A drink made from ginger and lemon for weight loss is an effective recipe. Ginger and lemon drink recipe

Hello, dear readers. We continue to search for cooling drinks that we like. Summer is ahead, and you can drink not only kvass, but also a delicious cool drink. Today the drink is original, and not just for its taste, but also for its ingredients. After all, the cooling drink uses ingredients that we usually use for warming tea, namely ginger and lemon. But after trying it in practice, I decided to show you the recipe anyway, because I liked it, especially with a small addition.

Like I said, the ingredients are very simple. In addition, ginger, which was expensive in winter, has already more than doubled its price at the end of spring. Apparently not everyone knows that it can be used not only for warming teas, but also for cooling drinks.


  • 1 lemon (I have 250 grams)
  • 100gr. fresh ginger (or 2 tbsp dried)
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 liters of water

Of course I changed the recipe a little, trusting my taste. It’s just that not everyone can drink such a concentrated ginger drink. But about the method of use later, first I’ll tell you the recipe itself.

First, let's put the water to boil. Meanwhile, prepare the lemon and ginger. At the end of spring I found ginger with clearly visible buds, and I was just watching a video on the Internet on how to grow ginger at home. And I was very happy when I found inexpensive and, moreover, almost sprouted ginger. Therefore, in the photo with the ingredients it is already partially cut. I cut out the bud parts for further growing. In general, take 100 grams of ginger and cut it into thin slices.

Then take a lemon. We have a large lemon, African, almost 250 grams. It’s just that smaller lemons are sold almost dry, and we try not to buy those. No matter how beautiful and good the lemon is, you must first pour boiling water over it. This way we will wash off various dirt and chemicals that were used to treat lemons to improve their preservation during transportation.

If you haven't done this before, you'll be surprised at how flavorful the lemon becomes. Then cut into thin slices.

Meanwhile, our water had already boiled. Pour the chopped lemon and ginger into boiling water.

Immediately add sugar. If you think that 5 scoops of a cold drink will be too sweet, I assure you it is not.

Once you have added the sugar, stir with a spoon to dissolve the sugar. As soon as the sugar has dissolved, you can safely turn off the heat. Leave to steep for 30 minutes, covered with a lid.

I really miscalculated the proportion of water and had to take out a little of the ginger drink before putting the lid on. True, I drank it right away, I really love ginger.

After 30 minutes, we strain our ginger-lemon drink and leave it to cool. As you can see in the photo below on the right, the bottle is not quite full, I got a little carried away with the samples. I can’t help it, I love ginger drink both hot and cold.

And now I’ll tell you how we’ll drink it. The drink turned out to be concentrated; those who tried ginger already guessed by the amount of ginger per amount of water. But when we put ice in a glass, a full glass of ice, or at least 2/3 of it, and fill it with the resulting drink, we will get a very tasty and healthy cooling drink made from ginger and lemon.

But I thought this drink could be improved. I recently made kvass from mint, and there is still some left in the refrigerator. And when I mixed these cool drinks, I got the most delicious cool drink. You can dilute it 50/50, even without ice. We simply store drinks in the refrigerator, and ice is no longer needed.

You can see the recipe for mint drink in the article ““. For the cooling cocktail we use kvass according to the second recipe. You can adjust the taste by changing the proportions.

Even our youngest son liked this cooling drink made from ginger and lemon with the addition of mint infusion. Especially when with ice and a straw. It is recommended to serve the ginger drink with ice. Stir the drink with a straw and drink.

And now we have two bottles in the refrigerator, one with mint infusion, and the other with ginger-lemon infusion. I also tried mixing it with green tea in equal proportions, it turns out just a cooling bomb. And what I like about it is that you don’t have to do it every day. I did it once and it lasts a long time.

You can also replace sugar with honey, it turns out quite original, we have already tried it. Only you don’t need to boil honey, but it’s better to add it to an already chilled drink. And you don’t have to make mint kvass separately. You can simply add a sprig of mint before putting out the fire. You will get a wonderful infusion with ginger, lemon and mint.

How to become slimmer? Diet and an active lifestyle alone are not enough. Additionally, you can prepare a recipe for weight loss with ginger and lemon or make a mixture of ginger root, water, and honey at home. Such natural remedies have a dietary effect, speed up metabolism, and strengthen the immune system. Using this method, you can lose weight quickly and unnoticed, but most importantly, for the benefit of your own health.

