Open pie - dessert quiche with fruit filling. Quiche recipe with different fillings Quiche dish how to cook

An open pie with a savory filling came to us from French cuisine, although the name was borrowed from German cooks, because in German the pie sounds like “kuchen”. What is the difference between this delicious dish and ordinary pies and how to make a quiche pie at home if you have never seen or tried it? Read our article and you will get answers to all your questions.

Pie from leftover dough: a story of German ingenuity

The base for the quiche is made from chopped dough, filled with a mixture of eggs, cream, milk and cheese with the addition of smoked brisket. The history of quiche pie is very interesting and unusual. This dish was first prepared in the French province of Lorraine, bordering Germany. This territory was inhabited by Germans who were always thrifty and never threw away the remains of bread dough. They baked a delicious pie, mixing bread with sausage, meat trimmings, bacon and vegetables, topping it all with beaten eggs, and then serving a hearty dish. The French, appropriating the quiche recipe, made some changes to it. They added a lot of cheese to the dish and used shortbread dough instead of yeast dough. After modernization, the pie began to be called “quiche Laurent” - after the name of the province, since in French it sounds like “Laurent”. There is another version of the pie - Alsatian quiche with onions, as well as fish, mushroom and even berry and fruit quiches.

How to cook quiche? We share the secrets of making dough

Traditionally, quiche is made with dough similar to shortbread, but due to a different cooking technology, a new dish is obtained. The dough is made from diced butter, which is mixed with sifted flour until crumbly. An egg, salt and a small amount of ice water are also added to it. Some quiche recipes do not contain eggs, but you can find a little sugar for a piquant taste. The dough should not be heated until baking, so it is kept in the refrigerator all the time. This is done so that the grains of butter, which give the quiche its special taste, do not melt. For this reason, the dough is refrigerated twice - after rolling and after placing in the mold.

The finished dough is wrapped in film and sent to the refrigerator. Then it is distributed into a mold with high sides, the filling is laid out and the pie is baked in the oven. Sometimes the dough base is baked first and only then filled with filling.

The dough made with sour cream with the addition of butter, eggs, salt and flour is no less tasty. Curd dough for quiche is very soft, tender and crumbly, and it is prepared from cottage cheese, butter, salt and flour. The ingredients for the dough can be beaten with a blender to make it homogeneous and smooth.

Quiche pie fillings

Quiche pie can be made with different fillings. You can use classic recipes or use your imagination, following the example of German housewives. They put into this pie everything that was in their refrigerator or left over from a previous meal.

Quiche pie with chicken and mushrooms is very tasty, but you can replace the chicken with ham and add onions. A successful combination of tomatoes, cheese and basil - this is a classic Italian filling. Onions with sour cream and nutmeg - very French. The pie with zucchini, mozzarella and leek has a savory taste, while the quiche with green beans, cherry tomatoes, green peas and goat cheese is perfect for a summer lunch.

One of the most delicious fillings is Roquefort, Brie and Chevre cheeses mixed together. Figs and blue cheese, broccoli and salmon go perfectly together, and the filling with spinach, potatoes and anchovies will appeal to lovers of simple and tasty food.

The classic filling is eggs and cream, which can be seasoned with nutmeg or mustard. The filling of eggs, rich sour cream, spicy cheese and herbs has a very unusual and pleasant taste. Some housewives combine cream, milk and sour cream, experiment with seasonings and get a new taste of the dish every time. Follow the proportions when preparing the filling - take 120 ml of cream or milk for 1 egg. This is important so that the filling does not spread and becomes thick.

Step-by-step quiche recipe with photos for your first experience

Let's try to make a classic German quiche using a simple recipe. You will spend very little time on this and will surprise not only your guests, but also yourself.

Quiche with sorrel, blue cheese and pepper

This unusual quiche with a delicate and refined taste is perfect for a holiday lunch or dinner. It will be appreciated by gourmets with good taste.

Mix 250 g of sifted flour with a pinch of salt, grate 125 g of chilled butter on a coarse grater and mix with flour. Also add 1 chilled egg, 3 tbsp. l. ice water and a pinch of salt. Knead an elastic dough, form a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

At this time, simmer in 2 tbsp. l. butter 400 g sorrel without stems. When you get a homogeneous mass that resembles puree, season it with black pepper and salt.

