Opening your own cafe (example of a business plan with calculations of costs and profitability). Revenue in a restaurant: how to calculate it

As a result, the restaurant business looks extremely profitable, especially for a beginner. And only then, having already invested a more or less significant amount in the creation of his brainchild and expecting mountains of gold, does the newly minted restaurateur begin to get nervous. With the rhetorical question “where is the profit?” Various convulsive movements arise, from exposing thieving staff to a chaotic advertising campaign. But this does not bring the expected profit, because it simply cannot be in such quantities in this establishment during this period.

Restaurant financial model

If I tell you everything in simple language, profit is the difference between income and expenses. There are many sources of income for a restaurant (cafe, bar, canteen, etc.):

This is primarily the sale of food and drinks in the hall;

Selling them to take away, in special packaging;

Delivery of food and drinks;

Holding banquets, buffets, both in your own halls and outside;

Obtaining marketing budgets from sponsors, mainly suppliers of bar products;

The vast majority of restaurateurs receive income mainly from the sale of food and drinks on the premises of their establishment. If you organize your own delivery service, and the product of this delivery is in high demand, you can receive an additional 10-15% of revenue from sales in the hall. Revenue from banquets and buffets in certain months (October - December, February - April) can be 15-20% in addition to daily sales, if the establishment has at least some kind of banquet hall.

If you calculate restaurant sales (revenue) as 100%, the cost distribution might look like this:



Total cost

Cost of products

Cost of drinks

Operating costs

Controllable costs


Public utilities


Communication services



Household expenses

Minor repairs

State nutrition

Total controllable costs

Uncontrollable costs


Total uncontrollable costs

Total operating costs

Net profit

This picture is typical for many establishments that have been operating for several months and are quite successful for their segment. The first months of operation of any restaurant are always unprofitable; some profit, even a few hryvnias, can be obtained at best in the third month, in some formats – six months after the start of work.

Some numbers in this table may differ slightly in a real operating establishment. Some specific types of expenses are not indicated here, for example, entertainment (meals for the owner and his friends), gifts to various authorities (a lot of them for the restaurateur), packaging costs, Internet, television, loan payments, staff motivation, etc. – the list can be continued and supplemented. However, there are general “markers” that allow you to understand whether expenses are adequate overall. The main expense items in any restaurant are rent (if the premises are rented), salaries and food and drinks.

So, if any of these main expense items turn out to be significantly higher than the indicated figures, the restaurant will not survive long. Of course, everything has its own nuances: the first months of work, a fast-food establishment, regional features, and so on.

Cost of food and drinks

In a mid-price restaurant, the trade markup on kitchen dishes is 250-300% on the raw material cost of the dish, the markup on bar products is on average 400%. In restaurants in the elite price segment, the markup on dishes is 300-400%, on the bar – 400-600%. In enterprises of the lower segment, the markup on kitchen dishes can be similar to that in a restaurant - 250-300%, especially if portions are sold at 100 grams, but in general it is still small: 100-200%.

This amount of trade markup compared to, for example, a grocery store, looks very rosy. But as you can see from the table, purchasing products from a restaurant is only a small part of the cost iceberg. In general, procurement costs for an establishment with waiter service should not exceed 25% of revenue, in ideal– 18-20%. If this figure is significantly higher, then either the prices on the menu are too low, or the food and drinks are purchased at inflated prices.

Trading margin is a very flexible thing; there are no mandatory coefficients for specific establishments. The best option is to focus your selling prices on competitors in your segment, in your city or region. If establishments of the same type as yours sell e.g. vegetable salad, 30 UAH each, do not put a price of 50 UAH on the menu. This will scare off guests more than rats in the hall. Conversely, menu prices that are lower than those of competitors are acceptable at the initial stage of work, when guests need to be “fed” with attractive prices.

Purchasing refers to the so-called variable costs, which directly depend on the establishment’s revenue - the higher it is, the higher the volume of purchased products.


Most food establishments in Ukraine operate in rented space. On the one hand, the restaurateur does not spend money on buying premises at crazy Ukrainian prices, but immediately invests money in the restaurant and pays for it faster. The payback period for an establishment, taking into account the purchase of premises, is 7-10 years, without taking into account the purchase, but with rent - 2-3 years. But here in a spoonful of honey there is a barrel of ointment. The tenant-restaurateur is completely dependent on the landlord. The latter can sell the premises, change the rental rate (naturally, upward), or simply kick out the tenant after the end of the lease agreement, leaving at his disposal everything integral to the premises, made by the restaurateur at his own expense - ventilation, communications, repairs, etc. Unfortunately, no one is safe from such a Santa Barbara rental situation. Therefore, it is very important for a restaurateur to recoup his establishment and make a profit after returning the investment during the term of the lease agreement. This can be done if the rental rate was initially adequate to make a profit. This can be understood at the stage of negotiations with a possible lessor. As practice shows, if rent is more than 20% of revenue, the establishment will have a hard time. If this figure is more than 30%, it means the establishment has either already died or exists at the expense of some other sources, for example, other enterprises of the same network or the same owner.


A restaurant is not an employment center; its task is to make a profit, and not to provide work for staff. Salaries in the restaurant business in Ukraine are quite low. So far this suits everyone, even the employees. Only above-average establishments can afford high-level specialists. If a cafe with a medium-minus format suddenly wants to hire a specialist with high demands, he will need to come to terms with the loss in profit. In this case, the winners are chain restaurants, which may contain an “expensive” manager, chef or financial director for the entire network.

In general, personnel costs, as well as procurement costs, should not exceed 25% of revenue. The owner or manager's task is to ensure a balance between the establishment's changing income and personnel costs. If revenue changes, especially due to seasonality, you can always reduce working hours, or send someone on vacation, or temporarily suspend them from work - there are many ways to reduce salary costs without loss of service.

Other costs

The remaining costs of the restaurant, compared to rent, payments and purchases, are, at first glance, trifles. But if you carefully calculate, these “little things” can add up to 20%, that is, approximately the same as for the main “basic” costs. It’s impossible to do without them, but you can “squeeze” something without losses for the establishment.

What is the restaurant's revenue?

There is a so-called “electric train effect” in the restaurant business. It is expressed in the fact that the distribution of guests over time occurs in waves: sometimes it’s dense, sometimes it’s empty. As soon as there was no one in the hall - and suddenly the hall was full, the waiters were knocked off their feet, the kitchen was in a state of chaos. And accordingly, the restaurant’s revenue also comes in waves. In the morning it can be quite minimal, at lunchtime a little more, and maximum in the evening (this is typical for most establishments with waiter service). Therefore, you cannot calculate revenue by simply multiplying the average check by the number of seats and the turnover of the hall - you will get unrealistically large numbers that are simply impossible to obtain.

