Cheese pancake filling. Pancakes with cheese - recipes for delicious pancakes

“Pancakes are a culinary product made from liquid dough,
poured onto a hot frying pan. They have a round shape.
Pancakes are served with various snacks, and thin pancakes -
sometimes with a filling that is wrapped in them"
From the Internet

And it seems to be said correctly, intelligibly and clearly, but somehow wrong, without soul. Is it really necessary to talk about pancakes like that? We need to write poems about them, compose odes in honor of the most Russian of all Russian dishes, which we inherited from our ancestors and is still desired and loved in every family. How can I put it into words to let you feel how good they are - hot, rosy, with droplets of melting butter, warming everything around like the sun with just their appearance. You take this delicious sunshine in your hand, and your soul becomes so joyful from its warmth, from the anticipation of the extraordinary pleasure of eating pancakes, this real sacrament, understandable only to the Russian soul.

No, you can’t just sit down and eat pancakes, you definitely have to try them: with sour cream, jam, honey, or maybe with caviar or salted fish, with different fillings that you can’t count. Each one - both salty and sweet - will be appropriate, everything is delicious with pancakes. Probably every nation has the same special dish, but pancakes rightfully belong only to us. And although they have been baking them in Rus' for dozens of centuries, they still haven’t gotten tired of them. Today we’ll make it with poppy seeds, and tomorrow, for example, with cheese.

Witch pancakes with cheese, which turn out golden, with crispy edges and viscous cheese filling, are an amazingly tasty dish. Pancakes with cheese are good on their own; they don’t even require additional sauces or toppings, but you can top them with sour cream or butter if you wish. Add cheese to the dough - you get pancakes with seasoning, wrap the cheese inside the finished pancake - you have a pancake with cheese, and if you add something to the cheese itself, for example, garlic, onions, mushrooms, fish, caviar or herbs, then the dish There's already something new on the table. Try it and see for yourself, and “where there are pancakes, there we are,” as they say, and we are happy to help.

Thin pancakes with milk and cheese

2.5 stacks flour,
3 stacks milk,
200 g hard cheese,
5 eggs
100 g sugar,
½ tsp. salt.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks, flour and finely grated cheese. Separately, beat the egg whites and salt into a strong foam and carefully fold the egg whites into the pancake mixture. Bake like regular pancakes in a greased frying pan.

Yeast pancakes with cheese

2 stacks flour,
500 ml warm water,
2-3 eggs,
1 tsp dry yeast,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. salt,
¼ cup vegetable oil,
300 g cheese,
cumin - optional.

Stir the yeast in warm water. Mix eggs with salt and sugar. Add some flour. Add flour to the dough in small portions, kneading it well each time so that no lumps form. Leave the finished dough for 30 minutes. Then add vegetable oil to it and mix thoroughly again. Prepare the cheese: grate it and add a handful of cumin to it. Now start baking pancakes.
Option #1 . Pour the dough into the pan and immediately sprinkle it with cheese. When the pancake is cooked on one side, turn it over and bake with the cheese side down.
Option #2. Pour the batter into the pan and bake the pancake on one side, then turn it over and sprinkle with cheese. Wait a little while the back of the pancake browns and the cheese melts a little. Then fold the pancake in half, with the cheese inside.

Cheese pancakes with onion sauce

2 stacks flour,
500 ml milk,
5 eggs
4 onions,
150 g hard cheese,
1.5 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. soda,
½ tsp. salt.

Mix eggs with salt and sugar, add 100 ml of milk and gradually stir in flour, bringing the mixture to the consistency of sour cream. Grate the cheese into the dough, add soda, flour and the remaining milk. Knead a thin pancake dough. In a frying pan in vegetable oil, fry a tablespoon of chopped onion and pour the dough over it. And so bake all the dough.

Cheese pancakes with mushroom topping

For pancakes:
2 stacks flour,
1 stack milk,
2 stacks water,
2 eggs,
salt - to taste.
For baking:
hard cheese, champignons, green onions - quantity as desired.