Roll out the dough to a size slightly larger than a mold with a diameter of 18-20 cm, place it on the bottom of the mold and form the sides, and then make several punctures with a fork. Mix the sorrel with 200ml heavy cream and 2 lightly beaten eggs. Place the sorrel filling in the mold, cut a large red pepper without seeds on top into thin slices and sprinkle the quiche with 100 g of blue cheese, shredded with a fork.

Bake the pie at 180°C for half an hour and enjoy this delicious snack!

Quick quiche with tuna and broccoli

If you don’t have time to keep the dough in the oven for a long time, you can prepare quiche using a quick recipe. You just need to use foods that are as chilled as possible and hurry so they don’t get too hot.

Mix 200 g flour and 100 g cold butter, cut into cubes. Chop the flour and butter with a knife until fine crumbs form. Now add 1 egg, a pinch of salt and 4 tbsp to the dough. l. cold milk. Knead the dough very quickly so that the butter does not have time to melt.

Roll out the dough, distribute it into the mold, make sides and prick the dough with a fork. For the filling, mix a can of mashed canned tuna and 150 g of cream cheese. Place the first layer of filling on the quiche base. Place 100 g of thawed broccoli in a second layer. Fresh cabbage must be blanched for 4 minutes before baking.

Third layer - 3 finely chopped tomatoes and 3 sprigs of chopped onion.

To fill, beat 2 eggs with 250 ml of milk, add 1 tbsp. l. flour, 0.5 tsp. Provençal herbs, a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add 50 g of grated cheese and pour the mixture over the vegetables. Bake at 200°C for 30-40 minutes.

This simple recipe is sure to please your friends and family!

Quiche with raspberries, ricotta and almonds

Sweet quiche is a delicious dessert for evening tea, when you can invite guests and enjoy pleasant communication.

Knead the dough from 140 g of cold butter grated on a coarse grater, 280 g of sifted flour and 8 tbsp. l. ice water. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in cellophane and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour. After this, roll out the dough, place in a mold, raise the sides, make punctures with a fork and bake the quiche base at 190°C for 25 minutes.

At this time, beat 2 eggs, mix with 150 g of crumbled ricotta, 200 ml of heavy cream and a chopped bunch of mint, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey.

Place 300 g of fresh raspberries and a handful of almonds on the cooled crust and fill with the prepared filling.

Place the pie back in the oven and bake at the same temperature for about 35-40 minutes. Decorate the finished quiche with fresh raspberries.

During the tasting, you will understand that nuts, sweet berries and cheese are the perfect combination for quiche!

Quiche is a pie that you will never get tired of. It can be eaten cold or hot for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and can be taken to work or on a picnic. This pie can be a regular snack on the daily menu or a holiday dish. A versatile and tasty quiche will delight your family more than once and help you welcome unexpected guests. Cook it more often and it will turn out better and better!

French open quiche is one of the few dishes that can be eaten both cold and hot. It will “come in handy” during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can enjoy it at home during family feasts and get-togethers, or you can take this pie with you on a picnic.

The history of quiche dates back to the 16th century; its inventors were residents of the French province of Lorraine. This is where the name of the classic open-faced pie came from - quiche Laurent (the French name for this province Lorraine, German Lothringen).

What is classic French quiche? This is an open pie made from chopped dough, rich in butter, and therefore crumbly and slightly salty. The quiche filling is based on heavy cream, eggs and cheese. It’s hard to imagine how many options for preparing quiche exist today - classic with smoked brisket, with onions, herbs, vegetables, mushrooms, fish and even... with berries! offers 10 of the best recipes for open-faced pies - from the classic Lauren quiche to the exquisite quiche with figs, almonds or raspberries. Shall we experiment?

Classic quiche Lauren

250 g sifted flour

A pinch of salt

1 chilled egg

3 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:

250 g smoked brisket

200 ml heavy cream

150 g grated Gruyère cheese

A pinch of grated nutmeg

How to cook classic quiche Lauren :

    For the filling: cut the brisket into small strips and fry.

    Mix cream, 2/3 grated cheese, lightly beaten eggs. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Place the brisket into the egg-cream mixture.

