Slicing red fish for the festive table. How to decorate cut fish? Serving red fish

Sliced ​​fish, like fruit, vegetables or meat, occupies an important place on the holiday table. All housewives try to prepare such a dish, even with minimal costs.

In any restaurant, a fish plate is one of the obligatory appetizers. But an equally beautifully decorated assortment can be made at home. The cutting is quite simple to prepare. There are no restrictions regarding the use of products for decoration. It all depends only on your imagination.

Sliced ​​fish

To get a beautiful fish plate, you need to take fish of different colors. It can be lightly salted salmon, halibut, even sprats. Don't forget that the fish platter can be decorated with chopped vegetables, olives, lettuce, olives, lemon and herbs.

Some guests prefer fish on sandwiches, so you can use butter in the shape of a rose for decoration. The slice can also be decorated with black or red caviar.

Homemade fish slices

Fish cuts can not only be served from products purchased in the supermarket. You can cook the fish yourself, and then, decorate it beautifully, serve it to your guests. Let's look at some easy-to-prepare recipes.

Mackerel without smoking

Sliced ​​fish will look bright if it contains smoked products. You can prepare them yourself at home. Such fish will have excellent taste and aroma. Mackerel, for example, is made very quickly. For cooking we will need the following products:

  1. Frozen mackerel - 2 pieces.
  2. Onion peel.
  3. Sugar - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Salt - 3 tablespoons.
  5. Water - 1 liter.
  6. Liquid smoke - 100 ml.
  7. The bottle is plastic.


The fish needs to be thawed, cleaned, the tail and fins trimmed, and the carcass rinsed well. Next, let’s brew. To do this, fill it with water, and then bring it to a boil, simmer over low heat for ten minutes.

After this, the husks must be removed and enough water added to make a total of one liter of liquid. Add salt and sugar. Now let the broth cool completely and add liquid smoke.

Take an empty plastic bottle and cut off the neck. One fish should fit there, but to fit two, it’s better to take a two-liter container.

Pour the mixture over our fish, cover the hole tightly with film and put it in the refrigerator for three days. After some time, take it out of the liquid and hang it to dry for a couple of hours. Then grease with vegetable oil and put in the refrigerator. Now the fish is ready. It tastes like a wonderful smoked product, and the color is beautiful. This carcass will make a wonderful cut of fish.

However, remember that this product is not designed for long-term storage. It is better to consume the fish within two days, and then cook it fresh.

How to pickle herring?

Using this recipe, you will always get good results. So, we will have to purchase the following products:

  1. Fresh frozen herring - 1 kg.

For filling:

  1. Onions - 3 pieces.
  2. Water - 10 tablespoons.
  3. Sugar - 1 tsp.
  4. Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Black pepper (ground) - 0.5 tsp.
  6. Table vinegar (9%) - 3 tbsp. l.
  7. Ketchup - 2 tbsp. l.
  8. Vegetable oil - half a glass.

Cut the onion into rings, add the ingredients for filling, and boil it all together with the onion. Let the mixture cool and taste it.

Now take the herring, clean it, separate the fillet, and then cut it into pieces. Next, put the fish in a jar or enamel pan and pour our filling into it. We’ll put it all in the refrigerator, and after a day you can safely take out the herring. She's already ready.

How to decorate the cut?

Like any dish, sliced ​​fish can be decorated with vegetables and fruits. Nobody forbids you to combine different products. For example, you can cut roses from cucumbers, radishes, and apples. Don't forget about the sprigs of greenery - they will add brightness to the dish.

A beautiful cut of fish (the design is shown in the photo) is obtained by using lemon and kiwi slices. Moreover, lemon juice goes well with all seafood, and they are very often used when decorating dishes.

You can decorate the fish slice itself with red or black caviar, or you can add small caviar sandwiches to the fish. Boiled shrimp and crayfish look very good. They will add exoticism to your holiday table.

Bright red rosettes are very easily formed from thinly sliced ​​salmon. And you can roll herring fillets with olives inside, securing them with skewers or toothpicks.

You can also decorate the dish in the form of a flower consisting of egg petals. To do this, you need to cut boiled eggs in half, remove the yolks and fill the cavities with red and black caviar, and put boiled tiger shrimp between them. Believe me, guests will appreciate such beauty.

