German cooking. German national cuisine

Undoubtedly, each country is individual. Moreover, differences can be seen in everything from the government structure, mentality, lifestyle of the inhabitants of this country, and ending with daily habits. The kitchen in this case is no exception! And legends have long been made about the national cuisine of Germany!

A little history about German cuisine

Unfortunately, we know very little about how truly German cuisine originated. Historians report that it originated in Ancient Rome, but began to truly develop only at the beginning of the 20th century. This is due, first of all, to the political structure of the country. Today, Germany consists of 16 federal states, and previously many of them belonged to other states.

The culinary habits of modern Germans were formed precisely under the influence of this division. The first advances in this area began at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, when Wilhelm II took power. His reforms affected not only the political system, but also cultural traditions countries, in particular, and culinary. The monarch literally banned experiments in the kitchen, especially with the use of wine, spices, etc. Then it became a tradition to eat boiled potatoes with meat and a small amount of sauce, as well as cabbage. This is the kind of food that the ruler himself preferred.

Wilhelm II ceased to rule the state after the First World War. At that time, the country was literally dying of hunger, and there was no question of following any culinary traditions.

German national cuisine began to develop truly intensively and effectively only after World War II, and this was due to the appearance in the country of a large number of collections of recipes from other countries. They began to open catering establishments, the dishes on the menu of which simply amazed with their variety.

Today, German cuisine can rightfully be called one of the most famous and popular in the world. Moreover, each land has its own culinary preferences, formed during its formation. So, let's learn about German cuisine!

German cuisine: what they prefer to serve in different federal states of Germany

Bavaria. Perhaps the most favorite first course of the Bavarians is liver dumpling soup. For main course they prefer fried pork with potato dumplings and, of course, fried sausages. When it comes to drinks, everyone knows that Bavaria is famous for its beer. The Germans not only appreciate its taste, but also know how to produce it. A huge number of breweries produce this foamy drink all year round. In addition, the northern part of the land is famous for its winemakers.

Baden-Württemberg. The national dish of this land is spätzle. It is vermicelli homemade, which contains flour, eggs, water and salt. Swabian ham, spruce honey and cherry cake are also famous. In May and June, asparagus is most often found on the tables of residents of Baden-Württemberg. Among the drinks in this land, the wines of the Rhine vineyards are preferred.

Saxony. This federal land is famous, first of all, for its confectionery masterpieces - shortbread cakes, cookies, etc. Thus, local rolls are known all over the world - “Kriststollen”, cakes with a “glaze” of cheese, raisins, eggs and almonds - “Eierschnecken”, and, of course, Saxon pancakes - “Plinzen”. Among the drinks in this land, they prefer locally made beer or wine.

Thuringia. The inhabitants of this land generally love to have a tasty snack! And most often on their table you can see such a dish as potato dumplings. But fried Thuringian sausage is famous throughout Germany.

Hesse. This cuisine is characterized by such a dish as green sauce. This sauce is prepared from spring vegetables. This sauce goes great with boiled pork, eggs and boiled potatoes"in uniform." The “highlight” of Hessian cuisine is “hand-made cheese”. This cheese belongs to soft species, cooked with onion, oil and vinegar. People usually drink here apple varieties wine By the way, the wine produced in Rhinehaus is especially famous among German wines.

Rhineland-Palatinate. There's food here easy preparation, but quite filling. According to tradition, “saumagen” is prepared here - pork belly With different options stuffing, veal kidneys with a side dish of wide pasta, roast marinated in vinegar, etc. Wine is the preferred drink here.

Saar. The culinary masterpieces of the Saarland often reflect French traditions in food. The fragrant wine drinks of this country are known throughout Germany.

Berlin. Berliners' favorite food is boiled pork leg, sausages, sauerkraut, ribs. The preferred drink here is white beer, diluted raspberry syrup. This beer is especially relevant in the summer season.

Brandenburg. The most famous dish here is Teltov-style rutabaga, which is served with vinegar and sugar. Anyone who has ever tried this dish will confirm that its taste is truly unique. Among the drinks, the inhabitants of this land prefer wheat vodka and beer.

Saxony-Anhalt. The cuisine of the northern part of this land differs from the cuisine of the south. If in the north traditionally there will be lamb and vegetable soup on the table, then in the southern part of the world it will most likely be dumplings. Only pork baked in dough is loved everywhere here.

North Rhine-Westphalia. The most favorite dishes of the inhabitants of this land are roast and fried herring. Side dishes can be very different. Home cooking is especially preferred here: pork sausage homemade with the addition of cabbage or legumes, as well as potato pancakes made from grated potatoes, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Mecklenburg - Vorpommern. It’s worth saying about the cuisine of this land that it is very diverse. This is due to the fact that its residents have different financial and social situations. It is difficult to name any traditional Mecklenburg dish, with the exception of fish and roast goose stuffed with prunes. But the drinks here are truly special. The main delight is sweet beer.

Lower Saxony. Fish dishes are very popular here. The fish here is prepared in the most different ways– fried, smoked, boiled, marinated, etc. A traditional dish of this land - North Sea crabs.

Bremen– this is sea fish and potatoes in any variations. In addition, cabbage with a side dish of oatmeal, sausage, which, in addition to meat, includes porridge, onions and cloves, as well as lard, are popular. The preferred drink here is light beer. wheat vodka.

