French baked meat. Cooking juicy meat in French in the oven

Many people have loved French-style meat for quite some time. Oddly enough, despite the name this delicious dish has, it does not occupy any place in the cookbooks of France. This is far from a French recipe, but a real Russian dish, although its ancestor was actually prepared for the first time in the capital of France. During the reign of Catherine II, Count Orlov was the first to try this delicious dish. Then it was presented under the name “Veal Orlov style.” It is worth recognizing that today’s food has lost its “count’s manners”, becoming somewhat simpler, but therefore not losing much of its taste.

Based on the name of Count Orlov’s dish, one can understand that the main ingredient was veal. Today, more and more often they are prepared from beef or pork. Sometimes chicken is used instead of the above types of meat. However, it is rarely prepared from chicken. Bechamel sauce, which was a must, has become an excellent replacement for mayonnaise, sour cream or cream. In addition, the modern analog allows not to use mushrooms, which were once an integral ingredient. Nevertheless, today it is quite often prepared with mushrooms, namely champignons. As a rule, cooking is done in the oven. Classic French meat in the oven is much more tender than in a frying pan.

  • 450 g pork
  • 350 g potatoes
  • 200 g tomatoes
  • 100 g Parmesan cheese
  • 100 g Gouda cheese
  • 50 g onion
  • 100 ml mayonnaise
  • salt, ground black pepper
Servings: 4 servingsCooking time: 75 minutesNumber of calories: 2885 kcal.Recipe difficulty: low

Replaceable Ingredients

  • pork = beef, veal
  • mayonnaise = sour cream, cream

The classic French meat recipe does not include the addition of tomatoes, but I personally believe that it is with tomatoes that a certain sophistication is acquired. Therefore, my option is only with this popular vegetable. One of the main differences from the original, which remains in history, is the fact that I cook meat in French from pork. Also abstracting somewhat from the original recipe, where there is one type of cheese, I recommend using two: hard and medium hard. Moreover, the addition occurs in two stages: first hard, then medium hard. Before baking, add hard cheese as a final layer. Medium-hard cheese is added only 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. Due to this, the first layer does not have time to burn - it is moisturized by the second, which makes it soft. Tomatoes are also added in two stages. If you ignore this and put them all at once, they will produce a lot of juice, causing the rest of the food to cook more than bake. If you have questions about how to cook meat in French, I recommend turning to the detailed step-by-step photos.

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Recipe for cooking meat in French

First of all, carefully beat the pork.

Then cut the onion into half rings.

The potatoes are peeled and cut into slices.

Slice the tomatoes not too thin.

Now grate the hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Grate another type of cheese in the same way.

Place the meat on a baking sheet previously greased with sunflower oil. Add salt according to your taste preferences.

Sprinkle with onions.

Now add a layer of mayonnaise.

We treat the potatoes as is customary in dishes with layers, namely, place them in an even layer on mayonnaise.

At this stage, add the tomatoes.

Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper.

Before you start baking the meat in French, sprinkle the dish with hard cheese. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 30-35 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.

After about half an hour, take out the baking sheet.

Add the remaining tomatoes, which we cover with medium-hard cheese. Let it simmer again for about 15 minutes.

After only about 45-50 minutes from the start of cooking, remove the dish from the oven.

French-style meat is served in small portions. Bon appetit!

Good to know! Adding a layer of canned champignons to the French-style meat will give it a special, unique taste.

It is not always possible to cook tender, aromatic and melt-in-your-mouth meat. However, cooks who know how to cook meat in French at home rarely encounter such a problem.

Any meat is suitable: chicken, pork, lamb or beef. The main thing is a high-quality and fresh product, which is sold in the meat pavilion.

At the beginning of the article, I’ll tell you about the rules for preparing the treat. Next I’ll look at four step-by-step recipes.

  • Cut the meat across the grain. The thickness of the pieces does not exceed one and a half centimeters. Beat each piece, add salt, pepper and spices.
  • Many novice cooks make the mistake of using poorly defrosted meat or cutting it into small pieces. The result is a dried out dish.
  • Recipes call for the use of ringed and pickled onions. Place the onion rings in a deep bowl, cover with chilled boiled water, add a little vinegar, sugar, and salt. After half an hour, place the onion without liquid on the meat.
  • Lay out the ingredients correctly. First of all, place the meat on a baking sheet. Make the next layer from onions, and then from potato slices. Be sure to salt and sprinkle the potatoes with spices.
  • The last layer is grated cheese, which is covered with mayonnaise. I recommend baking in the oven at 180 degrees.

