You can eat ice cream while breastfeeding. How to introduce this product into your diet

Some foods from a nursing mother's diet provoke colic and an allergic reaction in the baby. Pediatricians recommend following a diet in the first three months after birth, while the newborn’s gastrointestinal tract is developing. The list of prohibitions includes most types of sweets, including ice cream. Sometimes you want to treat yourself to your favorite dessert so much that mothers give in and allow themselves this creamy delicacy.

In this tasty article we tell you what the danger is creamy dessert for nursing mother and baby. You will find out whether a nursing mother can have ice cream and which one is the highest in calories. In conclusion, we will give recommendations on how to choose ice cream that a nursing mother can eat.

Many women are worried after childbirth excess weight And lost forms. Eating ice cream does not help you lose weight. But you can choose a lower-calorie dessert for yourself.

Ice cream made from milk is a high-calorie product. The calorie content of such a dessert is based on simple carbohydrates, which have a high glycemic index. Fast carbohydrates sharply increase blood sugar levels, which leads to weight gain and the deposition of fatty tissue. The calorie content of ice cream depends on the composition.
We offer a cheat sheet on nutritional value product.

Fat content and glycemic index of ice cream

Please note that the lower the fat content, the more sugar the product contains (glycemic index). For example, cream-based ice cream is not as sweet as fruit ice, and not as fatty as ice cream. The most high-calorie filling is ice cream, which is made from milk, cream and large quantity eggs The fat content of the ice cream reaches 20-25%. Sorbet made from fruit juices or purees contains too much sugar and artificial flavoring additives. It is not recommended for nursing mothers due to possible problems with the baby’s digestion or an allergic reaction.

If restrictions during breastfeeding exhaust you mentally, just choose a dessert that contains a lower percentage of fat. Nothing bad will happen if mom allows herself to enjoy ice cream at least once in a while.

What are the dangers of ice cream while breastfeeding?

Finding natural ice cream is becoming increasingly difficult. To reduce the cost of the product, manufacturers use cheap raw materials and artificial additives. Milk is replaced with vegetable fats. Artificial flavors are used for aroma, and dyes are used for attractive color. A child’s reaction to ice cream eaten by his mother can also be negative.

Allergic reaction. Preservatives, stabilizers and dyes, which are included in some brands of ice cream, most often cause allergies in an infant. The body reacts with itching, rash, frequent sneezing, swelling respiratory tract, urticaria.

An allergic reaction to casein often occurs. This is a protein found in milk. The breakdown of casein occurs slowly, and according to some data, it is not absorbed by the body of children in the first six months after birth. The casein in milk is destroyed when boiled. But to make ice cream, milk is not boiled, but only brought to 90°C.

An allergic reaction also occurs when ice cream contains chocolate, cocoa, berries and tropical fruits.

Another danger of ice cream for the baby and for the mother is the possible content of vegetable fats. As a cheap alternative natural milk replaced with palm oil. This product is not absorbed by the body. Palm oil accumulates and settles on the walls of blood vessels, in the liver and causes various diseases: obesity, atherosclerosis, malignant tumors.

To reduce the risk of a possible allergy in your child, read the ingredients when choosing ice cream. A good product does not contain vegetable fats, dyes, artificial flavors. Such a dessert cannot be too cheap.

Areas of manifestation of allergy to sweets

Impact on the child’s gastrointestinal tract. Due to the high sugar content, ice cream eaten by a nursing mother provokes fermentation in the baby’s intestines and colic. This occurs due to a shift in the composition of milk to an acidic environment. Gastrointestinal tract a newborn is just learning to digest food and produce enzymes. Do not burden the baby’s body with excessive consumption of sweet, fatty foods in the first months.

“Because of the above reasons, nursing mothers should avoid eating ice cream in the first month after giving birth.
In the second and third months, a nursing mother can eat 1 ice cream per week. At the same time, for the first time - quite a bit, and observing the child’s reaction.
After the third month, you can eat ice cream no more than 2 times a week."