Benefits of ginger and lemon for weight loss

To stimulate metabolism and accelerate the fat-burning effect, it is recommended to include a ginger-lemon weight loss drink in your daily diet. The cocktail is aromatic and pleasant in taste (more for everyone), so you can drink it as soon as necessary, without pairing it with food. Ginger root must be brewed with lemon; this does not reduce its beneficial properties. There are many secrets to creating a dietary product. If you follow the proportions to prepare a recipe for weight loss with ginger and lemon, you can safely count on the following effect:

  • accelerated metabolism;
  • improvement of the digestion process;
  • purgation;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • burning old fat;
  • getting rid of waste and toxins;
  • productive breakdown of bad cholesterol.

Is it possible to lose weight from ginger and lemon?

Before making such a drink, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications and to exclude the occurrence of side effects. It is possible to lose weight with ginger and lemon; the effect of each ingredient is aimed at correcting excess weight and enhances the effect of the second. Thus, ginger root has a pronounced fat-burning effect, making the chosen diet as productive as possible. The sour fruit with peel is a storehouse of vitamin C, strengthens the immune system, and prevents viral diseases and vitamin deficiency.

If you grate the root, chop the fruit and pour boiling water over the prepared mixture, you get a tasty, healthy drink with ginger and lemon for weight loss, which in a week helps get rid of 3-5 kg ​​of subcutaneous fat and a few centimeters in the waist. You can add a little honey, the beneficial properties of which are well known even to a child. Instead of the sour fruit, you can use lime; the dietary properties of such a replacement do not decrease at all, and the weight loss recipe does not become any less useful.

How to lose weight with ginger and lemon

A stimulant for burning extra calories is available to everyone. If ginger and lemon are chosen for weight loss to correct excess weight, the drink can be drunk hot or cold, as you prefer. For a fresh taste, you can add spices in the form of cinnamon or a little honey for relaxation. Productive weight loss with ginger and lemon requires compliance with the following rules:

  1. Take the full course of the drink twice a day – morning and evening.
  2. After completing the course, drink tea with ginger and lemon for weight loss once a week.
  3. Do not use the recipe for weight loss with ginger and lemon if you are allergic to its components.
  4. Do not prepare this healing recipe or take it before bedtime, otherwise insomnia is possible.
  5. Additionally, you are allowed to drink green tea as a powerful antioxidant for weight loss.
  6. The choice of a recipe for weight loss with ginger and lemon should only be made with your doctor.

How to drink ginger with lemon for weight loss

The prepared recipe helps burn subcutaneous fat, improves digestion and metabolism, reduces daily food portions, and dulls the wild appetite. It is advisable to drink ginger with lemon for weight loss before the next meal or regardless of the meal. It is important to understand that the prepared composition must sit for several hours and gain strength.

How to cook

The ginger root must be dry, and when preparing any recipe it must be additionally crushed, passed through a meat grinder or grated until it turns into powder or shavings. Brew in boiling water or cook in cold water. After steeping, squeeze out a few drops of lemon juice. If you properly prepare ginger with lemon for weight loss, the drink successfully cleanses the intestines, normalizes peristalsis, and removes subcutaneous fat.

Proportions of ginger lemon and honey

Lemon concentrate must be obtained from one fresh fruit. It turns out approximately 150 grams of saturated juice, squeezed through a juicer. According to the recipe, 200 grams of honey and 300 grams of dried root are suitable for this amount. It is advisable to grind hard ingredients in a meat grinder, and squeeze soft ingredients in a juicer. If the proportion of ginger, lemon and honey is observed, productive weight loss is guaranteed.

You will need:

  • medium root – 1 pc.;
  • lemon concentrate – 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon, crushed – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey product – 1 tbsp. l.

Method of preparing ginger lemon tea recipe, its use:

  1. Grind the root, add cinnamon, pour a liter jar of boiling water into a thermos.
  2. Leave for several hours to cool completely.
  3. Squeeze lime juice, add to warm drink, mix.
  4. Strain, add a tablespoon of the composition to the water per cup of liquid.
  5. Drink the drink for two weeks.