To make the meat juicy, first lightly fry it in a frying pan and then place it on a baking sheet. If you don’t have cheese and mayonnaise, use feta cheese and thick sour cream.

Some cooks add tomatoes, which they place on top of the potatoes. Potatoes do not have to be cut into slices. You can pass it through a grater, which will add tenderness.

French pork meat

Previously, they were prepared from pork tenderloin, but now they use lamb, beef, and pork. Contrary to the name, the dish does not belong to French cuisine. But that's not the main thing. It is important that everyone can cook pork in this way; it doesn’t require much effort.

Classic recipe


  • Pork tenderloin – 1 kg.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Processed cheese – 2 packs.
  • Spices, mayonnaise, bay, salt.


  1. Cut the pork into pieces, as for shashlik, sprinkle with a mixture of salt, pepper and spices. Marinate for at least thirty minutes.
  2. Place the tenderloin along with the juice into a deep frying pan. If you don't have one, take a mold or baking sheet.
  3. Place onion sliced ​​into rings on top. It should cover the pork. Next, place a few bay leaves in the pan.
  4. Sprinkle the melted cheese passed through a grater on the onion. It's hard to grate fresh cheese. You can solve the problem by keeping it in the freezer. Pour mayonnaise on top.
  5. Place the frying pan in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cook for an hour.

The dish can also be prepared on a gas stove. Fry the tenderloin until cooked, sprinkle with cheese, spread with mayonnaise. Place in the oven for 2-3 minutes to form a cheese crust.

Video recipe

Extended recipe with tomatoes and mushrooms

The second option is an improved version of the first, featuring additional ingredients designed to improve the appearance, taste and aroma.


  • Tenderloin – 1 kg.
  • Champignons – 500 g.
  • Tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 300 g.
  • Sour cream, mayonnaise, spices, salt, garlic, pepper.


  1. The technology is no different from the classic version. Place pork, onions, fried champignons, and tomatoes on a baking sheet. Make a layer of grated cheese on top.
  2. Add a few crushed cloves of garlic to the mayonnaise mixed with sour cream and pour the resulting sauce over the tenderloin. Bake in the oven for an hour at 180 degrees.

I recommend serving French pork with mashed potatoes or rice. Decorate the dish with chopped dill.

Original chicken recipe

French chicken meat has nothing to do with French cuisine. For cooking, cooks use potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, pineapples and herbs. By changing the order in which the ingredients are added, the recipe can be manipulated.

I offer a classic chicken recipe (you can use duck or turkey). Despite its simplicity, it helps to create a culinary miracle and enjoy the taste of chicken.

If you have a multicooker, cook in this device. The dish will turn out tender, but not brown. Alternate the ingredients in the multicooker container several times. No man will remain indifferent to such a treat.


  • Chicken fillet – 400 g.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Cheese – 100 g.
  • Mayonnaise, salt, pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the fillet and dry with napkins. Make as many chops as possible. The thickness of each piece is 1 centimeter. Use scraps too.
  2. Place the chicken in a roasting pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper. I do not recommend using seasonings, otherwise the taste will be lost. Lubricate the top with mayonnaise.
  3. Cover the chops with half-rings of sweet onion. If this is not the case, pour boiling water over the bulbs to remove the bitterness.
  4. All that remains is to sprinkle with grated cheese and place the pan in the oven. After half an hour, remove and serve with vegetable salads, croutons, potatoes or buckwheat, garnished with herbs. Baking temperature – 180 degrees.

Video recipe

French style beef

The first person to taste French beef was Count Orlov during his stay in Paris. He was presented with a baked dish with the addition of mushrooms, potatoes, and cheese. At the same time, the treat was distinguished by its quick preparation, excellent taste and aroma.


  • Beef – 800 g.
  • Medium potatoes – 10 pcs.
  • Onions – 6 pcs.
  • Champignons – 8 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 500 g.
  • Mayonnaise – 250 ml.
  • Vegetable oil, pepper, salt.


