of the lack of renal pathologies.
  • Removal of toxic residues by hemodialysis.
  • Prescription of reception of prednisolone, atropine, ATP and Vitamins complex B and C.

In case of an overdose of ethylene glycol, the administration of calcium gluconate is carried out in order to neutralize the effects of finite product splitting products.

Surrogate alcohol has become a real national problem in connection with the frequent cases of poisoning toxic compounds instead of alcoholic beverages. Late stages of alcoholism are characterized by degradation of the personality and thinking, which leads to ill-conceived actions, including the separation of cheap products, unsuitable for food consumption and life-threatening. However, not only chronic alcoholism can cause poisoning - illegally made low-quality products can be found on store shelves under a harmless label.

The effect of surrogate mortality alcohol

Cases of mass poisoning with antifreeze, bathroom liquid "Hawthorn" open the whole layer of society, which may be subject to mortal danger due to poor-quality alcoholic beverages. In the "hawthorn" instead of ethyl alcohol, as stated on the label, there may be a deadly poison - methanol.

It's no secret that in an attempt to dwell people go to the pharmacy for tinctures or for cologne at the nearest store. Such a choice has sad consequences. In turn, underground manufacturers are used for alcohol surrogate antiseptics made from technical alcohol and destroying liver. Alcoholics in an attempt to satisfy alcohol thirst Drink antifreeze for automotive glasses, acetone-containing means for removing varnish. From all these drinks, you can get to the hospital with a diagnosis of toxic hepatitis. The choice of such a drink is dictated not to preferences of taste, but first of all the price. But if pharmacy tincture are food products and do not cause strong poisoningThe product based on technical alcohol may be destructive.

The most common poison that ethanol is replaced and issued for food alcohol, it methyl alcohol. Its properties are such that even with a minor hit in the body, it is able to cause irreparable damage to the body and entail irreversible processes and death.

Symptoms of poisoning with surrogate alcohol

Alcohol poisoning and its surrogates are accompanied by a rapid loss of consciousness, the development of a comporaous and comatose state
. First of all, the brain and blood circulation system suffer from toxic drinks, therefore, in addition to disturbances of consciousness, the symptoms are accompanied by breathing problems and vessels.

The clinical picture of poisoning may differ slightly - it all depends on the type of product, which caused it. Thus, the poisoning of the moonshine is accompanied by persistent irreversible changes, since this high-tech alcoholic surrogate contains a number of heavy and dangerous compounds.

The main risk of poor-quality alcohol is due to the sigh oil, from which it is either not cleared at all, as in the case of the moonshine, or is considered partially. Moreover, it is very difficult to clean the pawny vodka or moonshine at home from the sigh oil.

Alcohol surrogates, unlike high-quality drink, cause a heavier clinic, and symptoms are characterized by more mental disorders than physiological. So, if in the form of thymmer syndrome From purified vodka can be tremor and tachycardia, then from surrogate vodka, among other things, there are disorders of psyche and fast addiction. Alcohol dependence, signs of alcoholism - intense, state of stunning, the absence of a critical attitude towards themselves is formed significantly earlier.

Poisoning by surrogates provokes strong changes in moral appearance towards anger, dysphoria, fear, cavity, deceit, tactlessness, weakness, irresponsibility, indifference to native and close and other symptoms of identity degradation. From memory and attention, as well as physical and mental performance, a significant decrease in all functions is noted. The body of such an alcoholic eventually gets used to the action of poisonous substances, which makes it difficult for treatment, since it is difficult to choose the antidote, to which tolerance would not be produced. With regular consumption, addictive to toxins does not lead to acute poisoning, but somatic and mental degradation occurs.

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But people who are not surrogated alcoholics, the effect of toxins can be fatal, at the first signs of such intoxication, immediate hospitalization is needed.

The first symptoms of acute poisoning by surrogate alcohol:

  • psychomotor arousal, redness of the skin of the face;
  • increased salivation, sweating;
  • skin covers are pale;
  • involuntary urination;
  • pupils are expanded;
  • begins violations of consciousness.

Methanol and ethylene glycol as the most common and hazardous species Surrogate alcohol lightningly act on the body and lead to irreversible processes. When high content This poison in the body comes fast death. If the intoxication of these toxins did not exceed high concentration, then, in addition to those described, the following signs appear:

  • vision impairment;
  • vomiting;
  • temperature increase;
  • violation of cardiac activity;
  • paralysis;
  • coma's development.