Price segment

Average revenue per day, UAH

3000-7000 UAH

6000-18000 UAH

25000 – 60000 UAH

The difference in numbers concerns not only establishments with varying degrees of success, but also the same establishment in different periods. Traditionally, the most “trading” hours for a city establishment located in the center are Thursday and Friday, when its revenue is maximum. In January and July-August, city restaurants and cafes experience a shortage of guests and revenue, respectively. But you still can’t jump above your head. A small cafe will never make as much money as a high-end restaurant.

So, profit

Net profit comes to the owner only after the full payback of his brainchild. If we consider profit as the monthly difference between expenses and income, the optimal figure for payback is about 20%. During the crisis, a profitability of 10% began to be considered normal, especially if the establishment is located in rented space. Few people manage to achieve a profitability of 30%; these are mostly very successful enterprises that have been operating for several years.

Price segment

Average profit per month, UAH

Cafe with 50 seats, lower price segment

10,000 - 35,000 UAH

Cafe with 100 seats, middle price segment

18,000 – 90,000 UAH

Above average restaurant with 100 seats

75,000 – 300,000 UAH

These are the golden mountains. But not for everyone and not right away.

This is probably the largest material of its kind on the Internet. I recommend adding it to bookmarks and reviewing it sometimes, perhaps while reading, interesting ideas will appear. I’ll make a reservation right away. Don't take all advice literally. It is worth considering the format of the establishment and the type of visitors. Some methods can be taken as they are and immediately implemented, while others will not be suitable in any form. Think about it, maybe some of the advice could be reworked a little. Or maybe some combination of the above methods will work for your establishment.

The more reasons to come to your establishment, the better.

If your establishment does not have an entertainment component, be sure to add it. What exactly it will be depends on the topic. This could be live music, board games, a host or a creative team with a show program.

Themed parties to attract visitors

Nowadays, the Halloween holiday is very popular; adults enjoy dressing up and putting various designs on their faces. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this holiday. Here is a small list of ideas that are already used in establishments and attract visitors: masquerade, gangster party, super hero evening, musical. You don’t have to come up with a script yourself; you can invite an event host who has experience in holding similar events. And if the event is held on weekdays, you can get an impressive discount.

Use simple and clear promotions to increase restaurant revenue

Promotions must be specific and attractive so that the client immediately understands what benefits it will bring him. “Two for the price of one” or “Three for the price of two” work great almost anywhere. The following tips can also be attributed to stocks, but these are more specific examples.

Increasing the average bill in an establishment using “Wholesale prices”

The principle is this. When purchasing for a certain amount, give the visitor a gift. For example, a visitor made an order for 1,500 rubles. Depending on what he chose, tell him that for orders over 2000 rubles you will receive a beer set as a gift, fruit slices, a bottle of champagne, etc.

Offering something else that fits with the current order

Depending on what the client purchases, you can offer an additional product that goes well with the order. Croutons for beer, dessert for tea, etc. But be careful. This should be done without intrusiveness. In some places, the staff strongly insists or makes a dissatisfied face in case of refusal and with such behavior spoils the mood of the guests.

"Ready kits" to simplify selection and increase profits

This method is very successfully used when selling sushi and rolls. This can also work in a cafe, bar or restaurant. For example, a “beer” set includes four glasses of beer and nuts, and the client saves 200 rubles. Similarly, you can put together sets of food, snacks and spirits.

Offer more expensive

Implementation of a loyalty program

Give discount cards to regular customers or for a check with a large order amount.

Collect contacts of existing clients

It is much easier and cheaper to attract a person who has already visited you and was satisfied than to attract new visitors. There are several ways:

  • Filling out a short questionnaire by visitors for a reward or to provide a discount
  • An offer to join your group on a social network or subscribe to an account
  • If you have a website, you need to install counters on it. For starters, at least Google. Analytics and Yandex.Metrica. They will collect all visitors to your site and, if necessary, you can make them an offer.

Working with existing clients

  • Event announcements on social networks
  • SMS newsletter with information about discounts, events, etc.
  • Retargeting is a way to show an ad to customers who have already visited your site. More details this method will be discussed below

Free Wi-Fi

There are people who do not let go of their gadgets. Many people sit in the establishment, take pictures and post them on social networks. Someone needs to send an important letter for work. Fast and stable Internet will be a big plus.


To find out which specific scents to use, it is better to contact a specialist. They can be used indoors to create a pleasant atmosphere. So it is outside, to attract those who pass by.

Training master classes

If your establishment cooks very delicious steaks— conduct a master class on cooking steaks. If you have a dance club, conduct club dance lessons. If it’s a karaoke bar, organize vocal courses.

Banquets and corporate events

If you do not offer banquet services, you are losing most of your profits. You can read more about attracting clients to corporate events at.

Outdoor advertising

Signs, banners, pillars. It is more expedient to do this in your area or where there is a large concentration of your target audience.

Bright appearance of the establishment

Attract the attention of passersby different ways. Bright facade, signboard, illuminated advertising, video screen. It is important not just to attract attention. You need to make sure that people want to come to your establishment. Showcase great deals, beautifully set tables, appetizing dishes, attractive drinks.

Distributing leaflets to attract new customers to the cafe

Leaflets must contain a specific, interesting offer. Don’t just use the name of your cafe in advertising - talk about promotions, highlights, discounts, unique dishes, theme parties, new cocktails, etc.

Make point suggestions

For example, Wednesday "Student's Day" and advertise the event among students. Or “Driver’s Day” - a discount upon presentation of your license. Advertising on social networks allows you to reach exactly the target audience. What formats of placement exist will be discussed below.

Word of mouth

In order for a person to start talking about your establishment, you need to exceed his expectations or really surprise him.

  • Give gifts, promotions and discounts that are not expected from you. For example, the seventh client gets a free cocktail, etc.
  • Unusual, uneven prices
  • Products that are not available anywhere
  • Unusual interior design

Business lunch

During the daytime, offer inexpensive lunches. On the tables you can place information about themed parties, promotions and discounts.

Affiliate marketing to attract new customers to the restaurant

Cooperation with companies that are located near the establishment

Conducting various lottery competitions

People love to receive gifts. Hold various sweepstakes through social networks or directly at your establishment.