Knead the pancake dough. Cut the champignons into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil, chop the green onions, grate the cheese on a fine grater. Spread some green onions, cheese and fried mushrooms over a greased frying pan, pour in the pancake batter and fry as usual on both sides.

Pancake envelopes with cheese

2 stacks flour,
200 g hard cheese,
3 eggs,
1 stack milk,
1 stack water,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
salt - to taste.

Beat the eggs, mix them with water and warm milk. Add sifted flour, sugar, salt and beat thoroughly. Bake pancakes on both sides in a hot greased frying pan. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Place a little cheese in the center of each pancake and wrap the pancake in an envelope. Fry the pancake envelopes in butter. Then place them on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Baked rice pancakes with cheese

3 stacks wheat flour,
2 stacks rice flour,
1 liter of milk,
200 g heavy cream,
3 eggs,
30 g dry yeast,
150 g butter,
200 g Parmesan cheese,
3 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp salt.

Dissolve the yeast in 500 ml of milk, add wheat flour, place in a warm place for 2-3 hours. When the dough has risen, add the yolks, 100 g of melted butter, sugar, salt and add rice flour. Stir and dilute with the remaining milk to the desired thickness, then add the whites and cream whipped into a thick foam, stir everything carefully and let stand in a warm place. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Bake pancakes in butter, sprinkling the dough with grated cheese. Place the finished pancakes in a mold, sprinkle each pancake with cheese and grease with a piece of butter. Place the pan in the preheated oven for 5-10 minutes to melt the cheese.

Pancake envelopes with cheese and mushrooms

For the test:
280 g flour,
500 ml milk,
3 eggs,
3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp salt.
For filling:
300 g champignons,
200 g cheese,
2-3 pickled cucumbers (optional),
1-2 onions,
chopped herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar, salt and mix with a whisk or fork. Pour some of the milk (about 200 ml) into the eggs and mix again. Next, add flour and mix until you get a lump-free dough with the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour in the remaining milk and mix again to form a liquid, easy-to-flow dough. Add 1-2 tbsp to it. vegetable oil, stir and let stand for 15 minutes. Prepare thin pancakes. For the filling, wash the mushrooms, dry them and cut them into slices, finely chop the onion. In a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the onion until soft, add the mushrooms and fry until tender, stirring. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Grate the cheese and cut the pickled cucumbers into slices. Place 1 tbsp in the middle of each pancake. filling, a few slices of pickled cucumber and cover thickly with grated cheese. Fold the pancakes into envelopes and fry in butter until golden brown.

Pancakes with cheese and egg (breakfast idea)

pancake dough.
Filling for 1 pancake:
1 egg,
30-50 g of hard grated cheese.

Grate the cheese. Pour a portion of pancake batter onto a hot frying pan and, after frying the pancake on one side, turn it over. Immediately crack a raw egg into the center of the pancake and sprinkle cheese on top. Immediately roll the pancake into an envelope, hold it in the pan for 30 seconds and serve immediately. A hot frying pan and a hot pancake will quickly set the egg and melt the cheese. Inside the pancake you will get a very tasty cheese and egg filling.

Pancakes with cheese and onions, fried in breadcrumbs

For pancakes:
1 stack milk,
3 eggs,
2 spoons of sugar,
a pinch of salt
a little vegetable oil.
For filling:
200 g hard cheese,
2 onions,
2 eggs,
5 tbsp. breadcrumbs.

Finely chop the onion and fry it in a frying pan with vegetable oil until golden brown (10 minutes). Then transfer the onions to a bowl and leave to cool. Bake the pancakes, place each pancake on a cutting board and trim the edges to make a square (do not throw away the scraps from the pancakes, cut them finely). Grate the cheese. Mix half of it with cooled onions and chopped pancake scraps. Mix the remaining cheese with breadcrumbs. Place a little filling in the middle of each pancake square and roll the pancake into a tube. In a separate bowl, beat two eggs, dip the filled pancakes in them, and then roll in a mixture of breadcrumbs and cheese. Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry the stuffed pancakes on all sides until golden brown.