Rules for choosing good ice cream

  • The product must comply with GOST R 52175-2003. You should not choose ice cream made according to specifications. Manufacturer who works according to technical specifications, and not according to GOST, has the right to prescribe any fillers in the technology, including Palm oil. The GOST system does not allow the use of vegetable fats in the product.
  • Choose ice cream with natural additives such as marmalade, candied fruits, dried fruits or without them at all. Better chocolate chips than the aroma of strawberries, the taste of fruit juice, etc.
  • Chocolate glaze doubles the calorie content of the dessert. 100 grams of delicacy will cost you 500 kcal, this is a complete meal. If you are watching your figure, then it is better to choose a waffle cup.
  • Hold the ice cream in your hands. A product made from vegetable fats will quickly melt from the warmth of your palm. Glaze from natural chocolate doesn't melt in your hands.
  • Don't buy bruised ice cream. Melted ice cream loses its shape and is re-frozen. Bacteria develop in such a product.

Knowing these simple rules, a nursing mother will be able to occasionally indulge in her favorite treat without unnecessary worries.

We offer a visual guide on how to choose ice cream. You can save, print and carry with you in your purse.

Simple recipes for making homemade ice cream

It is safest to make ice cream for a nursing mother herself. Moreover, it is not difficult to do. No exotic ingredients or skills required.

“Ice cream can be made without using an ice cream maker, but the consistency and taste may still vary. The fact is that the principle of making ice cream is to frequently whip the mixture while freezing. A special device regularly mixes the ice cream. Then it has creamy, delicate consistency. When frozen in the freezer, the mixture hardens unevenly. Ice crystals form. To get the classic consistency of ice cream, you will have to take the mixture out of the freezer every 30 minutes and beat it at high speed with a mixer.”

We offer several simple recipes:

Curd and watermelon ice cream

Beat all ingredients well in a blender. Place in the freezer for 3-4 hours. The ice cream needs to be churned every 30 minutes.

Berry ice cream

  • 200 g natural yogurt without additives
  • 2 handfuls of berries (frozen or fresh)
  • 100 g condensed milk

Mix all ingredients using a blender. Pour the ice cream into molds and place in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Churn the ice cream every 30 minutes. If the berries are too sour, you can add a little honey.

Caramel ice cream

  • 350 g cream (33% fat)
  • 350 g milk
  • 200 g boiled condensed milk
  • 5 egg yolks

Mix milk, cream and boiled condensed milk in a saucepan and heat. The mixture should be very warm, but not hot. Remove the saucepan from the stove and pour part into another container. To prevent eggs from curdling, add the milk and cream mixture to the yolks in stages, rather than the other way around. Stir the yolk-milk mixture thoroughly with a whisk. Then return the resulting melange to the saucepan. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. To check the readiness of the cream, run your finger along the spatula with which you stirred the mixture. There should be a noticeable fingerprint on it. Then the cream needs to be cooled and stored in freezer. Every 30 minutes you need to take out and beat the ice cream.

If you can’t, but really want to, then you can, it says folk wisdom. Occasionally eaten ice cream will not harm the child, but will give moments of pleasure to the mother. However, to avoid causing intestinal upset in your newborn, eat cold treats in small quantities no more than 1-2 times a week. And to avoid allergies in a newborn, choose ice cream correctly.

Video - Interesting Facts about ice cream.

During lactation, many familiar products for a young mother they are blacklisted. This is usually associated with an increased threat to the baby’s health. Many people with a sweet tooth are wondering whether ice cream can be eaten... breastfeeding?

Sweet delicacy for a long time was the main pleasure for a nursing woman. However, times are changing, and the desire to make goods cheaper has also affected this delicacy. Modern factory-made ice cream quite often poses a risk factor for little people due to its composition.

Read in this article

Why are common sweets dangerous for a nursing woman and baby?

Before introducing any new product into the diet of a young mother, you should pay attention to Special attention on its composition. Are all ingredients completely safe? Ice cream contains enough substances that can cause pathological reactions in a child.

How is ice cream made?

The basis of most varieties of this delicacy is regular cow's milk. In some types of delicacy it is used in pasteurized form, while in others it is added this product in the form of cream.