"Cross Pollination"

Lotteries and promotions can be held jointly with some other business, a beauty salon, a photo studio, a taxi company, etc. The principle is this. You invite them to hold a promotion and give them, for example, three coupons for 1000 rubles in your establishment, and from them you take coupons for a free hairstyle, 5 free taxi rides, a free photo session, etc. The more prizes, the more willingly people participate in the drawing. Plus, you can agree to jointly advertise this promotion, and the advertising budget will be multiplied by the number of participants.

Copy successful models

  • Copy your competitors with a little modification. Pay attention to the menu, the behavior of the waiter, and the administrator. Enter “restaurant and the name of your city” in Yandex or Google. Open the first 10 sites, see what ideas you can adopt
  • Remember some business that you consider very difficult and competitive. Open 5-10 websites representing this business and find interesting ideas that can be adapted to advertise your establishment

Product "locomotive"

Sell ​​some drink or dish very cheaply (at cost or even lower) so that it stands out very much and makes you stand out from other establishments. Tell us about this product in promotional materials.

"Attraction of unprecedented generosity"

Make a certain day very cheap for customers. Choose a time when you usually don't have clients. Make it a “popularization” day. It is very effective to advertise such offers through coupon services; the most popular of them will be given below

Create a website for your establishment

The simplest website is better than no website. It is not necessary to invest a lot of money to create a website. A simple business card can be created for 3000-5000 rubles or even free. Your client does not need a unique design. Post photos of your establishment, menu, promotions, location map, contact details. In most cases this is enough. There are a lot of free constructors, in my opinion the simplest one.

Maps and directories

Register for these services, it’s free and can bring additional clients:

  • Yandex.Directory
  • Google.Addresses
  • Foursquare
  • Yarmap

Thematic portals

Register your establishment on all sites:

Review portals

Create communities and accounts on popular social networks

Actively invite people there, especially your visitors, and reward those who join with discounts or gifts. You can inform group members and subscribers about your offers free of charge. The main thing is not to bother them. You should not make more than two commercial recordings per day.

Advertising on the social network “Vkontakte” to attract visitors to the establishment

At the time of writing this article, this is the most visited site in RuNet. In second place is the resource classmates. Compared to other social networks, advertising here is quite easy. The most popular advertising methods

  • Posts in thematic communities
  • Advertising in user feeds
  • Teaser advertising


A very interesting way. People take pictures in the places they visit and post them on social networks. When a photo is sent online, it marks where the location is on the map. With the help of advertising on social networks, you can make an offer to these people. For example, those who celebrate at competitors’ establishments or in any other places near you.

Propose to birthday people how many days before their birthday

  • If you collect contacts and are actively promoting your establishment, in a few months you will gather an impressive base. You can send them a message with special offer for birthday people
  • Social networks allow you to show an offer to people who have a birthday soon

Search Engine Optimization

Many people search for cafes and bars in the search engines Yandex, Google, and Mail. People enter queries that interest them into the search bar. Search engine optimization is aimed at ensuring that your offer is shown in first place. This is a rather long and labor-intensive process, but if you get to the top, you will receive a passionate, interested audience for free. There is a faster and easier way to get to the top of search engines, but it is paid.

Contextual advertising of bars, cafes, restaurants

It allows you to display advertisements in the first positions of search engines in a shorter time. With proper setup, you can fully support your establishment from this one attraction channel. If you want to get your first clients from the Internet this week, get acquainted with.

Thematic contextual advertising

Unlike search engines, it is shown not at the time of search, but to people who may potentially be interested in your offer


Determine a certain percentage of profit that you will invest monthly in testing new customer acquisition channels. There is such a strategy as “Gold Digger”. You test different channels and collect those that are most effective for you.

A small family restaurant of Korean cuisine in the center of Moscow brings a couple of entrepreneurs about 500 thousand rubles. profit per month

​The business of Alexander Braylovsky and Nadezhda Pak grew out of their passion for gastronomic tourism. “Every time we found ourselves in a new country, we made sure to try local dishes, many of which later appeared in our home menu“Pak says in an interview with RBC. Nadezhda worked as a lawyer in the Lotte group of companies, Alexander, a director by training, shot commercials. “I realized that I love feeding people, seeing them well-fed and happy much more than my office job,” continues Nadezhda. “I decided to take up cooking professionally, and my husband supported me.”

Business at home

The couple opened their first restaurant with the self-explanatory name “Receptor” in the fall of 2010. “We didn’t have any advisers, we acted by feel,” recalls Park. “We definitely wanted to open in the center; we only had enough money to rent a basement.” Room of 100 sq. m at a rate of 3.5 thousand rubles. per month for 1 sq. m on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, Brailovsky and Pak inherited from another restaurant, along with the main equipment - stoves, refrigeration chambers, ventilation and air conditioning systems. “We were delighted with such luck - all the most expensive things were already in the room,” says Pak. “But the equipment was in a deplorable state: the ovens and refrigerators had to be cleaned for several weeks.” The entrepreneurs bought the equipment from the previous tenants, spending only 500 thousand rubles on it, and Brailovsky’s father helped with the renovation of the premises. Due to this, the couple saved about 1 million rubles. and met the starting price of 1.75 million rubles.

The couple designed the trading floor of the restaurant themselves, having mastered architectural and design programs; they also decided not to hire a chef: Nadezhda has been cooking according to family traditions since childhood korean recipes, Indian cuisine mastered it while traveling. Nadezhda’s brother, a sous chef at one of Arkady Novikov’s restaurants, helped with the cooking technology. Two chefs from China were hired to work in the kitchen. “These two guys worked with the same productivity as six Russians,” Brailovsky is sure. “They don’t know what a weekend is.” In two years in Moscow, we managed to get them to see Red Square for the only time.” In order to communicate with the first employees, the couple even had to learn the basics of Chinese.

Personal participation in the life of the establishment gives additional points to the business, says Alexey Savin, owner of the Doubleby franchise coffee shop near the Frunzenskaya metro station. “In our promotion, we place a strong emphasis on the development of our own region. We communicate with residents, organize local events,” he says. “I live on the next street, and it is extremely important for me, as well as for the surrounding residents, that there are quality and cozy establishments near my house.” Editor-in-Chief of the online guide to St. Petersburg restaurants Margarita Belyaeva does not agree with this: “The public reacts primarily to the quality of dishes, portion sizes and average bill, and marketing spices about family and travel recipes do not play a big role for a wide audience.”

