Low calorie snack. Low-calorie snacks

People who watch their diet should know that snacking can be both a great ally in the fight against extra pounds and the worst enemy of weight loss. To be in good shape, you don’t have to torment yourself with diets - you just need to adhere to the principle of eating multiple meals in small portions. But if every time it’s time to have a snack, you throw sweets into yourself, then no matter how much you want, you will not lose weight, but will only gain extra pounds. That's why we have prepared for you 20 healthy snack options that contain less than 50 calories.


A handful of quality raisins is a strong “no” to the feeling of slight hunger, as well as a supplier of vitamins B and C, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. And only 45 calories.


Take half an apple and spread a tablespoon of low-fat yogurt on it for a tasty snack that contains only 45 calories, fiber, potassium and B vitamins. And the energy received from apples is consumed quite slowly.


When the season is in full swing, cherries as a snack are the highlight of the day, as you can eat 12 berries or 48 calories! Cherries are filled with unique antioxidants and melatonin, which lowers body temperature and helps us sleep better.


A couple of frozen bananas in the freezer is a must. Seriously, this is the basis for both a quick, delicious ice cream and a cool, creamy smoothie. Half a banana contains 45 calories and supplies vitamins B6 and C, folic acid, magnesium and potassium.


One of the best treats during the day is half a cup of strawberries with low-fat yogurt instead of cream. This serving will add just 45 calories to your total, as well as a generous helping of vitamin C and fiber.


We recommend purchasing a bunch of grapes regularly and keeping them in the refrigerator as a quick, sweet snack. Healthy math: 14 berries are 48 calories. Plus antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It’s also delicious to include grapes in a salad.


For a crunchy snack with lots of flavor, spread just half a teaspoon of peanut butter on a stalk of celery. Delicious and only 50 calories! Meanwhile, celery is considered by many to be a superfood for its high content of vitamin K, folic acid, potassium, copper, magnesium, calcium and dietary fiber.

Miso soup

Let's celebrate Asian cuisine: a small bowl of miso soup contains only 40 calories! Now we know what to order together with our colleagues from the nearest Japanese restaurant. By the way, the miso paste included in the soup can help stimulate digestion and give you energy.

Rice cakes

An easy, low-calorie alternative to bread should find its place in everyone's kitchen cupboard! We eat them with avocado or tomato paste, and the sweet version with a teaspoon of berry jam costs us only 45 calories.


Those with a sweet tooth have long known this life-saving combination: mix low-fat Greek yogurt with half a teaspoon of sugar or jam for a nutritious dessert in just 45 calories. You can also use yogurt as a light salad dressing.

Cherry tomatoes

Great news: you can safely snack on cherry tomatoes all day long, since 8 tomatoes are only 40 calories. Healthy fibers, vitamin C, anti-carcinogenic lycopene and just an explosion of taste are guaranteed!


Cut a couple of slices (no more!) of a ripe avocado, drizzle some lemon and lime juice on top, and you've got the perfect snack that's under 50 calories. Avocados are known for many things as a source of healthy fats, and they also contain dietary fiber, vitamin K, copper, folic acid and potassium.

Cottage cheese

We have a delicious idea that you will definitely love! Mix a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese with salt and pepper and use as a dip for celery stalks or carrot sticks. The calorie content of such a snack will not be even 50 calories.


A piece of smoked salmon on whole grain bread or with a couple of crackers is a tasty treat at around 50 calories, plus a healthy dose of Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B and D, as well as magnesium and selenium, which protect the heart and blood vessels.


Boil one egg, cut it in half and you have 2 snacks at 50 calories each. Eggs are one of the few foods that provide complete protein with all the essential amino acids.

Turkey ham

Roll up lettuce and a slice of lean turkey ham instead of a sandwich and notice the difference in calories—the new snack option clocks in at just 45 calories. Turkey is considered a dietary product and contains little fat and a lot of protein.


Grapefruit is a genius snack with only 35 calories per half fruit. It can be eaten fresh, combined with greens and spinach in a refreshing salad, or added to a bright morning smoothie for flavor and vitamin C.

Protein omelet

Egg whites contain most of the protein and a minimum set of calories, so we suggest preparing a protein omelet from 2 eggs as a snack. The total calorie content of this dish will be only 34 calories.