Hamburg. This land also prefers fish dishes. Another favorite food of the inhabitants of this land is “labskaus”. The ingredients for this dish are: corned beef, herring, red beets, several boiled potatoes and eggs. Eel soup is no less popular.

Schleswig-Holstein. The main food preference of the inhabitants of this land is also fish. In addition, Eintopf soup is popular here.

Main methods of cooking in Germany

In Germany, all cooking methods are used equally:

* Frying - both in a frying pan and on the grill;

* Cooking;

* Marinating;

* Baking;

* Quenching;

* Smoking, etc.

It is also worth noting that practically no spices are used in cooking here, and the portions are incredibly large.

The Germans have a special attitude towards meat dishes. Pork is especially popular here; the variety of dishes made from this meat cannot but surprise. By the way, it is in Germany that you can count the most a large number of varieties of sausages and sausages. A real hit of German cuisine is pork knuckle with a side dish of stewed sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.

As for side dishes, the choice here is also quite rich. In addition to traditional potatoes and noodles, dishes are served with boiled vegetables and legumes. Special German side dish – fried rings Luke.

The following types of soups are typical for Germans as first courses:

* With dumplings;

* With liver meatballs;

* With noodles.

Drinks in Germany They prefer exclusively local production. For example, it is known not only throughout the country, but throughout the world.

What are the benefits of German cuisine?

Despite the fact that on the German menu you can see a very large number of fatty and fried foods, the life expectancy of local residents has increased again. This can easily be explained by the fact that the food of German residents is very diverse. In addition, people here love dishes made from vegetables, sauerkraut and fish, which provide a certain set of vitamins and acids.

Features of German cooking- grilling. With this preparation excess fat It simply flows off the meat, that is, it does not enter the body.

In general, a Russian who finds himself in Germany for the first time will not be disappointed German cuisine y. The main thing is not to order a lot of dishes in a German restaurant or cafe, since you simply won’t be able to eat everything. Believe me, the serving size here will exceed all your expectations, and you definitely won’t leave hungry!

When you mention German cuisine, images pop up in everyone's head. fried sausage, stewed cabbage and a beer glass filled to the brim. Indeed, the diet of many Germans consists of fatty fried pork and a foamy drink. But less famous dishes German cuisine can plunge the gastronomic tourist into a taste shock and radically change the idea of ​​a punctual nation. Culinary history Germany reflects its rural roots and geographical features.

History and traditions

Certain regions of the country have their own culinary traditions, depending on the availability of ingredients and the lifestyle of the population. Neighboring territories - France, Switzerland, Belgium - had a significant influence on the formation of German cuisine and national dishes. It is popular here to name foods after a geographical location, for example, Black Forest cake, Westphalian ham, Nuremberg gingerbread, etc.

The traditional German day begins with a breakfast of fluffy wheat buns with sausage or ham; the constant companion of such a sandwich is boiled eggs. If you replace the sausage with jam or jam, you will get great dessert. Not a single native meal would be complete without soup and a main meat dish. Dinner consists of cold dishes and cheese appetizers.

German dishes are most often a combination of meat (pork, beef, lamb, poultry) and vegetables. Sandwiches with butter, cheese, sausage, fish, etc. are popular.

National German products

67% of Germany's territory is involved in the agricultural sector; the main crops are potatoes, beets, oats and rye. Distributed white asparagus, cabbage, radishes, cucumbers and mushrooms. Farmers raise pigs, cows, and birds.

Fit northern regions to the North and Baltic Seas popularized fish and seafood dishes. Eel soup - a signature Hamburg dish is literally imbued with the aroma of the north, which harmoniously combines with... fresh vegetables, dried fruits and spices.

Below is a list of popular German dishes with titles. Original recipes high-calorie delicacies will allow you to experience all the versatility of their taste.


Translated from German, “schnitzel” means “thin layer.”

The optimal thickness of a chopped piece of meat is 5 millimeters.

The most expensive schnitzel can be ordered in one of the fashionable restaurants in Dusseldorf, where it is decorated with gold shavings.

The German cuisine recipe with photo includes the following ingredients:

  1. Pork carbonate - 500 grams.
  2. Olive oil - 300 grams.
  3. Butter - 150 grams.
  4. Onions - 2-3 medium-sized pieces.
  5. Mineral water with gas - 2 glasses.
  6. Milk 2.5% fat - 100 milliliters.
  7. Loaf - 1/3 part.
  8. Premium flour - 80 grams.
  9. Salt pepper.

Schnitzel recipe

Cut the pork loin into pieces no more than 1 centimeter thick.

Wooden cutting board Cover with cling film and beat each piece of meat on both sides.

Pour sparkling water into a large bowl, add onion, cut into half rings, salt and pepper. Mix the marinade and immerse the pork in it. Cover with film and leave in a cool place for half an hour.

To prepare green garlic sauce Grind the greens and garlic with an immersion blender to a paste, add slowly butter, warmed to room temperature.

Remove the meat from the marinade, pat dry with a paper towel, and brush generously with green sauce. Fold in half widthwise. Place in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes to make breading easier.

Prepare three dishes, add flour to one, and beat eggs and milk until smooth in the other. Cut the loaf into pieces, dry for 5-7 minutes in the oven, grate on a fine grater. Place the resulting powder on a third dish.

