Pancreatitis and cottage cheese: recipes and when to use. Video recipe for making curd pudding

Curd pudding is a delicate, tasty and completely dietary dish, suitable for feeding patients with pancreatitis already from 3-4 weeks from an exacerbation (subject to a diet with mechanical sparing).


  1. Low-fat cottage cheese (0.5-1%) - 320-350 g.
  2. Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  3. Sour cream 10% - 80 g.
  4. Sugar - 100 g.
  5. Potato starch - 1 tablespoon (with a slide).
  6. Semolina - 1 tablespoon


Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender to get a soft airy mass.

Separate the yolks from the proteins and add to the curd.

Put the proteins in the refrigerator.

Stir the yolks into the curd.

Add sour cream, starch, semolina to the mass.

Beat with a mixer or blender.

Beat the whites thoroughly, gradually adding sugar to them.

Carefully and gradually pour the protein foam (or put with a spoon) into the curd mass and gently stir in without beating.

Cover the bottom of the form with parchment.

Gently pour the resulting mass into a mold.

Tighten the top of the mold with foil.

Place the dish in a preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake for another 20-30 minutes (until lightly browned). After removing the foil and before turning off the oven, do not open the door - otherwise the pudding may settle.

Turn off the gas, open the door. After 10-15 minutes, remove the form with the pudding.

Allow the pudding to cool in the mold at room temperature, then remove, remove the parchment and cut into portions. You can serve it separately, with tea or another drink, or pour sour cream or berry syrup over the pudding.

Cooking options:

  1. Dietary option - only egg whites are used (yolks are not added), sugar can be taken 2 times less than the norm, or a sweetener can be added instead. It is better to steam this pudding - within 45 minutes.
  2. The pudding can be cooked in a slow cooker - 45 minutes on the "bake" mode and let stand under a closed lid for another 15 minutes.
  3. In the microwave, the pudding will be ready in just 20 minutes (at 750 watts).

The benefits of the dish

Curd pudding is a delicate dish, easily digestible and at the same time rich in animal protein, the intake of which in pancreatitis is simply necessary to restore the structure and function of the gland.

Possible harm to the dish

Pudding is contraindicated during an exacerbation, since it contains sugar and fats (egg yolks, sour cream). Due to the presence of sugar, it is not recommended to use it in diabetes mellitus against the background of pancreatitis. In general, the dish is well tolerated and dietary.

With acute pancreatitis

Pudding with sweetener and without yolk, steamed, can be introduced in small portions from 3-4 weeks after the onset of the attack of pancreatitis.

With chronic pancreatitis

During remission, a full recipe pudding (with yolks and sugar) can be included in the menu 2-3 times a week, using it as breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea or dessert. Additives to pudding are allowed in the form of low-fat sour cream, cream (if tolerated), fruit and berry syrup, jam, honey, fruit and sour cream.

Pancreatitis refers to a chronic inflammatory-degenerative disease of the pancreas. With this diagnosis, the requirement on the path to the amendment is considered a balanced diet. Curd for pancreatitis is considered an indispensable product that includes many elements required to restore the structure of the gland. Nutritionists advise using the product for pathologies of the digestive system and pancreas.

The acute course of the disease is a serious disease-causing process in which cell death and inflammation of the pancreas occurs. For the first day of illness, the patient needs hospitalization in the surgery department, the treatment is carried out with the help of a hunger strike.

On the way from a starvation diet, they slowly turn on small amounts of protein foods that are easy to digest. One of the frequently asked questions of patients about nutrition, is it possible to eat cottage cheese with pancreatitis? Curd is allowed because it is rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins.

With regular use, immunity increases, the production of protease inhibitors increases, the formation of inflammation is limited, the level of low-quality cholesterol decreases, and the product also prevents the development of complications.

Patients who have problems with the pancreas know that it is suitable during inflammation.

In order to exclude the factor of increasing the load on the digestive organs, a curd mass with a low fat content, low-fat or low-fat is introduced into the patients' diet. The fat content does not exceed 1.5%.

Reception of cottage cheese for pancreatitis is permissible in its pure form. It is allowed to make various fruitful and tasty dishes.

  1. Pudding.
  2. Cottage cheese casserole.
  3. Souffle.
  4. Dessert from curd mass.

If the patient does not eat sweets, sprinkle the product with dill, parsley, add low-fat sour cream. When purchasing curd mass in a store, it is important that the fat content does not exceed 3%. With a high fat content, a product with pancreatitis cannot be consumed.