Chicken breast

Another snack option that's filled to the brim with protein is a small piece of chicken breast for 29 calories. Low fat content combined with high nutritional value has always made chicken breast an important dietary ingredient.


But this snack option is definitely worth taking into account - 50 grams of boiled shrimp contain only 50 calories and endless pleasure. There is also a place for complete protein and zinc, which plays an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

One of the conditions for losing weight is to eat little and often. This means that we cannot do without snacks. They are needed to survive until lunch without feeling brutally hungry; they can replace an afternoon snack. The main thing is to snack on healthy and nutritious foods. So, low-calorie snack foods.

Kefir is a universal lifesaver for those who did not have time or forgot to prepare it at home. This low-calorie product has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, helping to cleanse the body. By the way, if you are haunted by hunger in the evening, don’t torture yourself: half a glass of kefir before bed is only beneficial!

Seasonal vegetables. In spring, summer and autumn it is better, of course, fresh, in winter - boiled (1 jacket potato), baked (beets with a spoon of low-fat natural yogurt) or pickled (cabbage with vegetable oil). An important nuance: when choosing carrots as a snack, season them with a small amount of vegetable oil or, if you eat them whole, dip them in low-fat sour cream. Carotene, which is contained in carrots, is absorbed only when you also receive fats at the same time.

A few slices of cheese or feta cheese. Calcium, proteins, easily digestible healthy fats (digested almost completely, without being deposited on the waist) - all of this is in abundance in these low-calorie foods.

Dried fruits are good and filling, but in order to replenish your energy supply, you need very little of them. Moreover, imported dried apricots and prunes, as well as nondescript dried vegetables from grandma’s garden, are also good. Raisins strengthen the nervous system, dried apples help normalize hormonal levels, and dried apricots help burn fat.

Diet bread - you can crunch them both solo and with light spreads. Low-fat soft cottage cheese (can be diluted with kefir) is especially pleasant.

Such a low-calorie product as fermented baked milk is slightly fattier than kefir - and this is its only dietary “but”. Otherwise, it is also convenient for a snack at work (buy on the way).

Fresh berries. Always appropriate, but especially between 15:00 and 17:00. It is at this time, according to the teachings of biorhythms, that the sugar level in the human body drops, and we are uncontrollably drawn to sweet, unhealthy foods. And it is at this time that it is easiest to succumb to temptation and give up on a diet. But a small handful of berries will improve matters: you will be full and optimistic again. It is best for people with poor eyesight to consume blueberries; raspberries are useful for women before menstruation (and on the remaining days of the cycle too - for a fresh complexion). And you need to eat 4 kg of strawberries during the season - and you will give yourself a year of youth, and your heart - health.

Apple chips - both store-bought and homemade. You can prepare these low-calorie foods yourself in a dehydrator or oven. To do this, apples are cut into thin strips, placed on a baking sheet lined with paper, and dried in the oven at minimum temperature with the door slightly open for 3-4 hours. These chips have no fat or extra calories, but they do have a lot of pectin (necessary for normalizing water-fat metabolism in the body).

Boiled egg with salt and pepper. You can add one fresh cucumber or tomato to it. This snack is especially good in the first half of the day.

Fresh fruit is always appropriate. Apples reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, cleansing blood vessels, alleviating headaches and migraines, and having a beneficial effect on the heart. Peaches and nictarines are good for the stomach, and therefore for a beautiful complexion. Plum is the queen of natural detox: it strengthens the liver, cleanses the blood and removes toxins. Pears also claim to be a detox fruit. They are especially useful for those who have high blood sugar levels. Pears also help remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. Excellent as a snack and exotic. Kiwi is a low-calorie product that holds the record for vitamin C content. Substances contained in oranges have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, elevating mood.

Those who follow a healthy diet know how important low-calorie snacks are. Choosing the right light foods will help keep you from feeling hungry and prevent you from consuming too many calories. Healthy nutrition should not be boring and monotonous, and the diet should not be exhausting. Original, light and most importantly tasty snacks will allow you to get not only benefits from food, but also real pleasure.

List of low-calorie snacks

1. Avocado sandwich. A great healthy snack in five minutes.


  • ½ medium ripe avocado;
  • one sandwich piece of rye or Borodino bread;
  • lemon juice to taste 1-2 teaspoons;
  • salt and black pepper.

