Low-fat food additives (meal). Sunflower meal: GOST, composition, application

There are a large number of supplements for horses on the market, among them shmoki, meal and pulp are especially popular. However, there is often confusion in terminology, and not all horse owners are well aware of what is what. So let's find out.

Cake and meal are waste products obtained during the production of vegetable oils. Depending on how the oil is extracted from oilseeds, solid cake or crumbly meal remains in the waste. In horse diets, they are used mainly as a source of proteins, the quality of which is much higher than that of cereal grains. However, in addition to this, cakes and meals have a fairly high energy value, while the starch content in them is much lower than in grain.


The cake is obtained by extracting oil from oilseeds by pressing. With this method, a sufficiently large amount of fat (7–10%) remains in the cake, due to which it has a high nutritional and energy value. Cake usually takes the form of pressed plates of different sizes - in this form they are stored better and longer. If these plates are very large or too hard, then it is better to crush, soak or steam them before feeding. Already crushed cake, in the form of loose grains, is easy to use because does not require additional preparation, but it is stored worse than pressed.

Due to the high fat content, cakes quickly become rancid if storage conditions are violated. Therefore, before offering the cake to your pet, try it for taste (it should not be bitter) and smell (not moldy or musty). The introduction of cakes into the diet improves the horse’s appetite and condition; Due to the high fat content, the condition of the skin and hair (shine, gloss) improves.


Meal is obtained by extracting oil from crushed seeds by extraction with organic solvents (dichloroethane, etc.), which are then removed using steam. A minimal amount of fat remains in the meal (1 - 3%). In this regard, in terms of nutritional value, content of vitamins and phosphatides, they are inferior to cakes, but the concentration of protein in the meal is higher, as is the concentration of microelements. Meals have a crumbly structure and are more hygroscopic than cakes - this must be taken into account during storage. Meal is available in granular form (it is better stored).

Cake and meal are a good addition to a horse’s daily diet if used correctly. Horses can be fed sunflower, flaxseed, corn, peanut cakes and meals, and soybean meal. You should not experiment on your own with castor bean, rapeseed, mustard, camelina and cotton cakes and meals, because... all of them may contain substances that will do more harm than good.

Which to choose?

Sunflower is the most common and most popular of all types of cakes and meals. Subject to the rules of administration and storage conditions, sunflower cakes and meals will be an excellent addition to the diet of any horse. They have a pleasant taste and smell (similar to halva), which a horse will appreciate even with a poor appetite. The composition and nutritional value of sunflower cake and meal largely depend on the husk content in them. The more it is, the lower the nutritional value. If the husk content is over 14%, then such cake or meal should not be fed to foals.

One kilogram of sunflower meal contains 1.08 feed unit and 12.25 MJ of metabolic energy, the same amount of meal contains 1.03 unit. and 12.54 MJ. Digestible protein in cake is 32 - 33%, in meal 38 - 39%. Crushed cake and meal can be fed dry, mixed with the main feed. The optimal daily intake for an adult horse is 0.5 - 1 kg of cake or meal. In general, they can be introduced into a horse’s diet up to 20% of the weight of concentrates, but not more than 3.5 kg.

When purchasing cakes and meals, pay attention to their crude protein content. The price of the product largely depends on this indicator (the higher the protein content, the more expensive). Recently, you can often find meal rather than cake. Therefore, when purchasing, specify what exactly you are purchasing, because... often sellers do not go into detail and all waste from the oil extraction industry is called cake.

Flaxseed cake and meal are not so often used in horse diets, although they have high dietary properties. When steamed, flaxseed cake and meal form mucus, the same as when flax seed is boiled and with the same properties. In addition, these types of feed have a high energy value: 1 kg of cake contains 1.27 units, 13.73 MJ and 287 g of digestible protein; as well as a rich composition of microelements and vitamins. The low popularity of these products is associated with a higher price than that of sunflower cake and meal, as well as with the possibility of poisoning with hydrocyanic acid due to the glycoside linamarin contained in flax seeds.