According to production technology, milk is brought to a temperature of 90 degrees and kept in this form for several minutes. It is impossible to use boiling milk to make ice cream, and this is one of the main dangers of this product for a child.

Pediatricians say that casein contained in cow's milk, has a detrimental effect on the baby’s digestion, since his body is simply unable to process this protein. Boiling destroys most casein molecules, but this sterilization method is not used when making ice cream.

A condition arises, differentiated in medicine as a child’s allergy to milk protein. This pathology usually goes away with the development of the baby’s immune system, but the period of adaptation to whole dairy products may be delayed.

Ice cream is completely prohibited for mothers when breastfeeding a newborn. The introduction of such a product into the diet is possible after 6 months of feeding, and then only under the supervision of specialists.

In addition to formula milk, confectionery factories and other components are added. These are sugar, vanillin and various emulsifiers. In the good old days, eggs and starch were used as thickeners. Under the influence of chemical reactions from finished product leaves excess water, so it can be stored for a certain time.

What is included in the main varieties

Most varieties of this delicacy differ significantly in the components they contain. The main types of cold delicacy include:

  • To prepare treats according to the technology, it is recommended to use cow's milk without pre-treatment, in rare cases it is allowed to replace it with a dry product.
  • IN certain types ice cream, its fat content is increased by adding butter made from cow's milk, or cream.
  • To add flavor and shape, experts add chicken and sugar to the nutritional mixture.
  • The fruit varieties of this delicacy do not contain milk or butter, but include only juice and processed fruits. The fat content of this ice cream is usually around 0%.

In addition to the listed components, the technology for manufacturing the product involves the inclusion of vanilla, chocolate or cocoa beans, and starch. For speedy preparation use a special thickener.

If all manufacturers of this delicacy adhered to the rules when making it, then a young mother could afford ice cream while breastfeeding in the first month. But in pursuit of increasing profitability, most confectionery factories are replacing natural ingredients with cheaper products.

It is common practice to substitute cow's milk or cream in the frozen production process. vegetable oil or palm milk. To preserve the product for a longer period of time, various preservatives are added to its composition, which may include soda or washing powder.

Popsicles and frozen juice can also pose a danger to mother and baby, since the technology for manufacturing fruit additives is often far from ideal. Various fillers or cocoa are an immediate danger to a small child.

Given the unpredictability of the manufacturing process of this sweet delicacy, women should avoid it during the first months of breastfeeding. As a last resort, there is always the opportunity to prepare your favorite delicacy yourself.

Features of introduction into the diet

If, nevertheless, a nursing mother cannot resist the temptation to eat a cold treat, she should remember that different types delicacies differ in their effect on her body and on the condition of the child. It all depends on their composition.

Ice cream for a young mother

Experts do not recommend “Plombir” ice cream to women during breastfeeding due to its high fat content and the high concentration of cow’s milk in it. Excess fats can cause weight gain in a young mother, which is already common during lactation.

A large percentage of cow's milk in the delicacy causes an excess of casein in the baby's body, which will lead to gastrointestinal problems. The calorie content of the product in question is up to 500 kcal, and the fat content is at least 25%.

Considering the high energy capacity of this type of ice cream, doctors allow their patients to include it in their diet only after a year of feeding. In this case, the frequency of administration should be no more than 2 times a week, one serving.

What you need to know about ice cream

This type of delicacy is in second place in terms of fat content after “Ice cream”. This is explained by the fact that the basis of the product is milk cream.

However, this variety is quite high in calories and also contains cow’s milk, which is contraindicated for a baby until his gastrointestinal tract has matured. And for mom, 300 kcal in 100 grams of treats is completely unnecessary.

During breastfeeding, creamy ice cream can be introduced into the diet of a young woman as early as six months after the birth of the child. Like any delicacy, creamy cold product should not become an everyday food. 2 - 3 times a week will be enough to lift a woman’s mood.

Popsicles while breastfeeding

TO fruit varieties Experts attribute this delicacy to sorbet and fruit ice. The technology for manufacturing the product involves the use of various juices, purees made from fruits, and low-calorie yoghurts. Some recipes allow you to include in this ice cream green tea or instant coffee.