Instead of an afterword

To make your fish slices special and beautiful, don’t be afraid to experiment. Bring your new ideas to life and boldly combine products. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities!

A fish platter can decorate any holiday table. This plate will be a great additional treat to pair with the rest of the dishes at a family dinner. It can also be an independent dish at a small banquet.

What is fish slice?

Like other cuts - meat, cheese, vegetables - a plate with fish products has the most important place at the holiday table. Each housewife will prepare the cuts according to her own unique recipe and decorate this dish accordingly.

In a restaurant, a fish platter is a large dish with a variety of fish products, which is beautifully decorated with suitable herbs, sauce and other ingredients. But it can easily be prepared at home if desired. The main thing is not to limit yourself in decorations and composition of fish delicacies.

Sliced ​​fish for a festive table can consist of several types of fish, or just one. Additionally, such a dish is decorated with vegetables, which, in addition, emphasize the special taste of seafood delicacies.

In order to properly prepare fish fillets for assorted dishes, you should use the advice of experienced housewives.

According to the rules, an assortment of fish is prepared immediately before placing it in front of the guests. The taste and fresh appearance of pieces of fresh fish can be ensured by plastic wrap, with which you need to cover the dish before serving. This measure also prevents other, possibly unpleasant or undesirable odors from entering the fish dish.

To cut fish, you should use only sharp knives so that you get a beautiful and neat cut, and the pieces are small and thin.

The pieces into which this or that seafood delicacy will be cut can have absolutely any shape. The appetizer is cut into plates, strips, rings, small pieces and laid out in different directions so that a certain composition is obtained.

Serving and serving rules

Assorted seafood is a cold appetizer. In a restaurant, such a dish is served at the beginning of the feast, after which guests are offered meat appetizers and a main course. The same serving rules should be followed when placing dishes on your home table.

  • You can serve the fish platter in portions for each guest, in a separate container. But most often, a large dish is placed in the center of the table, which is impressively decorated, and the guests themselves choose the pieces they like.

  • When the table is set according to all the rules of etiquette, then a knife and fork must be served with the fish platter. Fish appetizers should not be cooled below 14 degrees, and it is recommended to place assorted fish only in porcelain dishes.

  • Appetizers and assorted fish are also table decorations, so you should think about the decoration in advance. Even from several types of fish, literally from two or three, you can get an excellent fish platter.

The slices are arranged according to the taste of the hostess. Pieces of fish arranged in the shape of roses look interesting if you place them in the shape of a circle. Fish of different colors, laid out in layers, also looks very unusual and aesthetically pleasing. It is good to decorate the appetizer with sprigs of greenery and various herbs.


The dish can consist of different types of red and white fish, as well as smoked, dried or even salted fish. Such combinations not only do not spoil the taste of the dish, but also add extravagance to the taste of assorted fish.

Lime slices look great on pieces of expensive fish. It should be said that almost any fruit adds originality and sophistication to a fish platter. Slices of apples, sprigs of dill and parsley, and olives will refresh such a plate.

You can add other seafood to the fish dish, for example, caviar, shrimp, mussels, which must be placed so that guests have the opportunity to try them without any problems.

Slicing fish will only benefit if the pieces are arranged according to color combinations. The unique shade of the skin of each fish is another plus, since you can arrange the pieces according to the shades, which will not be difficult at all.

It is also recommended to lay out the fish dish in the form of an ellipse or semicircle. Place in the form of stripes or arcs. Pieces of fish can also be put on sticks and decorated with fruits and vegetables; this dish is called fish canapé and is very popular these days.

In addition to smoked fish, you can also add sprats, and salmon can be paired well with salted or smoked halibut.

Another method of preparing fish appetizers is a dish with breadcrumbs, when sliced ​​fish is served in a dish with breadcrumbs fried in the oven. A fish appetizer will look great at a party or on any holiday table.

To serve snacks, it is recommended to choose dishes or cutting boards that will harmoniously fit into the design of the table. You can present the appetizer to your guests on a large porcelain plate, a flat white bowl, or on a special board that is used for serving fish.