Water with lemon and ginger

You will need:

  • ginger root – 300 grams;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • water – 1 tbsp.

Method and rules for preparing water with ginger and lemon:

  1. Grind the dried root to a powder.
  2. Add the specified amount of lemon concentrate and mix thoroughly.
  3. Collect the tincture in a jar, leave overnight, and store in the refrigerator.
  4. Add the composition 1 tbsp. l. in warm water or other drinking liquid, take before meals.

Ginger drink with lemon and honey

You will need:

  • ginger root – 1 pc.;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • peppermint - several dried sprigs;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • honey, cardamom - to taste.

Method of preparation, rules for using a fat-burning drink made from ginger and lemon:

  1. Grind cardamom, mint, main ingredient in a meat grinder and mix in one container.
  2. Pour boiling water, cover with a lid, leave until completely cool.
  3. Leave the mixture obtained from the recipe for 30 minutes, then add squeezed lime and orange juice.
  4. To improve digestion, take the drink before meals, half a glass at a time.

Ginger, lemon and honey mixture

You will need:

  • ginger root – 1 pc.;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • apples – 2 pcs.

Method of preparation, rules for using the mixture for weight loss with ginger and lemon:

  1. Grind the dried roots into shavings and place in an enamel container.
  2. Add grated apple, chopped sour fruit, cinnamon to taste.
  3. Pour the prepared pulp with a glass of water and boil until it boils.
  4. Infuse the finished recipe, covered, and store in a cool place.
  5. Take 1 tsp of the composition before each meal, do not wash it down with liquid.


Ginger, lemon and honey are a very tasty and healthy combination. It will help prevent colds and strengthen the immune system. The mixture contains many vitamins and has a pleasant aroma, improves tone, gives strength, and cleanses blood vessels.

It is useful to take in the autumn-winter period, when the body’s immunity decreases and the time for viral diseases comes. The combination of these components is taken as prevention and treatment.

When combined, ginger enhances the effect and complements each other. Strengthen the immune system and come to the aid of other body systems:

It is very useful to take this mixture for the good functioning of internal organs: kidneys, liver and heart. Purifies the blood saturates the brain with oxygen, normalizes intestinal function. This combination can be used in the fight against excess weight.

Properties of the drink

Women use this drink for the beauty of their body and slim figure, but it also has other beneficial and healing properties. Citrus fruits contain a large number of vitamin C, which improves immunity and stimulates metabolic processes.

Ginger has powerful healing effects, it contains many vitamins and microelements. Added to soups, side dishes, meat and confectionery. Ginger contains essential oil that removes toxic substances from the body and stimulates metabolism. It has a strong taste and eating it on its own will not bring much pleasure.

It is recommended to use the infusion for the prevention of many diseases. It has a special effect on viral respiratory diseases. Its use can reduce headaches, reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, normalize the voice and soothe an irritated throat.

Possesses diaphoretic and diuretic properties, therefore removes excess fluid from the body. Acts as an antibacterial and wound-healing agent, preventing hidden infections from developing.

Gallery: ginger with honey and lemon (25 photos)

Ginger and Lemon Drink Recipe

How to prepare a drink from these ingredients? Peel the ginger and cut into small cubes, divide the lemon in half: chop one half into small slices, squeeze the juice from the second into a teapot.

Place chopped ginger on the bottom of the kettle, you can add mint for taste, and pour boiling water over. Leave the mixture for half an hour, after which it can be consumed. Replace sugar with honey, and ordinary tea with this drink.

A classic recipe for warming and strengthening tea

As for how to prepare ginger tea, it is prepared like this: cut off the thin peel from the ginger root; it can be easily scraped off with a knife from the young root. Then cut the root into thin small pieces or rub on a grater. For 30 grams of ginger root you will need a quarter of a lemon.

Place chopped ginger in a teapot and squeeze in the juice from a quarter of a lemon. Pour boiling water over and let it brew within half an hour. Add honey to warm tea to taste. Honey is not added to hot drinks because it loses its medicinal properties.

There are many recipes on how to prepare such a drink. Tea with ginger is considered a cure for many diseases; you can add different ingredients to it in different proportions: lemon balm, mint, cinnamon, black pepper, etc.