Flaxseed meal may indeed contain this glycoside if the oil was obtained from unripened seeds or by a cold method (without heating). When extracting oil from flax seed, it is subjected to moisture-heat treatment and, if the technology is followed, there is practically no hydrocyanic acid left in the meal. In order to protect yourself and your horse from undesirable consequences, do not feed flaxseed cake or meal in 1 kg of which more than 200 mg of hydrocyanic acid is formed, do not feed the horse more than 10% of cake or meal by weight of concentrates, do not feed large amounts of soaked flax feed in warm water. Without these restrictions, extruded flaxseed cake can be used.


Pulp is a waste product from beet sugar production; in fact, it is dried beet shavings from which sugar has been extracted. Beet pulp is a carbohydrate feed with a high content of nitrogen-free extractive substances (BAS) and easily digestible fiber (up to 19%), which provide it with high energy value. It is due to this quality of pulp that it is often used to replace grain concentrates, especially in cases where it is necessary to minimize the starch and protein content in the diet, while maintaining energy. One kilogram of pulp can replace 0.8 - 1 kg of oats. However, for all its high energy value, beet pulp cannot boast of the presence of many vitamins (there are practically none, with the exception of B4) and many macroelements (little phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.).

Along with this, pulp is quite rich in calcium (lime chips are added during the sugar extraction process), copper (3 times more than in oats) and iodine (17 times more than in oats) - the content of the last two is an important quality of pulp, because . Traditionally, our horses' diets lack these trace elements.

Dried pulp can most often be found in granulated form, less often in the form of crumbly shavings. Non-pelletized pulp contains practically no sugar (up to 2g/kg), but molasses (up to 6%) is often added to granulated pulp. In this case, there will be a little more sugar (up to 27 g/kg), and the granules will be sweeter and more readily eaten by horses. Beet pulp is very hygroscopic and can increase its volume by 2-3 times when soaked, which in turn can cause colic when consumed dry.

This fact forces many horse owners to be very careful with pulp, and often even refuse to use it if it is impossible to organize preliminary soaking. I will not dissuade anyone from the need to soak dried pulp, but practice shows that when introduced into a horse’s diet, no more than 5% of dried pulp (by weight of concentrates) in an unsoaked form does not lead to any problems with the gastrointestinal tract. So for an adult horse without dental problems, a handful or two of dry pulp (up to 500 g) will not pose a danger.

If you do soak the pulp, then it is better to use warm (not hot) water, so it will swell faster, in an amount 2 to 3 times higher than the serving of pulp. You should not leave the soaked pulp for a long time (for the whole day or overnight), especially in the warm season, because... it may turn sour.

It is necessary to accustom a horse to pulp, as to any other feed, gradually. On average, horses' diet includes from 0.3 to 1.5 kg of beet pulp. Limit rates for feeding dried beet pulp: horses without work - 0.5 - 2 kg, working horses up to 4 kg.

Pulps, cakes and meals can be purchased at the Emclass.ru horse store. The store has a large selection of these fertilizers from a variety of manufacturers and at weekend prices. Including rare species such as pumpkin and amaranth cake. Make your horse's food healthy and varied!

Hello dear readers. Drug treatment is not always the only option for getting rid of the disease. More and more often there are cases where it was alternative medicine that contributed to the recovery from a rather serious disease. Of course, it is better not to switch to traditional medicine on your own, replacing traditional methods of treatment with it. Herbal treatment today is quite popular, because they are widely used both as an additional treatment and as a main one. Of course, the choice will depend solely on the type of disease. Milk thistle is known to us for its beneficial properties in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

We already know the milk thistle product as fiber, because it also helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system. But there is also such a product as meal, about which we still know very little.