Use in the acute stage

After the end of the fasting diet with pancreatitis of the pancreas, curd dishes are allowed to be included in the patient's diet for 2-3 days. It is important to follow the fractional food intake, not including the mass with milk, as this leads to the formation of organ irritation.

What product can a patient with acute pancreatitis eat? In order not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease or complications of well-being, have an idea about the main features of taking curd mass at this time.

  1. So that the pressure on the gland does not increase, it is recommended to introduce no more than 3% fat into the diet.
  2. There is only a fresh product, but it is better to prepare homemade cottage cheese yourself for consumption. Buy a liter of milk and boil it. Then send the juice of half a lemon to him. After curdling the milk, remove the container from the stove and drain the mixture through cheesecloth. When the whey is drained, the curd is ready.
  3. The use of cottage cheese for acute pancreatitis is possible in a grated form, or to make a steamed pudding.
  4. It is possible to compensate for the lack of calcium with the help of dishes made from a calcined product. To make it at home, calcium chloride is added to milk.
  5. It is not recommended to use curd masses, puddings in the diet every day. Allowed up to 3 times per week.
  6. The volume of a useful product is not more than 250 grams per day. A single use of cottage cheese is 150 grams.

Is it allowed to use cottage cheese with a pancreatic attack or not with a fat content of more than 9%. Reception of such a mass is prohibited. Remember that the higher the fat content of the product, the poorly low-quality cholesterol will be removed. In addition, a high level of fat will lead to an exacerbation of the pathology.

Chronic stage

In the chronic form of the disease, patients are also required to follow a dietary diet. On the table there is protein food that is easy to digest. Curd is one of the main products.

It is very important to monitor the patient's condition and how the body reacts to food. If the patient is not sick, there is no diarrhea, bloating, with pancreatitis, curd mass is turned on 9%.

This milk product can be consumed in its pure form or made with its use in dishes.

  1. Souffle.
  2. Casseroles.
  3. Puddings.

It is also useful to mix the ingredients, for example, with pasta, vegetables. It is not worth experimenting with the volume and fat content of the cottage cheese yourself. The consumption process is monitored by a physician.

If a stable remission is noticed, patients with pancreatitis can carefully enter dishes from curd with 20% fat content. It should be remembered that the situation may be aggravated when the remission has an unsatisfactory stability. And also curd mass with high fat content is able to restrain the absorption of calcium and overload the digestive system.

Recipes for their curd dishes

There are many recipes for cottage cheese dishes, thanks to which the patient's diet with pancreatitis will be useful, have various and tasty products. Cooking is easy enough and does not take much time.


To make a cottage cheese casserole for pancreatitis, you will need the following ingredients:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 gr.;
  • eggs - 2 squirrels;
  • sweet apple;
  • semolina - 2 tablespoons, which must first be soaked in water;
  • sugar;
  • vanillin.

The product is combined with the soaked semolina, mix well. Peel and grate the apple. Send the applesauce to the curd mass. Sugar and vanillin are added to taste. Beat the whites until foam forms, attach them to all components. Put the prepared mixture on a greased dish, put in the oven for 40 minutes. A cottage cheese casserole is being prepared at 180 degrees.

Multicooker casserole recipe

To cook cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker, you need the following ingredients:

  1. Only low-fat cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  2. Eggs - 4 pcs. and 1 egg yolk for brushing.
  3. Sour cream - 100 gr.
  4. Sugar - 150 gr.
  5. Semolina - 2 tablespoons.
  6. Vanillin - 1 pinch.
  7. A lump of butter to grease the bowl.

Initially, the curd is ground using a sieve or blender. Then semolina and sour cream are sent to him. All components mix well. Then beat eggs with sugar and vanilla in a thick foam. Pour the mass into the prepared mixture. Connect the components carefully. Grease the bowl with oil and pour the prepared mass into it. From above, using a culinary brush, brush the dish with yolk. On the multicooker panel, select the baking or baking mode, set the cooking time to 1 hour. Serve the casserole with jam.


Since it is important for patients with pancreatitis to eat cottage cheese, prepare pudding in addition to the casserole.

  • grind 200 grams of curd with a sieve or in a meat grinder;
  • send a large spoonful of sour cream, ¼ glass of sugar, a pinch of salt, whipped protein, 2 small tablespoons of semolina and a little raisins steamed in boiling water to the product;
  • combine all the components and send them to a mold smeared with vegetable oil;
  • put the mixture in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

Thanks to heat treatment, the finished dish will not have a hard crust, and the consistency will be tender.

When treating the disease pancreatitis, before introducing new recipes with cottage cheese, consult your doctor.