  1. Place the washed beef on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, remove the seeds and veins. Then cut into 1 centimeter thick pieces.
  2. Wrap the pieces in cling film and beat with a mallet.
  3. If you don't have inventory, don't worry. You can do the job with the back of the knife. True, it will take more time and effort.
  4. Sprinkle each broken piece with salt and pepper and place in a bowl.
  5. Prepare the potatoes. Peel, rinse, dry with a paper towel, cut into small pieces. This way it will be fried, but not burnt.
  6. Wash the peeled onion, cut into rings, and place in a separate plate.
  7. Take care of the champignons. After washing, dry and cut each into four parts. If the mushrooms are large, chop more finely. The main thing is that they are fried.
  8. Using a medium grater, shred the cheese and set aside.
  9. Place potatoes, beef, onions, and mushrooms in a greased pan. Smooth out the layers thoroughly.
  10. Cover the contents of the mold with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. A toothpick will help check readiness. It should fit easily.
  11. After cooling, cut into portions and place on a plate with a spatula.

If the dish is intended for a holiday table, garnish with lettuce leaves and olives. The result will be a wonderful composition, with which even homemade boiled pork cannot compare in taste.

Video cooking

Helpful information

Many recipes have long become home table classics. These are cutlets, salads or meat okroshka. Only the names remained unchanged. A striking example is the Olivier salad, from the classic recipe of which only eggs with pickled cucumbers remain. The French meat recipe has also changed.

The classic recipe called for the use of mushrooms and beef. Now, instead of beef, other types of meat are suitable. The changes are due to the standard of living in Soviet times. Then the most affordable product was potatoes and mayonnaise. Any housewife who managed to get some meat delighted her family with a luxurious delicacy.

In fact, the familiar French meat has the same relation to the homeland of bouillabaisse, camembert, croissants and hearty onion soup as eggnog has to the famous classic of Russian literature Nikolai Vasilyevich. Refined French simply would not have thought of baking pork, beef or chicken with cold sauce and hard cheese. But in vain! After all, the idea is wonderful! The meat turns out very juicy, and the cheese crust whets your appetite just by looking at it. Thanks to mayonnaise, even the driest part of a pork or beef carcass will become tender and soft. I can firmly say that this dish always turns out and is appropriate in any situation - be it a festive feast with friends, acquaintances and friends of acquaintances, or a regular family dinner. In general, let's not pay attention to the opinions of slow-witted foreigners and cook simple and tasty meat in French. The recipe includes photos that illustrate each stage of preparation step by step, so even a schoolchild can do it.


How to cook meat in French (simple recipe with step-by-step photos):

You can use pork, beef, and even poultry - chicken or turkey. Due to the fact that the main ingredient will be smeared with a thin layer of mayonnaise or sour cream, covered with onions and a cheese crust, the meat will not turn out dry. But it’s still not advisable to bake fillets without fat. It is better to take a piece of medium fat content. If it's pork, neck, shoulder or entrecote are ideal. The ham may turn out a little tough. When roasting beef, choose the back, brisket or tenderloin. The juiciest part of a chicken carcass is the legs. It is better to cook them. But first fillet them and cut them into portions. Divide the pork or beef into pieces 1.5-2 cm thick. Cut across the grain so that all the juice remains inside during baking. I had pork entrecotes on the bone. This is how I cooked them, without removing them from the stone. Wash the meat and pat it dry with a towel. Beat on both sides with a kitchen mallet. To avoid making holes, wrap the pieces in cling film before beating.

Rub the prepared meat with salt and ground black pepper. You can take some dried garlic, basil, rosemary and other spices to taste. Place it on a baking sheet greased with odorless vegetable oil.

I always put onions on top of the pork. It makes the dish more juicy, tender and tasty. Don't like onions? Place a coarsely grated sour (!) apple on the meat. Read about what else you can replace or supplement onions with. But let's get back to the beam. Peel it and cut into thin rings or half rings.

Place on the meat as shown in the photo.

