Easter cake is the most delicious recipe. Italian Easter Panettone: Easter recipe with photos for cooking at home

Hello, my darlings!

Due to popular demand, I am posting my signature Easter cake- most delicious recipe with raisins, candied fruits, vanilla aroma and lemon zest.

I remember when I was still young and beautiful, about 10 years ago, Italian Easter cakes Panettone were first brought to us in Mariupol. Compared to the cakes we are used to, all the beauty and taste of which, as a rule, was stored in glaze with colored sprinkles, those overseas panettones were something out of science fiction. Impossibly aromatic, airy, like cotton wool, and what they really didn’t spare was raisins and candied fruits. It was the candied fruits in the Easter cakes that struck me to the core and made me a fan forever.

It’s clear that as soon as I grew up and felt confident in my hands when dealing with yeast dough, the first thing I did was prepare those Italian Easter cakes from my distant youth. And finally, many years of waiting, and several days of preparation, paid off. I don’t even remember how I ate them then. Everything was in a fog.

Italian panettone cake

However, it should be noted that Italian panettone is not Easter cake at all. In Italy, panettone is baked on their Catholic Christmas and on New Year, but due to the absolute similarity with our Easter cakes, it goes on sale with us specifically at Easter. If you have never seen such cakes in a store, please note that they are usually sold in beautiful cardboard or tin boxes at very immodest prices.

But honestly, they are worth it. And it’s even better to cook them yourself. No fancy ingredients are required for this Italian Easter cake recipe, and all ingredients are the cheapest. The only small cost involved is your time. Although, by and large, the time required is not from you, but from the test, since we will have to prepare it for several days in several stages.

Greek Easter cake Tsoureki

Here in Greece, Italian cakes are also sold at Easter and Christmas. Although, of course, they are not so popular here. The main attribute of Easter here is something sweet product, shaped like challah, called “tsureki”, also known as churek. Very delicious bun with aromatic fibrous dough, but I won’t give you the recipe, because it uses special oriental and Greek spices that you are unlikely to find, and you can’t do without them. This is what a Greek Easter cake looks like:

There are countless recipes for Easter cakes. There are simple and quick recipes for beginner cooks, and there are more complex ones used by professional confectioners. I will give you a recipe of average complexity, semi-professional, so to speak, but which does not require you to shake and perform mysterious rituals and dances with a tambourine.

However, this dough you need to start cooking 3 days before Easter, since we will approach it in several stages.

As you already understand, I prefer Italian cakes with candied fruits. They have a lighter and airier texture than ours, and a very special charm that candied fruits give them.

Easter cake recipe

For the dough:

  • baker's (strong) flour - 100 gr.
  • dry yeast - 2 gr.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • milk 60 gr.

For the test:

  • baking flour (strong) - 50 gr.
  • flour premium— 350 gr.
  • dry yeast - 2 gr.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 160 gr.
  • butter, softened - 160 gr.
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • raisins - 120 gr.
  • candied fruits - 80 gr.
  • seeds of 1 vanilla pod or vanillin on the tip of a knife
  • salt - 5 gr.
  • milk or cream - for greasing
  • skewers for drying cakes

When choosing flour, look at it nutritional value : The higher the protein content in the flour, the stronger it is. We need flour with a protein content of 13 grams. Typically this is bread flour or 1st grade flour, but not always. Nordic flour also has 13 grams of protein.

To make it easier and clearer for all of us, we will divide the preparation of Easter cakes into 4 stages.

Stage No. 1. DOUGH


Stage No. 3. READY DOUGH

  1. Once again, remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it warm up until room temperature within 2 hours.
  2. Meanwhile, soak the raisins in warm water.
  3. Place the dough back into the mixer bowl, add vanilla seeds or vanillin, the remaining flour (200 g), the remaining 2 eggs and yolks, and knead the dough into a homogeneous dough using a dough hook.
  4. While kneading, rub the lemon zest and the remaining 100 grams into the dough. sugar, salt and the remaining 100 gr. soft butter one teaspoon at a time.
  5. After the dough becomes homogeneous, add the squeezed and towel-dried raisins and candied fruits, mix with a mixer, form a ball, cover with film and put back in the oven with the light on for another 2 hours.

    Carefully! Don't put butter dough V hot oven, otherwise the yeast will die.