How to make ginger with lemon and honey

Recipe for a vitamin mixture with ginger, lemon and honey. You will get a thick, fortified mixture with a sweet and sour, refreshing ginger aroma, it will look like jam.

Take four lemons, two hundred grams of ginger root and the same amount of honey. Peel the ginger root (if the ginger root is young, you can simply wash it, since the peel itself contains many useful substances), finely chop or grate.

Wash the lemons, you can peel the zest, but it is better to use it together, as it contains many useful substances. Cut into small pieces.

Grind lemon and ginger in a blender or meat grinder, place the resulting mass in a bowl and add honey to it. Mix everything well, then transfer to a clean, dry jar and close with a lid.

To infuse, add ginger mixture refrigerate for one week. It can be done simply: put these ingredients in a glass bowl in layers and pour honey.

When and how to take the vitamin mixture

To prevent colds, take one tablespoon once a day. Accepted in the morning on an empty stomach and wash it down with a glass of water. You can do it according to the recipe: add half a teaspoon to tea, consume three times during the day.

Since the effect disappears with hot water, you need to add the mixture into slightly cooled tea. This drink will help you avoid the unpleasant symptoms of a cold, at the same time it will cleanse blood vessels and support the entire body.

At the first signs of a respiratory disease, the dosage of the vitamin mixture is increased. Recipe: in the morning, take two tablespoons of the mixture and wash it down with a glass of water, in the afternoon two tablespoons are added to tea, in the evening, if desired, the morning or afternoon version.

Since the dosage has been increased, the mixture will have diaphoretic effect. It is not recommended to leave the house immediately after taking the mixture, therefore, if it is not possible to stay at home, take it only in the evenings.

Recipe for weight loss

Ginger drink with lemon and honey is used for weight loss. Ginger contains warming components that can melt fat. A combination of products will bring greater effect and will give the drink a pleasant aroma and taste.

Weight loss tea recipe. Peel the ginger root and cut smaller. Take one teaspoon of ginger and pour a glass of boiling water. Let cool slightly. Then a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon are added to it.

Drink made from ginger, lemon and honey, recipe two: brew three tablespoons of chopped ginger root in a thermos, then add all the ingredients to taste.

The tea is prepared in the morning so you can enjoy it throughout the day. It has three tastes: hot, sour and sweet. It speeds up the metabolic process and prevents fat from accumulating.

Tips for losing weight by drinking ginger tea

Contraindications for use

The combination of ginger, lemon and honey can cause discomfort or harm the body in a number of diseases:

Do not take the drink for more than three weeks. If you feel any alarming symptoms after drinking the drink, then consult a doctor.

Attention, TODAY only!

Diet alone is not enough to effectively lose weight. Therefore, many nutritionists advise supplementing proper nutrition and an active lifestyle with a fat-burning drink with ginger and lemon, which is easy to prepare yourself. These natural products have a dietary effect, they strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism. Therefore, it is really possible to lose weight with ginger water, and without harm to your health.

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Benefits of ginger and lemon

Ginger-lemon drink stimulates metabolism, accelerating the fat-burning effect. The cocktail has a pleasant and aromatic taste; you can drink it separately from main meals. The preparation method involves brewing ginger root; this does not cause the product to lose its active properties.

If you prepare this “tea” for weight loss correctly, observing all the recommended proportions, you can expect good results:

  • metabolism will speed up;
  • the digestion process will improve;
  • the intestines will be cleansed;
  • the immune system will be strengthened, colds will occur less often;
  • old fat will begin to be burned;
  • toxins and waste will be eliminated more efficiently;
  • bad cholesterol will be broken down more efficiently.

Losing weight with a drink

The effect of each ingredient in the drink is combined with each other, effectively fighting excess weight. Ginger root has a pronounced fat-burning effect, so any chosen diet will be as productive as possible. And sour lemons are a storehouse of vitamin C; they prevent viral diseases and the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. Therefore, their use is beneficial for the body at any time of the year.

In a week, such a drink helps to lose up to five extra kilograms of subcutaneous fat, and the centimeters in the waist decrease. You can add a small amount of honey to the cocktail, the benefits of which are undeniable. Sometimes lemon is replaced with lime - this does not make the recipe any less useful.

