Okroshka in boiled water with citric acid. Okroshka recipe with photo with citric acid

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

A lot of okroshka recipes make us think about which recipe to choose. In this case, you don’t need to listen to advice, but cook it yourself. Then you will be able to try everything and decide for yourself which option is right for you. My family and I really like okroshka with mayonnaise and citric acid.
I love okroshka in any form, so when summer comes I cook it very often, almost every week. But so that the okroshka is new every time, I always use various recipes. When I have kefir, I prepare okroshka with kefir, and when I have it, the okroshka will be on it. When there is neither kefir nor kvass, there have been such cases in my life, then I prepare okroshka with mayonnaise. Since mayonnaise is almost always in the refrigerator, it’s what helps me out.
Cool okroshka on a hot day is simply a salvation. Sometimes in the heat you don’t even have an appetite, but everyone always eats okroshka with pleasure. Okroshka with mayonnaise is always a win-win. Once, having gathered with friends at the dacha, we decided to make okroshka, so there was no kefir, there was no whey (it also makes excellent okroshka), there was no kvass. But there was mayonnaise, because we seasoned salads with it and the extra pack came in handy. By the way, at the dacha after the harvesting season I also had an open pack of citric acid, which is also needed for this type of okroshka. Since then, I often cook okroshka with mayonnaise and citric acid and it turns out very tasty.

Necessary products for 2.5 liters of water:
- 200 grams of boiled sausage,
- 200 grams of potatoes,
- 2-3 pcs. chicken eggs,
- 200 grams of fresh cucumbers,
- greens to taste,
- 200-250 grams of mayonnaise,
- salt to taste,
- a couple of pinches of citric acid.

How to cook with photos step by step

Crumble fresh cucumbers: It is advisable to cut everything into cubes for okroshka, which is what we will do with cucumbers.

Peel the dumplings from the film and also cut them into small cubes. The sausage will add both taste and additional aroma to the okroshka.

Let's chop all the greens, we will use both green onions and dill. Pour sausage, cucumbers and all the fresh herbs into a bowl for okroshka.

Chop the boiled and cooled eggs into cubes.

Let's boil the potatoes, then cut them according to type boiled eggs: small squares.

Add prepared eggs and potatoes to the okroshka. Lightly salt so that the okroshka immediately acquires flavor.

IN small quantity dilute mayonnaise and citric acid with water and mix vigorously with a spoon. This way you will get a lump-free sauce and the mayonnaise with citric acid will dissolve perfectly.

Pour mayonnaise over okroshka, top up required quantity cold water.

Stir, taste and if something is missing (salt, acid), you can always add. We are in no hurry to serve the finished okroshka to the table. Let it sit in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes, and then the dish is considered completely ready.

Bon Appetite!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

If hot days come, the body asks for something cool, liquid, and thirst-quenching. You don’t really want to eat on hot days, so you need to cook something light, cold and, of course, tasty. Only one thing comes to mind - okroshka, which helps out when it’s scorching hot outside. My beloved husband simply calls okroshka: cold soup-salad, because at first it really looks like a salad, and only then is it poured cold water and is already appearing. If I cook okroshka, then everyone always eats it because it tastes better summer soup It just doesn't happen. I've always liked it cooked summer okroshka with citric acid, because it’s easy, simple and fairly quick to make. The okroshka tastes lightly sour, refreshing and invigorating. Just what you need on a summer day. Prepare okroshka with citric acid using this recipe with photos, I’m sure you’ll really like it!

- 2 potatoes,
- 2 large chicken eggs,
- 2 fresh cucumbers,
- 200 grams of boiled sausage,
- 100 grams of 20% fat sour cream,
- 1.5 liters of cold water,
- ¼ teaspoon l. citric acid,
- 1 bunch of fresh herbs (I have green onions),
- salt - to taste.

Recipe with photos step by step:

For okroshka, boil potatoes better evening So that it cools down in the morning, let it cool for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Then we peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.

We also chop the boiled eggs into cubes, we boil them hard, in 10 minutes the eggs are cooked perfectly and the whites and yolks will become hard.

Chop the cucumbers until you get nice little cubes. “Okroshka” is called that because all the products need to be crumbled.