Dutch pancakes with cheese

200 g flour,
200 ml milk,
300 ml natural or instant coffee,
150-200 g hard cheese,
1 egg,
salt - to taste.

Sift the flour, add the egg and stir well. Gradually add milk and coffee and whisk. Heat a frying pan, grease with oil and pour in the dough. When the pancake is fried on one side, turn it over and place thin slices of cheese on one half of the pancake. Cover the pancake with the other half and fry a little on one side, then on the other.

Pancakes with cheese and apple

500 g flour,
1 stack milk,
2 eggs,
4 apples,
2 tbsp. lemon juice,
2 tbsp. honey,
150-200 g soft cheese,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
powdered sugar, cinnamon - to taste.

Sift the flour and add milk, eggs, a pinch of sugar and salt. Stir until smooth and place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Peel the apples, cut into 4 parts, remove the core and cut into thin strips. Mix lemon juice, honey, cinnamon and pour the resulting sauce over the sliced ​​apples. Heat oil in a frying pan and bake pancakes. Grease the finished pancakes thickly with soft cheese, place an apple straw on one half of each pancake, cover it with the other half and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

Pancakes with melted cheese “Pikantnye”

For pancakes:
6 stacks flour,
500 ml fermented baked milk,
2 eggs,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tsp soda
For filling:
3 processed cheeses,
2 tbsp. greenery,
3 cloves of garlic,

Using the above ingredients, prepare pancake batter and prepare thin pancakes. Grate the processed cheese on a coarse grater, add herbs, pressed garlic and season this mixture with mayonnaise. Place a little of the cheese mixture on the edge of the finished pancakes and roll each pancake into an envelope. Before serving, pancakes with cheese filling can be warmed up a little.

B linchi with cheese

1 stack flour,
1.5 stack. milk,
2 eggs,
300 g cheese,
4 tbsp. sour cream,
1 onion,
ground black pepper - to taste,
a few sprigs of oregano.

Mix flour, egg yolks, a pinch of salt, milk. Beat the egg whites separately until foamy and gently fold into the dough. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry thin pancakes. Finely chop the onion, wash the oregano leaves, dry and tear into small pieces. Grate the cheese, mix it with sour cream or natural yogurt, and then combine it with onion and oregano, season to taste with salt and pepper. Grease warm pancakes with this mixture, fold them into triangles and serve.

Pancake rolls with cheese, shrimp and dill

4 tbsp. flour,
4 tbsp. starch,
500 milk,
4 eggs,
1-2 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
200-250 g cream cheese,
150-200 g boiled peeled shrimp,
1-2 cloves of garlic,
1 bunch of dill,
a pinch of salt.

For the dough, combine flour, starch, sugar and salt. Beat the eggs and stir into the dough. Then, stirring continuously, gradually pour in warm milk. Pour in the vegetable oil and mix thoroughly again. Let the dough sit for 30 minutes. Bake thin pancakes. For the filling, mix soft cream cheese with finely chopped shrimp, dill and garlic. Brush each pancake with the mixture and roll into tight tubes.

Appetizer of pancakes with cheese and salmon

2 stacks flour,
2 stacks milk,
3 eggs,
½ tsp. starch,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
200 g lightly salted salmon,
200 g cream cheese,
1 bunch of green onions,
a pinch of soda,

Mix the egg and half a glass of milk in a bowl. Add flour, starch, soda and salt.
Pour the remaining milk into this mixture, rubbing the dough well. Add vegetable oil and mix the dough thoroughly. Bake thin pancakes. Spread the finished pancake with a thin layer of cream cheese and sprinkle with chopped green onions. Place thin slices of salted red fish on top of the cheese. Roll up the roll, cut into rolls with a sharp knife, secure each with a toothpick and place on a plate. Garnish with fresh green onions.