  1. After the dough has doubled in size, knead it slightly, stretch and tuck the edges, forming a ball, then divide into 6 small balls and arrange into molds.
  2. I buy special ones for these things. paper molds. If you have metal ones, grease them with oil and cover them with baking paper.
  3. Cover the forms with the dough with foil and place them again (!) in the oven with the light on for at least 1 hour. The dough should “grow” to the edges of the pan.
  4. Remove the cakes from the oven and preheat it to 180ºC.
  5. Meanwhile, grease our Easter cakes with milk or cream.
  6. Place the baking sheet with the cakes in the lower part of the oven (on the penultimate shelf) and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
  7. We pierce the finished Easter cakes (their lower part) with long skewers and hang them upside down between two boxes or stacks of books, for example.

    This is a purely confectionery trick that can be attributed to dancing with a tambourine. It is used to ensure that more air is retained in the Easter cakes and that they do not settle. In principle, this point can be omitted. But it's better with him.

  8. Leave the cakes like this for several hours or overnight.

I'm among the best Italian traditions I made cuts on the cap of the Easter cakes in the shape of a cross, and put a piece of butter in the center. This is done before baking itself. If you plan to frost the cakes, you don't need to do this.

Store Easter cakes in as airtight a container as possible or wrap each one in cling film, this will keep them soft longer, but not more than 3 days.

Happy holiday to everyone!

Good luck, love and patience.

Italian Easter Panettone is a traditional treat in Italy on a Christian holiday. It is based on candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits. The cake is baked on the eve of the Christmas holidays. Many people use this recipe for Easter, this is due to its similarity with the standard Easter cake.

From this article you will learn:

Italian Easter Panettone: recipes

Photo: Italian Easter Panettone

Many experts still do not know which belief is correct. Only one thing is known: Milan is definitely the birthplace of this delicious treat. The pie is named after the Italian word “panetto”, which means “small bread pie”. This delicate pastries, and the composition is slightly different from ours traditional easter, and therefore the baking is very soft, and it is easier to tear it than to cut it.

Historical reference

Italian Easter has several origin stories. The pastry was first prepared during the times of ancient Rome. The Romans tried to create delicious treat, by sweetening bread with honey, candied fruits and dried fruits. For a long time, this treat featured in 16th century painting.

The pie was mentioned several times in Bartolomeo Scapia's book. It's famous italian chef who became famous during the Renaissance.

Milanese Panettone repeatedly appeared in the works of Pietro Veri, an 18th century philosopher. He gave the treat the name “Pane di Tono”, which means “luxurious pie”.

Classic Panettone recipe

Photo: classic Italian Easter Panettone recipe

To prepare real Milanese bread, you need to prepare the following ingredients

  • yeast packaging;
  • 70 g;
  • a quarter glass of water (preferably warm).

For sourdough;

  • a couple of yolks;
  • 60 g granulated sugar;
  • 60 g butter;
  • half a glass;
  • a glass of flour.

To re-knead:

  • 60 g flour;
  • 20 g melted butter;
  • 2 yolks;
  • dried fruits and candied fruits to taste;
  • some raisins.

How to prepare Panettone:

  1. To prepare the starter, you need to dissolve the yeast in water and add flour to it. All ingredients are mixed together.
  2. Then the remaining flour is added to them, and the resulting dough is sent to a warm place. Italian recipe involves an approach within 4-8 hours. Many experts recommend leaving the dough overnight, during which time the dough should double in size.
  3. The first batch is made using water and flour, then yolks and sugar are added to the mixture. Oil is added to the resulting dough, everything is thoroughly mixed and sent to a warm place for 4-8 hours.
  4. The second batch involves using the remaining ingredients, including candied fruits and raisins.
  5. The resulting dough is placed in molds and placed over a preheated oven for 4-6 hours.
  6. Then it is greased with oil and baked in the oven for 7 minutes at 190 degrees, and 45 minutes at 180 degrees.
  7. The finished pie must be cooled and hung over small saucepan th at 9-11 o'clock.

Photo: how to cook Italian Easter Panettone

The cooking recipe is lengthy, but all the work will be rewarded with incredible taste properties.