Cottage cheese casserole for pancreatitis can be allowed by the attending gastroenterologist. The recipes for this dish are quite simple. But still, there are some nuances in cooking that nutritionists recommend paying attention to.

Cottage cheese is a very important product, it is easily absorbed and provides the body with the necessary microelements and vitamins. Many recipes are included in the therapeutic diets for patients with pancreatic diseases.

Cottage cheese for acute pancreatitis

If pancreatitis is in an acute stage, then cottage cheese and dishes from it should be introduced into the diet only after the end of fasting. This is due to the fact that the product delivers protein to the body, which is quickly digested.

It is important that the cottage cheese is low-fat (less than 3%) or completely fat-free. In this case, the percentage of acid should not exceed 170 on the Turner scale.

Due to the balance, neither gastric secretion nor pancreatic secretion will increase, regardless of the method of processing and preparation of the product.

Most often, cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve and eaten raw, or steam puddings and casseroles are prepared from it. If the patient has a lack of calcium, then it is recommended to use a product enriched with this mineral. This kind of curd is not sold in the store or in the market, but it is easy to prepare it at home.

Fermented milk product for chronic pancreatitis

During an exacerbation, the rules of nutrition for patients with chronic and acute pancreatitis are not much different. But in the stage of remission, a high-protein sparing diet is prescribed, and its constant component is cottage cheese.

Its fat content can be increased up to 5%. Cottage cheese is allowed to be consumed raw, casseroles, soufflés, puddings. You can combine a fermented milk product with meat, pasta, cereals.

Lazy dumplings and unsweetened flour products stuffed with cottage cheese are added to the allowed dishes.

Curd pudding

Curd pudding for pancreatitis is a very healthy, dietary, tasty and satisfying dish. The hot dessert is quickly absorbed by the digestive system. Curd pudding is steamed or baked in the oven. The recipe is simple enough.

In a blender, beat 350 g of low-fat cottage cheese, add 4 yolks, and while the whites are cooled in the refrigerator. Next, sour cream is added to the mass of 10% fat (80 g), 1 tbsp. l. semolina, 1 tbsp. l with a slide of starch. The mixture is thoroughly mixed with a mixer or blender. The whites are whipped and 0.1 kg of sugar is introduced into them in a thin stream. Now the 2 masses are combined into one and mixed.

The container is covered with parchment, the mass is poured into it, covered with foil. Place in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 ° C. When the pudding is slightly browned, remove the foil and leave for another 5 minutes. Then the oven is turned off, the door is opened slightly and allowed to stand for 15 minutes. The pudding is removed from the mold completely cooled. Serve with sour cream or berry sauce.

With pancreatitis, the recipes for this dish can be cooked in a multicooker in the "baking" mode.

Cooking methods

To bake a healthy casserole in a slow cooker, you need to follow this recipe. Dried fruits (1/3 cup) are washed and poured over with boiling water to soften. Eggs (4 pieces) are beaten with a mixer until a stable thick foam along with sugar (1/2 tablespoon) and vanilla (1 pack). Kefir (1 cup), cottage cheese 5% (0.5 kg), salt, semolina (1/2 cup), baking powder (1/2 tsp) are added to the mass. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Add dried fruits and mix well again. The dough for the dish comes out liquid. The walls of the multicooker bowl are greased with a piece of butter (0.5 tsp) and the dough is poured into it. The baking program is displayed and cooked for 60 minutes.

To prepare a cottage cheese casserole with apples, you need to mix 0.5 kg of cottage cheese 9% fat, 2 tsp. semolina, a small package of vanilla sugar, zest of 1 lemon, baking powder 1.5 tsp, 2 eggs and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Cover the bottom and walls of the mold with parchment paper, grease with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Apples are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into half rings. Now they put 3 layers in a mold: 1st - curd mass, 2nd - apples, 3rd - the second half of the curd mass.

Such a cake is prepared in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 ° C. This recipe is also suitable for a multicooker. Set the "baking" mode.

For cottage cheese casserole in the oven, you will need such ingredients. Dried fruits (1/3 cup) are washed and softened with boiling water. Mix sugar (0.1 kg), cottage cheese 9% fat (0.5 kg), eggs (3 pieces), then add semolina (0.1 kg) and knead again. If you want the casserole to come out denser, then you should use a little flour.

Add a liquid fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt, low-fat sour cream - 100 ml), salt and baking powder (1.5 tsp) and mix again. Drain and pour dried fruits into the mass, mix everything thoroughly. Grease the sides and bottom of the baking dish with butter (it is better to cover it with parchment) and pour out the batter. The oven is preheated to 180 ° C. A baking sheet is placed there and the dish is baked for 35 minutes.

