Incredible magical properties of cinnamon: attract good luck. Magic cinnamon

Many magicians and psychics consider cinnamon to be one of the most powerful spices. It is actively used not only in cooking, but also in everyday magic. Cinnamon belongs to the element of Fire. There is an old legend according to which cinnamon received its useful and magical properties from the Phoenix bird, which was reborn from a fire made from the leaves of this plant. Speaking about the magical properties of this spice, we can say briefly and clearly: the impossible can become real!

So, what is the magical power of cinnamon and how to use it correctly?

To attract money

  • If you want money to always be in your wallet, put a cinnamon stick in it, preferably with a mint leaf. The scent of your wallet will attract finances to you.
  • If you have to spend a large amount of money, rub ground cinnamon in your palms and mentally imagine how the entire amount is returned to you.
  • It is recommended to add cinnamon to tea for business success. She will not only charge you with energy and cheerfulness, but also help you concentrate on the necessary things, find a solution and become confident.
  • If you want to attract money to the house, then add ground cinnamon to the water you use to wash the floors.

To attract good luck

  • If you want to attract good luck on a particular day, add cinnamon to your left shoe.
  • If you are going to perform in front of an audience, eating a cookie or cinnamon lollipop a few minutes before your performance will give you eloquence.
  • If you want to fulfill your desire, then go out early in the morning to the balcony or to the street, pour a handful of ground cinnamon in your left hand, focus on your desire, close your eyes and blow on the cinnamon dust, let it fly around you and blow away in the wind.

And, of course, don't forget to use cinnamon as an aromatic oil. The aroma of cinnamon in the early morning will fill you with energy and confidence. Using the magical properties of this spice, remember that nothing is impossible! Don't be surprised if your life begins to change rapidly under the magic of cinnamon. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

02.07.2014 09:00

The rose has always been considered a noble, royal flower. She personified beauty, tenderness, femininity and love. But her beautiful sight and scent ...

Garlic has always been considered a magical plant. If you remember the old legends and fairy tales, then people defended themselves from witches with heads of garlic ...

For a long time I was going to ask this kind of heading, collected material, put it on the shelves, but could not look here in any way.

So. Cinnamon. My favorite spice. My beloved friend in many interesting ways.

Many magicians and psychics consider cinnamon to be one of the most powerful spices. It is actively used not only in cooking, but also in everyday magic. Cinnamon belongs to the element of Fire. There is an old legend according to which cinnamon received its useful and magical properties from the Phoenix bird, which was reborn from a fire made from the leaves of this plant. Speaking about the magical properties of this spice, we can say briefly and clearly: the impossible can become real!

Cinnamon was recognized as the guardian of life, since it was believed that the tree, the bark of which it is, belongs to the Moon, and the spice itself belongs to the Sun.

Cinnamon is a plant associated with the Sun, Jupiter, the zodiac sign of Leo; a plant that is part of the most powerful element - Fire Release. This is my element, so it is not surprising that I burn with such ardent love for the magic cinnamon stick.

Cinnamon has antiseptic and astringent properties. In folk medicine, it is used to enhance immunity, as well as to normalize blood sugar levels. In China, she found her application in the ritual of purifying the body.

Cinnamon has also found its use in magic. It is used in love potions, to improve relationships, to attract money. The magical properties of cinnamon are determined by its belonging to the element of Fire, therefore it is not surprising that it is: protection, healing, purification, love, improvement of mental perception, clarification of consciousness, gaining independence, strength and self-confidence. The easiest way to regain your good mood, cope with the blues, fight the coming depression and - by the way! - to spur to some actions, to enhance creativity and to clarify the mind to find a solution to any complex issue - this is to arrange for yourself an aromatherapy session.

You can burn cinnamon sticks or pour cinnamon oil into a burner, or you can use candles.