Photo: Alena Kondurina for RBC

Receptor numbers

10.2 thousand restaurants and cafes operate in Moscow

175 billion rubles.— market volume Catering in Moscow for 2015

12 thousand visits per month are recorded by four “Receptors”

70% restaurant audiences are regular visitors

800-1200 rub.— average bill at Receptor

100 national Korean dishes on the Receptor menu

20 thousand rubles. helps the restaurant save money on its own software every month

30 thousand rubles.— average salary of a “Receptor” waiter, including bonuses

Source: company data, Rosstat, 2GIS

Family economy

In 2013, Park and Brailovsky decided to expand. In December they opened a second “Receptor” with an area of ​​200 square meters. m in Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Lane, this time spending 7.5 million rubles on the start. The largest cost items were the purchase of equipment, furniture and repairs (each - about 2 million rubles). The renovations to the new restaurant were completed in two months, within the rental holidays provided by the owner. It costs 700 thousand rubles to rent premises in Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Lane. The purchase of food costs 900 thousand rubles, alcohol - 200 thousand rubles. About 400 thousand rubles are spent on labor costs. per month.

The average bill at Receptor is 800 rubles. without alcohol, with alcohol - 1200 rubles. The restaurant menu has more than 100 items. Most of them are national korean dishes, prepared according to the Pak family's home recipes. Many dishes are vegetarian: Alexander has not eaten meat or fish for 15 years, Nadezhda is a pescetarian (does not eat meat, but eats fish). “Before 2010, it was not easy in Moscow in this regard: when you came to one of the several vegetarian restaurants operating at that time, you had to ask again if there was any vegetable soup chicken broth or in an egg pie,” Park says. To make authentic dishes comfortable for the Russian stomach, some have to tone down the spiciness.

The average revenue of Receptor on Kozikhinsky Lane is about 3 million rubles. per month. The bar brings in 60% of the revenue, the kitchen the rest. Park says both restaurants operate at an average profit margin of 20%.

The restaurant business is subject to seasonality - during the May and January holidays, attendance drops by an average of 20%, says Pak: “This is especially true for the Receptor on Nikitskaya: it is located in the basement, and starting in May, Muscovites who remain in the city want to enjoy warmth and sun." This year the situation should change: the founders of Receptor hope that after the reconstruction of Nikitskaya they will be able to put tables outside in the summer. On weekdays, the number of guests depends on the day of the week: from Thursday to Saturday there are 30% more people in the Receptor than from Monday to Wednesday. During the day there is almost no “dead” time in the restaurant; a decline in attendance is observed between 16 and 18 hours: after lunch ends and before dinner begins.

In 2014, another “Receptor” opened on Chistye Prudy, and in February 2016 - on Derbenevskaya embankment. To control the quality of service and feedback with clients, Brailovsky and Pak decided to make their guests restaurant critics, creating his own mystery shopping service. Those interested can leave a request on the restaurant’s website and receive a questionnaire consisting of 100 questions about the quality of food and service at the Receptor. Based on this assessment, a competition is held between restaurants. At the end of the month, employees of the leading restaurant go to the movies together or have dinner at Receptor at the establishment’s expense.

In the first year and a half after the launch, Receptor was checked by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rospotrebnadzor, and the Department of Trade and Services. “Each inspection has a specific subject, and sometimes the authorities go beyond its scope and violate the regulations,” Nadezhda shares. “I always point out this, since the legal profession helps.” In 2016, due to the introduction of a moratorium on inspections of small businesses with an annual turnover of up to 800 million rubles. There have been no checks of “Receptors” yet.

Owners of the Receptor restaurant Nadezhda Pak and Alexander Brailovsky (Photo: Alena Kondurina for RBC)

In pursuit of efficiency

Small restaurants in the center of Moscow usually operate at a loss, says Sergei Mironov, owner of the consulting company RestCons. The main reason is the high rental rate. “In restaurants of 150 sq. m and 500 sq. m kitchen should be approximately the same footage. Because of this, in small establishments there is a disproportion between production space and area trading floor, explains Mironov. “It’s clear that a larger establishment welcomes more guests, brings in more revenue and allows the owner to pay the rent for kitchen space, which is not the case with small restaurants.”

The network model helps improve Receptor’s performance: managers and managers, whose salaries make up a significant part of the restaurant’s operating expenses, can work at several points at once, as well as the resource planning system (ERP, enterprise resource planning). Opening a second location in 2013, Brailovsky and Pak decided to automate restaurant management. Brailovsky, a business informatics specialist by one of his degrees, based on three years of attendance figures for the first restaurant, began to calculate the required volume of purchases, optimize food balances and draw up a work schedule for employees. The Receptor staff registers their arrival at work every day: they enter a personal code and take a photo on a corporate iPod, which is installed at the service entrance. This is how the founders keep track of the working hours of all restaurant employees. “Even 10-15 minutes of a waiter being late in the morning, when people are waiting for their ordered breakfast, can be critical,” explains Brailovsky. Lateness is punishable by a fine: minus 10 rubles. from the potential bonus for each minute. Nevertheless, Mironov considers the 20% profitability that Receptor receives on Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Lane to be an extraordinary phenomenon.

Brailovsky and Pak complain that the family business format is not developed in Russia, as in Europe: out of almost 11 thousand restaurants and cafes in Moscow, only a few food chains are owned by married couples. Savin from Doubleby says that the family restaurant idyll also has a downside: “From the outside it looks very cool when a husband, wife and older children work in their restaurant. But it is worth remembering that they do this work with the same team every day, from morning to evening. In a highly competitive environment, they have no opportunity to cheat or simply take an unscheduled day off. It’s difficult to make a business of this format very profitable: the owners of European family establishments are usually far from rich people.”

  • How much money do you need to open a mini-cafe?
  • Choosing a room for a cafe
  • Which tax system to choose for a business when opening a mini-cafe
  • Fixed expenses of the cafe
  • How much can you earn by opening a mini-cafe?
  • Step-by-step opening plan
  • Do I need permission to open a mini-cafe?
        • Similar business ideas:

Today, a common method of entering the restaurant business is to open a small, so-called mini-cafe. Best option for a novice entrepreneur you couldn’t imagine. Firstly, the popularity of public catering among the country's population is increasing every year. Secondly, the market is still ready to accept new players, despite high competition. Thirdly, to open a cafe you don’t need a wealth of experience and “bumps full of years of experience” - there are plenty of franchise offers in this area.