The action of this medicine is aimed at treating diseases of the liver and gall bladder. It is this product that will be the least difficult for the digestive system, which greatly facilitates the work of the liver.

Before using this product, you must consult a doctor who will tell you about the effect of milk thistle meal - how to take it.

What is milk thistle meal?

As you know, milk thistle is a medicinal plant that has been used for quite a long time. In addition to the leaves themselves, the seeds of the plant are also used for treatment.

As you know, no less useful oil is obtained from the seeds, which can only be used for certain diseases.

Seeds devoid of oil are precisely meal. Essentially, it is the husk of milk thistle seeds. In pharmacies you can see such husks in powder form, since during the process of squeezing the oil, its structure changes to some extent, and therefore the husks are sold in powder form.

In addition, this form of release of the product is the most convenient for use. This powder is absorbed by the body much faster, without causing any difficulties in the digestion process.

But you should pay attention that the product still contains about three percent fat, which is necessary for the complete absorption of all the beneficial substances contained in milk thistle.

Milk thistle meal - how to take. For what purpose

Despite the fact that milk thistle is a medicinal plant and is used for only one purpose - the treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases.

This product is also actively used for weight loss. As you know, the healthy functioning of the digestive system is an important condition in the process of losing weight.

Seed cake can be used as an additive to main dishes, for example, salads, cereals and various meat dishes. In addition, it has a slight bitter taste, which gives dishes a special piquancy.

As a rule, the product is added to familiar dishes, so taking it will not cause any discomfort. If you want to get rid of excess weight, then meal can be added to a diet kefir shake or vegetable smoothie with the addition of a lot of greens.

In addition, meal is the basis for the preparation of some medicines, which differ in the form of release:

  • Alcohol or water tincture.
  • Dietary supplements based on medicinal plants.
  • Herbal decoctions.

Biochemical composition

The main component of this medicinal plant is silymarin, which is known for its antioxidant properties. It is these properties that prevent the occurrence of possible cell mutations, and at the same time maintain their healthy state. This component helps maintain the water balance of the cell, thanks to which, in fact, its youth is preserved.

In addition, milk thistle meal also contains silibinin, which also has properties that are quite important for the body, since it:

– protects the liver from the harmful effects of toxins;

— promotes the regeneration of damaged cells (as is known, only the liver is capable of restoring its cells);

- slows down the development of fibrous tissue.

But meal is used not only to treat liver diseases, because it is also beneficial for other digestive organs.

It helps normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels. But besides this, such a product normalizes the functioning of the intestines, which quite often malfunctions due to improper functioning of the liver.

This product also helps normalize blood pressure by eliminating the main cause of its occurrence.

The meal contains a fairly large amount of protein, due to which, in fact, it is used in dietary nutrition.

Milk thistle meal - benefits and harms, how to take

In addition to cleansing the liver, milk thistle also helps cleanse the intestines of toxins that have accumulated in the body.

If we consider the benefits and harms of milk thistle, then harmful substances are removed from the body in a timely manner, due to which blood pressure is normalized.

Timely cleansing of the intestines also leads to getting rid of extra pounds. In addition, a food supplement such as meal contains a huge percentage of protein, which helps saturate the body.

In other words, a person feels full from one glass of kefir with the addition of a spoon of such a medicinal supplement.

But besides all this, meal has other beneficial and healing properties for the body:

B vitamins help normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin E has a positive effect on the gonads of both sexes, which helps improve the reproductive function of the body.

If the meal is able to remove from the body all harmful substances that have accumulated in the intestines, therefore, the skin will also be cleansed. The fact is that our skin is an external reflection of the internal state of our body.

Most often, people whose intestines do not function properly suffer from the problem of facial skin rashes. Untimely cleansing of the body from toxins leads to the fact that they begin to come out through our skin.

Hepaprotective properties

It is milk thistle meal that helps restore liver cells, which from time to time need such a process. Our liver constantly suffers from the influence of many factors, which include not only alcohol and smoking, but also air polluted by emissions.