When pancreatitis appears, you have to change your lifestyle. Adherence to a special diet is an integral part of it. Thanks to proper nutrition, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent the progression of pancreatic inflammation.

When composing a daily menu, many people think: is it possible to use cottage cheese with pancreatitis? This healthy product is rich in proteins, trace elements and vitamins necessary for the entire body for proper functioning.

Therefore, fermented milk products with pancreatitis are not only allowed, but also recommended. But you need to follow the rules for using the product and know how to prepare it.

The composition and benefits of cottage cheese for pancreatitis

In fact, curd is sour or curdled milk. When special bacteria are added to a natural drink, it becomes curdled milk, gradually acquiring a granular consistency. Then the mixture is squeezed and whey and white mass are obtained.

Cottage cheese is rich in fats (0.7 g), proteins (23 g), and carbohydrates (3.3 g). There are about 105 calories in 100 g of the product.

The assessment of the compliance of cottage cheese with a dietary ration in case of pancreatic inflammation is 10 points. With pancreatitis, nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 150 grams of the product at a time.

The benefits of cottage cheese for pancreatitis are due to its rich composition:

  1. minerals (sodium, fluorine, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium);
  2. amino acids;
  3. vitamins (PP, B, E, A, D, beta-carotene);
  4. folic acid.

Cottage cheese with pancreatitis can be included in the patient's menu immediately after fasting. After all, the product enhances immunity, suppresses inflammatory processes, increases the production of protease inhibitors.

Also, fermented milk dishes reduce the likelihood of complications of gastrointestinal diseases, and the lecithin in their composition removes bad cholesterol from the body.

How to use cottage cheese for different forms of the disease

Sugar level

Allocate acute and chronic forms of pancreatitis. Nutrition at different stages may vary. Therefore, it is important to know how to use cottage cheese in case of exacerbation and remission of the disease.

Acute pancreatitis is treated with fasting. Duration - 3-5 days. After switching to a diet, you can immediately include a fermented milk product in the daily menu, provided that the choice of the product is careful.

During an exacerbation, it is not advisable to eat homemade fatty cottage cheese (7-10%). Preference should be given to dietary types (3%).

  • the product can be used more often 3 times a week;
  • before eating, cottage cheese should be wiped or steamed;
  • up to 300 g of products can be eaten at a time;
  • 170 units is the acceptable acidity of the curd on the Turner scale.

Failure to comply with these recommendations will lead to increased secretion of gastric juice, which will contribute to the development of a number of complications. When the acute stage has passed and the state of health has stabilized, the fat content of the curd can be slightly increased. And the number of meals of the product should be increased up to 5 times a week.

Chronic pancreatitis, which is in the acute stage, requires adherence to the same dietary rules as in the acute form of the disease. When the intensity of the disease decreases (there is no pain, vomiting, frustration and nausea), it is allowed to eat cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5%. The product can be eaten in its natural form and as part of various dishes.

After the onset of complete remission, you can eat more nutritious fermented milk products (9%). And on the basis of cottage cheese, you can cook uncomfortable pastries and lazy dumplings.

With a stable remission, the use of a home-made, non-fat-free product is allowed. But it is worth remembering that it can cause a number of adverse reactions:

  1. repeated exacerbation;
  2. gaining excess weight;
  3. poor absorption of calcium, the element is needed for the health of bone tissue, hair, nails and teeth.

Recipes for dietary cottage cheese desserts

With chronic inflammation of the pancreas at the stage of remission, you can eat sweet and healthy foods. For example, pie, casserole or cheesecakes. And how to cook diet curd pudding for pancreatitis?

For dessert, you will need a number of products: semolina (2 small spoons), cottage cheese (200 g), proteins (2 pieces), a little water and sugar. With a stable remission, it is allowed to add butter and grated carrots to the dish.

Whisk the whites and mix with the rest of the ingredients. It is advisable to bake or steam cottage cheese pudding for pancreatitis. To improve the taste, the dish can be supplemented with apple or strawberry cream.

Also, with pancreatitis and cholecystitis, you can prepare a tender cheese soufflé. A number of ingredients are needed for this dessert:

  • low-fat sour cream (100 g);
  • cottage cheese (550 g);
  • agar-agar or gelatin (10 g);
  • a small carrot or orange peel.

Cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream or. Then grated vegetables or fruits are added there. Everything is whipped with a blender and mixed with sugar or its substitute.