    Preheat the oven to 190 C. Roll out the dough, put it in a mold with sides, make punctures with a fork. Bake for 15 minutes.

    Remove the crust, place the filling on it, sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and bake for another 30 minutes.

    Lauren's classic quiche is ready.

Bon appetit!

Quiche with sorrel, blue cheese and pepper

250 g sifted flour

A pinch of salt

125 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater

1 chilled egg

3 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:

400 g washed sorrel without stems

100 g blue cheese

1 large sweet red pepper

200 g heavy cream

2 tbsp. spoons of butter

Salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste

How to make quiche with sorrel, blue cheese and pepper :

    For the dough: mix flour with salt, add butter flakes, egg, water and salt (you can use a food processor with a knife attachment). Roll into a ball, wrap in cling film, and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    For the filling: simmer the sorrel in butter for 2 minutes until it becomes something like a puree, season with salt and pepper.

    Roll out the dough, place in a mold with sides, make punctures with a fork.

    Mix sorrel puree with cream and lightly beaten eggs, pour the mixture onto the crust.

    Cut the pepper lengthwise, remove the seeds and membranes, cut into strips and place on the sorrel. Place the cheese, crumbled with a fork, on top.

    Bake the pie for 30 minutes at 180C.

    Quiche with sorrel, blue cheese and pepper is ready.

Bon appetit!

Quiche with spinach and anchovies

For the test:

8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:

150 g new potatoes

200 g young spinach

300 ml heavy cream

2 large eggs

Handful of grated Parmesan cheese

10 canned anchovies in olive oil

How to make spinach and anchovy quiche :

    Boil the potatoes in their skins until half tender, peel and cut into slices.

    Place the spinach in the microwave for 2 minutes, cool slightly and chop.

    Mix cream, eggs, 2/3 cheese. Finely chop half the anchovies and add to the potatoes and spinach. Pepper heavily. Spread the green filling over the crust, pour in the creamy mixture, and top with whole anchovies and the remaining cheese.

    Bake the pie for 40 minutes.

    Quiche with spinach and anchovies is ready.

Bon appetit!

Quiche with raspberries, ricotta and almonds

For the test:

140 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater

8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:

300 g fresh raspberries

A small bunch of mint

200 g heavy cream

150 g unsalted ricotta cheese

Handful of almond flakes

1 tbsp. spoon of liquid honey

How to make raspberry, ricotta and almond quiche :

    Quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    Preheat the oven to 190C. Roll out the dough, place in a rimmed pan, prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes.

    Chop 3/4 mint leaves. Mix beaten eggs, crumbled ricotta, cream and chopped mint, add honey.

    Place raspberries in an even layer on the crust, carefully pour the cream mixture over it and sprinkle with almond flakes.

    Bake the pie for 35-40 minutes. When serving, garnish with fresh mint leaves.

    Quiche with raspberries, ricotta and almonds is ready.

Bon appetit!

Italian quiche with tomatoes, basil and cheese

150 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater

8 tablespoons ice water

A pinch of salt

For filling:

300 g cherry tomatoes

300 ml heavy cream

2 chilled eggs

Bunch of green basil

50 g grated Parmesan cheese

A little olive oil

Salt, pepper to taste

How to cook Italian quiche with tomatoes, basil and cheese :

    For the dough: mix butter with sifted flour, water and lightly beaten egg, add salt. Roll into a ball, wrap in film and refrigerate for 1 hour.

    Preheat the oven to 180C. Roll out the dough, place in a round shape with sides, and prick with a fork.

    Cut the tomatoes in half, place in another fireproof bowl, add salt and pepper, and sprinkle with oil. Bake at the same time as the crust for 25 minutes.

    While the cake and tomatoes are baking, make the filling: mix the beaten eggs and cream, add salt, and add chopped basil.

    Sprinkle the crust with half the Parmesan, add the tomatoes, pour the egg-cream mixture, and sprinkle with the remaining cheese again. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

    Serve the pie with fresh basil leaves.

    Italian quiche with tomatoes, basil and cheese is ready.

Bon appetit!

Onion quiche

For the test:

140 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater

8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:

500 g small onions

300 ml heavy cream

150 g grated cheese (Cheddar)

1 tbsp. spoon of butter

How to cook onion quiche :

    Quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    Cut the onions into half rings and fry in butter until golden brown.