We cut the sausage, boiled meat fits perfectly. It's nutritious, filling and so delicious.

Place all prepared ingredients in one deep enamel bowl.

In another bowl, mix finely chopped green onions, add all the sour cream, citric acid, and a little salt.

I pour the resulting whitish sour cream dressing with chilled boiled water, but only half the water.

I add liquid dressing to the ingredients, then add the remaining water and bring it to the desired state so that the consistency is the way you like it. Let's taste for salt. Okroshka can be refrigerated, and after 30 minutes it will become cool, simply magnificent.

We pour out okroshka so fast and delicious cooking on plates and serve to the table.

Bon Appetite!
Also pay attention to

Okroshka on mayonnaise with citric acid – tasty, simple and fast

How nice it is to whip up a serving or two of okroshka during the generous hot days of summer!
I don’t know about you, but I love okroshka made with mayonnaise with the addition of citric acid. I generally can’t stand okroshka made with kvass, and somehow not very good with kefir and whey, but lemon sourness V cold okroshka- I think this is the most tasty option into the roast.

Every time I make okroshka with mayonnaise, it reminds me of Olivier salad only with radishes and diluted with water. Below I will tell you my secret of how to quickly dilute mayonnaise in water so that there are no lumps, maybe you do this too, or maybe this is my invention, I don’t know.

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Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
potatoes - 3 pcs.
milk sausage (sausages) - 500 grams
eggs - 4 pieces
greens (onion, dill) - a bunch
radishes - 5-6 pieces (I had loba)
mayonnaise for dressing, citric acid, salt, ice

Previously, I always looked for radishes for okroshka and bought them at an expensive price out of season, but then one day I tried loba and realized that if there is no difference, why pay more?!

That’s why I cut loba, cucumbers, sausage, and greens.

Boiled, cooled, cut potatoes and eggs.

So, I season all the ingredients with mayonnaise, as if I were making a salad. In this way, by the way, it is convenient to measure the required amount of mayonnaise, that is, as much as if you were making a salad.

I mixed it, and that’s how it turned out.

Now I pour boiled, cooled water into this salad, about 2-3 centimeters above the salad. And mayonnaise dissolves perfectly in water without lumps.

I stirred it, added salt, sprinkled a teaspoon of citric acid on the tip, and tasted it. And then I correct the taste - a little more salt or a little more citric acid. Don’t overdo it with lemon; it only takes a few grains for the taste to change and become more sour.

Okroshka tastes good when it’s cold, so I came up with the idea of ​​adding ice to it. I really liked this idea, this way I can quickly cool the okroshka, an indispensable technique in hot weather, now I always do this.

Then you can pour it into plates and enjoy. I don’t know about you, but for some reason I can’t get enough of okroshka. I eat, I think I’m full, and an hour and a half later, when I start to remember that there is okroshka, I feel the urge to eat again

For lovers fermented milk dishes I advise you to prepare okroshka with citric acid. Cold, fresh soup with sourness is perfect in the summer. Let's also add garlic to it for piquancy and more herbs.


  • Potatoes 4 pieces
  • Chicken eggs 4 pieces
  • Cucumbers 4 pieces
  • Boiled sausage 300 grams
  • Green onions(bundle) 1/3 pieces
  • Parsley (bunch) 1/3 pieces
  • Dill (bunch) 1/3 pieces
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Boiled water 2 liters
  • Citric acid 1/5 teaspoon
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream 300 grams

Description of preparation:

To prepare okroshka with citric acid, you must first boil a couple of liters of water and cool it. The entire recipe is for a 3-quart saucepan, so make sure to take care of that as well. Next we prepare according to the following simple recipe. How to prepare okroshka with citric acid: 1. Boil the potatoes and eggs. Judge, peel and cut into small cubes. 2. Grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater, after peeling them. 3. Peel and grate the garlic fine grater. 4. Wash green onions, parsley, dill thoroughly, dry, and chop finely. 5. Finely cut the sausage into cubes. 6. B large saucepan or a bowl, pour half a liter of chilled boiled water, add citric acid into it and stir until it dissolves. Then add mayonnaise or sour cream and stir. You can mix with a mixer or a fork. 7. Mix all ingredients and water with acid. Pour in the remaining water. Check what else is missing to taste. Cool and serve! Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipes for preparing okroshka in citric acid with meat, sausage, beets: options for okroshka in water, kefir, sour cream, mayonnaise

2018-06-05 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready-made dish

5 gr.