Heat a frying pan, pour in oil, dip each schnitzel one by one into flour, a mixture of eggs and milk and breadcrumbs. Fry on both sides for 2-3 minutes. Place on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Recipes for German meat dishes require serving with a side dish of potatoes, green bean salad and herbs.

Eintopf Pichelstein

The name Eintopf translates to "one pot". Several types of meat coexist harmoniously in it, various vegetables, mushrooms and even fish. The origin of the second word “Pichelstein” - a derivative of the Büchelstein mountain, was given to the simple soup by Augusta Winkler, known in narrow circles for her culinary abilities.

A photo of a recipe for a German dish from the first seconds makes you want to take a larger spoon and taste it rich taste. Nourishing, rich, thick soup will be a worthy replacement for a three-course lunch. This is what they prepared on Sundays for their hardworking husbands.

Main components:

  • Assorted meats - 750 grams total weight (lamb, beef, pork, poultry fillet).
  • Leeks - 2 stalks.
  • Carrots - 200 grams.
  • Potatoes - 300 grams.
  • Beans, peas, lentils - to choose from - 1 cup.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 grams.
  • Salt, spices, herbs.

Cooking steps

Stage No. 1. Rinse the meat, remove the skin, veins, etc. Cut into cubes of 3-4 centimeters. Pour a little into a thick-bottomed pan sunflower oil and a glass of cold water.

Stage No. 2. When the container is well heated, lower the meat and seasonings. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding water (to prevent the pieces from burning).

Stage No. 3. Soak the legumes in water, boil until half cooked. It is allowed to replace dry beans with green beans. Chop the green pods coarsely and add to the soup 5 minutes before turning off the heat.

Stage No. 4. Wash the vegetables, peel and stem them, cut into larger cubes.

Stage No. 5. Add legumes, salt to the meat, pour hot water so that all ingredients are covered.

Stage No. 6. After 10-15 minutes, add vegetables.

Stage No. 7. Simmer for 35-50 minutes. Turn off the heat, stir thoroughly, and let sit for half an hour. Add chopped herbs.

Due to the availability of ingredients, nutritional value and calorie content, the German national dish has every chance to fit into the diet of our compatriots.

Bavarian Wollwurst sausages

The name of the dish literally translates as “wool sausage.” Indeed, the recipe for its preparation is closely related to wool, or more precisely, to felt. Secret amazing combination tender meat and sheep's wool will be revealed further.

In different regions of the country it is prepared differently, for example, different types of meat and spices are used. Today's recipe for German cuisine is typically Bavarian. The permanent common feature of Wollwurst is the absence of a casing, due to which this particular type of sausage, out of all the abundance of recipes, is most easily reproduced at home.

Main ingredients:

  1. Pork pulp - 400 grams.
  2. Pork skin - 80 grams.
  3. Veal - ½ kilogram.
  4. Onions - 150 grams.
  5. Grain mustard - 2 teaspoons.
  6. Coriander - 1 teaspoon.
  7. Lemon zest - 5 grams.
  8. Salt - 2 teaspoons.
  9. Pepper mixture - 1 tablespoon.
  10. Nutmeg - 1 teaspoon.
  11. Crushed ice - 150 grams.

Method for preparing sausages at home

In order for the German dish in the photo to please you with its inimitable taste, it is important to take into account several conditions. There should be essentially more veal in minced meat than pork. High-grade muscle meat is a priority. Maximum permissible quantity fats, skin and ligaments - 10%.

An important component of the technology is crushed ice mass. Its quantity in ready minced meat- within 20%. The use of parsley is unacceptable; this is a characteristic feature and difference between “felt” sausages and other varieties.

Wash the meat, cut into pieces of 3-4 centimeters, put in a meat grinder for 1 hour.

Boil the pork skin for 40-45 minutes, cool and cut into cubes. Chop the onion into large pieces.

Grind the dry seasonings in a coffee grinder or food processor with a special attachment. There should be no large inclusions in “felt” sausages; this is the signature style of the dish. Grind the ice until crumbly.

Combine all ingredients in a large container, add 1 teaspoon of seasonings.

Prepare a meat grinder and grind the ingredients to a fine, homogeneous mince. To achieve a similar result, just pass the meat through the grill coarse and twice through the smallest one.

To form sausages, you can use a special meat grinder attachment, a seeding pastry bag, or a thick plastic bag with a cut corner. Optimal dimensions of the blanks: length - 15 centimeters, thickness - 3 centimeters.

The German dish has a characteristic shape - not round, cylindrical, but flattened oval. The break point should be visible at the tips.

Place raw sausages in a pan with water at 50-55 degrees. A culinary thermometer can help housewives; if you don’t have one, you can determine the appropriate temperature of the water by immersing your hand in it - it should be tolerably hot. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

Prepare a bowl with cold water, carefully remove the sausages, dip, and leave until completely cool.

The felt sausages are almost ready. Now they resemble clumps of felted wool. You can find such semi-finished products in butcher shops throughout Germany. They should be consumed as quickly as possible - shelf life is 1 day. It is forbidden to place the delicacy in the freezer - the structure will collapse.

There are 2 ways to eat German cuisine: boiling and frying. In the first case, water, or better rich broth heat to a temperature of 80 degrees (do not bring to a boil), dip the workpieces, cook for up to 15 minutes. In the second, before frying, soak the sausages in milk for half an hour and fry over medium heat until brown.

The best side dish for a “felt dish” is potato salad.