    Preheat the oven to 180C. Roll out the dough, place in a rimmed pan, prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes.

    Mix beaten eggs, cream, half the grated cheese, add onion, salt and pepper. Place on the crust and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

    Onion quiche is ready.

Bon appetit!

Large quiche with young vegetables

For the test:

140 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater

8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:

100 g young zucchini

85 g green beans

85 g fresh green peas

A small bunch of dense green onions with white bulbs

300 ml milk

1 1/2 tbsp. spoon of flour

2 large eggs

100 g goat cheese

Several cherry tomatoes

2 tbsp. spoons of butter

Salt, pepper to taste

How to cook a large quiche with young vegetables :

    Cut the zucchini diagonally into slices, cut the beans lengthwise and in half, chop the onion, cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters.

    Heat the butter in a saucepan and fry the beans, zucchini, peas and green onions for about 5 minutes. Pour milk in there and add flour. Fry, stirring, until thickened. Cool slightly.

    Quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    Preheat the oven to 190C. Roll out the dough, place in a rimmed pan, prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes.

    Add beaten eggs to the fried vegetables, salt well, and place on the crust. Top with cherry tomato quarters and goat cheese slices. Bake for about 40 minutes.

    A large quiche with young vegetables is ready.

Bon appetit!

Quiche with smoked salmon

For the test:

140 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater

8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:

350 g new potatoes

A small bunch of dill

Zest of 1 lime

200 g smoked salmon

300 ml heavy cream

How to cook quiche with smoked salmon :

    Quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    Preheat the oven to 190C. Roll out the dough, place in a rimmed pan, prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes.

    Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and boil until half cooked, chop the dill, cut the salmon into thin strips.

    Mix beaten eggs with cream, dill, add grated zest, salt and pepper.

    Place half of the potatoes on the crust, alternating with pieces of fish. Pour in 2/3 of the egg-cream mixture, add the rest of the potatoes and fish, and pour in the rest of the cream.

    Bake at 180C for about 30 minutes.

    Quiche with smoked salmon is ready.

Bon appetit!

Quiche with leeks and mushrooms

For the test:

140 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater

8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:

4 leeks

250 g chopped mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms)

300 ml heavy cream

150 g grated Gruyère cheese

2 tbsp. spoons of butter

How to make quiche with leeks and mushrooms :

    Quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    Preheat the oven to 190C. Roll out the dough, place in a rimmed pan, prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes.

    Heat the butter in a saucepan and fry the leeks cut into rings until soft, increase the heat and add the mushrooms. Cool slightly.

    Beat the eggs, add cream and onion-mushroom mixture, half the grated cheese, salt and pepper, put the filling on the crust and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

    Bake the pie for 25-30 minutes.

    Quiche with leeks and mushrooms is ready.

Bon appetit!

Quiche with figs and blue cheese

For the test:

180 g chilled butter

100 g ground walnuts

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:

2 tbsp. spoons of butter

400 g chopped shallots

1 1/2 tbsp. spoon of thyme leaves

200 g sour cream

200 ml heavy cream

140 g blue cheese

3-4 figs, cut in half

How to make fig and blue cheese quiche :

    For the dough: Place flour, salt and butter cubes in a food processor, pulse, add walnuts. Beat the yolks with 3 tbsp. spoons of water, add to the dough. Roll out the dough, put it in a round shape and put it in the refrigerator.

    For the filling: melt the butter in a saucepan, fry the shallots until golden brown, add thyme. Cool slightly.

    Beat eggs, mix with cream and sour cream, salt and pepper, add crumbled cheese. Mix with onion.

    Preheat the oven to 180C. Prick the dough with a fork and bake for 30 minutes.

    Fill the crust with the filling, place the fig halves on top, cut side up, sprinkle with thyme and bake for about 1 hour.

    Quiche with figs and blue cheese is ready.

Bon appetit!

Quiche Laurent is a delicious shortcrust pastry pie filled with cream and eggs. This delicacy from French cuisine will amaze you with its sophistication and excellent taste characteristics, which will become the standard for evaluating savory baked goods.