If desired, add mint and cucumber or cinnamon to the drink for an appetizing aroma.

How to take it correctly

The drink can be drunk either cold or hot. Honey is added for relaxation, cinnamon for fresh taste and pleasant aroma. But it is better not to overuse the addition of other products, so that the resulting lemonade does not reduce its fat-burning effect.

Losing weight will be productive only if you follow simple rules:

  1. 1. The liquid is taken in full course - in the morning and in the evenings every day.
  2. 2. After completing the course, you should drink tea with lemon and ginger once a week.
  3. 3. If there is an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients of the drink, this method of losing weight should be abandoned immediately.
  4. 4. It is better not to take it before bedtime - the drink can cause insomnia.
  5. 5. Additionally, you are allowed to drink green tea in large quantities. This is a powerful antioxidant for weight loss.
  6. 6. The choice of prescription is made with the attending physician - you cannot prescribe a diet and drinks for weight loss on your own.

This cocktail dulls your appetite, so you can use it to reduce food portions - this will also have a good effect on your figure. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a cocktail before main meals. To gain strength, the prepared composition needs to brew for several hours.

Cooking method

To lose weight with ginger root, you need to choose it carefully. It should be fairly dry. Before cooking, it is crushed in a convenient way: on a grater, through a meat grinder or in a food processor. Then pour boiling water or cook in cold water, depending on the recipe. Then it is infused, and after that lemon juice is added to the drink.

Grinding ginger on a grater

A properly prepared cocktail normalizes intestinal motility, cleansing it and ridding the body of excess subcutaneous fat.

The drink can be stored in a thermos; its shelf life in this form is more than a day.

The proportions must be strictly observed. If you take 300 g of dried ginger root, then 200 ml of liquid honey and 150 ml of lemon juice (taken only from fresh fruit) will be suitable for this amount. Soft ingredients are squeezed out in a juicer; for hard ingredients, it is better to use a meat grinder. This proportion promotes better weight loss without harm to health.

Tea with honey

A medium-sized root is grated, a tablespoon of cinnamon is added to it, and a liter of boiling water is poured in. It is better to leave it in a thermos for a couple of hours.

Then a spoonful of lime or lemon juice is squeezed into the tea, and the drink is filtered. You should drink this tea hot, diluting it with hot water and adding a little honey for sweetness.

The duration of daily use is two weeks.

Easy recipe

Dried ginger root (300 g) is crushed to a powder, the recommended amount of lemon juice is added and mixed thoroughly. The drink is infused for a day in the refrigerator.

Add to warm water before every meal.

With added cardamom

Ginger root along with cardamom and honey (to taste) are ground in a meat grinder and then mixed together in a liter of hot water. Leave until completely cooled. Then juice from one lime or orange is added.

Take half a glass before meals. The drink will improve digestion, forcing the metabolism to work at an accelerated pace.

With cinnamon and apples

The dried ginger root is crushed into shavings and placed in an enamel container. Add grated apple, chopped lime and cinnamon to taste. Brew with a glass of water and bring to a boil.

The drink is stored strictly in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. You need to take a whole spoon before meals, without washing down with any liquid.

You can lose weight with style. This ginger and lemon drink is proof of that. You can simply make it from available products at home, but the results will delight you - your overall health will improve, and you will be able to correct your figure.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Ginger drink is a vitamin tea based on ginger root with the addition of natural ingredients.

To prepare tea, the root is used in fresh, dried or ground form.

The most active ingredients for weight loss are added to ginger tea: cinnamon, lemon, cucumber, and honey.

The aroma and unique taste of the drink are given by fragrant herbs and small pieces of dried fruit.

Ginger drink recipe for weight loss

Ginger with cinnamon

Finely chop twenty grams of root, throw it into a thermos, fill it with boiling water, add a little cinnamon and let it sit for about twenty minutes. Then strain and drink hot twenty minutes before meals.

Ginger drink with garlic

A fiery recipe. Mix twenty grams of dry ginger with three grams of chopped garlic. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over the hot mixture. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, strain and drink.

Kefir ginger drink

And another effective recipe for fighting appetite: grind 30 g of ginger, pour in 300 ml of one percent kefir and you can drink. A great addition to breakfast or dinner.