Black Forest cherry cake

“Black Forest” translated from German is a mountain range in the lands of Baden-Württemberg (southwest) known not only for the production of watches, but is also considered the birthplace of delicious pie with cherries and cream. The dish of German cuisine (shown in the photo) appeared in Germany in the 30-40s of the last century and does not lose its popularity today. The history of the origin of the pie is not known for certain, and there is no strict recipe. Below is one of the available options for creating a sweet delicacy.

Main ingredients:

  1. Premium wheat flour - 300 grams.
  2. Sugar - 300 grams.
  3. Chicken egg - 5 pieces.
  4. Butter - 250 grams.
  5. Cocoa - 50 grams.
  6. Baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon.
  7. Cream - 600 grams.
  8. Cherries (can be fresh, can be canned in their own juice, sugar, or preserved in alcohol) - 750 grams.
  9. Dark chocolate - 75 grams.
  10. Vanillin - 1 heaped teaspoon.
  11. Kirschwasser cherry liqueur - 150 grams.

Cooking process

Prepare food processor, pour 200 grams of sugar and eggs into the bowl. Beat at low speed until smooth and fluffy foam forms. Remove the butter from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking to soften. Add to bowl along with cocoa. Beat. Transfer to a large bowl.

Sift the flour several times, add baking powder. Add into the whipped mass gradually, knead using the folding method.

Line a baking dish parchment paper. Pour in the dough and smooth out the edges with a spatula. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake the future biscuit for 20-25 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick.

Divide the cooled cake into 3 equal layers, using a sharp knife or cooking thread to help housewives.

Place the first cake layer on a dish and soak it in cherry vodka ( cherry wine, mixed with vodka in a ratio of 3:1).

To prepare cream for a sweet German dish, cream must be beaten with the remaining 100 grams of sugar and vanilla. If the mass does not thicken well, you can add 50-100 grams of sour cream.

Grease the cake with cream, add cherries (remove pits from fresh ones first). Cover with a layer of cream. Cover with the second cake layer and repeat all steps: soaking, cream, cherry, cream. Proceed in the same way with the third cake layer; sprinkle the top of the second layer of cream generously with grated dark chocolate. Place in the refrigerator to soak thoroughly for 4-6 hours.

Swabian potato salad

A light cold dish goes well with meat, sausages and fish dishes. Salad prepared according to German recipe, can be a full lunch or dinner. This great snack! And if you boil the potatoes in advance, then their creation will take a matter of minutes.

The main components of a traditional German dish:

  • Potatoes - 2 pieces.
  • Onion - 1 smaller piece.
  • American or French mustard - ½ teaspoon.
  • Bouillon cube (beef or pork) - 1/3 piece.
  • Boiled water - 100 grams.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt pepper.

German national dishes use special low-starch potato varieties. Boil the ingredient in its uniform, while rinsing the peel thoroughly. Boil water in a saucepan, add root vegetables. It is important to ensure that it is not overcooked. In the case of salad, it is better to undercook the potatoes than to overcook them.

Cool the cooked product at room temperature and place in the refrigerator for a day.

Remove the peel. While in the refrigerator, the potatoes have acquired sufficient density to cut them thin slices. Peel the onion and chop finely.

Add bouillon cube and mustard to the cup, stir, pour ½ cup of boiling water. Add onion to the resulting liquid mixture. Season the potatoes with salt, pepper, and vinegar. Pour in onion broth. To stir thoroughly.

Liquid that collects around the edges of the dish does not need to be rinsed off. Swabian salad is a juicy, spicy German dish. Over time, the excess sauce will be absorbed by the root vegetable.

Add vegetable oil. Mix carefully.

The salad can be eaten warm or cold. If the dish has already cooled down, you can add hot broth.


German dumplings are a hybrid of dumplings and zraz. It fits harmoniously here flour dough, delicious filling and gentle sour cream sauce. This dish will become hearty snack, and cooking it is a pleasure!


  1. Potatoes - 800 grams.
  2. Wheat flour - 150 grams.
  3. Chicken egg - 2 pieces.
  4. Fresh champignons - 300 grams.
  5. Garlic - 5-6 larger cloves.
  6. Sour cream - 180 grams.
  7. Milk - 150 grams.
  8. Leeks - 3-4 stalks.
  9. Carrots - 2 smaller pieces.

Dough. Peel the tubers, rinse under running water, cut into pieces, and cook in salted water until tender. Drain the water, mash the potatoes, add 1 egg and flour. Stir until smooth.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, crush the garlic with the wide side of a knife, remove the peel, and chop finely. Washed champignons cut into neat slices. Place mushrooms and garlic in the pan.

Sauce. Grate the carrots on a beet grater, lightly fry on vegetable oil. Add chopped leeks and 2 cloves of garlic. When the vegetables are ready, add milk and sour cream, salt and pepper. The mixture should boil, then reduce the heat and cover with a lid. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Dumplings. Wet your hands with water, roll the minced potato into a ball, and squeeze it to form a medium-sized flatbread. Place no more than a teaspoon of mushroom filling in the center, seal the edges, and give it a spherical shape. Carry out similar manipulations with all the potato dough.

Cook the preparations in boiling water for up to 5 minutes. Pour hot sauce over the finished dish.

Among other national cuisines, German is rightfully considered one of the most interesting. It is distinguished by its special taste and quality, its own traditions and a rich variety of dishes characteristic of individual regions of the state. At one time, the formation of German cuisine was influenced by Italian, French and Austrian traditions.