In addition, the condition of the liver is also affected by medications, which we safely take with or without reason. Therefore, it is better not to ruin your liver with drugs that you are not sure you need to take. It’s better to go to a doctor who will definitely prescribe the right treatment for you.

In order to facilitate the work of your liver, you need to regularly take the meal as a supplement to your main meal. After all, it is precisely this that will help protect our liver from the harmful effects of all these factors.

Using meal to cleanse the body

Milk thistle is not only an indispensable medicine that can cope with many diseases, but it also helps cleanse the body.

This tool is used for the following purposes:

Remove toxins from the body that are toxic to it.

Block free radicals.

To cleanse the body of substances that remain after radiation exposure in order to treat a cancerous tumor.

Remove excess bile that settles in the intestines.

Milk thistle meal, the benefits and harms of which we have discussed, is useful not only for the liver and cleansing the body, but also for the intestines.

Normalization of intestinal function

As you know, meal contains a fairly large amount of fiber, which not only helps to quickly saturate the body, but also removes all harmful substances from it.

The consequence of taking such a remedy is the normalization of stool, which eliminates the further occurrence of such problems as constipation.

The body is cleansed regularly, which makes a person feel much better. But this useful property also has a downside.

You shouldn’t get carried away with using such a drug either, because exceeding the permissible dosage can have a laxative effect.

Stabilization of blood pressure

If you suffer from hypertension, then meal will help you cope with constant pressure changes. This remedy is used together with honey, the components of which will only speed up the process of assimilation of the beneficial substances of milk thistle.

The flavonoids contained in milk thistle seeds strengthen the walls of blood vessels and also normalize blood circulation, which ensures that normal blood pressure is maintained for a long time.

Restoring water-salt balance in the body

This substance contains a huge amount of saponins, the main task of which is to control hormone levels.

But besides this, they help remove uric acid from the body, which affects water metabolism in the body.

By consuming this product, you can notice a noticeable reduction in swelling, as well as improved kidney function.

Therefore, people suffering from kidney problems are advised to include milk thistle meal in their diet.

How to take milk thistle meal for the liver - recipes

Each disease requires its own individual treatment, which will differ in dosage and method of application.

Specifically, with liver diseases, first of all, you should forget about eating fatty, spicy and fried foods.

Also important is the cessation of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Ideally, forget about it forever, but if you are not a strong-willed person, then at least for the period of treatment, try to give up your bad habits.

The presence of chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis requires repeating the course of treatment up to two times a year. The duration of each course is at least 20 days, after which there is a break for two weeks.

Such treatment requires regular intake of a decoction prepared from the meal, which will be effective only if you give up unhealthy foods and habits.

The decoction is prepared as follows.

  1. Pour 30 g of milk thistle powder into half a liter of water and simmer over low heat until the liquid is half as much.
  1. We take a teaspoon every hour, and should start at 8 o’clock in the morning and finish at about 20 o’clock in the evening. Taking the drug does not depend in any way on food intake.

Milk thistle is used as a medicine that cleanses the body and liver well.

Side effects, harm and contraindications

Even though such a medicine is natural, it still has some contraindications. Individual intolerance should be taken into account, which is not so rare.

Some patients complain of a feeling of discomfort in the right hypochondrium, but this only manifests itself in cases of serious liver disease.

Taking such a remedy, of course, will not lead to serious consequences, but you should still use it with caution.

Before taking the product, a mandatory consultation with a doctor will be required for:

Pregnant women.

Children from 3 to 12 years old.

People suffering from cholelithiasis or gastritis.

Milk thistle meal today is a fairly common remedy that helps cope not only with liver disorders, but also with malfunctions of the entire digestive system.

With its help, women successfully lose weight. It is thanks to him that you can easily cope with the feeling of discomfort that arises after the holidays.