How to cook quiche Laurent?

Quiche Laurent is a recipe that requires the presence of a certain set of products and the fulfillment of certain rules that will be decisive for obtaining the desired result.

  1. The dough is distributed in a greased form, baked for 20 minutes in the oven until browned. An additional weight placed on parchment on the dough will help maintain the correct shape of the sand base. Often in this case, dry cereals (beans or peas) are used.
  2. The filling components for quiche lauren must be pre-boiled or fried before decorating the pie: ready to eat.
  3. The filling components along with the filling are placed in a toasted sand base, which is placed for 30-40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Quiche Laurent dough

Classic quiche Laurent is made from shortbread dough made from butter or margarine. If, after adding all the ingredients, the mass does not come together, you need to add a little more ice water or milk to it and quickly complete the kneading, then determine the mass for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.


  • butter – 120 g;
  • flour – 250 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • water – 1-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Chopped or grated cooled butter is combined with flour, salt, egg and kneaded, adding water if necessary.
  2. Wrap the resulting flour ball in film and refrigerate.

Quiche Laurent with chicken and mushrooms – recipe

One of the most popular variations among products of this kind is mushrooms. The chicken flesh is pre-boiled or browned in a frying pan in oil, seasoning to taste, and then cut into small cubes. Bring the mushrooms to readiness by frying them with onion half rings.


  • shortbread dough – 1 portion;
  • chicken pulp – 0.5 kg;
  • mushrooms – 0.5 kg;
  • onion – 250 g;
  • cream – 400 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


  1. Prepare shortbread dough, distribute it in a mold and brown it in the oven.
  2. Cook the mushrooms and chicken until cooked and place in a golden brown pan.
  3. Pour the ingredients with a seasoned mixture of beaten eggs, cream and cheese.
  4. Bake the quiche Laurent pie for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Quiche Laurent with salmon

Quiche Laurent with fish is especially tasty and aromatic. Typically, such a pie is made with salmon fillet, supplementing the pulp with broccoli florets or spinach, which is poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes and only then mixed with the filling components. The filling can be seasoned to taste with Provençal herbs or


  • shortbread dough – 1 portion;
  • salmon fillet – 350 g;
  • spinach – 300 g;
  • garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • cheese – 200 g;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.


  1. The shortbread dough is placed in a mold, following its contours inside, and baked for 20 minutes.
  2. Fill the resulting base with a mixture of chopped fish, spinach and herbs.
  3. Complete everything with a filling of eggs, cream and cheese, seasoned to taste, and bake the quiche Laurent for 30 minutes.

Quiche Laurent with ham and cheese

The most positive emotions are evoked by the taste of the pie prepared according to the following recipe. Quiche Laurent with ham is satisfying, nutritious, aromatic and incredibly tasty. All the filling components are already ready, all that remains is to grind them, mix them with the ingredients of the filling and place them in the prepared sand base.


  • shortbread dough – 1 portion;
  • ham – 400 g;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • hard cheese – 300 g;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings;
  • dill, parsley, basil.


  1. The dough is browned by first distributing it in the mold.
  2. Chop the ham into cubes or strips, grate the cheese, mix with chopped herbs and seasonings.
  3. Add beaten eggs with cream, stir, season, place in sand base.
  4. Place the product in the oven for 30 minutes.

Quiche Laurent with chicken and broccoli

For those who strive to eat healthy and try to include only healthy foods in their diet, you should try quiche Laurent with broccoli and boiled chicken fillet. This pie is not only incredibly tasty, but also, thanks to the dietary components included in it, has a high nutritional value.


  • shortbread dough – 1 portion;
  • chicken fillet – 700 g;
  • broccoli – 500 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • cream – 400 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • cheese – 200 g;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings, herbs.


  1. Boil chicken in water with spices and cut into small pieces.
  2. Place broccoli florets in boiling water for 5 minutes and drain in a colander.
  3. Prepare the sand base by pouring the dough into a mold and browning it.
  4. Fill the base with chicken and broccoli, top it with a mixture of eggs, cream, cheese, garlic and herbs, seasoned to taste.
  5. Bake the pie for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Quiche Laurent with bacon - recipe

Quiche Laurent with bacon is one of the classic variations of the French delicacy. The meat component of the filling is often fried after slicing in melted butter, which gives the finished dish an extraordinary aroma and taste. You can use either fresh or smoked bacon, or replace it with ham.