According to the principles of cooking that have shaped German cuisine for centuries, National dishes Germany are not dietary. The vast majority of them are prepared by frying, baking in various ways, or stewing.

Features of a German meal

Following tradition, the Germans eat five to six times a day.

A standard breakfast involves eating:
sandwiches with any type of sausage or ham combined with cheese;
boiled eggs, which are eaten exclusively with a spoon, after cutting off the top of the egg with a knife;
sausages flavored with mustard;
oatmeal with milk;
cottage cheese or yogurt as an example of fermented milk products;
buns or less sweet breads, coated with a layer of jam, preserves or honey.

Traditional breakfast drinks are tea or coffee. Coffee is drunk black or with cream. The Germans themselves call it the national drink. Both in Austria and neighboring Germany, this drink is consumed in significant quantities.

During a classic German lunch, dishes change several times. Appetizers are served first. They are followed by the obligatory soup. The main course often consists of potatoes, meat and vegetables. It is supposed to have a side dish. The lunch meal ends with dessert.

Served around six in the evening, dinner consists only of cold dishes.

Traditional German dishes

Soup is an integral part of the lunch meal. German traditions and customs require the addition of sausages, wieners or sausages to this dish. Even widely known pea soup contains some kind of sausage product.

The most common types of soups that German cuisine boasts are:
soup with sausages and sauerkraut,
potato soup with Saxon bacon,
Weimar onion soup,
eintopf soup with several types of smoked meats,
beer soup,
bread soup,
strawberry soup based on wine and strawberries.

Soup "Eintopf" - "Eintopf"

In addition to soups, Germans eat broths, to which they add rice, vegetables, dumplings or eggs.
The traditions of German culinary specialists, which have European features, are also distinguished by the simplicity of the technology for preparing main dishes.

Main courses require the use of meat, the most popular variety of which in Germany is pork.

It is customary to cook from it:
chop cutlet,
Hamburg fillet,

Pork is used to prepare all kinds of sausages and sausages, of which there are about one and a half thousand types in German cuisine. These include very original sausage- white Bavarian, otherwise called "Weisswurst", which is traditionally served for breakfast. It contained a combination of pork and veal, several herbs and lemon.

Weißwurst sausages with sweet mustard

Sausages and frankfurters are consumed as independent dish accompanied by a side dish or as an addition to a second course or salad. Bavarian sausages included in every restaurant menu have long been considered a signature German dish. stewed cabbage.

Taking into account such an important nuance as the small amount of herbs and spices that German cuisine uses, national dishes do not suffer from excess spiciness.

Colorful dishes are prepared on German holidays. Traditional among them are pork leg served with potatoes and sauerkraut, whole roasted suckling pig, pork or ham with asparagus and hollandaise sauce.

The northern regions of the state, located on the coast, are distinguished by their preference for fish dishes in their diet. It is used to prepare soups for lunch, and is also served fried, smoked or salted. Fish is included in salads and often becomes an ingredient in an appetizer or sandwich.

Each region can offer its own signature recipe preparing a dish with fish or seafood. Wismar-style fish is famous, which is prepared by stewing with lemon zest, onions and greens. Beer plays the main role in Munich-style fish. For several centuries, culinary specialists in Hamburg have kept the labskaus recipe invented by their ancestors. This soup has the consistency of puree. Its ingredients are potatoes, onions, pickled beets, corned beef, and pickles.

The role of bread and pastries in German cuisine

Germans love bread and baked sweets just as much as meat dishes. This is precisely the reason for the fact that there are many bakeries and confectioneries operating in Germany.
To bake bread, which is represented in Germany in almost three hundred types, the Germans use rye flour, which gives the product a specific taste. The most unusual of the existing varieties of German bread is considered to be “Pumpernickel”, prepared from rye flour coarsely ground and resembling a sticky mass of dark brown color.

The Black Forest pie and the Christmas cake called Stollen have become famous in world cuisine. gingerbread Lebkuchen. No less popular among natives and guests of Germany butter cookies with raisins, bagels, pies filled with fruit, pumpkin, marzipan. The Germans' weakness is cakes, which can rightfully be considered multi-layered masterpieces of culinary art.

German Christmas cake - "Stollen"

Traditional German drinks

Germany's culinary signature is beer. Bavaria, which many call the beer capital of the whole world, has become especially famous for it far beyond its borders. Only in Germany can you taste light Pilsner beer or sweet bock beer, appreciate the merits of Düsseldorf Altbier and the uniqueness of the cloudy one.

Germans drink wine with no less pleasure. However, due to the cold climatic conditions of Germany, grapes grow only in the Rhine and Main valleys, where the production of wines with their characteristic fruity flavor is developed.
German traditions and customs in the field of cooking continue to interest and attract numerous tourists to Germany.

The national cuisine of any country can rightfully be called not just an important component of the life of the local population, but also as much an attraction as its palaces, monuments and museums. It is no coincidence that when we mention this or that state, many of us have some culinary associations: Japan - with sushi, Italy - with pizza, Greece - with Greek salad. Well, Germany has become famous throughout the world for its love for a variety of sausages. However, it would be a big mistake to believe that German cuisine is only sausages, beer and sauerkraut. In fact, it boasts a much greater variety that can satisfy the most demanding tastes.