Therefore, turning to traditional medicine is not only possible, but also necessary, since treatment with medications can only harm your liver even more.

From oilseeds with organic solvents in distillers and evaporators. Depending on the raw material, sunflower meal (or sunflower meal), soybean meal, rapeseed meal, mustard meal, cotton meal, castor meal, hemp meal, etc. are distinguished. Meal is a valuable high-protein feed product.

Based on the crude protein content, two types of meal can be distinguished: high-protein and low-protein. There are two approaches to determining indicators such as crude protein, fiber, and fat. On the territory of the states of the former USSR there are still standards in force by which these indicators are determined in terms of absolutely dry matter. Laboratories in most other countries determine them in the “raw” matter (mass fraction of protein per actual moisture content, %). The values ​​obtained from these two approaches differ from each other. Protein per absolute dry matter is a calculated indicator, defined as protein per actual moisture x 100 divided by 100 - actual moisture. Sometimes an indicator such as “profat” (from the English “protein & fat”) is used to indicate the energy value of meal. It determines the total protein and fat content, that is, the residual oil content.

100 kg of sunflower meal contains about 100 feed units and up to 41 kg of digestible protein (in terms of absolutely dry matter); 100 kg of hemp contains 82 feed units and 24.8 kg of digestible protein. Meal contains vitamins E and group B, rich in phosphorus, but poor in calcium and sodium. It is advisable to use all meal as part of compound feed. Flaxseed, soybean and especially sunflower meal are included in feed for farm animals and birds of all types; hemp - for dairy cows, fattening cattle, adult sheep and pond fish; coriander and castor beans - in limited quantities (due to the content of ricin), mainly for fattening cattle; cottonseed - in small quantities (due to gossypol content) for dairy cows and fattening cattle and pigs.

Depending on the final processing, meal can be in bulk or granulated (produced in granulators to facilitate packaging, storage and transportation). If the meal has undergone heat treatment, then the designation “toasted” is added to its name. For example: “Granulated toasted rapeseed meal” or “Non-granulated toasted rapeseed meal”.

Types of meal

  • Soybean meal. The most popular type of meal is high-protein soybean meal. Its annual production exceeds 130 million tons. The largest producer of soybean meal is the USA. The country produces almost a third of the world's total. And the USA, Brazil, China and Argentina account for 3/4 of annual world production. However, if the USA and China mainly consume the produced meal themselves, Brazil and Argentina are its largest exporters, providing 2/3 of the world's export volume, with Argentina's share being 40%. The main buyers of soybean meal are the countries of Europe and Southeast Asia.

According to GOST R 53799-2010, soybean meal is divided into unfortified and enriched. There are 6 grades of soybean meal: Basic, Standard Protein, High Protein, Lipid Fortified, Standard Protein Lipid Fortified and High Protein Lipid Fortified. The protein content in different brands of soybean meal should range from 42% to 54%. Humidity no more than 12%

  • Rapeseed meal. Rapeseed meal is produced in the largest quantities by China for its own needs. The annual world production of rapeseed meal is almost 20 million tons, of which almost 6.5 million are produced in China. But of this, only 200 thousand tons are exported. The largest exporters are Germany and Canada. Germany ranks second in its production and provides 35% of world exports. Canada is one of the five largest producers and its share in global exports of rapeseed meal is 20%. The main consumers of this type of meal are China, Germany, India (the country also has the ability to cover its needs with its own production), as well as the USA and European Union countries.
  • Sunflower meal. The top three production leaders are as follows: Argentina, Russian Federation, Ukraine. The global annual production of sunflower meal is more than 9 million tons, of which more than 40% comes from the above countries. Argentina is the undisputed leader in sunflower meal sales, exporting almost 90% of the volumes produced. This represents almost 50% of global exports. The regulatory document regulating the quality of sunflower meal of different types is GOST 11246-96.