When poisoning ethylene glycol, the symptoms are increasing not immediately and can manifest itself during the day. Characteristic symptoms At the same time, they are expressed in the formation of skin and mucous membranes, diarrhea, non-fatty thirst, nausea with vomiting, respiratory impairment, tachycardia, fainting and cramps. A few days later, the worker of the kidneys and the liver occurs.

Classification of surrogate alcohol

  1. Less Safe Surrogate Poison - Ethanol-based beverage consumption. Such substances are low hazard and are contained in colognee, medical tinctures, various lotions. Also ethylene is contained in the moonshine, various homemade drinks, such as moonshine, braga, boards, and so on. In these drugs, technical ethanol is used, which has not passed the necessary cleaning for use inside. Additional substances are most dangerous in this case, which may include the content of acetone, various non-splash dyes and oils, other carcinogens.
  2. The mid-gravy type of surrogate alcohol is ethanol-based substances with a content of methyl (wood) alcohol, ethylene glycol (brake fluid), acetone, dichloroethane. These are deadly poisons that are striking. internal organs And lead to a coma, paralysis and death. More and faster than these toxins suffer kidney and liver.
  3. The highly hazardous type of surrogate alcohol is substances where the main substance is methanol, ethylene glycol, gasoline, glue. Most often, strong inxication of surrogate alcohol occurs when methanol is located under the type of ethanol in bottles with alcohol. Underground manufacturers of such products are buying methanol in the black market, as it is much cheaper than the food alcohol, and add it instead of ethanol, and without pointing out its availability on the label. Non-quality alcohol He was and remains a culprit of deaths of all sectors of society.

Methanol mortal dose is about 500 grams of concentrate. Moreover lethal dose It may be much smaller, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The degree of poisoning can also affect the speed of reception of the drink, the number of snacks.

First Aid in Poisoning Surrogate Alcohol

In case of suspected poisoning, poor-quality alcohol should immediately cause emergency brigade. It is necessary to describe in detail the amount of drunk, show the bottle and sample of the liquid to set the type of toxin. Most often, this type of poisoning requires immediate resuscitation in the relevant hospital department.

Before the arrival of ambulance should be held a number of events:

  • rinse the stomach;
  • take the enema;
  • provide a victim of the receipt of fresh air;
  • attached to the forehead cold.

If the patient is unconscious for a long time, you need to put it on the side and free up the throat from the language, which may be wondering, make sure that there are no vomit in the throat. In the unconscious state, it is impossible to cause vomiting. If the victim is conscious, you need to drink a lot of liquids - strong tea, coffee, which are removed from the organism ethanol; Sliced \u200b\u200bwater for recovery water salt balance and speedy toxins. Study should be called until the leaving fluid becomes transparent. Then you need to bite the patient, because from alcohol intoxication occurs fast loss Heat. Take enterosorbents - activated carbon or others.

With an unconscious state, so that there is no sudden death during involuntary vomiting, you should put the patient on the side. If the language is fed, you need to hold it in order for the patient to breathe. If the heart stop occurred, artificial air ventilation "mouth in the mouth" and the indirect heart massage should be made.

Antidote with methanol poisoning is ethanol, that is, vodka. If it is precisely established that the cause of poisoning is methanol, it is necessary to give a person to drink vodka. At the same time, in order to avoid the loss of consciousness and other signs of excessive intoxication, you do not need to go to bed, but, on the contrary, you should go on fresh air, actively move, get involved in conversation, songs or other active activities.

First health care It should be as soon as possible in order to ensure timely therapy, the introduction of the probe and other manipulations that are held in stationary conditions.

How to determine poisonous alcohol

The consequences of the inattentive selection of alcohol can be the saddest, so it is worth considering this question carefully. Poor-quality alcohol has a number of signs, the first of which is the price. How to distinguish the surrogate by making a purchase?

Poisoning Painted Vodka is most often happening if it was purchased in dubious places - from hand, in one-day tents and other unreliable kiosks with a dubious reputation. It is best to buy alcohol in specialized stores of alcoholic beverages or in network major markets.

It is possible to determine the poisonous alcohol by the presence of sediment in it - the present high-quality vodka It does not have it, it is absolutely transparent, does not have extraneous elements and does not form bubbles when shaking. The cork on the bottle is tightly screwed, the liquid does not suit it.

Recognize high-quality alcohol, it is possible to distinguish it from the fake using excise brand, certificate, information about the factory, the time of filling and other clarifying information. All letters and numbers, especially in quality signs, should be clear and well printed. The date of bottling should be not only on the label, but also on the bottle. It should be verified that two dates match.