In the language of Victorian flowers, cinnamon meant "My destiny is in your hands." In Austria, lovers exchanged bouquets that included cinnamon, symbolizing tenderness and love. The scent of cinnamon helps gain independence and originality, strength and confidence. Cinnamon is very actively used in aromatherapy.

In winter, its aroma helps to get out of the winter blues, warms, revives, spurs to action.

The magical power of cinnamon helps to restore faith in yourself and hope for the best, and just give you a good mood. Are you lacking in creativity? Arrange an evening with a cinnamon smell, and you will have a thirst to live, create, strive for the fullest use of your time. Cinnamon is also known for its properties to attract money.

It is also used in love potions. Cinnamon brings success, prosperity, and attracts good luck.

Cinnamon is the quintessence of pure magic in a very concentrated form! Experiment with it, look for new ways to use it, love it - and it will pay you back a hundredfold!

Absolutely wonderful and easy to make magic contraption: the cinnamon oil candle. What we need? Any candle will do, either paraffin wax or wax, size and shape do not matter at all, the only thing that is really important: the candle should not be scented. In addition to the candle, we need cinnamon essential oil, which we rub into the surface of the candle in small portions and with gentle movements. When we feel that there is enough - but in fact, a few drops are enough, it is not at all necessary to pour out half of the bottle - we set the candle in the candlestick and light it. We get a truly magical result: first, the scent of miracle and Christmas in the room, which will remain in it not only during the time that the candle is burning, but also a few hours later; secondly, this smoking has an antiseptic effect, which is extremely important in the cold season; and thirdly, the aroma of cinnamon has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and therefore on the microclimate in the family. And, of course, scented candles are no match for those made with natural oil.

Important! When cinnamon oil comes into contact with the skin of the face, it causes very unpleasant sensations and redness of the skin, therefore, after saturating the candle, wash your hands immediately - and very thoroughly! - and don't touch your face for a while.

Any herbal or oil mixture you make to raise money will work better with cinnamon oil.

An excellent option for a ritual to raise money: rub a green candle with cinnamon oil, visualize a golden stream descending to you from the sky and yourself in this stream, formulate your desire for the required amount or the embodiment of a material dream (meaning a dream that concerns something material), and light a candle with your witch's prayer and a specific spell. But if you do not have anything suitable for this case, you can try something universal, like an appeal to the Universe with a request.

Cinnamon works very well when combined with mint.

To attract money

· If you want to always have money in your wallet, put a cinnamon stick in it, preferably with a mint leaf. The scent of your wallet will attract finances to you.

· If you have to spend a large amount of money, rub ground cinnamon (can be combined with mint) in your palms and mentally imagine how the entire amount is returned to you.

· If you want to attract money to the house, then add ground cinnamon to the water you use to wash the floors.

To attract good luck

· If you want to attract good luck on a particular day, then add cinnamon to the left shoe.

· If you are going to perform in front of an audience, eating a cookie or cinnamon lollipop a few minutes before your performance will give you eloquence.

· If you want to fulfill your desire, then go out early in the morning to the balcony or to the street, pour a handful of ground cinnamon into your left hand, focus on your desire, close your eyes and blow on the cinnamon dust, let it fly around you and blow away in the wind.

Cinnamon is actively used in combination with basil - to make a love talisman. The same combination is also suitable for making witchcraft ink, basil is added for love, and cinnamon for the mind. But don't overdo it. Cinnamon essence can be used not only to attract love, but also to induce disgust.

And, of course, don't forget to use cinnamon as an aromatic oil. The aroma of cinnamon in the early morning will fill you with energy and confidence. Using the magical properties of this spice, remember that nothing is impossible! Don't be surprised if your life begins to change rapidly under the magic of cinnamon.

Since time immemorial, people have used cinnamon as a spice. Its heady magic aroma has been known to everyone since childhood. Cinnamon was recognized as the guardian of life, since it was believed that the tree, the bark of which it is, belongs to the Moon, and the spice itself belongs to the Sun.