Using a spoon, scoop out the pulp from half an avocado and mash it with a fork until smooth. Salt, pepper, add lemon juice. Place the mixture on the bread.

2. Oatmeal raisin cookies. The cookies are absolutely dietary, easy to prepare and take with you anywhere: to work, for a long walk. It can also serve as a complete breakfast or dinner.

Would need:

  • 100 grams of oatmeal;
  • 1 pack of cottage cheese from 0 to 5% fat;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk powder or cocoa;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of wheat bran;
  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 cups raisins;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • sugar or sweetener to taste;
  • vanillin powder.

Pour boiling water over the raisins and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse and drain on a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Grind oatmeal into flour in a coffee grinder.

In a bowl, mash the cottage cheese with the resulting oatmeal with a fork. Add all remaining recipe ingredients except raisins. Knead the dough with your hands until a homogeneous mass is formed.At the very end, add raisins and mix with the dough until smooth.

Approximately 1 tbsp. Roll a level spoonful of dough into a ball and flatten it like a flat cake to a thickness of 1 cm, and form cookies from the entire dough. Place baking paper on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

3. Oatmeal with fresh berries. This porridge is great not only for breakfast. Cooks in a matter of minutes.The secret is a small amount of instant oatmeal, which in this case acts as a filler for other ingredients. Thanks to this low-calorie snack, the metabolic rate increases, the body is saturated with vitamins and energized.


  • 3 tbsp. spoons of instant oatmeal;
  • ½ cup of any berries;
  • ¼ cup almonds or other nuts;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey

C cook oatmeal. Dadd berries, fruits, almonds and honey.

4. Vanilla - banana smoothie. This nutritious and delicious smoothie will keep you feeling full for a long time. His recipe is incredibly simple.

Smoothie products:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract;
  • banana.

Place all products in a blender. Mix.

5. Fried pineapple with cinnamon. This unusual snack will boost your metabolism and burn extra calories. Since pineapple is very sweet, you don't need to add sugar. The snack will still be tasty and sweet.


  • 1 fresh pineapple;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar (optional).

Cut the pineapple into thick rings. In a medium bowl, combine cinnamon and sugar. Coat the rings well on each side with this mixture. Grill on grill rack for 5 minutes on each side. This dish should be served warm.

6. Yogurt snack with berries and honey. This instant dish can be created in a few minutes.

Would need:

  • 1 cup of any low-calorie yogurt without additives;
  • ½ cup of any berries;
  • dining room l. honey

Mix yogurt with berries. Add honey and mix well.

7. Apples with peanut butter. Apples are a classic healthy, low-calorie snack. Peanut butter adds a pop of flavor to the apples with the perfect combination of salty and sweet.


  • 1 apple;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peanut butter.

Cut the apple into slices. Spread peanut butter on each slice.

8. Hot plums with cinnamon. Sweet and juicy plums will perfectly satisfy your hunger. If you add cinnamon to them, you get a delicious and original dessert.


  • 6 ripe plums;
  • 2 tsp. ground cinnamon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • zest of one lemon.

Bake in the oven at t= 180 degrees. Cut each plum in half and remove the pits. Place on a baking sheet (skin side down). Sprinkle with cinnamon, sugar and lemon zest. Bake for 30 minutes. Eat warm.

9. Figs and soft cheese. This creative low-calorie quick snack is super easy and only requires a few ingredients. Sweet figs and lightly salted milk cheese make it very unusual.


  • 4 figs;
  • ½ tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1-½ tbsp. l. honey;
  • ¼ cup of cheese without additives such as Violette, Almette and “Syrko”;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground rosemary.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Rub each fig with olive oil. Make an X-shaped cut in the top of each fig. ABOUT carefully push back the edges and stuff each fig with 1 tsp. cheese. IN Place the figs in a baking dish lined with baking paper. Bake for 10 minutes. Pour honey over the prepared snack.

10. Strawberry in Apple pie order.Dark chocolate is energizing and contains minimal calories and sugar. It is often used in diet programs. Dark chocolate covered strawberries can be enjoyed anytime without harming your health.

Would need:

  • 30 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 250 grams of fresh strawberries.