The slices can be shaped into flowers or pieces strung on skewers or rolled into rolls. How such a dish turns out depends only on the imagination and skill of the author of the culinary masterpiece.

Decoration methods step by step

Sliced ​​fish goes well with lemon, herbs, orange, butter, as well as olives and black olives. You can cut flowers from lemon zest and decorate a dish with them. An unusual addition to the fish platter are roses made from the fish itself, decorated on different sides with parsley or dill.

If there is very little time left before the guests arrive, but you want the dish to look no worse than in the restaurant, then neatly laid out pieces one after another, laid out in a certain order, look good.

Using caviar, you can quickly decorate sliced ​​fish before your guests arrive. You can leave it in the center in a saucer, or put it in pieces in random order, and put butter in the middle.

You can prepare sliced ​​fish in this way in a matter of minutes, and the dish will look rich and unusual.

Original assorted serving

Guests will definitely appreciate the unusual presentation of sliced ​​fish. An appetizer of different types of red salted fish is a great combination for a festive lunch. Salted red fish is usually cut into very thin slices of different sizes. You can add rolls of pancakes with caviar, decorated with olives, olives and dill. Even a true gourmet will not forget this dish. A sauce made from chopped fresh herbs goes perfectly with it.

And fatty red fish fried in the oven can be served with onion rings, lemon and pepper. Or combine red fish with potatoes and herbs so that it is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Note to housewives

The hostess who decided to surprise her guests with sliced ​​fish should take into account some recommendations.

  • Serve assorted fish at the very beginning of the feast, using dishes decorated to your taste.
  • Dishes with fish in dishes, the edges of which are decorated with streaks of various sauces combined with seafood, look unusual.
  • The very shape of the dish on which the fish platter, cut into thin slices, will be served may be unusual and follow the contour of the fish or shellfish.
  • Assorted fish served in containers of various shapes and sizes will look much more interesting.
  • It is recommended to serve pieces of herring on a piece of black bread with pickled onion and pickled cucumber; This sandwich will please other guests.
  • You should put as many varieties on the plate as possible, then the plate will look rich.

In this article you will find many tips for decorating fish dishes. Thanks to this design, the holiday table will look great.

There are many options for fish dishes. Surely every housewife has a favorite recipe for making fish appetizers. However, creating a culinary masterpiece is half the battle. It is also important to be able to beautifully decorate and serve a dish.

It is much more pleasant to eat your portion of fish if it looks aesthetically pleasing. And for gourmets this is one of the most important arguments. It is not for nothing that professional chefs pay great attention to the design of the dish.

Sliced ​​fish design, photo

It’s nice to look at the festive table when it is already set and still “awaiting” guests. As a rule, cold appetizers are served first, and after the guests are seated, they begin to serve hot food.

But now we'll talk about serving delicious snacks, in particular: o sliced ​​fish. See how ordinary herring can be served at a celebration by using combined decorations from various products (eggs, black and red caviar, shrimp, lemon, Crimean onions).

When preparing fish slices, please note: What:

  • The dish should not be overloaded with many different elements for decoration. The simpler its design the more appetizing it will look.
  • Combine assorted designs Right. For example, fish has the ability to harmonize with certain foods (onions, herbs, lemon, etc.).
  • When setting the table, consider arrangement of fish cuts. If there are a large number of people invited to the party, you will need to put out several plates of cold appetizers so that everyone can reach them.
  • Consider color scheme. It’s beautiful when the cutting has several bright shades, which can be achieved with decorations from herbs, vegetables, and fruits.

Here is another example of serving salmon with mackerel. Olives, shrimp, aromatic lemon slices and green lettuce leaves were used as decorations.

Making cold fish appetizers

Cold appetizers, if they look appetizing, they are eaten by guests instantly. You can combine almost any vegetables and some berries and fruits with fish. Just don’t use meat for such dishes. Meat is not suitable for preparing cold appetizers and salads with fish.

Cold appetizer - fish platter

Your guests will definitely love it assorted appetizer of red salted fish and mackerel. If you add to it pancake flour rolls with red caviar, olives, dill, broccoli. And green sauce (made from parsley, dill, garlic, vegetable oil, lemon juice) will add a special taste to such a cold appetizer.