3 gr.


3 gr.

61 kcal.

Option 1: Meat okroshka with citric acid - classic recipe

We take boiled potatoes, but under no circumstances should we let them turn, as they say, “into gunpowder.” Unfortunately, there is only one guaranteed way to prevent this - to cook the tubers at a moderate boil, and without covering. Prick it periodically with the edge of a knife so as not to miss the moment of readiness.


  • boiled potatoes - three medium tubers;
  • a couple of radishes;
  • three hundred grams of boiled veal;
  • “Extra” salt and fine pepper;
  • mixed chopped greens - 2/3 cup;
  • medium strength citric acid solution.

Step by step recipe light okroshka on citric acid

The lemon juice solution can be purchased ready-made; the acid in the bottles varies in concentration and can be a little more sour or milder table vinegar. In the absence of such a product, it is easy to prepare everything you need yourself. After boiling a liter of water, pour crystal lemon into it, literally scooping it onto the tip of a knife. Stir and taste with a spoon. Somewhat simpler, unlike original recipe, you can do this by selecting a glass of boiling water to dissolve the acid and add it while diluting the okroshka.

If you are boiling the beef on purpose, rinse it and place it in boiling water with a small amount of salt. Cook until tender, cool with the broth. The potatoes are boiled in their jackets, we simply cool them in a draft, place saucepans with meat and acidified water nearby, and then we will keep it in the refrigerator.

Wash the radishes and arrange them into semicircles; shake off any drops of greens after rinsing and cut them into smaller pieces using scissors. Part onion feathers If, in your opinion, they should definitely be present in the okroshka, grind with salt, but not too hard, not into a paste.

Peel the tubers and cut them, like the veal, into cubes no larger than a centimeter. Mix the okroshka salad with salt and a little pepper. Add sour water from the refrigerator, but it’s better to first soak the sliced ​​​​food in it along with the pouring. Assess spiciness and saltiness and adjust if necessary. Lastly, we “adjust” the acidity of the okroshka, here a solution of lemon juice will help you or you will have to dilute it in a separate glass with water.

Option 2: Citric acid okroshka with sausage - quick recipe

The variety of mayonnaise is given solely to indicate its calorie content. Any similar one will do, but it’s better not to use salad varieties - it’s much better to make homemade okroshka, made from an egg, a glass of butter and a spoon lemon juice. The sausage should have a very dense structure; wet in okroshka it will be quite tasteless. Choose a saltier sausage, proportionally reducing the amount of salt in the dish.


  • eggs, fresh - three pieces;
  • an incomplete glass of 67 percent Provencal mayonnaise;
  • a dozen onion feathers and a bunch of delicate dill of the same thickness;
  • “Doctorskaya” or other high-quality boiled sausage;
  • three cucumbers, medium size;
  • fine salt and citric acid solution;
  • liter of clean water;
  • three medium-sized potatoes.

How to cook quickly simple okroshka with citric acid and sausage

If you don't have filtered water, be sure to boil tap water. You will have to do this ahead of time so as not to waste time cooling down. We bake the potato tubers in a microwave oven, washing them and putting them in a bag while wet. This method is not suitable for eggs; we boil them using the classic method.

We grate the cucumbers with large shavings, peel the potatoes, and cut them into centimeter cubes along with the sausage. After removing the shell, rinse the eggs, blot with a napkin and crumble into smaller pieces. Do not dry the washed greens, chop them and add them to the rest of the products.

Pour acid crystals, no more than a pinch, into a glass of water, dissolve, and taste. The solution should be much weaker than table vinegar and lack a characteristic odor.

Mix the solid ingredients, add salt and add to taste for spiciness. mustard sauce. Dilute with cold, almost icy water, pour into okroshka and acidify. After stirring, taste and add salt, sour or add more water.