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or double boiler, stirring until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Place a toothpick in the center of each strawberry. Using a toothpick, dip each strawberry into the melted chocolate. Turn the strawberries upside down and let them cool.

It is well known that high-calorie snacks can be “killers” of diet and a beautiful figure. However, there are foods that not only taste great, but also contain very few calories. Here are some examples of snacks containing up to 100 kcal that you can eat between meals with a clear conscience.

1. Pineapple slices

Pineapple slices are a great snack for those who love citrus fruits. Just one piece of this fruit is a real vitamin bomb - a rich source of vitamin C, B6, magnesium and copper. Pineapple also contains bromelain and biotin, which support weight loss.

2. Cereal bars

Just a few hours after breakfast, our blood glucose levels plummet and we find it difficult to concentrate. Cereal bars are great for second breakfast. You need to choose those that contain cereals, raisins, dried fruits, honey and natural flavors.

3. A handful of raisins

Raisins aren't everyone's cup of tea, but dried grapes are a treat to love because they satisfy your sweet tooth. In addition, dried berries contain a lot of calcium, which prevents osteoporosis. Among other things, they lower cholesterol and improve digestion.

4. A few chocolate cubes

Dark chocolate is a very healthy product, containing magnesium, iron, potassium and many antioxidants. Research is being conducted in the UK to confirm that chocolate has properties that reduce the risk of skin cancer. And there’s nothing to say about its delicious taste!

5. Mini carrots with hummus

Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP, K. Contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, iodine and potassium. To satisfy your hunger with this vegetable, you can combine carrots with hummus.

6. Apple

7. Rice wafers

Rice wafers are a great substitute for bread. They should also be considered a healthy snack. If you love chips and can't imagine watching a movie without something to crunch on, for example, waffles are a great substitute. Just don't choose chocolate covered waffles. Rice not only provides a feeling of fullness, but also, due to its high magnesium content, has a beneficial effect on the nerves.

8. Celery

Celery is tasty, healthy and, on top of that, a very low-calorie vegetable. It contains a lot of fiber, vitamins B and C - they affect digestive processes. You can chew celery with almost no restrictions.

9. Natural yogurt

Natural, sugar-free yogurt is a rich source of fiber. It stimulates metabolism and accelerates the breakdown of fatty compounds, stimulates proper intestinal function. In the summer, to diversify the taste of yogurt, you can add a handful of berries to it - strawberries or raspberries.

10. Kissel

Many people associate jelly with childhood. Our mothers knew perfectly well what they were doing when they gave us this wonderful, healthy drink. To make such a snack healthier, it is better to prepare jelly yourself, rather than buy it in the store in the form of semi-finished products. Here is the simplest recipe: boil one and a half glasses of fruit juice, add grated apple, peach or raspberry. Meanwhile, 2 teaspoons of cornstarch should be diluted in 3 tablespoons of cold water. The mixture is added to the juice with fruits, stirred until the jelly thickens.

11. Rusks

Sugar-free crackers are an excellent alternative to bars and cookies. It is an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates, making it great for first and second breakfast.

Many people try to avoid snacking between meals to avoid gaining extra calories. However, doctors have long proven that for complete weight loss you need to eat as often as possible, at least 5 times a day. It is this regime that will allow you to have a slim figure, maintain health and even improve concentration.

Why is snacking important?

When we eat three meals a day, eating large portions of food, our metabolism slows down and food digestibility decreases. With such a system, most of the food eaten can be considered wasted, because it does not bring any benefit. But there is plenty of harm from such a diet, because by eating large portions of food, we overload the digestive system, which eventually begins to malfunction, leading to the development of dyspepsia, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome and other serious digestive problems. That is why it is worth remembering once and for all: between 3 main meals there must be 2-3 snacks.

What a snack shouldn't be

Most of our health and body problems arise because we ignore snacks, and if we stick to them, we take such meals lightly. Most often, a person does not prepare for a snack as for a regular meal. Many people consider it quite normal to eat a hamburger or a banana on the way, without stopping from work to “grab” one or two cookies or enjoy ice cream while reading a book. But can this be considered a full meal? Of course not! At this time, the brain is busy solving the detective plot of a book or searching for information about work, and therefore is completely in no mood to send signals to the brain about digesting food.