If such delicacies do not add to the mother's extra pounds, then they can pose a certain threat to the baby. Almost all products contain caffeine, which is harmful to the child; cocoa beans can cause intestinal disorders, and various fruits can provoke an allergic reaction.

Although pediatricians are convinced that fruit treat Of all types of ice cream, it is the safest for breastfeeding. It is allowed to be introduced into the diet of a nursing woman three months after the birth of the child. True, this should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Chocolate ice cream and lactation

This variety of sweet product is loved by many women for its unique taste and high tonic properties. But while breastfeeding this type can be allowed to the mother only after a year of lactation.

This recommendation is due to the fact that the product, in addition to milk and cream, which is already harmful for the baby, may also contain cocoa beans. These components are prohibited for a young mother as substances that can cause severe pain.

In addition, chocolate, when it gets into the baby’s blood, negatively affects the functioning of his central nervous system. Chocolate ice cream during breastfeeding is in no way inferior to “Ice Cream” in its negative impact on mother and child, and in some components it even poses a more serious threat to the health of the entire young family.

Watch the video about nutrition for a nursing mother:

How to properly introduce ice cream into a mom’s diet

Pediatricians suggest young women adhere to several simple rules when introducing a sweet product into your diet. What you need to remember first:

  • You should immediately decide on the type of delicacy. Doctors advise fruit juices, but if the baby does not have a reaction to cow's milk, then it is better to stick with cream or milk ice cream. Lacetin, which is included in the composition, is necessary for the child for the formation of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes.
  • Dessert is introduced into the diet gradually, in small portions , carefully observing the little person’s reaction to a new product.
  • Before purchasing a treat, you should carefully study its label. The composition should include only natural products, although the purchase instructions do not provide a complete guarantee.
  • When breastfeeding, a woman should eat only smooth ice cream. Any mixtures and fillers are more likely to cause allergic reactions in the baby.
  • A young mother should introduce all new foods into her diet only in the morning. In the evening the immune system her and the child are more labile, so the likelihood of a pathological reaction increases.

Often young girls do not understand why ice cream is not allowed while breastfeeding. It should be noted that we're talking about First of all, about a factory product, which is really recommended for a woman to eat no earlier than 6 months after giving birth.

However, there is another solution to the problem. You can make ice cream yourself. In this case, the likelihood of problems occurring for mother and baby decreases significantly.

A simple recipe for your favorite delicacy

In order to avoid risk and treat herself to this cold delicacy, a woman must make some efforts:

  • 0.5 liters heavy cream mixed with 200 grams of sugar, poured into enamel pan and cook over low heat for half an hour, being careful not to bring the mixture to a boil. The resulting mass is heated to room temperature, add 5 egg whites and beat thoroughly using a mixer or blender. After this, the mixed components of the future ice cream are placed in the freezer for 60 minutes. Shake and send to re-freezing 2-3 more times are recommended.

Such a dish also requires some caution on the part of the mother. A baby’s negative reaction to milk protein is possible, but homemade ice cream can be eaten after 2–3 months of feeding the baby.

It has long been known that for a nursing mother, the first months of lactation are the most difficult. Hormonal changes are underway, the body is tired after pregnancy and childbirth. Favorite treat can be an excellent remedy for raising vitality women in this rather difficult period for her.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a time when a woman should be especially careful about what she eats. After all, nutrition has a huge impact on the fetus and breast milk. Substances contained in food are transferred during feeding. Today we will find out whether ice cream is allowed while breastfeeding. Is it really forbidden for a woman to consume this delicacy? Or is it okay to treat yourself sometimes?


Is it possible to have ice cream while breastfeeding? There is no clear answer to this question. Some doctors prohibit this delicacy, while others allow it. It all depends on the specific circumstances.

In general, nutrition during breastfeeding is an individual thing. Therefore, it is difficult to say who can eat this or that product and who should abstain from it. The only thing worth noting with certainty is that medications, alcohol, and tobacco are prohibited. But what about ice cream?

The base of an old treat

The composition of the dessert plays a huge role. Can I have ice cream while breastfeeding?