Cinnamon has antiseptic and astringent properties. In folk medicine, it is used to enhance immunity, as well as to normalize blood sugar levels. In China, she found her application in the ritual of purifying the body.

Cinnamon has also found its use in magic. It is used in love potions, to improve relationships, to attract money.

Love bag

The cinnamon love bag is very powerful! If you want to bewitch a certain person or completely unknown to you, but possessing such traits as you want, the magic bag of cinnamon will help you!

In order to make it you will need: a cinnamon stick, a red bag, a red candle for the ritual, a copper coin, a dish, a pin (to write on the candle). You need to perform the ritual on a sunny day, when the sun is at its zenith, if you want to bewitch a man, and at night on the waning moon - if a woman.

Decorate the ritual site with various objects that you associate with love: flowers, hearts, copper trinkets. It is desirable that there are many items of red color, since red is the color of great love.

When you're done, take a red thin ribbon and fold it in a five-pointed star shape on white paper or a tablecloth. There will be a candle in the center of the star. Use a pin to write your wishes on the candle, describe your potential partner. Be as specific as possible. Then place the candle in the center of the star on a copper coin. If necessary, in order to burn a candle, use a dish, preferably copper. When you start lighting a candle, think about love: the burning flame releases your intentions. Start breaking the cinnamon stick into small pieces. Place the cinnamon in a bag. Put in your love bag a small heart to be made from melted wax. When the candle burns out, remove the coin from under it and put it in the bag as well.

Place the love spell bag in the closet along with clean linen and keep it with you at all times.

Ritual "Cash Cinnamon"

Use a green ribbon, a green ritual candle, and chalk cinnamon to attract money. From the tape, make a five-pointed star on a flat, clean surface. On the candle, write with a pin the amount of money you need at the moment and why you need it. Place the candle in the center of the star, and place a small mound of cinnamon in each of the five corners. Imagine the item or event for which you need money. If you need to pay off a debt or bill, imagine, for example, that you are holding a piece of paper that says "debt paid." Wait for the candle to burn completely.

Ritual to attract money

This ritual is performed exclusively on Thursday. To carry it out, you will need the following: cinnamon, nutmeg, frankincense essential oil, four yellow candles, bay leaf.

Perform the ritual in a quiet, secluded place. First, grease the candles with essential oil, wrap their bottom in a bay leaf. Place cinnamon and nutmeg in a saucer and place in the center of the table. Place candles around the saucer and light them.

Ask the Higher Forces for help in the financial sphere. Do it in your own words. For example, "Higher Powers give me financial stability, send me (amount) money for (purpose or your needs)," and so on.

Wait for the candles to burn out, remove the bay leaves from them, sprinkle with a mixture of cinnamon and nutmeg and put in your wallet.

Wish-granting cinnamon

This ritual will help you realize all your desires in any area. To do this, you will need: a white candle, cinnamon, orange essential oil, and a needle.

Retire so that no one bothers you, turn off all electrical appliances and the phone. Be calm and peaceful, focus on your desire. Write it with a needle on a candle in present tense, as if it were already being performed. For example, I am presented with ... I buy ... I receive ..., and so on. Grease the candle liberally with orange oil and sprinkle with cinnamon. Light a candle and tell the conspiracy:

I lit a candle for good luck!
The candle is white, how could it be otherwise?
The color white is purity, it is a symbol of the beginning.
Hope, success that I meet!
I smear the candle with orange oil.
Because I wish execution very much!
I sprinkle the candle with delicious cinnamon
so that help comes from everywhere, without borders !!
I have written the desire on the candle.
Accepted for execution by the Universe mentally!
The wish comes true within three days!
Good luck, happiness, money - to me! Hurry!

The last line can be replaced with your personal needs, with what you need and what you want. Leave the candle to burn out.

In almost every kitchen there is such a fragrant spice as cinnamon. It is added to pastries and desserts, cereals and meat dishes, giving them a pleasant tart smell and a peculiar taste that cannot be confused with anything. But cinnamon is used not only for cooking, but also in perfumery, in cosmetology, and even magical properties are attributed to it.