Bon appetit and new pancake stories!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Recipes for delicious pancakes

Don't know what to have for breakfast? Prepare tender, delicious cheese pancakes with herbs according to our family recipe with photos and detailed videos! Cook delicious food with us

20 minutes

220 kcal

5/5 (3)

Have you met anyone who doesn't like pancakes? Since childhood, I have loved neat spring rolls, for some reason I associate them with sunny days and the arrival of spring. I don’t know what this is connected with, but in my family they baked whole mountains of them to feed even a random guest or neighbor.

Today I cook them for breakfast in a wide variety of ways, but my husband’s favorite is my mother’s pancakes with cheese and herbs - it turns out that my mother-in-law’s pancakes are still better than mine!

I indulge my husband without complaint, because there is no faster or easier way in the world to bake delicious and satisfying pancakes that will simply be swept off the table early in the morning, when you don’t particularly feel like eating. Today I decided to introduce you to this amazingly easy recipe so that you too can solve the problem of an easy breakfast forever.

Did you know? Blinis are one of the oldest dishes in Russian cuisine; there is evidence that they appeared long before the 9th century, when these exceptionally delicate products were first mentioned in records. The word “pancake” is a distorted “mlyn”, which in turn comes from the verb “to grind” - this means that the product is prepared from what has been ground, that is, flour.

Kitchen appliances

It is very important to prepare in advance all the necessary utensils, utensils and kitchen tools for successfully making delicious pancakes with herbs and cheese: a spacious frying pan with a non-stick coating with a diameter of 24 to 27 cm, several spacious bowls with a capacity of 200 to 900 ml, a wooden spatula, a sieve, a sharp knife, cutting board, medium or large grater, metal whisk, measuring utensils or kitchen scales, cotton and linen towels, as well as oven mitts. Apart from this, use a blender and food processor whenever possible to prepare the perfect dough.

Important! Avoid using plastic utensils or utensils to make pancake batter, as they may result in less fluffy pancakes and more holes.

Required Ingredients

The basis

Important! If possible, add milk instead of water to the pancake batter: this will make your products more tender and melt in your mouth, and the taste will be even more delicate. Also, the recipe uses large eggs, so if you have small ones, add three to the pancake batter rather than two.


  • 150 – 200 g hard cheese;
  • 20 g of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro).


  • 50 g of creamy margarine or lard.

Cooking sequence


Did you know? The pancakes can be made sweeter if you so desire: to do this, prepare a little more granulated sugar, or even replace it with powdered sugar in an amount of no more than 20 g. In addition, I recommend adding a little rosemary, curry or turmeric to the dough so that the pancakes turn out bright and unusual in appearance.



Important! Be careful not to overcook the products. To do this, use a spatula to pry up the edge of the pancake being prepared and look at the frying surface: if it has taken on a blush-pink color, the product can be turned over.

That's all, your most delicate pancakes with cheese and herbs are completely ready! Let them cool a little and serve, sprinkled with a small amount of herbs, grated garlic or ground black pepper - the choice is yours.

My mom tries to drizzle melted butter over each finished pancake, but this should only be done if you're not watching your weight. Try to cook as many pancakes as your family will eat in one sitting, since cold products are not nearly as tasty as “hot or hot”.

Video recipe for making cheese pancakes

Watch the video to see how to properly knead the dough and quickly fry excellent pancakes with cheese and herbs.

What to eat these pancakes with

Pancakes with herbs and soft cheese go very well with mayonnaise or low-fat sour cream - at least, most of my family members would recommend these additives. In addition, I can personally recommend several other options for using these amazing products.

  • Use pancakes with cheese as a bread substitute for first courses - they are lower in calories and much more tasty, and are more suitable for meals.
  • Season your pancakes with chili ketchup or Caesar dressing. Soy sauce also goes great with them.
  • Come up with an original filling for the products: it could be minced meat, unsweetened apples or potatoes.
  • Bake large, plump pancakes with cheese for homemade shawarma.
  • Cut the prepared pancakes into thin and long strips: you will get delicious homemade noodles that do not need to be cooked.

Did you know? Remember that cheese pancakes with herbs are combined primarily with salty, sour and sweet and sour sauces, but sweet ones are best left for classic pancakes.