Option 3: Okroshka with citric acid on kefir

Different authors prefer and advise dissolving acid in their own way; there are no strict requirements for this. If the okroshka season is still ahead, prepare the lemon solution in advance; it is perfectly stored in a sealed container. Fill a bag of crystals with a glass of slightly cooled boiled water, stir until dissolved and pour into a hermetically sealed bottle. Store refrigerated or simply in kitchen cabinet, the acid will not spoil, but it is still advisable to hide it from children.


  • a dozen small radishes:
  • five potatoes and the same number of eggs;
  • three juicy cucumbers;
  • two hundred grams of low-fat smoked and boiled sausage;
  • half a glass of chopped dill and a little more young onion;
  • per liter sour kefir and clean water;
  • a couple of spoons of mustard;
  • salt;
  • a quarter spoon of crystalline citric acid.

How to cook

Let's simplify the task by boiling the potatoes at the same time as the eggs. Wash the tubers, place in a salted cold water, lower the eggs into it, make sure that they are covered with the top. Once boiling, reduce the temperature, cook the eggs for exactly eight minutes, and transfer them to cold water, and the potatoes for up to half an hour and cool in the same way.

While the products are boiling, the rest can be chopped. Grate the washed radishes and cucumbers coarsely, dissolve the sausage into small cubes. Chop the greens with a sharp knife and mix all the ingredients in one enamel pan.

After cooling, peel and chop the eggs and potatoes. Dissolve the salt and lemon in a glass of water. First season the okroshka with kefir, add half the water, and part of the acid and salt. Stir and then dilute the okroshka to the desired thickness with water, adjust the taste with mustard and acid solution.

Option 4: Okroshka with citric acid and mayonnaise

Ice in okroshka is not a feature of a specific recipe; it is cooled in this way quite often. This is also a great opportunity to show off your artistic talents. You can freeze sliced ​​radishes, beautiful parsley leaves and, believe it or not, even red caviar into ice.


  • young cucumbers and potatoes - three pieces each, medium size;
  • half a kilogram of milk sausage;
  • a glass of chopped mixed greens;
  • water;
  • radish;
  • ice cubes, citric acid, salt and mayonnaise.

Step by step recipe

Boil unpeeled but washed potatoes with eggs in different vessels, cool in air. Chop the sausage, washed radishes and cucumbers finely, but do not crush them; small cubes should be clearly visible. Three large eggs, and cut the potatoes in proportion to the sausage.

Add and mix the greens to the salad, season with mayonnaise. Add cold clean water, stir and add salt to taste. After the okroshka becomes sufficiently liquid, add acid, spoonful at a time. Let go of the okroshka by placing ice in serving plates.

Option 5: Okroshka with citric acid and beets in Belarusian style

Beetroot marinade in okroshka is not only beautiful, but also has a characteristic taste. The okroshka on it turns out to be unusual; if you haven’t tried this before, you definitely won’t confuse it with anything else.


  • one medium-sized beetroot and five slightly larger potatoes;
  • 150 grams of medium-sized radishes;
  • two juicy cucumbers;
  • half a glass of chopped dill;
  • one onion;
  • two glasses of medium-fat sour cream;
  • a spoonful of citric acid;
  • eggs - three pieces;
  • ham, boiled - two hundred grams;
  • salt;
  • raw water.

How to cook

If you can’t find already boiled ones, you will have to put the beets on the fire a couple of hours before preparing the okroshka. There are no such difficulties with other products; we cook hard-boiled eggs, and boil potatoes in their jackets.

Boil three liters of water, add some salt and acidify with lemon. Rub boiled beets into boiling water, stir and after a minute set aside to cool.

Cut the potatoes and eggs into cubes proportionately. We open the cucumbers in the same shape, but smaller, and the ham, on the contrary, is a little larger. Chop the onion finely; if its aroma and taste are too strong, you will have to marinate it. In this case, first loosen the head into half rings and disassemble them into separate parts. After scalding with boiling water for at least a minute, transfer to a colander and rinse under the tap, then chop finely.

Cut the radishes into crescents; the greens can even be “cut” with scissors.

Convenient vessel for okroshka - enamel pan, place in it and carefully mix all the products, pour in cooled beet marinade and add salt. Add some of the sour cream immediately, add the rest to plates or serve in a gravy boat.