Italian Panettone Cake: Recipe

Italian Panettone cake has several recipes. Each of them is slightly different in its ingredients and method of preparation. This italian cupcake It's prepared a little differently.

Photo: Italian Easter cake

To create a delicious pie, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 100 g butter (unsalted);
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of water or milk;
  • package of dry yeast;
  • a spoonful of salt;
  • 2 whole eggs;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 700 g flour;
  • 100 g dried pineapples;
  • half a glass of raisins;
  • anise seeds;
  • 50-70 g;
  • vanillin;

Making Italian Easter Pie:

  1. First, the dough is made, it is based on yeast dissolved in milk and a spoonful of sugar. The ingredients are mixed together and sent to a warm place until swelling.
  2. Meanwhile, the butter is melted along with the sugar. Important: there should be exactly 100 g of sugar, no more and no less. Otherwise, the dough will not rise.
  3. To prepare the dough you need to take 2 eggs and 3 yolks.
  4. Then grate the zest (exactly 2 teaspoons). All dried fruits, including nuts, are mixed with a spoonful of flour and set aside.
  5. Add pre-prepared butter and sugar to milk or water with yeast and mix everything well.
  6. Next, stir in the beaten eggs and 350 g of flour; there should be no lumps.
  7. Dried fruits are added to the dough and kneaded again (about 10 minutes).
  8. Then everything goes to a warm place for a couple of hours. It should rise at least 2 times.
  9. Balls are formed from the resulting dough and placed into pre-greased molds.
  10. Bake for about 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Quickly prepare a delicious Easter pie

Photo: Italian Easter cake Panettone

Classic recipe with photos requires a serious investment of time. In most cases, preparation takes about a day. There is also a lighter version of this action. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • a glass of milk;
  • tsp spoon of sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • lemon zest;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • a glass of a mixture of various nuts and dried fruits;
  • vanilla sugar.

How to cook Italian Easter quickly:

  1. First, the flour is sifted, then yeast dissolved in milk is added to it. The resulting dough is sent to a warm place for an hour.
  2. Meanwhile, the zest is prepared along with 2 eggs, yolk and butter.
  3. Flour is mixed with salt and dough.
  4. Then candied fruits and dried fruits are added to the dough.
  5. The resulting mixture is sent to a warm place for 1.5 hours. It should rise about 2 times, then it is baked in a bread machine.

Video: how to bake Italian Easter cake

Italian pastry recipe, different pleasant taste And incredible aroma. You can prepare a treat for any holiday. It will be a suitable addition festive table. Italians always bake panettone for Christmas.

Bread of luxury - that's what the Italian name means in translation Easter cupcake"Panettone". Having once bought this crazy delicious pastries in the store, I was eager to try making it at home. It turned out great, and all thanks to the proven recipe!

Italian Easter


  • 170 g raisins
  • 20 g light rum
  • 20 g hot water
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 packet of vanillin
  • 40 g honey
  • 130 g candied fruits
  • 540 g flour
  • 150 g sugar
  • 5 g active dry yeast
  • 2 g salt
  • 6 g lemon zest
  • 250 g softened butter
  • 1 tbsp. l. melted butter
  • 1 tbsp. l. chilled butter


  1. Pour the raisins with a mixture of rum and 2 tbsp. l. warm water.
  2. Mix flour, yeast, sugar, salt, lemon zest and vanilla using a blender. You can use a vanilla pod: the baked goods will be even more fragrant!

    Separately, beat the eggs with warm water and honey.

  3. Mix dry ingredients with egg mixture using a blender. The dough should be homogeneous! Slowly add the softened butter to the dough, one spoon at a time, without ceasing to beat.
  4. Combine steamed raisins with candied fruits and melted butter, ready mixture add into the dough.
  5. Place the dough in a large bowl, cover cling film. The dough will rise for 15 hours and should triple in size, so keep this in mind when choosing a container.
  6. Lightly powder ready dough flour and form it into a ball, place it in a baking pan.
  7. Cover the dough with a damp kitchen towel and leave it to rise for another 4-5 hours in a warm, draft-free room.
  8. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  9. Make a cut in the shape of a cross on the top of the Easter and place a piece of cold butter in the indentation. Check the readiness of the cake with a match: it should come out of the dough slightly moist, in no case wet.
  10. Take out the finished panettone and let it cool. Can be decorated Italian cake dried fruits, placing them on top, or you can traditionally pour it over

Italian paska called panettone drives you crazy with its aroma and amazing taste. This traditional European Easter cake is really worth making for Easter to feel like you’re in cozy Europe. We will tell you how Italian panettone pasca is baked at home.