Previously, this delicacy was more natural. It consisted of sugar, milk and natural fats. All this did not bring any harm to either the woman or the child. No additional harmful substances!

This means that ice cream is not prohibited in principle during breastfeeding. A woman can consume an old-fashioned delicacy, but in moderation.

New items

But now the situation is somewhat different. Modern ice cream is great amount various additional substances, additives, chemicals. Flavor enhancers, dyes and unnatural fats are what can be found in the delicacy. Of course, all this only negatively affects the health of mother and baby.

Why can't ice cream be used while breastfeeding? Some doctors say that you should abstain from this dessert due to the lack natural composition. Synthetic fats have replaced vegetable fats. These components pose a risk of malignant tumors, obesity and atherosclerosis. Stabilizers and emulsifiers also negatively affect the human body.

When wondering whether ice cream is possible while breastfeeding, you will have to pay attention to the composition of the product. If it contains the listed unnatural additives, then you will have to limit yourself in dessert. After all, the main thing is the health of the child!

Product Disadvantages

Like any other food, ice cream has its pros and cons. What are they? It is thanks to them that you can understand why ice cream is not allowed while breastfeeding.

Let's start with the shortcomings. These include:

  1. Compound. As we have already found out, the bulk of industrial ice cream consists of chemicals and emulsifiers. It is better to stay away from such substances.
  2. Effect on digestion. As we have already said, breast milk absorbs components contained in food. Ice cream sometimes negatively affects a newborn's digestion.
  3. Calorie content. The delicacy under study is quite high in calories. Consumption of ice cream can lead to rapid weight gain in the mother.

Perhaps these are all the main disadvantages of the food being studied. The treats also have their benefits. But which ones?

About the advantages

Ice cream while breastfeeding is not only dangerous. Especially when it comes to a natural product. It's hard to believe, but it is also sometimes found in stores.

What benefits does the dessert being studied have? These include:

  1. Taste. Ice cream is delicious, although not always healthy dish. It can bring a lot of positive emotions to a nursing mother. And this, as you know, has a beneficial effect on breastfeeding.
  2. Diversity. Ice cream can be different - from industrial with additives to homemade frozen juice. A woman can choose for herself what exactly she needs. And at the same time pay attention to the composition. You should focus on products that have the least amount of emulsifiers and other chemicals.
  3. Availability. The studied delicacy is always available to customers. You can find ice cream at any grocery store. But finding a product with a natural composition can be problematic.

Allergy? Forbidden!

What else should you pay attention to before eating ice cream while breastfeeding? For example, the fact that the delicacy being studied, as we have already found out, may be different composition. But basically all ice cream has protein. It affects not only the baby’s digestive system, but also his overall health.

In general, ice cream containing protein is quite strong allergen. Its use can cause a lot of trouble for the parents of a newborn. This is especially true for those who are prone to allergic reactions.

Are the baby's parents allergic? In this case, you will have to refrain from ice cream during breastfeeding. After all, as already mentioned, allergic reactions may occur in mother and child.

Is your child allergic? In this case, ice cream with any composition is prohibited during breastfeeding. All these features must be taken into account.

Good health

Ice cream is not always prohibited when breastfeeding a newborn. Based on all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that mothers with good health there is nothing to be afraid of. They can calmly eat the studied treat.

The main thing is to give preference to a more natural composition of products. And eat everything in moderation. As practice shows, if the child is not prone to allergies and the mother does not suffer from health problems, then a strict diet is of no use. So you can treat yourself sometimes delicious treats like ice cream.

First time

But there are limitations here too! Which? We will have to take into account the developmental features of the newborn’s gastrointestinal tract. Without this moment, you can have many problems with your child, such as whims and constant crying.

Why? Ice cream while breastfeeding in the first month after birth is not recommended under any circumstances. And it is better to abstain until the 3-4th month of the child’s life. This is due to the fact that digestive system The baby is not yet developed enough to normally perceive the substances that make up ice cream. Consuming this product may cause constipation and gas. This is where whims, hysterics and anxiety arise.