Although it's not quite French, brush the meat (basically brush it, not pour it over it) with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Better homemade. I’ll briefly tell you step by step how to prepare it. For one chicken egg you will need 400 ml of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, pepper, a little mustard and lemon juice. Place everything except the oil and juice in a tall, narrow blender glass. Beat for a few minutes until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Then start pouring the oil in as thin a stream as possible. The mayonnaise will thicken before your eyes. At the very end, pour in the juice. Homemade sauce, which can be safely used for roasting meat in French or other dishes, is ready. If you want to see a step-by-step photo recipe, click, there are also several interesting options for this sauce. Don't like mayonnaise? Use sour cream mixed with mustard and salt in arbitrary proportions. It’s just important that the sour cream is of high quality and not powdered. Such a product will not add appetizing to the dish, because it curls when heated.

Grate hard or semi-hard cheese on a coarse or medium grater. I had a Tilsiter. Other varieties are also suitable - Dutch, edan, gouda, etc. But it is better not to use Russian cheese. Its taste becomes less expressive after heat treatment.

Sprinkle the contents of the baking sheet with grated cheese. Place the French-style meat in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cook for 20-30 minutes.

Remove the finished dish from the oven. And let it brew for 7-10 minutes. You can even cover the pan with foil to keep it warm. Serve it up!

How to make a dish tastier

  1. Place slices of ripe red tomatoes between the onion and cheese. The meat will absorb tomato juice and it will turn out even juicier.
  2. Mushrooms will also join the main ingredients. The most common champignons. Cut them into thin plastics. Fry first in a dry frying pan to evaporate the liquid. Add a little vegetable oil. Cook over medium heat until golden brown. At the end of frying, salt the mushrooms. Sprinkle with pepper. Add a clove of garlic; mushrooms go well with it.
  3. French-style meat with eggplant is a hit of the summer season; you won’t find a tastier recipe. I'll tell you step by step how to prepare it. Wash the blue ones and cut into slices. Add salt. Wait 10-15 minutes for the eggplants to release their juice. Rinse them of salt. Squeeze. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. You can season it with garlic. Well, add salt, of course.
  4. Pineapples and meat are an exotic combination. But very successful (in the case of pork or chicken). Do you like experiments? Place a ring of canned pineapple on top of the main ingredient. Next, repeat all the steps described in the recipe. This French-style meat turns out to be original and unexpectedly tasty.

I also wish you bon appetit in the French manner: bon appetit!

French-style oven-baked meat is prepared in restaurants and cozy home kitchens; it is adored by ardent meat eaters and lovers of meat treats “diluted” with vegetables. French-style meat is a tasty and beautiful dish with an incredibly appetizing onion aroma! Preparing it is actually very simple: your presence will only be needed at the initial stage. Well, then the oven will cook everything itself!

The first step-by-step photo recipe involves preparing this dish from pork, the second from beef. You can use any type of meat (beef, lamb, turkey, chicken...) of your choice.

Pork for French meat should be chosen without bones - the same as for regular chops. To prepare this dish, in addition to the ingredients themselves, you will need a kitchen hammer with teeth of two different sizes, a kitchen board, and a regular oven that allows you to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees.


  • Pork – 500 g,
  • Medium-sized onions – 2 pcs.,
  • Cheese – 300 g,
  • Mayonnaise – 150 g,
  • Salt – 1 tbsp,
  • Ground black pepper – 1 tsp. without a slide,
  • Vegetable oil for processing the baking dish.


1. Rinse the meat under running water and pat it dry with a napkin or paper towel to remove excess water. Place the pork on a cutting board and use a sharp wide knife to cut into portions up to 1 cm thick.

2. Beat each piece well on both sides, first with larger teeth of a hammer, and then with small ones. The meat should become thin and translucent. Properly pounded meat is a guarantee that the dish will cook quickly in the oven.

3. Place salt and pepper on a separate plate and mix with your fingers.

4. Rub each cut piece of pork on both sides with this spice mixture. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment, grease it with vegetable oil (1 teaspoon of oil will be used for the entire baking sheet) and lay out the peppered pieces of meat. They need to be placed tightly so that there are as few gaps as possible between the pieces. During baking, meat fat can get into these gaps and begin to burn, which is very undesirable.

5. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. The thickness of the onion pieces will also affect the cooking time of the dish: thin onions will cook much faster, but large pieces will make you languish in anticipation of this aromatic onion-meat dish. After chopping the onion, separate its half rings and place them on the meat.

6. Pour thin strips of mayonnaise over the meat and onions.

7. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and grate the meat with it. To make the French-style portioned pieces of meat beautiful, it is better to distribute the cheese clearly over each of them.