Key features of German cuisine

The culinary traditions of this country date back to the times of Ancient Rome. However, modern German cuisine developed relatively recently, after the end of World War II. Its development was influenced national traditions and cultures of neighboring countries.

In addition, politics influenced the formation of German culinary preferences. For example, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Wilhelm II prohibited cooking dishes with the addition of wine, butter and spices. It was then that it began to be considered that the traditional food in Germany is potatoes, served with meat, sauce and. The ruler himself, and therefore his people, preferred this food.

After the end of the First World War, famine struck the country and they completely forgot about cooking, and after the end of the Second World War its real development began.

Today, Germany consists of 16 federal states, each of which has accumulated its own centuries-old traditions of cooking and nutrition in general.

The cuisine of the German state can hardly be called dietary. Most dishes are prepared by frying, stewing, or baking. Germans often prepare soups with the addition of sausages, frankfurters and sausages. Even the popular pea soup here is always seasoned with a small amount of sausage. An alternative to soups are broths with the addition of vegetables, rice or eggs.

It should be noted that the category of first courses is presented huge variety, starting from light transparent broths and ending with hearty thick dishes, which are usually called “eintopf”, which means “one pan”. This dish, as a rule, replaces both the first and the second, therefore it is very popular in the cold season.

It is customary to apply for the second one in Germany deli meats, mainly from pork. This type of meat is used here to prepare:

  • chaos,
  • steak,
  • schnitzel,
  • chops,
  • schmorbraten,
  • sausages, sausages.

As for the latter, there are about 1.5 thousand varieties. They are served as an independent dish or as a side dish for salad.

An important detail is the spices. Despite the fact that the Germans are not too inclined to use them excessively, many local recipes are still quite spicy.

Pork dishes are usually served with potatoes. This root vegetable is considered the basis of German cuisine. It is even often called the “second bread”. For this reason, you should not be surprised if you are not served a bun or a piece of any pastry with your potatoes.

Meat eaters will certainly appreciate the delicacy called “tartar” - raw minced meat with the addition of salt and spices. It is served with an egg beaten into it. Very often this mass is spread on bread and served as a snack.

For the northern regions of the country, fish and seafood dishes are more typical. They are used as ingredients in soups or eaten separately fried, baked, smoked or salted.

Fish often serves as the basis for sandwiches, appetizers and salads. Herring, served with rice, is very popular.

Bread, pastries and sweets are no less popular in Germany. There is a bakery or pastry shop on literally every corner. Moreover, bread is represented by almost three hundred varieties. To give it a specific taste, the Germans add rye flour to the dough.

Sweets are also held in high esteem here. The Germans love desserts very much, so they prepare jelly, puddings, cakes, and cookies with great love. The natives' love for sweets is so great that, according to calculations, in 1 year each German eats about 34 kg of sugar and about 1.5 kg of honey.

What and where to eat in Germany

Traditions followed german cooking, today are well known and popular all over the world. Moreover, each region of the country has its own gastronomic preferences and characteristics. That is, the meal that you will be offered in the north or south of Germany will be different from what Germans eat, for example, in the central part of the country.

Traditions of Bavaria

Soup with liver dumplings is rightfully considered a favorite dish of the Bavarians. As a second course, you will be offered fried pork, served with potato dumplings. An alternative hearty lunch can be Bavarian sausages fried in a frying pan.

As for drinks, you should give preference to the famous beer, which is produced in this part of Germany. And where else can you try traditional Bavarian beer if not in Bavaria itself! Beer is usually served with a pretzel - a pretzel baked from yeast dough, generously sprinkled with coarse salt on top.

However, do not forget that in the north of the region there are many wineries, which means that the “drink of the gods” should also be tasted.

And yet, local cuisine is not only meat and beer. As a dessert, you will be offered a cake with sponge and nut cakes with the poetic name “Agnes Bernauer”. Those with a sweet tooth will also surely appreciate it bavarian cream and Arme Ritter (sweet desserts most often prepared in holidays). More about Bavarian cuisine.

What will they serve in Saxony?

If you prefer German pastries, then it’s time to visit Saxony. This land is famous for its confectionery delights: cookies, shortcrust pastry and other goodies. The famous Saxon cakes with glaze “Kriststollen” are known all over the world, as are “Plinzen” – amazing local pancakes.

But if you read the menu of any of the Dresden restaurants, you will definitely find potato soup with slices of sausage. This will be followed by roast dumplings and red cabbage and Moritzburg carp. By the way, Saxon cuisine is famous for its carp dishes, which are found in the numerous ponds here.

Along with the meat you will be served meatballs made from cereals, potatoes and milk.

Features of Thuringian cuisine

Thuringia is famous for its small restaurants with exquisite menu. In general, the residents of this region know a lot about food and will never refuse a hearty meal. The highlight of cooking in these parts are the well-known Thuringian sausages, which have been prepared according to special recipes for many centuries. For example, the recipe for how to cook “rostbratwurst” sausages is more than 6 centuries old.

You should try the potato dumplings with sausages. They have the shape of large balls and are usually prepared from mixed raw and already boiled potatoes.

They are often served as a side dish for roasts or game dishes along with cabbage.

Main courses often consist of dumplings and Mutzbraten (pieces of meat grilled in special oil) or Rostbrätel (marinated chops). The meal ends with dessert, apple pie.