The soufflé is baked in the oven for 20 minutes (180 degrees). Dessert is served when it cools down.

With pancreatitis, you can also pamper yourself with diet cheesecakes. To prepare them, you will need 200 g of homemade cheese, which is mixed with 1 egg, vanilla, sugar and a glass of flour.

Small flat patties are formed from the cheese mixture, which are laid out on parchment paper on a baking sheet. The dessert is placed in the oven and baked for 30-40 minutes. Depending on the phase of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient, the cheesecake can be served with fruit jam, honey or sour cream.

Cottage cheese casserole for pancreatitis, the recipe for which is very simple, is prepared step by step. This dessert is loved by adults and children, as it is not only tasty, but also healthy. And with proper preparation, it can be eaten even by those who are on a diet.

For cheese sweetness you will need:

  1. sour cream (0.5 cups);
  2. cottage cheese (280 g);
  3. 2 eggs;
  4. raisins (handful);
  5. semolina (3 spoons);
  6. salt, vanillin (on the tip of a knife);
  7. sugar (3-4 tablespoons).

Dried grapes are poured with boiling water so that it swells. The sour cream product is mixed with semolina and left for 15 minutes.

In a large container, combine low-fat cottage cheese, baking powder and semolina with sour cream. In another bowl, beat eggs and sugar. They are carefully introduced into the mixture made earlier so that the foam does not settle.

Raisins are added to the curd mass, and everything is kneaded again. All are laid out on a form, oiled and sprinkled with semolina. Place the casserole dish in the oven for 40 minutes. Dessert should be served chilled.

The benefits and harms of cottage cheese are discussed in the video in this article.

Sugar level

Recent discussions.

Pancreatitis is characterized by a malfunction of the pancreas, and therefore necessarily implies a change in diet. Recipes for dietary dishes for pancreatitis are quite varied - patients can eat quite fully, without experiencing a deficiency of nutrients.


Diet recipes for pancreatitis in a multicooker involve the use of different modes. For example, you can cook an omelet in the Bake or Steam mode. In the acute phase of the disease, use only proteins, and in the remission phase, use yolks and proteins. Take 2 eggs or 3 whites, 120 ml of milk, a little butter and salt (you can skip the salt). Beat the egg mass, dilute with milk, salt. Pour into a greased dish. Cook in the Bake mode (20 minutes) or steam (pour water into the bowl, place the steam basket, place the tins, set 10 minutes).

Curd pudding

Diet dishes for pancreatitis are often based on cottage cheese. Since it is recommended to reduce the consumption of yolks in the acute period, we suggest you a recipe for protein-curd pudding with fruit. Take 400 g of cottage cheese, mince or process with a blender (you should get a homogeneous mass). Also take 1 tbsp. semolina and 6 proteins. You can use stevia instead of sugar. The recommended fruit filling is 200 g of apples and bananas.

Peel the fruits, mash, combine with cottage cheese, semolina, stevia, leave for 20 minutes. Beat the whites, gradually add them to the curd mass. Put the mass in tins, bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.


To prepare a healthy salad, use 200 g of chicken breast, Adyghe cheese (half as much), 2 tbsp. kefir. If tolerated, you can add chopped dill.

Fill the breast with water, bring to a boil, drain the water. Pour a new portion of liquid into a saucepan, cook the meat until tender. Chop the Adyghe cheese with your hands in a salad bowl, finely chop the chicken meat, put it there. Season with kefir and herbs.


Broccoli soup is of great benefit to the body. Put prepared vegetables in a saucepan of boiling water (500 ml): 5 broccoli inflorescences and potatoes (1-2 pcs., Depending on size). Cook for 15 minutes, cool slightly. Drain the broth, chop the vegetables with a blender. Dilute the mixture to the desired consistency and bring to a boil. During remission, you can use salt, cream (1 tablespoon), mild cheese (20-30 g).


Oatmeal can be given for pancreatitis from the 3rd day after exacerbation. At first, it is recommended to wipe it until smooth. Cook porridge from 1.5 tbsp. milk, the same amount of water and 1 tbsp. flakes. Add salt and sugar only during remission. Unlike the usual cooking method, with pancreatitis, the cooking time should be increased - boil ordinary flakes for 15 minutes, instant flakes - 10 minutes, and those that do not require cooking - 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, the porridge should be covered and left for 5-10 minutes to completely swell the flakes.

Diet recipes for pancreatitis are usually quite simple to perform. The points to focus on are the degree of fat content of the products, the cooking time, and the consistency of the finished dish.