Finally, I would really like to recommend to you several other options for pancakes that I often prepare for my family for breakfast or lunch. Try the classic ones, which I usually bake for Easter to surprise relatives with knowledge of the traditional way of making these delicious products.

Also, don’t pass by – my kids love these delicious little ones. In addition, I can’t help but recommend some very interesting and rather unusual ones that have only recently appeared in cookbooks in our country.

Finally, I would advise you to bake incredibly popular ones, after trying which your loved ones will have a very high opinion of your culinary talents. I personally checked all the proposed recipes many times, so you don’t have to worry about stumbling across one that is unreliable or outright non-working.

Good luck with your experiments in the kitchen and always have a good mood! Please write me a few lines about the above recipe - in case I made some inaccuracy. I also very much welcome constructive criticism and your advice on methods of kneading dough and baking pancakes with cheese and herbs. Bon appetit everyone!

Pancakes are not only a sweet pastry that goes perfectly with hot drinks. Photos of pancakes with cheese posted online will not leave any housewife indifferent. You can fill pancakes with a wide variety of fillings, thereby turning them from an addition to “tea gatherings” into a main dish. Recipes with photos of pancakes with cheese are quite easy to find. And the most delicious and simple options are presented below.

Simple pancakes with cheese


  • Milk - three glasses.
  • Flour - one and a half cups.
  • Three eggs.
  • Cheese - sixty grams.
  • Vegetable oil - three tablespoons.
  • A pinch of salt.

Preparing dough for pancakes with cheese.

Beat three chicken eggs with a whisk with a pinch of salt. Pour in three glasses of warm milk and stir again. Gradually add one and a half to two cups of flour into the resulting mixture, stirring continuously. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Grate sixty grams of cheese here on a fine grater and mix. This is an easy cheese pancake recipe. It's quite easy to prepare. All that remains is to fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown. Serve the finished pancakes with sour cream.

Cheese pancakes with herbs

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Flour - five glasses.
  • Eggs - four pieces.
  • Milk - one liter.
  • Water - four hundred milliliters.
  • Vegetable oil - one glass.
  • Salt - one teaspoon.

Filling ingredients:

  • Cheese - five hundred grams.
  • Dill.
  • Salt - to taste.


First you need to separate the whites and yolks. Beat the whites separately. Take a large container and beat the yolks with salt in it. Then, stirring constantly, pour hot milk into the yolks and beat again with a mixer. Then add vegetable oil. Sift the flour until the dough is airy and stir until the lumps disappear. Lastly, add the separately beaten egg whites to the pancake batter with cheese. The dough is ready. Heat a frying pan, add oil and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

For filling

Wash and finely chop the dill and onion. Add grated hard cheese. Add salt and mix. The filling is ready. Place the prepared filling on the edge of the pancake, fold it into an envelope and place on a greased and foil-lined baking sheet. Preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees and place a baking sheet with pancakes in it for fifteen to twenty minutes. Pancakes with cheese and fresh herbs are ready. Serve hot.

Pancakes stuffed with cheese and bacon


  • Flour - five hundred grams.
  • Milk - one liter.
  • Eggs - seven pieces.
  • A pinch of salt.

To prepare the filling for pancakes with cheese you need:

  • Cheese - three hundred grams.
  • Bacon - two hundred grams.
  • Milk - three hundred milliliters.
  • Onions - two pieces.
  • Butter - five tablespoons.
  • Heavy cream - six tablespoons.
  • Flour - one glass.
  • Ground pepper.

Prepare to combine with salt and beat lightly. Pour milk into the eggs and stir. Be sure to sift the flour and add it to the eggs with salt, mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps left. The dough for pancakes with cheese is ready. In a very hot frying pan, melt the butter and fry all the pancakes on both sides. Fry until light golden brown.

Now you need to prepare the filling. To do this, add finely chopped onion and bacon to a large frying pan. Simmer them in butter for ten minutes. Then add flour and simmer for another six to seven minutes. When the mixture has cooled a little, pour in milk and season with spices. Put on the fire for another seven to ten minutes. Then add the finely grated cheese, pour in the cream and bring to a boil. Wait until the filling has cooled and form into rolls.