Cucumber Ginger Drink

To prepare a cucumber smoothie you need: 20 g of ginger + fresh finely chopped cucumber + a little herbs and a little salt. Beat everything in a blender. Then pour in three hundred milliliters of one percent kefir. The diet smoothie is ready.

Hot ginger drinks (for winter and autumn)

Ginger and honey drink

Orange – 4 fruits
Ginger root – 1 cut
Honey – 2 teaspoons
Boiling water – 200 ml

Squeeze the juice from the oranges, add peeled and diced ginger, add boiling water and let cool slightly. After cooling, add honey to taste.

Ginger lemon drink

Ginger root – 4 teaspoons
Honey – 8 teaspoons
Juice of one orange
Juice of one lemon
Cinnamon – 1 stick
Anise – 1 star
Boiling water – 700 ml

Grate the ginger root, mix with orange and lemon juice, add cinnamon, anise and pour boiling water. After cooling, add honey. Drink the infused drink throughout the day.

Warming tea with ginger and honey

Boiling water – 1 liter
Ginger – 4 cm
Orange – 1/2 piece
Mint – 1 bunch
Honey – 2 tbsp
Cinnamon – 1/3 tbsp. spoons

Throw peeled and finely chopped ginger, sliced ​​orange and mint into a saucepan with water, add cinnamon. Bring to a boil and set aside to cool for 10 minutes. Add honey. Drink a glass during the day, no more than 600 ml per day.

The infusion is suitable for both winter and summer. In cold weather, drink hot ginger drink for a warming effect, and in hot weather, drink it chilled to quench thirst. The taste of the drink becomes perfect on the second day.

Ginger drink for colds

Fresh ginger – 1-2 slices (0.5 cm)
Water – ¾ cup
Milk – ¼ cup
Honey – 1 teaspoon

Pour water into the pan, add ginger and boil for 2 minutes under the lid. Then pour in the milk and wait until it boils. Then remove from the stove and pour into a cup. After cooling, add honey.

The recipe is good for relieving cold symptoms and as an antiseptic.

Ginger decoction

Ginger – 15 g
Water – 300 ml
Black tea – a pinch
Honey – 1 tablespoon

Pour boiling water over the root and boil for a couple of minutes. Then remove from heat, add a pinch of black tea and wait a couple of minutes until it brews. Then strain the broth, add lemon and honey to taste. The hot drink with ginger is ready. Can be used to treat colds.

Ginger drink for immunity

Fresh grated ginger – 130 g
Cinnamon - 2 sticks or ground (1 teaspoon)
Black pepper – 6 peas
Cloves – 4 pieces
Whole nutmeg – ½ piece
Water – 270 g
Sugar – 300 g
Honey – 2 tbsp
Lemon juice – ½ spoon

Fill the ginger with water. Add sugar, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and boil for 20 minutes until the ginger is soft. Then cool, strain, add lemon and honey. The result should be about 400 ml of syrup, which can be used as an additive to tea.

Delicious and no calories All about meat and vegetable broths for those who do not want to gain weight from the first courses.

Cold ginger drinks (for spring and summer)

Refreshing Ginger Ale

Ginger – 300 g
Sugar – 10 tablespoons
Water – 1.5 liters
Mint – 1 bunch
Lemon – 4 slices
Mineral water – optional

Add grated ginger and sugar to the water and simmer for 30 minutes with the lid closed. Cool and pour the syrup into a bottle. Before serving, pour a few tablespoons of ginger syrup into a glass and add mineral water. Stir the mixture and garnish with a slice of lemon and mint leaves. Can be refrigerated for one week.

Refreshing with lemon juice

Melissa – 1 teaspoon
Ginger – 10 slices
Brown sugar – 1 teaspoon
Ice – 1 cube
Juice of one lemon
Boiling water – 1.5 liters

Pour boiling water over lemon juice, lemon balm and ginger. After 10 minutes, remove the lemon balm leaves and add sugar (to taste). Serve the cooling drink with an ice cube.

The root is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week, then it begins to lose its valuable properties. You cannot use cellophane for storage; I wrap the spine in a dry paper napkin and place it on the refrigerator door. When purchasing, pay attention to the freshness of the ginger. It should be tight to the touch, free of stains, and light sandy in color.