Many magicians and psychics consider cinnamon to be one of the most powerful spices. It is actively used not only in cooking, but also in everyday magic.

Cinnamon belongs to the element of fire. There is an old legend according to which cinnamon received its useful and magical properties from the Phoenix bird, which was reborn from a fire made from the leaves of this plant. Speaking about the magical properties of this spice, we can say briefly and clearly: the impossible can become real!

What is the magical power of cinnamon and how to use it correctly?

Cinnamon to increase your finances

To keep your wallet always full, put a mint leaf and a little cinnamon in it. The fragrant smell of the purse will attract finances into your life.

If you are planning a big quick purchase, grab some ground cinnamon and rub it in your palms. Imagine that this money is going back to you.

To become successful in commerce, mix the seasoning into your morning cup of tea. The aroma of the spice will give you cheerfulness and strength, and will increase your concentration on the things that are important to you. You will become more confident in yourself, you will be able to find a way out of any situation.

To attract finances into your home, add ground spice to your floor cleaning water while cleaning.

Cinnamon is a good luck agent

The spice poured into the left shoe will bring you luck on the day it was poured.

Educators, politicians, and anyone who speaks frequently to audiences will benefit from this advice. Before the lecture, eat a piece of candy or baked goods with spices - you will see, you will become more eloquent.

Do you dream to fulfill your own desire? Go outside in the morning or onto the balcony, holding a little ground spice in your left hand. With your eyes closed, consider your own intent and blow off the seasoning.

The forerunners of modern sorceresses - herbalists - knew about the witchcraft properties of spices and often used them in their practice. Cinnamon has powerful magical powers. She attracts happiness in love, luck in money and gives a great mood to life.

In those days, when the path from one part of the world to another was long and dangerous, cinnamon was worth its weight in gold and only noble people could use it. Well, ordinary people could only add myths about her. According to one of them, the fiery Phoenix bird made its nest from spicy cinnamon twigs. To get the coveted spice, pieces of meat were thrown into the dwelling of a formidable bird until its bottom collapsed under the weight of the treat. The nest collapsed, fortune hunters collected fragrant twigs and, returning home, sold them to the rich. Probably, from here cinnamon got one of its names - "fiery helper".

In fact, the "gift of the Phoenix" is just an ordinary bark of Ceylon cinnamon, a tree from the laurel family. It grows in countries with hot climates such as Egypt, India, Vietnam and Brazil. Nowadays, there are many varieties of spices: Javanese, Chinese, etc.

Mages especially appreciate the fire-related cinnamon for its help in financial prosperity. They even call it appropriately - money spice. If you want to improve your financial situation, put a cinnamon stick in your wallet or other place where you keep money. You can also add a dried mint leaf there - such a scent will certainly improve your well-being. Put a cinnamon stick on your desk. But keep in mind - do it secretly and unnoticed by your colleagues.

Once you start cleaning, add a pinch of cinnamon to the water you will be cleaning the floor with. As you clean up, think about improving your family's financial situation.

Cinnamon tea will also help you with this. Put her stick in the teapot and say these again: “Cinnamon for money! I'm getting rich financially! Truly! " . And most importantly, be sure to believe in your financial success.

The invigorating scent of cinnamon can awaken a dormant passion in a relationship. Remember the popular phrase that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Let's make it a reality! When women's day comes (Wednesday or Friday on the waxing moon), bake small heart-shaped buns yourself according to any recipe you know. While preparing them, turn on romantic music and remember those pleasant moments of your life that you spent with your loved one.

While kneading the dough, add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to it and say: “A fiery helper improves relationships: love strengthens, passion ignites. Everything is mutual, everything is for the good! Truly! " .

And when the buns are baked, sprinkle them with hot spices. Note that adding cinnamon must be strictly clockwise.