Decoration of fish dishes: photo

See how easy it is to decorate a dish from baked carp. It is enough to cut two fresh cucumbers into rings and decorate them with ketchup. For a pleasant aroma, add lemon slices and curly parsley leaves directly next to the fish.

Pike, baked in the microwave, it can become a table decoration; to decorate it you will need lemon, lime, mayonnaise, herbs, blueberries or rowan.

IMPORTANT: Choose the right container in which you will serve the fish. An excellent option would be a large plate or a special oval dish for fish.

Serving red fish

Salmon family- refers to the so-called red fish. This fish can be used to make cold appetizers, sandwiches, and various dishes. However, preparing fish appetizingly is only the first stage; you still need to serve it beautifully for the meal.

Baked, fried trout or salmon serve with onion rings, lemon, cherry tomatoes. You can also deviate from this recommendation and come up with your own unique dish design. If you have potatoes, green peas or spinach leaves with red fish, it will not only be tasty, but also beautiful.

Lightly salted salmon can be done canapes. Canapes on skewers or toothpicks with hard Parmental cheese will look very appetizing and impressive.

Sandwiches with fish - decoration

Sandwiches are always a hit with guests. It’s so convenient to take this delicacy and eat it with appetite. After all, this snack has several components that are in perfect harmony with each other.

Check out the image below. Tartlets with chum salmon will be able to satisfy hunger and fill the body with useful contents. After all, there are flour products, fish, herbs, sour cream sauce (ingredients: thick sour cream, a little flour, salt, black pepper, garlic).

Tartlets with lightly salted salmon, herbs, white sauce

Herring is a popular fish delicacy. Many people love her. After all, you can make delicious, incomparable-looking masterpieces from herring. Not a single holiday for the majority of our compatriots goes by without a fur coat and sandwiches with this fish.

A classic recipe for a sandwich with black bread and herring. This dish can also be improved by making canapes with egg, butter, herring, dill.

It is also impossible not to mention sandwiches with butter sprats. Housewives prepare them in different ways. Below, see one of the options for serving such a snack for a meal with herbs and fresh cucumbers.

Video: Sandwiches with fish - decoration

Decoration of fried fish

For fried fish Use dishes made of porcelain, earthenware, glass. An excellent decoration for such a dish would be vegetables and herbs. Your imagination will help you decorate a masterpiece of culinary art.

Big fish it must be cut into even pieces and cooked so that it does not fall into pieces. It’s good if you decorate the finished dish with slices of lime or lemon, herbs, and salad.

Decoration of stuffed fish, photo

If baked pike just serve it to the table - it may look unattractive. But by using fruits, vegetables, herbs, and mayonnaise to decorate the fish, you will get a bright, festive, aromatic dish. In addition, any housewife can cut carrots, cucumbers, peppers, lemons, and radishes into various shapes.

To improve appearance stuffed fish Use colorful vegetables and fruits to add a piquant taste.

Serving hot smoked fish

All varieties hot smoked fish have a delicate, soft taste. It cannot be stored for a long time, so it is best to serve the product immediately before a meal. It goes well with side dishes of potatoes, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, and peas. Serve the fish on a porcelain platter.

Hot smoked fish - table setting

Lemon gives the tender fish meat a special taste. Culinary experts also recommend adding white sauce or homemade mayonnaise with herbs to this dish.

Hot smoked mackerel - how to serve the dish?

IMPORTANT: To serve fish dishes, dishes made of porcelain, earthenware, wood, clay, cupronickel, thick glass, and crystal are used. Cold appetizers and salads are served in salad bowls and large dishes. Fried fish is most often presented to the table in oval vessels. Baked fish can be served to guests in special trays or on beautiful sheets.

Video: Options for serving a fish table

    Salted fish on the festive table

    You can serve it as a slice, decorating it separately or together with salted herring

    as well as small sandwiches

    the pieces can be wrapped in a rosette to make the dish look more beautiful and appetizing

    an original way of serving pieces of red fish on skewers in the form of a kebab

    You can simply cut the red fish evenly and thinly, place it on a beautiful dish, garnish everything with lettuce, olives, parsley/dill, and lemon slices. And then serve this cut on the table.