To do this, place the filling on the edge of the pancake and roll it into a roll. Place all the filled pancakes on a greased baking sheet. Place grated cheese on top and pour melted butter over them. Bake in an oven preheated to one hundred and seventy degrees for no more than twenty minutes. Delicious and satisfying pancakes with cheese and ham are ready.

Pancakes with tomatoes, cheese and chicken


  • Flour - four hundred grams.
  • Milk - one liter.
  • Chicken breast - two pieces.
  • Cheese - four hundred grams.
  • Tomatoes - five pieces.
  • Salt.


Add eggs beaten with salt to the milk. Then gradually add flour and stir until all the lumps are gone. Fry the pancakes on both sides in a non-stick frying pan and set aside. Next we prepare the filling for the pancakes. Cut the chicken breasts into small pieces and add salt.

Add chopped tomatoes to the meat. Place in a frying pan and fry for ten minutes. Then pour in one and a half glasses of water, add a pinch of salt, stir the resulting mass and fry for another ten minutes. When the filling has cooled, wrap it in pancakes and place on a baking sheet. Bake at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for about fifteen minutes. The pancakes are ready. They can be served either hot or cold. They will be equally tasty and nutritious.

Pancakes with mushrooms and cheese

Required Products:

  • Flour - two glasses.
  • Milk - two glasses.
  • Cheese - three hundred grams.
  • Eggs - five pieces.
  • Champignons - five hundred grams.
  • Water - one and a half glasses.
  • Onions - two pieces.
  • Salt - two teaspoons.
  • Sugar - two tablespoons.


Prepare a deep bowl for the dough. Beat eggs and salt with a mixer. Without ceasing to beat, gradually add sifted flour. Pour in water, milk and salt. Fry pancakes from the prepared dough and set aside. While they are cooling, you need to prepare the filling.

Finely chop the peeled white onions and fry until slightly golden. Next, finely chop the champignons into pieces and combine with fried onions. Simmer over low heat for about ten minutes. At the end, add cheese on a fine grater and mix all ingredients. Stuff the pancakes with this filling. Roll them into rolls or wrap them in the form of an envelope. Fry each one in a frying pan. The pancakes are ready. When serving, you can sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Pancakes with ham and cheese


  • Flour - two hundred grams.
  • Eggs - four pieces.
  • Ham - three hundred grams.
  • Milk - two glasses.
  • Vegetable oil - two tablespoons.
  • Cheese - three hundred grams.
  • Sugar - one teaspoon.
  • Salt.
  • Greenery.

Cooking process

Break the eggs into a larger bowl, add butter, sugar and salt. Beat everything well with a whisk. Pour in milk. Then add flour in small parts and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. Fry pancakes from the prepared dough. For the filling, cut the ham into small cubes, mix with grated cheese and finely chopped herbs. Place the filling on the pancakes and wrap them in the form of envelopes.

The fillings for pancakes can be very different: sweet, fruit, curd, vegetable, mushroom, meat and chicken. It all depends on your imagination, the preferences of your family and the seasons. In winter, you want more satisfying dishes; in summer, during the harvest season, you can use fruits and vegetables. Try to cook according to the recipes that we have collected for you.

1. Pancakes with egg filling

Ingredients: 4 eggs, 50 gr. green onions, 5-10 gr. dill, salt.
Boil 4 eggs. Grate the boiled eggs. Fry green onions 50 gr. Dill 5-10 gr. Salt to taste.

2. Curd filling in pancakes

Ingredients: Cottage cheese 500 gr., 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 50 gr. raisins
Take cottage cheese, add one yolk, sugar, and grind everything with cottage cheese. Add raisins to the resulting mass. Pre-soaked in boiling water.

3. Chicken: chicken pancakes

Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, 10 gr. dill, 2 boiled eggs, salt, pepper.
Boil the chicken breast. Grind it in a meat grinder. Dill 10 gr. finely chop. Grate 2 boiled eggs on a coarse grater, salt and pepper to taste.