At the same time, there is no need to stand out with any exotic assortment. In establishments of this type, the main emphasis is on cold appetizers - salads, sandwiches, pizza. Hot items include soups, semi-finished products, desserts. Most of the prepared dishes are imported.

According to some representatives of the restaurant business, the most successful mini-cafes are those that sell fresh pastries and cakes. That is, products that are always in demand in such establishments. A good location and low prices are also important - the main criteria for the success of a mini-cafe.

How much money do you need to open a mini-cafe?

According to economists' calculations, even a small cafe will require investments of at least 700 thousand rubles. And this despite the fact that the premises for the cafe are rented. Mandatory costs include:

  • Purchase of kitchen equipment and furniture. The most expensive elements are refrigeration equipment (150 thousand rubles), ventilation system (100 thousand rubles), tables and chairs (7 thousand rubles per seat), bar counter (70 thousand rubles). In total, this cost item will cost at least 500 thousand rubles. Read the article for more details: How to choose equipment for a cafe.
  • Repair and design of premises. The size of this article directly depends on the taste and wishes of the owner. You can make a modest layout for 200-300 thousand rubles, or you can spend several million to create a unique and original interior.
  • Installation of automation programs and anti-theft systems - about 70-90 thousand rubles.
  • Purchasing an alcohol license (if required) - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses, including the purchase of cash register equipment, specials. clothes - another about 40-50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising and promotion of a cafe - about 30 thousand rubles.
  • It is recommended to put some of the funds into a reserve for the first months of possible work in the red. And in general, the savings at the start are not worth it. Some entrepreneurs manage to conclude a “rental holiday” agreement with the owner of the premises. This is when a cafe is given the opportunity to avoid paying rent for several months in order to have time to “get back on its feet.”

The issue of business planning is discussed in more detail in the article: Business plan for a small cafe.

Choosing a room for a cafe

Establishments such as small cafes, designed more for the casual visitor, are recommended to be located on the central streets of the city, on the first floors of houses with stained glass windows. The following indicators are important here:

  1. Passability of people. The presence of office and shopping centers and public transport stops plays a big role.
  2. The purpose of the premises is what object it was previously used for. It is good if the premises were previously used as a restaurant or cafe. In this case, no global redevelopment will be required, since the premises will already meet the requirements for public catering establishments (SES, fire safety). This, of course, will save quite a bit of the businessman’s money.
  3. Electricity connection power. If the permitted power is at least 75 kW, then this is quite enough to operate a full-cycle kitchen. If this figure is less, then the connection of additional capacities will be required, which is associated with considerable financial investments.
  4. Lease contract. The longer the term of the lease agreement, the better. Ideally, the lease agreement for a cafe premises should be drawn up for a period of at least 5 years. Since only in the first 1-2 years the cafe will recoup the invested funds, and the rest of the time brings the coveted income to the owner of the establishment. Agreements for a period of less than 12 months should not be considered at all, since such conditions will not allow obtaining a license to sell alcohol.
  5. If the cafe plans to sell alcohol, then such indicators as distance from residential buildings and social facilities are important. purpose - at least 25 m, and room area - at least 50 m2. Otherwise, obtaining a license will be impossible.

Which tax system to choose for a business when opening a mini-cafe

It is quite enough for a small establishment to register a regular individual entrepreneurship. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is the LLC (legal entity) that registers the “cafes”. The reason is simple - alcohol licenses are issued only to legal entities. By the way, about the license. The cost of obtaining an alcohol license is about 60 thousand rubles, and the time to obtain it takes at least 4 months.

Since 2013, public catering establishments have been given the right to choose which taxation system choose: general, simplified tax system, UTII or buy a patent. Which is more profitable? Today, perhaps, this is a special one. regime - a single tax on imputed income (UTII), when the tax is paid based on the square footage of the premises for serving visitors. The larger the area, the higher the tax.

Control over the activities of the cafe

The big advantage of a mini-cafe is that full control over its activities can be exercised personally by the owner of the establishment. The efficiency of the enterprise, in most cases, only increases from this. However, additional security against theft and loss is still necessary. This requires a set of measures, which includes:

  • cafe automation system;
  • video surveillance system;
  • regular scheduled and unscheduled inventories;
  • a fair system of employee motivation;
  • immediate dismissal of employees found stealing proceeds, even with the initiation of a criminal case.

Fixed expenses of the cafe

The main expense item of the cafe is payment of wages to employees and insurance payments. 200-250 thousand rubles are allocated monthly for these purposes. (15 people). In second place are rental payments and utilities - another 70-100 thousand rubles. monthly. Then there are taxes and other expenses - about 50 thousand rubles. Total monthly expenses of a small cafe range from 350-500 thousand rubles. Anything less will most likely not work.

How much can you earn by opening a mini-cafe?

The profitability of a cafe depends on many factors. As a rule, when drawing up a business plan, it is customary to calculate the profit of a cafe based on 15,000 rubles for every 10 m2 of area of ​​the establishment.

Let’s say that the cafe is visited by 40 people every day (this is an extremely low figure), and the average bill of the establishment is 400 rubles. Then the daily revenue will be 16 thousand rubles, and the monthly revenue will be 480 thousand rubles, which will already allow you to work with a slight plus.

According to experts, the payback period for a cafe is at least 1.5 years, and this is subject to a good location. A more likely period is about 3-4 years. The normal profitability of a business is considered to be 20-30%.

In conclusion, a few more tips. If the space for a cafe is very limited, it is better to install high display cases with a convenient window - this way you can optimally and appetizingly display all the products. It is desirable, however, that the design of the display cases allows visitors to freely select the dishes they like and pay at the checkout. Thus, time is saved on serving visitors and the workload of staff is significantly relieved.

Step-by-step opening plan

In order to open your own mini-cafe, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. First of all, you need to decide for yourself in what area your establishment will operate, be it national cuisine or a pizzeria; in addition, you need to know your target client and their approximate income level. In addition, you should definitely take into account the presence of competitors and engage in constant business analysis. Marketing will also be an important part of the business, and pre-opening advertising campaigns will get you off to a good start in the business. You definitely need to acquire all the necessary equipment and find the necessary suppliers with minimal financial costs so that the profit satisfies you as an entrepreneur. Do not forget that to open a business you need documentation, which you need to acquire even before the start of your activity.

What equipment to choose for a mini-cafe

In general, this type of establishment does not require much equipment, but it still plays a significant role. Depending on the theme of the establishment, it is necessary to contain a certain style. For example.