In the Russian Federation, more than 1 million tons of sunflower and rapeseed meal are produced annually. Part of the sunflower meal produced is exported to Asian and European countries. To ensure a strong feed base for livestock and poultry, large volumes of soybean meal are constantly imported into Russia. One of the largest producers of soybean and rapeseed meal, China, also pays attention to the production of sunflower meal. The country annually produces more than 400 thousand tons of sunflower meal, which is almost entirely consumed on the domestic market.

Organic solvents in distillers and evaporators. Depending on the raw material, sunflower meal (or sunflower meal), soybean meal, rapeseed meal, mustard meal, cotton meal, castor meal, hemp meal, etc. are distinguished. Meal is a valuable high-protein feed product.

Based on the crude protein content, two types of meal can be distinguished: high-protein and low-protein. There are two approaches to determining indicators such as crude protein, fiber, and fat. On the territory of the states of the former USSR there are still standards in force by which these indicators are determined in terms of absolutely dry matter. Laboratories in most other countries determine them in the “raw” matter (mass fraction of protein per actual moisture content, %). The values ​​obtained from these two approaches differ from each other. Protein per absolute dry matter is a calculated indicator, defined as protein per actual moisture x 100 divided by 100 - actual moisture. Sometimes an indicator such as “profat” (from the English “protein & fat”) is used to indicate the energy value of meal. It determines the total protein and fat content, that is, the residual oil content.

100 kg of sunflower meal contains about 100 feed units and up to 41 kg of digestible protein (in terms of absolutely dry matter); 100 kg of hemp contains 82 feed units and 24.8 kg of digestible protein. Meal contains vitamins E and group B, rich in phosphorus, but poor in calcium and sodium. It is advisable to use all meal as part of compound feed. Flaxseed, soybean and especially sunflower meal are included in feed for farm animals and birds of all types; hemp - for dairy cows, fattening cattle, adult sheep and pond fish; coriander and castor beans - in limited quantities (due to the content of ricin), mainly for fattening cattle; cottonseed - in small quantities (due to gossypol content) for dairy cows and fattening cattle and pigs.

Depending on the final processing, meal can be in bulk or granulated (produced in granulators to facilitate packaging, storage and transportation). If the meal has undergone heat treatment, then the designation “toasted” is added to its name. For example: “Granulated toasted rapeseed meal” or “Non-granulated toasted rapeseed meal”.

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    ✪ Sunflower meal and cake

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Types of meal

  • Soybean meal. The most popular type of meal is high-protein soybean meal. Its annual production exceeds 130 million tons. The largest producer of soybean meal is the USA. The country produces almost a third of the world's total. And the USA, Brazil, China and Argentina account for 3/4 of annual world production. However, if the USA and China mainly consume the produced meal themselves, Brazil and Argentina are its largest exporters, providing 2/3 of the world's export volume, with Argentina's share being 40%. The main buyers of soybean meal are the countries of Europe and Southeast Asia.

According to GOST R 53799-2010, soybean meal is divided into unfortified and enriched. There are 6 grades of soybean meal: Basic, Standard Protein, High Protein, Lipid Fortified, Standard Protein Lipid Fortified and High Protein Lipid Fortified. The protein content in different brands of soybean meal should range from 42% to 54%. Humidity no more than 12%

  • Rapeseed meal. Rapeseed meal is produced in the largest quantities by China for its own needs. The annual world production of rapeseed meal is almost 20 million tons, of which almost 6.5 million are produced in China. But of this, only 200 thousand tons are exported. The largest exporters are Germany and Canada. Germany ranks second in its production and provides 35% of world exports. Canada is one of the five largest producers and its share in global exports of rapeseed meal is 20%. The main consumers of this type of meal are China, Germany, India (the country also has the ability to cover its needs with its own production), as well as the USA and European Union countries.
  • Sunflower meal. The top three production leaders are as follows: Argentina, Russian Federation, Ukraine. The global annual production of sunflower meal is more than 9 million tons, of which more than 40% comes from the above countries. Argentina is the undisputed leader in sunflower meal sales, exporting almost 90% of the volumes produced. This represents almost 50% of global exports. The regulatory document regulating the quality of sunflower meal of different types is GOST 11246-96.