  • shortbread dough – 1 portion;
  • bacon – 300 g;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • eggs – 3-4 pcs.;
  • cheese – 200 g;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg, herbs.


  1. Brown the shortbread dough in the pan.
  2. Fry chopped bacon in oil, mix it with grated cheese and herbs.
  3. Beat eggs with cream, add nutmeg and seasonings, pour the mixture into the filling ingredients, mix and place in a sand base.
  4. Bake the quiche Laurent for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Quiche Laurent with spinach

Quiche Laurent with spinach and cheese is not only tasty, but also an extremely healthy delicacy. It won’t be difficult to prepare this at home if you make sure you have the necessary ingredients in advance. Cherry tomatoes cut in half or a mix of fresh herbs would not be superfluous in such a pie.


  • shortbread dough – 1 portion;
  • spinach – 300 g;
  • cherry – 150-200 g;
  • greens – 1 bunch;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg.


  1. Distribute in the mold and brown the shortbread dough.
  2. Add spinach to the onions sauteed in oil and simmer a little.
  3. Mix the green mass with grated cheese, cherry halves and herbs, and place in a sand base.
  4. Pour the filling with a seasoned mixture of cream and beaten eggs, put the pie in the oven for half an hour.

Quiche Laurent from puff pastry

Can be made from ready-made puff pastry. Just like the sand base, it is rolled out a little and distributed in an oiled form, after which it is pricked with a fork and browned in a preheated oven. To prevent the dough from swelling, you can additionally press it down with parchment paper with dry beans or peas.


  • puff pastry – 500 g;
  • chicken fillet – 400 g;
  • mushrooms – 400 g;
  • cheese – 200 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil, seasonings.


  1. Boil or fry the chicken and chop it.
  2. Sauté onions in oil, add mushrooms, fry, mix with meat.
  3. Fill the puff pastry with the filling and top it with a seasoned mixture of eggs, cream and cheese.
  4. Place the puff quiche Laurent with chicken in the oven for 30 minutes.

Quiche Lauren in a slow cooker

Can also be cooked in a slow cooker. The filling is traditionally supplemented with chicken or, as in this case, minced meat is used. The chopped meat is first fried with onions until cooked, adding mushrooms during the frying process, allowing the moisture to evaporate, after which the mixture is mixed with grated cheese.

Quiche (quiche Laurent) is a French open-faced pie, the recipe originally comes from Lorraine.

How to cook quiche with fillings?

The general idea of ​​​​preparing quiche is as follows: a filling is placed in a deep base of dense dough, which is poured over with a filling consisting of milk or cream and eggs, most often sprinkled with grated cheese. Next, the quiche is baked.

Fillings for quiche can be very different; there are many options: from light fruit and vegetable to fish, meat, mushroom and mixed. The main thing is that the ingredients for the filling should be chopped, but not too much.

Recipe for quiche stuffed with bacon and mushrooms with herbs


  • wheat flour - about 1 glass with a capacity of 200-250 g;
  • natural butter – 50 g;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • ice water - just a little;

For filling:

  • fatty bacon or brisket – 150 g;
  • champignons – 3-5 pcs.;
  • greens (rosemary, spinach, green onions, parsley);
  • hard cheese for sprinkling – 100 g.

For filling:

  • heavy cream – 250 ml;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • ground spices (pepper, black, coriander, cloves, etc.),
  • garlic – 2 cloves.


Grind the butter frozen in the freezer, add sifted flour, a pinch of salt and just a little ice water. Knead the dough briefly, but thoroughly (it’s most convenient to use a fork). While we are preparing the filling, we will place the dough in the refrigerator, so to speak, to cool and proof.

The champignons can be boiled for 15 minutes in water and removed, or they can be left uncooked. In any case, cut the mushrooms into not too small slices. Also bacon. Finely chop the greens. Let's mix it all.

Prepare the filling: mix eggs with cream, add crushed garlic and spices. Lightly beat the filling with a fork (no need for a mixer).

From the dough we form a not too thin flat cake-substrate and place it in a round refractory mold, so that the edges protrude slightly from behind the side. Fill the base with filling. Top – fill.