  1. If this is a national cuisine, then the design of the room may contain some of the national attributes.
  2. The pizzeria should have something Italian in its decoration.

In addition to the design itself, you also need equipment in the kitchen:

  • small household appliances (food processor);
  • large household appliances (gas stoves).

You should not skimp on equipment, as it is the key to quality food for your customers, who will come back again and again, and maybe bring friends if you feed them deliciously, which is exactly secret recipe success.

Which OKVED ID should I indicate when registering a mini cafe?

For mini-cafes, you can use the usual code for restaurants and cafes: 55.30.

What documents are needed to open

To open a mini-cafe you will need this list of documents.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

How can a mini-cafe generate maximum income? In this article, we understand all the intricacies of the restaurant business, plan a budget and share secrets on how to earn more than 200 thousand rubles a month.

A cozy, authentic cafe can become a favorite place for meetings and leisure for many people. Despite the abundance of such establishments, not all of them find regular customers and are forced to close. This is due to improper planning, management errors and ignorance of the nuances of business. To avoid such mistakes, we have prepared a detailed guide to opening a cafe from scratch.

Market analysis and idea development

Every year the culture of public catering is developing more and more actively. The demand for eating out is growing, and so is the number of establishments and variety of offers. As a result, an active and very capacious catering market is being formed, which is not afraid of even a financial crisis. Statistics indicate that during periods of economic instability, Russians, although they save on eating out, do not give it up altogether. From which the conclusion follows: the catering sector is very relevant and promising.

The prospect of high and stable profits brings many players to the market who have to work in a highly competitive environment. Nevertheless, participants in the restaurant business find their clients, because everyone’s gastronomic preferences are different. Restaurants of national cuisines, bars, pizzerias, burger shops, dumpling shops - choose what you like.

Today we have chosen a mini-cafe and will tell you how to turn 100 sq.m. into a source of income.

The zero stage of opening a mini-cafe should be defining the concept. When the market offers many different establishments, only those who offer an interesting concept and are ready to surprise can stand out and attract their customers.

RBC statistics, which reflect the structure of the domestic catering market, will help you decide on the direction. From this information it is clear that competition in the field of cafes with national cuisine will be much higher than, for example, dumplings. If you are new to business, we recommend choosing a niche that is more open. Although if available interesting idea, which will definitely “shoot”, it is possible to gain a foothold in a popular direction.

Figure 1 – Structure of the public catering market in terms of establishment concepts (data from RBC)

Development of the concept of the establishment

Let's start by choosing a cafe concept. When deciding this issue, you should clearly understand what kind of establishment its owner wants to have and for whom he wants to open it. These positions are key and determine the future of the institution. It will depend on them:

  • identifying the target audience;
  • selection of premises;
  • menu;
  • visitor service form;
  • territorial location;
  • competitive advantages.

The scope for imagination is truly limitless. You can focus on original kitchen or create a cozy, creative environment. You can choose a specific theme for the establishment, come up with an original way of serving or serving dishes, and serving guests.

The main thing to remember is that any idea must be well thought out and calculated.
The restaurant concept includes all components of the enterprise’s activities: choice of establishment format, target audience, location, promotion, menu, type of service, necessary equipment, production process technology, etc.

Ready ideas for your business

For example, if you plan to open a family cafe, then it is better to locate it in a residential area and develop a children's menu. If the chosen location is located next to an office center or public establishment, the cafe should have a sufficient number of seats and a wide selection of snacks, while the design does not play an important role. And if you plan to open a themed establishment, for example, a cafe based on a film, then significant investments will be required in the design of the premises.

Consequently, the concept of an establishment is a single whole, the foundation on which the entire business is built.

Finding a suitable location, planning room renovations

For any catering establishment, the right location plays an important role. The search for premises for a mini-cafe is determined nearby important nuances. One of the most common options is non-residential premises located on the ground floor of a multi-storey building. Its location itself is not so important, although it must meet certain requirements. On the one hand, good traffic will attract the attention of new visitors. On the other hand, with proper organization of the establishment itself, the location can be somewhat neglected and save on rental costs. The main condition for the location of a cafe is the convenience and safety of the entrance or approach to the establishment.

But for the premises of the future cafe there are more requirements; it should be selected especially carefully. Each premises intended for a catering establishment undergoes a thorough inspection by government agencies - the sanitary and epidemiological station, Rospotrebnadzor, and the fire inspectorate. Strict requirements are imposed on the arrangement of the kitchen and ventilation, compliance with working area standards, finishing materials, organization of food storage, etc. In addition, the functionality of the premises should be assessed - the possibility of redevelopment, the presence of all communications (water supply and sewerage, electricity, gas) that will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the establishment. Particular attention should be paid to electrical power, since food processing equipment consumes a lot of electricity.

Another frequently asked question: whether to buy a property or rent it. As practice shows, it is not advisable to buy a building at the initial stage. It is better to invest initial investments in purchasing good equipment, creating an attractive interior, and promoting the establishment. However, when drawing up a lease agreement, it is recommended to immediately stipulate the possible purchase of real estate in the future. Also pay attention to the length of the rental period. It will not be profitable for you to move to another place in a year or two: firstly, you will have to spend a significant amount on the move; secondly, the loss of a “promoted” place can deprive the establishment of a share of the clientele. Therefore, it is worth discussing in detail with the tenant all the nuances of the contract.

The area of ​​the room depends on how compactly the clients will be accommodated and on the total capacity. We agreed that the mini-cafe will fit on 100 sq.m. From this area you need to subtract 35 sq.m., which the kitchen will occupy, 10 sq.m. – utility rooms, 3 sq.m. – bathroom. That is, we will have 52 sq.m. left for the hall for visitors. What can be placed in this area? A cozy coffee shop or pastry shop, a themed establishment with beautiful interior, a snack bar like a dumpling or pancake house in a self-service format.

Depending on the layout and method of arranging furniture, such a room can comfortably accommodate from 20 to 40 people.

Ready ideas for your business

The average rent for a normal premises for a mini-cafe is about 50-70 thousand rubles, depending on the location and features of the premises.

He advises you to pay attention to the premises that previously housed catering establishments. This will avoid unnecessary expenses and speed up the process of opening a cafe. Now you can find many options for suitable premises, in which the space is divided into zones, the kitchen is equipped with ventilation and hoods, and the living room is equipped with an air conditioning system. Renting such premises may cost a little more, but the benefits will be greater. It's easier than starting to arrange everything from scratch.