Special mention should be made about the quality of products consumed during snacks. Is it possible to snack on donuts, which are almost half made of harmful trans fats? These and other fast food products provoke obesity, lead to the development of atherosclerosis and increase the likelihood of cancer.

In the category of prohibited snacks, it is worth including the beloved potato chips, which in fact contain no more than 10% mashed potatoes, and even then made from genetically modified potatoes. In addition, the chips are simply “stuffed” with all sorts of chemical additives, such as dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

The same can be said about everyone's favorite ice cream. This delicacy does not contain any useful substances, but only sugar, stabilizers, emulsifiers and chemical dyes, which contain carcinogenic substances.

But what should a snack be like then? Nutritionists offer a choice of 10 most suitable dishes for a healthy snack. We hasten to introduce you to them.

1. Homemade popcorn

Popcorn is a famous treat that we buy when we go to the cinema. But this dish can be an excellent snack, very beneficial for the body. True, we are not talking about store-bought popcorn, the composition of which is quite questionable, but about popcorn that you can make yourself. It’s not that difficult, you just need to first purchase bags of corn and fry the grains at home in a dry frying pan or keep them in the microwave for a few minutes. Ready-made exploded corn kernels can be consumed without spices, or you can add a little salt, add grated cheese or powdered sugar. 100 grams of homemade popcorn contain no more than 70 calories, and the corn itself will provide the body with many useful vitamins and microelements. Such a mandatory snack will benefit the body.

2. Kale chips

Fans of chips should definitely pay attention to chips made from kale. Unlike a product made from genetically modified potatoes and harmful additives, generously fried in oil, a cabbage dish contains only 50 kcal, which means it can safely be called a healthy snack. Cabbage chips do not contain sugar or cholesterol, but unlike store-bought chips, they contain a lot of fiber that is beneficial for digestion, contain copper and manganese, potassium and calcium, as well as a number of vitamins, including vitamin A, C and B6. This snack is especially useful for diabetics and obese people, as the components in cabbage help regulate glucose and cholesterol levels. Cabbage will also benefit the immune system and bones, support the endocrine system and prevent cancer.

Kale chips are easy to prepare. It is enough just to wash the cabbage leaves, dry them and cut them into pieces convenient for eating. The finished foliage should be carefully laid out on a plate, salted, poured with oil and placed in an oven preheated to 300°C for twenty minutes. This snack will not only give you pleasure, but will also help you lose weight.

3. Hummus with celery

It's no secret that a stalk of celery contains no more than 10 calories. It contains practically no fats and carbohydrates, but a lot of fiber, which means that 3-4 stalks of such greens are ideal for a snack between main meals. Moreover, it is best to consume celery stalks with freshly prepared hummus, which is a valuable source of protein. In this case, you will receive a dish that is remarkable in its nutritional value and benefits. In addition to being rich in protein, celery is 95% water, which means its consumption will help maintain the water-salt balance, which is extremely important for hair and skin. By combining hummus and celery, we get an excellent snack rich in various microelements, including phosphorus and magnesium, calcium and folic acid, vitamins A and C. Thanks to this combination, you will not only saturate the body for a long time, but also maintain blood pressure levels and remove excess fat. cholesterol from the body and strengthen your eyesight.

4. Baby carrots

In terms of its taste, the best variety of carrots is undoubtedly baby carrots. It is smaller in size, but much sweeter, more tender and richer in nutrients. These carrots can be an ideal snack, regardless of the form in which you consume them - fresh, chopped in a blender or in the form of natural carrot juice. One such carrot contains no more than 4 calories, which means you can enjoy this wonderful root vegetable without fear for your figure, receiving in addition a portion of iron, magnesium and phosphorus, potassium and fiber, vitamins A, K, B6 and B9. By snacking on these carrots, you can maintain eye health, which is especially important for modern children, prevent upper respiratory tract infections, strengthen the body's defenses, improve digestion, and also reduce the risk of diabetes and prevent the occurrence of colon cancer.