4. Mushroom filling in pancakes

Ingredients: 500 gr. mushrooms, 2 pcs. onions, salt, pepper.
Fry mushrooms 500 gr., fry onions 2 pcs. medium size, salt and pepper to taste.

5. From Varenki sausage

Ingredients: 200 gr. Varenki sausages, 0.5 spoons of mustard, 50 gr. sour cream, 100 gr. cheese.
Boiled sausage 200 gr., pass it through a meat grinder, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add 0.5 teaspoon of mustard, and 50 gr. sour cream. Mix everything, the filling is ready.

6. Hepatic

Ingredients: 500 gr. liver (pork or beef), 2 onions, 1 carrot, 3 eggs, salt. pepper.
500 gr. fry the liver with 2 medium-sized onions and 1 carrot. Grate 3 boiled eggs on a coarse grater, salt and pepper to taste.

7. Pancakes with meat. The most common meat filling for pancakes

Ingredients: 500 gr. fresh minced meat, 1 onion, salt, pepper.
Minced meat (500 g) is fried with onions (1 piece), add salt and pepper to taste.

8. Pancakes with cheese and ham

Ingredients: 300 gr. ham, 150 gr. cheese, 2-3 boiled eggs, salt.
We take ham 300 gr., 150 gr. cheese and 2-3 boiled eggs. We cut the ham into strips, and grate the cheese and eggs on a coarse grater. Salt to taste.

9. With dried apricots

Ingredients: 300 gr. cottage cheese, 100 gr. dried apricots, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar.
Take 300 gr. cottage cheese and 100 gr. finely chopped dried apricots, mix everything and add 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, then mix everything well again.

10. Boiled beef pancake filling

Ingredients: 500 gr. beef, 1 onion, butter 20 g, salt.
500 gr. Boil beef for 1.5 hours, grind in a meat grinder. Take 1 onion, cut into cubes, fry in butter, add the resulting minced meat, add salt to taste.

11. With condensed milk

Ingredients: liquid condensed milk or boiled condensed milk.
Sweet pancakes can be topped with condensed milk.

12. With red fish

Soft processed cheese (such as “Viola”) and lightly salted red fish will come in handy.
Finely chop red fish fillet (lightly salted or smoked trout or salmon) and mix with melted cheese.
Add greens if desired.

13. With powdered sugar

Ingredients: Powdered sugar.
Sprinkle with powder, you can also cut out a heart from paper and trot on top.
You will get powder on top of the pancake in the shape of a heart or two.

14. With minced meat and rice

Finely chop the onion. Fry the minced meat in a pan. oil (while evaporating all the juice). Add onion to the fried minced meat and continue to fry together over low heat until the minced meat and onion are cooked. But the onion should not change color much. Add boiled rice to the prepared minced meat and onions, add salt and pepper and mix thoroughly.

15. With caramel

Ingredients: 4 tbsp sugar, 0.5 water and 0.5 g. vanilla.
4 tablespoons of sugar are placed on the bottom of the frying pan, 0.5 g. vanilla, 0.5 tablespoon of water and melt the sugar, cook it until light brown. And they pour it over the pancakes.

16. With apple-nut filling

2 sweet and sour apples,
1 tbsp. walnuts,
1-2 tbsp. Sahara,
a pinch of cinnamon.
Grate the apples, mix with chopped nuts, adding sugar and cinnamon.

17. Cheese filling

It includes hard sharp cheese, garlic, carrots, sour cream (mayonnaise).
Grate the carrots on a fine grater and the cheese on a coarse grater. Crush a couple of cloves of garlic. Mix everything with sour cream or mayonnaise. (For 250 grams of cheese add 1 small carrot).

18. With prunes and cream

Ingredients: 200 gr. prunes, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 gr. cinnamon, 50 gr. cream.
Pour boiling water over the prunes. After 10 minutes, finely chop it, add sugar, cinnamon, cream. Mix everything thoroughly.,