Also, when choosing a room, you should focus on how the cafe’s interior is supposed to look. Different concepts will require different planning solutions.

During the renovation process, you need to focus, first of all, on convenience and comfort for visitors. After all, a cafe is a place to relax and have a good time. And the atmosphere must be appropriate, so it is worth paying attention to the interior of the establishment. It is advisable that each table be in relative isolation from each other, because the privacy of a group is also a kind of comfort.

Ready ideas for your business

The interior of the establishment plays not only an aesthetic role, but also allows you to create the “features” of the establishment and a memorable corporate identity. This makes the interior an effective tool in promoting a catering establishment. It is better to entrust the creation of an interior to a professional designer. Then you will be able to create a unique space in the bar where people will want to spend time and where they will want to return.

Repair costs can be completely different: it all depends on the idea, the materials used and whether you use the services of a designer or not. That is why it is quite difficult to name the exact amount of repair costs. The average cost of repairing and finishing the premises is about 200 thousand rubles.

For any catering establishment, especially small cafes, the right room plays an important role. The cafe should be located in a crowded place: markets, parks, near or inside shopping and entertainment complexes, near business centers, office buildings and educational institutions, on the central streets.

When choosing a location, you should also consider the presence of competitors nearby. When studying the competitive environment, you need to pay attention to prices, services offered, quality of service and menu.

Here classic list requirements for the ideal location of a cafe, which every restaurateur should know:

    Entrance from the street. The line of houses from the highway is the first.

    Close to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

    Location at a crossroads. Goal: the cafe's windows face TWO streets at once, which is how the establishment is advertised. It would be ideal if you also build your own separate entrance from each street.

    Proximity to transport stops.

    Beautiful design WIDE windows. The more convenient it is for a person sitting in a cafe to look at the street from the window, the more popular the cafe.

    Avoid “labyrinths” indoors. This exerts unpleasant psychological pressure—discomfort. The hall should be a simple and uncomplicated rectangle, or better yet, a square.

    Avoid rooms with low ceilings. The ceiling must be at least 3 meters. Other options (minus the ceiling height) will attract only marginal audiences.

    Beautiful view from the window.

    First floor.

Collection of necessary documentation

Having decided on the premises for the future cafe, you need to start collecting all the necessary documentation. This process is quite labor-intensive and includes several areas. For convenience, we will consider each separately.

    Registration of an organization. You can register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC - there are no special nuances here. As a type of activity, according to the new OKVED classification, you should select 56.10.1 Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants

    Preparation of documents for premises

    Registering a cash register and registering it with the tax authorities.

    Obtaining permits from the SES and fire service.

    Registration of all necessary documentation at the sanitary and epidemiological station, which is required to start the operation of a catering establishment.

If the cafe does not plan to sell alcoholic beverages, then purchasing a license will not be required. If alcohol is included in the menu, you will have to obtain the appropriate permit. Many cafes refuse to sell strong alcohol because the license is expensive.

Purchase of equipment

The specific list of equipment depends on the concept of the establishment and the menu. For example, for a sushi bar you should purchase a special sushi table, for a pizzeria - expensive ovens, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to provide an exhaustive list of equipment. However, Table 1 contains the main items that can be useful in the kitchen of any catering establishment.

Table 1 – Approximate list of equipment for a mini-cafe


Cost, rub.

Heating equipment:

Combi oven

Electric stove with oven

Refrigeration equipment:

Refrigerated cabinet

Freezer cabinet

Cooled table

Ice maker

Auxiliary equipment:

Meat grinder

Vegetable cutter


Coffee machine

Equipment for cleanliness and order:

2 washing baths

Industrial wall and island tables

2 racks

Island table for waste collection

Crockery and kitchen utensils:

Kitchen tools

Dishes for visitors

To save on equipment, you can purchase it second-hand. However, you should be careful with this, since there is a risk of running into unscrupulous sellers and buying equipment that will quickly break down. However, you can often find offers on the market when an entrepreneur who closes an unprofitable business, minimum price sells high-quality equipment as a set.

In addition, you will need to purchase furniture. The cost of furniture and decor for a mini-cafe will be about 150 thousand rubles.

Menu creation, supply organization

At this stage, you should determine the composition of the menu, the list of dishes, their cost and selling price. To calculate the cost of a dish, you will need a technological map, which is also necessary to obtain permission from the SEN. The flow chart indicates the consumption of products per serving and the volume of this serving.

When the menu is ready, you should decide on suppliers and establish supply channels. What categories of suppliers for cafes can be:

    supplier of meat, poultry, fish;

    provider fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs;

    tea/coffee/beverage suppliers

    grocery supplier.

It should be noted that when signing partnership agreements, you can count on additional bonuses for the company - for example, beverage suppliers usually provide the establishment with branded glassware and equipment.

When agreeing on cooperation with suppliers, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. Typically, shipping costs for ingredients will be borne by your operation. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The required amount of raw materials is determined based on the menu, technological map product preparation and expected sales volume. It is important that the recipe of the dishes complies with GOSTs or separately adopted specifications.

Since in restaurant practice there is often a supply agreement with deferred payment terms, the initial investment in working capital should be no more than 30% of the total cost of dishes in the first billing month.

We are planning promotion

The advertisement is engine of the trade. Advertising for a cafe is a supplier of customers. Therefore it is worth paying attention Special attention developing a marketing strategy. It will be formed depending on the concept of the establishment, target audience and budget.

What should it include marketing strategy? Development of the name of the establishment, its logo and corporate identity; organization of an advertising campaign (promotions, promotion tools).

A bright and memorable name will make the establishment stand out from the many offers on the catering market. Services for developing a corporate identity for an establishment will cost an average of 10,000 rubles. A catchy, eye-catching sign, including its installation or window design, will cost about 30,000 rubles.

To promote a cafe, you can use various marketing tools: promotional videos in the cinema; online promotion; sponsorship participation in cultural projects; installation of billboards and signs; distributing business cards, flyers or menu brochures; event marketing; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; loyalty programs, promotions and so on.

Advertising on social networks aimed at young people is also an effective method. Within social networks you can hold a “happy repost” campaign, “review competition”, etc. This tool is aimed at attracting additional audiences. You can also provide for a “happy hour” promotion - the time during which the establishment offers discounts, special menus, etc. The use of this advertising tool should be subject to the following recommendations:

    planning promotions for weekdays;

    increasing the price of the most popular menu items to cover cost differences;

    a short and clear slogan for the campaign;

    one group of participating drinks or food;

    tracking stock profitability.