In the Russian Federation, more than 1 million tons of sunflower and rapeseed meal are produced annually. Part of the sunflower meal produced is exported to Asian and European countries. To ensure a strong feed base for livestock and poultry, large volumes of soybean meal are constantly imported into Russia. One of the largest producers of soybean and rapeseed meal, China, also pays attention to the production of sunflower meal. The country annually produces more than 400 thousand tons of sunflower meal, which is almost entirely consumed on the domestic market.

Schrot It is a by-product of the extraction of oils from plant seeds. In this case we are talking about oil extraction with organic solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons. Meal, in its nutritional and energy properties, is comparable to oil cake, which is also a product of processing oilseeds. The meal, like cake, contains oils (fats) - up to 1.5% in meal, 30-42% in cake. As for fiber and protein, the meal contains 30-42% of them, which is slightly more than in the cakes. The carbohydrates contained in it are mainly represented by sucrose. Its fats are unsaturated fatty acids that are easily oxidized and cannot be stored for a long time. This limits the shelf life of the product. The composition, benefits and use of the cake are described on the “Cake” website page.

Types of meal

Depending on the type of initial product - plant seeds, sunflower meal (sunflower waste), rapeseed, soybean, peanut, mustard, hemp, corn, etc. are distinguished. While the composition of different meals is generally similar, there are also differences. Sunflower, soybean and cottonseed meal contain more protein. Sunflower and soybean meal contain the maximum (for them) amounts of lysine and methionine. They are a rich source of vitamins B and E, as well as phosphorus and potassium. In terms of sodium and calcium content, soybean and sunflower meal are ahead of cereal seeds. Rapeseed meal is not inferior to sunflower meal in energy value and is ahead of soybean meal in terms of phosphorus, calcium, copper, and magnesium content. In addition, rapeseed meal has a significant content of riboflavin, folic acid, thiamine, natural antioxidants tocopherol (vitamin E), phenolic compounds, and tannins. Soybean meal, in comparison with rapeseed meal, contains more lysine, but less cystine and methionine.

Application and benefits of meal

Meal is used mainly as feed for farm animals, as a valuable high-protein product. It is included in the diet of animals, birds, and fish, both in pure form and as additives in animal feed. Application of meal in feeding cattle, it increases the productivity of animals (daily milk yield of cows), improves the quality of livestock products (increases the fat content of milk). When feeding poultry, the most valuable are meal with less husk. Since oilseed waste may contain substances that are harmful or have no nutritional value, benefit of meal will be brought only if the norms for addition to feed are strictly observed.

Benefits of sunflower meal

Sunflower feed meal claims to play a leading role as an ingredient in poultry feed. They can replace soybean meal from 50% to 100% in feed for laying hens and broiler chickens. The amino acids of sunflower meal are similar in availability to soybean analogues and are ahead of cotton and rapeseed meal. The lysine content in it is low, but this is usually covered by the artificial introduction of lysine into the product. For better absorption of nutrients, it is necessary to achieve maximum screening of seed husks at the stage of sunflower oil extraction. A high level of fiber content in meal (more than 12%) is a hypertrophied volume of feed mass, and the rate of its inclusion in the diet of an animal or poultry is quite high, and useful substances in such a case may not be completely absorbed by the body. This problem is especially acute in farms that raise broiler chickens. If the fiber level in it still exceeds acceptable levels, feed granulation will save the situation.

Buy meal

On our website, in the “Feed Additives” section, several types of meal are presented and with different percentages of protein. Here you can buy sunflower meal, rapeseed, camelina, soybean wholesale. GC TK9, in addition, purchases meal and cake from oilseed processing enterprises.