If your relationship is already good, then add cinnamon to baked goods just like that - without any conspiracies. Your relationship will become even stronger, and her wonderful scent will improve the mood of all household members. Do not forget that you should not tell anyone about the secret of your family well-being.

This spice will also help lonely girls. For the new moon, bake 8 heart buns, be sure to add two teaspoons of the "fiery helper" to the dough. When the buns are ready, place them on the window and open the window.

Look at the heat rising from them and say the words you have learned by heart: “The scent of love leads to me a loving and kind betrothed. All roads are open! Appear in my life! May it be so!" ... Let the buns sit on the windowsill all day, and the next day, crush them and feed them to the wild birds.

Many people notice that cinnamon brings them good luck in communicating with the people. It is generally accepted that cinnamon improves eloquence and sets the head for hard work. On a big day, be sure to eat something with this spice: a bun, lollipop, or ice cream cone. Well, if you didn't find anything with the "fragrant helper", then just pour (clockwise, you remember) a pinch of ground spice into the left shoe. And support this action with the words: "Good luck with me!"

Yes, you can guess even on this delicious spice! But it will turn out only in the interval between the end of spring and the beginning of autumn - this ceremony is carried out exclusively in rainy weather. Wish yourself something good or ask any question in a whisper, sprinkle generously on your left palm with cinnamon and go out into the rain. Let a couple of drops fall into the palm of your hand and leave a mark there. Return home and carefully study the pattern left by the heavenly tear. The answer should be interpreted in the same way as in divination in wax or in shadows.

Thanks to the special substances in the composition of cinnamon, the essential oil obtained from it helps our body to keep itself in good shape. In addition, it will reward you with a good mood and confidence in the future. And in order to always be at your best, get an aroma pendant, best of all a bright color - yellow. red or orange. and add cinnamon oil there. For beauty, you can also add a handful of chopped spices to it. At home, you can use the oil in an aroma lamp or while taking a warm bath - just 3-4 drops are enough for it.

Vlada Syngaevskaya, esotericist

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Home Weight Loss How can cinnamon help you lose weight?

Aromatic spices, which are traditionally used in cooking, are also an excellent cosmetic product. Unfortunately, while they are rarely used, the secrets are not open to everyone. Perhaps it's time to get acquainted with the magic of spices, for example, with the familiar and such mysterious cinnamon? There are several effective cinnamon recipes that can help you diligently fight obesity.

It can be a pleasant addition not only to buns and pies, but also to healing, medicinal slimming tea. It is interesting that such cinnamon for weight loss in tea has long been used by women of the East who want to give their figure a slenderness. Spice is the secret of not only beauty, but also health, it is effectively used by traditional medicine.

Cinnamon is used to treat diabetes. The aromatic spice successfully activates the fat burning process due to the presence of substances that lower blood glucose levels.

It is enough to add a teaspoon of the seasoning to the tea to normalize the sugar level, the effect is calculated for the whole day. But if you also consume sugar and fats at the same time as cinnamon, it will not be able to neutralize them. Seasoning can reduce appetite, and this also leads to weight loss.

The spice is also used in the treatment of colds, bowel diseases. It successfully strengthens the immune system, so any meals with it will prevent colds, this should be taken into account by those who care about their health and family health.

The discovery was the ability of cinnamon to strengthen the heart muscle. It can help treat cardiovascular disease and even save you from a heart attack.

But women are most interested in this spice as an excellent means for losing weight, which can normalize metabolic processes and lead to noticeable weight loss.

There are a number of rules to apply:

  • It is recommended to use not ground cinnamon in recipes for weight loss, but in sticks. If you buy powder, it must be from a trusted manufacturer.
  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage indicated in the recipe. In large quantities, the spice can harm the kidneys, which are especially sensitive to various foods.
  • Drinks must be prepared fresh every time. After a long time, cinnamon will lose both its taste, aroma and beneficial properties. Tea or coffee is not a pleasure.
  • Be sure to consult your doctor before introducing cinnamon into your diet for weight loss.