The use of a particular tool depends on the target audience of the establishment and the project budget.

On average, you should budget about 50 thousand rubles for promotion in order to quickly gain an audience.

Determination of service format and personnel selection

Before determining the required number of workers, you should choose the service format in your establishment. This could be the principle of a cafe with a menu and waiters, self-service with cashiers, or a prototype of a traditional canteen. Everything again comes down to the concept of the establishment.

For a mini-cafe with 30-40 seats you will need to hire:

    4 waiters (shift work);

    4 cooks (shift work);

    2 dishwashers (shift work);


    accountant-cashier (outsourcing).

Chefs coordinate the work of the kitchen, develop recipes for dishes and menus, control food costs, are responsible for preparing dishes, storing food, and work at one or more kitchen stations depending on the distribution of responsibilities.

Waiters take orders in the hall, provide customer service, monitor the cleanliness of the hall, set the table, accept payment for the order, are well versed in the menu and can give recommendations to visitors.

Dishwashers are responsible for the use and maintenance of dishwashing equipment, ensuring the cleanliness of dishes, the kitchen and the living room.

The accountant maintains financial records of all transactions and works remotely.

The administrator organizes the work process, hires and manages staff, is responsible for marketing policy, monitors the profit-loss ratio, receives and plans reservations and pre-orders, and controls the work of staff. The owner of the establishment can act as an administrator in order to reduce costs. When things go smoothly for the cafe, you can delegate these powers to a hired employee.
Please note that the cafe is open seven days a week, so it is necessary to provide employees with a shift work schedule.

Requirements for public institution staff:

    all employees must have sanitary records with appropriate marks;

    cooks must have professional education and work experience;

    Before being admitted to the workplace, all employees must undergo training and study safety instructions for operating the equipment.

The size of the payroll with such a staff will be about 220 thousand rubles.

Calculation of income and expenses

At this stage, we answer the most important question - how much does it cost to open a mini-cafe from scratch? To get an accurate calculation, it is recommended to develop a business plan that will take into account all costs in terms of current prices for a specific region and a specific idea.

Table 2 shows the initial costs of the project. Thus, to open a mini-cafe you will need about 850 thousand rubles.

Table 2. Initial investments for opening a mini-cafe

In addition to the initial costs, the project has monthly costs that should also be planned for. Monthly costs are divided into variable and fixed costs. Variable costs consist of the costs of ingredients that are used in preparing dishes, as well as payment for the facilities consumed during the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewerage). To simplify financial settlements variable costs can be calculated based on the amount of the average check (1000 rubles) and a fixed trade markup of 250%.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utilities, payroll, advertising costs, taxes and depreciation. The amount of depreciation charges is determined by the linear method, based on the period beneficial use fixed assets in 5 years.

Table 3. Fixed costs

Now let's calculate how much a mini-cafe can earn? With a capacity of 30-40 people and a occupancy rate of 70% per month, visitors can be expected. With an average check of 800 rubles per person, monthly revenue will be 672,000 rubles, and net profit will be approximately 200,000 rubles. At this level of profit, the initial investment will be able to pay off in six months. In this case, the profitability will be 43%. For catering establishments, the maximum payback period is 2-2.5 years. Therefore, the prospect of recouping the business within the first year is quite optimistic.

Risk accounting

Any type of business is characterized by risks. What difficulties can you encounter when opening your own establishment? Mini-cafes may have serious problems, so you should predict them in advance and develop measures to eliminate them.

    poor choice of location and bar premises. Visit traffic may be overestimated or the competitive landscape may be underestimated. When choosing a room, some nuances may be missed that will appear during work. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the analysis of the outlet and take into account various factors;

    rising prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers, low-quality raw materials. In the first case, there is a risk of increased costs and, as a consequence, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats by choosing suppliers wisely and including all necessary conditions, which provide for financial liability of the supplier in case of their violation;

    reaction of competitors. Since the food service market is quite saturated and competitive, the behavior of competitors can have a strong impact. To minimize it, it is necessary to form your own client base, constantly monitor the market, have a customer loyalty program, create competitive advantages and unique offers;

    refusal to provide rental premises or increase in rental costs. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to enter into a long-term lease agreement and carefully select the landlord;

    fall in effective demand. This risk can be mitigated by developing effective loyalty programs, including discounts, happy hours, etc.;

    problems with personnel, which mean low qualifications, staff turnover, lack of motivation of employees. This may lead to a decrease in sales efficiency, a reduction in revenue, and the formation of a negative image of the establishment. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the recruitment stage by hiring employees who meet all the requirements. A bonus system for staff should also be provided;

    equipment breakdown and production downtime. Regular maintenance of equipment in order to maintain its performance will help mitigate the risk;

    food spoilage due to low demand, breakdown of storage equipment, improper storage, planning errors. For the restaurant business, this risk is highly probable. Surplus products can arise for two reasons: firstly, due to low level sales and unpopularity of some dishes; and secondly, due to errors in forecasting sales volume. This risk can be reduced through competent planning and forecasting, reviewing the assortment, and excluding unprofitable dishes from the menu. Errors in food storage or breakdown of refrigeration equipment can lead to food spoilage. This threat can be avoided by training personnel and monitoring their work, as well as regular maintenance of equipment;

    decrease in the reputation of the establishment among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring product quality, receiving feedback from the establishment’s customers and taking corrective measures.

By drawing up a detailed business plan, competently organizing work at each stage of the project and foreseeing the main risks, you can build a profitable and promising business in the field of public catering.

Like any business, a mini-cafe has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is the increased demand for food outside the home, the establishment of a catering culture and a high markup on products, which ensures significant profitability. The negative point is high competition in the market, large start-up capital, difficulties in preparing documentation, and the need for constant participation of the owner in business processes.

However, the growing popularity of small, authentic establishments and the fashion for cozy spaces with beautiful interiors leave room for businessmen to realize their potential: not only entrepreneurial, but also creative. The key to success is to come up with an original concept that will set your establishment apart from its competitors. However, one idea is not enough. Implementation must also be at a decent level so that customers want to return to you.

If you manage to win over your customers, then a mini-cafe can become profitable within 3-4 months after opening, and the initial investment will pay off within a year. A mini-cafe can earn more than 1 million rubles a year.

Get current calculations for your business plan