Is it possible to have ice cream while breastfeeding a newborn? You can use it if you follow some rules. And only with the doctor's approval. Otherwise, mom risks causing herself a lot of trouble.

What will help you enjoy a treat without negative consequences? For example, the following rules:

  1. Give preference to creamy ice cream. When breastfeeding, it is not too dangerous for the baby due to its relatively natural composition. This includes ice cream and milk type treats.
  2. Avoid eating chocolate ice cream. Why? Due to the fact that in the case of an allergy in a child, understanding its cause will be problematic.
  3. It is better not to consume treats with additives and fruits. Ice cream during breastfeeding should be as natural as possible. This will eliminate the risk of allergies in the newborn.
  4. The dessert mentioned should be eaten in moderation. This is one of the main rules that will help avoid problems.

Having remembered the above tips, every mother can try to eat ice cream and watch the newborn’s reaction. If everything went well, the baby does not have a rash, the stool is normal, the behavior is normal, then you can eat the mentioned treat a little at a time. Otherwise, it will have to be excluded. However, like the bulk of dairy products during breastfeeding.

Regular ice cream recipe

It is best to give preference to food homemade. It, as a rule, consists of natural ingredients, which means it is not so dangerous for mother and baby. Is it possible to have ice cream while breastfeeding? Yes, if the mother and child do not have any health problems and provided that the treat is eaten in moderation!

How to make harmless ice cream? For this you will need:

  • milk;
  • eggs (yolk);
  • sugar.

Beat the yolks together with sugar, then add milk to the resulting mixture. Next, it is recommended to pass the milk base through a blender, heat and, stirring, bring to a thick state. Cool the mixture in the freezer. Better to use for this purpose special device- ice cream maker.

From goat's milk

Ice cream for breastfeeding, based on goat's milk, is quite unusual, but the most safe dish. How to cook it?

To do this you will need:

  • goat milk (liter);
  • egg yolk (3 pieces);
  • sugar (150 grams);
  • flour (1.5 level tablespoons).

Grind the yolk with sugar and flour, add a little milk to the resulting mixture. Heat the remaining liquid and mix with the yolks. Bring the mixture to a thick consistency over heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and let the product cool. Place the cooled mass in an ice cream maker or freezer.

For diet

Is it possible to have ice cream while breastfeeding? Yes! Especially when it comes to homemade delicacy. You can prepare a dietary type dish. It will not affect the fat content of the milk and will not harm the baby.

For diet ice cream you need to take:

  • milk (1 liter);
  • yolks (5 pieces);
  • sugar (1.5-2.0 cups);
  • butter (1/2 pack or 100 grams);
  • starch (teaspoon).

By analogy with all previous cooking methods, you need to combine the yolk with sugar and starch. Add butter to milk and bring it to a boil. Mix the resulting masses. This must be done so that the yolk does not curl. To do this, you will have to constantly stir the mixture. Boil the mixture again. All! All that remains is to cool it and place it in the ice cream maker for a while.

About introducing ice cream into the diet

Despite all the above features, one sacred rule must be followed when introducing new foods into the diet of a breastfeeding mother. Which?

When implementing this task, you cannot eat several new foods at once. If after eating a particular food for 2-3 days there were no allergic reactions, you can continue enriching the mother’s diet and add another product new to the child.

Thus, after trying ice cream, you should still follow the diet that the woman was previously on. Otherwise, it will be impossible to understand what the newborn’s body reacts unfavorably to.


Ice cream while breastfeeding is not just a treat. This product can cause trouble for both mother and child. However, many cannot refuse it. Especially in the summer, when the heat makes itself felt.

In fact, a breastfeeding diet is not a panacea for a child’s tummy problems. Sometimes women eat only buckwheat and turkey, and gas and constipation plague the newborn. And someone eats chips, crackers and ice cream, drinks soda, and at the same time everything is fine with the child.

If you really want to, then the mentioned delicacy can be consumed sometimes in small quantities. As we have already said, it is better to give preference to homemade dishes that do not contain fruits or additives.