Place the meat on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. To check the readiness of the dish, cut off a piece of one serving (be sure to include onions, because they can also still be raw!) and taste it.

The French-style meat is ready! In fact, it's much easier and faster to cook than the same chops: you don't have to stand in the kitchen and fry every piece. And it turns out delicious and original in a festive way. Bon appetit!

Meat in French: recipe and photo from Victoria.

The second recipe for this dish with beef and potatoes:

French beef with potatoes

This is a dish that perfectly combines the two most popular ingredients in our country - meat and potatoes. And although it bears this name, it has practically nothing in common with France. According to the history of the recipe, this dish was served in France to the notorious Russian Count Orlov. But since then it has not been cooked in France, and today, when meat is mentioned in French, it is in this execution that the French, and everyone who is familiar with their cuisine, make big, surprised eyes.

Be that as it may, French meat is a tasty, satisfying dish. In the classic version, it is prepared from beef, potatoes, onions, cheese and mayonnaise. We will replace mayonnaise with sour cream to make the dish less fatty. Aren't you afraid of extra calories? Feel free to use mayonnaise!

The French-style meat is cooked in just over an hour. The indicated amount of ingredients is designed for 4-5 servings.


  • 300 g beef fillet,
  • 10-12 potatoes,
  • 2-3 pcs. onions,
  • 100-150 g hard cheese,
  • 100 g sour cream or mayonnaise,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Salt, spices to taste.

Cooking process:

A piece of beef fillet should be washed well and cut into slices as thin as possible.

Using a kitchen hammer, beat the meat slices on both sides. Salt and pepper the meat to taste. You can add any spices of your choice.

A baking dish, preferably glass or ceramic, is coated with a small amount of vegetable oil. Lay out the meat to form an even layer. If you don't have a baking dish, use a high-sided frying pan.

Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Place it on top of the meat. Take as much onion as needed to cover all the meat.

Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices. If the potatoes are large, you can cut them in half and slice them thinly.

Place the potatoes on top of the meat and onions, you should get 2-3 layers.

Lubricate the potatoes with sour cream or mayonnaise. Add water to the pan so that it barely covers the meat. This is necessary so that the dish does not burn.

We grate the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle it on our meat, French style. If your oven cooks too much on top, then it is better to sprinkle the dish with cheese 10 minutes before cooking, or cover the dish with foil.

In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, cook French-style beef and potatoes for about an hour. Serve with vegetable salad or homemade pickles.

French-style meat with beef and potatoes: recipe and photo from Regina

French-style meat is a win-win dish, whether for a family dinner or for entertaining guests. I like that it is quite easy to prepare. And it turns out delicious... mmm... just amazing!

Today I will tell you about the simplest version of this dish.
Take a piece of meat, wash it, remove the films and excess fat, cut it into pieces 1 cm thick. Beat it (but don’t be too zealous). Sprinkle with salt and your favorite meat spices. I use ready-made pork seasoning.
Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into circles 3-4mm thick. To prevent the potatoes from darkening, before it gets to them, grease them with vegetable oil. I pour 1 tablespoon of oil and mix it with the potato slices with my hands.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Now we need salt, sugar and lemon juice (it can be replaced with apple cider vinegar).

Place the onion in a deep plate, add salt, add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. And we begin to lay out the layers of our future dish.

First I put in the potatoes. I salt it. Sometimes (like this time) I sprinkle with ground black pepper.

Then I grease it with mayonnaise. It is convenient to distribute mayonnaise with a silicone brush. I use 1.5-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise per layer of potatoes.

I put the meat on the potatoes. My baking sheet is small, so I have to place the pieces very tightly to each other. Since our meat is already salted and sprinkled with spices, there is no need to salt this layer. Immediately coat the meat with mayonnaise. I also use 1.5-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise for this layer.

Next add the onion. We have already marinated it, so we won’t add salt.

Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Place grated cheese on top.

Place in the oven for 40-60 minutes. The time depends on the capabilities of your oven. In order not to overcook, it is better to check after 40 minutes whether the meat and potatoes are ready by piercing them with a fork (clear juice should flow out of the meat, and the potatoes should not crunch). Cooks in my oven for 1 hour.

The dish turns out juicy, with a beautiful cheese crust.

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT01H30M 1 h 30 min.