    Sliced ​​red fish can be safely combined with other fish; all this will be needed in a beautiful composition, for example, like this:

    Thin strips of red fish can be rolled into roses, decorated with greenery, you get a real fish bouquet - guests will appreciate this presentation. Moreover, these roses can be used to decorate sandwiches, half eggs, or simply serve separately in tartlets.

    You can also make an appetizer - a roll of pita bread and red fish. To do this, take a sheet of pita bread, cover it with soft cheese, sprinkle with herbs, and then place pieces of fish on it in a checkerboard pattern. Then we roll the pita bread and cut it into small pieces, you should get a very beautiful cut.

    These rolls can be made from ordinary unsweetened pancakes; you should also add soft cheese mixed with chopped herbs - it will turn out not only beautiful, but also tasty.

    You can serve this fish in the form of sandwiches, everything is quite simple. We coat white toast bread or a loaf with butter and place the fish, wrapping it in a rose and decorating it with herbs.

    You can make red fish rolls with curd cream or curd cheese, decorate them with lemon and herbs.

    You can take pita bread, put red salted fish inside, roll it up and cut it diagonally, like this.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with red fish, but this culinary delight must be present as an appetizer on the “fish plate”.

To serve on a festive table, sliced ​​red fish must be decorated with all the artistic taste available, because delicacies should be served in a particularly beautiful way. And what original compositions can be implemented on a platter - our tips and examples with photos will tell you, with which your feast will be chic.

If you are organizing a buffet, then our tips on decorating vegetable, meat, fish, cheese and fruit selections will be very useful to you.

Thin slicing of fish and its decoration

To decorate the slicing, it is best to take fillet that has already been cut into thin slices. It is not always possible to create such an even and really thin cut, which is called carpaccio, with your own hands at home.

However, there are several rules for cutting whole fillets into slices like this:

  • Before slicing, a piece of fish can be slightly frozen.
  • The slicing knife should be very sharp with a long blade.
  • The slice should be cut at an angle and in one motion, directed towards you and downwards.

  • In order to enrich the taste of the fish, the bottom of the dish (before arranging the slices) can be sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil.

Our website presents a huge selection of master classes on classic and original cutting of various products for the holiday, as well as a huge selection of educational photo instructions on carving.

Cutting red fish carpaccio is the most popular, and it can be used to make truly magnificent compositions.

Even if you simply lay the slices overlapping in a circle on a plate and decorate with lemon slices and sprigs of dill or rosemary, the dish will look complete, bright and beautiful.

We fold each slice crosswise and in half, then place them on a dish in a row side by side, and overlap the first row with the second row. The result is a very beautiful “airy” composition.

This method of laying cuts can also be used in assorted fish, alternating red fillet with balyk, herring, smoked fish and seafood.

You can also make original “buds” from such thin slices, placing them on a dish in the form of a bouquet and decorating them with greens. “Buds” are made very simply.

We roll each slice into a funnel - and the “flower” is ready. Let’s add a grain of caviar to the design and the “picture” will sparkle with new colors.

“Roses” from salmon are quite often used to decorate salads and appetizers with fish, including for decorating “fish plates” and tartlets.

Making a “rose” is very simple:

  • Take one long thin slice of fish or several slices and lay them out overlapping along the length in one row.

  • Roll the entire row (or one long slice) of fish into a roll.

  • We fix the “rose” with toothpicks and straighten the “petals” on top, giving it a more natural look.

On our website you can learn a master class on making “roses” from salmon and herring.

Slicing salmon for the holiday table

To create “fish plates” you can use not only different types of fish, but also any seafood, “sea snacks” and vegetables.

And even if you can’t afford such an expensive product, then an analogue of algae caviar will fit even into the most modest budget.

An excellent option for serving sliced ​​fish is in segments. On a dish, each type of fish or seafood should be laid out in overlapping “scales”, allocating a certain part of the plate for each item.

This assortment can also include crackers or croutons, canapés or mini-tartlets, vegetables, sauces, and caviar.

Slicing red fish for a holiday table, even with a simple design, will look festive and elegant. And with our tips, a fish dish will become a real work of culinary art.