Place the quiche in a preheated oven and bake for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished quiche generously with grated cheese. Before cutting into segments, wait about 15 minutes. Serve the quiche with wine and/or fruit.

French open quiche is one of the few dishes that can be eaten both cold and hot. It will “come in handy” during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can enjoy it at home during family feasts and get-togethers, or you can take this pie with you to a PICNIC.

The history of quiche dates back to the 16th century; its inventors were residents of the French province of Lorraine. This is where the name of the classic open pie came from - quiche Lorraine (the French name for this province is Lorraine, German Lothringen).

What is classic French quiche? This is an open pie made from chopped dough, rich in butter, and therefore crumbly and slightly salty. The quiche filling is based on heavy cream, eggs and cheese. It’s hard to imagine how many options for preparing quiche exist today - classic with smoked brisket, with ONIONS, HERBS, vegetables, mushrooms, fish and even... with BERRIES!

We offer 8 best recipes for open pies. Shall we experiment?

250 g sifted flour
A pinch of salt
125 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater
1 chilled egg
3 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:
400 g washed sorrel without stems
2 eggs
100 g blue cheese
1 large sweet red pepper
200 g heavy cream
2 tbsp. spoons of butter
Salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste

How to make quiche with sorrel, blue cheese and pepper:

1. For the dough: mix flour with salt, add butter flakes, egg, water and salt (you can use a food processor with a knife attachment). Roll into a ball, wrap in cling film, and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
2. For the filling: simmer the sorrel in butter for 2 minutes until it becomes something like a puree, season with salt and pepper.
3. Roll out the dough, put it in a mold with sides, make punctures with a fork.
4. Mix sorrel puree with cream and lightly beaten eggs, pour the mixture onto the crust.
5. Cut the pepper lengthwise, remove seeds and membranes, cut into strips and place on sorrel. Place the cheese, crumbled with a fork, on top.
6. Bake the pie for 30 minutes at 180C.
7. Quiche with sorrel, blue cheese and pepper is ready.

Bon appetit!

Italian quiche with tomatoes, basil and cheese

300 g flour
150 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater
1 egg
8 tablespoons ice water
A pinch of salt

For filling:
300 g cherry tomatoes
300 ml heavy cream
2 chilled eggs
Bunch of green basil
50 g grated Parmesan cheese
A little olive oil
Salt, pepper to taste

How to make Italian quiche with tomatoes, basil and cheese:

1. For the dough: mix butter with sifted flour, water and lightly beaten egg, add salt. Roll into a ball, wrap in film and refrigerate for 1 hour.
2. Preheat the oven to 180C. Roll out the dough, place in a round shape with sides, and prick with a fork.
3. Cut the tomatoes in half, place in another fireproof bowl, add salt and pepper, and sprinkle with oil. Bake at the same time as the crust for 25 minutes.
4. While the cake and tomatoes are baking, make the filling: mix beaten eggs and cream, add salt, and add chopped basil.
5. Sprinkle the crust with half the Parmesan, lay out the tomatoes, pour in the egg-cream mixture, and sprinkle with the remaining cheese again. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
6. Serve the pie with fresh basil leaves.
7. Italian quiche with tomatoes, basil and cheese is ready.

Bon appetit!

For the test:
280 g flour

8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:
500 g small onions
2 eggs
300 ml heavy cream
150 g grated cheese (Cheddar)
1 tbsp. spoon of butter

How to make onion quiche:

2. Cut the onions into half rings and fry in butter until golden brown.
3. Heat the oven to 180C. Roll out the dough, place in a rimmed pan, prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes.
4. Mix beaten eggs, cream, half the grated cheese, add onion, salt and pepper. Place on the crust and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.
5. Onion quiche is ready.

Bon appetit!