Can I have popsicles? If he home production, then it is allowed to try to introduce it into the diet of a nursing mother. It is important to take into account that the juice from which the treat is prepared should be the same as what the baby drinks. This way the likelihood of allergies is minimized. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. It is recommended that you consult a doctor for advice before adding ice cream to your menu. Maybe he will recommend holding off on using the product or banning it altogether. Issues related to nutrition for nursing mothers are usually resolved on an individual basis. Ice cream is possible when breastfeeding a newborn, but in moderation.

For many women, this dessert is the best way to lift their spirits. After all, sweets stimulate the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. And if before pregnancy a woman loved ice cream, then during breastfeeding she will think about whether she can now eat it. Let's look into this issue.

Components of a modern product

Many nutritionists today recommend not to abuse dairy products. The reason is that cow's milk contains protein, which causes allergies and digestive disorders. And this is extremely undesirable for pregnant and lactating women. This protein is present in any type of ice cream. Thickeners, preservatives, dyes, flavors, and flavor enhancers are also used in the preparation of this dessert. All this together makes the ice cream delicious. But the benefits are similar product may be too little. After all, often when preparing it, not natural milk is used as a base, but powdered milk, and other synthetic additives are also used.

You should also have information about the fat content of this dessert.

Less fat (up to 3.5%) is contained in milk ice cream. Butter has a fat content of 8-10%. The most high-calorie product From this series is the ice cream. Its fat content is up to 15%.

If speak about fruit ice, then in theory there shouldn’t be any fat there at all. But there's a lot in it.

Up to 30% of sugar is contained in fruit ice cream, while in milk it is 12-20%.

Therefore, nursing mothers, when deciding to treat themselves to such a dessert, should pay attention to its composition. Choose a product with a minimum content of fat and flavoring additives, giving preference to well-known manufacturers. You can add jam to it yourself at home.

Pay attention to the expiration date. If such a dessert has been frozen a second time, it may be deformed.

When a woman is prone to allergies, she can also manifest herself in this healthy dessert. In such situations, you should avoid ice cream for the entire period of breastfeeding.

It is better not to buy multi-ingredient desserts with yogurt, berries, chocolate, and nuts for nursing mothers.

Making our own ice cream

Its use during breastfeeding increases the fat content of milk.

To prepare dessert at home, you should use an ice cream maker. This is a device that turns milk composition into ice cream by stirring and cooling. If there is no ice cream maker in the house, then the mixture should be placed in the freezer for 12 hours. So, we offer several options for making homemade ice cream:

  1. From goat milk. It is much healthier than cow's milk. Goat's milk contains a lot useful microelements. In addition, it is a hypoallergenic product. You need to take one liter of milk, three yolks of domestic eggs, 200 grams of granulated sugar and two tablespoons of flour premium. First, thoroughly grind the yolks and flour with sugar. Dilute them a little with milk. Heat the rest and combine with the sugar-egg mixture. Keep the entire mixture on low heat, stirring constantly until it thickens. Once everything has cooled, place in the ice cream maker.
  2. Low-fat dessert. Prepare a liter of store-bought milk, a glass of sugar, five yolks, twenty grams of butter and a tablespoon of starch. First, heat the milk and add butter to it. Bring to a boil. Next, mix starch, yolks, sugar until smooth. Slowly add this mixture to the boiled milk. In this case, you need to stir everything constantly to avoid the yolks from curdling. Bring everything to a boil again, cool completely, and place in the ice cream maker.
  3. Ice cream. Prepare 0.5 liters of high-fat cream, a glass of milk, 5 yolks, 150 grams of sugar, vanilla, 1 teaspoon of starch.

First, sugar must be dissolved in warm milk. Then the yolks are added to it and everything is beaten. The mass is placed on low heat and cooked until it thickens. Next in small quantity cream, starch is diluted and added to the above mass. Then you need to put the container with the future ice cream in cold water and add whipped cream. Transfer the cooled mixture into an ice cream maker.

With the birth of a child, the mother’s connection with him is not interrupted. It continues through breastfeeding baby. And if you consider that at the time of birth, internal organs the newborn is not yet sufficiently developed, it is important that the mother follows the diet recommended by the pediatrician. Many mothers are interested in whether ice cream is ok while breastfeeding (BF). Let's consider this question.