What you need to know about Hessian cuisine

In Hesse, you should definitely try the green sauce. Its main ingredients are seven or more herbs (borage, parsley, sorrel, 3 types of lettuce, rhubarb, onion). And it is most often served with boiled pork, potatoes and eggs. The set of greens may vary depending on the time of year. At the end of spring, an entire festival is dedicated to green sauce.

Another delicacy is “handmade cheese”. It is a variety soft cheese, which is prepared with the addition of oil, onion and vinegar.

Among the drinks the Hessians prefer apple wine. The varieties that were produced in Rheingaus are considered famous.

What you must try in Berlin

It is impossible to leave the capital of Germany hungry. Berlin cuisine will especially delight meat eaters. The famous iceban (pork knuckle boiled in beer) is served in every establishment here. Along with this you should definitely try:

  • Berlin cutlet;
  • deep-fried short rib brisket;
  • eintopf (soup with smoked sausages and meat);
  • sausages and grilled sausages, served with stewed cabbage and curry;

Berlin is a place where cold snacks are held in high esteem. For example, Hackepeter - raw minced meat with egg, seasoned with pepper. This whole mass is usually spread on bread and washed down with beer.

By the way, you should choose the latter white variety and exclusively local - Berliner Kindl, with mint or berry syrup. For dessert, order Berlin pancakes with marmalade filling or cherry strudel.

Cuisine of Baden-Württemberg

The national delicacy of Baden-Württemberg is spaetzle - vermicelli, which is made by local chefs. It is made from eggs, flour, water and salt. Among appetizers, Swabian ham deserves attention. And usually ends the meal cherry cake and spruce honey.

In late spring and early summer, locals enjoy the taste of asparagus, but their preferred drink is wine made from Rhine grapes.

Once here, be sure to try the following dishes:

  • dumplings stuffed with finely chopped meat, sausages, parsley and spices, boiled in broth or fried with an egg.
  • thick pasta with sauerkraut as a side dish.
  • onion pie.

What to eat in Hamburg and Bremen

Bremen offers its guests sea ​​fish and all kinds of potato dishes. But traditional cabbage will be accompanied by oatmeal and sausage, which contains not only meat, but also onions, cloves, lard and a little porridge. Bremen residents prefer wheat vodka and light beer.

Fish dishes predominate in Hamburg. Moreover, there are dishes that simultaneously use minced fish and meat.

For example, the famous labskaus is made from corned beef, red beets, herring, eggs and potatoes. But the first courses are represented by eel fish soup and eintopf. For dessert, you will certainly be served pastries filled with pears.

What to eat in Frankfurt

For a quick bite in Hesse's largest city, try the well-known Frankfurt sausages, best eaten with mustard, potato dumplings and black bread. And in local cafes you will certainly be offered ribs with a side dish of sauerkraut. You can snack on all this with freshly baked pretzels.

Few people know, but it was Frankfurt cuisine that gave us the famous apple wine (cider) Ebbelwoi, which is made from freshly picked apples. To him local chefs They will definitely serve sauerkraut with a cutlet, and for dessert – “betmanchiki” (buns with marzipan).

The most popular German dishes

As in any country, Germany has national dishes that are typical for this region. So, let's name the top 10 culinary masterpieces German cuisine that you should definitely try:

  1. Weisswurst is a white Bavarian sausage. It contains two types of meat - veal and pork, seasoned with lemon and herbs. They serve it in boiled with sauerkraut or bread.

  2. Sauerkraut is the same famous German sauerkraut. An original local dish, which the Germans themselves affectionately call Krauts. Sourdough is usually based on vinegar and salt, but without the addition of carrots and other vegetables, as is customary in Russia. Once the product is ready to eat, it is usually fried or stewed with onions.

  3. Strudel – traditional dessert, which is dough rolled into a tube with sweet filling. You can even prepare it at home. For this purpose, puff pastry is used, and for filling they take apple or cherry, cottage cheese, poppy seeds. However, the original filling for strudel was cream. Served with cream, hot ice cream, chocolate syrup.

  4. Eisbein - pork knuckle. Translated from German it means “ice foot”. This name has two interpretations. The first is based on the fact that this delicacy is prepared for Christmas, until which it is stored frozen. And the second came from the appearance of the finished dish, which under the golden crust glitters so much that it seems as if it is covered with a layer of ice.

  5. Potato salad. Recipes for this treat have many variations in Germany, since each housewife has her own secret of preparing it. As you might guess, its main ingredient is boiled potatoes.

  6. Marzipan. Although Germany is just a contender for the title of homeland of this product, it can be included in the list of traditional German dishes. It is most often prepared from almonds.

  7. Eintopf is a very thick soup that most often replaces both the first and second courses. They can add the most various ingredients: legumes, potatoes, pasta, meat, sausages. Judging by the name, which translates as “one pan,” the Germans add everything to this treat at once, which makes it filling and nutritious. It is credited with rural origin, which was due to the desire of German housewives to feed all family members at the same time.

  8. Spaetzle is an egg-based pasta with a rough and porous structure. Can have round shape(knoepfle) or oblong (spatzen). It is served with cheese as an independent dish, but is most often used as a side dish.

  9. “Black Forest” is a cake made from chocolate biscuits soaked in cherry syrup or brushed with a jelly-like cherry mixture.

  10. Mettwurst is a must-have attribute of a German breakfast. It's crispy soft bun, spread on top with peppered pork or ground beef with onion. Moreover, the minced meat does not pass through practically any heat treatment, except for light smoking.