For the test:
280 g flour
140 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater
8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:
100 g young zucchini
85 g green beans
85 g fresh green peas
A small bunch of dense green onions with white bulbs
300 ml milk
1 1/2 tbsp. spoon of flour
2 large eggs
100 g goat cheese
Several cherry tomatoes
2 tbsp. spoons of butter
Salt, pepper to taste

How to cook a large quiche with young vegetables:

1. Cut the zucchini diagonally into slices, cut the beans lengthwise and in half, chop the onion, cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters.
2. Heat butter in a saucepan and fry beans, zucchini, peas and green onions for about 5 minutes. Pour milk in there and add flour. Fry, stirring, until thickened. Cool slightly.
3. Quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
4. Preheat the oven to 190C. Roll out the dough, place in a rimmed pan, prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes.
5. Add beaten eggs to the fried vegetables, salt well, and place on the crust. Top with cherry tomato quarters and goat cheese slices. Bake for about 40 minutes.
6. A large quiche with young vegetables is ready.

Bon appetit!

For the test:
280 g flour
140 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater
8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:
4 leeks
250 g chopped mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms)
2 eggs
300 ml heavy cream
150 g grated Gruyère cheese
2 tbsp. spoons of butter

How to cook quiche with leeks and mushrooms:
1. Quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

3. Heat the butter in a saucepan and fry the leeks cut into rings until soft, increase the heat and add the mushrooms. Cool slightly.
4. Beat the eggs, add cream and onion-mushroom mixture, half the grated cheese, salt and pepper, put the filling on the crust and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
5. Bake the pie for 25-30 minutes.
6. Quiche with leeks and mushrooms is ready.

Bon appetit!

For the test:
300 g flour
180 g chilled butter
100 g ground walnuts
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 yolks
3 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:
3 eggs
2 tbsp. spoons of butter
400 g chopped shallots
1 1/2 tbsp. spoon of thyme leaves
200 g sour cream
200 ml heavy cream
140 g blue cheese
3-4 figs, cut in half

How to make fig and blue cheese quiche:
1. For the dough: place flour, salt and butter cubes in a food processor, pulse, add walnuts. Beat the yolks with 3 tbsp. spoons of water, add to the dough. Roll out the dough, put it in a round shape and put it in the refrigerator.
2. For the filling: melt the butter in a saucepan, fry the shallots until golden brown, add thyme. Cool slightly.
3. Beat eggs, mix with cream and sour cream, salt and pepper, add crumbled cheese. Mix with ONION.
4. Preheat the oven to 180C. Prick the dough with a fork and bake for 30 minutes.
5. Fill the crust with filling, place the FIG halves on top, cut side up, sprinkle with thyme and bake for about 1 hour.
6. Quiche with figs and blue cheese is ready.

Bon appetit!

For the test:
280 g flour
140 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater
8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:
150 g new potatoes
200 g young spinach
300 ml heavy cream
2 large eggs
Handful of grated Parmesan cheese
10 canned anchovies in olive oil

How to make spinach and anchovy quiche:
1. Quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
2. Preheat the oven to 190C. Roll out the dough, place in a rimmed pan, prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes.
3. Boil the potatoes in their skins until half tender, peel and cut into slices.
4. Place the spinach in the microwave for 2 minutes, cool slightly and chop.
5. Mix cream, eggs, 2/3 cheese. Finely chop half the anchovies and add to the potatoes and spinach. Pepper heavily. Spread the green filling over the crust, pour in the creamy mixture, and top with whole anchovies and the remaining cheese.
6. Bake the pie for 40 minutes.
7. Quiche with spinach and anchovies is ready.

Bon appetit!

For the test:
280 g flour
140 g chilled butter, grated on a coarse grater
8 tbsp. spoons of ice water

For filling:
300 g fresh raspberries
A small bunch of mint
200 g heavy cream
2 eggs
150 g unsalted ricotta cheese
Handful of almond flakes
1 tbsp. spoon of liquid honey

How to make raspberry, ricotta and almond quiche:
1. Quickly knead the dough, roll into a ball, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
2. Preheat the oven to 190C. Roll out the dough, place in a rimmed pan, prick with a fork and bake for about 25 minutes.
3. Chop 3/4 mint leaves. Mix beaten eggs, crumbled ricotta, cream and chopped mint, add HONEY.
4. Place raspberries in an even layer on the cake, carefully pour the cream mixture and sprinkle with almond flakes.
5. Bake the pie for 35-40 minutes. When serving, garnish with fresh mint leaves.
6. Quiche with raspberries, ricotta and almonds is ready.

Bon appetit!