5. Olives

Many people are accustomed to enjoying olives on the holiday table and do not think at all that the wonderful fruits of the olive tree can be consumed as a snack, for example, during an afternoon snack or lunch. Please note that olives are a low-calorie product, with 20 berries containing only 68 kcal. Such food perfectly saturates the body, because olives are a generous source of healthy monounsaturated fats, they are rich in copper and fiber, iron and vitamin E. In addition to excellent saturation of the body and helping the figure, such a snack will help treat arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, prevent constipation, osteoporosis, and will also help fight asthma. In addition, everyone knows that olives help prevent the appearance of cancerous tumors, are good at reducing blood pressure, helping to fight hypertension, and also trigger the regenerative functions of the skin, preventing early aging.

6. Low-fat Greek yogurt

Nutritionists are simply delighted with such a dietary product as low-fat Greek yogurt, and therefore strongly recommend eating a serving of this fermented milk product as a snack at least twice a week. What is special about this yogurt? First of all, it is thick and incredibly satisfying, which means you won’t have the urge to eat anything else until you have a full meal. In addition, Greek yogurt is a low-calorie product (100 kcal is contained in 170 g of yogurt), which means you can eat such a dish without any fear for your figure. In addition, yogurt contains a lot of live bacteria, which help improve the digestion process and prevent dysbacteriosis. And if you want to take advantage of this snack even more, simply add fresh or frozen berries to your yogurt. In this case, your body will receive all the vitamins and microelements it needs.

Those who prefer apples as a snack are doing absolutely right. This tasty, filling, low-calorie fruit is simply created to fill the gap between main meals. Judge for yourself, an average-sized apple contains no more than 80 kcal, and it is also sweet, which means that with such a snack you will satisfy your needs for sweets without affecting your blood glucose levels and without contributing to the development of diabetes. But an apple is, first of all, a storehouse of fiber and an inexhaustible source of iron, which helps us prevent the development of anemia. There are also countless vitamins and minerals in this fruit: manganese and potassium, zinc and chromium, unsaturated fatty acids and the entire line of vitamins necessary for our body. In addition, apple peels contain bioflavonoids - powerful antioxidants that prevent aging of the body and protect us from cancer. Eating an apple as a daily snack will not only fill your body, but also strengthen your bones and whiten your teeth.

Nuts are considered one of the healthiest foods. True, nutritionists do not recommend getting carried away with these gifts of nature, because they are very high in calories. However, if you look at it, eating just 10-12 grains of almonds will replenish your body with 100 calories. And knowing how filling these nuts are, you can be sure that you will definitely not want to eat again until lunch or dinner. If we look at the composition of almonds, it turns out that it is difficult to imagine a more beneficial snack for our body. There is an abundance of fiber, a high protein content, and healthy vegetable fats, which, unlike animal fats, do not clog blood vessels, but, on the contrary, remove cholesterol from the blood. In addition, almonds contain magnesium and potassium that are beneficial to the heart, phosphorus and calcium necessary for the bones, as well as B vitamins, which perfectly strengthen the nervous system.

9. Cottage cheese with fruit slices

This wonderful fermented milk product is especially valued by nutritionists and there is a reasonable explanation for this. Cottage cheese is a valuable source of protein, which, when entering the body, is slowly digested, protecting you from raids on the refrigerator between main meals. At the same time, the low-fat curd mass itself contains only 90 calories, which means that such a snack is very beneficial for people watching their own weight. Needless to say that in addition to nutritional properties and a minimum of calories, cottage cheese, like other dairy products, is rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, selenium and potassium? To maintain water balance in your body, add a little clean water to a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, or better yet, fresh cucumber or melon puree. In this case, as a snack you will receive a new interesting dish with an unusual taste and undoubted benefits for the body.

10. Soybeans

According to nutritionists, the healthiest of all the snacks presented are soybeans. And here you should not pay attention to the rather high calorie content of the product (147 calories), because to be fully satiated it will be enough to eat 50–70 grams of boiled beans. What is much more interesting is that young soybeans have an ideal balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and in addition to them they boast a whole range of mineral compounds and vitamins that help strengthen the immune system and help prevent more than 50 known diseases! Soy is an assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, it is a product that is one of the twenty natural remedies for fighting cancer, it is a food that helps rejuvenate the body and a dish responsible for increasing intellectual abilities. If you want to avoid obesity, prevent heart attacks, strokes and diabetes, boiled soybeans should appear on your table as often as possible. Eat right and be healthy!