Culinary traditions of the Germans

As for German food culture, it has a number of notable features:

  1. German breakfast is usually very light. It consists of a slice of bread with butter, jam or cheese. On weekends, most residents of the country prefer to have breakfast quite late, and therefore this meal can be a little more filling and include bacon, sausages, buns, eggs in any form.
  2. They have lunch here at noon (on weekends, lunch time moves closer to two o'clock in the afternoon). This meal is considered the main meal of the day in Germany. For lunch, eintopf or cream soup, a dish of meat and vegetables, potatoes or rice, is a must. This part of the daily menu should certainly be completed with dessert.
  3. Germans most often dine at noisy company friends and relatives. Often this meeting takes place in a tavern or pub. The evening meal also consists of several dishes, but they may be less filling. Evening is time for pork knuckle and grilled sausages, and, of course, beer with hot snacks.

At Christmas, the Germans prepare a traditional cake (“shtolen”), several varieties of cookies, and bake goose, carp or salmon. Asparagus cooked in sauce with pork is also considered a festive dish. In winter, mulled wine is more popular in Germany than beer.

What do Germans drink?

Some peculiarities are also observed in the Germans’ addiction to drinks. Among non-alcoholic drinks, they prefer coffee with cream or milk, fresh juices, jelly and tea.

Beer occupies a leading place in the German menu. In Germany it is presented in a huge variety of varieties.

Many festivals are dedicated to it (the most important one), and tourists are often offered excursions to breweries, where they can taste the country’s main drink with a variety of snacks.

The Rhine River area is home to vineyards and wine factories.

Don't forget about bread vodka– . It is not as strong as the one that tourists from the post-Soviet space are accustomed to, but it is easy to drink due to its mild taste.


Even the ancient Roman historian Tacitus described the cuisine of the German people as simple but satisfying. When planning to visit Germany, keep in mind that you will want to try everything at once: it is very difficult to resist the provocative smells of freshly cooked meat, baked bread and foaming beer. But be prepared for the fact that the size of the portions in these establishments will surprise you with their size.

Things to remember about German culinary traditions:

  • It is not customary here to add spices to food;
  • main products: pork, bread, legumes, potatoes;
  • Assembly of a German kitchen with MDF facade and Hettich and Blum fittings

The main feature of national German cuisine is the huge number of meat dishes. Pork is held in high esteem here in all its various forms, from roasts to sausages. And in general, traditional German cuisine is not particularly dietary.

The Germans love to eat heartily. This is especially true for Bavaria, with its original and hearty dishes. And everywhere in Germany, national dishes are dense and contain a large number of fatty foods. But it’s definitely worth giving them their due, because German cuisine tastes simply wonderful.

Main dishes of German cuisine

  • Schweinebraten or pork roast

Well-done pork is a staple in most German restaurants. To try it means to better understand the spirit of Germany. Dumplings are usually served as a side dish for pork.

  • Sausage

There is a lot of sausage in Germany, it is varied and varies from region to region. So, in Berlin you will be offered fried sausage with curry sauce, and in Bavaria - white sausage with sweet mustard.

There are about 600 different types of bread in Germany. From different flours, with different fillings, served with different dishes. Bread here is a very respected and valuable product.

  • Fried chicken

Another meat dish. Once a festive dish, chicken has now become the most popular beer snack. At Oktoberfest you will find chicken on almost every corner.

  • Steckerfisch

Whole fish baked on a skewer on the grill. Another favorite dish of the Germans. The taste is amazing, especially with beer and bread.

  • Eintopf

The secret of this meat and vegetable soup is that it is cooked in the oven in a pot. And they serve it in it. The soup is thick and rich, with the aroma of local spices.

  • Käzespätzle

One of the few non-meat dishes in Germany. Egg noodles, sprinkled with grated cheese. Sometimes fried onions are added to it.

  • Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is so popular in Germany that people even talk about it outside the country. In addition to cabbage, Germans value carrots, potatoes, a variety of beans and peas. Vegetable side dishes are most often prepared in the form of pureed soups or simply boil the vegetables separately.

  • Pretzel

You will find an airy pretzel made from delicious dough in any stall with German delicacies. Sometimes butter is served with it. So, as you can see, it’s quite easy to have a cheap and satisfying meal in Germany.

  • Gingerbread

The famous Nuremberg gingerbread cookies fill the shelves of shops and stores before Christmas. Almost every confectioner tries to make his creation the most original due to the shape and multi-colored glaze.

  • Rothe Grütze

This wonderful dessert is made from a mixture of red berries - cherries, raspberries, strawberries and others. Most often served with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

  • Black Forest cherry cake

What do you need for this dessert? Lots of chocolate, lots of cherries and a skilled pastry chef. Leave your fears for your figure and be sure to try this miracle. After all, you won’t find such a delicacy outside of Germany.

If we talk about drinks in Germany, the leader here is, of course, beer. Bavaria is especially famous for its various varieties of this drink. Beer culture has firmly entered into the everyday life of the Germans. The country hosts three beer festivals per year. In February, in May and, of course, the famous Oktoberfest in October.

There are many restaurants in Germany; it is better to look for details about them on the pages of our resource dedicated to the cities of the country. The cost of an average meal in restaurants starts from 10 EUR and increases in accordance with the class of the restaurant and the choice of dishes.