From the variety of recipes for weight loss with cinnamon, you can always choose those that are easy to prepare at standard home conditions. You can buy a spice at any grocery store, it is sold both ground and in the form of hard sticks.

It is only important to bathe a fresh product with an expressive aroma and taste. Tea for weight loss is prepared with cinnamon; it can be added to kefir or coffee.

There are a lot of recipes, here are a few of them:

  1. You can prepare a decoction from one liter of water and a tablespoon of spices. Drinking such a drink is allowed after it cools down to room temperature. For more action, it is recommended to add honey.
  2. You can also just make tea, pour it not to the brim in a cup, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and milk. The result is not just a healthy, but also a very tasty drink.
  3. Such a recipe is also effective - add a spoon (teaspoon) of cinnamon and the same amount of ground ginger, and a pinch of ground pepper (black) to a cup of tea and honey. You should adhere to the rules for taking such tea - you can drink it once a day, you need to drink it right away.

An effective effect is the use of cinnamon with honey on an empty stomach, thirty minutes before breakfast. The drink should be prepared in advance, thirty minutes before consumption.

You can make it in the evening and put it in the refrigerator. Drink recipe - half a teaspoon of seasoning and a teaspoon of honey should be dissolved in a glass of water.

Healthy kefir will become very tasty if you add a little aromatic spice to it.

Nutritionists offer several options for such a drink:

  1. To 300 g of kefir you need to add 5 apples (grated), mix everything well and knock everything down with a blender. Then another teaspoon of cinnamon is added.
  2. Add a teaspoon of oriental cinnamon and ground ginger (in powder form) to a glass of kefir.

Cinnamon in coffee perfectly replaces sugar, with it the drink will even be much tastier and more aromatic. Reducing the amount of sugar in foods and drinks is one of the conditions for losing weight, and the aromatic spice will only enhance the effect.

Such miraculous coffee will reduce cravings for sweets and pastry desserts. With its help, you can fight hunger in between meals according to the regimen. It's easy to prepare.

Put cinnamon in a cup, add coffee, pour boiling water over the luxurious mixture and let it brew.

Cinnamon helps fight edema in the body, and lemon activates the normalization of metabolism. A cup of tea with spicy cinnamon and lemon, seasoned with honey, will give you true pleasure and remove extra grams. This tea can be taken as a good addition to any diet, drinking one cup in the morning and one at bedtime.

Preparation of a drink. Pour boiling water over cinnamon (half a stick or ¼ teaspoon of powder), wait until it cools down to 40º, only then add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. You cannot add honey to boiling water, because in such an environment it will lose all its healing properties.

An aromatic oil is made from cinnamon, which can also be used in the fight for weight loss. In particular, a few drops of such oil are added to the bath. After a fragrant baptismal font, your mood improves and your sexuality rises.

Often weight problems are caused by the habit of seizing stress, various psychological problems. With a harmonious state of mind, which will give the aroma of cinnamon, there is no need or desire to open the refrigerator again in search of something tasty.

Cinnamon is used for weight loss in the form of additives to cosmetic wrapping. Wraps allow you to make the skin smooth, tender, reduce swelling, and increase muscle tone. It is also an effective means of fighting cellulite.

It is important to remember that a warming cinnamon wrap should not be done for pregnant women, those who suffer from vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis.

We present you with several recipes:

  • Cinnamon essential oil (2-3 drops) is mixed with olive oil (2-3 teaspoons). The mixture is heated in a water bath and applied to areas of the skin where there are problems. On top you need to put a film and a warm blanket or blanket. Course - 15 procedures (every other day).
  • Honey (2 tablespoons) is heated in a water bath, cinnamon is added (a teaspoon), everything is mixed. Then also this mixture must be applied to the body, covered with a film, a warm blanket. The product is washed off after half an hour.

The oriental spice scent is a pleasure in itself. But she can also become an excellent ally in the pursuit of a young and luxurious appearance.