At first glance, ice cream while breastfeeding is considered quite safe product. But if you look more carefully, the following circumstances emerge:

  • The composition of modern ice cream is itself a dangerous factor. It contains protein that is difficult for the baby to digest and can cause an allergic reaction.

  • Modern varieties of ice cream contain many artificial additives. These are thickeners, stabilizers and preservatives. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the expiration date of the product. The smaller it is, the fewer harmful inclusions.
  • Ice cream is a very high-calorie product. And a young mother is prone to becoming overweight due to her craving for sweets.

But if after giving birth a woman quickly regained her physical shape, this delicacy will not harm at all if used wisely.

Rules for eating ice cream for the first time

The rules are not much different from the same conditions for other products:

  • For the first meal, it is better to just try ice cream; its fat content does not exceed 3.5%. Whereas butter or ice cream contains fats from 8 to 15%.
  • Do not eat chocolate ice cream or with chocolate chips. It is a strong allergen and can do a lot of harm to a baby’s weak body. In addition, it will be impossible to determine what the child is reacting to: increased content proteins or, in fact, chocolate.

  • It is better not to use ice cream with flavors or additives at first. The same applies to popsicles.
  • For breastfeeding, start taking ice cream from minimum doses, literally from a few spoons. If the result is favorable, after monitoring the baby’s condition for several days, the portion is slightly increased.

You need to stick and general rules introducing new products into the diet of a nursing mother:

  • In the first month after giving birth, it is strictly not recommended to update your menu. Some foods should only be tried after the baby is two months old.
  • The first intake of a new product should be taken during the morning feeding of the child, this will allow him to be observed throughout the day and timely measures to be taken if deviations are detected. Symptoms include bloating in the baby or restless behavior associated with the onset of an allergic reaction.
  • In a mother’s pharmacy arsenal there should always be such things as a gas outlet tube and dill water to provide first aid to the baby.

Which ice cream is better

Is it possible for nursing mothers to better decide this delicacy, taking into account the quality of the modern product. It has already been said about the features of the composition of ice cream, so lovers of such a dessert are better off preparing it themselves using natural products. In this case, you need to give up any additives: chocolate, jam, berries or fruits, marmalade.

To prepare your favorite delicacy, use special equipment: ice cream maker. This device produces ice cream by freezing with periodic stirring. If you don’t have such a device, you can prepare the dish in any container by placing it in the freezer and stirring every 2-3 hours. Cooking time is about 12 hours.

Goat milk ice cream

This product is much healthier than cow's. It contains a lot useful substances and microelements. But its main advantage: it is a hypoallergenic product.

To make ice cream you will need:

  • One liter of goat milk.
  • Three egg yolks from domestic chickens.
  • Wheat flour in the amount of one tablespoon.

Ice cream is prepared as follows:

  • Mix the yolks thoroughly with granulated sugar and flour, then dilute with a small part of milk.
  • Lightly heat the remaining milk and add the resulting mass to it. Stir until smooth.
  • Heat the resulting mass slowly, stirring constantly. It needs to be brought to a thickening point.
  • Place the finished product in an ice cream maker or finish cooking in the freezer.

Ice cream

It includes:

  • 500 grams of heavy cream: more than 35%.
  • 100 grams of milk.
  • Egg yolks in the amount of 5 pieces.
  • Granulated sugar: 150 grams.
  • Starch: 1 teaspoon.
  • A pinch of salt.

Making ice cream:

  • Salt and sugar need to be dissolved in warm milk.
  • After removing the milk from the heat, you need to beat the yolks in it.
  • Place the resulting mixture on the fire and heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

  • Dilute the starch in a small amount of milk and combine it with the bulk.
  • Move the pan inside the container with cold water and add whipped cream until foamy.
  • Next - preparation with an ice cream maker or in the freezer by hand.


So, can a nursing mother have ice cream? Considering the positive emotional impact of this product on a nursing mother, we can give a clearly affirmative answer. But this must be done extremely carefully, carefully monitoring the baby’s condition.

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