Italian pasca panettone has become a traditional Milanese pastry made from yeast dough with the addition of dried fruits, zest, candied fruits, and nuts. The recipe for Italian pasca is very similar to the recipe traditional Easter cake which we pass on from generation to generation. Therefore, you can safely take on the preparation of Italian pasca panettone, which will proudly decorate Easter table. By the way, be sure to try a piece of European cake with coffee - it’s simply a heavenly pleasure.

Italian pasca panettone

Italian Easter recipe with photos

120 g butter

25 g fresh yeast(or 10 g dry)

2 teaspoons lemon zest

90 g pine nuts

1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or vanilla sugar)

Italian pasca panettone: how to cook

1. When preparing the dough for Italian paska, you need to heat the milk in advance (it should be slightly warm, but not hot). Dissolve yeast in milk, adding 1 teaspoon of sugar. Let the dough swell a little.

2. Melt the butter and 120 grams of sugar in a small saucepan, it is important to take the exact amount of sugar. Let the butter cool and add to the milk with yeast, knead the mass well.

3. Break two eggs into a bowl, and add three more yolks, separated from the white. Grate two teaspoons of lemon zest. Then mix the zest with raisins, candied fruits, nuts and add 1 teaspoon of flour.

4. Add eggs to the dough and mix. Then sift half the flour and salt into it and mix. Add all the dried fruits and nuts, add vanilla extract and mix.

5. The most crucial moment in preparing panettone is adding flour. in small portions and then start kneading the dough. This will take at least 10 minutes. The dough should not stick to your hands; if necessary, add more flour.

6. Grease a deep bowl vegetable oil, put the dough there, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 2 hours so that the dough rises.

7. Grease baking pans with butter and line them with parchment. Pour the dough into the molds, not filling them completely. Brush the top of the Italian paska with oil and leave for 30 minutes.

8. Place the molds with the dough in the oven, preheated at 180 degrees, for 40-45 minutes. Check readiness Italian cake using a toothpick.

Italian pasca panettone can be decorated with icing or fondant for Easter cakes. Read more about this in our material.

Cooking instructions

6 hours + 3 hours Print

    1. The first thing you need to do is prepare the dough for Italian paska. Heat the milk a little (it should be slightly warm, but not hot). Dissolve yeast in milk, stir, add a teaspoon of sugar, stir. Let the dough swell a little.

    2. Mix the butter with 120 g of sugar (you can melt the butter a little in a saucepan) and add the slightly cooled butter to the milk with the yeast, stirring the mass well. Crib How to prepare yeast

    3. Break two eggs into a bowl, add three more yolks to them. In a separate bowl, mix lemon and orange zest with raisins, candied fruits, nuts and add 1 tsp flour so that the mixture is crumbly.
    Crib How to prepare the zest

    4. Add eggs to the dough and mix. Then add half the sifted flour and salt and mix. Add the mixture of dried fruits and nuts and mix.
    Crib How to check egg quality

    5. The most crucial moment in preparing panettone is to add flour in small portions, and then start kneading the dough. This will take at least 10 minutes. The dough should not be liquid, but not thick, it may stick to your hands a little, the dough should “breathe”.

    6. Grease a deep bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough there and cover it with a towel.

    7. Place in a warm place for 3.5-4 hours until the dough has risen 1.5-2 times.

    8. After the dough has risen, pour it into the molds, not filling them completely. Brush the top of the Italian paska with oil and leave for another 30 minutes (the dough will rise almost to the end of the pan).

    9. Place the molds with the dough in the oven, preheated at 180 degrees, for 40-45 minutes. Check the readiness of the Italian cake with a toothpick. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand that is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grill. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. The thermometer is important when it is necessary to strictly observe temperature regime: say in the case of baking.

    10. While the eggs are preparing, make the fudge. To do this, beat the whites to stable peaks, add powdered sugar and beat again. If desired, you can add lemon juice. Grease the paskas with glaze and decorate to your taste.
    Crib How to beat egg whites